Why is growth hormone dangerous for children? The unpleasant truth about somatropin

The discovery of a method for producing muscle growth hormone took place in the 70s of the 20th century. It was isolated from the brains of corpses. Somatotropin was a very expensive drug. After 10 years, scientists learned to produce an artificial hormone chemically. The use of growth hormone in bodybuilding is now known. What kind of hormone is this, when it is used, how to take it, we will consider in this article.

Production and functions

It is a protein substance produced by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland located near the brain. It belongs to anabolic steroids. It is called growth hormone because it causes growth in adolescents. tubular bones. Thanks to him, a person becomes taller. But this is not the only consequence of the functioning of the substance. The hormone helps build muscle and burn excess fat.

Growth somatotropin is a peptide and contains just under 200 amino acids. Growth hormone in sports is prohibited for use as a doping. But, thanks to its properties, somatropin has found application in bodybuilding. Lovers of biceps and triceps can buy it in online stores. In addition, Somatropin is used to treat dwarfism in children.

Who can take the hormone without complications?

Growth hormone in bodybuilding can be used to build muscles by adult boys and girls after 20 years of age. If you try to take a course of the hormone earlier, disproportionate bone growth is possible.

If a patient with diabetes decides to improve their figure, it is necessary to do this under the supervision of an endocrinologist, since growth hormone and are antagonists. Somatropin suppresses insulin production. The doctor will advise increasing the insulin dose by 1 to 3 units while taking growth hormone with each injection. You cannot increase the dose on your own.

Previously, it was believed that growth hormone was generally contraindicated for patients with diabetes. But this is a false statement. Thanks to the action of somatropin associated with body rejuvenation and cell regeneration, the substance brings tangible benefits to the patient. It is only necessary to monitor your blood sugar using a glucometer and increase the dosage of insulin as recommended by your doctor.

The effect of the hormone on the body

The hormone has the following effects during courses of administration:

  • Somatropin builds up body muscles;
  • Excess fat is burned;
  • The body rejuvenates due to the regeneration of skin cells and internal organs;
  • In young people under 20 years of age, the substance promotes bone growth;
  • The substance strengthens bones, ligaments and cartilage;
  • The breakdown of muscle tissue slows down;
  • Immunity increases;
  • The hormone has a positive effect on metabolism;
  • Accelerates wound healing after injuries;
  • Increases the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

For muscle growth, bodybuilders should take the drug in combination with other steroids. They improve the figure by promoting dryness of the body, increasing vascularity, creating a clearly defined muscle contour.

Dosage of the drug

Growth hormone injections are given in a dose of no more than 30 IU. The specific dosage depends on the purpose of the course. If we are talking about recovery from injury, the doctor will recommend administering 2 to 4 IU every 2 days. To burn excess fat, the endocrinologist prescribes from 4 to 10 IU, depending on the patient’s complexion and concomitant diagnosis. For extension muscle mass bodybuilders are injected with 10 to 30 IU.

Drug injections are given once every 2 days. Otherwise, the medicine will affect the body's production of the hormone. To achieve results, it is better to divide the amount of required somatotropin into several portions of equal volume and administer them every 4 hours during the day. Then the drug will imitate the production of the hormone by the pituitary gland.

Contraindications and side effects

The most common side effects of using growth hormone to gain muscle weight include bloating, stomach pain, and joint pain. If you take drugs correctly, you can avoid these complications. You should not immediately take the maximum dose, but start with half the dosage, increasing it slightly every 2 days until the volume of the drug reaches the prescribed amount.

For boys and girls under 20 years of age, taking the drug is recommended only under the constant supervision of a specialist. Although abnormal bone growth is unlikely, some disproportion in the body may occur.

Before you start taking steroids to gain muscle mass, you must be tested for tumor markers specified by your doctor. People with cancer are prohibited from using anabolic steroids, as they can cause tumor growth.

