Cheat codes for the game dragon age beginning. Free codes in the game Dragon Age: Origins

In the "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\" folder, open the "keybindings.ini" file with a simple notepad. Find the line:


Change X to any key not used by you in gameplay. This key will open the console during the game. Save the file. Launch the game with the -enabledeveloperconsole option. To do this, in the shortcut to launch the game, add it after the quotes.

Example, "C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" –enabledeveloperconsole. You can enter it in the address bar of the explorer. After in the game, call the console with the selected key and enter cheat codes.

Dragon Age Origins Cheat Codes

  • runscript addxp x - gives x experience points
  • runscript zz_money x - gives x copper (100 copper = 1 silver).
  • runscript pc_immortal - immortality for the main character.
  • runscript setplayerimmortal - immortality for the entire group.
  • runscript killallhostiles - Kills all enemies within sight.
  • runscript healplayer - Restores all health and mana/stamina to the entire squad.
  • runscript injury remall - remove all damage from the main character.
  • runscript injury remparty - Remove all damage from the entire team.
  • runscript zz_addparty x - adds the specified character to the party. Instead of x, use the following numbers:
    • 1 - Alistair
    • 2 - Dog
    • 3 - Morrigan
    • 4 - Winn
    • 5 - Sheila
    • 6 - Stan
    • 7 - Zevran
    • 8 - Oghren
    • 9 - Leliana
    • 10 - Loghain
  • runscript zz_addapproval x y - gives y points of respect for the main character character x (here y is any number, and x is the character ID number from the code above).
  • runscript ai off - disables artificial intelligence(everyone stands as if rooted to the spot).
  • runscript selectparty - group selection screen. (if not all characters are added to the party, it will lead to complete impossibility to add them).
  • runscript chargen - character generator screen.
  • runscript zz_dropparty - Disbands a group.
  • runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to the nearest NPC.
  • runscript zz_pre_strategy - Move the whole party to Duncan's fireplace in Ostagar when he arrives in town.
  • runscript zz_pre_demo2 - move the entire group to Ostagar at the moment before the battle for Ostagar.
  • runscript zz_add_skills3 - Adds 3 skill points that will only appear after reloading or saving the game.
  • runscript addtalent x - teaches the main character the ability x (instead of x, type a number, the list is below).
  • runscript zz_party_addgifts - Adds gifts to inventory that can be given to party members.
  • runscript zz_reveal_map - Shows the entire map.
  • runscript zz_givearmor - Adds Legion bone dragon armor to inventory.
  • runscript zz_createrunes - Adds all types of runes for enchantment to the inventory.
  • runscript zz_economizer - undresses the character.
  • runscript cheater - Unlocks all achievements.
  • runscript addtalent x - teaches the main character skill x (instead of x, type the skill ID, list below).
  • runscript removetalent x - removes the specified skill of the main character (instead of x, type the skill ID, list below).
  • runscript pc_immortal - invulnerability
  • runscript bowlingforferelden - knock back an enemy and create a shield around you
  • runscript wizard - transform into level 2 Mage
  • runscript rogue - transform into level 2 Rogue
  • Warriorscript warrior - transform into level 2 Warrior

