What happened to Andrei Danilko Serduchka. Andrey Danilko spoke about the possible return of Verka Serduchka

Andrei Danilko, better known as Verka Serduchka, lost his father many years ago. The artist is still experiencing this tragedy. He spoke about his pain in the “Once Upon a Time” program on the NTV channel.

Andrey's father died due to cancer. However, the artist is sure that alcohol killed his parent.


“He drank a lot. He was a very good man, but when he drank, he was no longer very good. He could knock out windows and start fights,” recalled the creator of Verka Serduchka.

Despite his father’s violent temper, Andrei took his loss hard. He even promised himself that he would never drink. The artist could not keep this promise. Now he justifies himself by saying that alcohol does not have a detrimental effect on him.

Danilko also spoke about the life of his family. According to the artist, the times of his childhood were very difficult. There wasn't even a shower in his parents' apartment. The family was forced to go to relatives to wash themselves; they did this only once a week.

As the site wrote, earlier Andrei Danilko announced that he was parting with the image of Verka Serduchka. A farewell tour is planned for 2019.

Andrey Danilko made an important statement. The famous Ukrainian artist announced that he will no longer perform in the image of the incomparable Verka Serduchka.

Tomorrow, July 13, Verka Serduchka’s last concert will take place in Odessa. “This will be a grandiose performance by an artist who misses her audience. A brilliant show worthy of Verka Serduchka. It’s already a holiday in itself!” – Andrey Danilko noted.

And in a year there will be a farewell tour of the cities of Independence. “This means a big tour - a kind of thanks to those people who gave me, a boy from Poltava who lived in an extension where wallpaper was wrapped, the opportunity to provide for myself financially, to live on Khreshchatyk and, in principle, not to work,” said the artist.

It is not yet known whether Andrei Danilko will stop performing as Verka Serduchka in Russia, where they say he often appears at corporate events. The artist does not hide this. Earlier, Danilko said in an interview: “These are not advertised concerts at all. And I work, if you understand what a closed action is... They are walking, let’s say, the husband is Ukrainian, she is Russian or Jewish. We start singing “Chervona Ruta” or “Gop-Gop-Gop”, and everyone is happy and worried. That's why I perform there. This is everyone's business."

Beloved by the audience in the image of the sparkling Verka Serduchka, he spoke about his illness, because of which he lives alone and does not start a family. The sought-after showman also admitted that he periodically travels to Russia to work.

Danilko gave frank interview about your personal life. Some of the artist’s words upset his fans. For example, the fact that 43-year-old Andrei still does not have a family. He made it clear that this was due to his illness.

“I have a housewife, but she does the cleaning, laundry, but not cooking. I prefer to do it myself, because I live alone. I’m not bored with myself and have something to do - I watch some programs, listen to audiobooks,” - The artist, who is prone to loneliness, spoke about his habits.

The performer of the role of Verka Serduchka cannot stand other people around him. “The age has come when you don’t want a family at all. I wanted a family when I was 22 years old. And then over the years less and less, and now I don’t want to at all. I need to be alone and have my own closed territory. I think this is due to the oversaturation of communication with people. When more than three people gather, the situation begins to stress me,” Danilko explained his isolation.

This problem has already affected Andrey's health. “When I was recently at a TV interview and there were a lot of people there, my whole back was wet,” the actor recalls. - Why do I, if I fly, use VIP, although it costs money. Just to avoid interfering with big amount of people".

The performer is sure that he has a difficult case. “This is already a disease,” says Danilko. - They may not recognize me, but as soon as I see people, it turns on in my head that now they might recognize me. But I earned this in those years when there were a lot of performances.”

Andrei remembered an incident in Lvov that frightened him to the core. “The whole circus ran towards me, and I ran away down some stairs. I was then locked in the first-aid post, and I sat in horror. Then they took me out the back door, put me in the car, and I lay down on the floor so that they wouldn’t see me. In fact, we were still children then, we were 18 years old. We gave 3-4 concerts a day. But this was not far-fetched popularity,” the Ukrainian website “Vesti” quotes the artist, who decided to talk about his phobias.

Corporate events in Russia help Verka Serduchka stay afloat. “I haven’t been afraid of anything for a long time, because I’ve been beaten and beaten. They either burned me, or banned me, or threw eggs at me, or wrote letters to the president to ban me. When I saw on television footage of the burning of an effigy of Serduchka, I understood that this was PR for the people who did it, but they did not understand that there was a living person behind it. This had a very strong effect on me. I didn’t have any depression about this, but I had a nervous breakdown, which was expressed in absolute calm,” Danilko noted.

