Prayer for a drinking child in the icon of the inexhaustible cup. Prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon can save you from alcoholism

Complete collection and description: prayer for a brother’s drunkenness is powerful for the spiritual life of a believer.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer “Inexhaustible Chalice” for drunkenness of husband, son, so that they stop drinking

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People often say: “If there were no wine, we would not be drunkards.” Aren't they crazy?! They themselves sin, but it’s God’s gift?! Is wine the cause of all evil?! Of course not! The cause of these evils is intemperance, the abuse of wine. It’s better to say: “If there were no drunkenness, then...” You can also say: “It would be better if there was no iron, because there are murderers; if there were no night, there would be no thieves, etc.” You just want to destroy and exterminate everything. And all because it is not wine that needs to be despised, but the dependence on it. This is a satanic spirit.

Icon against drunkenness “The Inexhaustible Chalice”

Among all the anafixes of the Mother of God, the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” is the most relevant. This image depicts the Mother of God with her hands raised up. In front of the Mother of God there is a large bowl in which the Infant God is depicted in the same pose. Prayer to the Mother of God can deliver a believer from various cups:

  • tempting cup;
  • the cup that destroys the family;
  • cups that destroy fate;
  • destroying the human personality.

Prayer against drunkenness to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon helps against various vicious addictions: alcoholism, smoking or drug addiction. According to many reviews of believers, it is known that strong prayer against drunkenness can cure not only vicious diseases, but also change the spiritual world and personality of a person on a virtuous and Christian path. For example, a husband who has sunk from drunkenness will rise up after a sincere prayer service and begin to live a full life.

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer against drunkenness helps:

  1. When the patient refuses treatment and does not admit alcohol dependence. In such a situation, you can even perform the ritual without the knowledge of the alcoholic;
  2. Suitable for true believers, for people who pray every day. This is how you can cure your son, husband, brother, mother, even yourself and other relatives from drunkenness;
  3. When it is not permissible to publicize a patient’s registration with a narcologist. This is possible with some professions. A visit to a narcologist in some cases can contribute to problems with work activity;
  4. For financial problems or disabilities. And prayer for a husband’s alcoholism does not require financial expenses when treatment in specialized clinics is quite expensive;
  5. Prayer can also be used as an additional treatment. After all, it can support a person’s state of mind, and also give a person confidence that he made the right decision by quitting drinking alcohol.

Who can ask Our Lady for help?

In modern realities, most often a wife asks for healing for her husband. But there are cases when children ask their mother for help from drunkenness, a sister for her brother, a mother for her son, etc. It is important to understand that it does not matter at all who asks the Mother of God for help. The main thing is that you believe in it and ask for it from the bottom of your heart.

It is also important to understand that it is very difficult to get rid of such addiction. You will need a lot of patience as the process is lengthy.

The prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon against drunkenness reads like this:

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives.

Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.

Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High.

Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen".

God bless you!

Watch also the video of the prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”:

Prayers for alcoholism, or how to overcome drunkenness with the help of faith

When a terrible disease called “alcoholism” comes to a family, the drinker’s relatives are ready to take any measures to cope with it. Convictions and requests, coding, drug therapy sometimes do not bring the desired result, and sometimes they change a person in ways that are not better side. In such cases, prayer for drunkenness becomes the last hope; even inveterate skeptics can turn to higher powers.

How it works

Official science denies the possibility of healing from alcoholism with the help of prayers and other alternative methods. They explain their position by the fact that dependence on alcohol is a serious illness that provokes changes in the human psyche and physiology. However, even narcologists admit that the desire to get rid of the disease must come from within. The goal of traditional therapy is to induce aversion to any type of alcohol using medication or psychological influence.

In Orthodoxy and other religions, drunkenness is a disease of the soul generated by demonic influence. Turning to God through prayer can purify a person and encourage him to give up bad habit and return to your normal lifestyle.

The effectiveness of the method has no scientific explanation, but there are many cases where this particular method helped. Prayers against drunkenness and alcoholism work only with sincere, strong faith into God. Requests that do not come from the heart are unlikely to bring positive results. In this complex matter it is important A complex approach, you need to support the patient, protect him from temptations and reasons to return to the old ways.

The most effective prayers

The Orthodox faith is capable of giving relief from addiction to alcohol to anyone who is sincere and truly wants to overcome it. It is not necessary to read a special prayer; even the simplest “Our Father” has amazing power if the words come from the heart.

There are several saints in Christianity, appealing to whom can save you from drunkenness.

To heal men

Representatives most often suffer from addiction to alcohol strong half humanity. If the addict is unable to cope on his own, turning to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help. The wife must perform this ritual:

  • on Thursday, buy a candle in the temple;
  • place the faces of Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona and the Virgin Mary near it;
  • Prepare a container with clean water.

After this say the text:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libations. He will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drink without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen".

The prayer is said three times in an empty room, focusing on the vessel. After such a conspiracy, water acquires miraculous powers. The liquid must be added to the husband for 40 days; it cannot be skipped.

