Dear friend Georges Duroy. Dear Friend (novel)

Georges Duroy, the son of prosperous peasants, keepers of a tavern, by the whim of nature, is endowed with a happy appearance. He is slender, tall, blond, he has a wonderful mustache ... He is very popular with women, and he is in Paris. But he has three francs in his pocket, and he won't get his pay until two days later. He is hot, he wants beer ... Duroy wanders around Paris and waits for an opportunity that must present itself, right? The case is most likely a woman. So it will be. All his cases will come from women ... In the meantime, he meets Forestier.

They served together in Algiers. Georges Duroy did not want to be the first in the village and tried his luck in military service. For two years he robbed and killed Arabs. During this time, he developed the habit of walking with his chest puffed out and taking what he wanted. And in Paris you can stick out your chest and push passers-by, but here it is not customary to mine gold with a revolver in your hand.

But the fat Forestier succeeded: he is a journalist, he is a wealthy man, he is complacent - he treats an old friend with beer and advises to take up journalism. He invites Georges to dinner the next day and gives him two louis (forty francs) so that he can rent a decent suit.

Since this all started. Forestier, it turns out, has a wife - an elegant, very pretty blonde. Her friend is a burning brunette Madame de Marelle with her little daughter. Mr. Walter, deputy, rich man, publisher of the newspaper "French Life" granted. There is also a famous feuilletonist and a famous poet ... But Duroy does not know how to handle a fork and does not know how to deal with four glasses ... But he quickly orients himself on the ground. And here - oh, how by the way! The conversation turned to Algeria. Georges Duroy enters the conversation as if cold water, but they ask him questions ... He is in the center of attention, and the ladies do not take their eyes off him! And Forestier, a friend of Forestier, does not miss the moment and asks his dear patron, Mr. Walter, to take Georges to work in the newspaper ... Well, we'll see, but for now Georges has been ordered two or three essays about Algeria. And another thing: Georges tamed Lorina, Madame de Marelle's little daughter. He kissed the girl and shakes her on his knee, and the mother is amazed and says that Mr. Duroy irresistible.

How happily everything began! And all because he is so handsome and well done ... All that remains is to write this damn essay and bring it to Mr. Walter by three o'clock tomorrow.

And Georges Duroy gets down to work. Diligently and beautifully, he displays the title on a clean sheet: "Memoirs of an African shooter." This name was suggested by Mrs. Walter. But things don't go any further. Who knew that it was one thing to chat at the table with a glass in hand, when the ladies did not take their eyes off you, and quite another thing to write! A diabolical difference ... But nothing, the morning is wiser than the evening.

But in the morning it's not like that. Efforts are in vain. And Georges Duroy decides to ask his friend Forestier for help. However, Forestier hurries to the newspaper, he sends Georges to his wife: she, they say, will help no worse.

Madame Forestier seated Georges at the table, listened to him, and after a quarter of an hour began dictating an article. Luck carries him. The article is printed - what happiness! He was accepted into the chronicle department, and at last it was possible to leave forever the hated office of the North railway. Georges does everything correctly and accurately: first he received a salary for a month at the box office, and only then he was rude at parting to the boss - he enjoyed it.

One is not good. The second article is not published. But this is not a problem either - you need to take another lesson from Madame Forestier, and this is a pleasure. Here, however, no luck: Forestier himself was at home and told Georges that, they say, he did not intend to work instead of him ... Pig!

Duroy is angry and will do the article himself, without any help. You'll see!.. And he made an article, wrote. Only it was not accepted: it was considered unsatisfactory. He redid it. Again not accepted. After three alterations, Georges spat and completely went into reporting.

This is where he turned around. His slyness, charm and arrogance came in very handy. M. Walter himself is satisfied with Duroy's employee. Only one thing is bad: getting twice as much in the newspaper than in the office, Georges felt like a rich man, but this did not last so long. The more money, the more they are missing! And then: after all, he looked into the world of big people, but remained outside this world. He is lucky, he serves in the newspaper, he has acquaintances and connections, he enters the offices, but ... only as a reporter. Georges Duroy is still a poor man and a day laborer. And here, next to it, in their own newspaper - here they are! - people with pockets full of gold, they have chic houses and spicy wives ... Why do they have all this? Why not him? There is some mystery here.

