Fast charging xiaomi mi5 s. Review of Quick Charge technology or fast charging on Xiaomi

Several years ago, when “smart” mobile phones were just beginning to become widespread, there was an opinion among users that Android-based smartphones had very poor battery life. This resulted in a lot of jokes and prejudices, supposedly Android lovers cannot move away from the socket because the phone will immediately die.

Now, of course, things are different. The situation has been changed by new energy-saving technologies, and most importantly, by affordable high-capacity batteries. But charging such a battery takes a lot of time. It turns out that users are still forced to spend several hours a day at the outlet?

Quick Charge technology is designed to speed up the battery charging process. Many Xiaomi smartphones support the time-saving standard. Let's consider the principle of operation of the system fast charging Xiaomi.

In short, high-power chargers are used that deliver a higher current, the maximum charge is accumulated in a shorter time.

The idea of ​​Qualcomm, which owns the patent for the fast charging function, is to supply high power current to initial stage charging. It is easier to understand the principle with an example.

Imagine a car that needs to seat 15 people inside. The first passenger will sit down without any problems, the second and third will also easily take their seats. But the sixth one will have to squeeze out those around him in order to fit in. The last participants will have the hardest time. A similar situation occurs when charging the battery.

At the start, the process is relatively easy, the cells carry a very small charge - compare this with the absence of passengers in the car from the example above. Charging an empty battery to 50% is quite easy. Further the process becomes more complicated, and the most difficult thing is to “finish off” the last 10-15 percent of the total capacity.

In standard charging mode, the current remains constant throughout the entire process. You can save time by quickly “pushing” powerful current the first 50-60% of the battery, and then reduce the power to normal levels. This is what Quick Charge technology is based on.

A microcircuit built into the power supply controls the power supply. The battery is brought to a certain value at an accelerated pace, usually 60%. The process takes half an hour. The remaining percentages are charged in the classical way.

There are four versions of the QC standard.

  1. 0 is the original version announced in 2013. Overall charging speed has increased by 40% according to Qualcomm. There was already a USB standard with similar properties, however, the new development has become widespread.
  2. 0 - starting voltage increased to 9 volts. Current strength is 2 A. As a result, the first 60% of the battery capacity is filled in half an hour.
  3. 0 - minor changes compared to the previous version. The INOV system has been added, which means “intelligent determination of optimal voltage”. Voltage selection is made more accurately, now in 30 minutes with Quick Charge 3 it manages to charge 70 percent.
  4. 0 is the latest version of the standard for today. Introduced for compatibility with the USB 3.0 protocol. New USB cables have control chip, which is fed from the main line. Previously, increasing the voltage and current to speed up charging would damage the microcircuit. The problem was fixed in new version QC.

How does the charging process work?

From the user's point of view, the process remains the same. We insert the power supply into the socket and the data cable into the smartphone connector, as usual. The Quick Charge chip adjusts the electricity output from the power supply so that energy is accumulated as quickly as possible.

The exact values ​​of volts and amperes differ between versions of the standard. Some sources say that you need to multiply the output voltage by the amperage, the resulting number should be greater than 10. In this case, the adapter supports Quick Charge.

Models that support the technology

Among Xiaomi gadgets, the following models can quickly fill the battery:

  • Redmi 2, including Pro and Prime variants;
  • Mi Mix 1 and 2;
  • the entire Mi line starting from Mi 3, while Mi 8 is the only Xiaomi smartphone that supports QC 4.0 version;
  • Mi Note 2, 3 and Pro;
  • Max 1 and 2;
  • Redmi Note 1.

To check whether your phone supports the function, connect the device to the network using the supplied power supply, and then look at the status bar at the top of the screen. The status bar should have an image of a lightning bolt in a circle. If there is a lightning bolt without a circle, it means the gadget does not support Quick Charge.

How to enable fast charging on Xiaomi

No way. The function either exists initially or it doesn’t. This is a technically determined point that is not related to the software part of the device.

It is better to leave aside attempts to use a third-party high-power power supply. The battery will not charge faster, but may be permanently damaged.

Why does not it work

Question: It gets very hot for me back panel device, could it be dangerous?

Answer: The QC function increases the load on the battery; a larger power supply is used. Normally, the smart phone does not get very hot. The upper limit is considered to be 39 degrees Celsius. The described problem occurs if you actively use a gadget connected to an outlet. It is better to leave the device alone while charging.

Question: Fast charging does not work, although the device is on the list of supported ones.

