Free online game Prime World. Free online game Prime World Prime World Duelist what to download

Behind the external untidiness, and even passivity, lies a passionate and powerful warrior, armed with an entire arsenal of deadly weapons. The duelist is fast and dangerous, and his blade is capable of reaching all surrounding opponents. When the passion for battle flares up in him, it is almost impossible to stop him, and the control shot will complete the massacre he has begun.

The Duelist is available in the game from Castle level 6.

The cost of hiring a Duelist is 1700 silver.

Video review of the Duelist's features

The duelist is a typical Irishman. Only not in green, but in blue. No one had ever seen this red-haired demon sober. As a rule, it is the eternal smell of fumes and “Do you respect me?” If you don’t respect him, then the duelist, uncourtly blowing his nose into his filthy frill, will popularly explain to you that you need to respect him, it’s absolutely vital. Moreover, to explain in the most traumatic ways, by breaking arms, legs, fingers and jaws. And if you answer in the affirmative, you will still get hit in the head, just like that, as a preventive measure. “Beat your own people so that strangers will be afraid,” mothers tell little duelists even in early childhood, weighing out a portion of fresh lulya on their dueling asses. Duelists are also good at surgically removing kidneys and other vital organs from an enemy. They are also distinguished by their skillful cutting of various obscenities on the enemy’s forehead. The average duelist can write the name of the notorious reproductive organ on the enemy’s forehead in 3.2 seconds.

Another feature of the duelist is his unhealthy love for everything aristocratic. Let us remember the same long-suffering frill. The duelist loves it when someone thinks he is of blue blood. For this purpose, he even put on a blue suit, which was guided by what, however, history is silent. Every self-respecting duelist has a dirty piece of paper hidden somewhere deep in his pockets, in which it is written in white and gray that, they say, the bearer of this personal charter is a descendant and heir of a noble family. These certificates are sold at Polly's bar for five gold pieces, and this proposal found an unhealthy response among the duelists.

More than drinking, duelists love to get into trouble. If there is trouble near you, rest assured that in about five minutes a duelist will appear here, or even two. Moreover, he was definitely drunk and with the intention of heroically getting into these troubles, and then no less heroically getting out of it. Is it worth saying that the population of duelists in our country is critically declining?

By the way, for some reason duelists are good with chemistry, unlike alchemists, the duelist has all his fingers, eyebrows, eyelashes and red mane in place, and his pockets are full of smoke bombs, bottles of sulfuric acid and other small nasty things that will not bring joy to the enemy .

In combat, you should not expect honesty from a duelist. Knife in the back? Yes, it’s easy, you just turn around. There is only one rule in the code of honor of duelists: “NO RULES!111”. Which, in fact, most accurately reflects the duelist’s combat policy. So if you have encountered him in a fight, I can only sympathize and recommend a good undertaker from Privet Drive.

I almost forgot, duelists also have firearms. And the more cheap booze they have, the more accurately they shoot. This is probably why no one has ever seen them sober.

Dueling Talents in Prime World

Fart – the duelist is as lucky as an Irish clover. A drunken duelist can roll double after double, even if the dice have only ones. A living duelist gives his team a great buff in the form of a prime bonus for any kill. Need I say that a duelist is always and everywhere welcome?

Unfair fight- the duelist always has with him a nice stash of some magical rubbish, the composition of which is unknown to us. And if you hit an enemy between the eyes with this rubbish, he will be stunned for three whole minutes. And if the duelist is also on his own land, then damage will be added here, which depends on the strength of your hero. As soon as you learn the “Explosive Mixture” talent, the duelist will also be able to blind opponents in a small radius after he hits.

Flurry of blows– the duelist is a fast type, but here his attacks will also become 8 seconds faster. Learn the talent “Dashing Onslaught”, so the enemies will completely cross themselves, because the speed will be even higher!

Blade with a secret- Well, where are we without safety net? But with this crap, not only that. Just as the duelist simply inflicts damage on his enemies, the adversaries around him can also suffer magical damage.

Ace in the hole- this is not a frill in lace, but the ability to block damage inflicted on a duelist if he is a quarter higher than his health level. And the “Final Shot” with an ace up its sleeve will give the opportunity to overwhelm the enemy by inflicting significant magical damage on him. If you kill enemies on your own ground with the Final Shot, the duelist will restore part of his health.

Damn sharp sword– well, here the name already promises us for itself. With this cartoon, the duelist will deal 15% more damage to the enemy than he could.

Duelist Guide

I’ll tell you right away, don’t rush to go mid as a duelist. Question: "Why?"

But it’s all because of his class talents. Without them, you are like without hands.

So there are 2 types of leveling up a duelist in battle:

1) The most, I think, easy way- Zuma.

It is in zoom that you must level up to level 11 and only after that go into battle.

And there are several other advantages to such pumping:

  • You will help your allies with scrolls.
  • If you are a beginner player, you will not feed enemy heroes. (Give them prime)

2) But the second method will be more difficult.

The second way is to level up on the lines.

There, enemy heroes will interfere with you in every possible way ==> If your duelist is not blue or higher, then forget about such leveling.

The duelist has a lot of dangerous opponents both on the lanes and in the mid.

The danger for a duelist 9/10 is:

  1. Amazon(Ama)
  2. Blizzard (Breeze)
  3. Chimera

The least dangerous heroes for a duelist

These are the one-shot heroes. (Since he has the class talent "Ace in the Sleeve")

Their danger is 1/10:

  1. Assassin
  2. White mask
  3. Rokot (Mountain)
  4. Shadow.

See below for an example build for a Duelist in Prime World:

Screenshots of the Duelist

See below screenshots of the Duelist character in the game Prime World:

Duelist Skins

The Duelist has one skin in the Prime World game - Musketeer (costs 129 gold).

Despite his rather weak defense, the Prime World hero Duelist/Prince of Thieves is a dangerous enemy who takes advantage of agility and speed. He is capable of blinding the enemy with a smoke grenade, raining down multiple blows of a sharp sword on him and finishing him off with a final shot, such is the tactics of our hero. In addition, he is very useful for the team, because, thanks to his luck, he earns a considerable amount of prime. And especially the blade of the Duelist/Prince of Thieves is capable of causing damage to all enemies around with one blow.

Duelist/Prince of Thieves Stats

The duelist, according to the guide, is quite demanding on stats, and therefore, in order not to nullify all his abilities and skills with incorrectly set priorities, it is important to choose the right stats. Useless stats for our hero include health, energy, stamina and will. The last of these are extremely difficult to gain, energy and its regeneration are useless, and our health is already quite good.

Our Prime World hero, the Duelist/Prince of Thieves, benefits from strength, intelligence, and cunning. Agility is 50/50, because the number of attacks is unlikely to increase, and to break through we only need cunning, and our hero’s damage will be better affected by any of the other stats. The mind doesn't play main role for our skills, although they feed on them, but the damage from an auto attack is more high levels will exceed damage based on skills using the mind. The main thing for us is strength and cunning, and the more, the better. At the top of the levels, it is better to pump them up, again.

Below we will look at the modes Prime games World in the Duelist/Prince of Thieves guide.

Duelist/Prince of Thieves in game modes


This mode will remind active users of a dungeon. A reasonable Prime World Duelist/Prince of Thieves character is more suitable for this mode, thanks to the damage from AoE attacks, but in principle, a strong character is quite suitable. Here our allies playing in tandem with the hero will not be a hindrance for us, we can easily farm the forest. Cards will make it possible to block the attacks of dangerous opponents.

When clearing a point with the leader of a monster, you should first kill their retinue; the damage from 4-5 monsters is higher than from one.

According to the Duelist/Prince of Thieves guide, battles here occur after the death of the Dragon, be sure to raise the flags. The native land will give an advantage to comrades.

Next, our hero, like clockwork, controls and kills opponents, but remember that the main task is to save the egg won by our team. Further in the Prime World game, the Duelist according to the guide will not become the decisive link, the main thing will be the well-coordinated work of the team and victory, consider it in your pocket.


The map is identical to the Borderland. Bonuses for heroes located in the Homeland: increased speed, talent cooldown time reduced by 40%, health and energy regeneration increased by 100%, base strength and intelligence increased by 30%, damage received reduced by 25%.

Our hero Prime World Duelist/Prince of Thieves is not very suitable for this mode, since he only swings in the forest and only with ganks, he holds the line poorly. But if you still take the risk, be sure to acquire the Earth Kinship/Scarlet Flower talents.


In this Prime World mode in the Duelist/Prince of Thieves guide, we quickly gain levels and immediately start with the skirmishes. Initially, you should learn Unfair Combat and health regeneration from the first slot. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a Flurry of Blows, this will quickly develop the hero’s damage. We teach strength/intelligence, regeneration in talents to the maximum, as well as the Ice Power talent.

According to the guide for the Duelist/Prince of Thieves, we are careful in battle and use Unfair Fight against an insolent enemy. As soon as the siege weapon appears, monitor its energy and location on its native soil, and control/kill everyone who approaches it.

Power Duelist (build)

The most acceptable way is force and cunning. In the castle, 38 stat points over 19 levels should be invested into strength. The build contains as much strength as possible, which increases hand damage, and cunning, which will increase the chances of crit and penetration, and this, in turn, affects damage to tanks and enemies with good defense.

First line
(Natural strength. +5 strength.)

Second line

(Body training. +95 HP and another 140 HP can be gained by killing creeps/heroes.) Further, such talents that allow you to gain a certain number of characteristics will be called stacks or boosts.

Third line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:
(Rare power. +9 strength.)

(Rare cunning. +9 cunning.)
(Athletics. +6 strength and 100 hp.)

Fourth line, must include the following talents:
(Insatiable rage. +4 strength, also for killing heroes/creeps we can get 6 more over time.)
(Increasing cunning. +4 cunning, also for killing heroes/creeps we can get 6 more over time.)

(Torrupted Blood. When activated, deals 383 magic damage to the target enemy and makes healing 50% worse for 6 seconds.)

As you may have noticed, there is not a word in the build about the talent Final Shot, the whole point is that in this build it does extremely little damage, on par with Tainted Blood. But the latter affects our hero Prince of Thieves from Prime World every 60 seconds, regardless of cards + reduces the target’s healing by 50%. The cover of shadow gives us the element of surprise that is so important for the Duelist/Prince of Thieves.

