What goals should you set if you don’t want anything? Why is it so important to remember and fulfill your dream? Need a team and partners

Such thoughts arose because the topic is now being actively promoted - to live for oneself, self-realization, fulfilling one's dreams... and everything like that. But I just can’t come up with a dream for myself, and the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcoming up with a dream is at least strange for me. A dream arises, inspires... you can’t pull it by the ear.

And here I am standing among people who are running and doing something towards their dreams. But I don’t run or do anything, because I don’t know what I want. They come up to me and ask, why are you standing? Why aren't you doing anything? No dreams? This means you are not living correctly, you cannot live without a dream, this is bad. It means you are traumatized or unhappy if you don’t have a dream. But I just don’t have it. If there are people around me who dream of a home, family and children, I also begin to want this with them. And then a person appears who doesn’t want anything like that, but on the contrary dreams of living freely, hitchhiking around the world... and I already want to live the same way, and I no longer need a family and a home. And if I’m left alone, then I don’t want anything like that at all, I’m happy with everything as it is. And in general, I ALWAYS feel good, interesting, comfortable alone - I am in a state of peace. And then some generator with shining eyes bursts in, infects me with ideas, and I’m already racing with him in full sail towards his dreams!) And apparently for me this is normal. And it’s good and always pleasant for me to help, guide and support, not to let me lose heart. True, I usually always remain in the shadows, like an eminence grise that no one sees. And those around me do not understand my role; it seems to them that I myself am worthless and have achieved nothing. Those who are nearby, they are great, they have a dream and they achieve something. But you (as they tell me) do not strive for anything, achieve nothing and therefore are worth nothing. This is insulting and unpleasant. Although, those whom I help are of course grateful to me and understand and appreciate my role. But from the outside I always look like a useless element and a free addition to what has become successful person. Like this back side medals.)

Regarding dreams and “why am I here”, well, even the projector)) and I would say - especially the projector and even the projector with an open ji still has its own Incarnation Cross, Profile, Lunar Nodes, which in a sense reflect the path of life, trajectory of movement. Those. your destiny, “dream”, and a unique dream, already exists, they are already written. Even if you don’t yet see how it all unfolds in your life.

And yes, of course, Open Ego - you sense other people's goals without having your own. And yes - Open G - you feel the direction of other people without having your own. Open Emotional Center - you feel the desires and needs of other people without having your own. Open Parietal - you feel the mental interests of other people without having your own. Etc.
Yes, it is easy to be carried away by the existence of another person. But it is very important that it is the right one. And so that he sees the value that just your presence in his life represents. Do the people you help see this? Do they appreciate you?)

Regarding decisions. The conversation can be with one person, and it can even be on Skype or over the phone. Why not? And one more nuance that may help. On the Sun/Earth side of Design, you have the 1st tone. This is your cognitive feeling, the basis on which your Inner Authority works (well, which formally does not exist, but in some sense it also exists)). 1st tone is SMELL. Literally, what you smell, what you are able to smell in a person, in a situation, can help you make the right decision FOR YOURSELF. And when you think about and talk through the question, you can literally smell what feels unsafe about the situation/person. Maybe if you want to try to pay attention to this, it can become some kind of support for research in this matter. Smell, smell...

Anastasia Anesti, Marina Ivanova

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Elena December 24, 2019
List of 100 wishes.:
5 / 5 (3 votes)

We have combined experience to provide maximum benefit. This is an important exercise.

People who regularly achieve their goals are winners. Their distinguishing feature is the habit of thinking and structuring your life. They regularly plan and schedule their implementation: for a week, for a month, for six months and a year. This skill does not come immediately - it requires attention and work.

If you think you are not on schedule, then your schedule is simply poorly planned. Or well planned, but not by you.

Planning is not difficult to learn. The main thing is that the plan contains desired goals. Let's look at a technique for creating a list of your true 100 desires.

What is “100 wishes”

The “100 Desires” technique is an exercise for identifying desires and goals. You make a detailed wish list and choose the strongest ones from it. And then it’s easy for you to make a list of goals and priorities for the next month, six months and year. Alternative names for the exercise: “108 desires”, “10 cherished desires and places”, “Checklist 101 desires”.

After completing the “My 100 Desires” technique, perhaps for the first time, you will discover how versatile your interests are. See how contradictory your desires are: “Earn money for an apartment,” “Work 4 hours a week,” “Buy a BMW,” “Become an entrepreneur.” Without a plan - what to implement and in what sequence - it is difficult to coordinate everything and not end up in a dead end.

