Inconsistencies with the guest regulations for the toaster. Electric toasters household functional test methods

Inconsistency- failure to comply with requirements (GOST R ISO 9000-2001).

One type of nonconformity is defects.

Defect- failure to comply with a requirement related to the intended or established use (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). These two concepts have a common feature - failure to comply with requirements. The difference is that when defects are identified, legal liability arises if, due to their presence, the consumer cannot fully or partially use the defective product for its intended purpose. Another type of nonconformity can be considered a product shortage. This term is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

“Lack of goods (work, service)- non-compliance of a product (work, service) with the mandatory requirements provided for by law or in the manner established by it, or the terms of the contract, or the purposes for which a product (work, service) of this kind is usually used or the purposes for which the seller (performer) was informed knowledge by the consumer when concluding a contract or a sample and/or description when selling a product based on a sample.”

In standards and commodity literature, old terms are still used along with and/or instead of: defects and diseases. For example, defects and diseases of bread, defects of dishes, shoes, etc. In our opinion, it is advisable to move on to the terms regulated by GOST R ISO 9000-2001. In addition, the term “non-conformity” is regulated by the said standard.

Defects are divided according to several criteria: degree of significance, availability of methods and means for detecting them or eliminating the degree of harm caused, location of detection. The classification of defects is shown in Fig. 17.

Rice. 17. Classification of defects

By degree of significance Criteria are distinguished between critical, significant and insignificant.

Critical defects- non-compliance of goods with established requirements, which may harm the life, health, property of consumers or the environment. Products with critical defects cannot or are not economically feasible to be used for their intended purpose.

Significant defects- non-conformities that significantly affect the intended use and reliability of the goods, but do not affect safety for the consumer and/or environment.

Minor defects- inconsistencies that do not have a significant impact on the consumer properties of goods, primarily on their purpose, reliability and safety.

IN depending on the availability of detection methods and means defects are divided into obvious, for which detection methods and means are provided, and hidden, for which detection methods and means are not provided or their use is impractical.

IN depending on the availability of methods and means of elimination Defects are divided into removable and irreparable.

Removable defects- defects, after elimination of which the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Fatal defects- defects that are impossible or economically unprofitable to eliminate.

IN depending on the degree of harm caused distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable defects.

Acceptable defects- defects that impair the quality of goods, but the goods do not lose their safety.

Unacceptable defects - inconsistencies that cause a decrease in the quality level for a certain quality gradation or loss of safety.

IN depending on the place of origin All defects are conventionally divided into technological, pre-sales and post-sales.

Technological defects- defects caused by deficiencies in the design and/or development of products, raw materials, non-compliance or imperfection of production processes. These defects are a consequence of insufficient management and quality control during the production of products. The receipt of goods with technological defects in trade indicates an unsatisfactory organization of acceptance control by the manufacturer, supplier and seller.

If technological defects during acceptance were hidden, then within 4 months. the seller can make claims against the supplier. So, in the above example with hidden forms bombing, commodity experts after the manifestation of this technological defect must file a claim with the supplier.

If, upon acceptance, technological defects were obvious, but were not detected or recorded, and a batch with such defects was accepted by a commodity expert or a financially responsible person without notifying the manufacturer and supplier, then after the expiration of the period stipulated by the Instructions for Acceptance of Consumer Goods for Quality, present claims are impossible.

Pre-implementation defects arise during transportation, storage, preparation for sale or sale of goods.

Goods that have unacceptable technological or pre-sale defects are not subject to sale.

Post-implementation defects arise during storage, operation or use of goods by the consumer. The causes of these defects may be:

Violation by the consumer of the rules of operation, storage, transportation or consumption;

Manifestation of hidden technological or pre-sales defects.

In the first case, the consumer has the right to make a claim if the rules of operation, storage, transportation or consumption were not communicated to him in an appropriate manner. If there is sufficient information about such rules (for example, using operational documents or labeling), claims caused by the appearance of post-sale defects due to the fault of the consumer will not be accepted.

If hidden defects of goods appear through no fault of the consumer, the seller is obliged to either eliminate the defects at his own expense, or replace the defective product with a non-defective one, or return the amount of money paid by the consumer. In this case, the consumer has the right to claim compensation for material and moral damage. The rights of consumers and the responsibility of manufacturers and sellers are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

It should be borne in mind that the occurrence of post-sale defects may depend on the lack or nature of information provided to the consumer by the manufacturer or supplier. If this information is incomplete, unreliable or completely absent, the manufacturer and/or seller must bear responsibility for defects during operation. The consumer may not be required to know the operating rules if he is not provided with the relevant information (for example, information that the sole of a particular shoe model is not intended to be worn at temperatures below -25 0 C).

