Benefits for pensioners who are over 70 years old. The new law will deprive pensioners of the Russian Federation the right to dispose of their apartments

According to the latest changes in legislation, all owners of real estate located in apartment buildings, are required to deduct money for overhaul. Along with this, it is provided that older people over 70 years of age have benefits in paying contributions.

What is a maintenance fee

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the owners of premises located in apartment buildings, in addition to utility bills, are required to make contributions for subsequent major repairs. The payment is calculated based on the size of the apartment. Provided that the area of ​​housing owned by a pensioner does not exceed the social norm, he has the right to take advantage of the benefit when making money for major repairs.

Federal legislation establishes norms for square meters, depending on the number of people living in the apartment:

  • 1 person - 33 sq. m;
  • 2 people - 42 sq. m.;
  • 3 or more - 18 sq. m per citizen, regardless of age.

If the housing where the pensioner is registered is more than the prescribed restrictions, the extra square meters are paid in full and the benefit does not apply to them. The minimum amount of payment for major repairs is determined per square meter, and not residential, but the total area of ​​​​the apartment is taken.

Calculation procedure

In each region of Russia, the amount payable for overhaul is different. This is due to the fact that local authorities independently determine the estimated value, which is multiplied by the number of squares total area. For example, for 2019 the following standards are set:

  • Moscow - 17 rubles;
  • Moscow region - 8.30 rubles;
  • Leningrad region- 5.32 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 3-4 rubles.

Knowing the estimated value and quadrature of the dwelling, it is possible to calculate the amount of the overhaul contribution, based on the following formula:

KR \u003d RV × KKM, where

  • KR - payment for overhaul;
  • РВ – calculated value;
  • KKM - the number of square meters.

Legal regulation

The main legislative act that regulates the issues of payment for major repairs is the Housing Code (Article 169). In 2012, Law 271-FZ (December 25, 2012) was adopted, which introduced a number of changes to the LCD. It was found that the overhaul is carried out by residents (owners of apartments) of the house on own funds, which are transferred to the account of the management company and accumulated there until the work is carried out. In addition, a list of persons who are subject to concessions in the payment of contributions (veterans, pensioners, participants in the Great Patriotic War, etc.) has been established.

Who is entitled to benefits for the payment of major repairs

The Constitutional Court ruled that the provision on the collection of fees does not contradict the country's fundamental law, therefore, the owners of residential premises located in apartment buildings are required to pay monthly money for major repairs. In this case, special attention is paid to the following circumstances:

  • a non-working pensioner living alone, upon reaching the age of 70, reimburses 50% of the accrued amount;
  • an elderly person over 80 years old who lives on his own and does not have additional income, is completely exempted from paying the contribution;
  • Non-working married couples living together have a 100% discount if one of the spouses has reached the age of 70, and the second has crossed the 80-year mark;
  • Disabled citizens who are disabled of groups 1 and 2 can return 50% of the amount paid;
  • if there is a disabled child in the upbringing, the overhaul fee is also 50%.

Benefits are provided for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years of age in the absence of debt on utility bills. It is determined that citizens are completely exempt from charging fees if:

  • the building is not subject to repair and restoration work;
  • the building is classified as emergency;
  • there is a decision of the municipality to demolish the house.

Conditions for obtaining benefits for pensioners after 70 years

In order to be eligible, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Ownership. The grant is made if the pensioner is the sole owner of the dwelling. If the apartment is in shared ownership, and any of the shareholders is under 70 years old, the benefit will not apply.
  • Lonely living. Benefits for paying for major repairs are accrued to pensioners if no one except them is registered in the apartment. The payment of a subsidy is possible when the family lives together, if the second spouse is a non-working pensioner after 70 years. If the husband (wife) is younger than this age, the benefit will not apply.
  • Absence of debts on obligations to housing and communal services. If a pensioner does not pay on time for a communal apartment, has overdue payments, outstanding fines and penalties, the benefit does not apply to him.

