Lifting the bar to the chest - for the strong body! Taking the barbell on the chest in a sitting. Taking on the chest from the hang.

The Power Hanging Chest Clean is one of the simplest variations of the Hanging Barbell Chest Clean, in which the lifter locks the barbell without dropping below the parallel lines in the squat.

Lift the bar by standing in full height, the width of the grip should correspond to the width of the grip in the classic Barbell Chest Cleanup. Then, gently and in full control, lower the barbell down to your chosen starting position (most often the bar will be at or just below mid-thigh, knee).

Once the bar is in the starting position for the Hang Power Chest Clean, begin the Power Chest Clean, starting with a kick off the floor with your feet. Pushing off the floor with your feet, straighten your hips sharply and keep the barbell as close to your body as possible as it moves up, letting it touch your hips when you reach full extension. After that, begin to squat down, lowering your body into a partial squat and lifting the barbell, driving your elbows up and to the sides while keeping the barbell as close to the body as possible.

Tip the bar over on yourself, circle your elbows around the bar, and put the bar on your chest, taking a stand position in the squat, you should not fall below the horizon line, your buttocks should not fall below your knees. Stabilize your body and move into the final position by straightening up and pressing the bar over your head.

Starting (starting) positions for doing the exercise from the hang

  • High bar position: neck at the level of the upper part of the thigh;
  • Middle bar position: bar at mid-thigh level;
  • Standard bar position: bar just above the kneecap;
  • Knee arrangement of the bar: neck opposite the kneecap;
  • Bar below the knee: bar just below the kneecap.


It is best not to use straps in this or any other variation of the Barbell Clean because of the risk of injury to the wrists.

Purpose of the exercise

The purposes of using the Forced Hang Chest Clean can be different, depending on the circumstances. This exercise can be used as one of the training exercises for the Clean, as it is easier for beginners because of its shortness (no need to start immediately from the floor, you can pay more attention to the correct position and balance at the beginning of the second pull), and also because that when receiving (fixing) the barbell, developed stretching and elasticity are not needed, because the athlete does not fall too low (does not cross the line of parallel with the floor).

As a training exercise, the Power Take on the Chest from the Hang pursues other goals here is the development of strength, speed and sharpness of the athlete in diving (squatting), since the athlete has limited space and time in order to raise the barbell high enough and give it enough acceleration , to perform a squat and have time to catch (fix) the barbell, which will go a shorter distance than when performing a classic Clean.

Another use case this exercise as a lighter version of the classic Barbell Clean in fasting days. In this case, the weight used is limited by the athlete's ability in the classic Clean, but there is less load on the legs and back, which allows these parts of the body to rest. At the same time, the Strength version of the exercise makes the exercise even easier, since the squat is partial, not full.

Program creation

The exercise is performed in sets of 1-3 repetitions, in some cases, 5 repetitions are possible. When working on the execution technique, the weight should remain light (75% of the possible maximum and below). To work on aggressiveness and stretching when diving (squatting) under the bar, use a heavier weight (75% and above). If the exercise is used as a light version of the classic Barbell Clean, then the weight may vary depending on the needs of the athlete, but most often it is about 70-80% of the possible maximum. For clean speed work, the weight should be around 65-75%.

Implementation options

Forced Taking of the Barbell on the Chest from the Hang can be performed from any starting position in height, since if the bar is off the floor, then this is already considered to be an exercise from the hang. The movement can be performed both with a stop in the starting position before the start of the exercise, and without it (that is, after lifting the barbell from the floor, the athlete can lower the barbell to the starting position and, without stopping, immediately begin to perform the Power Take on the Barbell on the Chest from the Hang; and can stop, holding the bar at the selected height, and only then start the exercise).

    What will be required

    The standing barbell clean (sometimes called the snatch or cleanup) is a basic multi-joint movement that every CrossFit athlete should take note of. The exercise itself originates in weightlifting, but today it is also successfully performed by athletes from related disciplines.