There have been fewer orders from Russia for some time now. “Who's walking there? Our people who live and work there are walking. We perform there all the time in national costumes and sing “Chervona Ruta”. And there was a story when the events had just begun and Russian politicians were walking at the party - there was such tension that the air became hot. We come out in Ukrainian national costumes - and then the Ukrainian anthem began to play. And they all stood up. And then they ran to us and started telling us: yes, I’m from Ternopil and something like that... I was very impressed,” Andrey said touchingly. “Then they stopped inviting us.” But later it resumed - most often these are some kind of anniversaries and weddings. In such cases, the husband is necessarily from Ukraine, and the wife is Russian.”

The future artist’s love for performing on stage began to manifest itself even in his school years: Danilko played in KVN, and also participated in various creative evenings when he came to summer camp.

At the end high school in 1991, Andrei entered one of the Poltava vocational schools, where in just two years of study he managed to declare himself as a talented and creative young man, performing with funny miniatures that the audience liked. As a result, already in 1993 Danilko was sent on tour in the Stavropol Territory.

In the same year, the legendary image of Verka Serduchka appeared - it was first presented to the public as part of the Humorina festival in hometown artist.

Danilko's alter ego as soon as possible achieved deafening popularity: just a few months after Serduchka’s debut on stage, Andrei was awarded the first prize at the “Kursk Anomaly” competition, a year later the Ukrainian won at the same “Humorina”, and in 1995 he was awarded the Grand Prix of the “Sea of ​​Laughter” festival " At the same time, Verka became a full-fledged singer only in 1997, when the first song of Danilko’s alter ego called “Simply Vera” was released.

In the late 90s, Andrei was the host of the SV-show program, and was also involved in the development musical career Serduchka: shortly before the millennium, some of the artist’s early video clips were released, including videos for the songs “A Little Bit” and “Controller.”

Around the same time, Serduchka’s active touring activities began - the artist, whose fame only increased every year, began to regularly give concerts in the CIS.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Andrei made his film debut, starring in the comedy-musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” directed by. On this moment Danilko has about 20 roles in films and TV series (some of them, however, are small cameos).

In 2003, Serdechka was awarded the Golden Gramophone Prize for the first time, which she would subsequently win three more times: the winning song for the artist was the song “I Didn’t Understand,” one of the main hits in the repertoire of Danilko’s alter ego.

On the wave of success, Verka Serduchka even performed at Eurovision 2007, and the result exceeded all expectations: Danilko’s song “Dancing Lasha Tumbai” (“Dance of Whipped Cream”) brought Ukraine an honorable second place. By the way, the third place in that competition was taken by participants from Russia - the group Serebro.

A year after his triumph at the main music competition in Europe, Danilko was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

In the first half of the current decade, Serduchka’s popularity began to slowly, but still fade. Andrey periodically “exploded” with memorable new releases (for example, “Dolce Gabbana”), and some of his old hits were still remembered, however, be that as it may, in 2018 Danilko announced the imminent death of the legendary image, announcing a farewell tour .

“This will be a grandiose performance by an artist who misses her audience. A brilliant show worthy of Verka Serduchka. She is already a holiday in herself! - he said in an interview with Ukraina.Ru. “The big tour is a kind of thanks to those people who gave me, a boy from Poltava who lived in an extension where wallpaper was rolled up, the opportunity to provide for myself financially, to live on Khreshchatyk and, in principle, not to work.”

A little later, he explained this decision by metamorphoses with the audience - they allegedly stopped correctly perceiving the stage image of Verka Serduchka.

“We will no longer perform large solo concerts, but plan to appear only locally. It just becomes very difficult to work. For example, the audience in Jurmala is quite heavy - they look at me appraisingly and do not join the game,” the artist quotes "Moscow24" .

However, already this September, shortly before his anniversary, Danilko instilled in Serduchka’s fans faith in a bright future.

“Verka Serduchka is a star. She may announce a farewell tour and then return again. It's in the style of the stars. Now we are saying goodbye, but we will meet again,” he told the publication.

This creative pseudonym of the actor, artist and composer, screenwriter and producer, singer and showman, People's Artist of Ukraine Andrey Danilko has long become a household name.

Today Verka Serduchka is still in demand, her image easily appears in the memory, and even people who are far from loving pop music know her songs.

