Exhibition of military equipment in September. Fight with a mock enemy

At the beginning of my review, I will provide official statistics, and then I will share my personal impressions of visiting the forum.

More than 500 thousand people visited the sites of the International Military-Technical Forum (IMTF) “Army-2016” in six days, which surpasses many similar world sites and fully confirms the international status of the site.

For the second year in a row, the Army 2016 forum was held at the Patriot Park convention and exhibition center, the Alabino training ground and the Kubinka airfield near Moscow. Along with static exhibitions and dynamic displays of the capabilities of military equipment, it combined an extensive scientific and business program and a variety of cultural and leisure events of a military-patriotic nature.

The results of the forum convincingly indicate that in just two years it has turned into the world's leading exhibition of weapons and military equipment and an authoritative forum for discussing cutting-edge ideas and developments for the armed forces.

Representatives from more than 80 countries of the world worked on the sidelines of the forum, 35 of which were represented by official delegations. Delegations from 13 states were represented by heads of military departments, another 22 delegations were headed by chiefs of general staffs and deputy ministers of defense. The total number of guests in the military delegations exceeded 260 people.

More than 40 presentations of military products were held for foreign customers. Foreign delegations were given the opportunity to test the running and firing capabilities of Russian equipment and weapons, as a result of which representatives of a number of states expressed their intentions to supply certain samples of domestic defense industry products to the national armed forces.

How to get to the forum

Until the last moment, it was unclear whether I would be able to attend the forum as a journalist, or whether I would have to attend it as a simple spectator. Of course, there is something to see for a simple viewer, but the opportunities for getting good photographs would be significantly less.

Thanks to my friend and colleague, Muscovite Dmitry Buber, he and I still received accreditation from the Ministry of Defense. Dmitry, author, creator and editor of the aviation portal A3 Air I am far from new to aviation and photography. He created a portal combining information from all over the world about aerobatic teams, aviation museums, aviation shows, and, of course, he could not miss such an event as the international forum Army 2016.

In general, as my fellow journalists and photographers note, this year’s visit to such an official and global event was characterized by democracy. And if earlier, in previous years, the Ministry of Defense tried to accredit mainly media close to the authorities, so to speak “courtiers,” then even ordinary bloggers, the creators of their websites, could attend Army 2016. In general, the opportunities to get involved as a press representative were quite wide.

The first day

On the morning of September 8, upon arrival in Moscow, I went straight from the station to Vnukovo-3. I needed to report from the 11th International Business Aviation Exhibition JetExpo 2016 .. In the evening, having met with Dmitry, I learned that early in the morning we should already be at the building of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on Prechistenskaya embankment.

At 6.30 in the morning we were already standing next to a long line of PAZ buses with the sign “PRESS”. About 10-12 buses in a column drove away from the Moscow Region building at eight o'clock. The road was long, and little by little the ice between colleagues from different media melted, especially since there was common topic there was immediately enough room for conversation and discussion: aviation, military equipment and filming techniques.

Despite some annoying misunderstandings, I really liked the organization of work with the media. The officers assigned to accompany our writing and photographing brethren constantly helped us in all matters. Even to the point of organizing the transfer of only two journalists from the main exhibition to the Kubinka airfield.

In the morning of each worker (for us, for the media), a general press conference was organized, at which the events planned for the day, the time of departure of groups of journalists to the Alabino training ground and to the Kubinka airfield were announced. And since the static exposition of the military park would not have escaped our attention, most of us were rushing to the airfield. The fact is that everything that happened at the training ground in Alabino was accompanied by the performance of aerobatic teams and a demonstration of the capabilities of army aviation. These were mainly attack helicopters and landing helicopters. This means that all aviation operated from Kubinka, which is where we tried to get first.

On this day, September 9, we were all first taken to the Alabino training ground, and believe me, there was something to see there. Ground military equipment that drives, swims, jumps and at the same time shoots makes a strong impression. And before the ground display, aviation, aerobatic teams and helicopter performances worked in the air. “Russian Falcons” performed on the Su-30SM, with simulated air combat, and “Vityazi”.

Test site "Alabino"

Despite the unkind weather, it was cloudy and a cold wind was blowing, the whole spectacle was very impressive. The roar of shots and engines shook the entire stand for spectators and the press. Separately, nearby on Lake Komsomolskoye, military operations on the water developed. There are combat swimmers, establishing a ferry crossing, crossing a water barrier with tanks and equipment, and supporting all this action with Mi-35 and Mi-28 support helicopters.