However, if such information is provided to the consumer in the form of operational documents, labeling and other means, in the event of defects, the purchaser of the goods must prove that the operation was carried out in accordance with the established conditions (for example, the conditions and periods of storage of food products, the water temperature during washing and ironing).

The likelihood of defects occurring at different stages of the technological cycle of product distribution requires the implementation of traceability of goods, as well as actions to prevent and eliminate defects. In GOST R ISO 9000-2001 “Quality management systems. Fundamentals and Vocabulary” defines such actions and shows their relationship (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Interrelation of actions to prevent or eliminate nonconformities

Preventive Action- action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other potentially undesirable situation (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). An example of preventive actions can be operational quality control during the production of products, commodity control over conditions and shelf life, provision of information to the consumer about the rules of operation of goods or contraindications for use, protective devices in case of violations of the production regime or operating conditions.

Corrective Action- action taken to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). Unlike preventive actions, corrective actions are aimed at preventing the recurrence of nonconformity if it is detected. Thus, when technological defects are identified, changes are made to the corresponding production operations. If defects in goods are detected during storage, corrective actions are aimed at changing the conditions and terms. Corrective actions are aimed at eliminating the causes of already existing and detected nonconformities. The logical conclusion of corrective actions is the elimination of the detected nonconformity - correction, which, unlike corrective actions, is not intended to identify the causes.

Correction- action taken to eliminate the detected nonconformity (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). Correction is carried out in combination and as a subsequent operation of corrective actions, since without detecting inconsistencies it is impossible to eliminate them. Correction may include rework and reduction in gradation . Rework - action taken in relation to nonconforming products to bring them into conformity with requirements that differ from the original ones. In domestic practice, along with the term “remaking”, which is used mainly for non-food products (alteration of clothing, hats), for food products in practice and in regulatory documents the term “re-industrial use” is more often used. An example of such use is the production of new types of products from so-called substandard or non-standard raw materials. Any product that is conditionally suitable for use, as well as semi-finished and finished products of inadequate quality identified during the control of certain production operations, can be reworked.

A type of rework is a repair, which differs from it in that during its implementation it is possible to influence not the entire product, but only those parts (parts, elements) that do not meet the requirements. Repair - action taken on nonconforming product to make it acceptable for its intended use. Thus, when purchasing clothes, a consumer with a non-standard figure can make repairs by changing the length, volume of the product, or individual parts. Repairs are carried out for most non-food products, except disposable ones, as well as household chemicals and perfumes and cosmetics. The possibility and necessity of eliminating post-sale defects during the operation of such goods led to the emergence of a corresponding service sector, as well as the production and sale of goods for repair (apartments, cars, household appliances, clothing, shoes, etc.).

Gradation reduction- changing the gradation of non-conforming products so that they meet requirements different from the original ones (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). We discussed these actions in detail earlier when outlining acceptable And unacceptable defects.

Disposal of non-conforming products- actions in relation to nonconforming products taken to prevent its original intended use (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). This standard specifies that disposal may be by recycling or destruction. Russian regulatory documents (Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, “On the Quality of Food Products”, SanPiN, etc.) stipulate that disposal is carried out by destruction and is applied to products that are dangerous or unsuitable for further use. For example, disposable goods (dishes, tablecloths, linen, syringes) are subject to recycling And etc.) or dangerous (harmful) goods for humans and/or the environment (for example, rotten, moldy food products, goods with a high content of toxic elements, etc.).

Nonconforming products do not include products that have a variance or deviation.

Permission to Reject- permission to use or release products that do not meet established requirements (GOST R ISO 9000-2001). Generally, a waiver applies to the supply of products that have already been produced for the specified agreed upon time and quantity limits for that product. Permissions may be regulated in contracts, supply agreements, additional agreements and other technical documents. When selling such products, information about the presence of deviations and permissions for them must be communicated to all participants in the technological cycle of product distribution.

Permission to retreat- permission to use and release products with deviations from the original established requirements for products before their production. This permit can be regulated in regulatory documents, although GOST R ISO 9000-2001 indicates that such a permit is issued for a limited number of products or period, as well as for a specific use. In fact, permissible deviations from the nominal values ​​of the indicator can be considered permission to retreat. Products of a lower quality grade also essentially have a waiver.