Georges Duroy does not know the solution, but he knows what his strength is. And he remembers Madame de Marelle, the one who was with her daughter at Forestier's dinner. “I’m always at home until three o’clock,” she said then. Georges called at half past two. Of course he was agitated, but Madame de Marelle is the very kindness, the very gracefulness. And Lorina treats him like a friend ... And now Georges is invited to dinner at a restaurant, where they will be with Madame de Marelle and the Forestier spouses - two couples.

Dinner in a separate office is refined, lengthy and spicy with casual, light chatter on the verge of obscenity. Madame de Marelle promised to get drunk and kept her promise. Georges accompanies her. In the carriage, he is indecisive for some time, but it seems that she moved her leg ... He rushed to the attack, she surrendered. Finally, he mastered a real secular woman!

The next day, Duroy has breakfast with his beloved. He is still timid, does not know how things will go on, but she is charmingly sweet, and Georges plays love ... And it's so easy in relation to such a magnificent woman! Then Lorina enters and joyfully runs to him: “Ah, dear friend!” This is how Georges Duroy got his name. And Madame de Marelle - her name is Clotilde - turned out to be a delightful mistress. She hired a small apartment for their dates. Georges is dissatisfied: he can't afford it... No, it's already been paid! No, he can't let that happen... She pleads, more, more, and he... gave in, believing that it was actually fair. No, but how sweet she is!

Georges is completely penniless, but after each meeting he finds one or two gold coins in his vest pocket. He is outraged! Then he gets used to it. Only to calm his conscience keeps counting his debt to Clotilde.

It so happened that the lovers quarreled a lot. It looks like it's a break. Georges dreams - in the form of revenge - to return the debt to Clotilde. But there is no money. And Forestier, in response to a request for money, lent ten francs - a miserable handout. Nothing, Georges will repay him, he will cuckold the old Friend. Moreover, he now knows how easy it is.

But what is it? The attack on Madame Forestier was immediately bogged down. She is affable and frank: she will never become Duroy's mistress, but she offers him her friendship. Perhaps it is more expensive than Forestier's horns! And here is the first friendly advice; pay a visit to Mrs. Walther.

The dear friend managed to show himself to Madame Walther and her guests, and not a week goes by, and he is already appointed head of the chronicle department and invited to dinner with the Walthers. Such is the price of friendly advice.

An important event took place at the Walthers' dinner, but Dear Friend does not yet know that this is an important event: he is introduced to the publisher's two daughters, aged eighteen and sixteen (one is ugly, the other is pretty as a doll). But another thing Georges could not help but notice, Clotilde is still seductive and sweet. They reconciled and the connection was restored.

Forestier is sick, he is losing weight, coughing, and it is clear that he is not a tenant. Clotilde says by the way that Forestier's wife will not be slow to get married as soon as everything is over, and Dear Friend thought about it. In the meantime, the wife took the poor Forestier to the south - to be treated. At parting, Georges asks Madame Forestier to count on his friendly help.

And help was needed: Madame Forestier asks Duroy to come to Cannes, not to leave her alone with her dying husband. A dear friend feels the open space before him. He goes to Cannes and conscientiously fulfills a friendly duty. Until the end. Georges Duroy was able to show Madeleine Forestier that he was a dear friend, a wonderful and kind person.

And everything worked out! Georges marries the widow Forestier. Now he has an amazing assistant - a genius behind the scenes of journalism and political play ... And he has a beautifully arranged house, and he has now become a nobleman: he divided his surname into syllables and took the name of his native village, he is now du Roi de Cantel.

He and his wife are friends. But friendship must also know its limits... Ah, why does such a clever Madeleine tell Georges out of friendship that Madame Walter is crazy about him? Susanna, Walter's pretty daughter.

The dear friend thought again. And Ms. Walter, if you look closely, is still very much even nothing ... There is no plan, but Georges starts the game. This time, the object is respectable and is fighting desperately with itself, but the Dear Friend has overlaid it from all sides and drives it into a trap. And drove. The hunt is over, but the prey wants to go to the hunter again and again. He has other things to do. Then Madame Walter reveals a secret to the hunter.

Military expedition to Morocco resolved. Walter and Laroche, the foreign minister, want to cash in on this. They bought Moroccan bonds cheaply, but their value will skyrocket soon. They make tens of millions. Georges can also buy before it's too late.