To save a son from drunkenness, the same ritual is performed in front of the icon of Boniface, addressing the martyr:

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Amen".

Boniface during his life adhered to paganism and was a drunkard, but after touching the holy relics he gained faith, for which he later died in agony. Turning to him is considered one of the most powerful prayers that helps save loved ones.

No less effective is a prayer to John of Kronstadt, canonized for helping ordinary workers overcome alcoholism. You need to pray to his face in church, always in front of candles, reciting the text of chapter 15 of the gospel:

“Holy John, look mercifully on Thy servant (name of the alcoholic), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal pleasure. Help him to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and to reap the fruits of the Spirit. Amen".

These simple words can work a miracle and save you from years of drunkenness.

If the husband is far away

An appeal to Matrona of Moscow can cure a man at a distance:

“Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, I turn to you with a prayer. Not for wealth and prosperity, but about her drinking husband. Free him with your mercy from alcohol addiction and do not let his immortal soul perish. As soon as he touches the bottle, hit him on the back of the head. As soon as he takes a sip, he will feel a little sick. As soon as he gets drunk again, let him immediately become hysterical. Tears will flow from his eyes, he will drink for the last time. Thy will be done. Amen".

The words are spoken in front of the icon every day until the beloved man returns. Judging by the reviews, prayer works even if the patient is against therapy.

To heal women

Alcoholism of the weaker half of humanity is a terrible sight and difficult to treat. Once dependent on alcohol, a woman quickly degrades and often cannot stop on her own. To help a mother or daughter recover, you can turn to the Mother of God.

The prayer “Inexhaustible Chalice” is said in front of the icon bearing the same name. It depicts the Virgin Mary and the baby resting in a vessel, after drinking from which any person receives consolation and satisfies spiritual needs.

And here is the prayer itself:

“Oh, Most Merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but mercifully hear us: wives, children, mothers and those obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and for this, for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives. Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers for their children shedding tears, wives for their weeping husbands, children, the orphaned and the poor, abandoned as lost, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the Throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen".

For the words to have an effect, the person asking must repent and order a prayer service with an akathist to the Mother of God, and also recite the sacred text at least 12 times a day in a calm atmosphere.

To heal yourself

Some people realize the dangers of alcohol and independently turn to God asking for deliverance.

To cure addiction, the patient must read a prayer to Moses Murin. This saint voluntarily put an end to drinking and a riotous lifestyle and saved others from this. A prayer service is ordered in a church or asked for at a holy house, making sure to place candles and other icons nearby.

“Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but, horrified by your sins, you grieved for them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your former iniquities and in difficult feats of fasting and prayer, you spent your days until your death and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness. and the gift of miracles. Oh, reverence, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins! Help the servants of God who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction from the immeasurable wine of consumption, which damages the immortal soul and body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, Holy Moses, Lord Christ. May He, the Merciful, not reject them, powerless and unfortunate, perishing from the passion of excessive wine drinking, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, for all of us, as creatures of God, have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer and ours. Drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions, deliver them from the harm of excessive wine drinking, so that, renewed, in spiritual sobriety and a bright mind, they love all abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the Savior The All-Good God is always His creation, and to Him belongs glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen".

An additional rule for every day is to pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon several times before going to bed.

Rules for turning to God

Church ministers advise asking to be delivered from drunkenness in church by first confessing and receiving communion.

A person praying must not only recite sacred texts, but also live according to the canons of Orthodoxy:

During prayer, you cannot think about your problems; you need to focus on the desire to help your loved one.

It is not necessary to ask for healing in church; an akathist (a song glorifying a saint, at the end of which there is a request) can be read at home and even at a party. The main thing is to retire and take a break from ordinary affairs. The prayers are written in a special language, difficult to pronounce for ordinary people; the church allows them to be spoken simply in Russian. The sacred words can be spoken (aloud or silently) by the dependent person or a loved one by agreement with the patient or on his own initiative.

The appeal to God must begin with the “Our Father”, and then move on to the akathist. The prayer is said standing in front of the icons with a lit candle.

Interestingly, the effectiveness of prayers is higher if they come from an alcoholic. But miracles are possible even in hopeless cases, when relatives, without the knowledge of the patient, ask to guide him on the right path.

However, you should not expect that just turning to God is enough to save a man or woman from addiction.

Treatment of alcoholism with prayers does not bring instant results and must be combined with other methods. It is important to provide moral support, strengthen his health and distract him from the desire to drink. Therapy is not stopped, even if the patient has breakdowns.

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All materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only. The decision on the need to use one or another method is determined by the doctor.

How to pray for a drinking husband, son, or loved one

Very often people ask questions: “How to pray for drinking man? What prayers can help him? What icons should one turn to so that a person susceptible to the passion of alcoholism receives a speedy healing?”

We understand: it is very important to help a drinking person spiritually. An alcohol dependent person is often a person possessed, a person who has been possessed by a fallen spirit, a demon, through the passion of alcoholism. Only God can help an alcohol-dependent person break out of a state of obsession.

But God helps when He is asked for help. If they do not ask God for help, if they refuse His help, then this help does not come.