    We recommend that all CrossFit fans reconsider their training process a bit and set aside some time for doing barbell cleans. The fact is that there are not so many exercises that immediately “hit on all fronts”, namely: they increase strength, contribute to the recruitment muscle mass, give a good aerobic load, develop explosive strength and strength endurance. The barbell snatch is just one of those exercises.

    Today we will cover the following points:

    • Exercise technique.
    • What muscle groups work when taking a barbell on the chest?
    • The benefits of doing the exercise.
    • Typical rookie mistakes.
    • Crossfit complexes that include this exercise.

    What muscles are loaded?

    What muscles work when taking a barbell on the chest? The lion's share of the load is distributed between the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, deltas and trapezoids. Slightly less involved are the biceps of the thigh, the extensors of the spine. It is worth noting that the abdominals also significantly affect the performance of the exercise, helping to stabilize the position of the body, so it must be in static tension throughout the movement.

    The benefit of performing barbell sit-ups is that it helps develop muscles such as deltoids, traps, quads, and glutes.

    Moreover, due to its multi-joint nature, an experienced athlete is able to lift decent weights in this movement, which favorably affects the production of his own testosterone. Due to the fact that the chest lift is a basic exercise, an increase in strength indicators in it will lead to an increase in working weights in exercises such as snatch, front squat, deadlift, good-morning, thrusters, etc.

    Exercise technique

    The snatch of the bar to the chest can be divided into three stages: the fall of the bar from the floor, the throw to the chest, and the squat under the projectile. The technique of lifting the barbell to the chest while standing is extremely important to observe strictly. If this is not done, then there is a serious risk of injury. Let's start in order.

    Starting position

    Our starting position is as follows:

    • The legs are shoulder-width apart, the barbell is as close as possible to the lower leg, the feet are firmly pressed to the floor, the center of gravity is located on the heels.
    • The back is perfectly straight, and it is important to keep it in this position throughout the movement. With a straight back, we sit down and tightly take the neck with an overhand grip.
    • The shoulders are laid back a little, the trapezius muscles are in static tension, we create a slight lordosis in the lumbar and thoracic spine. The knees are bent at about 45 degrees. From this position, we begin lifting the bar to the chest.

    Our task is to tear the bar off the floor. What is the difference between dropping a barbell off the floor and a regular deadlift? A stall implies that we will be doing a more amplitude movement (cleaning, snatch, jerk, etc.), so our main goal is to create enough momentum so that the bar can "fly" up.


    As soon as the bar of the bar is just above the knee joints, we begin to throw the bar on the chest. To do this, you need to make a traction movement with your shoulders up and slightly back, as when performing a barbell pull to the chin. We include the elbow joints in the work, trying to throw the barbell higher. Many weightlifters at this stage make a movement in the ankle joint - stand up on their toes or bounce a little.

    This execution option, of course, is also acceptable in crossfit, but you must understand that weightlifters and crossfit athletes are guided by completely different tasks, therefore, the technique for performing the exercise may differ. Especially since the weights used for this CrossFit exercise are not comparable to those used by weightlifters. My position is that the heels should remain pressed to the floor.


    When the bar has reached the point of maximum amplitude, it is necessary to perform a squat. To do this, lower your elbows down and do a squat in a short amplitude. How short depends on the weight being lifted. The more weight, the lower you have to sit down. If all three steps are done correctly, the bar should “fall” onto your upper chest and delts, while the triceps will be parallel to the floor.

    On the video - options for the technique of taking the barbell on the chest:

    Typical beginner mistakes

  1. Joints and ligaments are not prepared for work. The jerk of the bar to the chest heavily loads the elbow and wrist joints while holding the bar on the chest and the hamstrings when the bar is broken. To avoid unpleasant consequences, warm up thoroughly. Warm up your elbows at all angles: do triceps extensions, dumbbell curls, push-ups, or close-grip bench presses. To prevent knee injury, do a couple of sets of seated extensions and front squats with minimal weight. Use elastic bands on your knees and elbows to minimize the risk of injury.
  2. Rounding of the waist. Many beginners think that if they use athletic belt, you can forget about holding your back. This is wrong! If you round your back, the belt will fix only the part of the lower back that it covers, and everything above will be hunched.
  3. Too much big weight projectile. Give up heavy weights, until you perfect the technique of taking the barbell on the chest to the ideal.

