Disability after heart surgery. Rehabilitation after mitral valve replacement Artificial heart valve disability

Hello! I have a question for you: is my daughter entitled to a disability?
Child born in 2004. Since 3 months, he has been registered with a cardiologist with a diagnosis of VSD shchelev., LLC with reset. For further consultations: PDA, LLC, NKO, Arteriovenous shunts? Initial manifestations of pulmonary hypertension, ADPV is frequent? In July 2006, VAR of the lungs was determined in the form of a congenital bullous formation on the left in S6. An angiographic examination was recommended, and disability was issued in September 2007.
She was operated on at the Center for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Newborn Surgery in Novosibirsk. On November 22, 2007, angiography was performed. Conclusion: UPS. Hypoplasia of the branches of the pulmonary artery. Peripheral stenoses. Indices: Bereshvili 1.97619 McGoon 1.38 Nakata 89.05.
In the right parts of the heart from the SVC to the pulmonary artery, no increase in oxygenation was detected; arterial blood oxygenation was within normal limits (according to pulse oximetry).
Systolic pressure in the cavity of the pancreas is increased to 83%, at the level of the trunk and proximal parts of the main branches of the pulmonary artery - up to 53-77% of the systemic arterial pressure. At the level of the distal thirds of the right and left main branches of the pulmonary artery, pressure readings were within normal limits. Pressure curves in the trunk and proximal parts of the PA have a “vetriculized” shape, which indicates severe insufficiency of the PA valve.
Indicators of vascular resistance of the pulmonary circulation are moderately increased.
Ultrasound of the UPS IV: Foramen ovale 0.49 LV:ED 2.88 cm ESD 1.6 cm EDV 32 ml ESV 7.04 ml EF 77% FU 44% Myocardial thickness 0.7 cm IVS: 0.86 cm Conclusion: Slightly dilated both atria. Signs of left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, its global contractility is good. Aorta: arch - 1.21-1.28 cm; in front of the isthmus of the thoracic aorta - 1.0 cm; at the level of the isthmus - 0.27 cm over 1.07 cm - coarctation of the aorta!? The thoracic aorta below the isthmus is 1.10 cm. The systolic gradient at the level of the isthmus of the thoracic aorta is 83-88 mm Hg. There is no hemodynamically significant dysfunction. Muscular defect of the interventricular septum - 0.28-0.31 cm in the middle third. Functioning oval window - 0.49 cm.
Prolapse mitral valve 0-1 tbsp. Tricuspid regurgitation stage 1. insignificant in volume. Accessory chord in the left ventricle.
Instrumental studies
PP 3 0 2
Pancreas cavity 72 2
Barrel LA 72 10 31
Main branch of the right LA ​​68 6 26
Inferior lobe branch of the right PA 20 9 13
Main branch of the left LA 72 10 31
Inferior lobe branch of the left PA 19 9 13
After balloon dilatation of the main and lobar branches of the pulmonary artery, a decrease in systolic pressure in the pancreatic cavity, trunk of the pulmonary artery and main branches of the pulmonary artery by 19-23 mmHg was noted. (up to 58-61% of the systemic arterial), pressure indicators at the level of the lobar branches remained at the same level compared to tensiometry data from November 26, 2007
A consultation at the PC Research Institute is recommended after 2 years, courses of cardiometabolic therapy 2 times a year (mildronate, elkar, kudesan).
A consultation was held at the PC Research Institute in Novosibirsk on November 12, 2009.
Objective status: General condition is satisfactory. No acrocyanosis SAT/=99%. The venous network is pronounced. There is no peripheral edema. The pulsation of peripheral arteries is not changed. Blood pressure p 90/50 mmHg. Heart sounds are clear. The systolic murmur is moderate in the 2nd intercostal space on the left side of the sternum, well carried into the interscapular region. 2nd tone above the pulmonary artery in the murmur. The rhythm is correct. Heart rate = 82 in 1 min.
ECG - sinus arrhythmia. Heart rate-75-85 per 1 min. Incomplete blockade of the right bundle branch. Slight hypertrophy of the right ventricle.
Main diagnosis: Operated congenital heart defect: Hypoplasia of the central pulmonary bed. Pulmonary peripheral stenosis. Tricuspid insufficiency 1st degree. Pulmonary insufficiency of the 1st degree.
Concomitant diagnosis: vegetative dysfunction 9. Marbling of the skin, according to ECG - sinus arrhythmia of vagotonic origin, reactive pancreatitis, ADHD, atopic dermatitis, grade 1-2 adenoids, recurrent bronchitis, v.r. Enphysema of the lower lobe on the left, myopia 1st degree.
The effect of the operation is good and maintained. Residual pulmonary artery stenosis is minor. NK 0-1 FC 1
Recommendations: Repeated surgical treatment is not currently indicated. Dynamic observation. Consultation at the outpatient department of the PC Research Institute in 2-3 years.
Based on the conclusion received at a consultation at the Scientific Research Institute of Computer Science in Novosibirsk on November 12, 2009, the disability was lifted in September 2010. Is this legal?