How to get compensation

Depending on the region of residence, the benefit may be provided as compensation accrued after payment for the overhaul. In some subjects, the fat bill indicates the amount, taking into account the discount. In order for compensation for overhaul to persons over 70 years of age to be paid, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Make sure that the housing is subject to overhaul, and the citizen himself has the right to receive benefits.
  2. Pay the amount indicated on the invoice.
  3. Gather the required package of documents.
  4. Transfer the collected papers to the social security authorities or the Multifunctional Center.
  5. Wait for a decision (the application is considered on an individual basis within 5-10 days) and receive a refund of overpaid funds.

Where to apply

Since the provision of benefits for overhaul to pensioners after 70 years is carried out according to the declarative principle, a citizen is obliged to independently or through his legal representative (a power of attorney certified by a notary) submit an application to one of the following bodies:

  • local department of social protection of the population;
  • MFC, if provided;
  • through the Internet portal of public services;
  • by mail, by sending a registered letter to the civil service body.

List of required documents

To apply for a capital repair benefit, a pensioner after 70 years of age will need to collect a certain package of documents. The main thing is the passport, to which you will need to attach:

  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • receipt for payment of the overhaul fee;
  • work book as proof that the citizen does not work;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • a document certifying the ownership of square meters;
  • a copy of the apartment card as confirmation that the pensioner lives independently (if another pensioner over 70 years old is registered with him, his passport is also required);
  • details of the personal account for transferring the subsidy (if such a possibility is provided).

Features of granting benefits for major repairs to pensioners and the disabled in Moscow

Since July 2017, pensioners over 70 years old, as well as other citizens, have been paying for major repairs at a rate of 17 rubles per square meter. Accruals are included in the rent receipt or a single payment document. All funds raised are transferred to the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the capital, which is also called the All-Moscow Mutual Aid Fund.

Compensation for capital repairs for persons over 70 years of age can be issued through the MFC or at the district housing subsidy centers and is paid from the city budget. This applies to both the residents of the capital itself and the new Moscow. The exception is beneficiaries living in the Central District. For them, recalculation is not done, since the receipts reflect the amount already taking into account the discount.


Elderly people, namely pensioners, belong to an unprotected group of the population. The only source of subsistence is the pension, which, as many may have noticed, is not very large. Therefore, since 2015 in the state. management system has been amended better side for pensioners.

Now pensioners after 70 years of age have a number of benefits. And this applies to most areas, such as payment for com. services, monetary compensation, no monthly payment for major repairs. Indeed, for the majority of older people, it is so problematic to live on the received pension, and even to make constant payments and completely unaffordable amounts.

And now let's take a closer look at what benefits are provided to older people who have reached the age of 70:

  1. The state provides low-income pensioners with basic necessities, food, personal hygiene products and much more that is necessary for a decent human existence.
  2. Reducing the rate when paying for com. services. Part of the funds is transferred to the account as compensation. But this only works if the pensioner is not employed, and the only living space is in his private possession.
  3. Provision of free vaccinations, as well as part of the medicines. To do this, you must register with the clinic to establish a diagnosis and receive free treatment in the future.
  4. If the pensioner continues his work activity in given age, then it is difficult for him to keep up with modern technologies. For this reason, the state provides them free lessons and refresher courses to keep up with the modern world.
  5. Availability of additional leave. If the pensioner works, then according to the legislation he is entitled to labor leave. And for the elderly, additional days rely. 14 days are added per year, and in case of disability, up to 35 days are added each year. Also, with disability, you can use up to 60 days annually, without saving funds.