Fifth line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:

(Unjustified cruelty. The hero’s attack has a 25% chance to deal an additional 50 pure damage. It also gives +6 to agility.)
(Destruction of defenses. When auto-attacking, there is a 40% chance to reduce the target's fortitude and willpower by 11 for 5 seconds.)
(Thirst for destruction. +13 cunning.)

With such a fifth line, we significantly increase our damage, as well as the damage to the enemies of our allies (due to the destruction of the defenses) of the Duelist in the build. Strengthening Faith gives us a small bonus in the fight against murderers. Their wild damage is absorbed by cards. And we kill them. If there are no cards, will is our faithful friend. Since most killers attack with magical damage, the defense against which is raised by the will.

Sixth line. Here are the main damage talents of the Prince of Thieves from Prime World.

(Combat assault. +15 strength.)
(Unrelenting Force. +12 Strength and 175 HP.)
(Ferocity. +19 strength.)
(Heightened senses. +10 cunning and agility.)

Bottom line.

Reasonable build

The second version of the build is focused on AoE damage and Final Shot.
The castle has 38 stat points over 19 levels - all in the mind. The build, as its name implies, should have more intelligence in order to increase the AoE damage of the Secret Blade and Final Shot skills, as well as agility - for speed and penetration.
Let's look at a reasonable build line by line.
In the castle, we invest all 38 stat points over 19 levels into the mind. The build should contain as much intelligence as possible (to increase the damage from the AoE damage of the Secret Blade and Final Shot skill) and agility (to increase penetration and attack speed).

So, let’s break down a reasonable build line by line.

First line, in addition to the main ones, must necessarily include the following talents:

(Natural intelligence. +5 intelligence.)
(Superiority. 25% for 120 additional physical damage to creeps and monsters.)
(Natural regeneration. +2 health regeneration.)

Second line, in addition to the main ones, it should include the following talents:

(Prime influx. 70 HP and +4 Prime every 5 sec.)

(Body training. +95 HP and another 140 HP can be gained by killing creeps/heroes)
(Indomitable healing. +2 HP regeneration.)

Third line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:

(Regeneration. +3.2 HP regeneration.)
(Mighty spirit. +6 intelligence and 100 hp.)

(Hidden intelligence. +3 to intelligence, you can also gain 6 more intelligence by killing heroes/creeps.)
(Rare intelligence. +9 intelligence.)

Fourth line must include the following talents:
(Final shot.)
(Mind training. +4 intelligence. You can also gain 6 more by killing heroes and soldiers.)
(Invincibility. +6 speed and 90hp.)
(Sprout of life. +120 hp and every minute it increases by another 15. The maximum increase is 120.)
(Shroud of Shadow. Makes our hero invisible for 20 seconds.)
(Agility training. +4 agility. You can also gain 6 more by killing heroes and soldiers.)

Fifth line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:

(Ice power. The hero's attack for 3 seconds reduces the enemy's speed by 20%, and agility by 20 for 3 seconds and additionally deals 20 magic damage. It also gives + 4 to agility.)
(Blood of the ancients. +9 HP regeneration.)

(Strengthening Faith. +6 Will, as well as +10 Will we can gain by receiving damage.)
(Steel hardening. +6 Durability, as well as +10 durability we can gain by receiving damage.)
(Will to win. +17 will.)
(Heroic Fortitude. +17 Fortitude.)
Since we are not focused on single-target damage, there is no need to set Destruction of Defenses and Unjustified Cruelty. But resists are ideal so as not to die quickly in batches. Frost Might is a universal talent. It slows down the enemy, also taking away his agility, which makes him more vulnerable.

Sixth line.
Our main damage talents are collected here. Let's see what it should include:

(Unlocked potential. +20 strength.)
(Magic assault. +15 intelligence.)
(Noble mind. +12 intelligence and 175 hp.)
(Greatness of mind. +19 intelligence.)
(Dragon Heart. +215 HP and 4.7 HP regeneration.)
(Lynx agility. +19 agility.)

Bottom line.

In the game Prime World, the Prince of Thieves, according to the guide, using the above build, will receive incredible damage from the Final Shot (max. 1500), as well as excellent damage from the Blade with a Secret skill (about 350). A Smart Duelist, combining the damage from the Secret Blade and the damage from the auto attack, is able to exceed the damage from the auto attack and the Secret Blade performed by the Force Duelist. Of course, the damage from a critical hit of the Prince of Thieves/Duelist power build is more serious, but the Reasonable can respond to this with AoE damage. We will receive buffs with a huge amount of agility. Attack speed at level 36 is about 1.5 hits/second. This build also increases the hero's survivability, resists about 70%. Penetration under the buff reaches 50%.

Swing in battle

The hero of Prime World, Prince of Thieves/Duelist, is a universal character; he can stand in the lane thanks to stuns and regeneration, and level up in the forest, ahead of everyone else in level.

When going to farm the forest in the Prime World game, the Prince of Thieves, according to the guide, must first learn Superiority, then Unfair Fight and its improvement, this will help blind the monster without taking damage. Next is HP regeneration, Damn Sharp Sword, Flurry of Blows and Dashing Onslaught and stacks.

Initially, raid the enemy’s forest, there we take 6-7 packs of miracles and gain a level to collect gold. We check the glyphs, if there are any, take Celerity or Power/invisibility.

Here our Prime World hero Prince of Thieves/Duelist is already capable of ganking. We find the enemy with the least HP and attack from the back or side.

On the line in any Prime World mode in the guide, the Prince of Thieves/Duelist should be careful. It’s better to be closer to the creeps and get a little prime from them and beware of enemy heroes.

When going to lane in Prime World according to the guide, the Prince of Thieves/Duelist must initially learn Unfair Combat, then health regeneration, class talents, and stacks. Having reached lvl 20, learn all regeneration and HP from scratch, then strength, and then skill. In a reasonable build: regeneration-mind-hp-agility.

Battle tactics


On the lane, our hero is not a threat to virtually anyone from the enemy team, but there are also those characters for whom we are the worst enemy. The right Prince of Thieves/Duelist build will be decisive in battles with both quilted warriors and dangerous characters. For example, in a fight with Faceless/White Mask and other killers, we can feel confident. We quickly regenerate the damage from his daggers. As soon as the Mask has moved, we try to catch him in an Unfair Fight, if successful, we hit him, repeat the procedure several times and the Mask either goes into regen or dies. A similar situation with Lightning/Thunderbolt, we take his hammer into the cards and be done with it. Stan - beating.

When standing in a line with another enemy, be careful, wait for him to climb under the tower, and then start attacking. Throw the bag at the Destroyer/Flame Thrower, it will stun and blind him. It is extremely dangerous for our tower. Try to keep your HP at maximum levels, killing as many creeps as possible, because after finishing him off, you will get more prime than due to his death from soldiers or a tower. Also, if you save your HP, you will save yourself from a gank. Since we mentioned above the versatility of the Prince of Thieves, in the guide we will also look at the main abilities that are useful for the team, as well as what tactics should be chosen in battle, depending on the situation.

Tactics in PvP battles.

In the mid and late game there are often 5v5 mix-ups; ganks at these stages are coming to an end, as is the build-up in the lanes and in the jungle.

According to the guide, the basic role of the Prince of Thieves in matches involves controlling fighters - heroes with the highest stable levels in the game, for example, Amazon / Archer, Huntsman / Dancer with Wolves, as well as assassins - those who are able to inflict very serious damage once and hide. As soon as a fighter is left without tank cover, we throw a bag, a flurry of blows, a kill. Often fighters die in 4-5 crits from our hero’s auto attack. Try to help your teammates kill a tank with low HP, because we have the wildest damage.

It’s easier for us with killers, we throw the bag and immediately a faceless or Thunderer appears on the respawn. Since we don’t have much protection, try to avoid assisting on yourself, because we are a rather fragile character.

In , the Prince of Thieves, whose build is focused on the mind, should be at the very epicenter of the battles. Do not forget that as soon as our cards are knocked down, we can hit the enemy with the Final Shot, the main thing is to carefully choose the target, for example, a fighter with weak defense or an assassin is perfect.

We are also able to protect an ally and even save his life by stunning the killer or pursuer in time with the help of a bag.

Welcome to the official prime world website, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, get acquainted with detailed description game features, discuss the game on the forum and view the gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is social strategy, successfully combining the ability to control a castle and tactical battles. Participants choose the warring faction on whose side they would like to fight, manage their own castle, gather heroes and take part in ruthless battles. Also an addictive game prime world based on something completely new for such projects social interaction players.

The game pv provides both male and female characters, which interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of the game Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategy, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. IN pw everyone is given the freedom to do what they are passionate about. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can support them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

The essence Online Games consists of confronting two factions: the Dokt Empire and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime during endless battles. In turn, Prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world, with which you can control it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

While playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, control their favorite character in a skirmish mode similar to DotA, they can also become the owner of their own castle, carry out assignments and fight with other commanders.

Prime World game online, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into beautiful healers who inspire their knights to great deeds.

As you can see, we have very good escapes and every chance to escape from the threat, but the hero is an attack aircraft, which means he must fly in after the defender, get to the carry, pouring all control into him and inflict damage on this target, simultaneously kicking, if possible, the rest, preferably more weak, heroes . But we simply do not have an instant buff to increase our survivability, this is the problem for the Prince, he is quite weak, it is quite easy to kill him.

All we have is a passive talent that will not help the hero against massive AoE damage and auto attacks that will rain down from all sides will not be blocked constantly, the chance of blocking is only 40%. The only reliable thing in team combat is the "cards". An aura that will help us not die from the killer’s attack, if, of course, the killer chose you as the target. Many people forget about this talent of the Duelist, but in vain. Sometimes it is possible to surprise an enemy opponent by completely ignoring his strongest attack. Don't you think it's pretty weak for an attack aircraft??

Now about offensive qualities.

They are much better than the “security” indicator of the Prince of Thieves, but still fall short of a full-fledged stormtrooper. Let's figure out why.