Crossfit complexes

Below are several complexes containing a barbell lift to the chest. I recommend trying each of them, indescribable sensations after a workout are guaranteed.

- this is an exercise from weightlifting, and that is, it is a power basic exercise that also develops the functional qualities of or-ga-niz-ma. Barbell cleanups should always be performed with a moderate working weight, without reaching failure even in the last repetition of the last approach, since “failure” in this exercise means injury. This rule applies to any training scheme, even if it involves "failure" repetitions and does not indicate that the weight should be moderate in this exercise. The exercise is extremely effective, it is recommended for athletes of any profile, and when you do not have time to train, you can simply perform barbell lifts to the chest and thereby load all muscle groups.

Lifting the barbell to the chest is a rather difficult exercise technically, so it is better to avoid it for beginners, especially since in lifts the ro-ta-tor of the shoulder receives a large load, which, as a rule, is not trained in ordinary people. By the way, even if you have been doing bodybuilding or powerlifting for a long time, then it won’t hurt you to try the shoulder rotator, and, first of all, this generally applies to cross-fi-ter-ditch and weightlifters, who regularly perform various jerks. The key-you-mi mo-men-ta-mi in the exercise are the grip, the position of the legs and back, the co-or-di-na-tion of movements and the competent determination of one's own strengths. In other words, the most important thing is to be able to do the exercise technically and practically come close to the zi-tiv-no-mu from-ka-zu.

Working muscles and joints

During the lifting of the barbell on the chest, almost all muscle groups, except for the chest and triceps, receive the load, but the main load, of course, is received by the large muscle groups, namely the legs and back. In the lower phase of the amplitude of the movement, the main load is received by the extensor of the back, the biceps of the thigh and the buttock, the biceps of the shoulder and the forearm are partially loaded, the press receives a static load, performing fun-k -tion sta-bi-li-for-that-ra. In the second phase of the exercise, the emphasis of the load shifts to the quadri-ceps, deltas and latissimus dorsi, while the long back and abs participate as stabilizers, and the biceps and forearms hold the barbell.

Since many muscle groups are actively involved in the exercise, therefore the su-s-ta-vov works just as much, which makes the barbell chest lifts the basic exercise-no-no-eat. It is worth noting that if usually 2, max-si-mum, 3 sous-ta-va work in basic exercises, then in this case everything works, starting from the ankle and over-can-chi-wai-shoulder-cha- mi. In the first phase of the range of motion, the knees and lower back actively take on the load, then the ankles, elbows, hands and shoulder joints are also included in the work. By itself, the spine also receives the load, which is not worth joking with, so make sure you have the right technique for doing the exercise and the abilities of the muscles of the sta-bi-li-for-to-ditch !


1) In the starting position, the athlete should stand in the same way as if he were going to perform a classic deadlift, that is, the grip is slightly wider than shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart, back arched, head looking forward, legs bent enough to create a “spread- heaviness” in the back and arms.
2) Raise the bar up to about mid-thigh level, even a little higher, straightening the ruts and back at the same time, but the back does not need to be fully unbent in this phase, like the knees.
3) In the position where you have already completed the first phase, your shoulders should be further than the bar relative to the body, in this position you sit down, one-new-re-men-but throwing the bar over your shoulders, turning your hands palms up.
4) You need to sit down in a jump, that is, you do not jump up, but do a strut, spreading your legs wider than your shoulders, but you keep the center of gravity in your heels, in no case shifting it into your socks.
5) Throwing the barbell over your shoulders, as if catching it at the beginning of the squat down, you sit down in a full squat and stand up with the barbell up, then at the top point you remove the barbell from your shoulders, unfolding your hand and lowering it to the waist, and then lower yourself to the starting position, as if doing a deadlift.