You can use to get gold

In the "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\" folder, open the "keybindings.ini" file using notepad Find the line in it: "OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X" and change X to any key not used in the gameplay . This key will open the console during the game. Save the file. Launch the game with the -enabledeveloperconsole option. To do this, in the shortcut to launch the game, add it after the quotes. Example, "C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole During game play, you can use the selected key to call the console, then enter the following cheat codes: runscript addxp [number] - get the specified number of runscript experience points zz_money [number] - get specified amount of copper runscript pc_immortal - invulnerability runscript zz_addparty<имя>- add NPC command runscript ai off - disable artificial intelligence runscript ai on - enable artificial intelligence runscript selectparty - command selection window runscript chargen - character generation window runscript pc_immortal - player cannot be killed runscript killallhostiles - kill all enemies runscript zz_addapproval X YY - add comrade reputation (X - name YY - count) runscript zz_addparty - increase the number limit in the team runscript healplayer - recovery for the player / team runscript zz_dropparty - remove the current command runscript zz_talk_nearest - talk to the nearest NPC runscript zz_pre_strategy - teleport to Duncan's fire in Ostagar runscript zz_pre_demo2 - teleport to Ostagar runscript addtalent [number] - add a talent/spell to the character runscript removetalent [number] - remove the indicated talent/spell runscript bowlingforferelden - knock back an enemy and create a shield around yourself runscript wizard - transform into a level 2 Mage runscript rogue - Transform into level 2 Rogue Warriorscript warrior - Transform into level 2 Warrior runscript cheater - All achievements runscript zz_party_addgifts - Gifts for all team members runscript zz_cli_debug - Jump to the end in Redcliffe Castle runscript zz_jump_around - Teleport to an arbitrary point on the map runscript zz_reveal_map - open entire map runscript injury remparty - remove all damage from command runscript injury remall - remove all own damage runscript zz_cir_debug - run Debug Helper script Circle of Magi runscript zz_orz_debug - run DebugHelper script Paragon ofher Kind runscript zz_pre_debug - run Debug Helper script Prelude runscript zz_urn_debug - run the script Urn of Sacred Ashes runscript restore - restore mana and stamina of the current character runscript zz_supercrit player - set the main character to 50 strength and stamina and 1000 mana and stamina. runscript appearance [number] - change appearance character's runscript ai abilities - conscious enemies cannot use special abilities on/off. runscript removetalent [number] - remove the indicated talent from the character's profile - Leliana 11 - Self Cheats using the ArtMoney program: With this program, you can edit any numerical values ​​found in the game, we are interested in the primary ones, such as the amount of Experience, Attribute Points, Skill Points, Skill Points and Money. To search for the values ​​we need, we use either a search in the category ALL (Standard), or, for those who want to save time, search "Your Choice", choosing the value "Dotted 4 bytes" and "Dotted 8 bytes" for all values ​​except money, for money is in the "Whole 4 bytes" address category. In order for us to find and correct the values ​​we need, we first need to accumulate a certain amount of them, because for 100% search you need at least 3 filtering addresses. Hacking method by points: 1. Start the game 2. Start a New Game or Load a save. 3. We get right amount levels without using the points earned for the level. For example, we get 2 levels, which equals 6 free attribute points 4. Hide the game (by pressing +) 5. Launch ArtMoney 6. In the "Select Process" line, find Dragon Age 7. Press the "Search" button, In the "TYPE" line, select " ALL (Standard)", in the "Value" line, set 6, then the "OK" button, wait for the search to end, click "OK" again in the search window. 8. Restore the Game Window 9. Spend 1 (one) characteristic point to increase, for example, Strength 10. Hide the game 11. Press the "Discard" button and change the value of 6 to the value of 5. OK. Are looking for. 12. After the end of the sifting, return to the game and spend one more characteristic point 13. Hide the game, now we sif out the value 4 and 3 addresses remain in the left table, Two with the type "Dotted 4 bytes" and one type "Dotted 8 bytes" , click on the Green arrow in the middle of the program window and, when the addresses are transferred from the left table to the right one, change the value 4 to, for example, 50 14. We return to the game, spend one characteristic point and see that we have 49 free points left. Same procedure for Skill Points, Skills and Experience. In the case of Money, in view of the fact that in the game they are divided into 3 categories of coins (gold, silver and copper), it should be assumed that 1 gold coin = 100 silver, 1 silver = 100 copper. This means that in order to hack the amount of money equal to 50 silver and 20 copper, you need to use the Search for the number 5020 (five thousand twenty) and filter until 1 (one) address of the "Integer 4 bytes" type appears, which is hacked. When we level up (say) 1, we can make as many skill points as we want for strength, agility or magic and so on. True, sacrificing one of the characteristics. So. When we increase, we get 3 skill points. Let's say if we play as a warrior, then he does not need magic. We add these three points to magic and press reset (a button that allows you to change your choice for 3 points), but then on magic we take away another 3 points and in total we already have 6. Then, we press next ... the increase is nowhere get away. and thus we repeat the procedure, only not with 3 points, but with 6. At level 2, you can achieve strength, dexterity, cunning, willpower and physique of 100 or more units, which greatly simplifies the game.

Add the -enabledeveloperconsole command line parameter to end of the "Target" field in the "Shortcut" properties that are used to launch the game . Looks like this: C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe -enabledeveloperconsole Then open the file "keybindings.ini" in "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\" Find the line "OpenConsole_0=Keyboard:: Button_X" (Change X to any button that is not already used in the game.) In-game, you press the key that you have chosen (Keyboard::Button_X) and then type the following codes: runscript addxp - Add indicated amount of experience points. runscript zz_money - Add indicated amount of copper.(1000 = 1 Gold) runscript pc_immortal - Cannot die. runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name. runscript ai off - Turns off AI. runscript selectparty - Party selection screen. runscript chargen - Origin screen. runscript pc_immortal - Player can "t be killed. runscript killallhostiles - Kill all enemies. runscript zz_addapproval X YY - Add approval to a character. (X = companion, YY = Amount) runscript zz_addparty - Allows player to break party companion limit. runscript healplayer - Heals player/party.runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party.runscript zz_talk_nearest -Talk to nearest NPC.runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleports to Duncan's fire in Ostagar. runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleports to Ostagar. runscript addtalent - Add talent or spell to your character. runscript bowlingforferelden - Knock back enemies & form a shield around you runscript wizard - Transform into level 2 Mage. runscript rogue - Transform into level 2 Rogue. runscript warrior - Transform into level 2 Warrior. runscript cheater - All achievements. runscript zz_party_addgifts - Party member plot gifts. runscript zz_cli_debug - Advance to climax at Redcliffe castle. runscript zz_jump_around - Teleport to random locations on current map. runscript zz_reveal_map - Full map. runscript ai on - Enable AI. runscript injury remparty - Remove all injuries from party. runscript injury remall - Remove all injuries from self. runscript zz_cir_debug - Start Circle of Magi Debug Helper script. runscript zz_orz_debug - Start Paragon of her Kind Debug Helper script. runscript zz_pre_debug - Start Prelude Debug Helper script. runscript zz_urn_debug - Start Urn of Sacred Ashes script. runscript restore - Restore mana or stamina to selected character. runscript zz_supercrit player - Set main character's Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1000. runscript appearance - Change character appearance runscript ai abilities - Toggle perceived enemies cannot use special abilities. runscript removetalent - Removes indicated talent from character personal profile. Use the following entries with the "runscript zz_addparty" and "runscript zz_addapproval" codes. (For use with certain cheats, enter the number below for the desired character) 1 - Alistair 3 - Morrigan 4 - Wynne 5 - Shale 6 - Sten 7 - Zevran 9 - Leliana 11 - Self

Investigate the Ghost Bridge for the Urn quest "Sacred Ash":

Follow these steps to get to the Ghost Bridge for the Urn quest "Sacred Ashes":

* one to the right, two to the right, three to the left.