How to take the hormone

The method of using the hormone depends on the purpose of the course. If somatropin is used in bodybuilding, when the bodybuilder’s muscles are already sufficiently “pumped up” and he wants to give them a clear contour, as well as for the purpose of rejuvenating and improving skin, hair, and nails, the following technique should be used:

  • You need to inject growth hormone at 5 IU of the drug every day in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
  • After 1 or 2 weeks, the dose is doubled. Inject 10 IU daily, dividing the amount into 2 injections. One injection is given in the morning half an hour to an hour before meals. The second injection is given before lunch. It’s good if an hour or 2 after breakfast there is a workout that requires significant physical activity.
  • The duration of the course is from 3 months to six months. Less short courses do not give visible results. Longer durations are contraindicated due to the body generating antibodies to the hormone and loss of sensitivity to it. In addition, acromegaly and other complications are possible.
  • Since somatropin prevents the thyroid gland from performing its functions, it is necessary to include Thyroxine in the course of treatment at a dose of 25 mcg daily from the very beginning of taking the steroid. This measure will increase the safety of the drug and its effectiveness, since Thyroxin enhances the process of burning extra fat kilograms.
  • Since drugs increase blood sugar levels, it is necessary to constantly monitor it. When glucose levels increase, patients with diabetes need to add 1 - 2 units to the daily dose of insulin with each injection. This is done under the supervision of an endocrinologist, since excessive increases in insulin dosage lead to hypoglycemic coma.
  • When taking the drug according to the described method, you need to go to training or do fitness 2–3 times every 7 days.

Before going to the fitness center, check your health. People with heart disease or a tendency to hypertension have severe physical exercise contraindicated.

If growth hormone is used in powerlifting to increase body weight by building muscles, rejuvenating and improving the skin, other hormones of the anabolic steroid class are added to this course of Somatotropin. Most often it is recommended to add Testosterone enanthate up to 500 mg every 7 days. It is also good to take Boldenone 400 mg per week or Sustanon 250 mg along with Somatropin. Since the mechanism of action of these steroids differs from the functioning of growth hormone, they do not significantly change hormonal background body.

For better fat burning, instead of the above hormonal drugs, you can use, supplementing growth hormone for athletes, Anavar up to 30 mg per day or Winstrol in the same dose. We must remember that taking anabolic steroids does not eliminate the need to follow a diet to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Also, during the period of taking anabolic steroids, it is necessary to go to training sessions that take into account their consumption.

For fat burning, you can also give Thyroxine injections at a dose of up to 100 - 200 mcg per day, dividing the amount of the drug into 3 injections. The last dose of medication should be taken before 6 pm. You can start taking Thyroxine with a dose of no more than 50 mcg, increasing the daily dose by 25 mcg every 2 days. You should not take more than 200 mcg per day, as side effects may occur.

Features of training

Features of the training when you inject yourself with steroids suggest:

  • Giving your muscles rest. You cannot load every muscle every day. It makes sense to train every other day. The muscles must be divided into 3 groups, and in each workout, do the load on 1 group, in turn.
  • The duration of the workout is from an hour to 2. Each exercise is repeated 8 times. The set of exercises is repeated 3 - 4 times.
  • Taking steroids increases the risk of injury. The fact is that muscle mass grows faster than joints and tendons become stronger. Therefore, before performing strength exercises, a warm-up is required - the muscles need to be “warmed up”.
  • Training involves a progressive increase in load. They start with the average weight that you are used to taking. Then each workout the weight is increased slightly. Then the growing muscle mass will be included in the load.
  • Once a bodybuilder stops taking steroids, it is necessary to reduce the load. This should be expressed in reducing training time, reducing the number of repetitions of exercises, and reducing the weight lifted. After half a month, the load should decrease to such an extent that the bodybuilder leaves training without fatigue. That is, if you started classes with a load of 100%, while taking an anabolic steroid you reached a load of 130%, then after completing the course the load should decrease to 70%.

If you do not reduce the load after finishing the course of steroids, the built-up muscles will begin to break down. You can reduce the load by reducing the number of repetitions of exercises, but without reducing the weight, so as not to worsen results achieved. The load is increased a month after the end of the course to 80%, gradually increasing it to 100%.