First of all, it is worth noting that our hero can focus on both the STRENGTH parameter and the MIND parameter. And depending on what you prefer, your priorities and goals will change. The Prince is in MIND, more similar to a stormtrooper, he blocks damage better than a “power” one, his main source of damage is AoE attacks in a short radius and he has 1 talent which, if used correctly (despite its inferiority) capable of taking down about half the HP of any killer, or even more (or less) , depends on the situation. The Prince, in the STRENGTH parameter, has the makings of a mile carry. Since the melee carry is generally a difficult class in perhaps all mob games, it is very difficult and even inconvenient to play, especially for beginners. Although the Prince has “power” and has a large target damage, this damage does not appear immediately, and the hero himself is easy to kill, easier than a reasonable one. Nevertheless, the power Prince is quite effective, but only when large quantities received prime. Any carry is very dependent on the speed with which he farms/levels up, our hero is no exception. You probably have a question "But is the Prince really a full-fledged stormtrooper in such cases?". No, is not. He turns into a carry and it becomes more difficult to play with him.

What exactly does the Prince hit? As a stormtrooper, he should have medium/high damage, but for some reason the hero actually has low/medium damage (in fact, depending on what characteristic the emphasis is on, STRENGTH or MIND, low/medium for a reasonable prince, higher for a strong one, but his problem is that he most likely simply will not receive this damage) . Let's go over his offensive abilities.

1 . Auto attack, of course. Almost the entire damage mechanics of this hero are based on auto attacks (this almost is ultimate) , since the second most important parameter of the hero is AGILITY (the intelligent one has 2nd, but the strong one has either 2nd or 3rd) emphasis should be placed on it. After RAZU M/STRENGTH of course.

2. But this skill is a key feature of the Prince. In a reasonable assembly (build) it is the most effective. The prince has a 40% chance to carry out the next basic attack with the effect of a magical flash, the amount of damage of which depends on the hero’s intelligence. The most unpleasant thing is that the chance of delivering such a blow is only 40%. Therefore, if your prince is in MIND, do not count on stable damage, as a prince in POWER can afford. Sometimes you will find yourself in situations where this thing simply won't work, and there are times when flashes shine with almost every auto attack. This is the whole essence of the Prince, his variability, his luck, although it would be more accurate to say YOUR luck. The damage parameter from this skill almost exactly corresponds to the hero’s current amount of intelligence +/- penetration.

The prince can hit the mind with a 60% chance of inflicting a weak blow, and with a 40% powerful + low chance of a critical hit, but the crit to the mind will be quite small. The power prince has a 100% chance of delivering a regular stable blow (since a direct auto attack still depends on strength) and depending on the critical hit increases damage + damage from the blade flash. It turns out quite mixed damage that is entirely based on how lucky you are. Think twice, do you need such an unusual hero? The damage of which depends partly on your own luck.

3. The skill that makes the Prince a potential carry is Damn Sharp Sword. All your attacks are 15% stronger, both blade flash and normal physical attacks. There is nothing more to add. A great trait for a thief.

4 . The same acceleration that I talked about above is primarily a buff to agility. Moreover, this short-term buff completely depends on the mind. Is the picture coming together? That's right, the more often the auto-attack, the more often the flash of the blade “passes.” The Smart Prince hits very quickly, but how much damage he does still depends on your own luck.

And as you probably already guessed, yes, the Prince of Thieves is a good pursuer.

5 . Ultimate.. in theory, this is a powerful shot from a sword/sharp blade with an attack radius of 14 units that stuns the target and slows it down for a short time. In fact, this is the worst (I'm not afraid of this statement) ult in the game in general. The damage is dealt from the mind, but it is quite small even in a reasonable build, it turns out that you have to use the ult almost only to stun or to finish off/steal a kill. I'll go into more detail about why I think this ultimate is the worst in PW two chapters below.

Let's summarize: It seems like a prince and a stormtrooper, but at the same time not really, especially if he is focused on POWER. So who are we then? I cannot give an answer to this question. It seems to me that the Prince is unique in his own way, his concept, his idea, it is beautiful, original for pv, but not yet fully implemented . This is probably why I am drawn to this hero, well.. besides his resemblance to the Prince of Persia, of course, which cannot be ignored.

Allies and enemies of the Prime World Duelist

Fulminant/ Thunderer- is an excellent partner. Gang his line

simple and convenient, this hero has the ability to force the enemy not to use

spells for a short time and greatly reduce his movement speed by short term. A second after his hammer, throw your bomb, this time should be enough for Thunder’s ball lightning to overtake the enemy and provide you with a kill, and if the hero is still alive, Thunder’s ultimate will complete what he started. Unfortunately, Grom pushes the lane very hard with his auto attacks and ball lightning. The most convenient position for gank will be mid. The distance from one tower to another is not large and the creeps are quite close, most often because of this the enemy sometimes goes beyond the boundaries of his tower close to the center in order to harass(sell/spend according to HP) Thunder. It will probably be easier for everyone to pick up the arrogant Engineer, who has a habit of sticking turrets at the flagpole and sticking out right in the middle.(the best moment for an engineer to gank will be the time when he fires a machine gun from his imbecile to take away the entire wave of creeps) .

The escape of this hero, sharp acceleration and the ability to pass through creeps and heroes for a short time. Gangai should not overestimate his strength. He can easily kill you if you have only half HP, and he is also able to escape from a sudden attack by throwing a hammer and using overload (acceleration) . But Thunder’s softness still makes him one of the priority targets. A hero with a stun or some other similar control would help you kill him on the gank. Before killing him, look at his buffs, think twice before rushing at Grom with a stacked hammer. Another important thing is his ultimate, specifically in his homeland. In no case should you run into his native land during the chase, he will almost certainly kill you! And if it doesn’t kill, it will definitely stop. The ultimate, like a hammer, can slow you down and silence you/silence you (or as they say fat, inability to use talents) ​. The hero poses a danger at all stages of the game.

Cleaner/Assassin - now the most popular "sins" rely on the STRENGTH parameter. And for good reason. Killing a hero together with an Assassin will not be difficult; your abilities complement each other perfectly. All he needs is to wait for a flaming mark or just a little “drinking”. Your stun will almost guarantee a shuriken hit, and if your attacks still haven't killed the enemy, two powerful ults will finish the job. Sooner or later, Sin will get off his lane and will gank everything he sees, if you cooperate with this killer, you are guaranteed a kill by 90%, or even several kills. But let's be objective, when will there be another fight in which Sin and the Prince will be on the same team?.. Although no one is stopping you from experimenting and changing the meta.

The Cleaner is a rare guest on the line and it is not easy to kill him. He has an excellent ability that allows him to go into invisibility + shuriken which will slow down your rapid onslaught. If you really want to pick him up and if by some miracle he’s just standing on the lane, buy a ward or an eye. (Once my son escaped a gank by blinking his ult at an enemy creep when my stun was flying at him, a clever move)

Shadow/Nevedimka - usually not on the lane, always in roam (runs along the lines in every possible way helping allies) , helps the other heroes hold lines and make kills with both the laner and the jungler. An excellent support, an excellent killer, one of the best comrades both for our hero and for everyone else. She will save you from death, push you with a fan, scatter a crowd of enemies in different directions... a very effective hero and combinations with her + liner, you can come up with a lot, you won’t be able to describe everything, show your imagination and improvisation if you have a Shadow on your team. You still need to feel the game in some sense.

Just like a good partner and a strong one headache, even your friendly Shadow can set up intrigues for you; if you play ineptly, it may not save or help, and relying on it, there is a chance to give the kill to the enemy team. But an inept Shadow on the team is still not as dangerous as the enemy. A cunning girl will pursue you always and everywhere, she will finish off your miracle, harass you, in general, she will make life noticeably more difficult. What is our solution? There are several options to solve the problem.

1st option. Counter jungle at the very beginning of the game. Ask your top laner to check the topmost pack of the Dokt Chud, if the forester is not there, you should go and start from that place. If you are Doc, then ask the liner bot to check the mirror Adornian pack, although most likely he will send you somewhere further since he has his own war, the war for the flagpole.

You can also play by luck, trying to predict which pack the enemy jungler will start with, it’s risky, but our hero is also based entirely on this risk. Despite all this, the Shadow can catch you there too. A couple of times I found myself in such a situation that the Shadow found me in her forest but did not kill me right away, the nearest liners came and took assists from my death, which is very negative in the early game. (Early game)

2nd option. My favorite. Without hesitation, sit down in Zoom for 3 scrolls. On average I make a 2nd gold master by ~3.20 minutes. The shadow will get tired of looking for you and will go for a walk along the lines, and you, with a prime in your pocket and a healing scroll, go to farm your monster without lagging behind the enemy jungler, sometimes even gaining an advantage over him. WITH most likely in The Shadow will no longer disturb you in the forest, but under no circumstances exclude it from the game. On the line you are going to gank, there may be an enemy Invisible One, ready to do the same. Make sure that she is not there by talking to your allies.

Demonologist- a hero unique to Adornia, he is a carry and perhaps the strongest after the Archer, although in some ways he is even stronger. He has serious control, strong auto attacks and an instant damage talent with a low cooldown(cooldown is the cooldown time of the talent) . His line is as easy to gank as the Thunder line; the enemy has practically no chance of surviving even with a full HP bar. After stunning the rapidly running prince, the Demonologist strikes with his whip and at that very second throws his trap, which does not let go of the enemy for some time, by the time the enemy is freed, the Demonologist’s whip will already be ready to deliver its final blow. As with any other laner that has the potential to push the line, agree with him before the gank so that you don’t put all the creeps in batches, you need to let the enemy get out.

Most often you will not be able to pick it up. Despite his relative weakness at the beginning of the game, he has a very powerful shield that is supported by his archons, the shield also speeds up the owner. You can kill him, but you will have to try very hard. The hero is tenacious, fast and capable of stopping you with a well-thrown trap.

