How a Smolensk lolita seduced her stepfather. Husband sexually groped stepdaughter “Mom, I slept with your husband!”

It often happens that after a divorce or death of a spouse, a person creates a new family. Children from the first marriage may also live in this family. However, it is very common negative attitude to your stepfather or stepmother. In order to correct the situation and establish these relationships, it takes a lot of time, care and love from a loved one.

Difficulties in the family can arise through upbringing. At the beginning of a relationship, conflict situations are very often created, and obvious hostility towards the new parent is expressed. Because of feelings of resentment, children begin to be capricious and misbehave as the psychological trauma from divorce or the death of a parent makes itself felt.

The birth of one or more children may complicate this situation. The older child may feel that he is lonely and not needed by this family.

In order for family relationships to improve, you need to try very hard and remember that it will be very difficult, and if this is a relationship between a stepfather and stepdaughter, then it is much more difficult. Although it all depends on the child himself.

At the age of 11-15 years, children are more drawn to members of their own sex and begin to reject the opposite sex. That's why boys are attracted to men, and girls are attracted to women. In this situation, the girl may not perceive her stepfather as a father. In case of a special need for the mother’s attention, there may even be a fear that the stepfather will take her mother away from her. To improve the current situation, the mother needs to convince the girl that maternal love and love for her husband are completely different things.

The stepfather should also be careful, since the stepdaughter herself may contribute to the emergence of conflict situations with him. It happens that stepdaughters slander their stepfathers and accuse them of something, including sexual harassment.

Very often, stepdaughters take advantage of the fact that the stepfather is still a stranger, not their own, and everyone around, including the mother, will believe the daughter.

It is also worth remembering that situations are different and a daughter can tell the truth.
In this case, there is no need to rush to start a scandal, but to figure out whether the child is sincere or is slandering his stepfather in order to quarrel and divorce.

It may even happen that the relationship between stepfather and stepdaughter develops into something more and the possibility of destruction of the family union of mother and stepfather is quite possible. If conflict or difficult situations arise in the family that are difficult to resolve, you can seek help from a psychologist who will suggest a way out and help you find a way to solve the problems that have arisen.

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Olga is thirty-five, she has a family: an eight-year-old second-grader daughter and a common-law husband, Yegor, with whom they have been living together for a little less than a year.
They live well and amicably, support each other in everything, make plans for the coming weekend, for vacation and even for more distant prospects. However, Olga does not want to formalize the relationship. Thank you, she has already been married, she doesn’t want anything else. And, although Yegor cannot be compared with her ex-husband, Olga does not plan to change her status. She's fine as is. As they say, good is not sought from good.
However, evil tongues claim that if Yegor really wanted to register and dragged Olga to the registry office, she would not have argued here, but would have put the notorious stamp in her passport a long time ago. And so, they say, “the grapes are green.” Yegor really has no great desire to officially get married. In his opinion, the stamp spoils everything, and even if the relationship does not completely fall apart after registration, some of it is lost forever.

And their relationship now is wonderful.
Egor is caring, attentive, cheerful. And most importantly, he manages to get along well with Olga’s daughter. The natural father does not really spoil the child with attention. Only her ex-mother-in-law communicates with the girl, and even then mostly by phone. And the child, of course, needed a dad all these years. Egor enthusiastically took on this role. In the evenings, before bedtime, he tells the girl about the planets and space, now this is their tradition, he takes her to school in the morning, sometimes picks her up early from after-school activities, helps her solve problems, and taught her to play chess. My daughter doesn’t call Yegor dad, but nevertheless she treats him well, listens and respects him - in general, family is like family. In addition, Yegor does not have his own children and, most likely, will not have any: he and his first wife were examined and they were diagnosed with male factor infertility.

Olga is quite happy with this - she does not plan to give birth to a second child. Suddenly, somehow unexpectedly, her career began to develop successfully. A few months ago she was appointed head of the department, and in November an important business trip is due, as a result of which another promotion is possible. We have to leave for ten days, maybe a couple of weeks.
At first, Olga was worried about who the child would stay with: it wouldn’t be possible to take the girl with her on a trip, and besides, she has school, which she wouldn’t want to miss. It’s also impossible not to go: both Olga and the company’s management have a lot of hopes for the trip.

