What does the name dal mean in Lithuanian. Origin of Lithuanian female names and features of choice

The history of Lithuanian names goes back hundreds of years. Based on their origin, Lithuanian names are divided into the following categories:

  1. Original Lithuanian names. They can be identified by their characteristic roots - kant (patient), min (thought), vil (hope), gail (pity), taut (people). For example, Jogaila, Vytautas, Gedeminas, etc.
  2. Christian names. With the advent of Christianity in Lithuania, Christian names began to appear; their peculiarity is the addition of the ending “as”, “is” or “us” and adaptation in the Lithuanian manner - Antanas, Jurgis, Andrius.
  3. Names derived from nicknames. This category of names is characterized by its antiquity, when nicknames and nicknames turned into names - Kupros (hunchbacked), Lokis (clumsy).
  4. Names derived from natural phenomena, fauna and plants– Aidas (echo), Linas (flax), Vilkas (wolf).

How are boys chosen and named?

The tradition of naming a boy in Lithuania has several interesting features:

  • Since Lithuanians are a very religious nation, many boys are named after saints - Dominicas (belonging to God), Gustas (majestic, sacred).
  • Lithuanians also love history very much, so many children are named after princes of the Middle Ages - Algirdas, Radvila.
  • Many boys receive names that, according to parents, can have a positive impact on the boy’s fate - Mantas (smart), Kayus (rejoice).

List in Russian, their meaning, brief interpretation

Any Lithuanian name sounds very exotic to foreigners due to the fact that all names are very well adapted to the Lithuanian language. These names reflect the rich culture and history of the Lithuanian people.

  • Azuolas– lit. oak. They know how to set a goal and achieve it with ease.
  • Aljimantas– lit. rich. They are characterized by openness and straightforwardness, which is why conflicts often arise.
  • Aljimas– lit. rich. They have a pronounced charisma, which helps them feel at ease in public.
  • Andrius- Greek man, warrior. They have extraordinary thinking, which helps them easily gain trust.
  • Antanas– lat. invaluable. They are distinguished by their ability to empathize and desire to help relatives and friends.
  • Apas- Turkic eagle. They know how to easily make new acquaintances and achieve success in their personal lives.
  • Aptepas– Lit., English. from the legend of King Arthur. Very talented and artistic individuals who are accustomed to achieving recognition.
  • Aras– lit. eagle scouting. Characteristic constant movement and vital activity, the desire to change something in your life all the time.
  • Augustas– lat. venerable. He has a very pragmatic mindset, but takes risks quite often.
  • Augustinas– lat. venerable. A born leader and a good boss who is respected by his subordinates.
  • Bronislavas– glory. a great defender. A very hardworking person who is used to achieving everything on his own.
  • Bronius– glory. defender. A very gentle but confident person who is ready to come to the aid of loved ones at any moment.
  • Victoras– lat. conquer, victory. A kind and peace-loving person who is used to achieving results through his tact and ability to communicate with people.
  • Vilhelmas- German helmet. They have a good sense of humor and good mood, which they like to share with people around them.
  • Vincentas– lat. conqueror. They have the ability to empathize and help others, and are ready to give their last to those in need.
  • Virgilius– lat. bearer. They have qualities such as stubbornness and pride, which help in achieving their own goals.
  • Vytautas– lit. leader of the people. They have a very strong character and are ready to do everything to achieve their goal, because for them there are no authorities.
  • Vadimas– glory. knowledge. They know how to understand people and choose their friends and life partner very carefully.
  • Jonas– Heb. pigeon. We are ready to expend all our strength, both physical and psychological, to make our dream come true.
  • Juozas– lit. he will multiply. They are characterized by a very amorous character and the ability to please girls, which helps them easily start romantic relationships.
  • Juosepas– lat. he will multiply. Very purposeful and tough people who are distinguished by their ability to make money.
  • Djurgis– glory. peasant. They easily gain the trust of others, which helps them work easily in a team.
  • Giustinas– lat. fair. Gives his all to love relationships and demands reciprocity.
  • Dovmont– lit. the edge of the sword. Very closed and silent people, but they open up when surrounded by close people and family.
  • Zhiedrius– lit. serene. He has organizational skills, which helps him become a good boss.
  • Zhintaras– lit. amber. He reveals his talent quite early, which over time becomes his profession.
  • Carolis– lit. Human. He has an analytical mind, which easily allows him to open up in the field of technical sciences.
  • Kazimieras– glory. famous, great destroyer. Characterized by good intuition and great mental potential, which helps to develop in professions such as engineer or inventor.
  • Leonas– fr. a lion. He has such qualities as hard work and willpower, while always relying only on his own opinion.
  • Linas– lit. linen. They are very attached to their family and friends, enjoying every moment spent with them.
  • Ludvikas– lat. famous warrior. Very conservative and reserved boys who do not like to change their surroundings and make new acquaintances.
  • Marijus– lit. man, mature. Very caring people who love their wife, children and work, but are a little inert in life because they are afraid to do something new.
  • Mykolas- Greek similar to God. Very artistic and charismatic individuals who strive to impress others by any means.
  • Paulis– lat. small. They are characterized by developed intuition and the ability to empathize, which helps them easily make new acquaintances and win their trust.
  • Petras- Greek rock. They have strength of character and excellent memory, which helps them become a pedantic boss who is respected by their subordinates.
  • Prankiscus– lit. free. They are characterized by optimism and rich imagination, which helps them realize their potential in the creative field.
  • Raimondas– lit. wise protector. They have organizational skills, which helps them occupy leadership positions.
  • Ramunas– lit. calm. They are distinguished by their friendliness and diligence, which helps them gradually achieve their goals.
  • Steponas- Greek crown. A reserved person who meticulously achieves results in his hobby or work.
  • Thomas– English twin. A calm and athletic boy who enjoys attention from women, but does not always marry successfully.
  • Henrikas– English home. Strives to constantly progress in his chosen profession.
  • Hercus– English housekeeper They have a creative mind and the ability to make new acquaintances, which helps them become good writers or journalists.
  • Eleda- Greek from Greece. They are very literate and erudite, which can be a good help when becoming interested in science and intellectual games.