* The player steps in the first section of the ghostly bridge.

*two to the right, three to the left, six to the left.

* The player is walking in the second section of the ghost bridge.

*two to the right, four to the right, six to the left.

* four to the right, one to the left, six to the left.

* The player is walking in the third section of the ghost bridge.

* four to the right, five to the right, one to the left.

* five to the right, one to the left, five to the left.

* The player successfully passes.

Note that on the console version, when each part of the bridge becomes solid,

it stays solid all the time, greatly reducing the difficulty of this puzzle.

Blood Dragon Armor Duplication:

You will need a code with your Collector's Edition of the game for the rare Blood Dragon Armor

for this read. Note: This also works for other Collector's Editions.

downloadable content - volume, helmet, etc.

Once you have entered the code and received the first piece of armor and your camp has a merchant

with the rest of the game, save your game, then go to Download Content

in the main menu.

Disable Blood Dragon Armor content (and Collector's Edition content if you have it)

and restart the game. This will give you a warning, but ignore it and download the game,

save the game immediately and exit to the main menu again. Turn on the things you

before etim disabled and restart the game. You now have two sets of Blood Dragon Armor!

You can repeat this as needed.

Free mages level 4:

Use the following trick to get some items and gifts before leaving the castle.

Playing as a noble person, after you go to brother Fergus's room, but before you leave,

ask your dog "Do you see anything interesting?"

If he doesn't bring anything, ask him again. By doing this, you will receive the following items:

* A piece of wood that is a level 4 mage that has +1 constitution and +10% character resistance

* Found cake.

* Dirty pair of trousers.

* Spun ball of yarn

* A bottle of Garbolg reserve seats.

* Jade(Greenstone) or elfroot.

* Unique, but seemingly useless Entry Code.

Approval increase:

* Sometimes your group may not care about you or directly tell you that they would be better off

in the other place. This can be easily changed. Every item that has a "Gift" next to it

can be passed to a group member. You cannot give it to your character. For example,

one of the demons thinks what you get in your travels (for example, a statue of a totem or a demon)

can be given to a Sten. You will get at least 5+ towards approval. Each item varies from person to person.

to a person. Some of them are for others. You have to find out which subject suits which person.

* The way you talk to a character can determine approval ratings. Some of them are slightly

will change, but will still be closer to either the good side or the disgusting one, but you choose.

The hardest ones you can talk to are Stan and Morhgan. Keep in mind that their

can be convinced. Sometimes the right words can lead to a good moment and others to

a long argument or discussion, especially in order to learn about them. This is what takes a lot of time.

The only one you really don't have to worry about is Mabari,

or a dog in most cases. He will love you no matter what and will remain loyal to the end.

Give him a treat for being such a good loyal character.

Bonus items:

Register an account on the Electronic Arts website that is associated with

your Dragon Age: Origins profile. Play the Dragon Age Journeys mini-game at

Complete the given objective in Dragon Age Journeys to unlock the corresponding item in Dragon Age

* Amulet Of War Mage: Log into your EA account in Dragon Age Journeys.

* Embri's Many Pockets: Rescue Gray Warden Martine by completing the "Missing Warden" quest.

* Helm Of The Deep: Unlock all five achievements in Dragon Age Journeys: The Deep Roads.

Armed Mages:

Mages aren't just magic spellcasters, once you've acquired the Arcane Warrior style,

you can easily trade the power of armor and weapons to wield or wear them for Magic. Now you can

use spells and sword. Don't worry about physical damage due to armor.

You don't have to keep your distance and use all the spells you need, you can still be

close to your enemies.

Note: This ability can be obtained from the Nature Of The Beast quest with the Dalish Elves.

You must go to the temple and find a vial that will seem strange. A short spectacle will begin and

he will speak to you. After a long series of interviews, he offers to pass on his talents

Arcane Warrior to you and your party in exchange for his freedom.

Redistribute already spent ability points:

Using this trick, when your character gains a level, you can redistribute already spent

ability points. Spend all ability points in the stat you want to reduce. Use

points in statistics by 3 (the number of points you spent on it before you reload).

These extra stat points will be added to your available points and can be spent on any

capabilities. There are several restrictions. This can only be done once per level, you cannot

reduce stats by large quantity points than you spent on it, and you must spend points

only one statistic.