Egor was very supportive, as always: he said that Olga should travel calmly, and that he could look after the child for a couple of weeks without any problems. She will also take her daughter to school, pick her up from after school, feed her dinner and breakfast, and monitor her studies. It’s not difficult for him at all, the child, thank God, is no longer an infant, they get along great, Yegor is aware of everything that concerns his daughter. Basically, you couldn't find a better nanny.
My daughter also doesn’t mind living with Yegor for a couple of weeks, she perceives it as an interesting adventure, and tells everyone with delight - in particular, she shared it over the phone with her grandmother, Olga’s former mother-in-law. And this is where Olga’s quiet life ended.

The mother-in-law was shocked and horrified to leave the child for two weeks with a strange man! Girl!
- He's not even your husband! - the mother-in-law shouts into the telephone receiver. - What are you thinking about!!! Do you know what's in his head??? you can't know! Do not even think about it! There's a lot going on around us right now! Do you watch TV at all?? There are only pedophiles around!! Don't you dare, I'm telling you!

In general, my mother-in-law now calls three times a day, either crying or threatening to complain to the guardian. With all this, he doesn’t even want to consider the possibility of taking his granddaughter with him for two weeks and taking her to school. It's hard for her across the city. Her son, the child’s own father, is also not eager to accomplish this feat, and is no less outraged: abandon the child and go to God knows where! what kind of mother is this!
But the most surprising thing is when Olga, like a joke, told her friends about this reaction of her former relatives - many of them unexpectedly sided with the fearful grandmother.
- I’m actually surprised how you decided to bring a man into the house where the child lives! - said one of the friends. - I have a boy, I’ll never do something like that. Well, it’s just... there’s no need, I think, to tempt fate. And you have a girl. It’s up to you, of course, but I wouldn’t do it for anything... Well, leaving them alone for two weeks is completely beyond the bounds. What if what happens? What are you going to do?? Think about it! But he’s not even your husband!...

To be honest, Olga never thought about this aspect. For Yegor to suddenly look at her daughter somehow differently than at a child - yes, it’s completely nonsense.
He is a normal man, they have a normal, prosperous family.
And what does the notorious stamp in the passport have to do with it? It’s completely unclear. Like, if he were the official husband, the child could still be left with him, but would it be criminal to think so? What nonsense people have in their heads! They have been living together for a year now, with their daughter, and carried her in his arms and put her to bed; the child runs into bed with them on weekend mornings, everyone lies around, hugs, and Olga doesn’t see anything so terrible in it...

Truly, the whole world has gone crazy, people out of the blue see these same pedophiles everywhere...
On the other hand, well, surely different people who say the same thing can’t be completely wrong? Well, okay, the mother-in-law is an old fool, the ex-husband is an idiot, the girlfriend is a reinsurer, but everyone else? Almost everyone is twirling their finger at their temple - they say, you’re not at all afraid for your child? Honestly? really, really?
There is no smoke without fire, and perhaps there is some basis for such fears?
Is it really not worth leaving the stepfather and stepdaughter alone in such a situation? Is it better to be on the safe side, even if there are no signs of any danger at all?
Or is this some kind of public paranoia now?
What do you think?

Veronica didn’t even think that a simple resort acquaintance, not even a romance, would be continued. But, returning home, the very next day I heard Konstantin’s voice in the telephone receiver. They started dating. Veronica was flattered that Kostya looked after her so touchingly, willingly introducing her to his friends, artists like himself - and this despite the fact that Veronica was by no means a young, long-legged fashion model, but worked as an operator in a branch of Sberbank and, moreover, was two years older than Konstantin. Of course, she is quite attractive and can light up even a younger man in bed. She really liked Konstantin. But does she want to marry him... Kostya proposed, and Veronica thought about it. Did she truly love him? She felt sympathy, enjoyed closeness with him, knew that he understood her. All this happened. And yet, something was missing. Some kind of fire in the soul, or something, that could burn without letting the feelings fade away.

And another daughter. Olenka is twelve, a difficult age. How will she perceive the appearance of a stranger in her family? Will she understand her mother, will she consider that she has betrayed the memory of her father?

However, Konstantin behaved so delicately towards his future stepdaughter that Veronica’s doubts quickly melted away.

They got married, and Veronica never regretted her decision for two years.

Until one Tuesday, due to some accident in the area, the power grid cut off the electricity, and the bank was closed two hours early. Veronica was delighted: she had long been planning to cook stewed chicken with cumin, but, as luck would have it, there was no cumin anywhere. Dropping into the market, she bought two tiny glasses of seasoning, half a kilo of neat bright orange carrots and, anticipating the joy of her family, came home almost an hour and a half earlier than usual.