Method of diluting the hormone in powder and method of administration

Buy Somatropin at the pharmacy. How to dilute growth hormone is not difficult to understand. You need to wipe the tip of the ampoule and the cap of the bottle with powder with alcohol. Then you need to draw liquid from the ampoule with a syringe and, piercing the lid of the bottle with the medicine with a syringe needle, inject the solvent into the wall along the wall, and then dilute the somatropin by shaking the bottle. It is better to put growth hormone in your stomach in the area 2 cm from your navel. Athletes usually know how to stab.

Where to inject, besides the stomach? You can give an injection in the leg or arm, in the upper outer part. The skin is wiped with alcohol, a fold is made from it and it is injected into the fold, inserting a syringe shallowly.

Probably all guys want to be big and have an impressive body size. Nature helped some in this, while others, alas, remain small, frail men. But is it possible to bypass hereditary and other factors and still get the desired volumes?

About the hormone

Every body contains human growth hormone. It is a protein produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It is worth noting that growth hormone is produced in any body throughout life. However, during the active development of a person - in adolescence - the body receives it in several more than usual. Further, as we age, its production decreases by 14% per decade.

Help for athletes

Today, everyone can purchase synthetic ones, the price of which is not so high. Moreover, the consumer can be pushed to take such actions by multiple websites and brochures, which are constantly advertised with huge biceps. By consuming growth hormone, you can as soon as possible get the desired result - build muscle mass and get rid of fat deposits. But such actions are fraught with negative consequences.


Before you start consuming growth hormone on your own, each person should make sure that they really need it. And also consult regarding the correct dosage of the drug. Upon admission this tool It is also necessary to take into account that growth hormone alone positive result will not work, it must be used in combination. So, you will need to subordinate your life to a certain schedule with the right diet and frequent and long workouts in the gym. But today, unfortunately, this is not available to everyone.

Medical prescription

In addition to the fact that growth hormone is widely used by those who want to get bigger biceps, it can also be prescribed by doctors if an ordinary person does not have enough of this hormone in the body. This drug should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist. It is also worth considering some nuances along the way, since the use of this hormone may not be ascribed to every patient.

Side effects

Each medical product has specific uses. Growth hormone is no exception. Side effects when using this product may include mild pain and swelling of the area where the injection was made. It is worth noting that this most often happens at the very beginning of taking the drug; over time, the body no longer reacts this way to the introduction of the hormone. What else can surprise growth hormone? Side effects from its use may be the following: headaches, nausea, and hyperglycemia - an increase in blood sugar levels.


Any medication can cause an overdose. Growth hormone is no exception. Side effects in this case: suppression of the thyroid gland, impaired pancreatic functionality (possibly even before the development of diabetes mellitus). IN extreme cases it is possible to increase not only muscle mass, but also cartilage tissue, which will be followed by enlargement of facial features, an increase in the size of arms and legs. It is important to remember that teenagers, under the special supervision of adults, should take growth hormone; side effects at this age can greatly harm a still growing body.

Around the end of the 80s, the world of professional iron sports, i.e. everyone's favorite bodybuilding, a new drug has arrived - growth hormone. Since then, there have been significant changes in the dimensions of competing athletes. It's no secret that in modern competitive bodybuilding high level You can’t do without steroid drugs. But the story is slightly different with growth hormone. Not everyone can afford it, because... it's quite expensive. If there were enough funds, or if it cost a little less, then I think the majority would give preference only to GR, taking into account the fact that it is legal.

Although the International Olympic Committee banned the use of this drug by athletes, its demand has not diminished. Initially, like most drugs, somatotropin was used exclusively for medical purposes, but rather quickly growth hormone began to be used in sports, and not only in bodybuilding.

So, what is this growth hormone? This is a peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which is used by athletes to increase muscle mass and give the body relief.