From Alabino we all (the press) were taken in an orderly manner to the forum press center. But that part of the journalists who are closer to the aviation component was eager to get to Cuba. It looks like all flying and not so flying equipment from all over Russia was brought to the parking lot and taxiway in Kubinka. There were civilian airliners, as well as the famous Tu-160 and Tu-95. The equipment on display here probably stretched for a whole kilometer. This time we were brought not to the main entrance, but directly to the working parking lot of the aerobatic teams. Lieutenant Colonel David Minesashvili, who accompanied us all this time and was very worried about all of us, handed our group over to the major for airfield safety. Our entire group consisted of experienced journalists, but the instructions were carried out as expected. We, journalists, were assigned a working area between the runway and the main taxiway, where all the flying aircraft were located. We made it just in time for the landing of the groups returning from aerobatics over the training ground. One after another, the handsome Su sat down while we ran across the field closer to the strip.

In general, it’s rare to see something like this: three aerobatic teams performing at once in one place. “Russian Falcons” on the Su-30SM, “Russian Knights” on the Su-27, “Swifts” on the MiG-29. And helicopters also performed an aerobatic program.

Su-30SM GVP "Falcons of Russia"

After the break, there was movement in the parking lots of all three groups. The technicians appeared and began preparing for the flights. We also perked up; we had already photographed the empty parking lot from all angles.

The Swifts were the first to launch and begin to taxi to the executive start. The distance between the parking lots and the runway is quite decent, and so we, with all the equipment, had to either choose one point for filming, or cruise around the field. Moreover, cruise quickly, filming planes taxiing for the executive takeoff, and at the same time filming cars taking off.

Su-34 awaiting its departure

The Swifts, having completed their work, return to base.

At that time, helicopters were operating for spectators and visitors to the Kubinka airfield.

"Swifts", "Vityazis" and "Falcons" in a common parking lot.

They launched and reached for the Falcons of Russia stripe. The Su-30SM has not yet been spoiled for attention like the MiG-29 or Su-27. These beauties enjoyed special attention among spectators and journalists and delighted everyone.

Su-30SM at the executive launch. The whole group is assembled, you can take off

Taking off in pairs

The couple goes into the dark, pre-storm sky

The second pair of Su-30SM 04 and 11 take off after.

The second couple catches up with the group and goes to Alabino

We didn't have time to take a break from constant readiness and runs across the field as the Vityazis are launched and taxied.

The closing diamond, the Su-27, takes its place in the formation as it climbs

Before we had time to fire bursts of camera shutters at the departing Vityaz aircraft, Su-30s began to rain down on the airfield. One after another, they quickly sat down and taxied out of the runway, making room for the next board. Their landing took about two to three minutes, during which many of us clicked hundreds of frames.

Landing of the red four. The moment the brake parachutes are released is clearly visible.

Clearly, quickly, and in an organized manner, the planes landed at the base. And while one of them was sitting down, the other was already taxiing to the parking lot. And at that moment the Yak-130 was already taking off.

From September 6 to 11, the main exhibition event of the year of the Russian Ministry of Defense will take place - the II International Military-Technical Forum and Exhibition "ARMY-2016"! All the power Russian army and fleet will appear before the audience at the PATRIOT EXPO convention and exhibition center, the Alabino training ground and the Kubinka airfield.

BUSINESS VISIT DAYS: September 7-8 (Wednesday-Thursday) from 10:00 (age restrictions - 18+, entry with passport).

When purchasing tickets for specialists for these dates, you must first exchange them for badges with electronic tags that will contain your personal information. Only after receiving your name badge can you enter the Forum territory. Holders of badges for business visitors have the right to visit all three Forum sites: the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center, the Kubinka airfield and the Alabino training ground, regardless of which site is indicated on the ticket. Professionals who purchased tickets for September 7 and 8 and exchanged them for a name badge can also attend the Forum on September 9 (on the day mass visit Exhibitions).

Professional audience of the military-technical forum and exhibition "ARMY-2016": military specialists, foreign delegations, heads of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, representatives of military educational institutions and research organizations, business visitors.

Exhibition exposition: more than 1000 Russian and foreign enterprises and organizations.
40 thematic sections: from drones and robotics to the nuclear weapons complex.
An unprecedented number of military equipment from the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation.

For the first time, specialized exhibitions will be organized within the framework of the Forum: “Arctic”, “Innovation Club”, “IntellTechExpo: Intelligent Industrial Technologies”.

Scientific and business program: more than 90 events.
Demonstration of the firing and propulsion capabilities of the latest weapons and equipment on a tight schedule in the interests of a professional audience.

Location of the demonstration program: route " Tank biathlon"(land cluster), Lake Komsomolskoye (water cluster), Kubinka airfield (aviation cluster).