Ancient Lithuanian culture and history had a very good impact on the formation of names. This is very clearly seen in the meaning of male names that have been formed over the centuries.

At first glance, Lithuanian names seem quite exotic.

In fact, some of them are well-known pan-European biblical names, but lithuanized.

There are also primordial proper names, often denoting natural phenomena, plants or even the names of settlements and rivers.

Currently, it is customary to call children by the same name, but some Lithuanians still, maintaining traditions, give boys and girls two names each. IN Everyday life, as a rule, only the first is used.

Lithuanian male names

Most male Lithuanian names end in -s; in cases where the name also has a feminine version, you can find the ending -a. The Lithuanian dictionary contains ancient names that were still borne by Lithuanian princes; children are still named after them today.

Lithuanian has several stems used to form names. Taut basis - matters "people", kant means patient, min - symbolizes thought, wil - puts hope into semantics, and gail - means “to regret”.

The most popular Christian names in Lithuania are those transformed by the people in the Lithuanian manner, for example:

  • Andrius is a derivative of Saint Andrew. Courageous and brave.
  • Antanas - from Saint Anthony. Invaluable.
  • Jurgis - from St. George. Farmer.
  • Jonas - from St. John. God's mercy.
  • Povilas – from St. Paul. Small.

In the Lithuanian language, as in many others, there are names that were once formed from nicknames.

  • Juodgalvis – black-headed.
  • Majulis is small.
  • Kupros is humpbacked.
  • Jaunutis is young.
  • Vilkas is a wolf.
  • Lokis is a bear.

Also interesting are the names derived from the names of natural phenomena and plants: Aidas - echo, Linas - flax, Gintaras - amber, Aivaras - beautiful as the moon, Azuolas - oak.

Lithuanian female names

Female names in Lithuania have the endings -a (-я) or -e. They are often borrowed from Baltic myths. The use of the names of Lithuanian pagan goddesses is very common.

No less poetic are the names derived from the names of natural phenomena and plants.

  • Audra - storm, storm.
  • Autra - dawn.
  • Gintare – amber.
  • Ramune – chamomile.
  • Roger is a rose.
  • Saule is the sun.
  • Egle - spruce.

