Free online game Prime World. Guide to the Sage in Prime World, build, what to download

The talented zoologist, after escaping from captivity by the Adornians, became slightly disturbed in his mind, but this did not stop him from joining the imperial army in order to demonstrate his developed abilities and talents in military affairs. His attacks overtake enemies out of nowhere, and those who still manage to detect him find their death in the clutches of the Evil Trees - traps left behind by the Sage. His enchanted bear skin armor makes him virtually invulnerable to normal attacks.

The Sorcerer is available for play from Castle level 31.

The cost to hire a Sage is 400,000 silver.

The Sage can be hired from any level of the Castle for 399 gold.

Video review of the Sage's abilities

Initial characteristics of the Sage

Level 1
Level 36
Health 666
48 48
Energy 697 2840
Force 59
Damage 53-65 123-150
Intelligence 61 177
Agility 53
Attacks per second 0,71 0,92
Punching 8% 31%
Cunning 59 113
Crit chance
Durability 56
Body protection 10% 47%
Will 54 95
Spirit Protection 9% 39%

Guide to the Sage

Sage is good character to cause damage.

Thanks to its roots, the sorcerer deals good damage at long distances, and with the help of the raven it deals MUCH more damage. The raven also blinds your non-friend. The sorcerer has 3 saves: a raven (can blind an enemy), a tree (can stun), a paw (can throw back and stun. The combination of tree+paw+raven+roots can hurt a friend quite well, but can even kill.

The sorcerer is old and weak, so he has reduced speed and little health.

At the beginning of the game, wizards often take 2 bottles and go to any line. After receiving the crow, the enemy will be afraid of you, stand under the tower and you will dominate.

In the middle of the game, you can quickly, quickly put a tree next to an ally to help him.

At the end of the game you have to be careful and help the team.

The sorcerer can be upgraded to strength + MP regen + durability + health.

A better damage dealer is a smart sorcerer.

First, the sorcerer takes all the skills, then manoregen, intelligence. At the end of the game, you can take talents for stamina and health. For a wise sorcerer, a set for immortality and reflection of essence is well suited. For a power copy of this character, such as immortality and micro bash (depleting touch) are suitable.


Our hero can be helped by a healer or another healing character (like all the characters in this wonderful game!).

Build for Sage

Sage Skins

The Sorcerer has 1 skin in the Prime World game - Sorceress (costs 299 gold).

Pros and cons of the Prime World Forester/Sorcerer hero

+Holds the line well thanks to the attack range, high starting damage and strong healing by the fourth level
+A character at level 9 is almost impossible to gank
+Excellent additional skills in the form of blinding and reducing HP regeneration
+Decent damage with good team support in the late game

-Vulnerable to ganks at the start
-The hero is quite inert when using basic skills
-It is difficult for a Forester/Sorcerer to level up due to the fact that even at the late game stage there is not enough AOE damage and speed to quickly clear the forest and lanes
-Quite a weak escape skill
-Casting ult


In this build, the emphasis is on the intelligence of the hero Vedun, the guide relegates other characteristics to the background.
Natural Mind, Natural Power, Intercession of the Warrior.
+5 intelligence and +5 strength, this is the ideal of the first line. If you don’t have such talents or you feel sorry for them, put yellow +1 intelligence and +1 strength, or, as an option, two genders.

Body Workout or Predator's Rage. Exuding Magic and Prime Influx.
Also in the Prime World game, Lesovik has a guide that tells him the most effective methods game and build, it’s not bad to have a bit of vampirism and intelligence, very useful provided that your roots vampirize quite well. The influx of prime is necessary for the reason that our hero is quite often forced to leave the line in order to plant a couple of trees in the forest. As an alternative for the Sage, the guide suggests using the talent for +2 strength and +2 intelligence + tenacity until you get the hang of maintaining the hero's survivability.

Rare Intelligence, Hidden Intelligence, General Energy, Internal Reserves.

In this guide to the Forester/Sorcerer, we draw your attention to the fact that our hero’s mana is wasted very quickly, therefore its regeneration is extremely necessary. It is necessary to set General Energy for the reason that our character’s trees disappear the moment the energy runs out. All characters have strong and weak sides, which require the use of the mind in the game, this is a feature of the Prime World game. The arborist, the guide we are looking at, needs to regularly replenish the life of trees with the help of General Energy. Another option is +4 intelligence, +60 energy, +3 intelligence, +1.3 health regeneration, +5 strength, +60 energy.

