How to end a letter with respect. How to end a business letter in English

Etiquette formulas are required when preparing a business letter. They are determined by the genre of the message (letters of invitation, letters of congratulations, letters of condolences) and are largely conditional, ritual in nature. Also A.S. Pushkin noted in “Journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg”: “Every day we sign ourselves as humble servants, and, it seems, no one has ever concluded from this that we ask to be valets.”

Business letters of invitation and congratulations include many etiquette phrases. Instead of an etiquette frame (words of greeting and farewell), business letters use the following addresses: Dear Nikolai Ivanovich! Dear Mr. Bobylev! IN At the end of the letter, before the signature, place the final politeness formula: Yours sincerely!;Sincerely;With sincere respect!;Best wishes!;Thank you in advance for your answer…;We hope that our request will not be difficult for you.…;We look forward to successful continuation of cooperation…;We hope for your interest in expanding connections... etc.

These final remarks of politeness are followed by self-naming the official signing the document and his signature. The self-name includes an indication of the position held and the name of the organization if the letter is not sent on the institution’s letterhead, otherwise - only the position:

If a letter is sent on behalf of the Academic Council of a scientific institution, the self-name is an indication of the role that a particular person performs in this body:

Etiquette rituals, expressed by performative verbs, are usually included in set expressions, like other speech etiquette formulas: With pleasure) I invite you You to take part in...; Thank you Thank you for your participation...; Sincerely Thank you You for...; Cordially Thank you You for...; I beg We will direct you to our address...; I assure You know that we will make every effort...; We wish Good luck to you and we look forward to future mutually beneficial cooperation...; With thanks I confirm receiving from you...;

Etiquette rituals used in business letters include

different kinds praise : You showed heartfelt attention to orphans and children left without parental care...(direct praise); Considering your great contribution to the development of technical progress in industry...(indirect praise); Since your company is a leading supplier of computer equipment...(indirect praise)

expression of hope, confidence, gratitude at the end of the letter : I hope for…;I hope for further good and mutually beneficial relations…; We hope that a decision will be made as soon as possible... We hope that the result of the negotiations will be long-term and fruitful cooperation between our enterprises; We hope for further fruitful cooperation…; We wish you success and hope for future mutually beneficial cooperation…;We hope that our request will be considered soon…;We hope for a speedy response (resolution of our issue)…;We were glad to receive your letter…;Thank you very much for the fax dated 06/04/2010…; We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your letter.…;Thank you behind...;

expression of congratulations, apologies, wishes: Congratulations ...; We wish you success in…;We apologize foraboutand so on.

Polite form naming the addressee V business correspondence involves the use of pronouns “You”, “Your” with capital letter: According to yours please send To you latest catalogs of our products; At the end of this month we will be pleased to use Yours services.

Efficiency cannot be ignored etiquette formulas, the arsenal of which in Russian speech etiquette is very large. The success of the business largely depends on the tone of the letter.

The universal principle of using etiquette means is the principle of politeness, which is expressed in the recommendations given to readers in one old Russian letter book and which have not lost their relevance to this day: “The first duty of the writer is to remember his own position, to know the position of the person to whom we are writing, and to imagine the latter is as clear as if we were standing in front of him and talking.” This is especially important these days, when official correspondence is becoming more personal and dynamic. Today, the genre of business writing requires the compiler not only to standardize linguistic means, but also to demonstrate his own individuality.

In both business and friendly correspondence, it is important to know how to end a letter in English. If you want to present yourself as an educated person, then you should not neglect the established rules of correspondence.

Please note: farewell in a letter written in English is placed on a new line after the letter itself.

Ending a business letter

When you use the following expressions, you mean “yours sincerely”:

  • Sincerely
  • Sincerely yours
  • Most sincerely
  • Yours faithfully
  • Yours truly

Gratitude (for the attention paid to reading the letter) can be expressed using the standard Thank you or Thank you for your consideration (thanks for considering this issue).