This exercise will help you make an internal decision about what is more important to you.: “Save money for a house” or “Travele around Asia and work a flexible schedule.” Often, people want both, but here they need to choose: adventure or saving money.

This exercise is very indicative for women and men who rarely fulfill their desires. After writing a list of 30–50 desires, their imagination is deflated and generates new desires with great strain. This suggests that they have forgotten how to desire. They rarely realize even simple dreams - their appetite is dulled. Exercise will help warm it up.

Getting ready to make a list

Find a comfortable place. Do not be distracted by sounds, active movement around, or obsessive thoughts. This could be a yoga and meditation room, a remote lawn in a park, a table in a quiet coffee shop, or a calm environment in the office.

For one and a half to two hours turn off your phone, close your laptop, be alone with yourself. You can turn on some nice music.

I like to write early in the morning, before breakfast.
I feel comfortable in silence. This is how honesty comes into play. By listening to my deepest desires, I understand what I really want.
I also choose my pen carefully. I love to have fun while recording.

And I only make a list in a cozy coffee shop.

If you're feeling down, meditate, make yourself some tea, and watch a movie. You can't wish for anything good in such a mood. In a state of stress, you will want to add the desire to “get rid of it” to the list - this is an unproductive motivation.

You need a state without fear, when the mind is clear and calm. Choose a day when you feel pleasant or inspired. Then you will pour out on the diary paper your “wishes for” what you want to gain, and not get rid of. Motivation “K” is more productive and enjoyable.

How to write a list of 100 wishes

Take some sheets and a pen, write questions as a prompt for generating ideas:

  • What do I want to do?
  • What do I want to try?
  • What do I want to learn?
  • What are my material desires?
  • What do I want to change?
  • What cool wishes would I make come true?

Write down your wishes, 20 answers to each question. If some item requires more or less answers, don’t worry. Accuracy is not a mandatory rule; it is more important to get into the flow and write what comes to mind and from the heart. Write down your cherished, unusual and alternative desires on a piece of paper.

Put everything on the list as it goes, do not rank items by importance. If, after wishing “I want to plant a rose bush,” “I want to live in Australia for a year” comes to mind, that’s normal.

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, put this on your couple's wish list. And be sure to add the wording of one or two interesting or even crazy desires for your loved one.

Don't be afraid to write stupid things. An absurd, but long-cherished desire came to mind - write! Have you ever wanted to stand on stilts and walk around the central square of your city? Be sure to put this on your hundred wish list.

Once upon a time we wrote “delusional” desires: “Live in India”, “Visit Chile”, “Fly to hot-air balloon" The time has come:

It helps to put shame aside. Perhaps you have unfulfilled sexual desires that you are afraid to admit to yourself. This is exactly the case when they need to be written. No one will read the list except you, and by writing your dream on paper, you will get a chance to meet a person with the same interests.

Be honest with yourself.

One of the items on my wish list is: “I want to do an interview.” This is an arrogant desire. To give an interview, you need to be interesting to someone.

I honestly admit that my knowledge is not yet enough to say a new word, but I still want it. I am confident that this approach will help me achieve my goal.

After making your wish list, take a break. Exercise will not only bring together what you want, but will also discard what is unnecessary. The method is useful not only for girls; men and women do not need to be shy about writing their desires.

Go through what you wrote and next to each item put a score from 10 to 0, where:

  • 10 is an extremely important and exciting desire. An example is to pay off a monetary debt. You are tormented by debt, you sleep poorly and are nervous about it. You can give 10 points.
  • 0 – an insignificant desire, the implementation of which will not change life. Example - “I want an iPhone X instead of an iPhone 7.” While you wait to buy Model X, the next one will go on sale. Updating your gadget won't make your life better.

Desires with scores of 10 and 9 are the most important for you at this stage. Highlight them with a marker, write them down in a diary, or stick them on the refrigerator. Your wishlist/wishlist is ready.

There are specific desires, but difficult to fulfill. They also need to be written down, they summarize your desires, and you can see the main line of your development from them.

Publish books! I'm afraid to admit to myself that I want this. It sounds so ambitious. But surprisingly, as soon as I wrote by hand how many books I want to publish, when and which ones, I dotted the i’s - the goal seemed not so difficult to me.

Bring your vision of your perfect day to life. Three sheets of description of my ideal life in 10 years. I am a dad there, an expert, an investor, a company founder, and even the author of two best-selling books. Plus an airplane pilot. Most of my list of dreams and things to do has been formed in pieces over the years of working with a list of 100 wishes. This cannot be written in 15 minutes.

