Coffee calories 3 in 1. How many calories in a cup of coffee

Today, three-in-one coffee is the most popular drink among students, office workers and just modern people. This drink gained such widespread popularity thanks to the alkaloid caffeine using a variety of flavoring additives.

It is generally accepted that drinking 3-in-1 coffee has an stimulating effect on nervous system person, thereby maximizing his performance. This drink can enhance activity and significantly reduce fatigue. But, you need to remember that excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine can cause such Negative consequences, How:

  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid pulse;
  • prostration.

3 in 1 coffee has significantly more calories than a regular sugar-free drink. But, for some reason, its energy value is rarely indicated on the packaging.

Three varieties of coffee in one

In general, drinks such as 3 in 1, Maccoffee and others are traditionally divided into several types depending on the components used in production:

  • drinks that contain natural grains;
  • drinks in which a substitute, chicory, is used instead of natural grains;
  • drinks that do not contain coffee or chicory, and their preparation is based on the use of acorns, chestnuts, nuts and cereals.

There is a wide variety of such drinks, differing in the manufacturer and the difference in flavor. We are offered mac-coffee with flavors of rum, nuts, cinnamon, etc. Here, of course, everyone is free to choose what they like.

The subtleties of making coffee 3 in 1

As we noted above, the flavor variety of 3-in-1 coffee drinks offered by manufacturers is very large. Its recipe is developed quite carefully. During the production process, harmoniously combined flavoring and aromatic components are added. Some are used to give the drink taste, others – aroma, and others are responsible for strength. All added ingredients make the taste of the drink much sweeter and softer. But it is these additives that increase the calorie content of coffee.

Not everyone knows that the calorie content of 3 in 1 coffee is much higher than that of regular coffee without sugar.

How to choose the right 3 in 1 coffee

Since the production technology is almost the same, the first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing is the packaging. It must be hermetically sealed and without damage. It is important! After all, when moisture gets inside the bag, the contents gather in clumps and become unfit for consumption.

When choosing a 3 in 1 drink, you need to carefully study the composition, and if you don’t find coffee in the first place on the list, then the likelihood that there is actually coffee waiting for you inside is reduced to zero.
Finally, for comparison, it is best to try several different brands and choose the drink you like best. After all, as they like to say, “There are no comrades according to taste”!

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Coffee is an invigorating and refreshing drink, without which many people find it difficult to imagine their morning. However, coffee connoisseurs are increasingly concerned about the calorie content of this drink. Will another cup of coffee harm your figure? Should you worry about the number of calories in coffee? Let's try to answer these questions.

How many calories are in 100 grams of coffee?

Coffee is a very low-calorie drink, if we mean just the coffee itself without any additives. But the method of preparation, the amount and types of additives used can greatly affect the calorie level. Whatever we add to our mug of coffee (cream, sugar, condensed milk, etc.) - the calorie content will greatly increase.

So, The calorie content of coffee depends on what kind of coffee you drink and what additives you use to complement the taste. The same can be said about. For example, if you drink a cup of coffee from ground beans, then you consume only 2 kcal. Whereas, enjoying the exquisite taste of a latte, you already get 250 Kcal! And by adding another spoonful of sugar to your coffee, you will increase the number of kilocalories to 274!

In addition, those who especially closely watch their figure should pay attention to the volume of the drink, that is, the size of the cup! The amount of calories consumed will also depend on the volume of the drink you drink. You can read about the benefits and harms of coffee with milk in ours.

Amount of Kcal in different types of coffee

The calorie content of coffee drinks may vary, as it is determined by the calorie content of the ingredients in the composition. Let's look at the most popular types of coffee and their calorie content.

  1. Natural coffe

Black brewed coffee beans are considered very low in calories. There are 1-2 kcal per hundred milliliters of drink. Thus, by drinking a 200 ml cup of natural bean coffee, you get maximum 4 kcal. Of course, the calorie content of the drink will remain the same if you do not add sugar or milk to it.

  1. Ground coffee

Ground coffee will also not harm your figure. A 200 ml cup of ground coffee will bring you only 2 Kcal.

  1. Instant coffee

Instant coffee has a higher calorie content, which is 7 Kcal per hundred milliliters of drink. By drinking a standard mug with a volume of 200-250 milliliters, you get about 14-17.5 kcal. And if you add sugar and drink this drink two or three times a day, it can quickly affect your figure. Read more about the benefits and harms instant coffee you can read it. You can learn more about freeze-dried instant coffee: how it is produced, which brands of coffee are best to choose.

