The Princess and the Pea is a play. Scenario "princess not a pea - an old fairy tale in a new way"

Musical-shadow performance based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen and the musical fairy tale by Novella Matveeva 1. Prologue. SC: Shhh! Now I'm going to tell you one old, old story... MZ: So, let's start, the lights in the hall have gone out, And the audience is subsiding little by little. Do not take seriously, for God's sake, Everything that you see now... SC: Once upon a time there was a prince. And his kingdom was small, but not so insignificant that the prince could not marry ... And he really wanted to marry. But only on the real princess. 2. Fees for the road. KR: My son, what does all this mean? What's with the baggage? CA: Have you thought, my boy, of running away from home? PR: CR: CA: What are you, daddy, daddy?! Our beautiful castle Castle! No matter what I What am I?! I won't change. What you! I just decided, I decided! What has grown, Has grown! Dad mom! Horror! And he decided that I'm getting married ... (Queen faints) (losing) KR: You probably want to drive your parents right into the coffin. CA: Be honest: Who is she? KR: Yes, who is she? PR: That's not what I wanted to say at all, you all misunderstood. I'll go look for her around the world And I've already packed a backpack. CA: Archibald! Looks like our son is getting married! KR: Huh? What? Well, get married! MZ: Well, let him marry, Well, let him marry! It's good and healthy! PR: I'll find one for myself, To be modest, sweet, And in addition, to be a real princess. Let the princess be not rich, But she will love forever. KR: There was a time, I used to think the same way myself. CA: What? KR: Nothing! KA and KR: Be careful on the road, Send us letters along the way. May fate help you Find happiness in search. PR: Don't worry, for God's sake, I'm a guy with a head, And any long road Still leads home. MZ: Absolutely. PR: Still leads home. MZ: Absolutely. KR: It still leads home... MZ: Definitely, definitely, definitely... 3. Journey. SK: And so the prince built a three-masted ship for himself and went around the world to look for a bride. MZ: (losing) PR: Everywhere I was looking for a bride, Entrusting my fate to the free Zuyd-West, And on my way, the North-Ost Wave raised up to the stars. MZ: (loss) PR: Zuid-West was an eccentric and an optimist, He pastured sheep in the clear sea. Nord-Ost, skeptical and stern, Chased herds of shafts. The South-West diligently searched for princesses, the Nord-Ost brushed them aside mercilessly... MZ: Ramparts with lambs grazed, And the years rushed into the distance. SK: Wherever he has been, what countries he has seen - and all in vain. There were as many princesses as he wanted, but he could not understand in any way whether they were real or not. The saddened prince returned home ... PR: One is rude, laughs too loud, The other is cold, like a housekeeper, And the third shines with beauty, But everything is not the same, not the same, not the same! (losing) 4. The appearance of the princess. SK: There was a terrible storm one evening. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed. The rain poured down like a bucket. CR: Phee!!! Oh... SC: Horror, what happened!.. Suddenly someone knocked on the city gates, and the old king went to open it... The princess was standing outside the gates... But, God, what a look she looked like! Streams of rainwater flowed down her hair and dress onto the toes of her shoes and flowed out from under her heels. And she also assured that she is a real princess ... "Well, we'll see," - thought the old queen. PA: Ahhhh! PR: Ah-ah-chhi! KR: My son, wait. You can’t go there, the guest is resting there. What's wrong with you? It looks like you can't hear me at all? PR: CR: What did you say? Who am I? Ah, yes... I'm not myself, My mind has left me. I say, she remained with us ... I have not met ... Water from her! .. Never in the distant wanderings of Love! ... What happened to him ?! PR: And suddenly love, a little later, Comes wet from the rain. And suddenly love, My love is in the world, Find me She was ready! And I am ready to make My way again, To meet Her again, having returned, here. KR: PR: My son, wait... I'm barely standing!.. It turns out that this stranger... Why is happiness! something!.. I have no power to hide!.. PR: KR: How to explain... At least it's strange... Where are we going, What do we want, What do we value?.. Very strange... Who is to blame... I need to prepare my mother... When hope slips away like a shadow... Easy to say: mother!.. Like a vision!.. PR: And suddenly love, a little later, Comes wet from the rain. And suddenly love, My love is in the world, Find me She was ready! And I am ready to make My way again, To meet Her again, having returned, here. 5. Memories. KR: Ah, my soul, let me turn, Of course, I can be mistaken, But