God does not force himself on anyone. He gave every person free will and expects from a person a free expression of will, a free desire to come to Him.

What to do if an alcoholic person is in such a difficult spiritual state that he cannot turn to God for help, when he cannot and does not want to come to the temple of God? In this case, he needs the spiritual help of family and friends.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

First of all, they need to start praying for the person suffering from alcoholism. This could be home prayer, it could be church prayer. You should also give alms and do good deeds to save the drinking person.

The personal life of a person who wants to pray for someone suffering from alcoholism is very important. It is very important that such a person lives according to the commandments of God and is a churchgoer. So that he observes fasts, has no mortal sins, regularly confesses and receives communion. Then his prayer will have real power.

In home prayer for an alcohol-dependent person, you can read an akathist in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” read two chapters from the Gospel every day, and one kathisma from the Psalter. You can read various kinds of prayers for the healing of the sick.

Stories from our readers

Read more advice from priest Alexy Moroz on prayer for a drinker here:

SENSATION! Doctors are dumbfounded! ALCOHOLISM goes away FOREVER! You just need it every day after meals. Read more–>

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look graciously upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, our All-Bountiful God and Creator.

Prayer to the Lord

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting bodily sorrows of people and, we pray to Thee, our God, visit Thy servant (name), who is weak with Thy mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking infirmity, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will, for it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Another prayer to the Lord

Lord Almighty, Physician of our souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and again heal! Visit Thy servant (name) who is infirm and heal him, raising him from his bed and infirmity. Rebuke the spirit of infirmity, leave from it every ulcer, every disease, and even if there is sin or lawlessness in it, weaken, leave, forgive Your love for mankind. To her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Him art thou blessed, and with Thy Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”

O most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and heal the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed and for the sake of your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of our fallen brothers and sisters and relatives. O merciful Magi of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of orphans and poor children abandoned as lost, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours come through Your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeal without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless centuries. Amen

Prayer to the martyr Boniface

O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, see for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. O holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given to them by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn away His mercy from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, oh He is awake and a good answer will be given about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling down on your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, invincible power, so that the mercy of God will cover us for endless centuries. Amen

Prayer before and after reading the Gospel

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel, which are about the salvation of Your servant. The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in him, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is impossible to cure alcoholism.

  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Alcoholism is a huge grief that affects almost all families of our vast country. Unfortunately, many simply do not know how to deal with this terrible disease. It should be noted that the effectiveness of prayers for drunkenness is no less than for medications. Therefore, along with medical therapy, you should regularly attend church and turn to God.

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen"

This strong prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. Words must be spoken repeatedly and with an open heart. After each appeal to the face, you should cross yourself three times.

At the same time as reading prayers for alcoholism, do not forget to attend church and submit notes about the health of the sick person.

It should be noted that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is the most powerful in the fight against addiction to alcoholic beverages.

What to do if alcoholism overcomes your husband?

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libations. The husband will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drinks without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen"

These words are read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If the petition is carried out at home, then silence is an integral part of the prayer process. Among other things, in the temple you should purchase the icon “The Untrustworthy Chalice”, the face of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow. Light 3 church candles and place them opposite the icons. Place a decanter of holy water nearby. It is this powerful liquid that is the main attribute of the church ceremony.

To carry out a prayer aimed at combating your husband’s alcoholism, you should carefully look at the carafe of water.

At the same time, do not forget to attend church, pray in front of the face of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and submit health notes once every 10 days.

The charmed water should be added to the husband's food and drinks secretly.

How to stop your son from drinking?

Prayer to Saint Boniface the Merciful:

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Amen"

Another prayer against alcohol addiction directed to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. For the evil indulgences and for all the humiliation - forgive me. Destroy the vile addiction and bring daring will upon your son. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen"

You should ask for your son with lit candles. In addition to the icon of the Martyr Boniface the Merciful and Jesus Christ, acquire the face Holy Mother of God“The Inexhaustible Chalice”, Nikolai Ugodnik and Matrona of Moscow. Proceed according to the same scheme - secretly add the charmed water to your son.. Do not despair if changes do not yet occur, because healing a drinking soul is a long process. Stock up on love, patience and kindness.

Believe me, these prayers for alcoholism are unique in their kind. They are able to overcome even the most advanced cases.

What if the disease of drunkenness seized the father, mother?

“Most praiseworthy martyrs, honorable brothers Flora and Lavre, hear all those who flock to your intercession, and just as during your life you healed horses, so now deliver them from all ailments. Listen to the prayer of those who come running to you, so that the most holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will be glorified by everyone, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen"

This prayer is read in front of the icon of St. Laurus and Florus. The faces of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona of Moscow and the “Inexhaustible Chalice” must be standing nearby. Petitions are made for father and mother with lit candles. To completely cleanse the soul and thoughts of the drinker, it is necessary to let the candles burn out to the end.

