Transferring 1c to another computer. Adding a Database

File database. Connecting an existing 1C database. How to transfer a 1c program from one computer to another

To transfer a specific 1C program from one computer to another, it is enough to re-install the platform on the target computer. This is done using the installation disk or a separate installation file included in the package. After installing the platform, it must be activated either via the Internet or using a hardware key.

These actions are necessary, but not sufficient to complete a complete copy or move of the 1C accounting system to another computer.

An accounting system based on 1C, in the most general case, includes, in addition to the installed platform of the required version, also the actual information database in which accounting is kept. IN special cases This will also include the operating system (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows Server) on which the complex operates, the query system (MSSQL), etc.

In our article we will limit ourselves to the general case, as it is the most widespread and in demand.

So, after installing and activating the platform on the target computer,

we will get 1C without registered information bases (IS).

Now we need to transfer and register the information security from the old computer.

For the case of information security that uses structured query language (), we need to perform an unload from the database on the old computer and subsequent loading of data into the information security on the new computer. A similar process has already been discussed in the articles “” and. We will need to upload and download data, create a “*.dt” file using the menu item “Upload information base...”.

We, as announced earlier, will turn to the file version of information security, as the most common.

There are two ways to transfer a file database from another computer. The one discussed above - with uploading/downloading the “*.dt” file, and direct transfer. Moreover, direct transfer solves the problem easier and faster than unloading. However, this method is not regulated. However, it is used by most specialists and users.

To copy information security by direct transfer, you first need to find the directory in which the database is located. This is not difficult to do. You need to open 1C on your old computer and go to the menu item “Help” - “About the program”. A lot of information about the 1C program will be available here, but we are interested in the “Catalog” section.

We close 1C.

Next, open Explorer by going to the desired directory. In the information security directory, select and copy (cut) all the files located there. It is better to copy, because in case of unexpected events with the flash drive, a copy will remain on the old computer and the operation can be repeated.

We place them on a flash drive, for example in the “IS for transfer” directory.

We transfer the flash drive to a new computer, one on which the platform is already installed. Next, we create a directory in the right place to place our information security in it. We do not recommend organizing work with information security on the disk on which the operating system is installed, usually the C:/ drive. Let this be drive D:/. In it we will create a common directory for 1C databases - “Database”. Additionally, in the “Database” directory, we will create a directory “” by the name of our database from the old computer.

Open the flash drive and transfer all previously copied files to the newly created directory.

After the transfer is complete, open 1C on the new computer until the information security selection window is empty. Next, click the “Add” button.

Select “Add to the list of an existing infobase” and click “Next”.

In the next window, enter the database name that suits us, indicate the location of the information security, and click “Next.”

All operations we previously performed to copy/move our information security will be fully in demand in the next service window. In it we indicate the directory in which the database files are now located on the new computer. Those. "D:/Database/". Having selected, click the “Next” button to proceed to the final stage.

If there is no obvious need to change, then the parameters of the next window can be left unchanged.

Click “Finish”.

In the database selection window, a generated record with the specified path to the information security system we copied from the old computer is now available.

We launch 1C in Enterprise mode and can work with the transferred database on the new computer.

So, in the simplest method, in the most general case, a file database is copied 1C to another computer.

1C: Enterprise is a software product from the 1C company designed to automate document flow in an enterprise. The program allows you to conduct management accounting and bookkeeping, for example, counting wages employees, create and maintain accounting documents and invoices.

1C is considered one of the most complex, but at the same time the most functional programs. Typically, enterprises employ special people who solve technical issues related to 1C, such as updating data and forms, backup data and database transfer. If the organization does not have a specialist in working with 1C products or a system administrator, accountants need to independently monitor the performance of the program.

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Uploading the database

In order to transfer the 1C database to another computer, you need to completely unload it and copy it to removable media. To unload the database:

  • Launch the 1C: Enterprise program;
  • In the launch window, select the desired database and click the “Configurator” button;
  • Wait for the program to start;
  • Prevent other users from working in the program;
  • Select the “Configuration” menu item, and in the drop-down list select “Open configuration”;
  • Click on the “Administration” button and select “Download infobase”;
  • Specify the target folder to save the file and start uploading.

The resulting file in *.dt format must be transferred to another computer in any available way.

Adding a Database

To add a database on another computer you must:

  • Launch 1C: Enterprise;
  • In the menu for selecting a database to load, click the “Add” button. If this is the first launch of the program, you must answer the question about adding a new database in the affirmative;
  • Select the item “Add to the list of an existing infobase” and click “Next”;
  • Enter a user-friendly name for the database;
  • Select the location of the file by selecting the option “On this computer or a computer on the local network”;
  • Specify any folder on your computer to save data;
  • Select the created database and list, and click the “Configurator” button;
  • Click on the menu item “Administration” -> “Load information base”;
  • Specify the path to the saved *.dt file and start downloading.