Good to know. The number and list of benefits granted to a pensioner may change and vary depending on changes in the country's legislative system. To make sure it matches, call the help desk number, which will inform you and provide all the necessary information.

tax incentives

Not spared and tax benefits, which are also provided to pensioners over 70 years old. They affected such types of taxes as:

  1. Transport tax. Pensioners who own a private car are exempt from paying the tax that it is subject to. Benefits can only be obtained if the vehicle has a capacity of no more than 100 horsepower.
  2. Land tax. It is impossible to completely exempt a person from paying land tax, but a discount of 10,000 rubles is provided, which greatly facilitates and reduces the amount of payments.
  3. Property tax. Benefits apply only to one property owned by a pensioner over 70 years old.
  4. Income tax. Pensioners are exempt from paying this type of tax.

Tax exemption when buying real estate

Retirement also applies to the purchase of real estate by a pensioner.

But this release has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  1. This benefit is valid only once in a lifetime, and can no longer be used.
  2. Acquired housing must have an amount of at least 2 million rubles.
  3. Only those pensioners who work can receive this benefit.
  4. Acquisition of real estate after a maximum of 3 days of retirement.

Possibility not to pay property tax and personal income tax

The list of items and things that are not taxable and that are not subject to taxation is as follows:

  1. Place of residence of the pensioner.
  2. Pension payments, as well as an increase to it.
  3. Payments to a pensioner from the company / organization in which he worked - gifts, vouchers to a sanatorium, financial support from the company, as well as provision of medicines can be provided.

Leave without pay

This kind of vacation is also called preferential leave. It is provided to all pensioners, regardless of seniority. This vacation is not the main one, it serves as an addition to the main one.

It is issued only to those pensioners whose age has reached the mark of more than 70 years. He is given the right to additional leave in the amount of 14 working days annually in addition to the main one, without deduction of salary and additional funds.

Travel expenses reimbursement

For the category of those people who have completed work experience in the Far North, they have preferential compensation regarding travel to the place of rest. When spending money on this species travel, part of the amount is returned to the elderly person. This benefit can be used no more than once every two years.

Community Benefits

For seniors who are 70 years of age or older, they are eligible for a utility tax subsidy. To receive this kind of benefits, it is necessary that the pensioner's income is 22% of the total amount of housing and communal services taxes.

The subsidy lasts for six months, and after its expiration, you must re-apply.

When paying utility bills

As mentioned above, benefits are also available in utilities. There are conditions that must be met in order to receive these benefits. If they are not fulfilled, they will not be received. For their issuance, it is required to apply to special authorities - to the MFC with the submission of an application and a package of required documents.

Good to know. For greater convenience, you can always use the online portal of public services, which will facilitate the procedure as a whole.

To pay for repairs

Relatively recently, benefits began to apply to the overhaul fee. But for people aged 70 years and older, a discount of 50 percent of the due payments is provided.

How to get a benefit?

Now let's take a closer look at the procedure for obtaining these benefits. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Collect the entire package of necessary documents.
  2. Apply.
  3. Wait for the consideration of the application and application.
  4. Receiving a positive decision.
  5. Collection of necessary receipts and certificates.
  6. Transferring them to special authorities.
  7. Receiving compensation payments and benefits.

List of documents

A list that includes everything Required documents to receive benefits consists of:

  1. Original passport.
  2. Written statement.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Real estate documents.
  5. Extracts from the house book.
  6. Information about the lack of debt.
  7. Certificate confirming the status of a pensioner.

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A pension is often the only source of income that cannot meet all the needs of a person in old age. Citizens who have crossed the 70th threshold do not always have information about what benefits pensioners after 70 years of age are entitled to in Russia.

Ignorance prevents them from enjoying the few preferences that the state gives them for their labor efforts. It may or may not be free. medical service, tax exemption and other guarantees.

Types of benefits for older pensioners after 70 years?

So, consider the main guarantees that rely on people who have reached the age of 70:

  1. Rest. Those elderly people who live on other conditions equivalent to this region can count on compensation for travel to and from the place of rest. Such a preference is assigned to all pensioners of subjects of the federation with difficult living conditions who have retired by age or. The frequency with which you can use this benefit is 1 time in 2 years. It is issued in the department of the pension fund. You can also immediately purchase tickets with a discount, based on documents guaranteeing this opportunity;
  2. Buying a property. Pensioners of the Russian Federation, citizens over 70 years old, among other things, are entitled to benefits when paying real estate tax. We are talking about buying an apartment, room, house or investing in the development of a residential facility. The benefit is a tax deduction for already repaid loan interest by the amount that was invested in development or in the acquisition of joint property (with other relatives).