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Sometimes girls are named according to what they want properties character.

  • Agne – holy, chaste.
  • Vitalia is vital.
  • Giedre – serene.
  • Ramute is quiet.
  • Rimante – calm.
  • Yumante is insightful.
  • Jadwiga is a fighter.

The most popular names for girls

Emilia - originated in Latin, which means, according to some sources, “passionate”, “impatient”, according to others - “rival”.

Ieva - derived from the Hebrew name Eve, meaning “life-giving”.

Kamile is the Lithuanian equivalent of Camilla. Dictionaries interpret this name differently, but most are inclined to believe that its prototype was the Dutch, Danish and German word "chamomile".

Yurte - this name has several meanings:

  • Derived from the ancient Germanic word for “sword”.
  • There is a parallel with the name of the Scandinavian mythical source Urd, which flowed under the roots of the world tree; its probable translation is “fate”.
  • Lithuanian roots come from the word “yurtas”, which means “self-confidence, great desire.”
  • Possibly derived from the Danish “yurt” - “herbs, plants” or from the Albanian “yurti” - “wise”.
  • Interpreters consider the name Yurte also as a variant of the Hebrew Ruth - “friend” or even the Greek Dorothea - “gift of god”.

The most popular names for boys

Modern parents of boys very often choose the name Matas; Dominikas, Noyus, Gustas and Lukas are slightly less popular in the list of Lithuanian names in our time.

Matas is a derivative of the Hebrew name Matvey. Gift of God Yahweh.

Dominicas - derived from the Latin name Dominic. Belonging to the Lord.

Noyus is a cognate of the Hebrew name Noah. Peace, rest.

Gustace - has several interpretations:

  • Derived from the Lithuanian word “gustas”, defined as “mood, desire, taste” or from the word “gusti”, which means “to recognize”.
  • A shortened version of the Latin name Augustas, meaning “majestic, sacred.”
  • Derived from the Scandinavian name Gustavas (“battle” + “rod”).

Lucas is a variant of the name Luke. Derived from the Latin word “bright”. Saint Luke– patron of doctors, artists and creative people.

Not only names sound interesting and poetic in Lithuania, which fully reflect richest cultural traditions of the people, but also surnames. Their endings depend on the gender of the resident of this Baltic country, but Lithuanians have not recently had patronymics. Russians or Ukrainians who have received Lithuanian citizenship are also deprived of their father's name.

All Lithuanian female names They are divided into native national ones and those borrowed from other languages ​​and cultures. Ancient folk names mainly go back to pagan times, when names were common nouns and were formed from the names of natural phenomena, or environment(Autra – “dawn”, Vaiva – “rainbow”). Unlike male Lithuanian names, among female ones a sufficient number of names of pagan goddesses from Baltic myths have been preserved: Milda - the goddess of love, Alge - an angel, messenger of the gods, life, Jurate - the sea. These names are “living” and are actively used at the present time.

In the 14th century, Christianity came to Lithuania, and most of the country's inhabitants became Catholics. The list of female Lithuanian names is replenished with religious names from the Catholic calendar, names from the Old and New Testaments: Greek, Latin, Hebrew. Some of them took a slightly different form under the influence of the Lithuanian language: She - derived from the Hebrew name Anna (“grace”), Yanina – from the masculine Yang (Hebrew – John, “mercy of God”), Daiva – from the masculine Hebrew David (“beloved "), Agne - from the Greek Agnes ("pure, immaculate"), Marite - from the Hebrew Maria ("lady").

Among the Lithuanian names for girls, there are many borrowed from other countries, languages ​​and cultures and derivative forms formed from them, which become new names for Lithuanians. For example, Aldona is a derivative of the German name Adele (“noble”), Camile is from the Latin Camilla (“temple servant”). The name Regina – “queen” – came to Lithuania from Latin, from Russian – Victoria (“winner”), from French – Paulina (“little”), from Arabic – Khana (“happiness”).

A separate group consists of “Baltic” names, equally popular in the Baltic countries - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia: Sanita - “sunny bunny”, Ilze - the Baltic analogue of the Jewish name Elizabeth (“patient”), Irma - “fair”, Irena - the Baltic form Greek name Irina (“calm”).