  1. Americano

Americano coffee consists of espresso and water. Respectively, The calorie content of this drink is low. A 450-milliliter serving of Americano will bring you only 15 kcal, the same as a serving. Considering the volume and good taste, we conclude that Americano coffee is a good option.

  1. Latte

Latte contains espresso, milk and foam. Obviously, the most high-calorie ingredient in a latte is milk, which adds “weight” to the drink. A standard serving without sugar contains at least 250 kcal. In our other article we talk about.

  1. Cappuccino

This drink contains espresso and high-calorie ingredients such as cream and sugar. The surface of the cappuccino is covered with milk foam, which is whipped from full-fat milk or cream. Naturally, given the composition of the drink, it just can't be low calorie. A serving of 150-180 ml with sugar and cream will bring you at least 210 Kcal.

You will learn how to make excellent cappuccino.

  1. Moccaccino

Moccacino contains espresso, milk, chocolate or chocolate syrup. In addition, according to some recipes, caramel is added to moccacino instead of sugar. An average serving of moccacino has a calorie content of about 290 kcal. Read all about mochaccino coffee and its recipes in the following.

  1. Glasse

Glasse is another original drink, which is given a special piquancy by the addition of ice cream. Obviously, such a high-calorie ingredient increases the calorie content of the entire drink. One serving of an incredibly tasty drink will bring you 125 Kcal. can be found the best recipes preparing iced coffee.

  1. Frappuccino

Frappuccino is the highest calorie type of coffee. Usually the drink is served in a large container, so while enjoying a Frappuccino, you will get at least 400 Kcal! You can read about what a Frappuccino is at.

  1. Rough coffee

Rough coffee is a coffee drink with a vanilla-milk flavor. The calorie content of a 150 ml serving of this type of coffee is at least 135 kcal, depending on the added ingredients. Find more detailed information about such a unique coffee drink as raff coffee.

  1. Coffee 3 in 1 with sugar and milk powder

A standard 3-in-1 coffee bag is a mixture of coffee, sugar, and milk powder. Typically such a bag weighs 20 grams. Half the weight of the mixture is sugar. 10 grams of sugar have a calorie content of 40 kcal. Powdered milk adds about 30 more kcal. As we found out, the calorie content of coffee itself is insignificant. In total we have about 70 Kcal in one bag.

If you are a tea and travel lover, then you will like a drink from tropical forest from a plant called Paraguayan holly. And you can find out that it makes excellent mate tea, as well as about the properties of this exotic drink.

Calorie content of supplements

Not everyone likes coffee without additives. Therefore, most coffee lovers try to improve its taste with the help of various additives. Usually the additional ingredients chosen are sugar, milk, cream, syrup, condensed milk, chocolate, ice cream. How do such additives affect the calorie content of coffee?


Sugar greatly increases the calorie content of the drink. For example, a teaspoon of sugar has 24 Kcal, respectively, adding two tablespoons of sugar, we get 48 Kcal.


Cream is the most popular additive to coffee. Cream perfectly softens the taste of coffee, but significantly increases the number of calories.. A small 10-gram bag of drinking cream 10% has a calorie content of 12 Kcal, and 20% cream has 20 Kcal. One packet of the same volume of cream in powder form has 45 Kcal. But if you use 35 percent cream, then every hundred grams of the product will bring at least 300 Kcal, that is, by adding a tablespoon (20 grams) of such cream, you will increase the calorie content of the coffee drink by 60 Kcal.


Coffee with milk is also very popular. But how many calories will the next cup of coffee with milk bring? This depends on the calorie content of the milk used. Every hundred grams of milk with 1.5% fat content has 45 Kcal, 2.5% - 54 Kcal, 3.2% - 60 Kcal, whole powdered milk - 60, 6% baked milk - 85. If we are talking about skim milk, then its calorie content is 32 Kcal per 100 grams. A tablespoon contains 20 grams of milk, and a teaspoon – 5. Thus, if we, for example, add two tablespoons of 2.5% fat milk to our coffee, then we increase its calorie content by 21.6 Kcal.

Condensed milk

Condensed milk goes great with coffee, as it not only softens its taste, but also makes it sweet. Condensed milk with 8.5% sugar has a calorie content of 295 Kcal for every hundred grams. A teaspoon holds 12 grams of condensed milk, and a tablespoon holds 25. It turns out that Each additional teaspoon of condensed milk will add 35.4 kcal to the drink, and a tablespoon – 73.75 kcal. As for condensed milk without sugar, 100 grams of the product contains 131 kcal. The calorie content of a teaspoon of such condensed milk is 15.7 Kcal, and a tablespoon - 32.75 Kcal.