Example of a business letter

A letter to a friend

It is difficult to draw a clear line between the formal and informal ending of a letter, since people who are in a work correspondence may have friendly relations and at the end of the letter put a “warmer” farewell.

At the end of the letter, you can hint at the next conversation or meeting. The presence of the personal pronoun “I” already indicates a more personal form of address.
Here are a few phrases with the expression to look forward (expect):

  • I am looking forward to meeting you
  • I am looking forward to hearing from you

Analogues of the Russian “with respect” are the following expressions:

  • Regards
  • Kind regards;
  • Best regards
  • Respectfully

And a more heartfelt expression of Cordially. The phrase “best wishes” can be displayed using Best wishes. The following are examples of farewells at the end of a letter that you can write to a loved one:

  • Cheers
  • Warmly
  • Always
  • Later
  • Till next time
  • Take care
  • Write soon
  • Kisses

Very personal expressions for saying goodbye to a loved one in a letter can be:

  • Affectionately yours
  • Yours forever
  • Passionately yours
  • Your darling
  • Longing to see you

Advice: not everyone knows how to sign a letter in English correctly - leave a comma after goodbye, and then write your name on a new line, while you can indent a few lines.

Phrases to end an informal letter

Examples of letters

Look at examples of excerpts from letters with different farewell options, pay attention to the style of the letter and the corresponding farewell.

  • Please let me know if you have any comments on the video I sent you. During the next few weeks we will be adding new videos to the website. I would really like to know what you think of them.

    Sincerely yours,

    (Please let me know if you have any comments on the video I sent you. We'll be adding more videos to the site over the next few weeks. I'd love to know what you think of them.)

  • I was waiting for your reply since Monday but obviously you have a lot on your plate right now. Anyway, I`m going to visit you next week and we will have a chance to chat.

    (I've been waiting for your response since Monday, but obviously you have a lot on your plate right now. Anyway, I'm going to visit you next week and we'll have a chance to chat.)

  • I will be grateful if you would send me the price-list on your new products. Please specify the terms of the delivery and the possible discount. Thank you in advance.

    Faithfully yours,

    Dylan Park.

    (I will be grateful if you send me the price list for your new products. Please indicate the delivery time and possible discount. Thanks in advance.)

  • If you require any further information I will be happy to provide it. Do not hesitate to contact me and clarify any details.

    Most sincerely,

    James Barton.

    (If you need more information I'll be happy to provide it. Feel free to contact me for any details.)

  • Mike, I’m still waiting for the pictures you promised to send me last month. Oh, by the way, my sister says “Hi”.

    (Mike, I'm still waiting for the photos you promised to send last month. Oh, by the way, my sister says hi.)

Words and Expressions

It's time to improve yours lexicon. Read and remember the following expressions:

  • To let know - to inform;
  • To send – send;
  • To think of smth. - think about something;
  • Obviously - obviously;
  • To have a lot on plate - to have a lot of things to do;
  • To specify – indicate, condition;
  • Discount – discount;
  • In advance - in advance;
  • To require – demand;
  • To provide - to provide;
  • Delivery – delivery;
  • Possible - possible;
  • To clarify - to clarify;
  • To hesitate - to hesitate, to be shy;
  • To promise - to promise.

Remember that it is all up to you whether the end of a letter in English will simply serve as its actual conclusion or have additional meaning, so it is so important to choose the words correctly and carefully at the end in order to leave the reader with the impression you need.

By the way, in the last sentence it will never be superfluous to thank the reader for his attention, and if this is a person close to you, then end the letter with warm and friendly words, reminding him of how much you miss him and how glad you will be to receive an answer. Check out some more letter writing tips:

Tired of “Best regards” and want something new? The team at MediaDigger, a platform that automates the storage of a contact database and makes it possible to send mass personalized emails, has made a selection of alternative signatures with which you can end your email. After all, despite everything, email still remains the main method of business communication:

1. Best regards– For lovers of the classics. The safest option.

2. Sincerely yours– There is something in this, but not everyone can afford such a signature. You need to be and look a certain way.