Tangier - the gateway to Morocco - is captured. Walter has fifty million, he bought a luxurious mansion with a garden. And Duroy is angry: again he does not have big money. True, his wife inherited a million from a friend, and Georges chopped off half of her, but this is not the same. Here for Susanna, the daughter of Walter, twenty millions of dowry ...

Georges with the vice police hunts down his wife. She was caught with Minister Laroche. A dear friend knocked down the minister with one blow and got a divorce. But Walter would never give up Susanna for him! There is a trick to this too. No wonder he seduced Madame Walter: while Georges dined and breakfasted with her, he became friends with Susanna, she believes him. And dear friend took the pretty fool away. She's compromised, and her father has nowhere to go.

Georges Duroy with his young wife leaves the church. He sees the Chamber of Deputies, he sees the Bourbon Palace. He has achieved everything.

But he will never be hot or cold again. He would never crave beer so badly.

Summary of Maupassant's novel "Dear Friend"

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A young man named Georges Duroy, endowed with a fairly attractive appearance and undoubted charm, wanders around Paris, thinking about how he should live on after being discharged from the army, in which he spent several years. Georges believes that sooner or later there will be some turn for the better in his fate, he pins his hopes on women, Duroy has long known that he is a huge success with the fair sex.

Georges meets an old acquaintance named Forestier, with whom he was in military service. It turns out that Comrade Duroy has already managed to achieve a lot in the journalistic field, he recommends that Georges also try his hand in this area. The next day, Forestier invites an old friend to visit, and Duroy meets his wife Madeleine. Also present at the dinner is her friend, Madame de Marelle, with her little daughter Lorina.

Mr. Walter also arrives, a very wealthy man who is a deputy and the owner of a respectable newspaper. Duroy at first does not know how to behave in such a society, but then he begins to confidently talk about his stay in Algeria, the ladies look at him with frank interest, and Forestier asks his boss Walter to take Duroy to work.

To begin with, Georges is commissioned to write several essays about Algeria, while Duroy manages to find a common language with the girl Lorina, who usually keeps to herself and is afraid of strangers. Her mother, Clotilde de Marel, does not hide her delight.

Georges proceeds to write the required essay. However, the man's business does not advance further than the name, and he is forced to ask Forestier for help. He does not have free time, and he recommends Duroy to contact his wife, who will cope with such a task no worse.

Madame Forestier indeed, without much effort, dictates to Georges the entire article, which is immediately printed in the newspaper, and the young man becomes a full-time employee of the chronicle department. To write the next essay, he is also trying to use the services of the wife of an old friend, but Forestier himself, seeing his intentions, abruptly announces to Duroy that he needs to work independently. However, no one wants to accept an article written by Georges himself, and as a result, the man decides that he will become engaged in ordinary reporting.

Monsieur Walter is pleased with the way Duroy copes with this role, impudence young man and his ability to penetrate literally everywhere are very handy. But Georges himself is quickly no longer satisfied with the income he receives from the newspaper, he is intensely thinking about how to improve his property and social position.

He decides to get to know Madame de Marelle better, believing that a lady from high society can be useful to him. Duroy really without undue difficulty becomes her lover, and little Lorina comes up with the nickname Dear Friend for him. Clotilde de Marel rents an apartment for their meetings and pays for it herself, Georges does not have the financial resources for this.

After a serious quarrel with Clotilde, Duroy tries to win Madame Forestier, but here, to the considerable surprise of the self-confident man, failure awaits him. Madeleine directly tells him that she does not intend to be his lover, but is ready to offer true friendship. It is she who recommends Georges to try to please Mrs. Walter, the wife of his boss.

During dinner at the Walter family, Duroy is introduced to the publisher's daughters Rose and Suzanne, the eldest of whom is not very attractive, but the youngest is really charming. He again draws attention to how sweet and charming Clotilde de Marel is, it is after this meeting that the lovers resume their relationship.

Georges notices that the health of his friend Forestier is steadily deteriorating, the man does not stop coughing and is constantly losing weight, it is clear to everyone that he does not have long to live. Madame de Marelle notices that his wife will definitely remarry after Forestier's death, Duroy begins to reflect on this issue. Madeleine is taking her husband to the southern regions for treatment, and Georges agrees to help her so that she does not remain alone with her dying husband.

Duroy really supports Madame Forestier in every possible way until the very death of his friend, after a while the widow becomes his lawful wife. Georges's affairs are going well, smart and dexterous Madeleine helps him in everything, he even changes his surname to the noble version of Du Roy.