Crowd Control:

Very important for repeated success in combat is the use of crowd control spells. They are

two types, area and individual purpose. Force Field and Crushing Prison work really well to get through

powerful individual opponents in place while you can deal with their minions. earthquake and

cold work really well against advancing groups of smaller enemies allowing you to deal

with enemy flanks one at a time. Having two mages can make a lot of battles much easier,

provided that you first control their number.

Defeating the Tainted God:

Look at the corners and let the final Boss follow you. Pay attention to the giant

crossbows (ballistae). When you use a ballista, keep in mind, depending on where and how close

there is a Corrupted God, you may not receive a high dose of damage, and it takes a long time.

You need to worry about long range attacks and sometimes dark progeny attacks.

However, if you have band members, then you should be fine. They can fight the dark

offspring and you can focus on the dragon or Corrupted God.

In Redcliffe there is a raven on the fence next to the forge building

in the village square. Talk to the Raven to receive a free Specialization Potion. Talk to him

Unlocking specializations for all classes:

Note: This trick requires the Character Respec Addon V1.6 to be installed. Almost

in every town or village in Ferelden, you can find a raven (a small black bird). Talk with

raven to get a free potion of specialization. Talk to him

again and select "Look into his eyes". Then you can choose your class and unlock 2/4

specializations of each character for free. Note: You must switch between each character,

to unlock their individual specializations; You cannot do everything at once.

Summon a wolf and a bear at the same time:

Rouges with the ranger talent and all the skills can summon wolf and bear

simultaneously. This trick doesn't work with the spider. When you call

wolf and your time is running out, click to summon the bear. Your character

will first summon a wolf and then a bear. You can control both animals.

Redcliffe: Possessed Child:

After all, once you reach Radcliffe, there will be an option to bring in a boy,

without killing him or confronting the demon inside him. Don't kill the boy. You won't get

a lot from his death and most likely your allies don't approve of it. Instead choose

option to enter the boy and let the Blood Mage do his ritual. When you are inside, talk to

father. Once this is done, you must talk to the Possessed child and kill the demon

inside it several times. Once you reach a certain part where you are not talking to a child,

but the demon is right there, try to talk to him. By talking to him, you will receive

more than just killing her. She will ask you for the next one, in exchange for her life and permission.

enter the boy's body again in the near future, she will offer you gifts. One of them is new

specialization. The other is a rare item, armor or weapon. The last one is pleasure.

Pleasure shouldn't be an option because it doesn't give you anything in return, not even

intimate scene. Choose either a subject or a specialization. However, if you really don't

if you want something useful, kill it. Killing him will result in the same experience as

you would gain from killing a boy, let alone previous times when you also killed

Note: The above method only works if main character is a mage. If

you decide to send Jowan (Blood Mage), Wynne or Morrigan, the trick will not work and

you will not be able to unlock the Blood Mage specialization. The only way to use the trick

while your main character not a magician, is to turn him into a magician.

Ghost Bridge Solve for Urn of Sacred Ash Quest:

Follow these steps to get across the Ghost Bridge for the Urn of Sacred Ash quest:

* Right one, right two, left three.

* Player steps on first section of ghost bridge.

* Right two, left three, left six.

* Player steps on second section of ghost bridge.

* Right two, right four, left six.

* Right four, left one, left six.

* Player steps on third section of ghost bridge.

* Right four, right five, left one.

* Right five, left one, left five.

* Player crosses successfully.

Note that on the console version as each piece of the bridge becomes solid it remains

solid permanently greatly reducing the difficulty of this puzzle.

Blood Dragon Armor Duplication:

You "ll need a code with your Collector"s Edition of the game for the rare Blood Dragon

Armor for this cheat. Note: This also works for other Collector's Edition downloadable

content -- the tome, helmet etc.

Once you have entered the code and received the first piece of the armor and you have

a merchant in your camp area with the rest of the pieces, save your game then go to

the Download Content section of the main menu.

Disable the Blood Dragon Armor content (and Collector's Edition content if you have it)

and reload your game. It will give you a warning but ignore it and force load the game,

immediately save your game and exit to the main menu once more. Enable the things we

disabled before and reload your game. You now have two sets of Blood Dragon Armor!

You can repeat this as needed.

Free tier 4 mages staff:

Use the following trick to get some items and gifts before you leave the castle. When

playing as a human noble, after you go to your brother Fergus" room but before you leave,

to go to bed ask your dog "Do you see anything interesting?". if he brings nothing back,

ask him again. By doing this you will obtain the following items:

* Piece of wood, which is a tier 4 mage staff that has a +1 Constitution and +10% Nature

* Dirty pair of pantaloons.

* Tangled ball of yarn

* Bottle of Garbolg's backcountry reserve.

*Greenstone or elfroot.

* Unique but seemingly useless Codex entry.

Increasing approval:

* Sometimes your party might not care for you or bluntly tells you that they could be off

better somewhere else. This can be changed easily. Each item that has "Gift" beside it

can be given to a party member. You cannot give one to your own character. For example,

some of the demon things that you get in your travels (like the totem or demon statue)

can be given to Sten. You will get at least a 5+ approval. Each item varies from person

to person. Some are meant more for others. You must learn which item fits what person.