Kostya usually worked at home, and Olenka went to music school on Tuesdays. Therefore, opening the door, Veronica was surprised to hear her daughter laugh. After hanging up her coat, taking off her boots and taking out a rustling newspaper bag with cumin from her bag, Veronica looked into the room where Kostya usually worked.

They were both there - husband and daughter. They lay on the sofa, and Olina’s young, unformed breasts, not covered with a blanket, defiantly turned white in the twilight.

Cumin rustled out of the bag onto the floor. Konstantin jumped up, and Olya fearfully pulled the checkered blanket over herself.

Veronica screamed. She screamed without words, swaying in place, then stamped her feet, and her scream turned into a howl. Clutching the blanket, Olya hid in a corner and from there looked hauntedly at her mother. Konstantin was getting dressed. Carefully walking around his howling wife, he went out into the corridor, and after a while the front door slammed deafeningly.

The next day he returned and found in the apartment, in addition to his wife, mother-in-law and stepdaughter, also police officers. Kostya immediately understood everything and lowered his head.

Don't you dare! - Olya shouted. “He’s not guilty of anything, do you hear?!” I love him! Kostya, I love you!

But Konstantin didn’t even look in her direction. Accompanied by police officers, he left without looking at either the sobbing Olga or his stone-faced wife.

Olya first rushed to the door, then rushed to the window, pulled the latch, but Veronica grabbed her hand and held her while her daughter, pressing her forehead into the glass, watched from the height of the sixteenth floor as her lover was put into a police van.

Afterword by a forensic psychiatrist

Teenage girls often fall in love with older men. This phenomenon is known and largely explainable. This kind of love is especially typical for girls who are raised without a father, or in cases where the relationship with their father leaves much to be desired. Therefore, an adult man, on the one hand, can play the role of a father, and on the other, have that sexual experience that is much more attractive than the awkward courtship of peers.

Falling in love with a stepfather is not an exception, rather the rule. Recently, such relationships are considered incestuous, but if the stepfather did not appear in early childhood, he will never be perceived as the biological father.

Olga was examined by forensic experts. No signs of violence were found. Moreover, upon learning that she was not pregnant, the girl was even upset: she believed that she was now left completely alone, and it would be easier for her with a child from her loved one. Crying, she insisted that she was the first to fall in love with her stepfather and suffered for six months before confessing.

Olina’s numerous statements that there was no seduction, that she fell in love with Konstantin and their closeness was the result of mutual love, were added to the case, but did not affect the fate of the accused in any way.

Such relationships between stepfather and stepdaughter end in different ways. Sometimes it is a prison for him and a shock for her. Sometimes they just break up, like normal partners. And sometimes they start a family. For example, American actor and director Woody Allen married his adopted daughter.

Maybe someday the law will be more careful about the fate of such men? After all, at the same time, another, young soul, not ready for blows, breaks.


At the trial, no one believed that the close relationship between Olga and Konstantin did not arise on the initiative of their stepfather. This girl, just a girl, thin, with huge eyes, couldn’t have wanted intimacy with an adult man who was literally old enough to be her father!

Veronica could not understand why her husband lost interest in her so quickly. Although there was, there was some doubt and a feeling that something was missing from their love - fire, sublimity... When she said that her husband had killed her daughter, Olya lost consciousness.

With these words, the young woman turned to a psychologist, since her husband, with whom she shared her innermost secret, could not forgive her

Most of us family dramas, when a stepfather cohabits with his stepdaughter, they are associated with something low and perverted. Because this is contrary to nature itself. However, in nature there are inexplicable cases, and in general rules morality is an exception. A psychologist friend told me about an amazing case when a stepfather “taught love” to his stepdaughter for several years, for which she remained grateful to him.

Olga greedily absorbed the information about love and sex that her stepfather delicately presented to her.

But dates and joint smoking breaks in the hallways smoothly turned into hugs and kisses. The guy began to hint to his girlfriend that it was time to move on to a closer relationship, citing Olya’s friends as an example: they say they have been living with their boyfriends like adults for a long time. Something, but the girl couldn’t accept it. This is how she was raised “correctly”. And everything would have been fine - well, she refused, everyone has the right to decide for themselves - if not for the conversations that her friends began to spread. The company had a rule: find out whether the friend “gave” the guy or not. At first, the girls were just interested, then the persuasion began: why are you breaking, I’ve already slept with the third one. Olya resisted the pressure as best she could until it became the subject of general discussion. The girl became an outcast of the company. That’s why I came to a psychologist.