The wife does not hide from her dear friend that Madame Walter is in love with him. She also says that young Susanne Walter would be a great match for a man if he were free from marriage ties.

Du Roy begins courting Walter's wife. True, a respectable woman struggles with temptation in every possible way, but Georges's charm still wins, and she becomes his mistress. At the same time, Walter himself turns a successful commercial operation and becomes much richer. Du Roy is now seriously dreaming of marrying the lovely Suzanne, for whom, moreover, a huge dowry is given.

Georges is constantly watching his wife and finally comes to her with the police commissioner at the moment when she is in the arms of Minister Laroche. Du Roy gets the divorce he needs without any problems, but he understands that Walter will not want to give his daughter to him. However, it was not for nothing that the unprincipled Georges spent a lot of time in the house of his patron, pretending to be in love with Madame Walter. Suzanne treats him with sympathy and trust, and Du Roy easily persuades the naive girl to leave with him.

Susanna's parents are horrified to learn of what happened. Mrs. Walter falls into deep despair, realizing that her lover only cynically used her to his advantage. Walter himself understands that now he will be forced to marry the girl to Georges, because she has already been dishonored and compromised forever, although in reality Du Roy has not yet allowed himself anything superfluous regarding Suzanne.

After the wedding, leaving the church with a charming young wife, Georges admits to himself that he managed to achieve everything he aspired to, and in fact climbed the social ladder. However, with some sadness, he recalls his relationship with Madame de Marelle, who is also among the guests, and with a glance makes Clotilde understand that he wants to meet with her in the future.

The novel "Dear Friend" was written by Maupassant in 1885. In it, the French writer addressed several classical problems at once, closely related to the main idea of ​​​​the work - an attempt to show human nature, corrupted by a materialistic society.

The protagonist of the novel- a former military man, Georges Duroy goes through a difficult career path from an ordinary employee of the Northern Railway to the editor-in-chief of the most influential Parisian newspaper, French Life, son-in-law of the millionaire Walter and future deputy. Starting his ascent with a simple desire to be able to eat every day, Duroy with every social achievement never ceases to acquire new dreams. The main character is always driven by the same feeling - envy: Georges is jealous of Forestier's social position, Walter's multi-million dollar fortune, Laroche-Mathieu's ministerial status. In the first part of the novel, an aspiring journalist tries to public recognition, position and wealth on their own. At the same time, he already dreams of "making a good match" by marrying a woman - smart, rich or influential. Realizing that he himself could not break through, in the second part of the novel, Duroy begins a victorious march “over the corpses”: he proposes to Madeleine next to Forestier’s body, which has not yet cooled down; he seduces Madame Walter after learning of her feelings for him; he secures Susanna's consent to the marriage while still married to Madeleine. At the same time, throughout the story, Georges meets with Clotilde de Marel - his first high society mistress and, as it turns out towards the end of the novel, true love. With Clotilde, he is united by the kinship of natures. In this woman, completely and completely focused on herself and her pleasures, Georges appreciates both bodily beauty and inner independence: only she allows herself to argue with him (up to assault), only she is able not to demand anything from him and at the same time time to give him everything and forgive him everything - insults, beatings, life at her expense, betrayal, marriage. Love for Clotilde de Marel is the only sincere feeling that lives in the soul of Georges Duroy. All other sensations are rooted out of it. environment- unfair, acquisitive, deceitful.

Artistic issues The novel includes an understanding of not only personal, but also social and philosophical (religious) issues. The social principle of "Dear Friend" is expressed in the description of several social classes: the peasantry (George's parents), the intelligentsia (employees of the "French Life"), politicians (Foreign Minister Laroche-Mathieu), the nobility (Comte de Vaudrec and others). In his novel, Maupassant shows how, at the end of the 19th century, some social frameworks are blurred and others are formed: main character works, comes from a peasant environment, at the beginning becomes a military man, then a journalist, then noble person. The latter turns out to be quite easy: Georges changes his last name from Duroy to Du Roy de Cantel (after the name of the area where he was born and raised), begins to sign his articles with it, and over time everyone gets used to his new social status.