1) It is necessary to take the barbell with a lock grip, when the thumb is under the rest of the fingers, that is, you take the barbell first thumb, and already on top of it cla-de-te all the rest, which provides better control rods.
2) It is necessary to perform the exercise in shoes with a lace with a stable sole, since you have to jump, and if you slip, everything will end extremely badly.
3) It is better not to use anything from ammunition, because you need to be as mobile as possible, while the weights are not so large that a safety belt or kitty straps are really needed.
4) Pay attention to your breathing, as it will allow you to better concentrate on the phases of the movement, you should throw the barbell over your shoulders as you exhale, inhale when you sit down and exhale when you stand up with the barbell up.
5) Pay attention to the fact that you are throwing the barbell with your hands, and not due to the tilt of the body, yes, of course, you catch the momentum, but you apply the effort with your hands and deltas.


Since almost all muscle groups work during the chest lifts, it is important to highlight only the key point that concerns the ro-ta-to-ra of the shoulder. The shoulder rotator is part of the rotator cuff of the shoulder, consisting of ligaments, tendons and muscles that provide stable work shoulder joint in di-on-mi-ke. The bottom line is that the shoulder rotator provides a tight pressure and the right centering of the head of the humerus to the articular cavity, which creates a stable point of rotation. It follows from this that in order to safely perform barbell lifts on the chest, the athlete must necessarily develop the shoulder rotators, which include the superior, supraspinatus, subscapularis and round muscles of the back, or rather, their tendons.

Summing up, we can say that chest lifts are a very effective basic strength exercise that allows you to develop strength and mass of practically all muscle groups. The exercise is recommended to be performed with a more or less moderate weight, in any case, the athlete should not perform -re-niya, the maximum that can be achieved in this exercise-not-nii is an approximation to positive failure in the last repetition of the last approach. You-to-take exercise-not-re-co-men-du-et-xia to athletes of different profiles, but the athlete must be prepared to use such a complex multi-joint exercise, so beginners should not include it in their training program.

Lifting the barbell to the chest is a powerful energy-intensive exercise that came to bodybuilding from weightlifting. Its inclusion in the training program contributes to the growth of the athlete's strength indicators, an active increase in the mass and volume of several muscle groups at once.

The benefits of exercise

The correct execution of the exercise allows you to maximally load several muscle groups in a short time, develop explosive strength.

  • The muscles receive tangible stress, provoking its active growth.
  • There is progress in the implementation of others.
  • Develops speed and coordination of movements. Increased flexibility in the shoulder joints.

In other words, if classic barbell squats, deadlifts or bench presses are no longer enough for you, in order to get the maximum muscle response, try this heavy exercise. However, remember that lifting the barbell to the chest is quite traumatic and therefore requires a refined technique. Therefore, it is better to start mastering the movement with an empty neck or light weight.

Exercise is contraindicated for problems with the spine, shoulder or knee joints, wrist injuries.

Working muscles

Taking the barbell on the chest is a basic exercise. It involves the muscles of almost the entire body. The main load falls on the hips and lower back. Additionally, the press, trapezium, shoulders, forearms, calves and buttocks participate in the movement.

A feature of this movement is just the need to quickly and accurately coordinate the work a large number muscle groups.

Execution technique

First of all, you need to take the starting position. Taking the barbell on the chest can be performed:

  • From the platform (from the floor).
  • From a hang a few centimeters from the platform.
  • From below the knees.
  • From the middle of the thigh.

The main one is precisely the lifting of the bar from the floor, and other positions are considered auxiliary. In particular, the snatch from the hang to the chest is designed to train the first phase of the movement, and the positions below and above the knees are used to practice acceleration.

Snatch barbell on the chest.

