How to update the play market application on android. How to install or update Google Play on Android

Hello, readers and random visitors. Today we will talk about how to update Android app, if, for example, the Play Market does not work, or the application cannot be updated due to incompatibility with the device.

For devices with ROOT rights, there is a special application for installing/updating incompatible applications, which I wrote about earlier.

However, not all Android owners want to obtain ROOT rights for various reasons.

This is exactly the case we will talk about.

How to update an incompatible app on Android

So, to update an incompatible application you need to take two simple steps:

  1. Download apk file new version applications and download to your smartphone/tablet;
  2. Install app.

To download the Apk file of the application from the Play Market, you can use the website.

To do this, go to, select the application, and copy the link from the address bar:

After downloading the application, download it to your smartphone/tablet. You first need to check the box next to “Unknown sources” in the device settings in the Security section.

Then select the downloaded Apk file of the application, the following window will appear:

Click Install.

After installation, the application will be updated.

Why is this so? - you ask. Because all application data (for example, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber) will be saved, that is, there will be no need to enter data/activate accounts again.

Thus, you can update Android applications without using the Play Market and installing ROOT rights.

As we already said in one of the previous materials, the Google Play client is essentially a regular application. This means that it needs to be updated regularly. Only in this case will new sections appear in it, greatly simplifying navigation. Fortunately, the need to update the Play Market on Android rarely comes. The fact is that this service is usually updated in the background without disturbing the user. But sometimes this doesn't happen.

Why is the Play Market not updating?

There are several most common reasons why Google Play does not want to update:

  • You installed it yourself (downloaded it as an APK file).
  • You do not have access to the network or access to Google services is blocked by the router's firewall.
  • Technical problems on Google's side - this also happens, servers tend to fail from time to time.

How to update Google Play manually?

If you know that the update definitely needs to exist on Google's server, you can manually request it to be downloaded. To do this, do the following:

1. Open Play Market.

2. Go to the section " Settings».

3. Click on the current build version.

After completing these actions, you will be told whether you have the latest version of the client installed. If not, then a corresponding request will be sent to the server. Google Play should update within the next few minutes.

But if you downloaded the Play Market to your Android as an APK file, then it definitely won’t want to be updated this way. In this case, you will again have to go to some third-party resource, downloading and installing a newer version of the client. How to do this - we talked in the article about

Google Play is a universal storage and store for Android devices, which is one of the main advantages of this operating system. With it, the user can install the most advanced software in a few clicks, without doubting its quality and safety, and also transfer purchased applications to other smartphones or tablets. Let's find out the intricacies of its use.

The very first version of Google Play appeared back in 2012. The latest iteration was released in February 2015 and is designated “5.2.13”. It’s interesting that in addition to a user account in GP, ​​you can purchase a developer’s license and put your own programs into paid access (this pleasure costs $25 one time). On this moment The store hosts about 700,000 different programs, and the number of downloads has exceeded 25 billion. In total, the electronic store has 34 categories into which applications are divided. These include games, wallpapers, books, music and movies, sports, travel and much more. To use it effectively Google Play, it is important to install the latest updates on time. They often “patch holes” in security and greatly simplify the user’s life. Let us remind you that due to the relatively free ability to download applications to GP, they can sometimes contain malware that spreads across the user’s electronic devices. Usually Google Play updates itself, automatically. If updates are released, you will receive a corresponding message the next time you open the program. If this does not happen, launch the application again, go to the settings menu, scroll through them to the very end and select the “Build Version” item - that is, data about the current version of the build. Go to the section and click “Check for updates”. The program checks for updates and installs them.

Using the Market, it is convenient to update any programs that were installed through it. To do this, simply launch “Google Play”, click on the menu icon and select “My Applications” from it. A list of all downloaded programs will open. For those that you want to keep up to date, set the “Auto-update” icon in the corresponding item. If you are working with a fairly weak device or paying for traffic, it is better to leave the option disabled and update the software manually. There are other alternatives. For example, the Market can determine which network the user is connected through - Wi-Fi (usually providing unlimited capabilities) or strictly paid 3G\4G. In the first case, updates will download, in the second - not. To configure “Google Play” in this way, open the program and go to settings through the menu in the upper right corner. We find the “General” section, in it – “Auto-updates”, in this sub-item – the “Only via Wi-Fi” flag.

Google Play services built into Android systems are among the most important elements in the sense that they allow you to download many programs and applications, being fully confident in the safety of the downloaded content. But sometimes problems arise, and the system begins to display messages like “To launch the application, update Google Play services.” What this is connected with and how to correct such situations will now be considered.

Benefits of updating the Google Play service

Play was introduced to the world of mobile technology back in 2012. Since then, all kinds of updates have been constantly coming out for the application of the same name, focused not only on the quality of the applet itself or improving its ease of use.

The service itself contains a huge amount of information, but the software presented in the repository may also contain the same malicious codes. That is why installing the latest updates very often relieves owners of mobile devices from headaches regarding the security system. Updates, in a sense, can even patch up holes and cracks in it. In addition, if the service is not updated in a timely manner, some functions may become unavailable.

Automatic update

First, let's look at the question of how to update Google Play services automatically. Here the user does not need to do anything.

Any version of the Android operating system has built-in automation for installing the latest updates, and it is better not to disable this option. As soon as it detects that there is an established Internet connection, the system begins searching for available updates. This applies not only to the Google Play application, but also to all other installed components, including many additional services.