Ice cream

True connoisseurs love adding ice cream to their coffee. Every hundred grams of ice cream will add 227 Kcal to the calorie content of your drink, ice cream - 184 Kcal, milk ice cream - 132 Kcal. The weight of a standard scoop of ice cream is 50 grams. So, adding a ball of, for example, ice cream to coffee, we get 113.5 Kcal.


Quite often chocolate syrup is added to coffee. Average The calorie content of 100 grams of this supplement is 149 Kcal. A tablespoon will hold 25 grams of syrup, and a teaspoon will hold 10. Thus, a tablespoon of syrup will add another 37.25 Kcal to the calorie content of the drink, and a teaspoon – 14.9 Kcal.

  • Milk: 20 grams in a tablespoon, 5 in a teaspoon.
  • Condensed milk: 25 grams in a tablespoon, 10 in a teaspoon.
  • Sugar: 20-25 in a tablespoon, 5-7 in a teaspoon.

Would you like to try something unusual? Then you should like Gaba tea, which has a large list medicinal properties, of which we can note such as improving memory and normalizing metabolism. Here you can find complete information on this unique tea:

Calorie table for popular coffee drinks

So, each type of coffee has its own calorie content, which is determined by its composition and the presence of additives. The table below will help you estimate the calorie content of the most popular coffee drinks.

So, coffee is a low-calorie drink. However, various coffee drinks have a higher calorie content due to the presence of more high-calorie ingredients in their composition. This should be kept in mind by those who are watching their figure. However, always remember that the joy of your favorite drink is much more important than carefully counted calories.

IN modern world day active person It's hard to imagine without a cup of coffee. Have you ever wondered if coffee interferes with maintaining a slim figure? How many calories does one cup of espresso or cappuccino contain?

Let's look at the composition of coffee.

Per 100 grams of sugar-free drink there are 0.2 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat and 0.1 g of carbohydrates, and the total calorie content is only 9 kcal. Caffeine, a natural alkaloid that stimulates the production of dopamine (the so-called joy hormone) in humans, is responsible for the tonic effect. The action of caffeine activates muscle and mental activity by stimulating the central nervous system.

also in chemical composition Coffee contains various organic acids: chlorogenic, pyruvic, quinic, malic and others. Each of them is needed in the body, for example, pyruvic acid is necessary for cellular respiration, and chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant (a substance that slows down aging). Interestingly, when beans are roasted, this substance breaks down, which is why green beans are more healthy.

Due to its minimal calorie content, coffee is successfully used in various diets. So for fast weight loss you can use the coffee diet for 7 days, the green coffee diet. The Japanese 21-day diet, the main component of which is black coffee, is also very popular.

Thus, coffee can be successfully used for weight loss. The calorie content of one cup of natural coffee without sugar is only 2-4 calories: Even adding milk to the drink does not particularly increase its calorie content. 1 cup of coffee /100 grams/ with milk without sugar contains no more than 20 calories /depending on the amount of milk/, but if you add one teaspoon of sugar to it, the calorie content increases to 45 calories.

You can remember one simple rule: every teaspoon of sugar increases the calorie content of your drink by 28-30 calories.

The calorie content of one cup of espresso coffee is 60-70 calories per 100 grams of drink.

The calorie content of one cup of cappuccino coffee is approximately 95 calories per 100 grams of drink.

  • vegetable fats (coconut or palm oil);
  • glucose syrup;
  • milk protein;
  • acidity regulator;
  • stabilizers, emulsifiers (substances that provide the desired consistency of the product);
  • flavorings and colors (giving creamy color and taste)
  • sugar or sugar substitute;
  • coffee /natural or instant - can be replaced with chicory or roasted chestnut/

There is no benefit from this composition and the calorie content is much higher than that of natural ground coffee.

The average calorie content of one 3-in-1 coffee bag is 70 calories.

Harm from coffee

Pesticides are one of the most treated plants;

Mold /mycotoxins/ - if not stored properly - coffee beans may contain a toxic compound known as ochratoxin A.;

Dangerous for people with gluten sensitivity - cross-influence of processed coffee protein;

Caffeine - depletes the adrenal cortex, damages the gastrointestinal tract.

Table of calories and nutritional value of coffee.