Consider the classic version when the projectile lies on the floor:

  1. Initial position. Stand in front of the bar with your toes under the bar. The feet are spaced shoulder-width apart. Squat down with a straight back and grasp the bar with a straight, wide grip. At the same time, the gaze is directed forward, and there is a natural deflection in the lower back. If the weight of the projectile is large, it is better to use the "lock" grip. The width of the placement of the brushes should be such that when lifting the barbell to the chest, the hands are not pressed against the shoulders by the neck.
  2. Lift the barbell off the floor using the muscles in your legs and back. Keep the bar as close to you as possible - it slides along the body throughout the exercise. Pull the bar up in a controlled motion.
  3. When the bar reaches the middle of the thigh, it is necessary to perform a powerful jerk, giving the projectile maximum acceleration. To do this, vigorously straighten your legs to the end and straighten your body. Step out on your toes, roll your shoulders up and engage your hands. At the same time, the pelvis is slightly displayed forward, and the upper part of the body is retracted back.
  4. Without missing a moment, while the bar is still moving up, you need to quickly get hooked under it. The elbows should be brought forward, and the neck should be taken in the palm of your hand. As soon as the bar starts to fall, squat down with it, dampening its acceleration. Continue the squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Without stopping at the bottom point, rise from the squat and take a stable position. The neck should lie on, the hands are relaxed.
  6. End of exercise.

At the end, you can return to the starting position by returning the projectile to the platform. Or, lowering the bar to the level of the middle of the thigh, immediately go to the undermining phase and repeat the exercise. To do this, you need to quickly bring your elbows out from under the bar and squat slightly, extending your arms and lowering the projectile. Calculate the working weight so that you can complete 8 clean repetitions.

The option of lifting the bar from the level of the middle of the thigh.

Important Points

The exercise has a number of features that you should always remember:

  • The bar moves strictly along the body, and not along a vertical path.
  • There should be no stops between phases of movement. The exercise is performed holistically, with a smooth transition between phases.
  • The projectile moves due to the coordinated work of a large number of muscle groups. If any of them, for example, your hips, back or shoulders are lagging behind, work on their development separately.

The inclusion of this exercise in the training program will allow you to develop muscle strength and get a significant increase in muscle mass. Movement phases can be worked out separately, and then combined into one movement. It is better to start training with a small weight, and after the lifts become completely under control, increase the load.

    The Hang Clean is a CrossFit exercise borrowed from weightlifting. It is used as an element that helps in mastering the competitive push movement. It must be said that it is this part of the “full-format” jerk that makes significant difficulties from a technical point of view - how to bring a heavy barbell from the position from the knees to the “barbell on the chest” position? This is the question we will try to answer.

    Exercise technique

    Let's start traditionally with the technique of taking the barbell on the chest from the hang.

    Initial position

    • Standing, the bar is in straightened arms.
    • The grip is one-sided, straight, “in the lock”.
    • The knees are straightened, the back is straight, the shoulders are separated.
    • Support on the entire foot, feet and knees look in one direction, slightly apart.
    • The foot is under the knee, the knee is under the hip joint.

    With this position, your shoulder joint will be frontally on the same axis as your shoulder joint - this will ensure the correct kinematics of the entire movement.


    The body is slightly forward, the pelvis is slightly back. Legs are slightly bent knee joints. The bar "hangs" on the trapezius muscle. At this moment, in a merged movement, we:

    • We bend our knees
    • Move the pelvis forward
    • We sharply undermine the bar with a trapezoid.
    • Following the trapezoid, the elbows go up along with the forearms.

    Take on the chest

    At the moment when the inertial force is minimal, and the bar in the hands crossed the nipple line, the elbows go down and come together, so that the elbow on each side goes under the forearm of the same name. At the end point, the hands are shoulder-width apart, the elbows are under the hands, the bar of the bar is at the level of the collarbone - or slightly lower. Elbows rest on the body. Theoretically, you should be ready to push press from this position - and perform with the maximum weight possible for you and with the minimum tension - this explains exactly this final position in this movement.

    Vis exit

    The body moves forward, the bar seems to be thrown off the collarbones. At the same time, under the influence of gravity, it moves towards the floor. The projectile should move strictly along your body. After passing the solar plexus, we pull the elbows up, suspending the movement of the bar and regaining control over it. When the bar is at the level of the hips, we straighten the knees, hip joints, and reduce the shoulder blades.
