American polecat crossword puzzle 5 letters. AND

and. American, virginian polecat, an animal from which comes a very | valuable fur. Ilk fur, a fur coat made from ilka skins

First letter "i"

Second letter "l"

Third letter "b"

The last beech is the letter "a"

The answer to the question "f. American, Virginian polecat, an animal from which very | valuable fur comes. Ilk fur, a fur coat made from ilka skins", 5 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word ilka

Mustelidae fisherman

American ferret or fur of this ferret

marten genus

The largest of martens

Animal of the weasel family

marten sister

Predatory animal of the mustelid family with valuable dark brown fur

Word definitions for ilka in dictionaries

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Ilka - a river in the Zaigraevsky and Kizhinginsky districts of Buryatia, the right tributary of the Bryanka. Length - 118 km, catchment area - 2490 km².

Big Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
pecan, fishing marten (Martes pennanti), a mammal of the marten family of the predatory order. Most major representative kind of martens; body length 50≈65 cm, tail ≈ 35≈40 cm. Dark coloration. I. is widespread in North America.

Examples of the use of the word ilka in the literature.

And with the money that the gold-toothed seducer offered, you could buy a lot more, and even a bicycle, so that on vacation on Ilek go swimming.

I remember one of those days we went to the river Ilek, then still full-flowing, not polluted by discharges of factories.

The river of his childhood perished - Ilek, with numerous beautiful beaches, tulip fields disappeared behind its high steeps, dragonflies, butterflies, grasshoppers hatched clean in the meadows, dried up and turned into swamps of a lake with crucians and lilies, with duck hunting in autumn.

The close smell of water hit the half-open window and reminded Ilek-- the river of his childhood.

During my childhood Ilek He was not only a breadwinner and drinker, but also the beauty of the region, dozens of generations grew up on its shores, thousands and thousands dream of him.

Ferret (ferret) - a predatory mammal, belongs to the marten family, the genus of ferrets and weasels ( Mustela), subgenus Putorius.


Like any pet, your ferret must be vaccinated against canine distemper, rabies, and leptospirosis. Ferrets are most susceptible to allergies to vaccinations, therefore, before vaccination, it is necessary to ensure that the animal is injected with an antihistamine, and after vaccination, wait half an hour to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.


If the animal is bred as pet without subsequent breeding, the male ferret must be castrated and the female ferret spayed, this will significantly reduce the specific smell that appears in animals during puberty.

Even castrated animals have a specific musky smell of wool, so once a week the animal must be bathed using special degreasing shampoos and pastes.

A ferret needs not only freedom, but also a small personal area where the animal will rest, because ferrets sleep a lot, like cats. Therefore, the cage for the ferret should be equipped with a house or a hammock, and it is up to the owner to keep it open or closed. Ferrets are even more intelligent than dogs, they are easy to train and can learn to close the cage on their own.

The nature of the domestic ferret

The domestic ferret is an extremely curious animal, day after day it will methodically explore all the secret places of the apartment, not missing the opportunity to climb into the narrowest corner. Having played enough in the trash can, he can fall asleep in the same place. Animals love to chew and swallow small inedible objects, which can lead to complete or partial obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, and the instinct of burrowing animals can manifest itself in regular digging of flower pots.

A domestic ferret is easily accustomed to the tray, but at the same time it can find another place for the toilet, in this case an additional tray is placed there.

Domestic ferrets live for about 5-7 years.

What to feed a ferret at home?

The ferret is a carnivore, and the basis of its diet should be protein food: minced meat or dry food for ferrets.

Farshekasha may consist of chicken meat, turkey, quail, chicken and turkey hearts, liver, stomachs, brains, as well as oatmeal, barley chaff and other ingredients. Recipes are different. Dog food is categorically not suitable for domestic ferrets, but super premium kitten food can sometimes be given. On sale there are special foods for ferrets, enriched with vitamins and minerals, so it is better to choose them.

In addition to protein foods, small portions of peeled vegetables and fruits (bananas, pears, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, etc.) can be added to the ferret's diet. Once a week you can give raw chicken or quail egg, chicken or turkey liver, raw turkey, chicken or rabbit. Please note that the ferret's diet should contain the meat of those birds and animals that he is able to catch himself in wild nature.

It is important to supervise your pet, which can make itself a stash of perishable foods - this can lead to poisoning in the ferret.

Ferrets drink a lot, so there should always be a drinking bowl in the pet's cage with clean water.