Criticism of French society, corrupted by money, freedom of morals and the pursuit of power, is closely connected in "Dear Friend" with the theme of death. The old poet Norbert de Varen somehow speaks about her to Georges. The lonely creator is trying to convey to his young friend that life is meaningless. Sooner or later, every person begins to approach death. Norbert de Waren does not believe in God. The only thing that consoles his suffering soul is creativity. Georges' attitude to religion in the novel can only be traced in the episode of the meeting with Mrs. Walter in the Trinity Church. On the one hand, the protagonist of the novel admires the prayerful passion of a poor woman unknown to him; on the other hand, it ironizes over the imaginary religiosity of noble ladies who start “tricks in front of the altar”.

The novel "Dear friend" in the highest degree realistic. Maupassant with the greatest care describes the appearance of his characters, the landscapes surrounding them, writes out dialogues with masterful accuracy. The latter are as close to life as possible. The characters in the novel speak to each other in plain language devoid of excessive literary pathos.

The psychologism of "Dear Friend" is closely connected with the disclosure of artistic main character image. Maupassant periodically shows the reader the mental anguish of Georges Duroy: his joy (when he puts on a tailcoat for the first time and begins his journey to a new life, joyfully jumping up the stairs and studying his reflection in the mirror), his fear (on the night before the hero’s duel, he has a fever, he tries to sleep, drink, write letters to his parents), his jealousy (for the deceased friend Forestier), his understanding of the true nature of things (when he realizes that his wife Madeleine will make him a cuckold in the same way, as was the case with her first husband ), his envy (in relation to someone else's wealth and position). The image of Georges Duroy is the image of an unscrupulous villain, walking head over heels towards his goal, but... Many of the hero's actions are determined by life itself: he tries to earn money to feed himself; he betrays Madeleine after she cheats on him with Laroche-Mathieu; he enters the Walter family in order to achieve, finally, respect for himself as a person.

Year of publication of the book: 1885

Guy de Maupassant's novel "Dear Friend" is one of the most famous works of the famous French classic. He was filmed nine times in different countries, and the number of reprints of the work is simply incalculable. The last adaptation of the book "Dear Friend" was made in 2012 and was a great success. The phrases and characters of the novel are reflected in many creative directions around the world. And the novel by Guy de Maupassant remains relevant to this day.

Books "Dear friend" summary

In Guy de Maupassant's novel "Dear Friend" you can read about the events unfolding around the son of a wealthy peasant - Georges Duroy. Nature did not deprive him of an attractive appearance, and this allowed him to enjoy the attention of women. Not so long ago, he returned from the army, where he had a chance to fight in Algeria. There he was used to sticking out his chest, robbing and killing Arabs, but here in Paris it was not customary to earn money with a revolver. Therefore, he, like the main character, wanders around Paris with three francs in his pocket, hoping for a chance. And this case does not accept to happen. He meets a colleague Charles Forestier, who is now quite rich and works as a journalist. He invites Georges to a party he is hosting tomorrow. And she gives him forty francs to rent a decent suit.

Next in summary You can read “Dear Friend” by Maupassant about how Duroy gets to receive a colleague. Forestier has an attractive young wife who has invited her friend Madame de Morel with her daughter. In addition, a well-known feuilletonist, poet and, of course, a rich man and publisher of the French Life newspaper, Mr. Walter, who works for Forestier, is invited to the evening. At first, Duroy has a hard time. He does not know what to do with four glasses, a knife and a fork. But he learns very quickly. In a conversation, it is quite difficult for him, but when it comes to Algeria, he also decides to enter into a conversation. All in all, the evening went well. Georges charmed the daughter of Madame Morel - Lorina and her mother, and also received an order for three essays on Algeria. Forestier helped him in this.

Guy de Maupassant's novel "Dear Friend" you can read online on the Top Books website.
Guy de Maupassant's novel "Dear Friend" you can download for free on the top books website.

Georges Duroy, the son of wealthy peasants, keepers of a vegetable marrow, is endowed with a happy appearance by the whim of nature. He is slim, tall, blond, he has a wonderful mustache ... He is very popular with women, and he is in Paris. But he has three francs in his pocket, and he won't get his pay until two days later. He is hot, he wants beer ... Duroy wanders around Paris and waits for an opportunity that should present itself, right? The case is most likely a woman. So it will be. All his cases will come from women ... In the meantime, he meets Forestier.

They served together in Algiers. Georges Duroy did not want to be the first in the village and tried his luck in military service. For two years he robbed and killed Arabs. During this time, he developed the habit of walking with his chest puffed out and taking what he wanted. And in Paris you can stick out your chest and push passers-by, but here it is not customary to mine gold with a revolver in your hand.