Lightness of Wind, Insatiable Fury, Bloodsucker, Mind Training, Shroud of Shadow.
It is mandatory to put on a boot in order to at least somehow speed up our slow hero. Instead of the rest, we overclock the mind parameter as much as possible.

Ice Power, Will to Victory, Destruction of Defenses, Determination, Heroic Fortitude, Harmonic Development.

The talents Harmonic Development and Determination will be very useful on this line, as they give strength and intelligence. And Determination also has 4% AC (-1 second for crow and tree). Other talents on this line are not of great importance for the Prime World hero Woodman/Sorcerer, they slightly weaken the enemy and give us protection.

Combat Assault, Magical Assault, Overcoming Pain, Unlocked Potential, Survival Instinct and Greatness of Mind.

This line gives us everything. It is necessary to put maximum talents on the mind and, in addition, passive save abilities.

Prime world game tactics: Lesovik. Hyde


So, we will look at what we have to do on the line in the guide to Lesovik/Sorcerer:

1) Start of the game (levels 1-8). At this stage, it is better to show aggression exclusively against characters with a melee attack (miles), except for the toad and the soul reaper. By hitting the enemy with your roots, you drive him away from the allied army (creeps). In battles with heroes with a ranged attack (ranges), it is important to be careful, since the Sorceress is quite slow, his speed is only 45, which means that the possibility of running away without receiving an auto-attack in the back is excluded.
2) Mid-game (level 9-24). At this stage, the Prime World hero Sage/Forester fully dominates the lane and the nearby forest. By wisely placing trees, you will protect yourself from ganks, and you will also support the team by controlling the enemy from the cover of the shadows. The task for this period is to plant the forest with trees as efficiently as possible in order to cover the fleeing allies. And after Gorynych is killed, the trees will help block the approaches to him, thereby preventing enemies from stealing valuable loot.
3) End of the game (level 25+). Often, all heroes are already well prepared for this level and can inflict 800 damage in a short period of time, so trees will not be able to block the path of enemies for long. The higher the level of the heroes becomes, the less effective the Sorcerer becomes, and therefore becomes quite an easy prey for the enemy.
Bottom line: the most profitable move will be to end the game at the stage from level 15-25. By causing enemies to gank you, you will give your brothers the opportunity to increase their level in free lanes. The Sage is able to survive a gank of about 2-3 heroes, so the main task is to place the trees correctly.

Other features of the game in Prime World. Guide to the Sorcerer/Forester.

Level 1-8
We play carefully, throwing roots at enemy heroes. You can immediately press your character’s miles without hesitation. Care must be taken with the ranger.

Level 9-24
Prime World hero Sage/Forester's finest hour on the line. We place the evil tree so that the enemies cannot unexpectedly gank you, in addition, this will give time to escape. It is important to place 1-2 trees in the forest, in case your escape route runs through it. And the probability of this is 95%.
At the moment when the evil tree grabs the enemy, throw a raven at him and finish him off with the roots. In 90% of cases the enemy will be defeated. If he still managed to escape, you can ask the team to finish him off.

Level 25-36
At these levels, the Prime World hero Sage/Forester has a very difficult time. The enemies are building up their advantage and this allows them to break our trees in a matter of seconds, like matches. Therefore, at this stage we are working on this option: we run with the team, place the evil tree near the enemies, then throw the crow and roots. It happens that moisture begins to dominate and is sent to your base (2 guns and an arsenal). We solve this situation this way: we place trees near the towers and wait for prey. When things get messy around the towers and trees, in most cases, victory is yours. Therefore, we again begin to push the enemy’s lane and get closer to winning.

Tips in the game Prime World. Guide to the Sorcerer/Forester.

These tips will help you use the ultimate of the Prime World hero Sage/Forester more productively and profitably:

  • Trees should not be placed exclusively in the corners of the map or on the side, close to the forest
  • at level 9, evilwood can be used to save mana. You should always place trees where you visit most often. Even if you are not moving away from the tower, you can place a tree in the center of the line. This will help save mana for the Prime World Sage/Woodman character.
  • the evil tree does not require extra expenditure of mana. On the ult it takes quite a lot. Therefore, the best option for planting is the placement of trees at the maximum distance from the planted one. This will also save mana and allow you to control more territory.
  • be persistent. Ideally, your task is to plant trees across your entire line and thereby trap the enemy under the tower. This is more than real, even with powerful opponents. It is necessary to constantly expand the grip. When rolling back, first of all, run to plant a tree further from the previously planted one towards the glyph or in the forest.
  • The Sorcerer, the guide we are studying, is quite weak at first, so the first thing you should do is protect yourself from ganks. Especially being in the mid lane. We place a tree at the exit from our forest, and behind it another one, a little deeper and another one towards the glyph.
  • Keep an eye on the map, especially at levels 9-14. At this moment, the trees are rather weak and there are few of them. Roughly speaking, at this stage of the game trees play the role of wards. It is important to notice in time that someone has fallen into a trap and decide what to do with him. Perhaps it would be logical to retreat and not wait for the enemy to break the tree, rather than attempt to attack him for only 2 seconds, which will deprive us of the opportunity to leave the battle unscathed.
  • buy a potion of attentiveness. Opponents' eyes are not such a serious problem. In order to destroy a tree, you need to approach it, highlight it and start damaging it. And if you add the Sage to this, then the fun begins. After all, what Forester would not stand up for his forest against the enemy? Flashlights are a minus. They illuminate the trees and even mobs can be a hindrance.
  • control the map by placing trees on it. Firstly, they will serve as wards, secondly, they will cover you or your allies in due time, thirdly, it is impossible to predict the location of the mix, therefore 2-3 trees will not be superfluous at all.
Enemies in the game Prime world. Sage. Hyde

Type 1

White Mask/Faceless One, Immortal/Highlander, Priestess/Healer, Rumble/Man Mountain, Claw/Fang, Serpent Marked/Blademaster, Witcher. These characters are essentially fodder for our hero. The only danger is a quick gank.

Strong liner. You should remain calm with him, observing measured tactics. You finish off the mobs, drive the Highlander away from them with your roots, and so you get to the 9th level. Here we begin to crush the trees and drive them under the tower, sometimes an ult is needed.

A killer and a terrible enemy. But such a character in the right hands won’t even bother you. Be careful and try to take advantage of the slightest mistakes of the enemy.

The only hero from the group with a long-range attack, but when faced with the Sage, even this will not save. If you fall into a trap, the probability of death is almost 100%.

The principle of tactics is the same as with Highlander. The main thing is caution.

This character dies in the tree just like the others. Has the ability to interrupt the enemy's ult.

Try to hold the flag for your native land. In battle, auto attack + raven + roots are applicable.

Cover your rear and stay close to the trees. Avoid ultimates, they start the gank.

Type 2

Prince of Thieves/Duelist, Leader/Warlord, Meijin/Combat, Soulcatcher/Reaper of Souls, Nymph/Maiden, Swamp King/Toad Rider.

Most vulnerable up to level 9. Has a strong auto attack and AOE damage. Stick to the trees and warn your allies in time.

It is very stable, makes unpleasant jumps and deals quite a bit of damage. Until the evil tree, it is better to stay away from it. Then we press smoothly, covering the rear.

Similar to Voevoda, but less durable. Capable of stabbing a procast and leaving in a whirlwind. Immediately look for escape routes, but if you have trees, don’t hesitate to attack

Mask and Voivode in one bottle. Has an improved dangerous ult. Be careful and cover your rear.

High survival rate, willpower. An unpleasant opponent. You won’t hinder her quality, but you’ll collect a lot of prime.

This hero is on par with the maiden and the Duelist. It is difficult to stand against him, you should especially be wary of his ult. Keep it with you native land and try to break through the enemy’s shield with the help of a raven and roots.

Welcome to the official prime world website, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, get acquainted with detailed description game features, discuss the game on the forum and view the gallery of screenshots and videos.

Herself Prime game World represents social strategy, successfully combining the ability to control a castle and tactical battles. Participants choose the warring faction on whose side they would like to fight, manage their own castle, gather heroes and take part in ruthless battles. Also an addictive game prime world based on something completely new for such projects social interaction players.

The game pv provides both male and female characters, which interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of the game Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategy, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. IN pw everyone is given the freedom to do what they are passionate about. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can support them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

The essence Online Games consists of confronting two factions: the Dokt Empire and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime during endless battles. In turn, Prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world, with which you can control it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

While playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, control their favorite character in a skirmish mode similar to DotA, they can also become the owner of their own castle, carry out assignments and fight with other commanders.

Prime World - online game, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into beautiful healers who inspire their knights to great deeds.