The Witcher- You will be friends with him. Although ganking his lane usually does not end with a quick kill of the enemy, he can help you play very aggressively in the jungle. By throwing a shield at you, you will not only be able to safely pick up enemy packs of miracles for yourself, but also escape from a whole crowd of heroes from the enemy forest. It can also greatly help in taking targets even under the tower. With a competent Witcher you can become impudent, very impudent.(there is one trick, I almost always resort to it if there is a Witcher in the team. At a certain period of time, usually before I start ganking, I run into the enemy forest, steal it and try to deliberately get caught by the enemy jungler. All I want to achieve in In such a situation, this is the entire enemy team pressing the teleporter, after which I choose either to surrender under 2 enemy towers, without giving a kill to the heroes, or to run around all the pursuers using the advantage of speed from both my native talent and the shield. After such a trick, I I begin to actively gank lines and steal the enemy forest without fear of the next “puddles” of teleportations)

He probably shouldn't be ganked without the support of another lane. Very thick, goes away easily, can heal quickly. Better focus on other, more fragile goals. But if you really want to pick up the Witcher, ask the mid-line to come to the rescue (center line) . True, there is a high probability that he will simply go under the tower after reading the SS (Enemy has left the line/miss) in chat.

Voivode/Leader - it’s as if they were made for each other, Prince and Mr.Pink Warlord. It’s easy to gank his line, 2/3 of the stun, a ton of damage to the 1st target, what else do you need? Both heroes are capable of catching up with a fleeing enemy since both have strong acceleration. The Warlord practically cancels out all the Prince's shortcomings with his presence on the battlefield. It can increase your attack speed, speed you up if your acceleration has already run out, can increase your defensive qualities and give an excellent stun with a low cooldown. The only thing you should also remember is that for a successful gank the enemy must come out, and for him to come out, you need to make sure that the Warlord does not take the entire pack of creeps from his club. Let him only make last hits (last hit on the mob) , if you are nearby. By acting together with him, you will surely achieve victory even in the most seemingly hopeless situations. The heroes have a strong symbiosis with the Prince, which becomes obvious after a couple of games with the Warlord in the team. I recommend going with him in pairs.

The enemy is serious and it is not easy to kill him, especially in a crowd of creeps. It will simply jump on you and run away under acceleration in case of danger. You can kill, but it's difficult. We need a good liner that will not only hold the “grandfather”, but will also be able to harass him. “Preparing him for death” is not easy. And in general, he will create problems for you throughout the game. A harmful and incredibly effective hero.

Mirror - there is not much to say here, if by some miracle you are caught in a 1v1 line with another Duelist, everything will be decided by your build, playing skill, flagpole and luck. Personally, I recommend throwing breath of life into your build just in case. The key is the flagpole and the presence of the aforementioned talent. If the enemy team also has a Prince and he also goes into the forest, it will be like a race to see who will make more ganks, who more forest he will steal who can level up faster and, most ironically, which Lord is influenced more by luck. Once I almost lost in PvP to a mirror-dressed Prince who was 5 levels lower than me, funny isn’t it? The fact is that his blade with a secret blazed like fire, but mine flashed only 2 times during the entire series of exchanges of blows. I had to flee and the Imperial duelist just wrote “Fart” in the general chat. He was right.

Combat/ Meijin— Also quite an unusual hero, like the Prince. Hiscorrectprocast is deadly for any hero, except perhaps the Man of the Mountain and those who can take the shield on themselves. If paired with him, you catch an enemy hero on your homeland, then at equal levels it will be a 95% kill. Meijin is a very strong hero, but unfortunately also greatly underestimated... or maybe fortunately. Gank his line more often, you will easily take the enemy with such an abundance of control that the total turns out to be. Try to take the enemy on your home ground, Meijin receives a significant bonus to attack power on it. This is a rare peak, not everyone knows how to fully unleash the potential of this hero, so the chance that you will fight hand in hand is quite small, especially since two not very reliable heroes in a group are much more dangerous than 1. And yes, agree before the gank in the chat about who gives control first and when to attack. Perhaps Meijin needs to ramp up his passive ability.

He will get you no less than the Warlord, unless of course he chooses you as his target. There is a very high chance that his fist will go into your aura and cause no damage. Kombat's procast is very dangerous if he gives it to you on his native land and with a correctly stacked passive ability. To understand whether his passive ability is equipped, click on him and look at his buffs. It is very difficult to kill him on a gank, but only if he has already taken his ultimate and its improvement. You have time to deliver the maximum possible damage in literally 3 seconds(approximate time of Prince's total control) , if this damage does not kill him, he will activate his ult and go under the tower while healing. However, you will lose the early game to him if you come for an early gank. Don't forget that he is very strong in his native land. Don’t try to counter the pumped-up Combat 1v1. He will break the Prince’s face and if he tries to run away, he will catch up with his ultimate and finish what he started with an uppercut.

Fire Fox/Red Tail - Very high damage both against one target and against many, the success of ganking the line on which the fox is standing depends on how much the Fox has drained the enemy's HP. She doesn’t have control, or rather she does, but she won’t be able to implement it on a gank. It's just a 30% slowdown, nothing special really. Gang is like a gank, high damage, non-lethal control. Look at the situation. She also pushes very hard, most often intentionally in order to quickly leave the lane and get a prime from the nearest monster.

She has high damage and variable control. No surprises or secrets. It's simple. However, it is extremely difficult to kill her in the lane. The same variable control of the fox famously saves it from any danger, and if the trick of the cunning Fox fails, it will turn into a fiery demon that will absorb not a small part of the incoming damage. Or it might send you and the airliner to hell in the middle of nowhere. Without a mid laner, it is very difficult to take her, if the fox plays from mid and even more so. Just calculate your strength before trying to kill her. Not every hero is able to push her through the lane.

Toad Rider / Swamp King - The success of whether you take the enemy or not depends on how accurately the toad will attract the enemy with its tongue and how much he will be drained of HP. Usually the molting Toad either dominates by a huge margin, or the Frog stands under the tower and cannot do anything. In the first case, your ganks will not be needed; it is better to focus on counter-jungle and other lines. In the second, you may not have enough total damage to kill the enemy, you will simply waste time. Ask him to come to the mid lane or even send Toad to another lane if he doesn’t get this idea. It's a boring line, we don't have much to do on it. But not without exceptions.

The enemy toad can pull you under the tower, it can jump with its ultimate from your gank and it is very thick if the lane dominates, the two of you most likely will not take it, the Prince inflicts there is not enough damage to kill this hero, and the liner will probably be so drained that his blows to the toad will be more like mosquito bites. What to do? As written above, call the mid laner or ask your laner, who was humiliated by the toad, to swap places with the top or bot, depending on the position in which the frog is located. Don't try to solo this monster. If you almost finish him off, he will simply gallop away on his ultimate away from you and even the speed that the Prince possesses will not help you to catch up with the green scoundrel.

Queen of the Night/Black Panther - Cat Lady has a stun duration equal to yours. Before you come to the gank, talk in chat with the cat, agree on whose camp will be the first. With the right scenario, you will be able to stun the enemy for 4 seconds, by the way, as in the case of Warlord. The cat almost always dominates the line thanks to its unique mechanics, but it is not enough that the enemy does not come out from under the tower. So it will be quite easy to gank this line; in a sense, the line with the Cat can become a kind of feeding trough. You will be very lucky if the heroine does not push the line. If the enemy runs away on the sprinklers, the cat lady will probably unite with her beast and, having caught up, will bite him to death.

He will get it with his camp. It is almost impossible to take it away. If you killed her summon, this does not mean that you killed the cat herself, she herself also has HP and it is quite enough to take you under the tower if you are greedy. In the end, do not forget that the Prince is very dependent on luck, you may have to deal her 3 hits, or maybe 7, by which time the cat lady will have time to charge you with a stun again. In any case, you shouldn’t run under the Panther’s tower; the cat can activate its ult and run away from you with the liner. Catching this hero is even more difficult than catching a toad. Don't waste your time.

Vampire/Akshar - You will rarely come to him. Vampires on this moment dominate almost all lines with almost all heroes, the only more difficult lines are with such heroes as Enchanter, Doctrine, rarely but still Bow, Soulcatcher, Engineer (rarely) , Vedun. I’m only writing that the lanes with them are more difficult, but despite this, a vampire can easily gain an advantage over them immediately after taking level 6. Vampires are not very good at pushing lanes, in principle this means that the enemy will always be near the center of the lane, but you don’t have to come to him, he will handle it himself. Unless of course you're a fool.

There is an opinion that towards the end the Vampire is as useful as the Invisible Man, if not less. I won’t argue, but I will say that the vampire’s task is not to let the enemy into the late game at all. You will often have to run into lane with a bloodsucker; fortunately, it is easy to take away the advantage from a vampire by turning him into ballast on the enemy team. All you have to do is kill him 2 or 3 times. Once you knock him out of the rhythm of the fight, he will fly out of it and try to give control everything he can. However, killing him is not an easy task. A ward will come in handy if you want to be guaranteed to get his head, as soon as he places his “puddle” in which he is invisible, throw the ward into the center of the puddle. But there’s simply no need to go further, he can kill the liner if he was without half of his HP at the time of your arrival (which is almost an integral part of laning against Vampire) . So be very careful when ganking Vampire and remember, the cost of his life is very high for both teams.

Reaper of Souls/Soul Catcher - This shot deserves special attention. Firstly, it’s worth noting that you can almost forget about his line. Remember what I wrote about the toad? So, the same thing, but everything is much more neglected. The hero almost always, like a Vampire, dominates the line; only the Mage, Magosaur andThunder which uses a reasonable build type. Reaper is simply forced to push, even if he doesn't want to. By making a last hit, he inevitably creates new ghosts, which in turn begin to kill enemy creeps. All this leads to the fact that his enemy is constantly under the tower, harassed by the souls summoned by the hero. Secondly, the Reaper has a unique hidden debuff thanks to which he attracts trouble to his ass (Joke of course, but the Reapers will appreciate it) . For example, a roundup of his line of 4 snouts. Common situation? Still would. Such a powerful continuous line push forces enemies to kill the Soulcatcher over and over again. Very often a situation can be observed that the Reaper on the top or bot line, having scattered his whips and hanging up his shield, runs to his tower, driven by 3 enemy heroes from whom he receives tons of control. All you can do is teleport to the Soulcatcher line in time in case of danger, fortunately motherland at the center of his line is always raised. Having made a teleport, you have every chance to pick up 2 or even 3 heroes, the power of the reaper is revealed in such skirmishes. Unless of course he is completely exhausted. But in general, a very useful support, which unfortunately loses its relevance closer to the late game due to the low rate of blocking damage with the shield. It is useless to gank his line, the enemy is always under the tower, and if not, he will probably soon go under it. The Reaper also has no control, not at all.