The psychologist explained that in such a situation it is important for a person to understand: it is not always necessary to follow the lead of others. And her dissimilarity is not a scourge, but a blessing. Perhaps several sessions with a psychologist influenced the girl so much that she committed an act that went beyond any public morality. But the specialist found out about this a few years later, when Olga came to him with another problem.

By that time there appeared in the house new person- Andrey Viktorovich. Mom's friend, whom she started dating after breaking up with her husband and who became her new husband. Forty-three years old, intelligent, well-read, calm. She and Olya quickly found a common language. Olya could discuss everything with him: books, studies, modern music and films, and most importantly, how to behave with boys, what love and sex are. According to the psychologist, it was from that moment that the girl stopped perceiving her stepfather as an older person, as a father. He became her friend. And imperceptibly they crossed the line of what is permitted.

Oral sex relieved the tension

At first it was just conversations about intimate topics. Brought up a little puritanically, Olya greedily absorbed all the information about love and sexual culture that her stepfather competently and delicately presented to her. Gradually, the topics became more and more intimate: what games and caresses excite a man and a woman. Sometimes the stepfather talked about some very piquant episodes of his biography, which inflamed the stepdaughter’s imagination. According to the psychologist, both the stepfather and the girl, without realizing it, followed the classic path that lovers take: acquaintance, revelations about purely personal things, testing each other for compatibility. The next logical step in their love should have been intimacy. Otherwise, after a very short time they simply would not be able to exist side by side normally. At the same time, the strange relationship between the stepfather and the stepdaughter did not disrupt the harmonious relationship with her mother.

This happened somehow by itself and at the same time completely unexpectedly for Olga and Andrei Viktrovich. It all started with touches, when the stepfather tried to clearly demonstrate that the girl liked even light touches to parts of the body that were not the most sensitive at first glance. But at that moment, each of them still considered it a game. Gradually the light touches became more persistent, prolonged and exciting. All this happened while the mother was not at home. When everyone got together in the house, the mother could not get enough of what a wonderful relationship the stepfather and daughter had.

And the relationship became more and more close. Sometimes the caresses and games of the stepfather and stepdaughter lasted for an hour or more. One day Olga asked to do “this,” but her stepfather gently refused and calmed the girl down with caresses. Then there were several more attempts by the hot girl to persuade her stepfather to have sexual intercourse, but she was refused. The situation was relieved by oral sex, which brought both partners to orgasm.

This went on for almost a year and a half. This forbidden paradise existed only for Olya and her stepfather. Events around took their course. Despite everything, or maybe precisely because of what happened, Olga met Sergei. They began an affair. The first person who found out that Olya had become a woman was her stepfather. Intimate relationships with my stepfather they stopped immediately. Andrei Viktorovich understood everything perfectly and went into the shadows. But Olga began writing letters to her stepfather, which she quietly slipped into his jacket. In these messages, she thanked him for introducing her to the world of love and sex, teaching her what the street, books and her own experience of trial and error would never have taught her.

“Where does this skill come from? - the husband was surprised. “Not from books!”

After the wedding, Olga and her husband began to live separately. The girl maintained an excellent relationship with her stepfather; they sacredly kept their secret. But Olga’s family happiness was under threat. The husband was crazy about what his wife was doing in bed. Frankly, the newlyweds talked about their past adventures. And if Sergei shared memories of his unsuccessful first love, about the girls he met, then there was nothing to tell his wife. And the husband wondered where his wife got such a skill if she had no experience. Not from books! And one day she revealed her secret to her husband For him, naturally, it was a shock. He left home, and when he returned, he invited his wife to live apart for a while. It came to a divorce. By hook or by crook, the girl managed to persuade her husband to stay. Together they turned to a psychologist to resolve the seemingly deadlock.

The move that the specialist came up with was brilliantly simple. He asked young man remember what he didn’t like about Olya’s stepfather’s appearance and behavior. Sergei could not find fault with anything, since his stepfather was always neat, polite, and intelligent. Then the psychologist, in very gloomy tones, outlined to him the prospect of a street “love study”: Olya in a damp entrance or basement, with a stoned young man, for whom sex at this age is a sport: the more “ goals scored", all the better.