The main difference between a deviation permit and a deviation permit is that the former is given for products that have not yet been produced and can be provided for at the stages of product development or concluding contracts.

If there are permissions for deviation or deviation, as well as for rework, products can be released and sold. It is necessary to clarify the difference between the terms “release” and “sale”, which are widely used in technological, commodity and legal practice.

Release- permission to proceed to the next stage of the process. Release can be given after certain technological operations or completion of production and receipt of finished products, as well as at subsequent stages of commodity stages. For example, in trade, it is commodity experts who release goods for sale after identifying compliance and/or eliminating inconsistencies by sorting or sorting goods.

Implementation- these are the actions of transferring goods from the manufacturer or seller to the purchaser. Sales should only be made of goods that meet established requirements or have permission to deviate or deviate. Therefore, implementation is preceded by actions to establish compliance and/or non-conformity, as well as subsequent actions with non-conforming products.

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GOST 29119-91 (IEC 442-73)



Official publication



1. Formal decisions or agreements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on which the National Committees concerned are represented, express, as accurately as possible, the internationally agreed view on the matters under consideration.

3. In order to promote international harmonization, the IEC wishes that all National Committees adopt this standard as their national standards, as far as the conditions of each country allow. Any deviation from IEC standards must be clearly stated in the relevant national standards.


This standard was prepared by Subcommittee IEC 59B “Cooking Appliances” of Technical Committee IEC 59 “Performance Characteristics of Household Electrical Appliances”.

The first draft of this document was discussed at a meeting in Baden-Baden in 1971. As a result of this meeting, the final draft of Document 59B (Central Office) 6 was submitted to the national committees for approval under the Six Month Rule in December 1971.





South Africa



APPENDIX D Mandatory


Note: The radius of curvature should be less than 2 mm.


1. INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Electrical Industry and Instrument Making of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated October 24, 1991 No. 1644

This standard has been prepared by direct application of the international standard IEC 442-73 “Techniques for measuring characteristics electric toasters for household and similar purposes" and fully complies with it



Editor T.S. Sheko Technical editor N.S. Grishanova Corrector M.S. Kabashova Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

Ed. persons No. 02354 dated July 14, 2000. Delivered for recruitment on May 25, 2004. Signed for publication on 06/04/2004. Uel. oven l. 1.40. Academician-ed.l. 0.85.

Circulation 61 copies. C 2589. Zak. 207.

IPC Publishing House of Standards, 107076 Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. e-mail: [email protected] Typeset and printed in IPC Publishing House of Standards



Electric toasters for household purposes.

Methods for measuring the performance (IEC 442 73)

MKC 97.040.50 OKP 34 6821

Date of introduction 01/01/93


This standard applies to electric toasters for household and similar purposes (hereinafter referred to as toasters), toasters used in small hotels, cafes, and teahouses. The requirements of this standard are mandatory.


The purpose of this standard is to establish and define the essential performance characteristics of toasters for household and similar applications of interest to the consumer and to describe standard methods for measuring these characteristics.

This standard does not specify technical or safety requirements.


The following list of indicators characterizing the main operational characteristics of toasters is established: main dimensions; length of flexible cord; toaster weight;

number and dimensions of cells and surfaces of the grate and heating elements;

the force required to move the bread holder;

toast preparation time;

regulation of browning;

browning control characteristic.


Measurements of indicators, unless otherwise indicated, should be carried out under the following conditions: ambient temperature (20 + 5) °C; power consumption - nominal; there should be no draft in the room;

The device must be installed on a wooden stand, painted black, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each wall.

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1992 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 2004


The main dimensions of a toaster are length, height and width (doors, if any, must be closed), including buttons, handles, etc., measured and indicated in centimeters.


The distance between the point of entry of the cord into the toaster and the plug, including any protective device, is measured and indicated to the nearest 0.05 m.


The mass of a toaster with a flexible cord, if it is non-removable, and a fork is determined and indicated with an accuracy of 0.1 kg.


Determine and indicate the number of grid cells in which pieces of bread are placed for simultaneous browning on both sides, or the number of grid surfaces for browning pieces of bread on one side.