* How you choose to talk to a character can determine approval ratings. Some are minor

changes, but still will be closer to the liking side or disgusted side however you so

choose. The hardest two that you can speak to are Sten and Morhgan. Keep in mind that they

can be persuaded. Sometimes the correct words can lead to a loving moment and others to a

long argument or a discussion especially for learning about them. That is what takes the

longest time. The only one you really never have to worry about is the Mabari of the group,

or the dog in most cases. It will love you no matter what and will stay loyal to the end.

Give it a treat for being such a good loyal character.

Register an account on the Electronic Arts website that is linked to your profile in Dragon

Age: Origins. Play the Dragon Age Journeys mini-game at complete

the indicated task in Dragon Age Journeys to unlock the corresponding item in Dragon Age

* Amulet Of the War Mage: Sign in to your EA account in Dragon Age Journeys.

* Embri's Many Pockets: Save the Gray Warden Martine by completing The Missing Warden quest.

* Helm Of The Deep: Unlock all five achievements in Dragon Age Journeys: The Deep Roads.

Mages are not just magic casters, Once you have acquired the Arcane Warrior style you can

easily exchange the strength of armor and weapons to wield or wear them for Magic. You can

now use spells and a sword. Do not worry about taking physical damage because of the armor.

You do not have to keep your distance and use all the spells desired and still get up close

with your enemies.

Note: This ability is obtained in the "Nature Of The Beast" quest with the Dalish Elves.

You must go into the temple and find a vial that seems odd. A short cinematic starts and

it speaks to you. After a long series of questioning, it offers to pass on its talents of

an arcane warrior to you and your party in exchange for its freedom.

Redistribute already spent ability points:

By using this trick, when your character gains a level you can redistribute already spent

ability points. Spend all ability points on the stat you want to reduce Use the "Reset"

button. Go to the stat which you added the points to, and you can now reduce the number

of points in the stat by 3 (the number of points you spent in it before hitting reset).

These extra stat points will be added to your available points and can be spent on any

ability. There are a few restrictions. This can only be done once per level, you cannot

reduce the stat by more points than you spent in it, and you must spend the points in

Vital to repeated success in combat is the use of crowd control spells. These come in two

forms, area and individual target. Force Field and Crushing Prison work very well to hold

powerful individual foes in place, while you can deal with their minions. Earthquake and

Cone of cold work very well against advancing groups of lesser enemies allowing you to deal

with your flanks one at a time. Having two mages can make many battles much easier provided

you control their numbers early.

Defeating the Tainted God:

Look to the corners and have the final Boss follow you. notice the oversized crossbows

(ballistas). Once you are using the ballista, keep in mind depending on where and how close

the Tainted God is, you may not get a high dose of damage and it is time consuming. You

just have to worry about the long range attacks and sometimes the dark spawn attacking.

However if you have party members then you should be alright. They can battle the dark

spawn and you can remain focused on the dragon or Tainted God.

In Redcliffe, there is a raven on a fence post just outside the smithy's building in the

village square. Talk to the raven to get a free specialization respec potion. Talk to him

again and select "Look into his eyes". You can then select your class and unlock 2/4 of

each character specializations for free. Note: You must switch between each character to

unlock their individual specializations; you cannot do all of them at once.

Unlocking specializations for all classes:

Note: The Character Respec Addon V1.6 needs to be installed for this trick. In almost

every town or village in Ferelden, you can find a raven (small black bird). Talk to the

raven to get a free specialization respec potion. Talk to him again and select "Look

into his eyes". Then, select your class and you will unlock 2/4 of each character

specializations for free. Note: You must switch between each character to unlock their

individual specializations. You cannot do all of them at once.

Summon wolf and bear at the same time:

Rouges that have the Ranger talent and have all skills can summon a wolf and a bear

at the same time. This trick does not work with the spider. When you are summoning

the wolf and you cast time bar is almost over, click to summon the bear. your character

will summon the wolf first, then summon the bear. You can control both animals.

Redcliffe: Possessed child:

Eventually once you reach Redcliffe, there will be an option to enter the boy, aside from

killing him and confronting the demon inside of the boy. Don't kill the boy. You will not

gain much from his death and most likely your allies will disapprove. Instead, choose the

option to enter the boy and let the Blood Mage do his ritual. Once you are inside, talk to

the father. Once this is done, you must talk to the child "Possessed" and kill the demon

inside him multiple times. Once you reach a certain part where you do not talk to the child,

but the demon straightforward, try to converse with her. Conversing with her will get you

more than just killing her. She will request that in exchange for her life, and the permission

to enter the boy's body again in the near future, she will offer you gifts. One is a new

specialization. Another is a certain rare item, armor, or weapon. Finally, is pleasure.

Pleasure should not be an option, as it does not give you anything in exchange, not even an

intimate scene. Select either the item or the specialization. However if you truly do not

want to obtain anything useful, kill her. Killing her alone results in the same experience

you would get from killing the boy, not to mention the previous times you have also killed

Note: The above method only works if the main character is a mage himself or herself. If

you chose to send Jowan (the Blood Mage), Wynne, or Morrigan, the trick does not work and

you will not be able to unlock Blood Mage specialization. The only way for the trick to

work while your main character is not a mage is to turn your main character into a mage.