Soulcatchers demonstrate miracles of survivability; this hero can overcome the distance from the tower that he is pushing to his own while simultaneously carrying 2 or even 3 heroes. It depends on how much the Reaper has eaten. It is difficult to kill him, since he has 2 escapes - the ability to heal and absorb damage, which can otherwise be neutralized by control. What the Reaper fears most is control. You just need to gather with the mid laner and go to the line where the Soulcatcher is, after making sure that he does not place wards on the flanks like trenches. Throw everything you have at him to kill him. He may not have an ult like the Priestess, but he can throw out whips that will constantly heal him and hang up a shield that will block about 500 incoming damage, he also has an ult in which he increases the speed of his movement. Fortunately, it becomes relatively useless in the late game, for some reason it seems to me that this will be fixed soon. (Under no circumstances try to kill Soulcatcher in a crowd of his ghosts, he won’t kill you right away, there are “cards”, but the liner he’s standing with will tear apart by pressing one button if he hits the Reaper)<- более не актуально, ульт порезан, но все еще обладает сильным уроном.

Cryo/Blizzard - Ganking her lane is very easy. Her full cast practically takes away the enemy’s entire HP bar, but Cryo is always missing just a little more to finish off, so we can help here. We don’t even have to use the ultimate, unless there are 2-3 teleportation puddles around you. One of my favorite lines.

He'll throw it into a boulder, slow down, and walk away with a poker face on his face. Perhaps by draining his control into our hero, the liner will be able to take her, or maybe not. For example, a vampire will take it without any problems. Although he’ll probably do it solo easily. It is unlikely that she will throw a “block” at you, but still be careful with her.

Artist - Doktov's Nightmare. It couldn’t be easier to gank her line, especially if she has a native land from which she will blind the target, thereby also slowing it down. While the enemy is blind, you appear out of nowhere and begin to cut up the enemy under a cannonade of painted rabbits, taking away 1/3 of HP per hit. Around the time Kraska's blindness ends, treat the adversary with a grenade, now he is definitely finished. Try to protect her line from ganks; if you want victory, you will help Kraska swing. Give her your gold and gray packs generously if she asks. In case of danger, drop everything you are doing and immediately teleport to Kraska. The success of the entire battle will most likely depend on her.

Trying to kill her with a liner, you risk losing limbs. If she throws a blind from her native land under her ultimate, then your gank will not only come to naught, you will also have a new problem, not to die. In general, it is possible to kill if you catch her by surprise or if she uses her colors to speed herself up and not blind you and your ally. But rest assured, you definitely won’t escape with a full HP bar after such a gank. In the late game, this hero... does some obscenity. Your task is to neutralize the Paint, no matter what the cost. Otherwise, the Artist will destroy team fights, leaving behind mountains of corpses. Catch mistakes. Don't let this monster into the late game!

Sorcerer/Forester - The hero is very strong and it’s a pleasure to gank his line, but you will only have the opportunity to do this before he places a flowerbed on his line. Once this happens, your services will most likely not be needed. All you need to do is correctly give 2 stuns so that the grandfather has time to throw a crow and throw roots at the enemy’s feet. If you are lucky enough to find the invisa glyph (invisibility) , throw a grenade at the enemy’s back, at this time the grandfather will most likely go to put his tree under the enemy’s feet, if there is not enough time, charge with your ult. As soon as the enemy is in the tree, this will mean +1 kills for your team. There are exceptions, but that's not the point.

If you are tired of fighting and are looking for a quick death, just come on line to this kind grandfather, he will very quickly satisfy you by providing a free ticket to the fountain. Very resistant to ganks, and by the middle of the game completely immune. Unless of course there are only 2 of you. Remember about his ability to throw his hand in the opposite direction from him; also, if he gets caught in the tree of a swinging sorcerer, he will most likely kill you. Try to save the grenade until the casting scale of the new tree appears. By knocking down the caste, you, of course, will not kill him, but at least you will run away. Despite all this fun, it is possible to kill him, but do this only if there are no trees on his line yet. Ask the liner to knock the “hand” off it and start slicing. He is very weak, especially at the beginning of the game.

Despite all these little things, situations are very different. Just use your head, think, predict your opponent’s moves, and assess what your laner and his opponent are capable of before ganking. In words, everything is quite simple, but in the heat of battle, making decisions and assessing the situation will be much more difficult. And remember, you are not the only one in the forest. An enemy forester can always come out of nowhere, and heroes can teleport through. Don’t be greedy if the enemy leaves on the cropolis under the tower, let him go if you are not sure that you will survive the tower’s focus. Think. And remember, the Prince is not a strong hero and it is difficult to benefit your team by playing him.

Native talents

Fart - With a 40% chance the hero ignores 12..194 damage (from the greatest of Strength and Intelligence) but no more than 40%

Dice, very accurate x characterize the hero. A passive ability is unlikely to save you from death, but some small percentage of incoming damagewill absorb. It seems that this skill should make the Prince a stormtrooper, but from personal observations, with or without it, in a group battle the Prince falls faster than he should. For myself, I noted only two factors for which I can consider this talent useful. Firstly, it helps to stay in the lane by slightly reducing the damage dealt by creeps and slightly reduces the harassing power of the enemy in the lane.(this makes it better for the prince not to stand in the lane, the advantage of the spruce is noticeable) . And most importantly, it allowsextremely effectivepush towers, especially the ability goes well with talentinsidiousprotection.

Flurry of Blows - The hero increases his agility by 4..70 (from Mind) for 8 seconds, and by learning the Dashing Onslaught talent, the hero can additionally increase his speed by 60%. When used from the native land, restores the hero’s health by 6..65 (from the Mind) per second.

The talent that gives us the fastest speed in the game does not last long. Thanks to him, we quickly run from one pack of chudi to another, effectively counter jungle and, coupled with a passive ability, have relatively good sustain in the forest (we don’t lose HP, although most often we lose but only at the beginning of the game, hello to the orange assholes of 1935 power) . Since the talent is entirely based on intelligence, this is +1 to the points of a reasonable build. At the end of the game, healing from him is not so important, but the agility bonus really matters. Use the skill wisely. For example, you shouldn’t use the talent immediately as soon as you start hitting the monster, calculate the time so that after clearing the point you have the bonus speed time remaining to quickly move to the next pack. A skilled Duelist knows how to use this talent so that he is always under the agility buff in the heat of battle. By the way. Before you shoot with your ult, turn on this talent, it will give you penetration, which will increase the damage, although the additional numbers are simply ridiculous.

Unfair Fight - Stuns the enemy for 1.5 seconds. When the talent is upgraded, it blinds all enemies within the explosion radius for 4 seconds. When used from the native land, it will deal 33..347 damage to the target of the talent.

Helps eliminate the enemy carry from the fight for about 4 seconds. By throwing at a pursuer, you can easily run away from him in any direction, perhaps this pursuer will run in the other direction, since blinding does not allow you to see your movements if there is no other enemy nearby. Regarding the monster in the forest, throw a bomb just before the attack and not after it, otherwise there is a high probability that the monster will get sick and will be healed, ignoring your presence (fixed, you can throw as much as you want and whenever you want) .

Blade with a Secret - With a 40% chance, the hero's attack will deal 17..265 damage to all enemies around. When upgrading the talent, blocks damage if it exceeds 25% of the hero's current health. Each trigger of the talent Blade with a Secret reduces the cooldown time of the talent by 2 seconds.

The very talent that allows for the possibility of a reasonable Prince build. It's simple. When the blade flashes, everyone around it receives damage. It is noteworthy that how many units of intelligence a hero has at the moment, approximately the same number of units of damage he will inflict with this talent. This ability counts as a basic attack, so penetration directly affects the damage dealt by the flares. The most annoying thing is the chance of the talent triggering; it is because of this skill that Mind Duelist has extremely random damage. The ability also affects invisible targets. Another talent can be used in a funny way during the chase. If you can’t keep up with the enemy, you run almost on par with him but can’t reach him with an auto-attack and all your skills are on cooldown, hit the nearest enemy object, creep, tower, monster, it doesn’t matter. If you're lucky, the flash effect will wear off and the flash will kill the half-dead enemy. Again, only if it works.

Regarding the improvement of the Blade with a Secret, there is nothing to add. Everything is in the description.

Damn Sharp Sword - The hero's attacks and flashes of the secret blade deal 15% more damage.

A truly useful talent that makes the prince a potential carry in a power build. The power of this skill is most felt closer to the late game. I hope you are not lucky enough to meet a power duelist at level 36. Do you think an Archer at 36 fully charged is dangerous? You didn't see the orange power Prince on the cap. Properly bypassing the entire control of the Archer, when approaching, the Prince will cut this hero in half in a couple of blows, if not less. It’s a pity that the Duelist will have to try very hard to get to the cap.

Merciless Shot (hi*r) — Deals 120..1247 damage to the specified enemy and stuns the target for 1 second, after which it slows it down by 30% for 3 seconds.

Meet the most useless ultimate in Prime. Firstly, we take this pathetic ultimate on line 4. The Prince is the only hero who has an ultimate not in the 3rd line, as if it wasn’t enough to make the damage caused by the Prince so random that sometimes it even infuriates, so we also got a kick in the most expensive way, we were given an ult in the 4th line. Secondly, this ult has damage approximately equal to the spear of a sentient wolf. The ultimate gives a slowdown that is completely unnoticeable and a stun that hangs for the entire second. Our bomb stuns for 1.5 seconds, and our ultimate only for a second, where is the logic? And thirdly, the most incomprehensible step of the developers to me. The ultimate, in terms of its effectiveness and place in the build, should have a cooldown of about 60 or even 50 seconds. But its cooldown is exactly 2 minutes. Just think about it, Wolves throw such spears once every 10 seconds, a Centaur is capable of carrying away approximately 6 thousand HP from your ultimate to the enemy team in total, with a cooldown of 70 seconds. Even more funny is the fact that the Prince was reworked, and with each rework the mechanics of the ultimate did not change for the better. Everything that happened with the Duelist's ultimate during the existence of the project was bad and very bad. It becomes a shame for such mistakes in the balance sheet.