Another prayer against the alcoholism of the mother and father before the face of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary. Hear this prayer and save my mother from the intoxicating intoxication. Do not leave her in trouble and suffering and release all your punishments. Have mercy and send salvation from reckless drunkenness. Give her holy water and cleanse her of bad filth. Thy will be done. Amen"

These words are powerful. Read them daily and with faith.

How to cure yourself from drunkenness?

Prayer to St. Moses Murin against alcoholism

“Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but, horrified by your sins, you grieved for them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your former iniquities and in difficult feats of fasting and prayer, you spent your days until your death and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness. and the gift of miracles.

Oh, reverence, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins! Help the servants of God who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction from the immeasurable wine of consumption, which damages the immortal soul and body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you.

Pray, holy Moses, the Lord Christ, that He, the Merciful, will not reject them, powerless and unfortunate, perishing from the passion of excessive wine drinking, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, for we all, as creatures of God, have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer and ours.

Drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions, deliver them from the harm of excessive wine drinking, so that, renewed, in spiritual sobriety and a bright mind, they love all abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the Savior The All-Good God is always His creation, and to Him belongs glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen"

This prayer is read in front of the icon of Saint Moses Murin. If you ask at home, then the face of Jesus Christ, Motrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, as well as the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” should be placed around. Don't forget about candles - they should become the main attribute when asking for a cure. You should ask for yourself to get rid of alcohol addiction every day and several times. You need to pronounce words in complete silence, with pure ambassadors and an open heart.

If you have expressed a desire to cure yourself of alcoholism, you should serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the healer Panteleimon, the Most Holy Theotokos, and Saint Boniface with the blessing of water. Holy water must be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. The healing liquid should be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

At night, prayers against drunkenness should be performed several times in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It is this powerful face that can help a patient fight against alcoholism.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen"

In addition to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, the face of the Holy Matrona of Moscow is also capable of fighting alcoholism. By turning to it daily, you can get rid of even the most severe addiction.

When making petitions to God's Martyrs, try to concentrate on every word. Under no circumstances should you pronounce phrases in a hurry while thinking about something extraneous. This will not help your grief! Trust in God's help must be sincere. All words must be pronounced clearly and out loud. And faith that the Lord will help must be complete.

Don't forget the Lord's Prayer. It should be read several times a day. As you know, these truly powerful words can fight all difficulties and failures.

Happiness to you and your family!

Alcoholism is a problem for many families, and not only the addicted person, but also his immediate environment suffers from it. It is very difficult to talk about coding, since it requires the good will of the alcoholic, the desire to be healed. But, as practice shows, a dependent person is not able to understand the seriousness of his condition, continues his wild lifestyle, does not control himself, and becomes the biggest disaster for his family. To solve a problem, you can turn a person to God.

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Prayers against alcoholic drinks

There are special prayers for alcoholism that encode an energy resource and force the alcoholic to urgently stop drinking. Some people don’t believe in such healing, but other people have nothing more to count on. In order not to drink, they are ready to do anything, but willpower and spirit are sorely lacking.

The inexhaustible prayer against drunkenness has been passed on from mouth to mouth for many years; moreover, it has helped more than one generation in the fight against such a destructive habit. It should be read not only by alcoholics, but also by relatives who suffer from alcohol addiction in one of their household members.

All skeptics should note that prayer for drunkenness acts as powerfully as medical coding for alcoholism. Some especially religious people sincerely believe that in order to stop drinking, you need to read a prayer to the icon several times a day. Such persistence and frankness will not go unnoticed, and the person who drank, unexpectedly for everyone, will come out of the binge and will finally come to his senses. The effect of prayers is almost instantaneous, but in order to consolidate the result obtained, a prayer for alcoholism must begin and end a new day.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

The prayers of a mother, son and daughter who have started drinking are considered especially powerful and cannot get rid of such a destructive habit alone. It is recommended to read such prayers at dawn, when the house is a full cup. In order to defend a person before God, to give him a second chance at a full life, you need to pray for him with the whole family, and turn to the strongest martyr. So who can be entrusted with such an important mission to pull a person, for example, a father, from the abyss?

Saints against alcoholism

Prayers against drunkenness are well known to the adult generation; for example, fathers and mothers know how to read them to protect their troubled children. To stop drinking, there are known prayers to the martyr that really work in practice. Before studying them, it is necessary to study which Orthodox martyrs spoke out against alcohol addiction. It also doesn’t hurt to study real reviews, you never know, it will come in handy. So, to which martyr should we recite prayers against alcoholism, to which icon should we bow and ask?

    • Moses Murin;
    • Boniface the Merciful;

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Martyr Boniface;
  • Icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”;
  • Matrona of Moscow.

Every saint hears prayers from drunkenness, so it is important to decide who to read to, who to ask. Such prayers help from a distance, and this is confirmed by positive reviews about prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matronushka of Moscow, the Lord God, Moses Murin. With God's help, a once-drinking person has a real chance to return to worldly life and get rid of alcohol addiction. This is a strong aid in speedy healing.