Create a shortcut to daorigins.exe in the game launch folder along the path C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\. In the shortcut to launch the game, add -enabledeveloperconsole after the quotes.

Although, you can put -enabledeveloperconsole in the launch options.

* * *
Go to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings folder and open "keybindings.ini" file. This will give you access to the encoding of the game itself, but I strongly advise ignorant people not to change anything on their own. Find the line:
"OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X", It also happens that Button_Grave costs
In it, change X \ Grave to any key that is not involved in the gameplay. I would suggest "~"

In our case it is "~". Like this - OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_~
If not working, then try changing the number 0 to 1 Like this OpenConsole_1=Keyboard::Button_~
If it doesn't work again, then -

In some versions of the game, the console is locked only to numbers (1-9), so reconfigure the opening of the console to any one of the numbers. I remind you that the console key is configured in: /My documents/BioWare/DragonAge2/Settings/KeyBindings, the line OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_~ and here instead of ~ any number (1-9)

Check what -
Put a space between ...\daorigins.exe" and -enabledeveloperconsole

Some people may not have...\daorigins.exe", but...\daorigins.exe.exe"

The symbol to which you assigned the opening of the console is not in Russian, it must be English

Make sure there is no conflict. If you are in doubt whether a key is being used, it's better to start the game, open the settings, then control, and look at the keys that are assigned there. Save the file. Great, the console is activated. And you can open it and enter codes by pressing the key of your choice.

But sometimes it's better not to touch this file at all. Better go into the game, call the console using the "~" button, if nothing happened, then feel free to change this file. But all the same, before that, I strongly recommend (required) to put the file below.

But unfortunately, the console without third-party modifications is not visible.
This can be easily fixed! ya GH5o1rQQTRn (Remove spaces)
Once downloaded, extract the contents of the zip to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data

Cheat codes

So, now let's look at the list, which contains all the known cheats for the game.

runscript addxp X - Adds X experience
runscript zz_money X - Adds X copper coins
runscript pc_immortal - God Mode (Immortal)
runscript ai off - Disables auto-intelligence
runscript selectparty - Change party
runscript chargen - character creation
runscript killallhostiles - Kills all hostiles
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes the current group membership (You will be left alone)
runscript zz_pre_demo2 Teleports the party to Duncan's fireplace in Ostagar when he arrives in town. (Better not worth it)
runscript zz_pre_strategy - Moves the group to Ostagar just before the battle for Ostagar (Save before that!)
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Start a conversation with the nearest NPC
runscript setplayerimmortal - Immortality for the whole group (Sometimes does not work)
runscript healplayer - Restore the health of all party members
runscript zz_givearmor - Legion bone dragon armor appears in inventory
runscript cheat - Gain 30 Armor and 100 Party Defense for 120 seconds
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Provides gifts to give to party members: - Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace (Flower), Golden Mirror, Black Grimoire, Flemeth's Grimoire, and Sten's Sword.
runscript levelparty - Reset character. (i.e. you bring it into the state of a newly created character)
runscript zz_set_trap - Several traps appear in the inventory.
runscript zz_reveal_map - Shows the whole map
runscript e3_party - Adds Yorick and Daveth to the party (Save before doing this)
runscript cheater - Unlocks achievements
runscript zz_eurodemo_end - Transfers the group to the Dalish camp (possible error or something like that)
runscript zz_add_skills3 - Appears 3 skills that will appear only after reloading or saving the game
runscript zz_economizer - Undresses the character
runscript zz_supercrit player - Adds 1000 mana and health, and 50 points to strength and dexterity to each character in the group
runscript zz_addapproval X -Y - Add NPC reputation (X - party number, YY - amount).
runscript zz_jump_around - Jumps to an arbitrary point on the map

It should be said that some errors can be debugged in the console. Therefore, let's look at cheat codes that will help you fix any problem.

runscript zz_cli_debug - Turns on redcliffe lock related fixes
runscript zz_pre_debug - Turns on the debug mode associated with Starting Locations.
runscript zz_cir_debug - Turns on debug mode related to mage circle
runscript zz_orz_debug - Turns on Orzamar related debug mode
runscript zz_arl_debug - Turns on Earl Eamon related debug mode
runscript zz_urn_debug - Turns on the debug mode associated with the sacred urn.

You can also use dragon age cheats to summon some companions to the party. To do this, enter the runscript zz_addparty X command, where X is the character number:
1 - Alistair
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan
4 - Winn
5 - Sheila (Only with DLC! Otherwise, there may be errors!)
6 - Stan
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 - Logane

is a fantasy RPG game developed by BioWare, which is located in Canada. In Russia, the game was released on November 5, 2009 on such gaming platforms as Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Dragon Age: Origins is based on the new graphics engine Eclipse Engine, developed by BioWare employees.