Answer: The problem lies either in the use of a non-original charger or in outdated software. If you are using a third-party power supply, make sure that its parameters are the same as the original accessory. There should be a marking near the power plug - a lightning bolt icon in a circle. Update MIUI to the latest version.

Question: Is there any way to use QC on a device not on the supported list?

Answer: No, this is impossible. The only option is to buy a newer model.

Quick Charge technology is an original solution that saves users time. Please note that the battery fails earlier, even if the operating rules are followed. Instead of the usual 1000 cycles of operation, a battery with fast charging support will have to be replaced after 800 charges.

Taking a long time to charge your phone is a very common problem among users of modern gadgets. There is often not enough time to recharge, and the battery burns out at the most inopportune moment.

Fortunately, smartphone manufacturers, including the Xiaomi brand, solved this problem when they added the function Quick Charge– ability to quickly charge your phone.

What it is

Xiaomi Quick Charge– the ability of Xiaomi smartphones to charge the battery many times faster than normal charging, reaching the full battery in almost 30 minutes.

Its main task is to fill the battery with the volume that will not damage it as quickly as possible.

How does Quick Charge work?

The operation of this option is based on the large consumption of current power during the power supply process itself (limit – 20W). If the battery is completely discharged, maximum power will be absorbed at the beginning of the power supply, and less and less as the power supply progresses.

Current power according to the formula– product of current (I) and voltage (U). That is, by increasing the current power, either the voltage or the current increases, and in this situation the battery receives the necessary charge of energy faster.

A visual explanation of this principle:

How did the creation of Quick Charge begin?

When the Quick Charge function was in its infancy, developers tried different methods to reduce the time it takes to recharge the battery. Originally, Quick Charge was based on increasing the current. The first power supplies had the ability to receive a current of 2A at a voltage of 5V. As a result, the required power was 10 watts.

But this method was unpromising, since subsequent work with the current required a change in the cross-section of the wire, and it was decided to increase the voltage instead of the current.

Since it was impossible to produce the maximum voltage “out of the blue,” motherboard They began to add special controllers that are capable of receiving voltage greater than the usual 5 Volts, converting it into the required battery charge.

Quick Charge technology versions and maximum power absorption

By transforming Xiaomi fast charging, the developers also increased its capabilities, that is, the consumed current power.

Characteristics and differences between Quick Charge versions

Today there are 4 lines of this technology, but for the most part the manufacturer Xiaomi uses only three:

  1. Quick Charge 1.0– version presented in 2013. Literally immediately won consumer sympathy and was used in many phones. It allowed the device to be charged 40% faster than usual, which means that the phone could be half charged after 40-50 minutes. It was in almost every phone with a Snapdragon processor.
  2. Quick Charge 2.0– an improved version of fast charging helped charge the gadget even faster. The charge was at half capacity after 30 minutes.
  3. Quick Charge 3.0- very similar to the previous one, with the exception of a new significant function “INOV” - Intelligent Negotiation for Optimum Voltage - the most accurate selection of the voltage required for charging and monitoring the “well-being” of the gadget. After 20 minutes, the phone can be charged by 50%, and after half an hour – by 70%!
  4. Quick Charge 4.0– version based on the new Snapdragon 835 processor. Fills the battery halfway after 15 minutes.

In mid-2017, the manufacturer presented a new version from Qualcomm – Quick Charge 4+, which can charge 2750 mAh batteries by half in less than 15 minutes, and with a 5-minute charge the phone can last up to 5 hours.

INOV technology – Intelligent Negotiation for Optimum Voltage

INOV technology- this is the new ability of Quick Charge to establish a relationship with the phone during the power supply process - the unit receives the necessary data on the state of the battery, with the help of which it monitors the received power, current, voltage, and temperature of the smartphone.

A similar technology to INOV is Battery Saver Technologies.

Smartphones that support Xiaomi Quick Charge

Unfortunately, not all Xiaomi phones support the fast charging option.

Quick Charge Version 1.0:

  • Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime;

Quick Charge 2.0 version:

  • Xiaomi Redmi 5;
  • Xiaomi Redmi 4x;
  • Xiaomi Mi Note;
  • Almost the entire Mi line.

Quick Charge 3.0 version:

  • Mi Note 3;
  • Xiaomi Mi Mix 2;
  • Xiaomi Mi Mix;
  • Xiaomi Mi Max;
  • Xiaomi Mi Max 2;
  • Xiaomi Mi 6.

Quick Charge 4.0 version:

  • Already installed on: Xiaomi Mi 8;
  • Probably will be installed on: Xiaomi Mi 7, Mi Note 3 Plus, Mi 6 Plus.