DAYS OF MASS VISITATION: September 9-11 (Friday-Sunday) from 10:00 (age restrictions - 0+).

Guests of the exhibition will be presented with more than 300 units of the latest military equipment from the Russian Ministry of Defense. You will get a unique chance to see everything with your own eyes, touch it, take rare photos, and maybe even climb onto the armor of a tank or armored personnel carrier.

Feel indescribable emotions! Become a participant in an unforgettable spectacle! For the first time, according to the plan for a dynamic display of military equipment, Forum visitors will have a rare opportunity to learn how to drive a combat vehicle and evaluate the capabilities military weapons. More than 10 different training complexes for learning to control modern weapons and military equipment!

A unique demonstration program will unfold on the land and water clusters of the Alabino test site twice a day according to schedule. For comfortable viewing of grandiose exhibition performances, all the necessary infrastructure will be created: stands with a canopy, a sound reinforcement system and huge screens for video broadcasting. close-up. A dynamic display of weapons and military equipment in a single tactical concept is an imitation of a real combat operation on land, in water and in the air. They will be complemented by a flyover of aviation equipment simulating close-in maneuverable air combat and a spectacular performance by airborne paratroopers.

On September 11, the final day of the Forum, at the Alabino training ground, the demonstration program will be timed to coincide with the professional holiday - Tankman's Day. On this day you will be transported into the thick of the historical events of the Great Patriotic War. A festive concert, a column of retro equipment and much more awaits you. The key event of the holiday will be the world-famous dance of heavy armored vehicles - the Tank Ballet show with synchronized piloting of a flight of MI-28 helicopters.

A static exhibition of aviation equipment will be set up at the aviation cluster (Kubinka airfield), and demonstration performances by the legendary Russian aerobatic teams “Berkuts”, “Swifts” and “Russian Knights” are planned as part of the demonstration program.

Demonstration maneuvers are planned at the Alabino training ground and at a military airfield in the Moscow region. You can see the pace of rearmament not only on land, but also in the fleet by visiting Kronstadt these days, where the naval part of the forum is represented. About new products ready for battle - in the report by Semyon Eremin:

The parade, or rather the opening, is personally commanded by the Minister of Defense. By the second army forum, the Patriot Park near Moscow appeared as it was intended - the exhibition infrastructure was completely built. Four huge pavilions, in which only a space rocket would not fit. There are expositions of hundreds of defense enterprises.

“With great desire, our enterprises, institutes, design bureaus came here to show everything that they have achieved during this time, during the time when Government program weapons, a program for modernizing the military-industrial complex, and of course, without such investments, when decisions were made almost 10 years ago, all this might not have happened.

There are more than 20 foreign colleagues of Sergei Shoigu here alone. And the total delegation is from 80 countries. And is it worth sending your defense minister to Russia if there is no intention of a serious contract? The question will remain rhetorical until the end of the forum, until the 11th, when the details of potential transactions will become known.

Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:“Now a lot has been restored, a lot of new things have appeared. And we have already crossed the line when we were working only on the old groundwork. Now there are a lot of modern developments, and, most importantly, this is something that is done in series, with a full test cycle, from good materials, so personally I am very pleased.”

Here are the guests from Asia hovering around the combat robots of the Kalashnikov concern, photographing them up and down, clearly impressed. And they still don’t know about the surprise that awaits them in the pavilion.

Here it is, on air for the first time today - a small-sized machine gun "MA", the name may still change, this is a prototype. Its peculiarity is modest weight and size indicators with serious tactical characteristics. The product is currently at the factory testing stage. And someday, perhaps, it will completely replace the AK familiar to our eyes.

And now its perfect modification is being prepared for delivery to the army - the AK-12, already familiar to a wide audience. Here's the new one light machine gun. And, what is very important - self-loading sniper rifle, which will finally replace the old-timer, the famous SVD.

Tomorrow all small arms will hit demonstration targets. And today - the matter is more difficult for the trunks. The innovation of this forum is dynamic exposition, or, more simply, demonstrative application. Aviation, ground equipment, drones, including new helicopter-type ones, attack robots - in all their glory at the training ground in Alabino, the same one where tank biathlon recently died down.

The third, water element is already in Kronstadt. Headliner - "Admiral Essen", the newest patrol ship, literally a couple of months, in service. Such ships are much easier to sell than large ones, such as corvettes or destroyers. And among the guests of the private shows are also likely buyers. Another innovation is the equipment of the CSTO allies; the forum is now also an international trading platform. Here, for example, is an interesting car from Kazakhstan - “Barys”. It has decent armor for this class of equipment.