it seems to me that our son has already fallen in love with this princess. CA: Archibusha, you depress me: I have already registered a stranger as a bride! And you call her princess, meanwhile, how it is unknown. We're just a girl No good. It is impossible for the continuation of the family to flow by itself. Coquette-fate, I never believed: Her aunt nature is blind, And feelings are volatile, like wind in a pipe. KR: Oh, my soul, but this girl is terribly like a princess, And manners, and height, and weight, And eyes, and a smile, too... KA: No, I'm totally against it!.. KR: But have mercy, and how was it with us? And quite recently, after all, it seems, Have you really forgotten everything! .. I remember perfectly That rainy evening. Pom-pom.. CA: Pom-pom... CR: A timid knock outside the window... CA: Your dad came out to meet me, He covered my wet shoulders with a cloak... CR and CA: On that strange and fabulous evening Unexpected happiness entered this house. KR, KA and MZ: And the thunder rumbled into the copper basin, And the lightning flashed menacingly, Our hearth either went out, or burned at full blast, And the roof leaked a little, But the intrigues of the weather did not touch us! (lose) KR: That rainy evening I remember very well... CA: Do you remember how your mother stubbornly didn't recognize me as a princess, And secretly prepared a test for me, Which would not be a sin to repeat... 6. It's time for tests . SK: The queen went to the princess's bedroom, where she took off the blankets and sheets from the bed, put a pea on the bare boards, and on top she sketched twelve mattresses and twelve eiderdown duvets. KR: Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, blunder! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, poor thing ... The real one is not real ... Ugh, the pea is overwhelmed ... What would, what would I, how would I help my Son this night?! .. Oh! .. ( lose) SC: Your Majesty! What are you doing? Brick?! KR: Shhh! The walls are very thin... SK: Your Majesty, but Andersen didn't have that! KR: Fairy tales... fairy tales... Everything in life is much harder. (losing) PR: A thousand times harder!!! KR: A thousand times harder!!! Together: Harder, harder, | A thousand times harder! | 3 times. Harder, harder, | A thousand times harder! | 7. Night. SK: And the princess was put on this bed, and she had to spend the whole night there. MZ: When the gray-haired wizard Dream of the shadows of the air spins a round dance, We leave the world of worries, And everyone is carried away by Hope And impatiently waiting for the morning. PR: The day is coming, don't let that surprise you. The day comes - it happens, oh, it happens! The day comes, and our shadows come to life, This day comes to everyone! And the bed seems hard, And time is barely ticking, When you are so close to your dream, When in a row for an hour and two You repeat the cherished words... The day comes, don't let it surprise you. The day comes - it happens, oh, it happens! The day comes, and our shadows come to life, This day comes to everyone! (loss) MZ: This day comes to everyone!.. 8. Morning. SK: And the next morning the princess was asked if she slept well. PA: Oh, don't ask, queen, Did I sleep well tonight, Maybe yesterday I got sick, But I had a terrible night. What are your mattresses stuffed with, What are down jackets filled with. In them, probably, the cook hides Forks, skewers, graters, bowlers. It is better to sleep on the pavement stones, Than on this downy feather bed. Oh, don't ask, queen, Did I sleep well tonight... Oh, how badly I spent the night. SK: And then everyone realized that this is the real princess... "After all, only a real princess could feel a pea through twelve mattresses and twelve featherbeds," the old queen thought and was pleased with herself... "After all, only a real a princess could fall in love with a real prince," the king thought and looked proudly at his son ... "After all, only a real princess can excite my heart like that," the happy prince thought, closed his eyes and stepped towards her ... 9. Minuet. PR: How strange to see you around! I thought you were not in the world at all, I kept thinking with whom I would dance the minuet dance. PA: Dear prince, come on Give me your hand: The parquet is too slippery here. PR and PA: All day long We will dance with you a courteous minuet. KR: Well, I told you, he was sad for nothing, A good wife was found for him ... CA: Truly, love is full of accidents, But the truth of love is always the same ... PA: Dear prince, come on Give me your hand: Too much slippery parquet here. PR and PA: All day long We will dance with you a courteous minuet. CR: And I wish them all the best, They need to get something for the wedding... CA: Oh, whatever you say, one pea Sometimes determines our fate. SK: Believe me, this is a true story. (loss) END.