Childhood and youth

Andrey was born on October 2, 1973 in Poltava (Ukrainian SSR). His date of birth fell on the zodiac sign Libra. The boy's family was low-income. Father Mikhail Semenovich Danilko, a Ukrainian by nationality, worked as a driver and died early due to lung cancer; his son was 7 years old. Then the entire burden of responsibility for raising and supporting the family fell on the fragile shoulders of the mother. She was forced to work 2-3 shifts to make ends meet. Older sister Galya was 10 years older than Andrei, apparently, which is why their relationship was not close.

The boy studied at local secondary school No. 27. There he met a girl, Anya Serdyuk, whose meeting became, in a sense, fateful. Anya is a pretty girl from an intelligent family with a modest character, she studied exclusively with straight A's and was a role model. In addition, they were seated at the same desk, so Andrei could not help but pay attention to the girl.

The girl treated her new friend with warmth, but nothing more. For many years, Andrei was tormented by thoughts about social inequality. Indeed, how could a beauty be interested in a simple poor boy, to whom the whole class was donating money for his prom outfit?

He studied poorly, but participated in amateur creative activities and attended art school along with general education. Since childhood, he was drawn to art and the stage: “artist”, theater group, music. Not a single school party was complete without Andrei Danilko, and later a performance by the local KVN team.

Soon he led the team, and then Andrey came up with the idea of ​​winning the heart of Anya Serdyuk - he promised that one day he would glorify her name. She didn't take his words seriously then. After graduating from school, their paths diverged, and Anna’s biography developed prosaically. The girl got married, gave birth to a daughter and works as a school teacher.

Maybe it's just beautiful story, once told from the lips of Andrei himself.


After graduating from school in 1991, Andrei entered the Poltava Vocational School, where he continued his endeavors as a comedian. He constantly performed on stage, coming up with original numbers in search of himself.

In 1993, on April Fool's Day, at Humorin, a vocational school student first introduced a new character - Verka Serduchka, rude, never discouraged and with a bright star on her head. With a height of 175 cm, the “woman” has impressive shape, while the weight of the artist himself remained within reason - 69 kg. The heroine is endowed with a sarcastic and at times even mocking attitude, a lack of restraint and modesty, but at the same time she has an excellent sense of humor and ridicules the familiar shortcomings of women.

This image immediately fell in love with the jury members, who gave an honorable 2nd place to the extraordinary student. The following year he returned to the competition, taking the festival Grand Prix. Soon he began to be invited to television shows, advertising campaigns and pop concerts.

The eccentric and sharp-tongued Verka Serduchka found a response in the hearts of the public, and already in 1997, “SV-show” appeared on Ukrainian television, where the main role belongs to conductor Verka. Other characters in the show are Serduchka's mother (Inna Belokon) and the silent Gelya (Olga Litskevich and Radmila Shchegoleva). Hoping to improve his professional level, Andrei entered the capital's variety and circus school in Ukraine, from where he was soon expelled for poor academic performance and a difficult character. And there was no time left for study: soon the program was bought on Russian television.

SV-SHOW. Verka Serduchka - Philip Kirkorov

Celebrities from all over the post-Soviet space came to visit the carriage driver:, and others. The artist’s career is showing rapid growth, and Serduchka is becoming one of the most sought-after artists in the country. She plays comic roles, starred in musicals, sings perky songs that instantly become hits, and shoots videos for them that break all imaginable popularity records.

In 2005, Andrey released the experimental lyrical album “After You”. This instrumental work did not open a new page in the musician’s career. Fans, it seems, have been unable to break the association between the actor and his heroine. And Verka’s commercial success forced him to return to his usual image.

Andrey Danilko - "After you"

In 2007, Serduchka goes to Finland to conquer the main European stage - Eurovision, where she performs the song “Dancing Lasha Tumbai” in Russian, English and Ukrainian. The European public gave second place to the bright drag queen artist, and Ukrainian skeptics and fans applauded his success. One of the British authoritative publications called this song “the best of those that did not win Eurovision.”

Verka Serduchka at Eurovision

After success at Eurovision and unsuccessful attempts to try himself in a new field, Andrei decides to take a bold and ambitious step: he goes into politics. Andriy Danilko creates the “Against Everyone” party in the Verkhovna Rada. Since then, a new stage in the artist’s life begins, full of risks and nerves.

Attempts to create an alternative party and the candidate’s election statements did not please everyone. The showman had to face cruel world politicians who responded to his attempts with threats and attempts at blackmail.

In 2014, after political events in Ukraine, the country's authorities declared the artist persona non grata.