Disgusting ability. With a strong buildup to the mind, the maximum can take down 1500 +/- magic resist. It is not thrown out of builds solely because of the stun and the ability to finish off a fat enemy. That's ridiculous!

Sentient or Force Duelist/Prince of Thieves

A smart Duelist is usually more useful to the team. In a group battle, he does not die as quickly as a strong one, he is able to hit AoE attacks and clears the forest a little faster than a strong one. It is also worth noting that the ult ceases to stun for 1 second every 2 minutes. She takes damage, but it is far from even normal. When playing as a smart Duelist, you mostly have to rely on your good luck, it will depend on it how hard you hit.

Playing with the hero's mind completely eliminates CUTE as a characteristic. The whole point is that from cunning you will get penetration, which can be achieved from agility, and a chance of a critical hit, which a reasonable hero does not need (after all, the Duelist’s auto-attack depends on strength, and we have more DD from blade flashes) . The flash of the blade directly depends on luck. It turns out that in order for the flash to fire more often, we need to shoot more often. The conclusion is obvious. The second most important parameter of a reasonable Duelist is AGILITY. The more agility, the more often the blows. We also get a buff on agility by activating “Squall of Blows”, which also depends on the mind . The Intelligent Duelist hits very quickly, but at the same time weakly if the flash rarely fires.

Well, the third most important parameter is the HP parameter, in order to at least somehow smooth out the Duelist’s vulnerability to everything that causes damage, you have to fill the build with this characteristic. In the current meta, armor and magical defense are not as effective as tons of HP, perhaps the calculations between the characteristics of HP and defense are a little crooked, but for now I can say with confidence that it is much easier to stick HP into the build rather than maximizing protection from different types of damage. By the way, the Duelist's Defense against magic is better developed than Armor.

It is best to collect a set of talents for a microstan; for a reasonable person it suits perfectly in all respects, except that Bloody Assault does not really fit with the build. Regarding the set for immortality, a controversial issue, namely because Feelings of security which gives characteristics that are not the most necessary for a reasonable Duelist. Although, for the sake of the set, one talent in the build can be sacrificed.

Ultimately we get almost an attack aircraft with random damage, which is nevertheless useful to the team in case of aggressive play. A duelist is unlikely to survive a 5v5 skirmish in the middle of a game with equal amounts of prime on both teams, so your first priority will be to make sure that the enemy does not gain an advantage or even a chance to go even or with superiority in 5v5. It is for this task the intelligent Duelist comes in handy.
In the castle, throw all the glasses into the mind. Although you can try half in agility and half in intelligence if you feel a strong lack of agility. In this version, the micro stun set will work much more often, and in general it should cause more damage. A duelist who is completely into agility is a rare piece of nonsense, don’t try it, he loses all the use of his talents.

Regarding insidious defense.

This talent is more suitable for heroes who push towers, for example, this talent is perfect for the power Prince. Coupled with a passive ability and a very strong attack, especially those that hit a critical hit, you can break a tower quite quickly and even without the support of creeps, bearing the blows of the tower, absorbing them with a passive ability and insidious defense(in this regard, the Prince reminds me a lot of Tryndamere from the League of Legends in the AD build, it’s not very useful, but he pushes like a god) . In general, I would have left this talent if it weren’t for its nerf, after which the interval between blocking attacks appeared at 0.6 or 0.5 seconds. Now all the damage falling on you will not be blocked, it will randomly block 1 auto attack and only after a short period of time will it be ready to block another auto attack again. The size of this block is only 66 units on a fully upgraded talent. I'm not sure this is worth space on line 5. A smart hero is not very good at pushing towers. (damage from a blade with a secret does not apply to buildings)

Speaking of vampirism. You should not maximize this parameter. You simply won't be able to use it effectively. It’s amazing that by the time you collect all the “vamp” talents, you will die from 3-4 flashes of your sword, you simply won’t have time to heal on them, and contact with the enemy hero on the contrary will cause you more harm than good. Towards the end of a game in which both teams are not fools (in theory) You are unlikely to see 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 skirmishes. And in the midst of a battle, vampirism will still not be enough for the Duelist to stand on his feet. Exceptions include cases in which you simply go to random and kick crayfish with a rating below two thousand, here, of course, yes, vampirism is useful within reasonable limits. But not in a serious battle. It is useful, but not in large quantities; specifically, an orange set of talents will be enough for you (microstan) and Greed / Inner rod. If you really want to bust a vampiric, put Blood Hunger, when there were no orange talents yet, it was really needed for at least some kind of sustain in the late game.

Path of War, "Strength" Prince

There is no optimal build for a power prince. It is the power build that will most likely be different for each lord. He is extremely ambiguous. The strong one requires HP, Strength, Cunning, Agility. Such a number of characteristics practically eliminates the possibility of concentrating on one thing. Do you think anything can be excluded? Well, let's see what happens then. Excluding agility you get slow beating hero relying on even more random than flash, critical hit. And a barrage of blows will be of very little use. By excluding cunning, we lose the chance for a more frequent critical hit, which important for the Prince is valid, just like for any other carry. Excluding HP, we will be target number 1 on which we don’t even need to spend control, just throw something so that the hero dies and that’s it. So it turns out that you have to somehow balance between all this. It is because of this that the power Prince loses survivability.

The Power Prince can be collected in many different ways, you can focus on health regeneration and strength, you can make him “agile” or teach him cunning so much that the chance of a critical hit will be approximately the same as the chance of a flash, That's your business . I can’t speak with certainty about the effectiveness of this or that build variation.

At one time I played as a strong Prince and my hero was only useful at the end of the middle game, or in the very middle if I was well fed up in the lane (in the forest the strength is rather weak, but playable) . I would like to note that if I went to the line, specifically as a force, I achieved good success. Good lasthitting The prince, even under the tower, can make his contribution to the game, and when he takes a couple of kills and packs of miracles, he can even drag it in. Believe it or not, I managed to kill quite a few archers in solo lane with my power Prince. How? Yes, it’s simple, as soon as you take the acceleration from the squall, you can harass the bow under the bomb with almost impunity, and after taking the ult and setting it to blink, the beam climbed even without difficulty, the main thing is not to fall under its slowdown when retreating.

This is unlikely to work with a straight beam, but anything is possible.

Regarding the build itself, there really is no certainty here that is observed in a reasonable, reasonable much easier collect than power . The talent insidious defense for the power Prince will be very helpful for pushing; this hero is incredibly resilient in surviving the tower's focus.

Strong damage to one target, pharmaceutical dependence, relative fragility, ambiguity of the build, more or less stable damage, very wild damage during the feast and in the late game. These are the distinctive qualities of a hero dressed in power. I still recommend doing a mind build(especially for beginners) . When playing strong, you always feel some kind of inferiority in early and mid game, especially if you are in the jungle and there are few targets for a successful gank, but if such discomfort does not bother you, choose a lane/jung and farm, farm like a god! Otherwise, you will become ballast. (Reasonable also stands (endures) well in the lane, but instead of restoring its health with regen as a strong one does, reasonable is healed by Flurry from its native land. Therefore, the flagpole on the line is very important, although most likely you will have to use the land under your tower, when idle in the lane, the smart one is slightly inferior to the strong one, the strong one has more damage on one target, without taking into account the randomness on the flash, it will be easier to last hit)

Regarding hybrid builds

In Prime, almost any hybrid build is doomed to failure, that’s how it turns out (if your hero is not a vampire) . The Prince, with his inherent instability and simple weakness, does not tolerate such builds very well. It turns out, as they say, “neither fish nor fowl.”

How to lane as a Duelist in Prime World

I really love this position, much more than the forest. But it’s not easy to implement Prince on it. Get ready for it that most of the time you will stand under the tower and flippers to hit. However, the Prince does not tolerate in the simple sense of the word, it is as if he is waging a guerrilla war on his line. After taking the boost from a flurry of blows, you will begin to show your teeth to the enemy (unless it is some kind of vampire, in which case he will show you his teeth) .

As a duelist it is better to stand on top if you are a doctor, or at bothif you are Adornian, closeness with us is very important store , most likely you will have to run for banks and other goods. (teleportation scrolls, HP cans, wards. One more little thing, teleportation scrolls are used faster than your native teleportation, remember this)

It’s worth mentioning that heroes with different build types suffer differently. In general, it is better to go to the line with a power Prince, his damage to one target makes it easier to deliver the final blow to enemy soldiers, and the enemy’s harassment will be more effective and predictable. The only problem with the power Prince on the line is sustain. However, this is easily offset by HP regen; the characteristic really helps the Prince to stand/endure in the lane with almost no problems , so if you are going to line up with a hero with this type of build Necessarily Notforget to put talents of this type in the build. (but without fanaticism)

Concerning reasonable, then its sustain depends onquantities reason And availability native land . Duelistheals with a flurry of blows butonly on native land, therefore it is dependent on the flagpole in the middle but sincePrincebasically tolerates, you will have to use the native land under the tower. If there is someone on the teamzoom, ask for a scroll fortreatmentAnd preferably so that he would come to youthe very first.

As soon as you appear at the fountain and the countdown begins until the creeps come out, I advise you to buy a can forHP, it will be much easier for you to endure on the line until the acceleration and blinding from the bomb appears. The main task will be to eat, which means your last hit under the tower must be really good (it’s a pity that due to the stupidest code responsible for targeting the tower, it’s oh so hard to do this, the tower will always surprise you by switching from one creep to another for no reason). Once you get the boost, you can start biting. Remember the hero's passive? This is where it comes in handy, having blinded and stunned the enemy, run up and deliver swift blowsif it really makes any sense, bows, for example, are harassed in this way with a bang(try not to get caught in their barrage) . You will need the support of the forester if you want to take the enemy on the line, ask him to give you a kill on the gank if possible, you really need this.