Famous prayers

Prayer to the Holy Mother of God:

“Most Holy Mother of God, listen to my petition, save my mother from the intoxicating intoxication. Do not abandon her in difficult times, misfortune and suffering; release the punishments. Have mercy, send her true salvation. Thy will be done. Amen". It is necessary to stand in front of the icon and sincerely read about the healing of your mother. This will help her to stop drinking soon and finally get rid of alcoholism.

Prayer to Moses Murin:

“Oh, the inexhaustible power of repentance! You, Reverend Moses! Help the servants of God who pray to you, drive away the devil from them, give them strength, free them from excessive wine drinking, love them for all abstinence and piety. Honor, worship forever and ever. Amen". So as not to drink, this is a strong prayer for a mother, husband, father and son, which helps to quickly get rid of alcoholism and get out of binge drinking.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow:

“Blessed Matrona, heal all our illnesses and weaknesses, deliver us from temptations and seduction, devilish marking. Help me carry my everyday cross, endure all life’s hardships and hardships, and not lose the image of God throughout life, the glorifying mercy, the goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the glorious Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” If you pray to the icon every day, you will no longer want to drink.

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”:

“Oh, merciful mother of god, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Ask Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn away His mercy from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours come, through Your prayers, to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the enemy’s machinations, and in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us through the airy ordeals without stumbling, through prayers.”

For prayer to have an effect and discourage a person from drinking, you must sincerely believe in what is said, rely only on yourself. This really helps, and “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is on everyone’s lips. It is read by a mother to her son, a wife to her husband, and a father to her children. In order not to drink, you additionally need to go to church, stand in front of the icon, read prayers and put a piece of your heart and soul into the essence of what is said. If you still cannot get rid of alcoholism, it is additionally important to take communion, repent, and trust in the Holy Mother of God. This is very important for every person to finally take the righteous path of correction and repentance.

Helpful information

The inexhaustible chalice is The best way stop drinking, feel the spiritual support of higher powers. To understand the reality of this method, you need to start with cleansing your own soul. Only in this way will the mother’s help be felt by the son, the wife’s support will be felt drinking husband. The inexhaustible cup is voiced in front of the icon; all relatives, friends, and acquaintances can read it.

To save a person from alcoholic drinks, the magpie for health helps, which is announced in the church for 40 days from the date of order. It is also necessary to read a prayer to the Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow, John of Kronstadt, the martyr Boniface or another saint at home for a mother about her son or husband.

The prayer also helps to stop drinking, and it is recommended to read it in church - at daily or Sunday services. So that the husband does not drink, the wife asks God morning, noon and evening, and does this openly and sincerely. The first should be a prayer to the Mother of God, the second should be the “Inexhaustible Chalice”, and then – Matronushka or John of Kronstadt. Therefore, for the sake of her son, the mother will have to know all these prayers by heart, turn to God’s help every day, and read with all her heart. Whichever the reader chooses for himself is considered powerful for his case, since the choice is made with the heart and soul.

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” and the prayer service are effective methods so that my son and husband don’t drink anymore. But, before reading the prayer to the Mother of God and the martyr Boniface, you need to prepare holy water for yourself. You can receive this task from a mother, especially since maternal love can work true miracles. For the prayer to work, the alcoholic must drink a glass of holy liquid every morning - this is not easy for a drinker.

The prayer for a husband, son, daughter, “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” should be read in front of the icon, so that the face of the Mother of God gives confidence and faith in her petition. If it is possible to attract a drinking person (son, husband) to the faith, then the martyr from alcohol addiction will suddenly receive insight and open new way. It is also important to go to prayer services to be closer to St. John and Our Lady. Over time, the alcoholic will notice that he has not drank for a long time and does not plan to do so anymore.

As “The Inexhaustible Chalice” says, a daughter can ask for her father, a wife for her husband, a mother for her son, or for any other person, so that he does not drink. This can be done not only in church in front of icons, God lives everywhere and sees everything. For him to hear, you need to contact him, sincerely ask. It wouldn’t hurt to order a prayer service or magpie for health.

If an alcoholic continues to drink, and prayers to St. John do not help, it’s time to go to a drug treatment clinic. In order for the husband and son to recover, qualified assistance from narcologists and psychologists is mandatory. A person (father, husband), if he wishes, can be pulled out of this state so that in the future he can return to a normal life.

Alcoholism is one of the most common and dangerous diseases in our country. It is considered practically incurable because a person does not want to realize that he is sick and refuses treatment. This makes it bad not only for himself, but also for the people who live nearby. In a state of severe alcohol intoxication, a person, as a rule, does not understand what he is doing. Therefore, he automatically becomes dangerous to others.

Unfortunately, multiple methods of therapy - psychotherapeutic, medication - do not always give positive result. The person continues to drink even more, and the family gives up because they don’t know what to do. In fact, there is a way out, and it is always available. This is an appeal to God and numerous readings of prayers for the husband’s drunkenness, which are considered to be one of the most powerful and effective ways fight against alcoholism

The most powerful prayers for a husband’s drunkenness are considered to be those directed to:

  • Lord;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Martyr and Righteous Boniface;
  • Saint Moses Murin;
  • Righteous John of Kronstadt;
  • Matronushka;
  • Nikolai Chudotv orts.