Georgy Vasiliev,
Alexey Ivashchenko

Musical shadow performance
based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen
and the musical fairy tale by Novella Matveeva

1. Prologue.

SC: Shhh! Now I'll tell you one old, old

MZ: So, let's start, the lights went out in the hall,
And the audience subsides little by little.
Don't take it seriously, for God's sake
Everything you see now...

SC: Once upon a time there was a prince. And his kingdom was small,
but not so insignificant that the prince cannot
was to marry ... And he really wanted to marry. But
only on the real princess.

2. Fees for the road.

KR: My son, what does all this mean?
What's with the baggage?

CA: Haven't you thought, my boy,
Are you running away from home?

What are you, daddy, daddy?!
Our beautiful castle Castle!
No matter what I What am I?!
I won't change. What you!
I just decided, I decided!
What has grown, Has grown!
Dad mom! Horror!
And I decided that I'm getting married ...

(Queen collapses)


KR: You are the parents, probably
You want to drive straight into the coffin.

CA: Be honest.
Who is she?

KR: Yes, who is she?

PR: I didn't mean to say that at all,
You all misunderstood.
I'll go look for her around the world
And I've already packed my bag.

CA: Archibald! Looks like our son is getting married!

KR: Huh? What? Well, get married!

MZ: Well, let him marry,
Well, get married!
This is good
And good for health!

PR: I will find one for myself,
To be modest, dear,
And in addition, to the princess
Was real.
Let the princess be poor
But love forever.

KR: There was a time, I myself once
He argued the same way.

KR: Nothing!

KA and KR: Be careful on the road,
Letters were sent to us along the way.
Let fate help you
Happiness in search to find.

PR: Don't worry, for God's sake,
I'm a guy with a head
And any long road
It still leads home.

MZ: Absolutely.

PR: Still leads home.

MZ: Absolutely.

KR: Still leads home...

MZ: Definitely.
without fail,

3. Travel.

SC: So the prince built himself a three-masted ship and
went around the world to look for a bride.

MZ: (losing)

PR: I was looking for a bride everywhere,
Entrusting fate to the free Zuid-West,
And on my way Nord-Ost
He raised the wave to the stars.

MZ: (losing)

PR: Zuid-West was an eccentric and an optimist,
He pastured sheep in the clear sea.
Nord-Ost, skeptical and severe,
He drove herds of shafts.
South-West princesses diligently looked for,
Nord-Ost brushed them aside mercilessly...

MZ: Shafts with lambs grazed,
And the years flew by.

SK: Wherever he has been, no matter what countries
saw - and all in vain. How many princesses
anything, but he could not understand: they are real
or not. The saddened prince returned home...

PR: One is rude, laughs too loudly,
The other one is cold like a housekeeper
And the third shines with beauty,
But it's not the same, not the same, not the same!


4. The appearance of the princess.

SK: There was a terrible storm one evening. Gre-
thunder rolled, lightning flashed. The rain poured down like a bucket.

CR: Phee!!! Oh...

SK: Horror, what happened!.. Suddenly someone knocked on the city
gate, and the old king went to open...

The princess was standing outside the gate... But, God, in what
the sight she was! Streams of rainwater ran down her
hair and dress on the toes of the shoes and flowed out from under
heels. And she also assured that she was the real
princess ... "Well, we'll see about that," - I think
little old queen.

PA: Ahhhh!

PR: Ah-ah-chhi!

KR: My son, wait.
You can’t go there, the guest is resting there.
What's wrong with you?
It looks like you can't hear me at all?

What you said? Who am I? Oh yes...

I am not myself,
My mind has left me. I say we have it...

I have not met ... Water from it! ..

On distant travels
Love never!... What happened to him?!

Comes wet from the rain.
And suddenly love
My love is in the world
To find me
She was ready!
And I'm ready
Make your way again
To again

My son, stop ... I can hardly stand! ..

It turns out like this
What a stranger this ... What happiness is for! ..

No worse than that... My love...

Because of which
you wandered somewhere! .. I have no power to hide! ..

How to explain... At least
this is weird...

Where are we flying,
What do we want
What do we appreciate? .. Very strange ...

Who to blame... I need
prepare mom...
When hope
slips away like a shadow ... It's easy to say: mother! ..

What a vision!

PR: And suddenly love, a little later,
Comes wet from the rain.
And suddenly love
My love is in the world
To find me
She was ready!
And I'm ready
Make your way again
To again
When you return, meet her here.

5. Memories.

KR: Ah, my soul, let me turn,
Of course I could be wrong
But it seems to me that this princess
Our son has already fallen in love.

CA: Archibusha, you make me sad:
I wrote down the stranger as a bride!
And call her a princess
Meanwhile, how is it unknown.

Us just a girl
Doesn't fit at all.

It is impossible that by itself
The continuation of the genus flowed.
Coquette-fate I never believed:
Blind is her aunt nature,
Feelings fly like wind in a chimney.

KR: Ah, my soul, but the princess
This girl looks awful
And manners, and height, and weight,
And eyes, and a smile, too ...

KR: But forgive me, but how was it with us?
And quite recently, after all, like,
Have you forgotten everything!
I remember perfectly
That evening is miserable.

CA: Pom-pom...

KR: A timid knock outside the window...

CA: Your dad came out to meet me,
He covered my wet shoulders with a cloak ...

CR & CA: On that strange and fabulous evening
Unexpected happiness entered this house.

KR, KA and MZ: And the thunder rumbled into a copper basin,
And the lightning flashed menacingly,
Our hearth is extinguished
That burned in full heat,
And the roof was leaking a little.
But the intrigues of the weather did not touch us!