It's actually simple. All you have to do is react to enemy ganks(press teleport to an ally) , last hit and don't overdo it with harassing the enemy(in this case you will definitely need the healing talent) . If your forester is doing well, he goes into the enemy forest, kills with might and main, then you can distract yourself from your line by first pushing it and clearing one or another pack of chudi in the forest, yours or someone else’s.

Like I said, a great couple To the duelist will Leader. Ganga Leader to the line Princevery effective, the characters complement each other.

Know that reasonable Princepushes the lane and destroys creeps more efficient power, which gives an advantage in mobility. As soon as you get to the 3rd line of talents, you can simply blind your enemy, run into a crowd of creeps and start knocking them down with flashes, then you will just have to survive the harassment of your enemy, with HP regen and healing on your native land, this is not so problem.

That's basically it. A little, but then just the subtleties of the game that youyou probably know, They obvious. Play as a team, react to all events on the map, place wards as close to your line as possible, lightening the heavy burden of your jungler, harassing the enemy, thereby preparing him for future ganks (if that makes sense) , well, justdon't die . With competent play in the lane, the hero shows miracles of survival thanks to his passive ability and high innate regenHP, by the middle of the game you will not be sagging and useless to anyonePrince, you will have some damage and the makings of an attack aircraft. If you are standingpower Prince, then by the end of the mid game your enemies will be a little surprised at what kind of crits our hero gives out, but in the late game you will tear up almost everything(the only problem is that it will be just as easy to tear you apart, and it’s not often possible to reach the late game with the Prince in high-rated games) .

How to gank a Duelist

Get used to it exactly to this positions, greedy random laners have probably already seen enough of the “exploits” of various crooked Princes on the line and now they don’t want to let them in at all, although they themselves feed their lines more often than not, so you can’t help but catch a “mental facepalm”.

The forest is our everything, but it’s unfortunate that only after the 9th-10th level the Prince begins to lose HP on the monster. Jungle It is not simple, not everyone can effectively stand in this position; many players simply do not feel the moment when they need to come to the rescue, they forget about wards and other important things.

After thinking thoroughly, I decided not to bombard you with unnecessary information about how to jungle “correctly”. I’ll just talk about the characteristics of the hero in the forest and his capabilities, after all, this is a guide on the Duelist and not on how to jungle correctly, right?

The key feature of our hero is his passive ability, it helps in the forest, damage from the monster is blocked, which saves you a couple of dozen units of HP, and thanks to the barrage you restore lost HP. Sounds good right? But in reality, you will still sag, especially in the “orange” forest, and sag a lot. When farming chudi gold points, use a grenade(no need to waste a grenade on gray packs of chudi, it eats up a lot of mana!), throw it in fat mob, if the land is native, you will also cause damage, albeit ridiculous. In general, to farm gold points, both your own and the enemy, I recommend putting such talents on the 3rd line as Fury of Power/Hidden Intention.(if there is a hero on the team who needs “gold” more than you, feel free to give it to him. But only if you are really sure that this person can “drag.” Most likely, people who know how to play will take theirs without your asking gold from your forest, don't yell at them, you're not naga, you don't need prime that much) .

Try As soon as possible take acceleration from squall for mobility and then a flash for more productive forest clearing. Next, you should focus on training talents up to the 3rd line. After completing the training, you can improve your grenade and secret blade. The sooner you take your native talents, the better, they are cheaper and therefore will quickly give you new levels. Let me remind you again , Ax on the 1st line in your build required .

Now about ganks . In theory, the Prince's ganks are strong after taking the ult (WHO *** PUT IT INTO LINE 4 *** I HATE IT) but in practice, it’s not very easy to implement this gank, and by the time you take your damned ult in the 4th line, the enemy on the line will either have been crushed to zero by your laner, or will have eaten itself off so that your “epic” gank will basically make him sneeze, not without exceptions of course. I also think that very important talent for the Prince both in the line and in the forest is Grasp of the Earth. The hero already has good control for a stormtrooper, and this talent allows him to practically 5 second coupled with native talents to keep the enemy in one place. If your liner is also “rooted”, then your total control will be very long (long enough for the heroes to have time to squeeze out a TP and hit both of you hehe) .

Native land is a very important factor that should be taken into account in first of all during a gank. If your liner is such a rogue that it cannot at least knock down the enemy flag, this means only one thing, you will have to come, scaring off the enemy along the way, just to help knock down the flag, and then try to somehow pick it up with an ally by going around the enemy from behind or using something else then the movie Never in serious games or just at high ratings, never gank a line on which the enemy flag is raised., the only exceptions include the case if the enemy liner is standing right under your tower in full view and/or has drained all of his abilities, although this is still fraught with consequences if he gets to at least the middle of his line when the enemy’s flag is raised. Remember that the enemy always has teleporters ready, most likely, as soon as you start ganking, you will immediately see 3 or 4 puddles of TP, which will probably sharply discourage you from engaging in battle on enemy soil. That is why you need to come to the line with a flag already knocked down or raised by your ally! I wrote more about how and who to gank two chapters above..

Remember your main tasks as a forester, viz.

1 . Supports minimal visibility of key points on the map. In other words, these are important passages on the map in which the enemy often lights up, and, more importantly, glyphs. You should always see glyphs, they open up the opportunity for you to gank an enemy who cannot be killed so easily. It is very important to control at least these small areas of the map.

2. Ganges at first good opportunity, by opportunity I mean: flags raised by allies or simply knocked down, a depressed enemy who, despite this, is stupid enough to go to the center of his line, a small amount of health, the absence of wards on the paths of approach to the gank.

3. Counter jungle is a difficult and risky business. But it’s necessary, especially if it concerns taking the enemy’s golden pack of chudi. Also, even at the lowest levels you have a chance to catch the enemy jungler and kick him, but remember about teleports and your capabilities, do not overestimate them.

4 . Help your allies as soon as possible! If an enemy jungler and laner are trying to pick up your ally in the lane, you are obliged to push TP there if there is even the slightest chance that you will save your ally or pick up anyone. Again, the important factor here is the flag. Now do you understand how important your native land is? Terramorphing is a key feature of Prime World combat sessions.

5 . Do not sleep! If the laner is busy dealing the final blow to the creep, you don't need it. While you're hitting the chud, you have time to think through your next steps. The biggest mistake of novice foresters is that they contemplate how they kick the chud . You just need to press the right mouse button and activate any skill, then your hero is done will do it himself! Take advantage of this time, study the enemy and ally, look at their builds, think about your next move, predict the actions of the enemy jungler, you have much more time than laners to assess the situation, take advantage of this and any other advantage.

6. Timing. This is the thing that even experienced players forget about. Timing is the calculation of the monster’s respawn time, in other words, how much time should pass before the point in the forest appears again. Write in the chat the respawn time of the Chudi pack, taking into account the time when you cleared this pack, or keep it in mind, personally, it’s easier for me to write. It's always nice to get to the pack before it arrives, right? You save time, and by doing timing you can more accurately calculate your actions.

The time after which the golden pack appears is 4 minutes, the gray pack appears 3 minutes after clearing it. Gray packs appear on the map at 01:13. Most often, only the gold pack will have to be timed.

That's all. Not difficult right? But this is only in words. In the game itself it will be much more difficult, the situation will always change, and you will have to quickly make important decisions. Unless of course you want to win.

Despite his rather weak defense, the Prime World hero Duelist/Prince of Thieves is a dangerous enemy who takes advantage of agility and speed. He is capable of blinding the enemy with a smoke grenade, raining down multiple blows of a sharp sword on him and finishing him off with a final shot, such is the tactics of our hero. In addition, he is very useful for the team, because, thanks to his luck, he earns a considerable amount of prime. And especially the blade of the Duelist/Prince of Thieves is capable of causing damage to all enemies around with one blow.

Duelist/Prince of Thieves Stats

In the game Prime World, the Duelist, according to the guide, is quite demanding on stats, and therefore, in order not to nullify all his abilities and skills with incorrectly set priorities, it is important to choose the right stats. Useless stats for our hero include health, energy, stamina and will. The last of these are extremely difficult to gain, energy and its regeneration are useless, and our health is already quite good.

Our Prime World hero, the Duelist/Prince of Thieves, benefits from strength, intelligence, and cunning. Agility is 50/50, because the number of attacks is unlikely to increase, and to break through we only need cunning, and our hero’s damage will be better affected by any of the other stats. Mind does not play a major role in our skills, although they feed on it, but the damage from basic attacks at higher levels will exceed the damage that depends on skills that use the mind. The main thing for us is strength and cunning, and the more, the better. At the top of the levels, it is better to pump them up, again.

Below we'll take a look at Prime World's game modes in our Duelist/Prince of Thieves guide.

Characteristics of the Duelist/Prince of Thieves. Appearance, talents, skins, initial stats

Duelist/Prince of Thieves in game modes


This mode will remind active users of a dungeon. A reasonable Prime World Duelist/Prince of Thieves character is more suitable for this mode, thanks to the damage from AoE attacks, but in principle, a strong character is quite suitable. Here our allies playing in tandem with the hero will not be a hindrance for us, we can easily farm the forest. Cards will make it possible to block the attacks of dangerous opponents.

When clearing a point with the leader of a monster, you should first kill their retinue; the damage from 4-5 monsters is higher than from one.

According to the Duelist/Prince of Thieves guide, battles here occur after the death of the Dragon, be sure to raise the flags. The native land will give an advantage to comrades.

Next, our hero, like clockwork, controls and kills opponents, but remember that the main task is to save the egg won by our team. Further in the Prime World game, the Duelist according to the guide will not become the decisive link, the main thing will be the well-coordinated work of the team and victory, consider it in your pocket.


The map is identical to the Borderland. Bonuses for heroes located in the Homeland: increased speed, talent cooldown time reduced by 40%, health and energy regeneration increased by 100%, base strength and intelligence increased by 30%, damage received reduced by 25%.

Our hero Prime World Duelist/Prince of Thieves is not very suitable for this mode, since he only swings in the forest and only with ganks, he holds the line poorly. But if you still take the risk, be sure to acquire the Earth Kinship/Scarlet Flower talents.