Full list of models:

Some users of the Xiaomi a1 smartphone, after updating the firmware to Android Oreo, thought that the new firmware version supported Quick Charge 3.0, since when the phone was charging, a saying “Fast charging” appeared. However, this is a misconception. Testing attempts have proven the opposite, which indicates the absence of a fast charging function on the Xiaomi a1 phone.

If your phone model is not in the list, you will not be able to add/purchase Xiaomi Redmi fast charger.

How to enable fast charging on Xiaomi

In order to activate the fast charging function on a Xiaomi smartphone, you do not need to go into the settings or use the help of a PC.

Xiaomi phones either have this feature right away or they don't. Quick Charge is located in the power pack itself.

To make sure that your smartphone is equipped with this option, inspect the unit. It should contain data on current (A) and voltage (V). If these parameters, when multiplied, give a power above 10 Watts (while conventional chargers absorb only about 4.5 Watts), and the fast charging icon is visible, this is indeed a Xiaomi fast charging cable, and you are the happy owner of a smartphone with this function.

Is it worth using a power supply that has a fast charging function with regular phones?

If your smartphone is not in the above lists, then it is not suitable for charging the battery in short time. And an attempt to do this using a much earlier released phone with a special block Quick Charge can lead to overvoltage, fire, or damage to the gadget - it will simply stop turning on.

Does using this function affect the smartphone itself or the battery?

There are a lot of scary opinions about Quick Charge:

  • The fast charging option also works in reverse side– absorbs battery charge faster;
  • Damages the battery and causes it to wear out faster;
  • It is impossible or dangerous to charge your phone using Quick Charge if it is turned off.

All of the above does not have any substantiated arguments and are myths. Moreover, a huge number of people are working on the development of fast charging functions, and many tests and experiments have been carried out to prove that the phone and its battery are completely safe when using Quick Charge or using other innovations in this industry.

The only thing you should avoid when recharging the phone in this case is thick, dense cases and any objects located on the phone itself (pillows, clothes, blankets), as this can also lead to excessive heating or overvoltage.

Fast charging function does not work

There are several reasons why Quick Charge refuses to work:

  1. First of all, the phone will not charge when relying on this function due to the initial lack of such an option. If this option is important to you, when purchasing a phone, check with your consultant in advance about its availability in the selected model. As mentioned earlier, simply purchasing a charger with this function and putting it into use does not bring anything good.
  2. If your phone is included in the list of models with Quick Charge, but fast charging still does not occur, make sure that you are using an original Xiaomi power supply. Don't forget to also find the necessary data about power, current and voltage.
  3. Not updated firmware. On some Xiaomi smartphone models, even those equipped with the ability to charge the phone using Quick Charge, the software must be updated to latest version.
  4. The fast charging option may be disabled if the phone is fully used while powered, or if there are foreign objects on it;
  5. Problems with the firmware or with the phone itself.

What not to do while charging

Many of the myths mentioned above are born from the incorrect use of the fast charging function.

To avoid experiencing similar battery failures in the future, you need to be able to properly handle Quick Charge technology.

When using this function, pay attention to the following:

  • Using the phone during power supply (especially excessive use) can lead to overheating, as mentioned earlier, and disrupt the joint operation of the phone with the power supply;
  • Charging the phone only at maximum power - if you constantly charge the phone only at the expense of this very maximum power, which arrives in a fairly short time, and by half, the operation of the fast charging function may also be disrupted and will soon wear out, so resort to using this function only if necessary.

There is nothing strange about this, but the Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus has fast charging and this is not surprising, since the Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor supports this technology. But what is the standard here - QuickCharge 2.0 or 3.0? Let's figure it out.

What charger is included?

In the box with your smartphone, you will of course find a charger. Let's take a look at it.

Hm. Something's not right here, isn't it? If the device supports fast charging technology, then why is a regular 5 Volt 2 Ampere charger included? However, Apple is also guilty of this, but the included charger is even worse. Perhaps we should try another device that supports QuickCharge 3.0? Let's try.

Redmi 5 Plus and Mi Power Bank 2

so the easiest way is to test it. We connect this power bank and voila - the smartphone says that fast charging has started!

But something is wrong here, don’t you think? The smartphone has a 4000 mAh battery and from 25% to 100% it will charge in almost 2.5 hours? Somehow this does not fit with the concept of “fast charging”. But probably everything will change and more tests are needed, then it’s better to wait a little.

And indeed the situation changed quickly. Within the first 20 minutes, the device received approximately 23% charge and the display already showed that there were only 49 minutes left until it was fully charged!