Repeat the 100 wishes exercise every year, preferably on the same days. The reason may be New Year, Birthday, even on the new moon.

Visualization of desires works well for girls - a map of the main desires is drawn up with pictures and handwritten inscriptions. Women live more with their hearts, visualizing the list - it is easier for them to hear the internal response. This allows you to check whether good wishes are written or whether stereotypes have jumped to the surface.

I write down my wishes once every 3-6 months, usually upon arrival in a new country. Once I get used to it, see what I can do on the spot, I’ll make a list.

Save your 100 wishes. If not the original, then a digital version on your computer. After 6 months, review the list and cross off what has been completed. Come back to the list in another six months and cross them off again. Write out the remaining goals again, adding new desires.

Why do you need to practice 100 desires and goals?

Exercise gives impetus to development and self-realization. While your desires rest in your mind and not on paper, they seem unrealizable and disordered. Sometimes they are simply forgotten. After writing them, you will understand that there is nothing complicated.

Keeping goals in mind is not always practical. It is better to choose the 10 most important and remember them. Let the paper remember the rest. Use your memory for something else. And if you have nothing to give to paper, isn’t life too meager?

Six months from now, when you look at your 100 wishes, you will notice that many of them have come true. This means you are on the right path to happiness and self-realization.

On my list, the main goals are related to the development of this site. I write them down and remember them. The remaining 30–50 small desires to try something new and unusual are waiting for their time. I’m walking in a new city and see a crossfit gym – it’s on the list. In a week I’m already working out.

With the help of the 100 wishes practice, you can track the speed of achieving your goals.

I have 100 wish lists in my notebook since 2012. Reviewing them, I see cross-sections of “myself”: what I wanted, what I was striving for, and what infuriated me.

A few years later, it’s interesting to see what I sold, what fell away, what I had to work hard to acquire. The dynamics are visible. I wanted to work 1–2 hours a day, now I want 4–6 hours. Valuable information about yourself.

101 wishes for December 2019, preparing goals for 2020:

Transferring wishes from the list into your life

People think that if they are active and busy, they will realize something important in their lives. But it’s worth asking: “What useful things have you done in Last year? – it turns out that not so much, and maybe nothing at all.

Exploring one's true desires is burdensome for those with little self-confidence. Without knowing their desires, they act to their detriment and neglect themselves.

100 wish list will make you reconsider life priorities and find your talents in other unexpected areas. It happens that a person sits in the office at the computer and dreams of creative work. On his list of 100 wishes for life, there is not a single one that relates to his current job. Instead, I discovered a desire to create silver jewelry. Having written it down on paper in a diary, he compares the “current self” and the “ideal self.” Inspired to change, he takes a jewelry making course.

To avoid being among people who seem energetic and purposeful, do the practice of 100 wishes every six months to a year. Review your desires and live what is important to you. And cross out imposed dreams.

The “Wheel of Life Balance” exercise test will help you find a problematic area of ​​your life.

See what kind of desires there are and warm up your imagination using lists of examples: 20 goals, 25 goals, 50 goals and 100 goals of a person in life.

Make a list of your 100 wishes– take a step towards discovering your main purpose in life.

As a child I loved reading myths Ancient Greece- they had a lot of fabulous, but very believable, and in general, the name itself was inviting: after all, not fairy tales, but myths. By the way, about myths from Wikipedia: Myth(ancient Greek μῦθος) in literature - a legend that conveys people’s ideas about the world, man’s place in it, the origin of all things, about Gods and heroes; a certain idea of ​​the world.

What happens? A myth is not a fairy tale, but what we think and what we are guided by in our lives. Well, who else but me should talk a little about dreams, because at BogushTime Technologies everything starts with a dream. I know that “among the people” there are many different interpretations and beliefs about dreams, I know not from books, but from communicating with real living people who are constantly faced with internal barriers that prevent them from moving forward and achieving their goals. And so, let's look at the main common opinions.

1. Before you dream, think, what if it comes true?
Will the truth suddenly come true? And then, like one of the heroes of “Stalker,” you will be ashamed of yourself: it seems like you went for happiness, but got a bag of money... I don’t even know how I can evaluate this myth, whether it is useful or harmful? I think it depends on the person himself: if a person is cheerful and responsible, then he will accept this opinion as another reason to take his actions seriously, and if he is an intimidated pessimist, then he has an excellent opportunity to intelligently justify his fear of getting out of his usual box established social standards.

