In a dream, an acquaintance called. Why do you dream about a phone call?

A telephone in a dream always symbolizes an attempt by the subconscious to contact the dreamer or a telepathic connection with other people. Dream books will analyze the image in detail and give a comprehensive answer as to why it is being dreamed about.

Interpretation according to Miller

Did you dream about a phone? In reality, you will meet a person who will literally confuse you. Especially if in a dream the telephone conversation was unsuccessful and was constantly interrupted.

Why does a woman dream of talking on the phone? This is an indication of a large number of envious people, but the dream book is confident that you will cope with this problem. If you have difficulty hearing what is being said on the phone, you risk losing a loved one or becoming the target of gossip.

In general, if you dreamed of a telephone, then you have a close mental connection with the person who is on the other end of the line. Regardless of what relationship you are in with him at the current period. Moreover, this personality has a serious influence on your destiny, even if this is practically not manifested in reality.

Opinion of D. Loff's dream book

This dream book authoritatively states that in a dream the telephone acts as a connecting link between the dreamer and people with whom, for various reasons, there is no close contact in reality. Moreover, the conversation with the deceased deserves special attention. Try to remember exactly what they tell you and be sure to use this hint. Any interference during conversation or a broken device indicates an inability to communicate with your own subconscious.

Interpretation according to the New Era dream book

Why do you dream about a telephone? In a dream, it symbolizes the need for information and its exchange. This is the desire or, on the contrary, the dreamer’s fear, to learn something forbidden. Did you dream about a phone? In real life, you clearly lack communication. Moreover, you sincerely want to draw someone's attention to a certain problem or to your own person.

What does the dream book of the Winter spouses think?

According to this dream book, in a dream a telephone symbolizes the remoteness of a certain event or person, as well as the need to wait. Why do you dream of a conversation with a relative or friend? There will be some coldness or tension in your relationship with him.

I dreamed that you were trying to call to a loved one but couldn't do it? You urgently need to establish contact with some real person, otherwise major troubles will happen. A dreaming telephone also means that unforeseen events or strangers may interfere with planned activities.

Answer dream book from A to Z

Did the woman dream that even in her sleep she chatted on the phone with her friend for a long time? The dream book believes that in reality your loved one or husband will experience a lack of your attention and will be very upset.

Why do you dream that you wanted to call from a street pay phone, but it turned out to be broken? Try to check all the information that arrives in the near future, and do not succumb to the first judgment.

Did you happen to see that someone or you yourself threw your phone in a dream in your hearts? Get ready for domestic quarrels and general troubles.

Decoding the image according to Denise Lynn's dream book

Did you dream about a phone? The dream book is sure: someone in the real world desperately wants to attract your attention. The same plot indicates that the subconscious has a lot for you. important information. Try to remember your own night visions more carefully and interpret them correctly. There will definitely be something useful in them.

Why do you dream about the phone ringing and you don’t want to answer? There is some information stored deep in your soul that you do not want or are afraid to know. A more mundane interpretation of the dream means that you are afraid of some person or situation.

The dream book advises not to run away from your own fears, but, on the contrary, to fight them. After all, a panicked mood quietly eats up your vitality, which obviously leads to failures and difficulties in reality.

Why do you dream about a new, broken, mobile phone?

Completely dreamed new phone? In real life, you will meet a person who will bring complete confusion and even despair into your life.

The landline telephone warns: listen to those around you and your intuition, pay attention to dream and real signs - the Higher Powers want to contact you and give you tips.

Why do you dream about a mobile phone? In a dream, it symbolizes independence, freedom or power. As well as the desire to completely control a situation or an individual. If a mobile phone appears in a dream, then you want to improve your financial situation and raise your status.

A broken, broken and non-functional phone indicates the impossibility of all of the above. Moreover, this is a clear call to the fact that the time has come to thoroughly understand yourself and choose other life guidelines.