But the highlight is the 57 mm cannon. 80 rounds per minute with shells with serious armor penetration. And she Russian production. A machine is a machine, but the trunks themselves are beyond our competition. Uralvagonzavod is presenting a new combat module based on the Kord machine gun. Put this on a combat robot, an armored vehicle or a stationary checkpoint. Sees five kilometers, accompanies and shoots targets, starting from two.

The now world-famous sapper robots "Uran-6" are also here, having rid the Syrian Palmyra of the threat of mines. Our Middle East operation and this forum are links in the same trade chain. No one on the planet now has any doubts about the reliability, especially of aviation. It's all a celebration advanced technologies next to objects that seem funny at first glance.

Another serious area of ​​the military industry is false targets. With this you can even imitate an entire airfield or air defense base in order to mislead enemy intelligence.

Auctions of decommissioned military equipment, ammunition and equipment are in full swing. Today, for example, a real field kitchen went under the hammer for 146 thousand rubles. But the main lot in terms of charisma is the army quilted jacket, the same one that has already become firmly entrenched in Internet folklore. And the demand for it is guaranteed; there are plenty of patriots with a sense of humor among the forum guests.

In early September, the main exhibition event of the Russian Ministry of Defense of this year will take place simultaneously at the Patriot Expo Convention and Exhibition Center, the Kubinka airfield and the Alabino training ground - the Army Forum, a grandiose event where the full power of the army and navy of our country will be demonstrated.

Business visit days

On September 7-8, the forum sites will be open only to military specialists, foreign delegations, heads of defense industry enterprises, representatives of military educational institutions, specialists from research organizations and business visitors.

These days, 40 separate thematic sections will operate, where more than 1 thousand domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations will present their products - from robotics and drones to entire weapons complexes. An unprecedented number of a wide variety of military equipment will be presented at the military-technical forum.

Days of mass visit

About 300 samples of the most modern military equipment owned by the Russian Ministry of Defense will be presented to the public. The Army 2016 Forum is a real opportunity not only to see, but also to touch the exhibits, take a souvenir photo, and even climb onto the armor of an armored personnel carrier or tank!

For the first time in the history of the project, visitors will have a unique opportunity to learn how to drive combat vehicle, as well as evaluate the capabilities of various samples small arms. About 10 different simulators will be presented to the attention of Forum guests for learning to control the most modern types of military equipment and weapons.

A spectacular demonstration program will unfold at the Alabino training ground. Here, twice a day, spectators will see simulations of combat operations in the air, water and on land. They will be complemented by overflights of military aircraft and performances by airborne paratroopers.

An exhibition of aviation equipment will take place at the Kubinka airfield. In addition, as part of a special demonstration program, there will be demonstration performances by the famous aerobatic teams “Russian Knights”, “Berkuts” and “Swifts”.

How to get there:

Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Kubinka, Minskoe highway, 57 km

Home Army-2016

Address by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, to the participants and guests of the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2016

Dear participants and guests of the ARMY-2016 forum!

From September 6 to 11, 2016, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is holding the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2016. It will be attended by representatives of scientific organizations, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as consumers of military and dual-use products and services from Russia and abroad.

During the plenary session, conferences and round tables, current issues of development will be discussed latest technologies and promising directions for the development of the military-technical sphere. The forum will be held at the Congress and Exhibition Center of the Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot".

This is the largest platform in Russia for displaying modern weapons, military and special equipment. The Park will house exhibition pavilions and open exhibitions. with total area about 140 thousand sq. m, conditions will be created for demonstrating the running, flight and firing capabilities of weapons and military equipment.

I am confident that the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2016 will serve to consolidate the efforts of science and industry, the production and export of domestic high-tech military products, as well as strengthen international partnerships.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
army General

S. Shoigu

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2015 No. 1140 - r and the instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2015 No. 205/2/532 in order to demonstrate the power and strengthen the positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as create conditions for searching for advanced technologies and military products, determining the possibility of their use in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, demonstrating the capabilities of scientific organizations and enterprises in their development and production, the International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY” is planned to be held from September 6 to 11, 2016 - 2016" (hereinafter referred to as the Forum) on the basis of the federal state autonomous institution“Military-patriotic park of culture and recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “Patriot”, the Alabino training ground and the Kubinka airfield.

The goals of the Forum are:

  • search for advanced (promising) technical, technological and other solutions for their subsequent implementation in the production of weapons, military and special equipment;
  • development of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign countries and promotion of Russian-made military products on the international market;
  • formation of a positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and popularization of military service.

Participants in the exhibitions will be state corporations, enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex, leading research institutions, civil and military higher educational establishments, as well as domestic and foreign developers, manufacturers of weapons, military equipment and dual- and special-purpose technologies.”