But the fat Forestier succeeded: he is a journalist, he is a wealthy man, he is complacent - he treats an old friend with beer and advises him to take up journalism. He invites Georges to dinner the next day and gives him two louis (forty francs) so that he can rent a decent suit.

Since this all started. Forestier, it turns out, has a wife - an elegant, very pretty blonde. Her friend is a burning brunette Madame de Marelle with her little daughter. Mr. Walter, deputy, rich man, publisher of the newspaper "French Life" granted. There is also a well-known feuilletonist and also a famous poet ... And Duroy does not know how to handle a fork and does not know how to deal with four glasses ... But he quickly orients himself on the ground. And here - oh, how by the way! - the conversation went about Algeria. Georges Duroy enters the conversation like cold water, but he is asked questions ... He is in the center of attention, and the ladies do not take their eyes off him! And Forestier, a friend of Forestier, does not miss the moment and asks his dear patron, Mr. Walter, to take Georges to work in the newspaper ... Well, we'll see, but for now Georges has been ordered two or three essays on Algeria. And one more thing: Georges tamed Lorina, Madame de Marelle's little daughter. He kisses the girl and rocks her on his knee, and the mother is amazed and says that M. Duroy is irresistible.

How happily everything began! And all because he is so handsome and well done ... All that remains is to write this damn essay and bring it to Mr. Walter by three o'clock tomorrow.

And Georges Duroy gets down to work. Diligently and beautifully, he displays the title on a clean sheet: "Memoirs of an African shooter." This name was suggested by Mrs. Walter. But things don't go any further. Who knew that it was one thing to chat at the table with a glass in hand, when the ladies did not take their eyes off you, and it was quite another thing to write! Devilish difference ... But nothing, the morning is wiser than the evening.

But in the morning it's not like that. Efforts are in vain. And Georges Duroy decides to ask his friend Forestier for help. However, Forestier hurries to the newspaper, he sends Georges to his wife: she, they say, will help no worse.

Madame Forestier seated Georges at the table, listened to him, and after a quarter of an hour began dictating an article. Luck carries him. The article is printed - what happiness! He was accepted into the chronicle department, and finally it is possible to leave the hated office of the Northern Railway forever. Georges does everything correctly and accurately: first he received a salary for a month at the box office, and only then he was rude at parting to the boss - he enjoyed it.

One is not good. The second article is not published. But this is not a problem - you need to take one more lesson from Ms. Forestier, and this is a pleasure. Here, however, no luck: Forestier himself was at home and told Georges that, they say, he did not intend to work instead of him ... Pig!

Duroy is angry and will do the article himself, without any help. You'll see!.. And he made an article, wrote. Only it was not accepted: it was considered unsatisfactory. He redid it. Again not accepted. After three alterations, Georges spat and completely went into reporting.

This is where he turned around. His slyness, charm and arrogance came in very handy. M. Walter himself is satisfied with Duroy's employee. Only one thing is bad: getting twice as much in the newspaper than in the office, Georges felt like a rich man, but this did not last so long. The more money, the more they are missing! And then: after all, he looked into the world of big people, but remained outside this world. He is lucky, he serves in the newspaper, he has acquaintances and connections, he enters the offices, but ... only as a reporter. Georges Duroy is still a poor man and day laborer. And here, nearby, in their own newspaper - here they are! - people with pockets full of gold, they have luxurious houses and spicy wives ... Why do they have all this? Why not him? There is some mystery here.

Georges Duroy does not know the solution, but he knows what his strength is. And he remembers Madame de Marelle, the one who was with her daughter at Forestier's dinner. “I’m always at home until three o’clock,” she said then. Georges called at half past two. Of course he was agitated, but Madame de Marelle is the very hospitality, the very gracefulness. And Lorina treats him like a friend ... And now Georges is invited to dinner in a restaurant, where they will be with Madame de Marelle and the Forestier spouses - two couples.

Dinner in a separate office is refined, lengthy and spicy with casual, light chatter on the verge of obscenity. Madame de Marelle promised to get drunk and kept her promise. Georges accompanies her. In the carriage, he is indecisive for some time, but it seems that she moved her leg ... He rushed to the attack, she surrendered. Finally, he mastered a real secular woman!