In this Prime World mode in the Duelist/Prince of Thieves guide, we quickly gain levels and immediately start with the skirmishes. Initially, you should learn Unfair Combat and health regeneration from the first slot. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a Flurry of Blows, this will quickly develop the hero’s damage. We teach strength/intelligence, regeneration in talents to the maximum, as well as the Ice Power talent.

According to the guide for the Duelist/Prince of Thieves, we are careful in battle and use Unfair Fight against an insolent enemy. As soon as the siege weapon appears, monitor its energy and location on its native soil, and control/kill everyone who approaches it.

Power Duelist (build)

The most acceptable way is force and cunning. In the castle, 38 stat points over 19 levels should be invested into strength. The build contains as much strength as possible, which increases hand damage, and cunning, which will increase the chances of crit and penetration, and this, in turn, affects damage to tanks and enemies with good defense.

First line
(Natural strength. +5 strength.)

Second line

(Body training. +95 HP and another 140 HP can be gained by killing creeps/heroes.) Further, such talents that allow you to gain a certain number of characteristics will be called stacks or boosts.

Third line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:
(Rare power. +9 strength.)

(Rare cunning. +9 cunning.)
(Athletics. +6 strength and 100 hp.)

Fourth line, must include the following talents:
(Insatiable rage. +4 strength, also for killing heroes/creeps we can get 6 more over time.)
(Increasing cunning. +4 cunning, also for killing heroes/creeps we can get 6 more over time.)

(Torrupted Blood. When activated, deals 383 magic damage to the target enemy and makes healing 50% worse for 6 seconds.)

As you may have noticed, there is not a word in the build about the talent Final Shot, the whole point is that in this build it does extremely little damage, on par with Tainted Blood. But the latter affects our hero Prince of Thieves from Prime World every 60 seconds, regardless of cards + reduces the target’s healing by 50%. The cover of shadow gives us the element of surprise that is so important for the Duelist/Prince of Thieves.

Fifth line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:

(Unjustified cruelty. The hero’s attack has a 25% chance to deal an additional 50 pure damage. It also gives +6 to agility.)
(Destruction of defenses. When auto-attacking, there is a 40% chance to reduce the target's fortitude and willpower by 11 for 5 seconds.)
(Thirst for destruction. +13 cunning.)

With such a fifth line, we significantly increase our damage, as well as the damage to the enemies of our allies (due to the destruction of the defenses) of the Duelist in the build. Strengthening Faith gives us a small bonus in the fight against murderers. Their wild damage is absorbed by cards. And we kill them. If there are no cards, will is our faithful friend. Since most killers attack with magical damage, the defense against which is raised by the will.

Sixth line. Here are the main damage talents of the Prince of Thieves from Prime World.

(Combat assault. +15 strength.)
(Unrelenting Force. +12 Strength and 175 HP.)
(Ferocity. +19 strength.)
(Heightened senses. +10 cunning and agility.)

Bottom line.

Reasonable build

The second version of the build is focused on AoE damage and Final Shot.
The castle has 38 stat points over 19 levels - all in the mind. The build, as its name implies, should have more intelligence in order to increase the AoE damage of the Secret Blade and Final Shot skills, as well as agility - for speed and penetration.
Let's look at a reasonable build line by line.
In the castle, we invest all 38 stat points over 19 levels into the mind. The build should contain as much intelligence as possible (to increase the damage from the AoE damage of the Secret Blade and Final Shot skill) and agility (to increase penetration and attack speed).

So, let’s break down a reasonable build line by line.

First line, in addition to the main ones, must necessarily include the following talents:

(Natural intelligence. +5 intelligence.)
(Superiority. 25% for 120 additional physical damage to creeps and monsters.)
(Natural regeneration. +2 health regeneration.)

Second line, in addition to the main ones, it should include the following talents:

(Prime influx. 70 HP and +4 Prime every 5 sec.)

(Body training. +95 HP and another 140 HP can be gained by killing creeps/heroes)
(Indomitable healing. +2 HP regeneration.)

Third line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:

(Regeneration. +3.2 HP regeneration.)
(Mighty spirit. +6 intelligence and 100 hp.)

(Hidden intelligence. +3 to intelligence, you can also gain 6 more intelligence by killing heroes/creeps.)
(Rare intelligence. +9 intelligence.)

Fourth line must include the following talents:
(Final shot.)
(Mind training. +4 intelligence. You can also gain 6 more by killing heroes and soldiers.)
(Invincibility. +6 speed and 90hp.)
(Sprout of life. +120 hp and every minute it increases by another 15. The maximum increase is 120.)
(Shroud of Shadow. Makes our hero invisible for 20 seconds.)
(Agility training. +4 agility. You can also gain 6 more by killing heroes and soldiers.)

Fifth line, in addition to the main ones, should include the following talents:

(Ice power. The hero's attack for 3 seconds reduces the enemy's speed by 20%, and agility by 20 for 3 seconds and additionally deals 20 magic damage. It also gives + 4 to agility.)
(Blood of the ancients. +9 HP regeneration.)

(Strengthening Faith. +6 Will, as well as +10 Will we can gain by receiving damage.)
(Steel hardening. +6 Durability, as well as +10 durability we can gain by receiving damage.)
(Will to win. +17 will.)
(Heroic Fortitude. +17 Fortitude.)
Since we are not focused on single-target damage, there is no need to set Destruction of Defenses and Unjustified Cruelty. But resists are ideal so as not to die quickly in batches. Frost Might is a universal talent. It slows down the enemy, also taking away his agility, which makes him more vulnerable.

Sixth line.
Our main damage talents are collected here. Let's see what it should include:

(Unlocked potential. +20 strength.)
(Magic assault. +15 intelligence.)
(Noble mind. +12 intelligence and 175 hp.)
(Greatness of mind. +19 intelligence.)
(Dragon Heart. +215 HP and 4.7 HP regeneration.)
(Lynx agility. +19 agility.)

Bottom line.

In the game Prime World, the Prince of Thieves, according to the guide, using the above build, will receive incredible damage from the Final Shot (max. 1500), as well as excellent damage from the Blade with a Secret skill (about 350). A Smart Duelist, combining the damage from the Secret Blade and the damage from the auto attack, is able to exceed the damage from the auto attack and the Secret Blade performed by the Force Duelist. Of course, the damage from a critical hit of the Prince of Thieves/Duelist power build is more serious, but the Reasonable can respond to this with AoE damage. We will receive buffs with a huge amount of agility. Attack speed at level 36 is about 1.5 hits/second. This build also increases the hero's survivability, resists about 70%. Penetration under the buff reaches 50%.

Swing in battle

The hero of Prime World, Prince of Thieves/Duelist, is a universal character; he can stand in the lane thanks to stuns and regeneration, and level up in the forest, ahead of everyone else in level.

When going to farm the forest in the Prime World game, the Prince of Thieves, according to the guide, must first learn Superiority, then Unfair Fight and its improvement, this will help blind the monster without taking damage. Next is HP regeneration, Damn Sharp Sword, Flurry of Blows and Dashing Onslaught and stacks.

Initially, raid the enemy’s forest, there we take 6-7 packs of miracles and gain a level to collect gold. We check the glyphs, if there are any, take Celerity or Power/invisibility.

Here our Prime World hero Prince of Thieves/Duelist is already capable of ganking. We find the enemy with the least HP and attack from the back or side.

On the line in any Prime World mode in the guide, the Prince of Thieves/Duelist should be careful. It’s better to be closer to the creeps and get a little prime from them and beware of enemy heroes.

When going to lane in Prime World according to the guide, the Prince of Thieves/Duelist must initially learn Unfair Combat, then health regeneration, class talents, and stacks. Having reached lvl 20, learn all regeneration and HP from scratch, then strength, and then skill. In a reasonable build: regeneration-mind-hp-agility.

Battle tactics


On the lane, our hero is not a threat to virtually anyone from the enemy team, but there are also those characters for whom we are the worst enemy. The right Prince of Thieves/Duelist build will be decisive in battles with both quilted warriors and dangerous characters. For example, in a fight with Faceless/White Mask and other killers, we can feel confident. We quickly regenerate the damage from his daggers. As soon as the Mask has moved, we try to catch him in an Unfair Fight, if successful, we hit him, repeat the procedure several times and the Mask either goes into regen or dies. A similar situation with Lightning/Thunderbolt, we take his hammer into the cards and be done with it. Stan - beating.

When standing in a line with another enemy, be careful, wait for him to climb under the tower, and then start attacking. Throw the bag at the Destroyer/Flame Thrower, it will stun and blind him. It is extremely dangerous for our tower. Try to keep your HP at maximum levels, killing as many creeps as possible, because after finishing him off, you will get more prime than due to his death from soldiers or a tower. Also, if you save your HP, you will save yourself from a gank. Since we mentioned above the versatility of the Prince of Thieves, in the guide we will also look at the main abilities that are useful for the team, as well as what tactics should be chosen in battle, depending on the situation.

Tactics in PvP battles.

In the mid and late game there are often 5v5 mix-ups; ganks at these stages are coming to an end, as is the build-up in the lanes and in the jungle.

According to the guide, the basic role of the Prince of Thieves in matches involves controlling fighters - heroes with the highest stable levels in the game, for example, Amazon / Archer, Huntsman / Dancer with Wolves, as well as assassins - those who are able to inflict very serious damage once and hide. As soon as a fighter is left without tank cover, we throw a bag, a flurry of blows, a kill. Often fighters die in 4-5 crits from our hero’s auto attack. Try to help your teammates kill a tank with low HP, because we have the wildest damage.

It’s easier for us with killers, we throw the bag and immediately a faceless or Thunderer appears on the respawn. Since we don’t have much protection, try to avoid assisting on yourself, because we are a rather fragile character.

In the game Prime World, the Prince of Thieves, whose build is focused on the mind, should be at the very epicenter of the battles. Do not forget that as soon as our cards are knocked down, we can hit the enemy with the Final Shot, the main thing is to carefully choose the target, for example, a fighter with weak defense or an assassin is perfect.

We are also able to protect an ally and even save his life by stunning the killer or pursuer in time with the help of a bag.