KR: That evening is rainy
I remember perfectly...

CA: Do you remember how your mother me
Princess did not stubbornly recognize
And secretly prepared a test for me,
Which would not be a sin to repeat ...

6. It's time for testing.

SC: The queen went to the princess's bedroom, where she threw off
blankets and sheets from the bed, put them on bare boards
pea, and on top I sketched twelve mattresses
and twelve eiderdown duvets.

KR: Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, blunder!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, poor thing...
The real one is not real...
Ugh, the pea is overwhelming ...
What would, what would I, what would this night
Help my son?!.. Oh!..


SC: Your Majesty! What are you doing? Brick?!

KR: Shhh! There are very thin walls...

SK: Your Majesty, but Andersen didn't have that!

KR: Fairy tales... fairy tales... Everything in life is much harder.


PR: A thousand times harder!!!

KR: A thousand times harder!!!

Together: Harder, harder, |
A thousand times harder! | 3 times.
Harder, harder, |
A thousand times harder! |

7. Night.

SK: And on this bed they put the princess, and there she
elk to spend the whole night.

MZ: When the gray-haired wizard Dream
The round dance spins the shadows of the air,
We leave the world of worries
And so
Everyone is passionate about hope
And impatiently waiting for the morning.

PR: The day is coming, don't let that surprise you.

This day is coming to everyone!

And the bed seems hard
And time is barely ticking
When you are so close to your dream
When in a row and an hour and two
You repeat the cherished words ...

The day is coming, don't let that surprise you.
The day comes - it happens, oh, it happens!
The day comes and our shadows come alive
This day is coming to everyone!


MZ: This day comes to everyone! ..

8. Morning.

SK: And the next morning they asked the princess,
did she sleep well?

PA: Oh don't ask queen
Did I sleep well today
Maybe yesterday I got sick
But I had a terrible night.

What are your mattresses filled with?
What are the down jackets filled with.
In them, probably, the cook hides
Forks, skewers, graters, bowlers.

It is better to sleep on the stones of the pavement,
Than on this downy feather bed.
Oh don't ask queen
Did I sleep well today...
Oh, how badly I spent the night.

SK: And then everyone realized that this is the real
princess... "After all, only a real princess could
feel a pea through twelve mattresses and
twelve featherbeds," thought the old queen and was
lurked pleased with herself ... "After all, only the real
a princess could fall in love with a real prince,
thought the king and proudly looked at his son...
"After all, only a real princess is capable of such
excite my heart," thought the happy
Prince, closed his eyes and stepped towards her ...

9. Minuet.

PR: How strange to see you around!
I thought you were not in the world at all,
Everyone was wondering who I'll be with
Dance the dance minuet.

PA: Dear prince, come on
Give me a hand

OL and PA: All day long
We will be with you
Dance the suave minuet.

KR: Well, I told you, he was sad for nothing,
A good wife was found for him ...

CA: Truly, love is full of accidents,
But the truth of love is always the same...

PA: Dear prince, come on
Give me a hand
Too slippery parquet here.

OL and PA: All day long
We will be with you
Dance the suave minuet.

KR: And I wish them all the best,
They need to get something for the wedding...

CA: Oh, whatever you say, one pea
Sometimes determines our fate.

SK: Verte, this is a true story.

I found the basis of this scenario on the Internet.

I liked it because, taking it as a basis, it can be changed and supplemented (reduced), depending on how many participants are in your theater studio, what are their interests. Since my children are fond of oriental culture, we have Korean and Japanese princesses in the play.

Our fairy tale was staged like a musical. WITH big amount musical numbers.

"Princess and the Pea"

The old fairy tale new way.


Storyteller 1

Storyteller 2

Baba Yaga


Prince Matthew













Fireplace, mirror frame, tablet, clock, lists, tray, large cup, rug, fabrics, tea pair, fans, book, basket, basket of pies, pea (tennis ball).

Fabric decorations with illustrations of countries and dreams of princesses.

Musical arrangement:

music from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", from the musical "The Princess and the Pea", sounds of nature, dances of the peoples of the world


Storyteller 1: There are many fairy tales in the world

All, alas, do not count!

Prepared for you

We are a great story

But our history

Still unusual.

Exit of Baba Yaga (And I was born a beauty)

Baba Yaga: My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

A boy (girl) appears in the mirror.

Mirror: You're terrible, no doubt - How does the world tolerate this?

Baba Yaga: Oh you vile glass

At least once it would lie.

Is it on such and such a day

Too lazy to give compliments?

Mirror: Be ashamed, your beauty

300 years have already passed!

Baba Yaga: Okay, enough, what's in the world?

What will they show us on air?

The mirror puts on glasses and “looks” at the tablet.

Mirror: All the channels are spinning now

Melodramas, serials.