Olya managed to win the battle for her loved one, although the process of “rehabilitating” herself in the eyes of her husband lasted several months. Now she lives with Sergei, as before, in love and understanding. But the husband became a little jealous. Olya’s mother remained in the dark. Sergei's relationship with his stepfather has improved. But sometimes the husband admits to his wife that he has a strange feeling, as if she had cheated on him with best friend. And the girl in her heart still remains grateful to her stepfather. And do we have the right to condemn an ​​adult man who allegedly crossed the line of what is permitted? The psychologist believes that in Olya’s situation this was the best way out. Otherwise, the girl would simply die as a person.

Good afternoon I have a serious problem, I think... My daughter (stepdaughter) recently began to “stick to me” in the literal sense of the word, I work at the computer, comes up from behind and hugs me, kisses my neck, when I come out of the shower, she looks at me intently, I watch TV on the sofa, lies down next to me, hugs me tightly, sighs, begins to say that she loves daddy, she began to obey me in everything, tries to please, pours tea, or something else, I’ve been raising her since she was 4 years old! Now she is 14... and another problem, I am attracted to her, I understand that in a sexual way. Question: what should I do?? What should I do?? How to get rid of attraction! I don't want to cripple her psyche! I'm not a rapist! I hate the idea of ​​violence...but if she grows up, will she continue to behave in the same spirit? If I'm not mistaken, what is it called "Electra complex"?? Please help me, where should I turn for help, which psychiatrist????
You experience a complex of different experiences, pleasure, interest, embarrassment, shame, excitement, confusion, guilt, after some time of struggle there may be an attempt to hate yourself, block sexual desires, leave the family, break off relationships. The struggle of the body, chemistry, that is, the biological component of the personality with the social, cultural part of your personality. When you wrote the question here, you decided to cope with the internal conflict, chose an active position, but, first of all, you are now very scared. You are afraid of yourself and cannot tell anyone about what is tormenting you (except here, of course, for example), you understand that your loved ones will not understand you, friends, because such attraction, such feelings, reactions are aggressively rejected by our society, - and this also puts pressure on your state of mind. You don't need a psychiatrist. And yes, this is a fairly common occurrence. If they prefer not to talk about it, this does not mean that it does not happen. Fathers and stepfathers may experience sexual attraction to their mature, grown daughters. In your case, there is also provocation on the part of your stepdaughter. She chose you as a suitable object for self-affirmation (I am a woman, I am attractive), perhaps she is trying to “take” you away from your wife (mother), demonstrating on the one hand her strength, power, and on the other hand, her love for you like a child. You need to take control of the situation from two sides: 1. stepdaughter. It’s worth having a conversation with her about what you see, that you consider her behavior today to be somewhat beyond the scope of comfortable interactions in the family, including physical interactions (touching, kissing, lying on your lap, etc.), this way you will show her boundaries, you are here, I am there, and no matter what they say (it’s not like that, dad!), don’t give in, just say your position and that’s it, she will understand, although she won’t show it and will resist, be offended, most likely . You can also make comments to her, for example, so that she does not leave the shower without getting dressed, etc. This way you will show her that you do not need her sexuality and her body. Of course, all this must be done correctly, since all these are delicate moments in relationships too. 2. You yourself. Agree with your nature. You are a man. She is not your daughter by blood. She is an attractive young girl and you may be attracted to her. But you don’t want to succumb to this and develop it for yourself. You strive to maintain all roles in the family and cope, by doing this you have fulfilled your duty as a father, and you will preserve yourself as a man, as a person, and take care of your wife. Redirect your sexual energy towards your wife. Maximum. When you remember or look at your stepdaughter, figuratively “reduce” her to a child’s, this girl’s body is a deception, she is a child. Be smarter than this deception. She will always be your child. Always. If you need additional help or advice, please contact us. You can use Skype anonymously.
I realized what was bothering me.
Arina, you write:
"Agree with your nature. You are a man. She is not your daughter by blood. She is an attractive young girl and you may have an attraction. But you do not want to succumb to this and develop it for yourself. You strive to maintain all the roles in the family and cope with this you "Fulfill your duty as a father, and save yourself as a man, as a person, take care of your wife. Redirect your sexual energy to your wife. Maximum."
The fact is that I have no sexual energy. And this has always suited me. Her appearance, for example, when my wife and I just started dating, even somehow frightened me. And here it’s not even a girl, but a girl again playing in the zone of my fears.
Then this is more of a risk area. Stop your stepdaughter's games. This is of no use to anyone and can get out of control.