The preference also applies to the acquisition of a land plot allocated for the construction of an individual house. When buying a garden plot, you cannot use this opportunity. But if you submit a declaration, then it will be possible to demand compensation for the arrangement of a house located on the territory belonging to a gardening partnership.

  1. Exemption from property taxes. A pensioner should not respond to receipts sent by the tax service. This mailing goes automatically, without taking into account the age of the citizen. The state guarantees a pensioner after 70 exemption from paying property taxes on houses, plots, garages, apartments, rooms and other immovable objects.

Important! If a citizen applied for a benefit some time after retirement, then he is required to compensate for overpaid taxes.

  1. Exemption from income tax. Art. 217 of the Tax Code gives a clear list of income that is not taxable at retirement age. It's about pensions,

If the state compensates an elderly person for the cost of a voucher to a health institution, travel to him or medical services, then tax is not withdrawn from these amounts. But provided that the amount of accruals does not exceed 4,000 rubles.

Attention! Other tax incentives may be guaranteed in certain regions. Their list and features of provision can be found in the local services. It's about or

  1. Leave without security. The right of a working citizen over the age of 70 to receive leave without obligatory payment. It means that the employer, in addition to the main vacation days, provides the pensioner with additional ones. For example, in the standard case, an employee receives 14 days of rest, and a 35-day break is provided for the category. Disabled people without savings can count on 60 vacation days per year.
  2. Refresher courses. Many local employment centers organize free courses for pensioners who work. It is assumed that in the context of the introduction of new technologies, it is difficult for an elderly person to independently master innovations. As support and organize such charitable events. Pensioners may be offered to improve their qualifications or even change the profile of their activity.
  3. Targeted assistance within the framework of the "Help me" program. Under the terms of such a program, material support is provided to a person in need. All citizens of the Russian Federation, people over 70 in particular, can in a difficult situation ( disaster, fire, flood) apply to the local authorities for support. Assistance includes the provision free of charge to a person in financial difficulty of food, things, sanitary care and other essentials.

Within the framework of this program, additional fuel, technical devices and other items necessary for rehabilitation and restoration of health may be allocated to a group of persons with disabilities. In addition to the standard package of documents, in this case, you need to provide papers confirming disability.

  1. Compensation . Since 2011, a resolution has been issued dated June 10, which provides for the compensation of some part of the costs intended for gasification of a residential building. People of retirement age who are not employed are entitled to claim such a benefit. Second important condition- a house that is subject to gasification, this is his only residential facility for a pensioner. We are talking about people who retired due to disability or old age. The amount of compensation is determined locally, taking into account the size of the budget.
  2. . Pensioners after 70 years of age can be provided with medicines and vaccinations. To obtain such preferences, the applicant must register with a local clinic. You need to register in the geriatric department, whose doctors specialize in senile diseases. These are diseases that increase in risk with advancing age.

If the applicant does not want to be registered, then he can receive free drugs in accordance with the list approved at the government level. WWII invalids are entitled to additional free sanatorium treatment/rehabilitation after a protracted illness.

  1. Repair discounts. Basic conditions for granting a discount:
  • Guaranteed to citizens after 70 years;
  • 50% of the total cost of overhaul is reimbursed;
  • working citizens should not be registered in housing;
  • issued jointly to non-working pensioners if the age of at least one of them has reached the required threshold.

Payments are not processed if:

  • the house is beyond repair;
  • the dwelling is recognized as emergency;
  • an immovable object is subject to demolition, if this circumstance is confirmed by a decision of state bodies;
  • residential building is transferred from private ownership to municipal authorities, provided that this is confirmed by the decision of the local authorities.