Despite the fact that growth hormone was banned by the Olympic Committee back in 1989, today it is used very often. Somatotropin is mainly used in bodybuilding along with other anabolic drugs to build muscle mass and reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat. Growth hormone is also used to reduce the incidence of injury, as it has the ability to strengthen bone and connective tissue. In other sports, growth hormone is almost not used, since its use is not advisable. Despite the fact that somatotropin increases muscle volume, this is not reflected in strength indicators, that is, they do not increase, which means there is no need to use growth hormone in strength sports. Studies have also found that taking growth hormone does not lead to an increase in other sports indicators - endurance or performance, so it makes sense to take somatotropin only in bodybuilding.

Growth hormone is taken in bodybuilding to increase definition. Somatotropin has obvious advantages - high efficiency, low chance of side effects, no effect on sexual function, and does not require post-course therapy. After four weeks of taking growth hormone, the athlete’s total weight increases slightly (2-4 kg), and in some cases may even decrease due to large losses of fat mass.

The main disadvantage of somatotropin is the very high cost of the drug and the high risk of buying a counterfeit.

Why is growth hormone so expensive?

Everything is very simple. High demand for this drug. It is used almost everywhere. They are injected into show business stars to make them look younger and more beautiful, and they are injected into old people for rejuvenation, because... With age, the secretion of this hormone decreases; it is used by athletes, especially often in bodybuilding. In general, the product is in great demand. But there is another reason - the process of its production is very complicated.

“If growth hormone is so expensive, why don’t I buy a regular course of steroids?” - you ask. And I will answer you. If GR did not do its “job” the way it can, namely fantastically, then it would not have been bought or used in such large quantities.

  1. GH increases the number of muscle cells. Thanks to this, the effect of a course of GH does not “go away” after its completion, unlike a course of steroids.
  2. What is practically impossible with natural training is possible with growth hormone, namely a decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat and an increase in muscle mass. It should be noted that somatotropin is not recommended for athletes who need the following qualities to be maximally developed: endurance and performance, because Studies have proven that it reduces the threshold of fatigue.
  3. Growth hormone in bodybuilding does not cause such side effects as from a course of steroids. Also, a course of GH does not require PCT (post-cycle therapy). Moreover, GH can help you get rid of “sores” caused by certain injuries, because it is capable of restoring bone and connective tissue.

As we have already said, the secretion of growth hormone in the human body decreases with age. The production of GH is minimal in older people, the maximum standard level is in childhood. During the day, the release of growth hormone occurs periodically, with several peaks in GH levels every 3-5 hours. Typically, the greatest secretion of somatotropin occurs at night when we sleep, about an hour after falling asleep.

Is it possible to increase the secretion of growth hormone? Yes, you can. Here are a few ways, both pharmacological and natural.

Side effects

When taking growth hormone, side effects are quite rare, but if you exceed the recommended dosage and take too long a course, you may encounter the following problems:

The information provided below is for reference only. The use of growth hormone for non-medical purposes is prohibited by Russian law.

Since growth hormone or growth hormone is synthesized by the body, the incidence of side effects remains low. All negative manifestations of somatotropin are mainly observed when its recommended dosage is exceeded. In fact, the following side effects are identified:

  • Compression-ischemic neuropathy (tunnel syndrome) - with this pathology, pain and paresis of the limbs often occur. During the period of intense muscle growth while taking somatotropin, muscle tissue begins to grow faster than peripheral nerve fibers are formed near this tissue, thereby compressing the nerves, causing unpleasant tingling sensations and pain. In fact, this is not a serious side effect, it does not pose a threat to health and is easily relieved after reducing the dosage of the drug.
  • The accumulation of fluid in the body is, in fact, also not a side effect, since the accumulation of fluid occurs in muscle tissue, increasing it in size due to excess water. It often happens that even the prescription of small dosages of the drug can lead to severe swelling of the extremities (in particular the hands).
  • An increase in blood pressure is a consequence of the previous point (excess fluid provokes the development of arterial hypertension), it is normalized in the same way - the dosage of the drug is reduced, or medicines blood pressure lowering agents (preferably diuretics).
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland - in this case, no serious symptoms are observed, since the suppressive effect of the hormone is too small. To relieve it and increase the effectiveness of the course, synthetic analogues of thyroxine (T4) are used - for example, L-thyroxine 25 µg per day.
  • High blood sugar levels can be treated with insulin injections or pancreatic stimulants (antidiabetic drugs). Often does not require adjustment and is a completely reversible side effect.
  • Acromegaly is a pathology that occurs with excessive use of growth hormone. There is an increase in the bones of the skull, nose, feet, and hands. Rational use of growth hormone eliminates the occurrence of acromegaly.
  • Myocardial hypertrophy is observed after long courses of growth hormone in increased dosages. Rational intake also eliminates this disease.

Side effects,
allegedly related
to take growth hormone

  • Abdominal enlargement - there is an opinion that growth hormone increases the abdominal area due to hypertrophy of the peritoneal organs (due to the fact that these organs contain receptors for the protein IGF-1 - insulin-like growth factor). There is currently no evidence of this fact. Doctors suggest that an enlarged belly is a consequence of several factors.
  • Erectile dysfunction and decrease - growth hormone does not affect reproductive function and sexual function. The opposite opinion is erroneous.
  • Inhibition of the pituitary gland and suppression of the production of endogenous growth hormone - to refute this fact, a study was conducted on more than a hundred people, the results of which did not reveal any negative effect on the synthesis of its own somatotropin.
  • Oncological diseases - growth hormone supposedly promotes the division of cancer cells. To confirm or refute this, several more studies were conducted that involved patients undergoing hormonal therapy using growth hormone. As a result, it turned out that the incidence of tumors in the experiment participants was no different from the statistical data, this in turn proves the safety of growth hormone in terms of the occurrence of cancer.


Growth hormone has virtually no serious side effects, naturally, if used in standard and safe dosages. Almost all side effects of growth hormone are completely reversible. There is evidence that growth hormone promotes rejuvenation of the body: it tones, reduces the amount of LDL, improves skin condition, increases bone strength, etc.

Growth Hormone Preparations it is forbidden accept:

  • patients whose epiphysis was closed
  • patients with cancer with active neoplasia
  • patients in acute shock with severe infection

The drug should be prescribed with caution when diabetes mellitus, intracranial hypertension, hypothyroidism.

Precautionary measures

1. Treatment with recombinant human growth hormone should be carried out when a qualified physician has made a clear diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in the patient.

2. Thyroid function should be checked regularly as clinical hypothyroidism may occur in some patients during treatment with recombinant human growth hormone. For those suffering from hypothyroidism, the addition of thyroid hormone is necessary to consolidate the therapeutic effect of treatment with recombinant human growth hormone.

3. Growth hormone can lead to an excess of insulin, you should pay attention to this in case of glucose intolerance.

4. For patients whose growth hormone deficiency is caused by a brain tumor or brain injury, the development and possibility of recurrence of potential diseases should be carefully monitored.

6. Overdose of recombinant human growth hormone is prohibited. Symptoms of acute overdose may include first hypoglycemia and then hyperglycemia. With prolonged overdose, signs and symptoms characteristic of excess human growth hormone - acromegaly and / or gigantism - may appear, and hypothyroidism and a decrease in serum cortisol levels may also occur.

7. Changes may occur at the site of drug administration in case of lipodystrophy.

Side effects

Common adverse reactions manifest themselves in the form of mild pain, tingling, swelling in the area where the drug was administered, peripheral edema, and joint pain. All of these side effects often occur at the beginning of treatment and are acceptable, and are also temporary.

Growth hormone may cause temporary hyperglycemia and may be restored when administration has occurred or ended.

Long-term, high-dose administration of recombinant human growth hormone may result in antibody growth in some patients. The concentration of antibodies can sometimes increase to 2 ml/l, which can affect the therapeutic and health-improving effectiveness