The exchange rate is now jumping,

Like a ball in a football field!

Lots of traffic accidents

Both in the mountains and on the roads.

Tsarevich Matvey appears on the stage. (music from the film "Professional")

Baba Yaga: Something you, son Matvey,

Did you go out at the parade today?

Answer us soon

Why are you so dressed up?

Matvey: In our turbulent 21st century

Being single is just a sin!

In general, it's time to get married -

I want to decide

Invite brides to our house

From distant wonderlands.

online catalog

Helped me find girls.

I have already made announcements

Waiting for brides without delay.

And today, exactly at five,

We will welcome guests.

Baba Yaga: Yes, get married - do not attack!

Just not to fall

So that in the heat of family affairs,

You would have seen the bride.

Mirror: Stop making noise old!

We still need to make it

Prepare dinner, candles,

For a successful meeting.


(alarm music)

Storyteller1: Trouble in the palace

All arranged by their son.

The servants there cook, cook,

Dust in the hallway is removed.

Storyteller 2: Everyone is tired. barely

Managed to get ready

And by five o'clock they are already waiting

Dear brides to the table.

Baba Yaga: Hello Goblin

Where are you walking?

You take me out of myself.

Well, let's sit down quickly

You will miss all the daughters.

They came to us not from the forest

All overseas princesses

They will sing and dance

To be my bride.

Goblin sits down with Baba Yaga, elves come out with lists

Elf 1: Bridesmaids have arrived,

Beautiful and young princesses!

The bride appears. She is holding a tray with a large mug of tea in her hands.

Elf 2: Here's a bride from Korea
straight from Seoul!
The Korean princess bows and serves a large mug of tea on a tray.

The princess bows and serves a large mug of tea (teapot) on a tray

Princess dance

Korean princess: My homeland is Korea
Ancient and beautiful land.
My name is Kim Yu Thai
Here is Korean tea for you. Yucha tea.
Taste excellent and excellent
I brewed it myself!

Matvey: God! Mother! Well, the eyes!

Like our cat Lasky!

Small as olives

And with a touch of wild plum.

No, slanted wife

Of course I don't need it!

The Chinese princess sits down.

Elf 1: Here is the bride and the second

Wants to talk about himself!

A Japanese princess appears - with a small rug and colorful fabrics


Japanese princess: Glorious is our wondrous East by miracle masters

Even the streets are lined with carpets.

I brought fabrics, chintzes -

Everything in the household is useful.

Sekera (Japanese dawn) is my name,

I'm glad to meet you.

Baba Yaga: I'll tell you this girl

your lovely things

In the palace around us -

Our whole house is full of them.

From such a manufactory

It's time to drink potions for all of us.

I don't want carpets anymore -

We will die from our moth!

The Eastern Princess sits down.

Elf 1: We listen to the third bride,

There is no prettier girl.

A princess appears with a tray on which there is a mug and a plate.

Song of the English Princess (Lady Perfection from Mary Popins)

English princess: People in Belgium, in Brussels,

They knew how to weave lace.

And in Britain, no doubt,

London is the most important city.

I myself come from there

Meeting my husband with a sandwich

After all healthy eating

Facilitates understanding

Both for dinner and breakfast

I'll make an English breakfast

Goblin: This girl is nice

Just something is not clear

What is this fashion

Eating sandwiches all day

How about dinner and lunch?

You will lose weight in no time.

The princess leaves, sits down.

Elf 2: And the fourth bride

Everyone in the world is more interesting

Her city is Madrid

In the center of the whole country stands

Spanish princess: Been driving here for a long time

I passed through the woods.

I'm the most beautiful madam

I will give my love to the prince!

I will show my gift -

Spanish dance naughty!

More space, wider circle

This is all for you my friend.


Baba Yaga: Well she dances

The elves even looked

But it hurts too fidgety

I'm talking to you like a mother

Show everyone old fashioned

The bride should be modest.

The princess goes to the wall.

Elf 1: Here comes the fifth princess

Wonderful from Switzerland

She came down to us from the mountains

To broaden your horizons

Swiss princess: The Swiss Princess walks lightly.

The Swiss princess has a very loud voice.

If I sing - hear across the sea,

For insurance, I advise you to plug your ears.

My gift for you...

I'll dance better.

Dance of the Swiss Princess

Goblin: That's how the dance

Just a miracle

But Matthew will be bad

When the bride comes to the house

In a bad mood.

The princess goes to the wall.

Elf 1: Here's an Indian princess

Feeling no stress

Came to us on an elephant

And sparkles like in a dream


Indian princess.

Indian princess: I came from mysterious India to you

Elephants walk there, monkeys walk on the roofs,

Cars are honking, cows are wandering slowly.

The lilac Krishna plays on the magic flute,

And the gopis are dancing. And very easy to breathe.