  • Leonardo da Vinci on his canvas “Lady with an Ermine” captured exactly the furo ferret, and not the ermine. In the 16th century, tame furos were kept at home on a par with cats - they successfully guarded grain supplies from mice and rats.
  • Some ferrets can sleep for days on end, and their sleep is so deep that it is impossible to wake the animals. This greatly frightens anxious owners, although it is considered completely normal.
  • A tail-wagging ferret makes it clear that he is content and happy, and a hissing ferret with a fluffy tail warns you not to touch him: he is angry and can bite.
  • The rare ability of smart animals to get into the narrowest spaces was used when laying cables in Boeing aircraft and when installing communications for the Large Hadron Collider.

American ferret, also known as black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes)- a small predatory mammal from the mustelid family (Mustelidae). In the last century, the American ferret almost disappeared from the wild in North America, but thanks to the hard work of research centers for artificial breeding, the population of these animals is gradually reviving.


The black-footed ferret has a long body and yellowish-brown fur. On the back, the coat color is dark. The end of the tail and legs are black. There is a black mask around the eyes. The ferret has large, rounded ears; the muzzle, forehead and neck are white, while the nose is black. The neck is elongated; legs are short and thick. The fingers have pointed, slightly arched claws. The weight of females varies between 645 - 850 grams, and males - 915 - 1.125 grams. The body length of black-footed ferrets is 380 - 600 mm. Females are usually 10% smaller than males.


Historically, the range of the American ferret included areas of North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico. It is the only ferret species native to North America. Today, they can be found in three places: northeastern part Montana, West Side South Dakota, and southeastern Wyoming. All three sites are sites where the black-footed ferret has been re-populated after it was eradicated. This subspecies can also be found in seven zoos and animal breeding centers.


Black-footed ferrets can be found in the steppes and hills of North America. They live in abandoned prairie dog burrows and use these complex underground tunnels for hiding and hunting. Each ferret, as a rule, requires about 40-48 hectares of space in which animals forage. To survive, a female with cubs needs from 55 hectares of territory. The ranges of males may overlap with the territories of several females.


Females reach sexual maturity at one year of age. Breeding usually occurs in March and April. When a male and a female meet each other during estrus, he sniffs her genitals, but does not take active action for several hours, which is different from the aggressive manner of the European ferret. When mating, the male grabs the female by the back of her head. The duration of copulation is 1.5-3 hours. The gestation period ranges from 35 to 45 days. 1-6 cubs are born in a litter. The young remain in the burrow for approximately 42 days. During the summer months, the females stay with the young and separate in the fall when the young ferrets reach their independence. During the mating season, females actively harass males.


In captivity, the average lifespan of an American ferret is 12 years.


Black-footed ferrets feed primarily on prairie dogs. However, they occasionally eat mice, ground squirrels, and other small animals. Typically, a ferret consumes 50-70 grams of meat per day. It has been observed that American ferrets do not store killed prey in caches.


This species prefers a nocturnal lifestyle, activity begins with the onset of dusk. IN winter time, ferrets reduce activity and sometimes stay in burrows for up to a week. Black-footed ferrets are subterranean animals that use prairie dog burrows for locomotion and shelter. They are solitary animals except during the breeding season. Males take absolutely no part in raising offspring. Black-footed ferrets are territorial animals and actively defend their territory against other same-sex competitors. Ferrets are considered alert, agile and curious mammals, and are known to have a keen sense of smell, sight, and hearing. They rely on olfactory communication (urination, defecation) to maintain their dominance and find their way during their night journey. American ferrets are noisy mammals that chirp and hiss in the wild when they are afraid of something or startle someone.

Economic value to humans: Positive

Black-footed ferrets help control the population of prairie dogs, which are sometimes seen as pests due to their burrowing habits and can carry zoonotic infections such as bubonic plague.

Economic value to humans: Negative

American ferrets are often considered pests by ranchers. Tunnel systems used by ferrets and prairie dogs cause injury to animals.

conservation status

The species is considered the rarest mammal in North America. The ferret population has suffered greatly due to the extermination of prairie dogs. Pastoralists were engaged in baiting prairie dogs in connection with the destruction of pastures (tunneling and gathering). In 1985, the rodent population numbered 31 individuals, and by 1987 - 18. It was decided to place the remaining ferrets in zoos and start breeding them in captivity through artificial insemination. This is one of the first examples of assisted reproduction to help save endangered species in .

As of 2013, about 1,200 ferrets live in the wild. Today, the population is growing, but is still under threat and, according to the International Red Book, is listed as an endangered species.