For what heart diseases is a disability group given? This issue worries residents of Russia, since 30% of the population suffers from certain types of cardiovascular pathologies. Dysfunction of the circulatory system affects a person’s physical capabilities, including his ability to work.

Who is given disability?

Disability is due to pathologies that cause dysfunction of vital organs. The list of such heart diseases includes:

  1. Myocardial infarction. Violations lead to insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues, which provokes functional disorders of the heart and death of its tissues. As a result of diseases, a person’s physical inability to perform work is formed. Smoking and coronary heart disease contribute to the progression of the disease.
  2. Stage 3 hypertension. Accompanied by high blood pressure and crises, which affect the blood supply to the brain and lead to paralysis.
  3. Severe heart disease and circulatory disorders of the last stage.

In addition, disability is granted to people who have undergone complex heart surgery - bypass surgery, valve replacement, etc.

Disability groups

Disability is assigned based on the following characteristics that determine the general state of health:

  • injuries and organ damage circulatory system resulting in the inability to perform basic everyday activities;
  • loss of a person’s ability to move independently;
  • congenital defects in the structure of the heart, which led to the impossibility of working;
  • identifying a person’s need for rehabilitation and special care.

There are 3 disability groups:

  • Group 1 – patients need constant care from other people;
  • Group 2 – people partially lose their physical abilities. Assigned for moderate heart disease. These patients are able to care for themselves if favorable conditions are created for them;
  • Group 3 – people are able to take care of themselves, but have restrictions on working in their specialty.

Groups for IHD

People with coronary artery disease have contraindications to work:

  • associated with the maintenance of an electromechanical installation;
  • associated with an increased danger to the lives of other people (driver, train driver);
  • passing in extreme conditions(miners, builders).

  • Disability groups for ischemic heart disease are presented in the table

    Degree of disability due to hypertension

    People with hypertension also have the right to receive disability if we are talking about complicated forms of the pathology. Receiving benefits is indicated for stage 3 hypertension, accompanied by frequent crises, impaired cerebral blood supply, and damage to internal systems and organs.

    For angina pectoris, temporary disability is usually prescribed:

    • for FC 1 (functional class) – up to 10 days;
    • for FC 2 - up to 3 weeks;
    • for FC 3 – up to 5 weeks.

    Groups for CHF (chronic heart failure)

    Depending on the severity, chronic failure is classified into 4 functional classes.

    There are 2 degrees of CHF. In grade 1, the symptoms of the disease are mild and occur when a person performs physical activity. The main signs of the disease: an increase in the size of the liver, attacks of suffocation and a displacement of the left border of the heart.

    In case of stage 1 CHF, there are clear signs of circulatory disorders: weakness, rapid heartbeat, inability to remain in a supine position, expansion of the borders of the liver.

    Disability in chronic heart failure is correlated as follows:

    • CHF 1st degree FC 1,2,3 – disability is not established;
    • CHF 1st degree FC 4 – 3rd group;
    • CHF 2 degrees FC 1 – 3 group;
    • CHF 2 degrees FC 2,3,4 – group 2.

    Disability after heart surgery

    Disability is issued after heart surgery. The group is determined depending on the complexity of the intervention and how the patient himself underwent the operation.