Beautiful Lithuanian names for women

Beautiful Lithuanian names for girls often indicate qualities and character traits that parents would like to instill in their daughter along with the name: Jadwiga - “fighting”, Rimante - “calm”, Giedre - “serene”, Yumante - “insightful”, Vitalia - “ vital”, Grazyna – “graceful”. Wanting to emphasize the beauty and tenderness of a girl, they choose a name for her derived from flowers, plants, beautiful objects - Ramune - “daisy”, Egle - “fir-tree”, Roger - “rose”, Gintare - “amber”.

Popular female Lithuanian names

Lithuanians try to choose sonorous, beautiful Lithuanian female names with meaning for their daughters, so such options as Ieva (the Lithuanian form of the Hebrew name Eva - “life”), Yurte - “self-confident”, Vilte - “hope”, Daina - “song”, Goda – “dream”, Ugne – “fire”. Of the original national names, Migle - “fog”, Rasa - “dew”, Lina - “flax, thread” are also in demand.

The popularity of the names of characters from ancient Baltic myths is growing: Austeya - the goddess of bees, Danuta - the moon, Gabia - fire, Laima - happiness, Saule - the daughter of the supreme god. Some European Christian names of different origins are common: Latin Emilia - “rival, not inferior”, Greek Sophia - “wise”, German Amelia - “hardworking”, Hebrew Leia - “tired”.

Modern traditions

Modern names of Lithuanian women are ancient national and borrowed Christian pan-European names of various origins. Lithuanians try not to deviate from ancient naming customs, actively using native Lithuanian names with a centuries-old history.

Beautiful male and female Lithuanian names are considered one of the most beautiful and poetic. They have a unique sound and surprisingly deep meaning. Dovydas, Saulius, Diepa, Dauta, Laima - you can enjoy the pronunciation of these beautiful names for an eternity. All of them are pleasant to the ear.

The meaning of Lithuanian names and surnames is no less attractive than their sound. It reflects all the richness of the culture and centuries-old traditions of this people. Most names denote personal qualities inherent in a person. Some correspond to the names of plants and animals. Many of the popular female Lithuanian names have meanings related to various phenomena nature and heavenly bodies. In addition, children are often named according to the calendar, in accordance with the Catholic calendar.

How to choose a Lithuanian name for a boy or girl

When choosing modern Lithuanian names for boys and girls, several factors must be taken into account. First of all, it's the sound. It should be beautiful, sophisticated and non-trivial. Don't forget about the meaning of the name. The character and future success of the child depends on him. It is also worth inquiring about the suitability of the chosen female or male Lithuanian name for the child. If desired, you can also carry out numerological calculations.

People who observe religious traditions can give their child a beautiful Lithuanian name for a girl or boy from church calendar. As for those who are interested in the history of their people, they should think about naming the newborn in honor of the great princes. With such a name, the child will surely have an extraordinary future.

List of modern Lithuanian names for boys

  1. Algis. From the Old German "spearman"
  2. Gustas. Male Lithuanian name which means = "desired"
  3. Dovmont. From Lithuanian "very smart"
  4. Caius. Translated into Russian it means “to rejoice”
  5. Matas. Variant of the name Matvey = “gift of Yahweh”
  6. Mantas. Lithuanian boy name meaning "smart" or "treasure"
  7. Bag. Translated into Russian it means “bear”
  8. Neman. Corresponds to the name of the river
  9. Noyus. Lithuanian boy name corresponding to the biblical name Noah

List of the most beautiful Lithuanian names for girls

  1. Austeya. Name of the female deity of bees from Lithuanian mythology
  2. Gabia. Lithuanian girl name meaning "to protect"
  3. Of the year. Translated into Russian it means “dream”
  4. Daina. From Lithuanian "song"
  5. Lyme. Lithuanian female name meaning "happiness"
  6. Roger. Translated into Russian it means “rose”
  7. Saule. Interpreted as "sun"
  8. Unge. Lithuanian girl name which means = "fire"
  9. Vite. Translated into Russian it means “hope”

The most popular male and female Lithuanian names

  • Currently, the most popular are men's Lithuanian names, like Matas, Lukas and Dovydas.
  • In addition, boys are often called Yokubas, Kayus, Noyus, Mantas and Dominicas.
  • As for the most common female names, they include Emilia, Ugne, Gabia, Austeya, Camile, Urte and Gabriele.