There the sun is so close, and therefore the light is brighter.

There, flocks of silverfish play at their feet.

And everything that I knew about God, there comes to naught,

And in every silver fish there is a dancing God.

Great wisdom from there I brought you

And with it the soul will shine with other colors.


Elf 1: Look at the last one!

Yes, clean your glasses!

How modest and how beautiful -

Apparently not at all arrogant!

The princess appears with a basket of pies.

Baba Yaga: Well, what about you? Where are you from?

You don’t have a braid, but a miracle!

Song of the Russian Princess (Song about Russia)

Russian princess:

I am from Russia,

There are endless fields.

Different peoples live

Cheerful, wonderful.

They lead round dances together,

Build cities, factories,

Pies are baked with raspberries.

I came with a basket.

Show interest -

Here is our delicacy!

The Russian princess offers pies to the prince.

Matvey: Thank you. May I see?

How delicious it smells! But I'm afraid to get fat!

You put the basket there, in the corner,

Maybe I'll still go to her.

The Russian princess moves back to the rest of the girls.

Mirror: Thanks to all the girls for the show

A dinner with candles, with refreshments awaits you all.

Extend happy moments

The apartments will help you.

And for each of you personally

The cabinet is excellent.

Baba Yaga: We say goodbye until the morning.

Good night! Everyone - so far!

The princesses go backstage with Mirror.

Baba Yaga: Well, my son Matthew,

Speak quickly

Who will you choose

Who will we marry in the church?

Matvey: Yes, I created a theorem

On a love theme.

Take Kim Yu Thai for example.

Makes great tea!

Though the girl and braced,

Still, she's nice to me

Painfully slim waist!

Saker's movements are marvelous,

It does not go - it floats like a peacock.

Princess Mary has

Something to always eat

Isabelle dances great

And Katrina is loud

At the Russian princess Masha

There is no more beautiful braid in the world!

So of course it doesn't work...

I am ready to marry everyone.

Goblin: I don't understand you!

He called them all himself, eccentric!

And not at all masculine.

Howl and whine so from melancholy!

Leshy song

Baba Yaga: Goblin, don't be so harsh!

We choose brides!

Goblin: I have on nervous ground

My chondrosis has aggravated,

Reduces teeth closer to the night -

Hello periodontitis.

It's easy for you to think like that!

What are we going to do with the wedding?

Matvey: I hope for mom.

Baba Yaga: We're going to cheat here.

I will call - ka servants of all I.

I have an idea.

Yaga waves his fan as a sign that he is calling the maids. Enter Wood Nymph and Elves.

Baba Yaga: Carry twenty-five featherbeds,

Put them on the bed

All a pea under the bottom -

A surprise awaits the bride in the morning!

Nymph: How to wake up - we will know.

With whom shall we marry the prince!

Baba Yaga: Well, how are you all ready,

To keep my word?

Nymph and Elves (in chorus): We will do everything exactly,

Oh what a fun night!

Song of the Nymph and the Mirror and the Elves "Pea"


Storyteller1: Six brides slept so sweetly -

Their beds did not creak.

Kim Yu Thai and Sakera

Snored until the morning

Storyteller 2: Mary, Katie, Isabelle

Liked the bed so much

What was asked of Yagi:

“Where can I buy mattresses for them? »

Only Masha could not sleep -

Rolled all night.

The Elifs and all the brides appear.

Here the sun has risen

It's time to call the brides.

Five came out like peahens,

All are elegant and majestic.

Elf began to interrogate:

Elf 2: You answer the question:

How did you sleep, young ladies,

Maybe a dream, girls?

Korean princess: I dreamed that I was resting

I'm in sunny Hawaii

Lying under tropical palm trees

And I eat exotic coconuts.

English princess: Today I flew in a dream

As soon as the eyelids closed

I am with a scarlet ribbon in a braid;

I dreamed of crimson rivers.

Counting back the hours

How strangely time moved there!

In the crimson-yellow country

Both true and not true are possible.

Spanish princess: I fell asleep sweetly, sweetly,

And in a dream I'm on a horse

I'm going to the city of fairy tales.

Without opening your eyes.

Swiss princess: About India, about India, I began to have dreams,

Where lop-eared Indian elephants roam,

And somewhere there, like a vine, hangs a healthy Ka,

You should not squeeze with him, even if only slightly.

But Baloo with Bagheera, looking for vain work,

They have retired and do not live in the jungle.

Through the streets, in the dust of the roads, herds of cows roam….

Do they give milk? What are you, never!

But the main thing is that in India - Indian Ocean….

Well, why was it not given to Russia, for example?

And the emerald-colored waves beat off their score,

That's why time goes by so slowly...

I can tell you about these dreams for a long time,

But I believe that India will wait for me too.