Prayer from my husband's drunkenness to Jesus Christ

Reads a prayer to the Lord every day. Words of petition can help even a hopeless alcoholic who is completely mired in illness and, it seems, will never get out of this abyss.

“Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servants (names) with the words of Your Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Your servants (names). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, purifying the whole person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A prayer to the Lord is read every day

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer to the Mother of God is considered very strong and quickly saves a husband from drunkenness. At the same time, there must be an icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the house. The words are spoken by the wife or relative of the drunkard.

“Oh, Most Merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but mercifully hear us: wives, children, mothers and those obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and for this, for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives. Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, the orphaned and the poor, abandoned as lost, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the Throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to the Mother of God is considered very strong and quickly saves a husband from drunkenness

It is important that prayer is read daily before going to bed for 40 days. During the reading period, it is recommended to fast, light candles for your husband’s health as often as possible, and order Sorokoust at least several times.

A prayer for a husband against drunkenness in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is considered very strong. The Holy Image appeared to one of the drunkards in 1878. The man drank everything that was on his estate. One day he drank so much that his legs were paralyzed. However, the man did not stop and continued to drink.

A prayer for a husband against drunkenness in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is considered very strong

One day, during a night’s sleep, an old man came to him and ordered him to go to the temple and read a prayer service at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. However, there was no shrine with that name there. The servants immediately realized that it could be an unknown icon that hung in the aisle. Having looked at it carefully, they saw the name with reverse side- “Inexhaustible Chalice.” By After the service, the drunkard left the church healthy.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Boniface the Merciful

Boniface the Merciful from childhood had pity for the poor. If he saw a person without clothes on the street, he took off everything and gave it to him. The mother reproached her son for this. And one day, going into the storage room, she discovered that all the food prepared for the year had disappeared. Boniface gave everything to the poor. The mother began to hit herself in the face and exclaim: “How can I feed my family now?”

Boniface the Merciful from childhood had pity for the poor

Boniface calmed her down and said that God would help. And so it happened - the next morning the mother discovered food in the storage room.

Boniface later became bishop of Ferentin. For his devoted service, the Lord rewarded him with the gift of healing from all sorts of ailments, including drunkenness. And even after death, people fell to his face and asked to be saved from illness.

Here are the words of the first strong prayer against drunkenness, which can be read over a sleeping husband:

“Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, possessed by an addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be placed in a winepress and to invite the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh, saint of God! Just as through your prayer wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking (names) from their addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to quickly endure this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-harming addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they, having established themselves in piety, were awarded a shameless peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

The words of the second prayer to Boniface:

“O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, see for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. O holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given to them by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn away His mercy from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, oh He is awake and a good answer will be given about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling down on your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, invincible power, so that the mercy of God will cover us for endless centuries. Amen".

Words of the third prayer:

“O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, who despised earthly sensuality and ascended through suffering to the heavenly Jerusalem, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, whether I have committed them in knowledge or in ignorance. To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil through your prayers to God; I tried many times to escape the snares of his evil ones, but was caught in the snare of sin and was tightly dragged from it, I could not get rid of it, unless you stood before me, in a bitter situation to the one who endures, and how many times I tried to repent, but it was a lie before God. For this reason, I come running to you and pray: save me, Holy One of God, from all evils through your intercession, by the grace of Almighty God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to Moses Murin

At first Moses lived in sin. He was a robber. However, later he took the right path, left the gang into the desert and began to lead a hermit’s lifestyle, every day indulging in prayers to the Lord.

At first Moses lived in sins

But this did not help Moses forget about his former life, and he often drank from the cup of wine. In order to finally drive away lustful addictions from himself, he did the following: at night he went around and collected empty vessels from people living in the desert and filled them with water. This helped him gain peace of mind and forget about his passion for drinking.

When he turned 75, he warned all the inhabitants of the desert that robbers would soon attack them and give them a terrible death. At his command, many left the city and remained alive. Moses himself and 6 of his disciples were killed.

After death, those who wanted to get rid of the disease of drunkenness fell to the icon of Saint Moses.

Here are the words of the first prayer to the Reverend:

Oh, reverend, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins, help the servants of God (names) praying to you, who are drawn to destruction because they indulge in immeasurable, harmful to the soul and body, drinking wine ́. Bow your merciful gaze on them, do not turn away or despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, holy Moses, to the Lord Christ, so that He, the Merciful, does not reject them, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, but may the Lord have mercy on these powerless and unfortunate ones, who are possessed by the destructive passion of drinking of God, because we are all God’s creatures and have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son . Hear, O Reverend Moses, their prayer, drive away the devil from them, give them the strength to overcome passion, help them, stretch out your hand, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions and deliver them from wine. Tiya, so that they, renewed, in With sobriety and a bright mind, they loved abstinence and piety, and eternally glorified the All-Good God, who always saves His creatures. Amen.