At the same time, Andrei’s friend, Igor Klinkov, having lost at cards, decided to make a deal with unknown persons, promising to physically eliminate Danilko in order to pay off the debt. The artist’s close associates became aware of the impending assassination attempt, and the attempt to settle accounts with the bandits at the actor’s expense was unsuccessful.

For several days the press was agitated by the news that Andrei Danilko was shot dead in a Kiev cafe, until he made an official statement. Andrei did not sort things out with his “friend,” but excluded him from his life.

The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest feeling for a person, therefore, after the events mentioned above, Danilko left for permanent residence in Europe, coming to Ukraine only to tour and record TV shows.

As often happens, under the mask of a brilliant clown hides a vulnerable soul. He doesn’t like his birthday because of the excessive attention and tries to avoid questions related to his personal life. He does not come to his native village, because here they used to make fun of his work and perceived his image as vulgarity and extravagance. In addition, Danilko notes a certain feeling of embarrassment in front of his fellow countrymen for his brilliant success and security, and the sight of village decay plunges him into despondency.

You won’t see him at celebrity parties (unless in character, of course). The sparkle of fake gems is enough for him on stage. When performing charitable deeds, Andrei does not advertise it, preferring to remain in the shadows.

After winning silver at Eurovision 2007, Andrei Danilko’s tour schedule only became busier and his fees higher. If in his youth the actor was afraid of experimenting with his character, relying on a loud woman, then in the wake of enormous popularity he is no longer afraid to try on other roles.

Fans even today rewatch sparkling monologues in the role of a policeman, soldier or Cossack. All his roles are unique, unlike anything else and remind us so much of our acquaintances and neighbors in the stairwell, therefore they resonate in the hearts of millions of people. The character's popularity also affected the artist's income. On the unofficial website of Verka Serduchka it was reported that in 2009 Danilko earned $150 thousand and was in the top ten of the ranking of the richest representatives of Ukrainian show business.

Verka Serduchka - "Dolce Gabbana"

By this time, the artist’s discography already consisted of 11 albums, and the songs “And I’m going like this all in Dolce Gabbana”, “I really need your love”, “Christmas trees”, “I don’t understand”, “Everything will be fine” were especially popular.

During his creative career, Danilko starred in 24 films. “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Chasing Two Hares”, “Sorochinskaya Fair”, “Morozko”, “Cinderella” - most of his film works repeat the character of Verka Serduchka. He is given the roles of bright, strong heroines with character, funny and absurd, rude and passionate. One thing remains unchanged: the love of TV viewers for the funny and absurd conductor Vera. Therefore, even today, a rare wedding or corporate event is complete without Serduchka’s hits, and the words of the songs are familiar even to ardent opponents of his work.

"Chasing Two Hares" - New Year's musical

In 2016, the artist was invited to serve as a mentor on the Ukrainian show “X Factor”: he selected and helped aspiring artists get onto the big stage. Andrei stayed on The X Factor for three seasons. Along with him, Dmitry Shurov was included in the number of judges. In the seventh season, Danilko's wards - the Mountain Breeze Band - took third place, and a year later the members of his team, the musical group Yurcash, rose to second place.

In addition, the artist was involved in the preparation of Eurovision 2017, which the singer “brought” to Kyiv.

Personal life

Unlike the character in life, Danilko is laconic and lonely. The actor admits that a few years ago he dreamed of family happiness, a wife and children, like everyone else. However, his destiny contains everything except calm personal happiness. More than once he regretted out loud that money could not buy the most important thing - love and joy of life. However, in recent interviews, the showman says that loneliness is his harmonious state.

He was more than once credited with having affairs with Olga Litskevich, then with Radmila Shchegoleva, then with “Verka Serduchka’s mother” - Inna Belokon. Some media outlets spread rumors about the artist’s unconventional orientation, others spread information that Danilko had two sons growing up - Mikhail and Ivan. During the period of wild popularity of the “SV-show”, Danilko was in no hurry to dispel speculation. Perhaps he did this, considering justification an unworthy matter, or deliberately whipping up an atmosphere of mystery around his personality.

In 2015-2016, the yellow press was full of headlines on the topic “Inna Belokon left her husband for Danilko.” There were even photos of Inna and Andrei spending their vacation hugging and kissing. It is difficult to accurately determine from photographs whether these relationships are of a friendly nature. The actor has never hidden the fact that they are close friends.

It is known for certain that Inna is married, runs a family business and has a daughter. Despite the fact that Andrei Danilko does not have his own accounts on social networks, pages are registered in the name of Verka Serduchka