People of retirement age are considered citizens in need of state support, since they cannot work on equal terms with competitive young workers, often cannot realize their plans in the presence of serious illnesses, and require care and assistance. This situation is relevant for older people who are already 70 years old, and the state provides them with additional guarantees that in some way affect the improvement of the quality of life.

Types of benefits for pensioners after 70 years

Benefits for pensioners after 70 rely on common grounds with citizens who recently took a well-deserved rest due to reaching the age. They extend their action in almost all spheres of life, on many issues and difficult moments that beneficiaries face. Measures to provide privileges and benefits after 70 years are implemented in health care institutions, in the administration dealing with housing, in transport organizations, tax inspectorates, social protection authorities and the pension fund.

Medical services

The healthcare sector for elderly citizens is the most significant, since health issues are relevant for most people in this age group.

In this direction, the following list of benefits for pensioners over 70 years of age is provided:

  • free (according to prescriptions);
  • free treatment in dispensaries, sanatoriums, resort areas;
  • service when contacting (outpatient or inpatient) without a queue;
  • device in specialized agency with the right to live in the absence of proper care for the elderly free of charge;
  • installation from the established list, if necessary, free of charge.

IMPORTANT! To receive services, only the presentation of a certificate confirming the status of a beneficiary is required, and an insurance policy that gives the right to medical care throughout the country.

When examining a patient, a doctor has the right to demand not only a certificate, but also passport data for identification.

Housing and communal

When an elderly person lives in an apartment or house, he has to pay for the amenities provided by management companies and suppliers. Such services include: supply of water, heat, electricity, gas, use of water disposal, sewerage.

For retired citizens, preferences are provided for aspects of the communal sector:

  • used by a person to maintain life (half the cost);
  • use of a home telephone with subsequent reimbursement of expenses, as well as its installation without a queue;
  • gasification activities in the private sector;
  • (according to the discount system of 50%).

IMPORTANT! These preferences are approved at the federal level, but each region develops its own system of regulations, which may include additional guarantees for beneficiaries.

As benefits for pensioners who are over 70 years old, it is planned to provide citizens with housing. This procedure is relevant for those who do not have their own residential premises, but in fact the person is recognized as needing it, as well as for people who have certain merits (heroes of the country, veterans).

Travel and transport

Some older people actively use public transport in suburban and urban areas. Receiving benefits is not possible in every region; in some subjects of the Russian Federation, such benefits have been canceled. In other cases, pensioners are available:

  • purchase of a ticket without a queue.

Reduced terms do not apply to fixed-route taxis, payment is made according to the established tariffs.

By taxes

Tax bonuses are also valid for senior citizens, and it is especially common for applicants to exercise the right to exemption from fees and charges.

There are several types of preferences:

  • legally do not pay property tax, but only for 1 property (even if there are several of them), subject to the availability of documents for housing;
  • tax deduction when acquiring land within the limits of 10 thousand rubles.

All these preferential conditions are issued at the tax office in the region where the applicant lives.

Other types of assistance

As measures aimed at maintaining decent level the lives of older people, in the regions it is provided:

  • pension provision (every person who retires on a well-deserved rest receives cash for own maintenance monthly from the Pension Fund);
  • social benefits issued by the social security authorities, in case of need;
  • support with clothing and footwear, household items in the form of in-kind assistance;
  • working citizens have the right to go on vacation at any time convenient for them, as well as to exercise the right to dismissal without a two-week working off;
  • accrual of additional points in the Pension Fund in the course of employment.

All types of benefits are indexed annually, their size depends on the level of the subsistence minimum, which is set in the region.

How to apply for benefits

To provide preferential conditions, the applicant must have the main document confirming his status - a pension certificate. It is issued by the UPFR, and immediately after a person has reached the established age, he needs to apply to this institution with a passport.

To obtain preferences in all of the above departments, it is sufficient to present this certifying document, which gives the right to enjoy benefits.