2. Dreams come true, you just need to stop wanting.
Oh, this is just a treasure for lazy people with a heightened sense of self-worth. Can you imagine how cool it is: you sit, do nothing and say, “no need to strain, go with the flow of life, and you will get everything on its own...” But if you didn’t get it, there is also an excuse: “you never bothered.” ..” And you always look good... in your own eyes, because there is no one left nearby, everyone has run forward.

3. Everything that exists in this world was once a dream.
Yes Yes Yes! And again YES! By the way, let's turn to Wikipedia again:
A dream is a cherished desire, an idealized goal that promises happiness.

4. Dreams come true, the main thing is to believe in them.
“So-so”... So-so, neither fish nor meat. Again, it depends on the person whether he takes this for himself as an inspiring rule, or as a justifying principle, like “sit, pray, wait - it will come running.” I don't believe in that.

5. Fulfilling your dreams will definitely bring pain.
Well, I don’t even know what to say! Who said such stupidity, why did he say it (maybe he made a bad joke)? But who is the “infection” that spreads this infection? I think this is a motto for losers who can’t come up with a dream for themselves, grab someone else’s, and then suffer from disappointment. Well, it’s clear: how can you be happy from achieving someone else’s dream! And I also think that this may be an echo of the eternal theme of “fathers and children,” when parents impose their dreams on their children, and they then suffer from the fact that they do not live their own lives and do not go towards their goals.

6. If you have a dream, you definitely have the opportunity to make it come true.
I'm ready to agree. At least you will never be bored with this approach to life!

7. Dreams come true, but happiness does not last long.
But you know - I agree! Because without the next dream it quickly becomes boring... To a normal person. But some people also use this idea more as an excuse for inaction, have you noticed? And in general, according to my observation, the ability to dream is very closely related to the ability to be creative.

8. You need to dream big.
Don't worry! Who knows how great it all is. And who will tell you this? Many “great” things began with small things. Dream and that's it!

9. Making your dreams come true can cost your life.
Certainly! After all, sometimes achieving a dream can take your whole life, it’s true. But for those who use such expressions to intimidate you, send them away.

10. Success begins with a childhood dream.
Yes, I noticed that those whose parents did not stop them from dreaming in childhood move faster. It also happens that a dream in childhood was so strong that a person “rushes like a tank,” sweeping away all obstacles. I want to warn you that we don’t really like such people, we admire the results, but we don’t love them for their character, which is most often bad. But I must note that it is better to have a bad character plus success than just to have a bad character.

Well, here is a little reflection on the ideas about the Dream that I got from the Internet. I want to sum it up.

We often don't pay attention to what ideas are swirling around us, don't analyze them and don't think about their impact on us. But it’s not for nothing that they say: if you want to be successful, communicate with successful people. Do you know why? Because IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD. Words create reality for a person; words “program” us, no matter how aware we are of their impact. Remember, someone told you that you “always...” or “never...”, and you already carry these words with you throughout life, in full confidence that this is about you.

It’s the same with common opinions about something: you don’t seem to listen to them, but “a sediment remains.” And therefore my advice to you: choose for yourself only what works for you, making you more successful and happy, because the Dream is about happiness! Who among you doesn’t want to be happy?

05/24/2016 at 01:18

In the article you will learn:

Hello, my darlings.

June is with you and I’m in a great mood right now, because today I’ll tell you how to make a bucket list (or in other words, a dream list), as well as I'll give you 100 wishes on my list, of course, it was possible to make a list of 10 wishes, but I’m used to thinking on a huge scale! If you want to achieve a lot in this life then think and dream big, Stretch your brains! I advise you to start by learning how to correctly formulate your desires, because this information will be useful for you to make a better list.

Make a wish list

People's dreams are very diverse. It depends on individuality, fleeting moods and other factors. Therefore, everyone has different ways of making a wish list, I will tell you about my method. I like to divide my dream and wish list into several categories:

You can also divide your wish list into expensive dreams, moderately expensive and relatively cheap. This will make it easier to plan their execution.

Don't forget, dreams don't come true, they are made true!

You don’t just have to wait for them to be fulfilled, you need to plan who, how and when can execute them and how much money it will all cost.

Share your dreams

Before you start making a wish list, you need to understand what are my dreams, and what dreams are not mine. Simply put, you need to get rid of all the dreams imposed by society/friends/family that you have warmed up in your head, but which are not your dreams.