    After bypass

    After the intervention, patients are temporarily unable to work. A medical examination decides to assign a disability group to a person. Group 1 is prescribed to people who have suffered severe CHF and are in need of care. Group 2 is given to people who underwent rehabilitation after CABG with complications. Disability group 3 is assigned to people with an uncomplicated rehabilitation period who have 1-2 functional classes of heart failure and angina pectoris.

    After valve replacement

    Heart disease eventually causes heart failure. Replacing a valve cannot with 100% certainty solve all the problems a person has. The issue of assignment of disability is considered in each individual case based on the results of diagnostic measures: stress test, pharmacological tests, echocardiography and others. Based on the results of the examination, specialists identify the degree of “wear and tear” of the heart. The presence of symptoms of CHF is a reason for transferring a person to light work or establishing a disability group for him.

    After ablation

    Previously, after cardiac ablation, disability group 2 was assigned for up to 1 year. Modern intervention techniques have made RFA surgery and recovery easier.

    Currently, the decision to assign disability after RFA is based on the degree of circulatory impairment. With a NC of 0.1 degree, disability is not issued. For NK of 2nd degree, disability group 2 is assigned, for NK of 3rd degree - 1st group.

    Registration of disability

    Registration of disability requires time and medical examination. To get a group, you need to visit a cardiologist and leave with him a statement of intention to obtain disability. The doctor performs an examination, enters data into the patient’s medical record and gives referrals to specialists in other fields. A complete examination to make an accurate diagnosis is performed in an inpatient setting.

    After a complete diagnosis, you can collect a package of documents:

    • referral to a commission;
    • passport;
    • a copy of the work book;
    • medical card;
    • an extract from the institution at the place of examination;
    • statement.


    In case of cardiovascular diseases, disability is issued for a temporary period. Patients regularly need to be examined once a year for groups 1 and 2 and once every 6 months for group 3. For disabled children, a second commission is assigned depending on the severity of the pathology.

    A person may be refused to extend his disability. This decision must be appealed to the ITU Bureau within a month.

    Advice! There is the possibility of an independent review that is not associated with ITU. If the results of the ITU and the independent examination do not correspond, they file a claim in court to resolve the controversial issue.

    Amount of disability benefits

    For cardiovascular diseases associated with dysfunction internal organs and loss of a person’s ability to work, disability is assigned. The disability group depends on the severity of the pathology and concomitant diseases. ITU gives a disability group after studying all necessary documents. A person needs to be examined regularly to renew benefits and allowances.

    An employer may request an Individual Rehabilitation Program for a disabled person, but the employee may not provide it - in this case, the employer is not responsible for restrictions in work functions. This is especially true for readers of the next thread who are interested in whether it is possible to work as a driver with a pacemaker. The same applies to group 2. Discussions on the topic Is disability allowed when installing a pacemaker - there are many on other diseases, but the situation with pacemakers is well described. Legal advice on assigning a disability group after surgery to install a stimulator is not very meaningful material, because The specialist was clearly too lazy to answer.

    Medical and social examination

    Treatment prescribed for acquired defects can be conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment includes the prevention of complications, relapses of the underlying disease that caused the acquired defect, and correction of heart function. If the ongoing therapeutic treatment does not bring the desired result, the patient is advised to consult a cardiac surgeon for timely surgical treatment.

    Acquired heart defects are dangerous for the development of progressive heart failure, lead to disability, and can often be fatal. Registration of disability Whether disability is due to a heart defect is decided by a medical and social expert commission, abbreviated as ITU. The commission consists of several specialists.

    Heart diseases that cause disability

    24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: Is disability given after heart surgery? The heart is the most important organ of the human body. It delivers blood to all tissues and organs, so it bears enormous loads. Poor nutrition, stress, increased fatigue, poor ecology, constant nervous tension lead to the fact that the heart cannot stand it and gets sick.

    Diseases of this organ often require careful treatment and surgery. Disability is often awarded after heart surgery and heart diseases.

    Is disability allowed after heart surgery?