Why in a dream the phone was stolen, lost, fell and broke, fell into the water

In a dream, a telephone symbolizes a spiritual connection with other people. Any malfunctions of the product or difficulties in operation indicate that this connection is broken for various reasons. Moreover, your subconscious is literally incapable of shouting to you.

Did you dream that you managed to lose or drop your phone? All future problems will happen solely through your fault or negligence. If the phone fell and broke, then you will be able to resist gossip and gossip behind your back. Approximately the same interpretation of a dream is appropriate when a phone falls into water.

Why do you dream that your phone suddenly works, or that you were lucky enough to find a working model in a dream? You have an excellent chance of making contact with some person or event. In addition, you will soon be able to understand something extremely important.

I dreamed of a conversation on the phone

Why does a woman dream about a telephone conversation? This is a symbol of the envy and anger of others because of her success. For a man, this means that he is ready to commit some act that will give impetus to unpredictable events.

If during a conversation on the phone you hear your interlocutor poorly or not at all, then in reality you may lose your loved one due to misunderstanding or absurd suspicions. If you regularly receive phone calls in a dream, then you are clearly a very reserved person. Perhaps the moment has come when you should open up to the world?

What does a phone number mean?

Did you hear or see a certain phone number in a dream? In reality you will receive important news. Did you dream that you changed your number? In reality, you will lose a friend.

Why do you dream that you had to write down an unfamiliar number? Get ready for overtime or a new, previously unknown task. If in a dream you cannot remember a phone number and constantly cross out numbers on paper, then you will be overcome by serious doubts about the correctness of your judgments or decisions.

In general, if you happen to see a certain number, then try to remember it as accurately as possible. These numbers will certainly bring happiness and good luck, or help you find out exactly when a planned event or dream prophecy will occur.

Telephone in a dream - examples

  • mobile, unusual - pride in one’s own merits and abilities
  • yours - hope
  • stationary – business as usual
  • many phones - big plans, connections
  • serviceable - excellent health, successful implementation of plans
  • faulty - loss of strength, bad luck
  • incoming call - difficulties, troubles
  • Call yourself - quick solution to problems
  • talking on the phone is a victory over envious people
  • dialing a number - fruitless attempts
  • to lose - getting rid of problems
  • buy - extra hassle, worries
  • break - bad news, obstacles
  • cut cord - spiritual death

Did you dream that you reached the subscriber? In reality, a meeting is coming with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time. If you were unable to get through in a dream, then you should not exaggerate the significance of your defeats. Things could still change dramatically.

Nowadays, almost no person can live without a phone. Communication has firmly taken its place in people's lives. It is convenient, mobile and functional. With the advent of mobile communications, it has become easy not to miss an important call and always remain available. But why do you dream about a call? How to interpret this dream? You will find answers to these and other questions in our most complete collection of dream books.

Autumn dream book

  • A call in a dream predicts success in business.
  • The dream “phone call” predicts changes for the worse.
  • The doorbell rings in a dream - expect guests. (cm. )
  • A phone call in a dream means success and fame.
  • Hearing a bell in a dream means illness.
  • The dream “a call from a deceased person” does not bode well.
  • The dream “a friend calls” speaks of your kindness to people.
  • A call from an ex in a dream means money.
  • The “missed call” dream brings tears to your eyes.
  • A call from a dead person in a dream means death.
  • The dream “a call from a guy” is a dream about a wedding.

Modern dream book

Summer dream book

Psychological dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a call from a deceased person means a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: call ex-boyfriend- to big losses.
  • Dream Interpretation: last call means fun.
  • Dream Interpretation: not answering the call means blows of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call and the man’s name - expect changes for the better.
  • Dream Interpretation: missed phone call - you are on the way to victory.
  • Sonny: to a missed call from an ex - to numerous chores around the house.
  • A bell rings in a dream, a dream book - you are expecting a child.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a loved one - for a wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: a call from the other world - luck has turned away from you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a guy is light flirting.
  • Dream Interpretation: a missed phone call means good news.
  • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from an ex means a scandal.

Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

Dream Interpretation of G. Ivanov

  • If you dreamed of a missed phone call, expect trouble.
  • If you dreamed about missed calls from your ex-boyfriend, he will come back to you.
  • Why do you dream of a call - for love.
  • Why do you dream about a phone call? It means betrayal.
  • Why do you dream about a call from your ex - to a new love.
  • Why dream about a call from a guy - you will find new friends.
  • Why do you dream of calling on the phone - to a new car?
  • Why do you dream of a doorbell ringing - fortunately.
  • Why dream about a call from an ex-boyfriend - expect bad news.
  • If you dream about a missed call, your boyfriend will leave you.
  • Why dream of a call from a loved one - to joy.
  • Why do you dream of a phone call from a guy - to new hobbies.
  • Why do you dream about calling a cell phone - to a promotion in the service.

Family dream book

Spring dream book

  • Why do you dream about a call from ex-husband- to problems at work.
  • Why do you dream about the last bell at school? It means adventure.
  • Why do you dream about a call from a guy you know - it means betrayal.
  • Why do you dream of a phone call from a loved one - to deception.
  • If you dream of a friend calling, expect sad news.
  • Seeing a bell in a dream means fun.


The interpretation of a dream about a call can be interpreted in different ways - the details play a decisive role. For example, a call from your ex-husband means trouble at work. A call from a loved one promises good profit. If a friend calls, you will defeat your enemies. Just remember good dreams that will definitely come true!

Such a common communication device as the telephone today, without which modern man cannot imagine life, can serve in a dream as a symbol of lack of communication and a kind of barrier to full, close communication.

What if you dream about a phone call?

What you dream of about a phone call is news. It’s not for nothing that they say “this was the first bell,” that is, the first warning, news about something.

The interpretation of a telephone call is akin to dreams in which the dreamer clearly hears a knock on the door. And in this case, the sound of the phone. You may not even see the action itself, the telephone receiver, but suddenly wake up from the fact that the call was clearly heard.

Fortunately, shuddering awake from what you hear does not mean anything terrible in reality. Most likely, unexpected events are foreseen that will bring joy or surprise.

It is believed that a dream in which you have to call yourself is much more favorable than receiving a call from someone. This has nothing to do with the above, since we are talking about seeing the telephone, about its call and the subsequent conversation.

Calling someone means solving problems without anyone's participation, and when strangers call, this portends troubles related to the intimate side of life. If the dream is accompanied by worries that in response to the phone signal, all attempts to hear something from the other side of the wire are in vain, then joyless events will occur due to the reluctance to take advantage of good advice.

To languish in a dream while waiting for a call means waiting for change. Realize that a long-distance phone call corresponds to larger-scale troubles.

What does it portend?

There are other options for interpreting a dream in which a bell is heard - to be drawn into very dubious events, and for positive-minded individuals - to expect a very talkative person to visit.

It happens that after picking up the phone, a person understands in a dream who he is talking to. This circumstance indicates that the relationship is not as close as we would like and is unlikely to be closer, since the conversation takes place via telephone. It’s not for nothing that a telephone set is considered one of the best options, replacing personal presence.

However, the participation of the telephone in the dream and the image of a certain person with whom the conversation will take place or is expected means that it has an influence on the dreamer’s life. Calling someone unsuccessfully, on the contrary, is a sign that in your immediate environment there are many unnecessary, insignificant people who cause nothing but trouble.

Although, quickly getting through to someone doesn’t bring anything positive either. It is believed that in reality, requests will not be heard by people around you, be they of a business or domestic nature. Therefore, after such a dream, you still have to reconsider your surroundings. Or choose the one you like best, a positive interpretation of it.

A sudden signal from a mobile phone in night vision is comparable to some kind of reminder, unexpected news, or an invasion of personal space. This is surprising when you consider the positive meaning attached to your Everyday life mobile communications. Then why do you dream about the doorbell ringing, for what reason does it make you worry? Does this indicate unfulfilled obligations by you? Clues and interpretations will be provided by faithful companion- dream interpreter.