How to update Google Play? Nothing could be simpler. If the download does not start automatically, you need to pay attention to the top of the screen, where a message appears stating that so many applications are waiting for update confirmation. You need to click on this line, after which the download and installation will begin. So why then might the “Update Google Play Service” error appear if everything is supposed to work automatically? There could be quite a few reasons for this.

What should I do if I can't update Google Play Services?

First of all, if you receive a message about the impossibility of updating, you should check the quality of the connection. There may have been a problem downloading updates.

The most simple solution The question of how to update Google Play in this case will be a simple reconnection (you may also need to restart the device). On the other hand, you should check the free space on the internal storage, since temporary files are downloaded there by default, and not on the removable SD card.

You can view the information in the settings, where you select the memory section. If you run out of space, you just need to delete unnecessary or unused applications, as well as heavy user files (for example, photos and videos).

Failed to update application (Google Play services): manual update

But what to do if everything is fine with the connection and there is enough space? In such a situation, you can try to update Google Play and all related services manually.

To do this, first launch the application, and then enter the settings section. If you scroll the screen from top to bottom, the most recently installed assembly will be listed. If it is current, the system will display a message that there are no updates for this version. Otherwise, the update process will start (of course, with an activated Internet connection). Along the way, you should pay attention to the fact that the checkboxes are checked opposite the lines for notifying new versions of applications or confirming auto-updates. But even in this case, failures are possible.

Fixing possible crashes

Most errors are related to cache and memory overflow. That is why before attempting to install updates, all this needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Can be used special utilities like mobile version CCleaner, but if they are not installed, cleaning can also be done using Android tools.

In the settings, go to the applications section, select the “All” tab and find the necessary elements there. When entering the settings, you should stop the service or program, delete the cache and data, and then try to update again.

Not long ago, a problem was identified with the Google Play services updates themselves. In this situation, you need to use the uninstall updates button in the menu of each application. Very often this approach solves the problem.

Services update

How to update Google Play is already clear. Now a few words about related services. If their update does not start automatically, or failures and errors occur during the update process, you should use the Google Play application itself, where in the main menu (when scrolling the start page from the left edge of the gadget to the right) you should select the section of your applications and the tab of installed applets.

Next, all programs available on this device will be shown, including those that cannot be deleted. To solve the problem of how to update Google Play services, we use scrolling down and find the service we are interested in. Tap on it, and then use the “Update” button (in order not to enter the program, you can simply click on the update link in the lower right corner or click the button to update all programs, not just individual services).

Instead of a total

It remains to be said that the issue of installing updates for Google Play and additional services is not limited to the above solutions. In case of constant failures, you can use drastic methods regarding resetting to factory settings. In this case, first all installed applets will be deleted, and when you restart the device, the system will prompt you to connect to the Internet, enter your account and restore everything that was on the device before the reset. But here you need to pay attention to the use Reserve copy and recovery on the device itself. When restoring, updates for all components will be installed automatically, including Google Play and additional services.

In the most critical case, if nothing helps at all, you will have to perform a so-called hard reset, and then deal with the issues of installing updates for a particular component. But in most cases, only what was described above will be sufficient. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of communication, the availability of free space on the drive and clearing the cache. As a rule, emergency situations are associated with these conditions.

Perhaps one of the main applications on any phone. With its help, the user can download various applications, games and others to his mobile device. useful programs. For the application to work correctly, you must have it installed on your smartphone or tablet. latest version programs. Since with each update, developers improve performance, make design changes and fix bugs that arose in earlier versions. Many users have a question: how to update?

In most cases, the program is updated automatically, immediately after a newer version is released. However, on some devices, especially those made in China, there are problems with the update, after which the application begins to work unstable. In this case, the question of how to update the Play Market on Android is more than relevant. In fact, everything is quite simple and updating the program manually will take no more than five minutes.

Update instructions

If you have problems and you don’t know how to update the Play Market, then follow the update instructions that will be presented below.
First you need to run on your mobile device application and enter the menu, which is located in the upper left corner.

In the tab that appears, find the line “ Settings" and click on it.

When the settings menu opens, go down and select the " Build version»

If you have the latest version of the application installed on your device, you will see a message similar to the image below. If your version is out of date, the update to the latest version will automatically begin.

If you did everything correctly, then in a few minutes Google Play will be updated. When the update is finished, restart your mobile device.

Updating Play Market services

When the latest version of the Market is installed on your smartphone, all Google Play services are updated automatically when the gadget is connected to the Internet. However, for users who do not have unlimited Internet or have traffic restrictions, such an update can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, many simply disable the auto-update function in the settings.

What should you do if you need to update Google Play services, but don’t want to waste precious traffic? In this case, you can selectively update any of the applications manually. Let's look at this using a calendar as an example.

First you need to launch PlayMarket and select the section “ My applications»

In the " My applications" select the section " Installed" After this, a page will open in front of you with all applications installed on the device. You must select the application you want to update. In our case, this is a calendar.

After we have selected the application, the page of this application should open in front of us, where we need to click on the “ Update».

Before updating, the system will ask you to confirm our actions by pressing the " Accept».

The update has started. When the process is completed, the system will notify you about it. Using this method, you can update any application downloaded to your device. U this method there are a number of advantages, such as:

  • Traffic savings
  • Update only necessary applications
  • Rapidity


Despite the fact that the application developers do everything possible to make life easier for users, including automatic updates, problems still arise. However, I am glad that the problem can be solved in just a few minutes and without any special tricks.