    UPS), in a month you are invited for a follow-up examination. Do they now want to remove the disability? read the answers (1) Topic: Get a disability group My child has a congenital heart defect after the operation we will be put on disability. I want to know which group will be and how much they will pay. read the answers (1) Less than a month ago I had surgery to replace the mitral valve valve plus concomitant diseases today, the doctors said that the commission was to read the answers (1) Topic: Is a disability group eligible? Is a child (10 months) eligible for disability after radical heart surgery, diagnosed with congenital heart disease Tetralogy of Fallot. read answers (1) Topic: Child's disability They will Is there a disability for a child after abdominal heart surgery, if everything is fine after the operation? read the answers (1) My child had open heart surgery (ASS), and was always given disability for a year after the operation.

    Do heart defects give you disability and how to apply for it?

    Coronary heart disease, smoking and obesity also contribute to the progression of myocardial infarction. 2. Stage 3 hypertension. The disease is characterized by high blood pressure, the presence of crises, leading to disturbances in the supply of blood to the brain, which often lead to paralysis. 3. Severe heart defects, as well as irreversible circulatory disorders of the 3rd degree.


    In addition, patients who have undergone a number of severe forms of heart disease and operations, for example, coronary bypass surgery, can count on registration of disability. If you want to receive disability due to heart disease, you need to contact your doctor to express this desire. Registration of disability after bypass surgery After cardiac bypass surgery, temporary disability is observed.

    Therefore, the patient is issued a sick leave certificate for up to 4 months.

    Disability after heart surgery


    All over the world the most common cause diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the cause of death. Both adults and children suffer from these diseases. Heart disease is a serious, often incurable disease. Symptoms that indicate the presence of a disease such as heart disease cannot be ignored.
    It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment as early as possible. What is a heart defect called? A heart defect is a pathological disorder in the structure and functioning of the heart that leads to heart failure.
    Topic: Free medications Child on disability, 2 years old, two heart surgeries, after the first operation Sildenafil was prescribed for health reasons until the 3rd planned operation read answers (1) Topic: Heart surgery Recently underwent a complex heart surgery (aortic valve replacement)., and Now I found out that I have some benefits, how can I find out more about this? read the answers (1) Topic: Heart surgery I had heart surgery and after the operation I developed epilepsy, what disability group should I be given? Thank you. read the answers (1) Topic: Copyright and related rights After heart surgery ACS, disability was not given at work, they say that you can’t work in your specialty, you need to resign of your own free will. read the answers (2) Topic: After the operation My daughter is 4 years old, she has CHD, secondary ASD. We were put on a waiting list for surgery.

    What is the law for disability when replacing a heart valve?

    Achieving a complete recovery is only possible through surgery. The consequence of the development of such a serious disease as heart disease is a gradual disruption of the functions of other human organs to varying degrees. To maintain health and avoid the development of more severe complications, correct knowledge about the dangers of heart disease is necessary.
    Modern medicine has so much high level development that even in the most difficult cases of organ disease can, if not completely cure, then provide a person decent life. Congenital heart defects Congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system are caused by various reasons.

    Next, patients are sent for a medical and social examination, which decides whether to assign a disability after heart bypass surgery and which group. Disability group I is assigned to people with severe chronic heart failure who require care from others. Disability group II can be assigned to patients with a complicated postoperative period.


    Disability group III can be assigned to patients uncomplicated by the course of the postoperative period, as well as with or without grade 1-2 angina pectoris, heart failure. Work in professions that do not pose a threat to the patient’s cardiac activity may be permitted. At the same time, prohibited professions include working in the field, with toxic substances, at heights, and as a driver.

    The heart is a vital organ that performs the main function in the circulatory system, ensuring the movement of blood through the vessels thanks to its rhythmic contractions. When pathological defects are observed in the condition of the heart, the first thing the body experiences is insufficient blood supply. If the degree of blood supply disturbance is high enough, then the person is given a disability.
    Heart defects are divided into:

    1. Congenital. Disturbances in the structure of the heart organ occur even before a person is born.
    2. Purchased. Heart pathology develops during a person’s life, for example, in the case of complications after an illness.