For each cell or surface of the lattice, the dimensions - length, height, width - are determined and indicated in millimeters. If the dimensions of the cells and surfaces of the gratings can change, then indicate maximum dimensions. In addition, the number of heating elements is determined and the dimensions are indicated - length and height in millimeters.

Determine and indicate the dimensions in millimeters of the largest piece of bread with a thickness of 10 mm, which can be easily placed in a cell or placed on the surface of a grid.

Determine and indicate the number of standard pieces of bread measuring 100 x 100 x 10 mm, browned simultaneously on both sides or only on one side, while the piece of bread is placed horizontally in the toaster, with a side equal to 100 mm.


The spring device mounted directly on the bread holder arm should be locked in its normal position. The maximum force value obtained during measurement (in Newtons) must be rounded to the nearest whole number.


Tests according to section. 11-15 are performed with white bread prepared according to the following recipe: 100 parts wheat flour, 55-60 parts water, depending on how much water the flour absorbs, 4 parts fat (peanut extract), 2.5 parts fresh yeast , 1.5 parts sugar, 2 parts salt.

All ingredients are simultaneously placed in the mixing bowl and mixed thoroughly until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl, as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. The dough should then rise for 30 minutes at a temperature of 40°C to 50°C. When the dough has risen, it is mixed again by hand for 3 minutes and divided into parts of 1250 g each. These parts of the dough are placed in tinned steel open molds with 1 mm thick walls in accordance with the requirements of Annex D. The dough should rise to approximately 2 times its original volume at a temperature of 40 °C to 50 °C. The total time from the end of mixing should not exceed 60 minutes. The bread is then baked at 230 °C for 40 minutes.

Freshly baked bread is placed for (24 + 4) hours in a cool room, protected from drafts and sun, at an ambient temperature of (20 + 2) °C and relative humidity(50 + 10)%. The bread is cut into pieces 10 mm thick. The last three pieces of each loaf are not used; the remaining pieces are placed in plastic bags.

GOST 29119-91 S. 3

Storage in plastic bags is necessary to avoid further loss of moisture, since the test period is significantly longer than the time for normal toast preparation. Storage time in bags should not exceed 8 hours.

The toasting test can be carried out with other types of white bread baked in a particular country; If more than one loaf of bread is required, then bread from the same batch and the same recipe should be used.

For all subsequent tests, pieces of bread with crusts are used. The pieces are inserted into the toaster so that they measure 100 mm in length and 100 mm in height.

Bread prepared according to the above recipe should generally rise to a height of 100mm; It is allowed to rise the bread up to 110 mm with the upper convex edge, but the degree of browning is measured only on a rectangular part of the bread measuring 100 x 100 mm.


Browning is adjusted at the medium setting or at the manufacturer's medium browning (golden brown) setting, starting from cold or after preheating if specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Carry out two cycles 1 of toasting in the toaster oven at full load, with an interval of 15 seconds or more, if recommended by the manufacturer.

In accordance with section. 14 determine the degree of browning of each piece on both sides in the second cycle. It should be 40% -60%.

If this result is not achieved, cool the appliance completely and carry out two additional cycles, adjusting the degree of browning accordingly.

If the desired result is not achieved after additional cycles, then the method of interpolating the results of the cycles is used.


Starting from cold, or after preheating if specified in the manufacturer's instructions, toast the toaster five times with a full load at intervals of 15 seconds or more if recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, the device for regulating browning is in the position specified in section. 11. This position is maintained for five cycles, unless the manufacturer's instructions indicate this.

In toasters without browning control, the toasting process is controlled and the pieces of bread are removed when the average degree of browning reaches 40% - 60%.

Toasters without browning control may require several cycles to determine when to reach medium browning.

In toasters that brown only one side at a time, the pieces of bread are turned over after the first side has browned to the desired degree.

Determine and indicate the level of browning control and amendments to it.

It is recommended to place all pieces of bread in the toaster, placing them horizontally with a side equal to 100 mm. The top edge of each piece should be marked when the toasting process is complete. The pieces of bread are placed in the same position as they would be in a toaster.


The preheat time, if necessary, and the time for each of the five cycles are determined and reported in minutes and seconds.

To present the processing results, use the table given in Appendix A.

14. UNIFORM Browning

The result of the process of making toast is expressed in the degree of browning of the pieces achieved in this process.

The degree of browning is expressed as a percentage based on the deflection of the galvanometer needle:

O% - corresponds to white color;

100% - corresponds to black color.

The device for measuring the characteristics of the degree of browning of bread must comply with that given in Appendix C.