The list of Lithuanian male names consists of native national and foreign names of various origins, borrowed from other nations. Almost all borrowed names, under the influence of the norms of the Lithuanian language, took a different form and became “Lithuanian”.

The ancient names of Lithuanians go back to pre-Christian times, when the people professed pagan traditions and beliefs. Due to the fact that the process of Christianization began late in the country, many names from that era have been preserved and are actively used today. Pagan names were diverse and had a common noun character: they were formed from any object in the environment. The name could be the name of animals, birds and plants (Linas - “flax”, Apas - “eagle”), natural phenomena, occupation (Dzhurgis - “peasant”). Sometimes the names were in the nature of nicknames, which were given to the child for his expressed external feature or a character trait (Kupros - “hunchbacked”, Dovmont - “very smart”). Some names owe their origin to the myths of the Baltic peoples (for example, Aitvaras - the spirit of the fiery serpent in Lithuanian mythology).

National Lithuanian male names were formed from several bases: -kant (patient), -vil (hope), -gail (pity), -taut (people), -min (thought). Sometimes the name was one-part or two-part, depending on the number of stems (two-part: Tautvilas - “the hope of the people”, one-part: Mindaugas - “thinking a lot”).

In the 14th century, Catholicism and Christian European names came to Lithuania: Jewish, Greek, Latin, Roman. The names of saints and biblical names were adapted to the Lithuanian language: Mykolas - Nikolai, Juozas, Juozepas - Joseph, Andrius - Andrey, Antanas - Anthony. Religious names are still actively used today.

In the Lithuanian name book, in addition to Christian ones, there are many names borrowed from other peoples, which also changed. First of all, the ending of the name was changed to the traditional Lithuanian -as, -us, less often - -yus, -is, -yas. These are names with Germanic roots (Carlos - from the German Karl, “man”, Vilhelmas - Wilhelm, “helmet”, Herkus - Heinrich, “housekeeper”), English (Arturas - Arthur, “bear”), Slavic (Bronius, Bronislavas - Bronislav, “glorious in battle”), Greek (Leonas - Leon, “lion”), Latin (Vincentas - Vincent, “victorious”), Hebrew (Arunas - Hebrew Aaron, “mountain of light”), Arabic (Aivaras - from Arabic Aivar, "beautiful as the moon").

Over time, some borrowed names formed new ones through abbreviation: for example, from the ancient German name Arnold (“strength of the eagle”) the derivative Arnas came, which became an independent Lithuanian name.

Beautiful male names of Lithuanians

The beautiful ancient names of Lithuanian princes are still used in the country - they are incredibly noble and have a strong meaning: Gedeminas - “under the protection of God”, Radvila - “one who found hope”, Jogaila - “strong horseman”.

The list of male names of Lithuanians also contains many wish names, sonorous and symbolic: Ramunas - “calm”, Zhiedrius - “serene”, Aldzhis, Aldzhimas - “rich”, Prankiskus - “free”, Alvydas - “all-seeing”.

Popular male Lithuanian names

Among the popular Lithuanian names for boys, a significant share is occupied by Christian European names of various origins, converted in the “Lithuanian” way: Jewish Adomas (Adam), Matas (Matvey), Noyus (Noah), Davidas (David), Gabrielius (Gabriel) - the European form named Gabriel, Danielius (Daniel), Greek Lucas - derived from Luke, Latin Emilius (Emil) - “stubborn”, Dominicas (Dominic) - “lord”.

Of the national names, the most common are Mantas - “treasure”, Meshka - “bear”, Kayus - “rejoice”, as well as Baltic names used in the Baltic countries - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia: Gustas - from the Lithuanian “taste, desire”, Valdis – “ruler”, Alnis – “spearman”, Liepa – “born in July”.

Modern traditions

Among modern Lithuanian male names one can find both ancient national names and familiar Christian names that came to the country many centuries ago and adapted to the Lithuanian language. When choosing names for boys, Lithuanians try to adhere to established traditions.