3. Best wishes– A little less formal and applicable in a business letter.

4. Just enter a name– Quite suitable, especially in cases where there is an active exchange of letters.

5. Your initials– This is also acceptable, but the question arises: why couldn’t you just write your name in full, and that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

6. Have a nice day– For a final letter, when you don’t expect to hear anything else from your interlocutor during the day, it’s quite suitable.

7. Have a great week– The same as “have a good day”, only if you don’t communicate anymore within a week.

8. Best regards– English version “with respect.” The safest for business communication. Some Russian speakers only use this signature. In principle, this is acceptable, but if you communicate a lot with foreigners and everyone knows this. Otherwise it looks a little strange.

9. Kind regards– The same as best regards, but a little less formal.

10. With friendly greetings“We’ve never seen anything like this, but we’ve heard about it.” I just want to say that they called from the 70s and asked to return the signature to them.

11. See you later– In case you have agreed on a meeting in the near future and emphasize that you remember about it.

12. Good luck in your difficult task!– This signature can be used when you tried to help someone (or were unable to do so), and are trying to somehow cheer up the interlocutor.

13. Sent from iPhone– It’s possible to somehow explain why there may be typos in the letter, but it may seem that you are bragging about your phone model.

14. Sent from a smartphone– Safer than “sent from iPhone”: the interlocutor understands that you wrote from your phone and the auto-correct could have made typos, while you are not showing off your phone.

15. Thank you for your attention– This phrase is best left for those who are trying to sell you something.

16. Thank you– If you are truly grateful, then you can. But you shouldn’t sign every letter like this when you give instructions to someone. This will give off an orderly tone.

17. With perfect respect– For those who like to stand out. A little romantic and pretentious.

18. Please think about nature before you print this letter.– First of all, you shouldn’t tell anyone off. Secondly, this inscription can sometimes be longer than the text of the letter itself. Thirdly, is anyone still printing letters these days?

19. Ready for service- Hmmm. Simply no.

20. With love– It’s nice and acceptable if you’ve known each other for a long time.

21. All the best- This would be more suitable, if you do not expect to communicate with someone in the near future.

22. I kiss you deeply– It’s quite suitable for family and loved ones.

23. With fatherly tenderness– You can, but only if you are really a father and have just learned what the Internet is.

24. Yours forever– It’s better to leave this for the registry office.

25. Have a nice weekend“This is usually written by those who are diligently trying to spoil them for you by sending a letter at the end of the working day on Friday indicating the things that need to be done. In general, it’s possible, but only when you don’t burden someone, otherwise it smacks of sarcasm.

26. Warm regards– It is acceptable if you used to address each other as “comrade”, but not for everyone else.

27. Your humble servant– It strongly smacks of sycophancy and it’s hard to imagine a situation where this would really be appropriate.

28. Sincerely devoted to you– The same problems as “Your humble servant.”

29. With hope for further fruitful cooperation– A little long, but acceptable, for example, for the first letter, when writing to a stranger.

30. Kisses– If you write to your other half, then it is permissible.

Do you know any other options? Write to us at

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An employee in any field sooner or later faces the problem of writing a business letter. The main question is how to start and how to finish? Many sites offer basic rules and examples, paying little attention to the final part of the documents.

The letter must be perfect in every way. Even the slightest non-compliance with the rules can harm your authority or the prestige of the company.

In a brief form, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main rules of business letters and will dwell in more detail on the final part of an official letter.