Here are the words of the second prayer to Moses:

Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God’s mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were first a robber, but then you were horrified by your sins, grieved for them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation about your iniquities and in difficult deeds, you carried out your days before his death and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness and the gift of miracles.
Oh, reverend, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins, help the slaves (names) praying to you, who are drawn to destruction from the fact that they indulge in the immeasurable consumption of wine, harmful to the soul and body. Bow your merciful gaze on them, do not turn away or despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you.
Pray, holy Moses, to the Lord Christ, so that He, the Merciful, does not reject them, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, but may the Lord have mercy on these powerless and unfortunate ones (names), who are possessed by the destructive passion of drunkenness, after all, we are all God’s creatures and redeemed by the Most Pure One By the blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer, drive away the devil from them, give them the strength to overcome their passion, help them, stretch out your hand, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions and deliver them from wine so that they are renewed, in With sobriety and a bright mind, they loved abstinence and piety and eternally glorified the All-Good God, who always saves his creatures. Amen.

Prayer to John of Kronstadt

Saint John of Kronstadt also helped people who suffered from alcohol addiction. Here are the words of the prayer:

“Oh, great servant of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wondrous shepherd, quick helper and merciful representative!

Raising praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: “Your name is Love: do not reject me, who am erring;

Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling; Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions; Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul.

Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me.” Now, grateful to your intercession, the all-Russian flock prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God!

With your love, illumine us, sinners and weaklings, grant us the ability to bear worthy fruits of repentance and to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ without condemnation;

By your power, strengthen our faith in us, support us in prayer, heal ailments and illnesses, deliver us from misfortunes, visible and invisible enemies;

With the light of your face, incite the servants and primates of the Altar of Christ to holy deeds of pastoral work, grant education to infants, instruct youth, support old age, illuminate the shrines of churches and holy abodes;

die, most miraculous and visionary, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine warfare, gather the scattered, convert the wicked, and unite the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;

By your grace, preserve marriage in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to monastics in good deeds, give comfort to the faint-hearted, those suffering from unclean spirits, freedom, have mercy in the needs and circumstances of our lives, and guide us all on the path of salvation. In Christ the living, our Father John! Bring us to the unevening light of eternal life, that with you we may be worthy of eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow sky

Matrona of Moscow is revered by Christians because she is the intercessor of all the weak and in need of help. People turn to her for various ailments, as well as for addiction to alcoholic beverages. You can read the petition to a loved one or yourself. At the same time, you need to realize that the disease exists.

Matrona of Moscow is revered by Christians because she is the intercessor of all the weak and in need of help.

Here are the words of the prayer:

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the husband’s drunkenness is considered the most powerful. Here are her words:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libations. He will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drink without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen".

Download the text of prayers against drunkenness

Here are the strong orthodox prayers, with which you can turn to the saints with a request for deliverance from drunkenness, for healing from alcoholism and for giving up the passion of drunkenness. You can pray both for yourself and for anyone who drinks loved one: for husband, for wife, for children (son or daughter), for brother, for parents (father, mother).

Select what you need from the menu:

All prayers in a row:

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Thy servants (name) with the words of Thy Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Thy servants (name).

They fell, Lord, the thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and may Your grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, cleansing the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, through the prayers of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Patternmaker, who frees captives not only from material bonds, but also from the bonds of eternal destruction;

through the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the intercessor of all those languishing in the prison of sin, save and preserve our brothers and sisters.

Let each of them, who has hungered for their Daily Bread, receive it in ways known to You alone. Let the truth of the Gospel reach their minds, and let Your life-giving grace touch their hearts.

God, grant to our captive brothers and sisters repentance, faith in the highest justice, compassion for people, love for all creation, a thirst to live in the spirit of the commandments of the Lord and inspire their neighbors to do so.

Let every Saul become Paul.

You Yourself, who walked the earth in the image of the Son of Man, strengthen us on this shameless path leading to eternal life.

May all who fall to the Word of God be saved, like a deer to a spring of water.

And may the mercy of Your Most Pure Mother, our Life-Giver and strong Helper, the Most Honest Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary, who, having given birth to the One who crushed hell, not forsake us, became the mother of all people, comforting Her children in the sorrows and sorrows.

Save and preserve us from all evil and preserve us for a blessed eternity, Most Blessed One!

Have mercy on us, O merciful Savior, for we are all captives of sin, from the bonds of which You alone have the power to loose.

To our God be glory, honor and worship always, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

First prayer

Oh, Most Merciful Lady!

We now resort to Your intercession; do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us:

wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and for the sake of your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives.

Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.

Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, the orphaned and wretched, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon.

And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the Throne of the Most High.

Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages.

Second prayer

Our most blessed Queen, our hope, the Most Holy Theotokos, friend of the orphaned and strange, Intercessor, help for the needy and protection for the embittered.

See our misfortune, see our sorrow: we are overwhelmed by temptations everywhere, but there is no intercessor.

You Yourself, help us as we are weak, nourish us as we are strange, guide us as we are lost, heal and save us as we are hopeless.

The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except You, O Mother of all the sorrowful and burdened.