    Heart defects are chronic diseases that gradually progress. Various therapeutic methods alleviate the condition of patients, but do not bring complete recovery. Therapy does not eliminate the cause of the disease.
    Disability is a medical and social category, and not a purely medical one. From a practical point of view, the issue of assigning disability to a person after surgery to implant a pacemaker is decided on the basis expert assessment preservation of labor functions by the patient. Those. education, specialty, place of work and working conditions, self-care opportunities and the degree of disability reduction must be taken into account.

    Formally, on the basis of Government Resolution No. 123 of February 25, 2003 “On approval of the regulations on military medical examination” in accordance with Art. 44 people after installation of an artificial heart pacemaker are equivalent to patients with ischemic disease with a significant degree of dysfunction. And such patients should be given a disability group without conditions. Legal grounds According to clause 13 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008.

    Their task is to study the documents provided by the patient, assess the patient’s health and make a decision on disability. To register a disability, the patient must inform the attending cardiologist about his decision to receive a disability group. The attending physician makes his own assessment of the patient’s condition and refers him to other specialists, who also make appropriate entries in the patient’s card. Often, a complete examination of the patient with all necessary laboratory tests is carried out in the hospital. After undergoing a complete diagnosis, the patient must collect a package of all necessary documents to submit them to the ITU for a final conclusion.

    Prolapse is understood as an abnormal type of placement of an organ, when a process of prolapse or protrusion occurs through the openings of the natural structure. Of all the valves in humans, the mitral valve is most susceptible to this condition. Therefore, there are relatively many conscripts suffering from this pathology.

    Features of the manifestation of the disease

    By regulating the movement of blood, valves create barriers to its reverse flow. When the valve opens, blood flows towards the ventricle, and after closing, it flows into the aorta due to contraction of the ventricle. Deviation in the condition of the mitral valve provokes sagging of its valves in the area of ​​the left atrium during contraction of the ventricle. Therefore, the blood partially returns to the atrium. Considering the degree of regurgitation, the disease is divided into 3 groups:

    • PMK 1 with sashes deflection up to 6 mm and insignificant reverse current. Symptoms are not active.
    • PMK 2 - deflection 6-9 mm. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, heart pain, dizziness and fainting are observed.
    • PMK 3 with a deflection of more than 9 mm. Due to active reverse blood flow, the symptoms become pronounced, which requires surgical intervention.

    What is taken into account during the examination

    Members of the IHC, when assigning a fitness category, are guided by three main criteria:

    • severity of deviations in heart rhythm;
    • the presence of a condition that differs from the norms of blood conductivity;
    • diagnosed heart failure.

    The last factor is quite significant. Experts focus on the gradation of functional classes:

    • FC I - conscript due to his condition does not require restrictions on physical activity, since signs of deviations are not present at its usual level;
    • FC II - increased heart rate, weakness and shortness of breath occur during standard exercise, but are no longer present at rest;
    • FC III - symptoms are provoked even by a weak level physical activity;
    • FC IV - signs of the disease are present even at rest.

    When will they be drafted into the army?

    When mitral valve prolapse is diagnosed in the 1st degree, a man will be taken into the army, since his condition is close to normal, and there are no symptoms, the person leads a normal type of life activity. At the same time, there are no restrictions on physical activity, although periodic examinations by a cardiologist are necessary. If a conscript is diagnosed with this anomaly of the mitral valve, when the level of heart failure is not higher than FC I, he will be drafted into the army with category “B-4”. Guys with a disease without symptoms, when there is no discomfort and no treatment is needed, will serve in the same way. The presence of 2nd degree prolapse will be the basis for referral to the Air Force with a number of restrictions.

    Liberation from the army

    As the level of mitral regurgitation increases, the risk of complications is very high. The development of mitral insufficiency is likely. It is possible that arrhythmia or infective endocarditis will occur. Therefore, conscripts with persistent heart rhythm disturbances, decreased conductivity with the presence of FC II deficiency have every reason to qualify for exemption from service. Art. tells us this. 42, according to the rules of which the young man receives category “B”. The disease in the 3rd stage has more pronounced symptoms. Due to the increased deflection, the outflow increases, and then regurgitation provokes a disorder of the circulatory system, worsens the heart rhythm and increases heart failure. In this case, the conscript is released from the army.