The next day, Duroy has breakfast with his beloved. He is still timid, does not know how things will go on, but she is charmingly sweet, and Georges plays falling in love ... And it is so easy in relation to such a magnificent woman! Then Lorina enters and joyfully runs to him: “Ah, dear friend!” So Georges Duroy got his name. And Madame de Marelle - her name is Clotilde - turned out to be a delightful mistress. She hired a small apartment for their dates. Georges is dissatisfied: he can't afford it... No, it's already been paid! No, he can't let that happen... She begs, more, more, and he... yields, believing that it's actually fair. No, but how sweet she is!

Georges is completely penniless, but after each meeting he finds one or two gold coins in his vest pocket. He is outraged! Then he gets used to it. Only to calm his conscience keeps counting his debt to Clotilde.

It so happened that the lovers quarreled a lot. It looks like it's a break. Georges dreams - in the form of revenge - to return the debt to Clotilde. But there is no money. And Forestier, in response to a request for money, lent ten francs - a miserable handout. Nothing, Georges will repay him, he will cuckold the old Friend. Moreover, he now knows how easy it is.

But what is it? The attack on Madame Forestier was immediately bogged down. She is affable and frank: she will never become Duroy's mistress, but she offers him her friendship. Perhaps it is more expensive than Forestier's horns! And here is the first friendly advice; pay a visit to Mrs. Walther.

The dear friend managed to show himself to Mrs. Walter and her guests, and not a week goes by, and he is already appointed head of the chronicle department and invited to dinner with the Walters. Such is the price of friendly advice.

An important event happened at Walter's dinner, but Dear friend does not yet know that this is an important event: he is introduced to the publisher's two daughters - eighteen and sixteen years old (one is ugly, the other is pretty, like a doll). But another thing Georges could not help but notice, Clotilde is still seductive and sweet. They reconciled and the connection was restored.

Forestier is sick, he is losing weight, coughing, and it is clear that he is not a tenant. Clotilde says by the way that Forestier's wife will not be slow to get married as soon as everything is over, and Dear Friend thought about it. In the meantime, the wife took the poor Forestier to the south - to be treated. At parting, Georges asks Madame Forestier to count on his friendly help.

And help was needed: Madame Forestier asks Duroy to come to Cannes, not to leave her alone with her dying husband. A dear friend feels the open space before him. He goes to Cannes and conscientiously fulfills a friendly duty. Until the end. Georges Duroy was able to show Madeleine Forestier that he was a dear friend, a wonderful and kind person.

And everything worked out! Georges marries the widow Forestier. Now he has an amazing assistant - a genius behind the scenes of journalism and political play ... And he has a beautifully arranged house, and he has now become a nobleman: he divided his last name into syllables and took the name of his native village, he is now du Roi de Cantel.

He and his wife are friends. But friendship must also know its limits... Oh, why does such a clever Madeleine tell Georges out of friendship that Madame Walter is crazy about him?... And even worse: she says that if Georges were free, she would advise him to marry Susanna, Walther's pretty daughter.

The dear friend thought again. And Mrs. Walter, if you look closely, it's still very much even nothing ... There is no plan, but Georges starts the game. This time, the object is respectable and is fighting desperately with itself, but the Dear Friend has overlaid it from all sides and drives it into a trap. And drove. The hunt is over, but the prey wants to go to the hunter again and again. He has other things to do. Then Madame Walter reveals a secret to the hunter.

Military expedition to Morocco resolved. Walter and Laroche, the foreign minister, want to cash in on this. They bought Moroccan bonds at a low price, but their value will skyrocket soon. They make tens of millions. Georges can also buy before it's too late.

Tangier - the gateway to Morocco - is captured. Walter has fifty million, he bought a luxurious mansion with a garden. And Duroy is angry: again he does not have big money. True, the wife inherited a million from a friend, and Georges chopped off half of it, but that's not it. Here is Susanna, Walter's daughter, twenty million dowry...

Georges with the vice police hunts down his wife. She was caught with Minister Laroche. A dear friend knocked down the minister with one blow and got a divorce. But Walter would never give up Susanna for him! This also has its own way. It was not for nothing that he seduced Madame Walter: while Georges dined and had breakfast with her, he became friends with Susanna, she believes him. And dear friend took the pretty little fool away. She's compromised, and her father has nowhere to go.

Georges Duroy with his young wife leaves the church. He sees the Chamber of Deputies, he sees the Bourbon Palace. He has achieved everything.

But he will never be hot or cold again. He would never crave beer so badly.

