In which state does polyandry exist? Polyandry: Scientists Say It's Natural

Polyandry, being a very rare remnant form of marriage, is not found practically anywhere in the modern world, although in prehistoric times, when people lived in a tribal system, polyandry was common, as was polygamy, because all men, like women, were common, and all children were considered common children of the tribe.

The first who practiced polyandry were the Aleuts - residents of the Pacific coast of America, Russia and Asia. There is also evidence that women of some Eskimo groups had several husbands at the same time. But all this is in the past. Today polyandry officially permitted only in Tibet and in certain parts of the Hindustan Peninsula, which contains three countries: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

From ancient times to this day, there have been three forms of marriage in Tibet. Monogamy is a marriage that occurs in most countries including Russia - when the husband has only one wife. Polygamy is when a husband has several wives at the same time. This type of marriage is common in some countries that preach Islam or Christianity. And polyandry is a marriage in which one woman has the right to have several men. Both polygamy and polyandry developed not for pleasure, but out of necessity. If a man wanted to get several wives, he took them from different clans for political and cult reasons. And polyandry, which was found among the nomads and farmers of Tibet, was “brotherly”. This is a type of marriage where several brothers had one wife.

A woman who had several legal husbands at the same time was obliged to fulfill her marital duty with each of the brothers in turn; at this time, the brother who was in the family would place his wife on her doorstep, so that the other brothers would know that in this moment He is with his wife. As a rule, the eldest brother chose whom to marry, and the rest only actually became the husbands of the eldest brother's woman. And only the elder brother could with his legal wife, but for this he needed the consent of all the other brothers. And if at least one person liked a woman, then she remained the legal wife of everyone. However, any of the unmarried brothers could leave the family and get their own wife. But few people went for it. After all, in this case the man lost all rights to property, and the elder brother’s wife ceased to be his wife. Although there are cases where an older brother divorced a woman, who then became the wife of one of his brothers, who also lost all rights to property.

But not only brothers in Tibet could have one wife for all. Friends who declared themselves brothers-cousins ​​(spoonzla) could also take one wife for all of them. Needless to say: the amazing country of Tibet is the complete opposite of Iraq and other states with Islamic religions, where, according to religious regulations, a man can have several women. By the way, in Tibet, the rule that a woman can have several husbands is regulated not by religion, but by law.

Another country where any woman can feel desired by several men at once and where it is allowed polyandry–– India. But unlike Tibet, a woman’s ability to have several husbands at the same time here is regulated by religion – Buddhism. In addition, in India, unlike Tibet, a woman can take any man as her husband, regardless of whether they are brothers or relatives. The main condition is the desire to love them all and give birth to children from each.

What about the rest of the corners of our vast planet? Really except India and Tibet polyandry never seen anywhere else? In fact, polyandry has existed since ancient times - even during the reign of the legendary Amazons - female warriors. Their settlements were located everywhere: in Asia Minor and the Middle East, in northern Africa and on the coast of the northern Black Sea region. According to the records of historians, almost each of the female warriors had several husbands who did no work at all, namely, they took care of the house and took care of children, while their wives fought and got food. Polyandry it was also common among the Indian tribe “Iroquois” who lived in America. Today, a small settlement of these aboriginals remains in Canada. Men in such tribes were warriors, but all power belonged to women. Even the warrior-leader was elected by women. The tribe reigned and, of course, women had the opportunity to marry several men, which causes a feeling of slight envy among modern beauties who believe that one husband who brings money is good, and several are even better.

Tatiana Osipova
Women's magazine JustLady

The well-known fact that in some countries polygamy is officially permitted causes indignation among many ladies. Why are men allowed to be masters of harems, but women are not? In fact, such a phenomenon as polyandry, which when literally translated from ancient Greek means polyandry, is not so rare. To confirm this, we suggest looking at several countries where polyandry is allowed.

Causes of the phenomenon

Polyandry, better known as polyandry, is a rare form of polygamy in which a woman has the right to marry several representatives at once. strong half humanity.

The spread of this phenomenon is caused by conditions environment. For example, in medieval states, where wars were often fought, a husband going on a campaign could invite a second man during his absence so that he would protect the interests and property of his wife. Most often, this role was entrusted to a blood relative. The main husband approved in advance the possibility of having sexual intercourse with his wife.

Polyandry was also very common among the Eskimos. In order not to leave his house unattended while he was away, the man was looking for a replacement. The husband invited for a time was endowed with all rights and powers: he protected the property and pleased his wife.

In Venezuela, the fact that one child was recognized by two fathers did not raise any eyebrows. This necessity was caused by the fact that it greatly increased the likelihood that the heir would live comfortably to adulthood and successfully realize himself in life.

Even in states where polyandry is permitted by the Buddhist religion, the spread of this phenomenon should not be considered a manifestation of the special sensuality of local ladies. It is caused by the same need to compensate for the unequal ratio of the number of representatives of both sexes.