The toasts are cooled. Measure the degree of browning on the surfaces shown in Appendix B on each side of all pieces of bread.

Indicate the maximum and minimum values ​​of the degree of browning of bread, as well as the average value for each side b avg, %, calculated by the formula

u _ b t + b 2 + b 3 + b 4

where b(, b2, />z, />4 are the degrees of browning of the pieces of bread, %, measured in 4 measuring fields of the slice, determined according to Appendix B.

To present test results under Sec. 12 use the table in Appendix A.


This is a measurement based on the conditions specified in Sect. 10-14 are performed with a sufficient number of browning control positions. Starting from cold, or after preheating if recommended by the manufacturer, run three cycles for each browning control position in the toaster oven at full load, but determine the characteristics only on the pieces of bread from the last cycle.

For each position of the browning control, determine the average value of the degree of browning when the toaster is fully loaded and present the measurement results in the form of a curve expressing (in percent) the dependence of the degree of browning of the bread on the setting of the browning control.


Installed by the manufacturer.


The type of connecting cord and method of connection to the network (removable, non-removable) with or without a cord set is determined by the manufacturer.


The type of movable bread holder provided for this appliance, such as a lifting or swinging device, is determined by the manufacturer.

Determine whether pieces of bread can be removed before the toasting process is completed, for example by stopping the mechanism manually.

Determine the distance (in millimeters) that the pieces of bread protrude beyond the toaster frame when the movable holder is in the upper position.

The braking process of the movable bread holder is controlled and indicates that pieces of bread can be removed from the toaster cell automatically or manually.

Identify and specify toast turning devices for toasters that toast one side.

GOST 29119-91 S. 5

APPENDIX A Mandatory



Piece (see drawing)

Size of browning area, mm (according to Appendix B)

Browning degree, %

Toast cooking time, min or s

Preheating time, min or s (if provided)

Same as for cycles 1 and 2

Note: The pieces of bread and their sides (A, B) are designated according to their position in the toaster, as indicated in the drawing.

APPENDIX B Mandatory


Tests are carried out on pieces of bread.

Note: To carry out the tests, the reflectometer is placed in direct contact with pieces of bread in the places indicated in Appendix B, and the deflection of the needle is determined.

Graduation. The voltage regulator is installed in such a way that the voltmeter shows the voltage required for the lamps and the desired color temperature of 2854 K can be obtained (standardized light source established by the relevant standards).

Note: The color temperature of the lamps used in the reflectometer is calibrated by the manufacturer in comparison with a special reference lamp. The supplier must specify the amperage (or voltage) at which the required color temperature is achieved.

To calibrate the reflectometer, its lamps must be energized. The circuit opens through switch 7, the instrument needle is exactly at 0%. Switch 7 closes the circuit again and after approximately 10 minutes, the white surface 4 under study is placed in direct contact with the reflectometer under the slit. Potentiometer 6 is adjusted so that the galvanometer needle deflects by 100% (white).

Reflectometer (sectional view)

1 - location of the photocell with correction of the central hole; 2 - arrangement of a lamp with a color temperature ranging from 2800 to 2900 K, painted matte white inside; 3 - scanned diaphragm, painted matte black; 4 - removable metal ring, painted matte black on the inside and matte white on the outside; 5 - intermediate asbestos ring; 6 - removable plate with hole, painted black

matte colour

The cycle includes loading the toaster, browning mode, and unloading the bread from the toaster.