In 30 minutes, Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus was charged to 54%, that is, approximately 32%, and also heated up quite a bit in the process.

Battery charging problems are quite common. When purchasing a gadget, you will notice that it is usually 30-80% charged. This charge is supported for a reason, but because it is the most optimal for a smartphone. In this article we will look at how to charge correctly new phone Xiaomi, and what not to do to make the battery last a little longer.

New lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries do not need to be pre-calibrated, and they do not need to be discharged to 0 and charged to 100% the first three times ( this can be done after some time, more on that below). However, new gadgets also have problems with energy consumption. It happens that after purchase the battery holds a charge for quite a long time, and after a month of use its battery life drops significantly. This happens due to improper charging of the phone, excess loads and many other factors.

Why does my smartphone battery drain so quickly?

This question is of a general nature and does not only apply to Xiaomi phones. The battery on your old phones drained just as quickly as your new ones, only now smartphones use a lot more energy. This is because we use them every day, always and everywhere, which is why they have so many useful applications and functions.

It's all about background applications that cannot be disabled. It's the Android system itself, and modern phone will work no more than 1-2 days (with constant use), and this will be considered the norm. But due to battery wear, this figure will decrease, as a result of which you will begin to blame the phone itself, but it should be due to your improper use of the device.

Below in the pictures you can see an example of using the battery on my . The data was taken after charging.


As you can see, voice calls take up the largest percentage of consumption; everything may be different for you. This data does not show the whole picture, but roughly you can see who is “eating” the largest supply.

For most phone owners, the Android system itself consumes about 40% of the battery.

Proper Battery Setting

There is a myth that the battery of a new phone you need to discharge to zero and then charge to 100%. However, it is not. This technology worked well on older devices. The new Xiaomis have galvanic elements installed that work differently. In simple words, The power controller connected to the board is responsible for charging the battery, and when it reaches 100%, it will protect your battery from the network, even when charging is turned on.

For modern smartphones, the optimal solution is to keep the indicator at an average level without completely discharging and completely refilling the battery. Such extreme conditions may damage or reduce its service life.

Attention! This is not a battery calibration, this is a test of the power controller for a new phone. It is not necessary to do this, no side effects No. Decide for yourself.

When charging for the first time after purchase, do the following:

  1. We charge a switched off smartphone immediately after purchase. It must remain connected to the power source, even after the indicator is completely filled, for at least 12 hours (it is best to leave it overnight).
  2. We disconnect it from the network.
  3. We turn on the phone and charge it for an hour while it is running.
  4. Disconnect the charging cable and turn off Xiaomi.
  5. After five minutes, we connect the already switched off device to power.
  6. We charge for an hour.
  7. Turn it on and use it.

This instruction was tested on my Xiaomi Mi 5, Redmi 4X and Redmi 5 Plus immediately after purchase.

How to properly charge a new Xiaomi phone, or extend the battery life

Below I will talk about the 5 most important tips that will help extend the life of your smartphone battery. It is these recommendations that most experts agree on.

Modern smartphones charge quite quickly, but when connected to the mains for a long time, they deteriorate faster. This is especially important for models with batteries older than a year. Therefore, the device should not be left overnight.

Better leave your phone near you, while you work or do something else, this way you will control the charging process. All the same, your Xiaomi will eat no more than 3-5%, even if it lies in standby mode all night.

Always use the original charger

Absolutely any smartphone manufacturers recommend using their original charger. It’s not even a matter of marketing, it all depends on the current strength of the charging itself. New models are increasingly using the “fast charging” mode. And for Quick Charge to proceed correctly, use only “original” power supplies.

What to do if the original charger is broken

Before purchasing an original charger, you can use any other analogue. It is important to note that the power supply must be identical in characteristics to the original one.

If possible, try not to use third-party cables or boxes. It is better to buy a new charger from an official seller in your region (order on Aliexpress from a trusted seller) than to risk your device.

Don't let your phone overheat

Even if you want to play a heavy game, remember that if the phone overheats too much, it can also affect the battery, the consequences will not appear immediately, but over time you will notice a loss of charge much faster than before.

The normal temperature of a smartphone should be between 35-38 degrees. Thanks to the craftsmen from Xiaomi, their smartphones are equipped with a built-in thermometer and antivirus. You can immediately check the heating of the device through the settings, and even cool it down (by resetting active applications).

Do I need to charge my smartphone to 100% and discharge to 0%?