Look upon us, sinners and those in bitterness, cover us with Your Honest Omophorion.

May we be delivered from the evils that have befallen us, especially drunkenness.

May we always praise Your Most Holy Name.

O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.

Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever.

First prayer

Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface!

We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us.

See our brothers and sisters, overcome by the serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, falling away from eternal salvation.

Oh, holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and bring them to saving abstinence.

Pray to the Lord God, for whose sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, He may not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us,

May His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end throughout the days and nights, to be vigilant in Him and to give a good answer about Him to the terrible judgment seat.

Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children;

honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling to your icon,

and may this cry of ours come through our prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom of Heaven.

Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation.

Pray the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, so that God’s mercy will cover us for ever and ever.

Second prayer

Oh, holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering, martyr Boniface!

Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance.

To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners!

Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil with your prayers to God:

I tried a lot to escape his wicked snares, but I was caught in the snare of sin and was tightly dragged away from him, I could not get rid of him,

If you didn’t stand before me, the circumstances would be bitter to the one who endures, and so many tried to repent, but would lie before God.

For this reason I come running to you and pray:

save me, Holy One of God, from all evils by your intercession, by the grace of the Almighty God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord!

You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you.

Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solving the problem of drunkenness.

Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Holy Wonderworker, Nicholas the Pleasant!

I turn to you with a request.

Have mercy and send deliverance from bitter drunkenness to the Servant of God (name).

They found him disgusted with vodka, and freed him from his destructive craving for everything intoxicating.

So that he could not drink, sip the intoxicating drink without disgust and disgust.

Let him not drink, neither during the day, nor at night, nor in the morning, nor at home, nor at a party, nor on a fast day, nor on a holiday.

His Holy Word will stop you from hops, just as none of the saints drank vodka, so let the servant of God (name) not drink.

Key. Lock. Language.

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy.

Grant him to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it.

1. I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.

2. Every branch of Me that does not bear fruit He cuts off; and every one that bears fruit he cleanses, that it may bear more fruit.

3. You have already been purified through the word that I preached to you.

4. Abide in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it is in the vine, so neither can you unless you are in Me.

5. I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

6. Whoever does not abide in Me will be cast out like a branch and wither; and such branches are collected and thrown into the fire, and they burn.

7. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

8. By this will My Father be glorified, if you bear much fruit and become My disciples.

9. As the Father has loved Me, I have loved you; abide in My love.

10. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.

11. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.

12. This is My commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.

13. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

14. You are My friends if you do what I command you.

15. I no longer call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have told you everything that I have heard from My Father.

16. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give it to you.

17. This I command you, that you love one another.

18. If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before you.

19. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

20. Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you too; If they have kept my word, they will also keep yours.

21. But they will do all these things to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.

22. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.

23. He who hates Me also hates my Father.

24. If I had not done among them works that no one else had done, they would not have had sin; but now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father.

25. But let the word that is written in their law be fulfilled: They have hated Me without cause.

26.When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me;

27. And you also will testify, because you were with Me from the beginning.

First prayer

Oh, reverend, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins!

Help also the servant of God (name) who prays to you, who is drawn to destruction from the immeasurable wine of consumption, which damages the immortal soul and body - the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you.

Pray, Holy Moses, the Lord Christ, that He, the Merciful, would not reject them, powerless and unfortunate, who were possessed by the passion of excessive wine drinking, and that the devil would not rejoice at their destruction, for we all, as creatures of God, have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son.

Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer and ours.

Drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to defeat their passion, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passion, deliver them from the destruction of immeasurable wine drinking,

so that, renewed, in spiritual sobriety and a bright mind, they would love all abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the All-Good God, who always saves His creation, to Him be due glory, honor and worship forever and ever.

Second prayer

Oh, the great power of repentance!

Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy!

You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but then you were horrified by your sins, grieved over them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your iniquities and in difficult deeds, you spent your days until your death and were awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness and the gift of miracles.

Oh, reverend one, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins, help the servants of God (names) who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction from the fact that they indulge in the immeasurable consumption of wine, harmful to the soul and body.

Bow your merciful gaze upon them, do not reject them or despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you.

Pray, holy Moses, to the Lord Christ, so that He, the Merciful, does not reject them, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, but may the Lord have mercy on these powerless and unfortunate (names), who are possessed by the destructive passion of drunkenness, because we are all God's creatures and redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son.

Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer, drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, help them, extend your hand, lead them to the path of good,

free them from the slavery of passions and deliver them from drinking wine, so that, renewed, in sobriety and a bright mind, they love abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the All-Good God, who always saves His creatures.

Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind.

Because I am a den of evil deeds, I have no end to sinful customs, because my mind is nailed down by earthly things.

What will I do? We don't know.

And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved?

Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all those born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God.

Pray to Him for my sinful soul, so that from now on, at the first tenth hour, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last.

To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a teacher of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ!

I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen into many sins.

Renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, since you are the leader of both: with baptism you wash away the original sin, and with repentance you cleanse every bad deed.

Cleanse me, defiled by sins, and bring me, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven.