You will need:

The main rules of business letters

  1. When writing a letter, remember that you are not expressing your own opinion, but speaking on behalf of legal entity(institutions, organizations or enterprises).
  2. It is your responsibility to be clear about the results you want to achieve with this letter and to make effective use of all the text's features.
  3. Clearly define the plan of presentation, highlighting the information in the introduction, main part or ending.
  4. In the introduction, after the address, we prepare the addressee for perception. This may be a summary of the events that led to the emergence of the document. The main part contains a statement of the essence of the problem with the necessary argumentation (explanation, digital calculations, links to legislative acts).

A more effective and easy-to-understand text, in which, first, the proposal, request or demand is stated, then the argumentation, and there is no introductory part at all.

Part of the ending - applications

Certain documents have appendices that complement, clarify, or detail specific issues. They must be noted at the end of the letter, departing a few lines from the last paragraph.

Application design methods:

1) Applications mentioned in the text, then a note about this is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: 5 pages, 3 copies.

2) Applications not listed in the text must be listed, making sure to indicate the title, number of pages in each application and number of copies.

Appendix: “Certificate of assessment of the cost of unfinished construction”, 2 pages, 3 copies.

3) Sometimes there are several applications. Then they are listed by name and numbered. At large quantities A list of applications is compiled separately, and in the letter after the text the following is noted:

Appendix: according to the list on ... page.

Attach copies of documents to the letter in the order in which they were numbered in the attachment.

The application is usually signed by the heads of structural divisions. In cases where applications are bound, there is no need to indicate the number of pages.

Politeness and correctness are the basis of the ending

There are various options for constructing the ending. It depends on what was said in the letter.

The most commonly used completion examples:

1) Repeat the gratitude given at the beginning or simply thank you for your help:

Thank you again...
Let me thank you again...
We would like to once again express our sincere gratitude...
Thanks for the help …

2) Express hopes:

We hope that the agreement will be mutually beneficial...
We hope that our offer will interest you...
We look forward to close and mutually beneficial cooperation...
I hope that soon I will be able to meet you in person...
I hope to receive your response soon...

3) Reassurance of the addressee (usually has a psychologically positive effect on the addressee):

We assure you that you can fully count on our support...
We will be glad to cooperate with you...
I would be glad to cooperate with you and look forward to your response...

4) Request:

Please read the materials carefully and respond...
We ask you to urgently inform...
We ask you to take immediate action to improve the situation...
Please call me at any time convenient for you...

5) Repeating the already expressed apology for the inconvenience:

Once again I apologize for the inconvenience caused...
We sincerely apologize for this forced delay in payment...


1) In official correspondence you can say goodbye in different ways:

With respect and best wishes...
With sincere respect to you...
We wish you success.

2) If you know the addressee well or successfully cooperate with him, then you can end the letter with friendly phrases (not familiar):

Yours sincerely…
Best wishes…
With gratitude and best wishes.

You can finish the document without using these structures!

English features of ending letters

  1. Usually they end an official letter like this: Sincerely Yours (Sincerely yours) or simply Yours(Yours) and a signature, indicating your last name and position under it.
  2. To avoid putting your partner in a difficult position or forcing them to make assumptions about your gender, take the trouble to write your name in full, that is, not P.R. Dovzhenko, but Pavel Dovzhenko.


Officials sign documents within their competence.

The “signature” attribute consists of the job title, initials and surname of the person who signed the document.

Director of the Mramor plant (signature) A.B. Koval

Documents concluded in institutions operating on the principle of unity of command are signed by one official (manager, deputy or employee entrusted with this).

Documents of collegial bodies (protocols, decisions) are affixed with two signatures (the head and the secretary). The order is signed by the manager.

Two or more signatures are placed on documents for the contents of which several people are responsible:

  • Monetary and financial documents are signed by the head of the institution and the chief accountant;
  • agreements are signed by representatives of the contracting parties.

The signatures of several persons on documents are placed one below the other in a sequence corresponding to the service hierarchy.

Director (signature) S.P. Antonyuk
Chief accountant (signature) V.T.Dudko

If a document is signed by several persons occupying the same position, their signatures must be placed at the same level.