As we mentioned above, magic numbers 100 and 0 No! It is recommended to keep modern touch phones at 10-90% charge, and then there will be no problems with battery wear.

To avoid damaging the battery initially, follow the instructions described above. For preventive purposes, you need to do calibration once a month: It is worth completely discharging your battery to 0%, and then charging it to 100% while it is turned off.

Frequently asked questions and their answers

Is fast charging effective?

The new Xiaomi has a fast charging function. There is an opinion that it harms the battery, but this is not so. If your smartphone has such a function, then you can safely use it. But you should not resort to it too often, since the battery may get used to it, and then in normal mode the indicator will take longer to fill. Tested on Xiaomi Mi5.

Is Power Bank harmful?

Some people like to use special devices for mobile charging of their smartphone anywhere. This will not only allow you to comfortably fill the battery without being tied to sockets, but will also allow you to safely recharge your Xiaomi during a long trip. PowerBank does not cause any harm to your phone's battery and can be used an unlimited number of times.

What can cause the charge indicator to start lying?

This situation can actually happen. In this case, the device usually shows more power than it actually is. This happens due to improper charging. If you fill the phone's battery only a small amount all the time, the gadget will change the indicator data, calculating them from the new discharge parameters. To fix this problem, once a month you need to completely shut down the Xiaomi and then charge it to 100%.

Video instruction

With proper use, your smartphone will serve you for many years. Follow the helpful tips below.

  1. Do not expose touch phones to too low temperatures. Normal work process can be carried out up to -20 degrees, some a little more, some a little less.
  2. Try not to carry your Xiaomi in your outerwear pockets. This can negatively affect the operation of various components, as can exposure to direct sunlight in summer and hot weather.
  3. Xiaomi recommends monitoring your phone's charge, and when it reaches 19-10 percent, put it on charge, this will double the number of charging cycles.
  4. If your model supports QC 3.0 and 4.0 and you constantly use this technology, it is better to sometimes charge the device in the usual way.

If after reading our article you still have doubts, misunderstandings, questions, or you would like to share useful additional information - write in the comments or in our telegram chat @mifaq_chat. Long service to your Xiaomi everyone!

Today, manufacturers are releasing more and more smartphones, the characteristics of which include a fast charging function. Let's figure out what it is and find out how to enable fast charging on Xiaomi.

Quick Charge is a feature that allows you to spend much less time charging your smartphone than before. At the same time, the battery life is not reduced, and the user spends much less time on charging and is not “tied to the outlet” as before. Let's find out if your new Xiaomi Mi5 has fast charging and whether it can be used.

Proper fast charging: what you need

Absolutely nothing other than a standard charger. There is also no need to enable it separately, because it is initially activated in Xiaomi smartphones, in the characteristics of which the line is written "Quick Charge". You only need a regular original charger for your gadget. What is the principle of its operation? The transmission of higher voltage than was previously available in chargers.

However, you should be careful: you cannot use such chargers with outdated phones that do not support QC. This can lead to overheating and even fire of the smartphone battery. But even if this does not happen, you will not notice the difference between charging with a regular cable and a Quick Charge cable due to the fact that the phone itself is not prepared for accelerated energy production, and the battery has never been charged this way.

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Will there be consequences?

We have repeatedly heard concerns from smartphone owners that the Quick Charge function literally destroys the smartphone's battery, and that it is especially dangerous to charge when the phone is turned off. We hasten to assure you that this is not the case. A huge number of scientists worked on the development of this technology. Several tens of hundreds of tests have been carried out in laboratories. various types testing, as a result of which Quick Charge was created in the form in which we have it today.

Many Russian and foreign research publications are already talking about the fact that soon mobile devices will be charged almost instantly from 0% to 100%. Believing this or not is a personal matter for everyone, but it is still unlikely that such an amount of work is aimed specifically at deliberately destroying the batteries of your smartphones. Therefore, you can easily charge your devices without fear of premature battery failure. Enjoy it without worrying about anything.


If you compare the first and last line of smartphones with the ability to accelerate charging, you can see a significant difference, because with each new model our gadgets charge faster and faster. For example, recent tests showed that using Quick Charge 3.0 technology, the phone was charged from 0% to 60% in 30 minutes. The capabilities of the next generation Quick Charge 4.0 are even more impressive: after charging for 5 minutes, the device will be able to work for up to five hours inclusive, even though the indicator will show a small percentage of charge. This is achieved due to the fact that the phone automatically turns off the least important functions devices, such as menu animation and data synchronization with the cloud, and also disables the high brightness of the display. And this is not the limit. Great, isn't it?