A lonely or joyful future, prosperity or slander behind your back - what awaits a sleeping person?


So, why do you dream about the bell ringing at your door? Such a dream can cause some excitement.

Dream Interpretations believe that in reality a sleeping person will find the need to resolve all problems at once. Having learned important news, the dreamer will have to make a quick decision.

Why do you dream about a doorbell, but after opening the door, you don’t see anyone? The sleeping person will have a date with a person who should not be relied upon.

The postman called you - expect an uninvited guest.

If you had to press the bell yourself, your friends and family will definitely help you. We entered the doors open to you - to the long-awaited journey.

Did you press the bell located on your friend's door? The dream book promises an imminent illness of a relative, which will require you to make an upcoming visit to the sick person. One of the dream interpreters explains a similar plot as the possibility of implementing plans with the help of surrounding people.

Call from ex

When you rang in your night dreams, dream books explain such a vision as prophetic. The call means that the past is unable to let you go. In reality, you are haunted by failed hopes and memories of past love. His call means the young lady is trying to choose - to start a new love affair, or to be lonely.

In the interpreter of why you dream of a call from your ex-boyfriend, what he told you is of great importance. Everything you heard from him in a dream cannot always be reflected in reality. He also calls her to warn her against committing frivolous acts.

The guy begs her to call him in a dream? According to Freud's dream book, this indicates a lack of self-confidence.

If your ex called you in your night dreams, it comes from your inner consciousness, personifies sadness, and leads to a date. Perhaps, in reality, the woman has a place to call him herself, without any intrusiveness, perhaps purely by accident.

It is interpreted almost in the same way as to why a guy dreams of a call from. He constantly tries to compare his real companion with her, and realizes that he needs the support of his former lover.

A call from a friend or significant other

Freud's dream book explains all long, extensible objects as a phallic symbol. The very shape of the telephone expresses the invisible relationship between lovers.

When the woman received the call, Freud points out her indecision in intimate life. If she called herself, there is no place for sexual difficulties in her life.

Why dream that the call came from management - the dreamer is afraid of his boss.

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream about the Ring, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Ringing in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Ring and what does it mean:

Call - Hearing a phone call in a dream means that good news or success in business awaits you. If the phone call woke you up, but in fact it didn’t happen, then you will be dissatisfied with yourself.

A ringing doorbell can be a harbinger of a meeting with a very unpleasant or vile person, a call for caution in dealing with little-known people.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a bell in a dream?

A ringing doorbell portends either unexpected news, urgent matters, or caring for a sick relative.

Hearing it means sad news about those who are absent and anxiety. Calling yourself means poor health.

Simone Kananita dream book

What does a bell mean in dreams about the saint:

Hearing the doorbell means they will deceive you and distort information.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about a call?

Call - " Last call" - final warning. Ringing - “we hear a ringing, but we don’t know where it is” - uncertainty, ignorance, premonition. “bell” - publicity, gossip (idle talk), the end of things.

Great modern dream book

Ringing - why does the dreamer dream?

The call is a sign of false rumors, but you will need a quick response. You saw a doorbell in a dream or pressed the bell button - good news awaits you; If a girl has this dream, it’s time for her to throw a wreath down the river.

It’s as if you heard a doorbell ring in a dream - the news you receive will most likely concern the health status of one of your relatives; you will have to spend part of your time caring for the sick.

You open the door when the doorbell rings, but don’t see anyone - you will have a common cause with an unfamiliar person; you, accordingly, will depend on him - just as he depends on you; you will experience mutual suspicion for some time.

You hear a phone call - perhaps you are tired of everyone and want to spend a few days in solitude; however, your friends are not happy about this; they will try to drag you into their company.

It’s as if you hear the alarm clock ringing - if the alarm clock ringing in reality announces the end of your vacation, then the alarm clock ringing, on the contrary, informs you that it’s time to rest; you will have a pleasant weekend; Use your vacation well, and you will remember it for a long time.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April