I very clearly separate my dreams from those of others. My dream is to work all day without wasting energy, my boss’s dream is for me to do my best for three people :) Guess whose dream is more feasible. So throw away all dreams that are not yours and think, think, think, what YOU want!

My dreams - a list of 100 wishes

In the list I will give 100 wishes that belong to me and no one else. As time goes forward, I will add to these wishes, so that in one day there will be more than 100 of them :) I will also sign which of these dreams have already come true. Some of them are professional, others are just interesting— they cover different areas. So feel free to take ideas for your list from this article!

So, dear ones, my dreams:

  1. Read 7 Game of Thrones books - all purchased and read by May 2016
  2. Having passed the driving test, the only thing left to pass is winter driving.
  3. Ride a camel.
  4. Ride a horse.
  5. Go diving.
  6. Visit a glass igloo in Lapland — went with a friend in 2012.
  7. Machu Picchu.
  8. Stonehenge.
  9. Drink sake.

    Find out what ways can help you materialize your dreams (of any complexity).

  10. Watch the sakura blossom.
  11. See a kangaroo live — I was in a zoo in Hungary and there you are allowed to get close to the kangaroos :) Just half a meter away there were kangaroos with baby kangaroos in their bellies.
  12. Visit the carnival in Rio.
  13. Climb onto the bridge near the pier in Sydney.
  14. A trip to the voyage.
  15. Visit the Great Wall of China.
  16. Walk under Madagascar's ancient baobab trees.
  17. Professional PRO 183 cm Super Strong Tripod With Deluxe Soft Tripod Carrying Case For The Canon EOS REBEL 70D, T5i (EOS 700D), G16 Digital SLR Camera - £30 - bought
  18. Buy Canon EOS 700D Digital SLR Camera (EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM Lens, 18 MP, CMOS Sensor, 3 inch LCD) - just £420. — bought
  19. Buy a Jacuzzi - somewhere around 4-6 thousand pounds.
  20. Virgin Media gym subscription - £80 / first month + £50 per month - changed my mind

    The secret is to write prices where possible. For a more realistic feeling that your desires can come true! After all, you can buy most of them, so find out in advance how much your desires will cost you!

  21. Visit the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.
  22. Massage Chair - £6,000
  23. Develop a blog to reach 10,000 readers - I hope you will help me with this!
  24. Find suitable housing to move to within 2-3 years— we found suitable areas, and we’ll find housing itself when we move.
  25. Finish university in category 1 or 2:1
  26. Visit Hungary — flew to visit a friend
  27. Netbook or tablet bought HP Blue Stream netbook 11.6 inches
  28. Change my job to one where I’m not a salesperson - otherwise I’m tired of working in stores:
  29. Get a pet snake
  30. Visit the super show "The Lion King" in London
  31. Go to karaoke with friends
  32. Master good Photoshop skills
  33. Sweet Garden Pea eau de toilette— I bought a very similar one, but better. It's called Falling Star.
  34. Ride an elephant
  35. Beautiful spacious house by the sea in a warm climate
  36. Have your own large dressing room full of beautiful things and decorations
  37. Sauna - 8000 pounds
  38. Different hair color already! dyed her hair from platinum blonde to light brown.
  39. silver ring- gave
  40. Good reliable computer - £2000

    For those interested, 1 pound is an average of 100 rubles.

  41. Buy more puzzles done, but they basically gave them to me, which is even better :)
  42. Traveling by car
  43. Write and publish a book
  44. Create a complete family tree- done, it is, of course, not the most complete. I'll add details there as I learn something new.
  45. Visit Tibet
  46. Draw 5 pictures -2 available!
  47. Get into serving
  48. Visit Australia

    What you need to do to make your wish come true:

    Read the article on what you need to do to make your wish come true. It tells you how to make collage of wishes. You can make such a collage for travel, for example. Look what I made for myself a few years ago!