In which countries is polyandry common?

Polyandry was common in human society in past centuries and has appeared repeatedly in different cultures. The first written mention of polyandry is found in the ancient Indian epic “Mahabharata”.

Today, polyandry is officially permitted in many countries and individual administrative regions. This:

  • mountainous regions of southern India;
  • Tibet Autonomous Region of China;
  • northeastern part of Nepal;
  • Sri Lanka.

In the remote provinces of India and the harsh regions of the Himalayan mountains, where orthodox Buddhism is widespread, women even take as husbands brothers who are related to each other. This form of relationship is called fraternal. It was widespread both among the poor and among noble families.

Fraternal polyandry is caused by the need to preserve pasture and arable land in the family's possessions. Kinship marriages prevent the fragmentation of land ownership. Children born in such marriages are considered common. Thanks to this, there is no question of dividing real estate between heirs, and property passes undivided from generation to generation.

In the families of aristocrats of countries medieval Europe To prevent the fragmentation of the clan's lands during inheritance and preservation of titles, the rule of primogeniture was in effect. According to him, only the eldest son became the recipient of the inheritance. Younger children were forced to leave their homes in order to find something to do or become monks.

The same principle is followed today in poor Tibetan families, where land is the only source of income. If there are several sons in the house, then only the eldest gets married. The wife who comes to the house becomes a daughter-in-law for all the brothers.

A large family lives in one house, running a common household. Husbands take turns having intimate relationships with their spouses. The fact that the sleeping bed is occupied is indicated by the shoes prudently left by the man in front of the entrance. The daughter-in-law has the right to accept all husbands or choose only one partner for herself. If one of the husbands was unable to earn the favor of his wife, he leaves home, hiring himself as a worker or becoming an employee of the monastery.

How is it in advanced countries?

Join the ranks of countries modern world, where polyandry is allowed in the near future, America may also. The author of the polyandry bill, Judith Warner, believes that this phenomenon will help increase incomes and combat child poverty.

Poverty experts share the same opinion. Disappointing statistics show that every 3rd American woman and over 28 million children live below the poverty line. According to their forecasts, as a result of polyandry, the percentage of marriages will increase and the issue of birth control among unprotected segments of the population will be simplified. After all, fewer children will be born in a polyandrous union than in several monogamous marriages. The result: child poverty will decrease, without any burden on taxpayers. It was decided to conduct the first experiment to implement the idea in the state of Utah. If it is successful, it will become widespread.

The second country where polyandry will be allowed in the near future is China. In the world's largest country by population, they plan to solve the problem of the lack of women by officially allowing polyandry. According to statistics, today there are 118 boys per 100 newborn babies. Moreover, over time, the gender imbalance will only increase. If for a rich man finding a wife is not a problem, then the only way out for a poor man will be to unite with others in order to find a common wife. So far, the way out of the crisis proposed by economic experts has not found much support among defenders of traditional values. But if we continue to adhere to morality, in the coming years serious social problems will arise in the Middle Kingdom.

Our country is not yet one of the states where polyandry is allowed.

May 09, 2014 Polyandry, or polyandry, is officially permitted in Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Polyandry also occurs in Sri Lanka and some mountainous regions of South India, where orthodox Buddhism is widespread. There, a wife can have several husbands, usually siblings.

Polyandry, permitted by the Buddhist religion, cannot be considered a manifestation of any special sensuality of women living in these countries, where the number of women significantly exceeds the number of men. It is determined by the traditional way of life and socio-economic reasons.

The form of marriage in which one woman is the wife of two or more brothers is called fraternal. The mountainous regions of Tibet, the Himalayas, Nepal and Sri Lanka are quite densely populated and lack arable and pasture land. Such marriages prevent the fragmentation of land ownership and other real estate between siblings, members of the same family, since children are considered common and property passes from generation to generation undivided.

As for our country, both polyandry and polygamy are prohibited.

The fact that polygamy exists in some countries is well known and comes as no surprise to anyone. Some approve, some condemn. And someone says that this is unfair. Why is polygamy permitted, but we women are prohibited from having multiple spouses? Some would like to feel like sultanas, finding themselves in a harem? Strange as it may seem, this is reality, not sexual fantasy...

Perhaps the picture of a happy and rosy life looks different for everyone. For some, this is a strong, happy family, for others it is a desire for bright sensations... Some are attracted to a traditional marriage with a strong family, some want polygamy in their family, for others it is polyandry.

Yes, yes, there are countries where it is officially allowed to have several husbands. Many will regard this fact as prostitution. As strange as it may seem, it exists polyandry or polyandry for many centuries. If we talk about polygamy, this fact can easily be explained by the full wallet of a “moneybag” who wants to surround himself with increased attention and care by “buying” wives for himself. Let's figure it out Why is polyandry needed? Of course, there are anxious ladies who want to surround themselves with males, also buying their attention. But there are countries in which polyandry is officially permitted. In this case, a woman’s marriage is concluded with several young men at once.