Thanks to this engine, users can create numerous elements and content of the game for the PC version themselves using special tools and an editor provided by the developers. A little later, a full-scale add-on called Awakening came out for the role-playing game. It was released in North America on March 16, 2010 and in Europe on March 19. The addon added many new quests, characters, weapons and armor to the game. The Awakening add-on, like the original game, was developed for such gaming platforms as PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

The story of the game takes place in a fantasy world on the fictional mainland Thedas, which is mostly occupied by the kingdom of Ferelden. The time in which all the main events of Dragon Age: Origins take place can be compared to the late Middle Ages. There are several intelligent races represented in the game world - these are elves, dwarves, qunari, and of course, people. A small number of each race, other than dwarves, have a special talent for the use of magic from birth. According to the plot of the game, the world is divided into two dimensions - the tangible, physical world and the world of spirits, or as it is also called - the shadow. In the shadows, in addition to spirits and ghosts, demons live. Almost all representatives of these races, except for gnomes, fall into the shadow in a dream. And magicians, thanks to lyrium, can penetrate the shadow at any time.

The game world resembles the Middle Ages to a greater extent due to the wide spread of religion, which is somewhat reminiscent of Christianity. The vast majority of people believe in one God, who is called the Creator and his prophetess named Andraste. There is also a huge intolerance towards pagans - magicians and elves. In the sacred campaigns of the church, the elves got the most. Their cities were destroyed, many representatives of the race were destroyed during the war. Now some of the elves drag out a miserable existence in the cities, serving people, and the other part is trying to restore the former glory of their people in the forests. As for the magicians, they live in captivity in the circle of magicians and are constantly monitored by templars - faithful soldiers of the church.

At the very beginning of the game, when the player creates his future character, he is given a choice of three classes of heroes: mage, warrior or robber. As the story progresses and the character develops, at the seventh and fourteenth levels, the player will also have to choose special specializations for their hero, which will provide the player with new useful abilities and opportunities.

Mage Specializations:

  • Werewolf. This specialization of the hero is able to train Morrigan. By choosing it, the hero will be able to transform into various creatures and animals. For example, in a bear, a large spider, birch bark, etc.

  • Spiritual healer. With this specialization, the mage gains a special talent for their healing abilities.

  • Battle Mage. This specialization can be obtained from an ancient elven mage who has been imprisoned in an amulet. The essence of this specialization is that the magician redirects his magical energy in such a way as to enhance his physical characteristics. At the same time, the magician is partially in the shadow, so a fairly large part of the blows on him do not pass.

  • Blood Mage. You can learn illegal magical knowledge from a demon who possessed Connor, making a deal with him. With the help of this specialization, the character will be able to use destructive spells, take away the life force of opponents and use magic at the expense of his health, not mana.

Warrior Specializations:

  • Templar. Having studied the specialization and becoming a templar, the main character will receive special abilities and talents that will help him to resist magic spells much better.

  • Knight. This specialization unlocks abilities that can inspire teammates in battle and strike fear into the hearts of opponents, driving them away or even knocking them down.

  • Berserk. You can learn berserk talents from Oghren. They will give skills to intimidate opponents, and the blows of a warrior will become several times stronger.

  • Ripper. This is a warrior who was able to master the semblance of blood magic. He can steal the life force of opponents, as well as fall into a violent rage, increasing his physical characteristics.

Rogue Specializations:

  • Duelist. Specialization based on speed and accuracy of strikes. She can be taught by the sea wolf Isabella, who invented this fighting style.

  • Murderer. A character who knows the secrets martial arts Antivan Assassins Guild.

  • Pathfinder. With it, the player can call on various forest animals, such as a wolf, a bear, etc., to help him.

  • Bard. Excellent spy and minstrel. By performing various tricks in battle, as well as singing songs, a bard can easily distract opponents.

Walkthrough Dragon Age Origins

You can download here:

Cheats for Dragon Age: Origins
There is evidence that the game is perfectly processed using ArtMoney. However, you can make changes in the game itself.

You need to edit with a text editor (notepad for example) the file " keybindings.ini"
It is located in the folder My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\"

Find the line in it:

and change X to any key not involved in game control.
With this key you can open the console.

Launch the game with the -enabledeveloperconsole option.
To do this, in the game shortcut, add this parameter after the quotes.
It will look something like this:
"D:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

Now, when you start the game, you will be able to call the console, in which you can execute one of the following commands:

runscript selectparty - command selection window
runscript injury remparty - remove all damage from the team
runscript zz_party_addgifts - gifts for all team members
runscript cheater - all achievements
runscript injury remall - remove all your damage
runscript ai off - disable artificial intelligence
runscript rogue - transform into level 2 Rogue
runscript zz_jump_around - teleport to an arbitrary point on the map
runscript zz_cli_debug - Jump to the end at Redcliffe Castle
runscript zz_pre_strategy - teleport to Duncan's fire in Ostagar
runscript zz_reveal_map - open the whole map
runscript zz_orz_debug - run DebugHelper script Paragon ofher Kind
runscript zz_pre_debug - run Debug Helper Prelude script
runscript ai abilities - prohibition or permission to use special abilities by conscious enemies
runscript zz_dropparty - drop the current team
runscript bowlingforferelden - knock back an enemy and create a shield around you
runscript chargen - character generation window
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to the nearest NPC
runscript zz_cir_debug - run Debug Helper script Circle of Magi
runscript zz_supercrit player - set the main character to 50 strength and stamina, and 1000 mana and stamina.
runscript pc_immortal - invulnerability
runscript zz_addparty - increase party limit
runscript restore - restore mana and stamina of the current character
runscript removetalent [number] - remove the specified talent from the character's profile
runscript addtalent [number] - add a talent/spell to a character
runscript healplayer - heal player/team
runscript ai on - enable artificial intelligence
runscript appearance [number] - change the appearance of the character
runscript pc_immortal - player cannot be killed
runscript wizard - transform into level 2 Mage
runscript addxp [number] - get the specified number of experience points
runscript zz_addparty - add NPC to team
runscript zz_money [number] - get specified amount of copper
runscript zz_urn_debug - Run the Urn of Sacred Ashes script
runscript removetalent [number] - remove the indicated talent/spell
runscript warrior - transform into level 2 Warrior
runscript zz_pre_demo2 - teleport to Ostagar.
runscript zz_addapproval X YY - add friend reputation (X - name YY - count)
runscript killallhostiles - kill all enemies