The product's name Number of grams of product Contains
natural coffee /ground/ 100g 200 kcal
instant coffee /powder/ 100g 118 kcal
coffee with milk /ready/ 1 cup 100g 10-20 kcal
coffee 3 in 1 100g 420-450 kcal
proteins 100g 13.9 gr.
fat 100g 14.4 gr.
carbohydrates 100g 4.1 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 15.8 gr.
water 100g 7 gr.

100 grams of coffee contain the following microelements.

There are many coffee lovers among us. Some people prefer to cheer themselves up in the morning with a cup of freshly ground and aromatic coffee brewed in a Turk. Some people prefer to treat themselves to a large cup of cappuccino or latte at lunch. During the working day, many of us prefer to speed up the process of preparing our favorite drink using instant coffee.

Is coffee healthy? In small quantities, of course.

Coffee beans contain protein and monounsaturated fat. Getting into human body, such fats reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Many coffee lovers are concerned about the question: how many calories enter our body when drinking this drink daily?

The scientific experiments carried out can only please all coffee lovers - its calorie content is very low.

So, 100 grams of a drink made from ground coffee contains only 1 kilocalorie.

The calorie content of coffee can change upward if the coffee beans have been over-roasted or stored for too long. In this case, it stands out large quantity fatty oils.

The energy value of the drink can also be increased various additives, which manufacturers use for ground and instant coffee to make its taste softer and more pleasant.

The popularity of instant coffee is due to the speed of its preparation.. After all, what’s simpler: pour it into a cup, add sugar, milk if desired, fill it with water - and now the aromatic drink is ready.

The calorie content of 100 grams of dry instant coffee is 94 kcal. A prepared cup of such a drink will contain approximately 2-3 calories.

Here the cooking process is even faster: pour out the contents of the bag and add the required amount of water.

Let's calculate the calorie content of the finished drink. To do this, consider the number of calories in each ingredient:

  • sugar – 38 kcal;
  • coffee – approximately 1 kcal;
  • cream – 31 kcal.

The calorie content of a 3-in-1 coffee bag is 70 kcal.

You just need to take into account that the coffee and cream in this drink are not natural, and this is not in favor of its use. One cannot count on much benefit from such a drink.

Coffee with milk and sugar (with cream)

To soften the taste, milk or cream is often added to natural coffee.

Its calorie content will depend on the fat content of the milk: the higher it is, the more calories.

Cream is fattier than milk and will add even more calories to your coffee. For comparison: 100 g of milk with 3.5% fat contains about 63 kcal, and the same amount of cream - from 220 to 360 kcal.

Then it all depends on the amount of milk or cream you add to your cup. If you prepare yourself a drink by mixing coffee and milk (100 ml each) in equal proportions and without adding sugar, then you will get a delicious, aromatic drink with a calorie content of 63 kcal.

100 g of coffee with milk and sugar contains approximately 90 kcal, and with cream – 270 kcal or more.

If you prefer to use cream of plant origin rather than animal origin, then add:

when using 1 tablespoon of dry cream – 40-45 kcal, and 1 tablespoon of drinking cream – 20-35 kcal.

Types of coffee-based drinks

Let's consider the calorie content of such favorite drinks as latte, cappuccino and iced glass.

A classic cappuccino consists of one third coffee. Another third of the drink is hot milk and the remaining part is milk foam.

The calorie content of a two hundred gram cup of cappuccino will be approximately 60 kcal.

A latte also consists of espresso coffee and milk, but the ratio of ingredients in this drink is different. For one part coffee you need to take three parts frothed milk.

The calorie content of 200 g of latte is therefore slightly higher than a cappuccino and amounts to 64 kcal.

Glasse is perhaps the most high-calorie milk-containing coffee drink. They prefer to drink it in the summer, since the ice cream is based on espresso and ice cream.

The calorie content of a cup of classic glass is more than 150 kcal.

To date, scientists have come to a consensus about the benefits of coffee.

It is an undeniable fact that to cause the least harm to the body, it is better to use natural ingredients.

Energy value of coffee with and without sugar

Let us remind you that one hundred grams of natural coffee without sugar contains only 1 kcal.

The calorie content of coffee with sugar will be affected by the amount and type of sugar used.(granulated sugar or refined sugar).

1 teaspoon of granulated sugar contains 24 kcal. A cube of refined sugar weighing 5 grams contains 20 kcal, weighing 10 grams, respectively, 40 kcal.

By decreasing or increasing its amount in coffee, you can affect the energy value of the drink.