Director of the Luch plant Director of the Svet plant
(signature) V.R. Sakhno (signature) L.P. Kotov

The signature begins with the initials (placed before the surname), followed by the surname. There is no need to put the decryption of the signature in brackets!


To secure legal force, some documents are stamped with a seal: contracts, decrees, conclusions, etc. The stamp must include part of the job title and personal signature.


The date is placed below the signature on the left.

An official letter is dated on the day it was signed or approved by the head of the institution.

There is a generally accepted dating order:

  1. Date elements are written on one line using three pairs of Arabic numerals in the order of day, month, year;
  2. if the serial number of the day or month is the number of the first ten (from 1 to 9), then a zero is placed in front of it: 03.01.15 .
  3. Word year, reduction G. they don't put it.
  • When finished, check the letter for grammatical errors and make sure there is nothing superfluous.
  • Give the letter to a colleague or, if possible, a manager to read. An outside perspective will help identify shortcomings that might otherwise be overlooked.
  • Don't forget to include your phone/address Email. This is often necessary to quickly resolve the problem specified in the letter.
  • In addition to the general universal requirements and design rules, it must be taken into account that each type of document has its own design features.

Remember that not all documents have full list the details listed above, but only a certain set of those that ensure the legal force and completeness of this particular type of document.

Good luck with your transactions and the desired answers!

Frequently asked questions and answers

    What's nice to write at the end of a business proposal?

    Do not use words and phrases at the final stage that can be considered manipulation (“we hope for mutually beneficial cooperation”, “thank you in advance for your answer”, “we will be waiting for your response letter”, etc.).

    Should you write “best wishes” or “with respect” at the end of the letter?

    Definitely, “with respect”, must be adhered to business style communication.

    What do they usually write at the end of a letter if they ask for a quick response?

    Nothing like this is written in a business letter.

    Should you write “with regards” or “best wishes” in your email signature?


    How to replace the signature "with respect"?

    "With all due respect", "With respect."

    How to end a presentation letter?

    Thank you for your attention.

    How else can you write “I would like to notify”?

    “I would like to inform”, “notify”, “inform”, “announce”, “bring to the attention of”.

    Is the phrase: “I’ll end my report with words” correct?

The topic of our article is COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE- these are the words of politeness that are usually written at the end of a business letter before the sender’s name. Once in one reference book on business correspondence I came across the following list of such polite words, all meaning “ yours sincerely/with respect »:

  • Yours faithfully (this is how you should end an official letter addressed to a stranger)
  • Yours truly (a little familiar)
  • Yours very truly (sounds ceremonial, but heartfelt)
  • Yours sincerely (in invitations and in friendly letters, but not personal)

We must say that these phrases are still relevant, although there is a slight difference between how they write in England and America.

Yours faithfully

Google shortcode

Let's first consider the cases when you don't know the recipient's name.

« Yours faithfully" used in England. A letter ends with this phrase if the addressee is not called by name, but addressed to him “ DearSir/Madam " I've never noticed Americans writing like that. It’s not that they can’t write like that, they just prefer to end the letter with the phrase “ Yours truly" or " Truly yours" - this phrase is the equivalent of " yours faithfully" in American English.

Yours sincerely

If you do know the recipient's name...

Phrase " Yours sincerely» is also English. In America, it is customary to write this phrase in reverse order - “ Sincerely yours" The British say that writing is easy " Sincerely " without " yours” is disrespectful, whereas in America this form of saying goodbye to a familiar recipient is quite normal.

It remains to clarify which words of the final phrase need to be capitalized, because I noticed that some people capitalize both words of the phrase. Remember that you only need to capitalize the first word, and put a comma after it:

  • Yours faithfully,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Sincerely yours,

Avoid old-fashioned phrases like " We remain yours faithfully" And" Respectfully yours».

A letter to a close business partner can end with the informal phrase “ Best wishes" or " Best regards».