Character names:
Used with cheat codes "runscript zz_addapproval" and "runscript zz_addparty", substitute the desired number

1 - Alistair (Alistair)
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan (Morrigan)
4 - Wynne
5 - Sheila (Shale)
6 - Stan (Sten)
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 - Loghain
11 - Self (Self)

Enjoy your game!

If you are not satisfied with the cheat codes found by us, use the program for hacking games or

Found an error? Have something to add? - Write to us via ! Or in the comments below

Also in our database, in addition to cheat codes for Dragon Age: Origins, there are cheats for such popular games as.

So, now we will look at some Dragon Age: Origins codes, which are designed to make life easier for the modern gamer. It should be noted that the game, no matter how difficult it may be, is always more interesting if played honestly. But, nevertheless, dragon age origins cheats need to be deciphered, as they are often incomprehensible. So, first you need to edit the shortcut to launch the game a little. In the shortcut to launch the game, add after the quotes, for example, "C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole . Like this.
After that go to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings folder and open "keybindings.ini" file. This will give you access to the encoding of the game itself, but I strongly advise ignorant people not to me on their own. We continue to give access to the dragon age beginning of the code. Find the line:

In it, change X to any key that is not involved in the gameplay. Make sure there is no conflict. If you are in doubt whether a key is being used, it's better to start the game, open the settings, then control, and look at the keys that are assigned there. Save the file. Great, the console is activated. And you will be able to open it and enter codes for dragon age by pressing the key of your choice. So, now let's look at the list, which contains all the known cheats for the game dragon age origins.

runscript addxp X - Adds X experience
runscript zz_money X - Adds X copper coins
runscript pc_immortal - God Mode (Immortal)
runscript ai off - Disables auto-intelligence
runscript selectparty - Change Party
runscript chargen - character creation
runscript killallhostiles - Kills all hostiles
runscript zz_dropparty - Drops the current group membership
runscript zz_pre_demo2 Teleports the party to Duncan's fireplace in Ostagar when he arrives in town.
runscript zz_pre_strategy - Moves the group to Ostagar before the battle for Ostagar
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Start a conversation with the nearest NPC
runscript setplayerimmortal - Immortality for the entire group
runscript healplayer - Restore the health of all party members
runscript zz_givearmor - Legion bone dragon armor appears in inventory
runscript cheat - Gain 30 Armor and 100 Party Defense for 120 seconds
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Gives gifts that can be given to party members: - Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother's Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace, Cute Nug-Golden Mirror, Black Grimoire, Flemeth's Grimoire, and Sten's Sword
runscript levelparty - Reset character. Those. you bring it into the state of a newly created character
runscript zz_set_trap - Several traps appear in the inventory.
runscript zz_reveal_map - Shows the whole map
runscript e3_party - Adds Yorick and Daveth to the party
runscript cheater - Unlocks achievements
runscript zz_eurodemo_end - Transfers the group to the Dalish camp (possible error or something like that)
runscript zz_add_skills3 - Appears 3 skills that will appear only after reloading or saving the game
runscript zz_economizer - Undresses the character
runscript zz_supercrit player - Adds 1000 mana and health, and 50 points to strength and dexterity to each character in the group
runscript zz_addapproval X -Y - Add NPC reputation (X - party number, YY - amount).
runscript zz_jump_around - Jumps to an arbitrary point on the map

It should be said that some errors can be debugged in the console. Therefore, let's look at dragon age cheats that will help you fix any problem.

runscript zz_cli_debug - Turns on redcliffe lock related fixes
runscript zz_pre_debug - Turns on the debug mode associated with Starting Locations.
runscript zz_cir_debug - Turns on debug mode related to mage circle
runscript zz_orz_debug - Turns on Orzamar related debug mode
runscript zz_arl_debug - Turns on Earl Eamon related debug mode
runscript zz_urn_debug - Turns on the debug mode associated with the sacred urn.

You can also use dragon age cheats to summon some companions to the party. To do this, enter the runscript zz_addparty X command, where X is the character number:
1 - Alistair
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan
4 - Winn
5 - Sheila
6 - Stan
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 - Logane

Actually, it should also be said that remembering other games, I would not advise you to use cheats, as sometimes this affects achievements. So, in the third Heroes, your name changes to "Deceiver" as you progress through the game. Not very nice, right? Therefore, if there is a need, use better trainers