Indian princess: I dreamed yesterday

Unusual country

There are animals with kind eyes

There life is full of good

There the miracle of the lake sparkles

There is no evil and grief

There in the palace lives the Fire - Bird

And gives light to people.

Japanese princess: And I'm in my beautiful dream

She was wearing a red dress.

I ended up in ancient Rome

Wine was served to me in a jug.

Around me they had fun, sang,

Everyone danced and ate tirelessly.

Baba Yaga interrupts the eastern princess and turns to Masha.

Baba Yaga: What are you, Masha, so sad?

Russian princess: I can't sleep tonight!

It was a terrible vision

It's like I'm alone in the forest

Howling wind of terrible force -

The hurricane got me.

In the dark of a cold night

Whipping branches that there is urine.

Body, back pierced,

It aches from terrible pain.

Couldn't figure it out:

What didn't let you sleep?

I woke up, looked around

I got up quickly and got dressed.

Whipped up all the feather beds in an instant,

So that insomnia causes

Try to find.

What can I tell you?

Shows everyone a pea.

Put someone in bed

This item - HE interfered with sleep!

Nymph: We are now your doubts

Let's explain without delay.

We have an old way -

On the night of the bride under the feather bed

Find out her pedigree

Put an uneven pea.

They gave you twenty-five featherbeds,

They put a pea down for everyone.

Who will not sleep at night -

Tu with Matthew we marry!

Baba Yaga: So Russian princess

Not a princess, but a bride!

Matvey: To tell the truth, to be honest,

I like Masha too

So, the bride is known to everyone -

It's time to get married already!

Baba Yaga: You princesses do not be sad

Everyone come to the wedding

Final dance of Matvey and the Russian princess

Love Tale (Beauty and the Beast)


We took a fairy tale from Andersen as a basis,

But the plot for you is different in it, they showed everyone.

And, of course, it was not at all about the pea.

All the princesses in our play are cute, good.

We wish our girls happiness and health,

This holiday is the main conditions!

State Treasury educational institution Leningrad region for children,

in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance,

"Nazi Center for Social and Labor Adaptation and Career Guidance"

Fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

"Princess on the Pea"

in grades 5 - 9

Made by Frantsuzenko T.N.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

2012 - 2013 academic year

Narrator: A long time ago in one country
Known to you and me
There lived a Prince, heir to the King,
Soul is not at all crooked.
It's time to decide
And, as expected, marry
And so that the wife is brilliant
Princess. Only real!

(Music sounds. The King, Queen and Prince come out)
King: My son, tell me what does that mean?What's with the baggage?
Queen: Have you thought about it boy?Run away from us today?
Prince: What are you daddy Dad?! (the King and Queen repeat together) Our beautiful castle Lock! No matter what I What am I?! I won't change. What you! I just decided Decided! Finally I have grown Increased! And now I'm getting married! Horror!
(The queen faints. The king supports her. Music sounds)
King: You're parents, probably Do you want to drive straight into the coffin?!
Queen: Speak frankly: Who is she?
King: Yes, who is she?
Prince: I wanted to tell you thisYou all misunderstood.I'll go look for her around the worldAnd I already packed my backpack.
(Shows a backpack, puts it on his shoulder)
Prince: I'll find one for myselfTo be modest, dear,And in addition, to the Princess Was real. King: Be careful on the roadLetters were sent to us along the way.Queen: Let fate help youHappiness in search to find.
Prince: Don't worry, for God's sakeI'm a guy with a headAnd any long roadIt always leads home anyway.

(Music sounds. The Prince leaves. The Queen waves her handkerchief after the Prince, then the King and Queen sit in chairs. The Queen cries, the King comforts her)

Narrator: The princess dreamed of a wife,
To live life with her.
The prince traveled the world
There is no real one anywhere!
Although I met a lot of princesses,
Something was missing in them.
The Prince returned home
Tired, a little alive.

Prince: Oh my God! A whole year has passed
I didn't find the real one
Even though I've traveled the world...
Trouble! There is no princess...

(King and Queen get up, hug the Prince)
Prince: One is rude, laughs too loud The other one is cold like a housekeeper And the third shines with beauty, But it's not the same, not the same, not the same!
Narrator: And the Queen Mother said...
Queen: Do not be sad,
There are many princesses.
The Lord will send you a wife
And you will only meet her.

(The Queen consoles the Prince)
Narrator: And on a rainy evening someone
Suddenly he knocked on their door.
The king opened the castle door himself,
And he couldn't believe his eyes!
Before him, drenched to shiver,
There was a pretty girl.

King: Who are you, madam?
Narrator: The king asked, not understanding.
King: It's very interesting for me to know.

Narrator: And the King heard...
Princess: Princess.
King: A terrible downpour ... like autumn ...
We kindly invite you to visit.
Relax and warm up
And calm the soul-heart.