But, no matter how it comes to our minds, this reason for polyandry is not the main one. If you believe the statistics, the reason for polyandry is the need...

This reason is poverty and loneliness.

Let's take Asia as an example, namely Tibet .

In poor families with several sons, their only wealth and source of income is their land. If you marry your sons, the land will have to be divided, which will lead to beggary. So they found a way out of this situation - they married only the eldest son. In this case, the wife came to her husband's house and the lands remained intact. But what about the younger sons? Exist without feminine warmth?

So the Tibetans found a way out of this situation so that there would be one daughter-in-law in the house. Then the bride price will have to be paid only once, and the land will not need to be divided. For this younger sons should be able to enjoy the delights of a daughter-in-law, the wife of the eldest son. Intimate relationships in such families take place in turns. If there are shoes in front of the bedroom door, it means the place is already occupied. The terrifying fact is that the father-in-law can also take advantage of his daughter-in-law, if he likes the daughter-in-law.

So what is it like for a girl to be in such a family? What if she is not prone to constant carnal pleasures? It’s good if she likes all the husbands, but what if not? It’s good if they have the right to vote and can choose their sexual partner among all the husbands. In the event that some husband does not have intimate relationships with his wife, he goes to the monastery.

As strange as it may sound, the girls of Tibet do not want to become the wife of several husbands due to their promiscuity, but because there is a shortage of men there. In Tibet, very often young men become monks. And girls who are not married are content with short relationships in the hope of getting pregnant. If a child appears, the father does not bear any responsibility for him.

The paradox in Tibet is that there experienced girls are valued . After each intimate relationship with another man, they put another link on their necklace. The number of links indicates her sexual relationships. Moreover, the more links, the more enviable the bride!

If you look at the causes of polyandry in Eskimos , then here the reason is the absence of the husband. When leaving for a long time, the man did not want to leave his house and wife unattended; for these purposes he left himself a replacement. Most often, the replacement was a relative, for example a brother. At the same time, the second husband has the rights to everything that the first husband has, including intimacy. For Eskimos, women's love affairs are not a sign of promiscuity. The main thing is that this should be with the approval of the husband.

In Venezuela, polygamy is also the norm. In the event that a child is born in a family and doubts arise regarding paternity, both husbands are considered fathers.

Amazing fact is that in modern countries They are also thinking about legalizing polyandry. So in the state of Utah they decided to experiment and allowed to have several husbands. This is explained by unhappy wives in marriage: for some, the husband does not earn enough, for others he is not satisfied in bed, and for others, they spend little time with their children.

This is not alien to China . This is due to the large increase in the birth of boys. According to statistics, in a few years there will be 40 million single men in China. True, unlike the United States, such a proposal in China caused a lot of discontent.

Polyandry is when one woman has two or more husbands. In a world where polygyny is prevalent, men having multiple women is a refreshing exception. It's especially strange when you consider cultures where polyandry is prevalent to be patriarchal. Men themselves arrange for women to double-deal! Two men sharing a wife are almost always brothers. Less than 1% of cultures allow women to marry two brothers, and they all have something in common: a lack of territory.

Walk innocently across your neighbor's front lawn and you'll discover that Homo sapiens is a territorial animal. Mark his lawn with harmless urine and you'll witness a violent territorial reaction. Descendants of Homo sapiens love to invade new territories and create new families. That's why family houses are growing everywhere. If males of territorial species do not own a territory, females will refuse to copulate with them. What happens when the entire tribe of male Homo sapiens runs out of territory to expand?

Most societies where polyandry predominates live in isolated corners of South Asia. Speaking of Tibet. we think about high spirituality, but we can also think about women having two husbands. I suspect that this is why my girlfriends are so passionate about the Tibetan model of enlightenment.

There is a Nair people living in the Malabar region of India, forced out by the ruling Brahmins onto a small piece of land. Most women of this race are sold abroad into sexual slavery, so women are in the minority there. In the high Himalayas and north-eastern India live the Sherpa, Bhuti and other tribes. In all these cultures, two brothers pass wives to each other" from bed to bed.

In mountainous areas, as well as places surrounded by mountains and oceans or blocked by insurmountable enemies who force you into limited territories not worth fighting for, men find it difficult to maintain big family. When the land can hardly be called fertile, even two men sometimes find it difficult to support one woman and her children.

But male instincts are designed to preserve family genes. You do not want to share your wife with anyone, but when there is not enough land to divide among themselves, two brothers will work on the same land and take care of one woman. I really wish polyandry was invented by Sri Lankan feminists, but it's not! Polyandry is an agreement between two brothers to protect family property

Even in societies where polyandry is prevalent, men control women. Women are forced into a situation where one husband works on a farm to feed her children, and the other massages her to satisfy her sexuality. The husbands take turns working, racing back and forth as if playing tag. It is not surprising that Sri Lankan women do not strive for freedom.