  49. Session with an astrologer- as many as two. I told you about one.
  50. Work in a team with like-minded people
  51. Self defense course — 06/10/2016 You can read about the self-defense course to understand what kind of drive I experienced.
  52. Win more than £50 in the lottery
  53. Appear on TV
  54. Give a lecture— spent at the university on my stream in December 2016.
  55. Pay for parents to come to London
  56. Have a lot of peacock stuff - There’s a lot of stuff now: pens, notepads, stickers, 2 boxes, and so on.
  57. Ride a yacht
  58. Go fishing with dad
  59. Go skiing in the mountains
    ….the main thing is that you don’t hesitate to read and understand - here you can find good ideas for a birthday gift, for example, to ME:) my birthday is on June 17th, so... well, okay, you can give it to other people, I I'll survive :)
  60. Skydiving
  61. Meet the sunset - with grandma in Estonia
  62. To plant a tree
  63. Dance lessons
  64. Swim with dolphins
  65. Read 5 motivational books for 2016— “48 laws of power”, “Magic”, “Four-hour work week”, “Overwhelmed”, “Shantaram”
  66. Have a picnic - Matt and I had a little picnic on one of the hot days in England.
  67. Fly business or first class somewhere
  68. Fly a helicopter
  69. Loch Ness Lake
  70. Participate in a masquerade
  71. Write a poem, for example, like

    “My dreams” Sergei Yesenin
    My dreams rush into the distance, where screams and sobs are heard,
    To share someone else's sorrow And the torment of severe suffering.
    There I can find joy in life, rapture,
    And there, in spite of fate, I will look for inspiration.

  72. Learn basic deaf language
  73. Unusual wedding (hmm, Scottish style?)
  74. Work at a job that I like
  75. Professional photo shoot
  76. Visit Disneyland
  77. Have a sushi brunch — with Eida in Regent`s park
  78. Buy yourself 5 yankee candles- everything is donated
  79. Start making money blogging
  80. Draw a gift for Eide

    What else to wish for:

    Well, are you tired of reading yet? I hope you like this one 100 wish list helps with ideas for your wishes Same! Travel, books, practical things, entertainment, etc. I wish that everything will be as in the picture for you and that the opportunities for fulfillment of desires will flow like a river!
  81. Live in a 5 star hotel
  82. Live in a tent
  83. A week's train trip around Russia
  84. Visit the outskirts of the planet
  85. Knit something beautiful
  86. Ride in a limousine around the city
  87. Do yoga
  88. and meditation!
  89. Develop the Juno Blog brand
  90. Play paintball
  91. Understand political issues- I understand this whole matter much better now.
  92. I want a new pair of earrings! - and not alone...
  93. ECCO yellow sandals
  94. Take a photo in a fluffy dress
  95. Finish your dissertation
  96. Fly to Holland for a visit — 28.12.16- 04.01.17
  97. Sell ​​your paintings
  98. Live in solitude far from civilization
  99. Understand English system taxation - I've already researched everything
  100. Do floristry again

A piece of paper, a pen and colored pencils will help you make your secret dream come true. Try to keep your desire not only in your head, but also write it on paper as often as possible, and also draw different ones on the topic. For example, you dream of buying beautiful house for your family. Write a few phrases that express your desire most accurately. Here is one of the options: “I am purchasing a luxurious house that has a room for each member of my family. The house is two-story, made of red brick. There is a two-car garage next to it.” That is, the description of your desire should be as complete as possible. Next to the text, draw a house as you imagine it in your dreams.
If you are not an artist, it’s okay, the Universe will understand what you want to convey to it.

When coming up with a description of your desire, try to use words only in their positive meaning, that is, do not use the particle “not”. For example, “My house is large and spacious,” not “My house is not small or cramped.” The Universe does not perceive the particle “not” and will fulfill your desire in accordance with your request. She will understand that you are telling her: “My house is small and cramped.” As a result, the situation will be such that you will receive just such housing.

And be sure, when formulating a wish, use the phrase “For the benefit of all” at the end. The universe has a huge variety of ways to make a wish come true. But it does not distinguish between those that you would not want to implement. Therefore, show her right away that you do not want anyone to get hurt or die while realizing your dream. You want to get positive emotions from the materialization of your plans, and not mourn your loved ones.

Visualization and Meditation

During practice, nothing should distract you, so ask children and other household members not to make noise, sit quietly in the next room or take a walk.

Sit in a chair or take a horizontal position, open your palms and turn them up, place your legs parallel to each other. Concentrate all your attention on your own breathing. Gradually, you will notice how extraneous thoughts disappear, as if there is emptiness in your head. At this moment, begin to draw pictures of your desire. If you want to buy a car, imagine walking up to it, opening the door, and getting into the car. Literally physically smell it, feel the seat on your skin. In your car you can drive along city streets, go to the sea, etc. This meditation can last from 10 minutes or longer. Stay in it for as long as you want. Take your time when leaving practice. Feel your breath, feel your body, stretch and slowly open your eyes. The more often you practice visualization and meditation, the sooner the Universe will materialize your desire.