(The King escorts the Princess to the Queen and the Prince, they get to know each other. Then the King invites the Princess to sit down. The Prince and Queen step aside)
Prince: (referring to the Queen) I saw the princess
And so he lost his peace.
But how do I know, I'm wondering
Is the real princess?

Queen: I will help you, my son,
It's easy for me to check.
I'll put it under the feather bed
She has a pea under her back.

(Takes out and shows a pea)
If she accepts her, -
There is nothing more sensual in the world.

Narrator: And went to the bedchamber
Now it's called the bedroom.
Puts peas on the mattress
And the featherbed is unrelenting.
I counted two dozen
Tired of making the bed.

(The maids of honor come out, take out the featherbeds, put them on a chair. The queen takes out a pea and puts it on an impromptu bed (bench). Music sounds. The maid of honor, dancing, cover the bed)

Queen: (referring to the princess) Come rest
And rest in peace.

Narrator: The girl went to bed
Something was preventing her from sleeping.

(The princess is trying to sleep. Everyone else sings a lullaby "Sleep, my joy, sleep ...)
Everyone sings: Sleep, my joy, sleep!The lights went out in the house;The bees are quiet in the gardenThe fish fell asleep in the pond.The moon shines in the skyThe moon looks out the window...Close your eyes ratherSleep, my joy, sleep! Sleep, sleep...
(Then the ladies-in-waiting leave, the King and Queen sit down, the Prince stands next to them)
Narrator: Queen mother in the morning
Wanted to find out...

(Queen gets up and wants to say something)
For food, by the way!
(The queen sits down again. The ladies-in-waiting run out with a tray on which cups are arranged)
Queen: (Approaches the Princess with a cup in her hand)
How did the princess sleep at night?

Princess: Oh, I didn't sleep all night
I couldn't close my eyes
I look terrible
My head hurts.
Princess: (sings) Oh God, how hard
Be a real princess!
The whole body seemed to numb
Like I was sleeping under pressure.
Or suddenly caught a rockfall,
And now I can't turn around
Or beat the spring hail
The size of a large saucer.

Queen: Checked wrong!
Because now it's clear to everyone
That there is only one pea
The girl was deprived of sleep.

Prince: Got a lot of stress
The best of all princesses!
How gentle and how sensitive!
It's just amazing!

Narrator: Looking at mother with a smile
The prince immediately wanted to say ...

Prince: (gets on his knees) I offer you my hand and heart!
And I want to take you as a wife!

Princess: You, right, I dare not refuse,
At your glance, I am shy.
You must be my destiny
Here's what I can answer.

Narrator: Waited impatiently
Blessings to all relatives,
And they went down the aisle.
Here is the end of the story!

Everyone sings: The real princess got wet in the rain
She, completely frozen, was allowed into his house by the King.
And to check the correctness of her capricious words,
The pea is placed under forty mattresses.

Pea, pea - what nonsense,

Everyone congratulated the princess, the Prince married her,
The pea was sent to the museum a long time ago.
A good life sometimes depends on trifles:
Feel the pea through forty mattresses.

Pea, pea what nonsense
But still, the pea was very important.
Pea, pea - the cause of many troubles,
There was a big, big secret in a small pea.

Big, big secret.
Big, big secret.
Big, big secret.
Big, big secret.


    Song "The Princess and the Pea" (music by S. Savenkov, lyrics by T. Tarasova)
    Song "Sleep, my joy, sleep ..." (music by B. Flis - W. A. ​​Mozart, lyrics by S. Sviridenko)
  1. Prologue
  2. Travel fees
  3. Journey(authorship N. Matveeva)
  4. The appearance of the princess
  5. Memories
  6. It's time for testing
  7. Night
  8. Morning(authorship N. Matveeva)
  9. Minuet(authorship N. Matveeva)

Differences from the original tale

From the conversation between the king and the queen (“Memories”), it turns out that the queen at one time fell into the same situation that the guest princess now fell into, and withstood a similar test - but she slept on a pea, and here the king father, wishing finally to marry a son, secretly puts a brick in addition to the pea.

History of creation

The premiere of "The Princess and the Pea" was held in the 2nd section of the "Review" of the Ivasei Propaganda Brigade in 1977, together with "Prince Igor". The performance remained in the repertoire of the Agitation Brigade for about 15 years.

"Princess" opened (and it was impossible to do without discoveries in those days) a kind of new genre of musical-shadow performance. On the stage were transparent (made of sheets) screens, illuminated from behind. The actors played behind the screens, and the viewer saw only shadows. The music was also “shadowy”: every actor working behind the screen had a “voice” performed by a singer who was behind the scenes, and more often by a singer sitting right there on the edge of the stage. The singers accompanied themselves - some on the guitar, some on the flute