Computers are not particularly reliable things. Very often important parts fail, without which it is impossible to work. Constant performance is necessary for accountants and a non-working computer is absolutely unacceptable, especially during the reporting period. In this case, many system administrators resort to simple way- “raise” 1C on another computer. 1C licenses come in two types: hardware and software.

Transferring a 1C license with a hardware key

When upgrading your hardware globally or when purchasing a new computer, you must reactivate your 1C license. If you have it, everything is simple:

  • Install 1C on a new computer;
  • Install the key driver (the USB key must already be connected);
  • Copy the database or connect the configuration;
  • We use it.

Transferring a 1C license with a software key

Migrating 1C with software protection will be a little more difficult. First you need to understand how a software license works. The licensing policy of the 1C company is based on the principle of binding software to a specific computer. Therefore, after a global hardware upgrade, the license may identify the computer as “different” and refuse to work. When purchasing 1C, the user receives a sealed envelope with three PIN codes (one main and two spare) - they are necessary for the initial installation and for.

During installation of 1C, a special registration number is generated, the value of which directly depends on the computer hardware (BIOS version, model motherboard, licenses operating system and other numerous parameters) - this code is unique and the chance of encountering the same one is zero. The combination of this number and PIN code identifies the owner on the 1C license server. During the installation of the 1C platform, you must uncheck the “Install protection driver” checkbox at the last stage of installation. When you launch it for the first time (after installing the configuration), the program will prompt you to activate the product.

Activation of 1C is possible in three ways:

  • Through the Internet;
  • By email;
  • By phone.

The most common way is via the Internet. You must select the “Get a license” option. Next, fill out the form: enter the name of the organization, the necessary details and the required PIN code from the envelope. This form is transmitted via the Internet to the license server along with the generated computer hardware code. A license code is generated and linked to this computer. It is recommended that you print this form and save it.

When reactivating the license, also select the “Get a license” menu item, then you must indicate in the form the same details, letter by letter, as during the initial installation and use the backup PIN code from the envelope.

Tip: The computer on which the first PIN code was installed must be disconnected from the Internet. Otherwise, both PIN codes will be blocked.

If for some reason there is no Internet, you can obtain a license by email or by phone.

To do this you need:

  • When you first start the program, select the “Download response file” link;
  • Fill out the form;
  • Save it in a separate file and print it.

You can send this file in any available way (for example, from another computer) to email specified in the form or contact the support service by phone and dictate to the operator all the data from the form. The operator will generate a license code, and the user will be able to activate 1C using it.

What to do when there is no registration data?

There are situations when a system administrator, having gotten a job, takes over the entire enterprise and cannot find registration data on 1C. For such situations, there is a special license restoration procedure. Must be written official letter from the organization to the 1C company with a request to restore the license and send an additional PIN code. This method will also have to be used if all the backup codes from the envelope have been used. The form of this letter is available on the 1C website. As practice has shown, this procedure takes about three weeks.

No enterprise can exist without a properly constructed accounting base. In turn, no accounting department can imagine life without the most common program - the 1C program. But what to do when the database needs to be moved due to a computer replacement? We certainly recommend it, especially since our prices are quite low.

If you still want to solve this problem yourself, then the instructions below will help you.

Instructions for transferring the database to disk

Instructions for transferring a database from disk

  • enter the “Administration” application menu;
  • copy the “1C: Enterprise” database;
  • stop at the “Recover data” item;
  • set the path to the archive;
  • recover data.
  1. Data from the disk or card must be moved to the archive. If the information was stored on a computer, you need to extract files from it. To copy the database and accompanying reporting forms, you will need to make a copy of the 1SBDB folder. As a rule, it can be found in a folder named C:/Program files/1C.
  2. The next important step is to delete the 1SBDB folder from the device where the 1C database was copied. Insert the folder saved on the flash card into the free space.
  3. It happens that the task is complicated due to the absence of 1C in the folder with program files. In such a situation, you need to determine its location by right-clicking on the program shortcut located on the desktop. By selecting the “Properties” option, you will see how you can access the program files.

We also invite you to purchase licensed versions of 1C programs on our website.

The easiest way to activate a basic 1C Enterprise 8 license is via the Internet. At the same time, few users think about what changes occur on their computer after activating the program. Hence the question indicated in the title of the article.

When activating 1C:Enterprise (basic license), . This is a regular text file with a *.lic extension. This is the file that needs to be transferred to another computer so that the program can work there too - this is what more “advanced” 1C users think.

And here is the file itself.


You, of course, can try to copy this file to another computer after installing 1C on it, but it is better to use two backup licenses.

And some users begin to mindlessly copy this file to all sorts of folders. Should not be doing that. The fact is that if 1C finds a license file in more than one folder in which it usually looks for it, it will add this license to the blacklist. And this is already bad.

So after transferring the 1C database to a new computer, it’s better to just get it for this computer new license of the remaining two. This is the most acceptable option. The program must be registered on the 1C website.

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Let's sum it up

Do you want 1C to work normally on a new computer and don’t want to screw up your license? Then it’s better to re-read the license agreement for the basic version again and don’t split hairs.