  • 1. Coordination of essential terms in the documents provided for in the purchase and sale agreement or attached to it
  • 2. Agreeing on essential terms in the invoice in the absence of a sales contract
  • 1. Confiscation of goods during transportation through the fault of the seller
  • 2. Documents to be transferred along with the goods
  • 1. Consequence of establishing a period of validity in the purchase and sale agreement
  • 2. Determination of a reasonable period for fulfilling the obligation to transfer goods
  • 1. Evidence of fulfillment of the obligation to transfer goods
  • 2. Evidence of untimely transfer or non-transfer of goods
  • 3. The moment of fulfillment of the seller’s obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer
  • 1. Goods encumbered with the rights of third parties
  • 2. Consequences of the transfer of goods encumbered with the rights of third parties
  • 1. Restrictions on the application of Art. 461 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 1. Refusal to pay in case of failure to fulfill the obligation to transfer documents related to the goods
  • 2. The condition of the purchase and sale agreement on payment for goods after the transfer of documents related to it
  • 3. Collection by the buyer of payment for goods transferred without documentation
  • 4. The possibility of the buyer requesting documents related to the goods held by third parties
  • 1. Agreeing on the terms of the purchase and sale agreement on the quantity of goods
  • 2. The possibility of establishing in the sales contract a condition on a unilateral change in the quantity of goods
  • 1. The buyer’s obligation to pay for the goods transferred to him in excess
  • 2. Transfer of the risk of accidental loss of goods and the seller’s liability for shortages of goods
  • 3. The buyer’s obligation to notify the seller of the detected shortage
  • 1. Consequences of transferring goods in violation of the assortment conditions
  • 1. Restrictions on the turnover of products as a result of the issuance of acts of government bodies
  • 2. Consequences of recognizing a product as not conforming to state standards
  • 3. Evidence of the seller’s notification of the purpose of purchasing the goods
  • 4. Competition between the concepts of poor quality and incompleteness
  • 1. Condition of the purchase and sale agreement on early termination of the warranty period
  • 2. Agreeing on the terms of the warranty period after concluding the contract
  • 1. Consequence of the parties agreeing on the terms of the purchase and sale agreement on checking the quality of the goods
  • 2. The moment of submitting evidence of the quality of the goods
  • 1. Buyer's requirements based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 475 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 2. Consequences of the seller’s refusal to fulfill the buyer’s requirements based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 475 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 3. Other rights of the buyer when transferring low-quality goods to him, except for those provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 475 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 4. Significant violations of the requirements for the quality of goods, not specified in paragraph 2 of Art. 475 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 5. Determination of the irremovability of deficiencies and the disproportionality of the time spent on their elimination
  • 6. The possibility of the buyer exercising the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if it applies clause 1 of Art. 475 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 7. The rights of the buyer in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in relation to part of the goods of proper quality included in the kit
  • 8. Consequences of buyer refusal of low-quality goods
  • 9. Possibility of the buyer demanding replacement of low-quality goods
  • 10. The possibility of the buyer demanding a reduction in the purchase price of low-quality goods
  • 11. Evidence of transfer of defective goods
  • 1. Circumstances to be proven by the seller if there are defects in the goods for which a guarantee was provided
  • 2. Placing the burden of proving the causes of defects on the buyer if there is a warranty for the product
  • 3. Inadequate evidence of the causes of deficiencies
  • 1. Extension (renewal) of the period for filing claims regarding the quality of the goods
  • 2. Interpretation of the norm of paragraph 1 of Art. 477 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 1. Examples of interpretation of the concept of “incomplete goods”
  • 1. Recognition of the obligation to transfer a set of goods as fulfilled
  • 2. Application of the provisions of Art. Art. 478 - 480 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to relations involving the transfer of a set of goods without a contract
  • 1. Possibility of applying the provisions of the agreement on the transfer of low-quality goods to cases of delivery of incomplete goods
  • 2. The condition for the application of the consequences provided for in Art. 480 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 1. Consequences of failure to notify the seller of improper performance of the contract
  • 2. Reasonable period for filing a claim with the seller
  • 1. Change in the price of the product after its transfer to the buyer
  • 2. Consequences of indicating in the debt reconciliation report the original price of the goods instead of the changed one
  • 3. Consequences of indicating in documents related to the contract a price different from that agreed upon in the contract
  • 1. Payment for goods accepted without stating the requirements provided for in Art. 475 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 2. Payment period for the transferred goods in the absence of such a condition in the sales contract
  • 3. Interpretation of the concept “directly” when paying for goods by bank transfer
  • 4. The possibility of setting the deadline for payment for goods depending on the fulfillment of other terms of the purchase and sale agreement
  • 5. Payment by the buyer for goods if it is impossible to dispose of them
  • 6. Consequence of the buyer’s failure to fulfill the obligation to pay for the goods
  • 7. Condition for exercising the seller’s right to suspend the transfer of goods
  • 8. Circumstances that do not exempt the buyer from paying for the goods
  • 9. Circumstances that exempt the buyer from paying for the goods
  • 10. Payment under the bill of sale agreement
  • 1. Collection of interest for the use of someone else’s funds when transferring goods under a purchase and sale agreement before receiving the prepayment agreed upon by the parties
  • 2. The seller’s right to demand a contractual penalty when transferring goods under a purchase and sale agreement in the absence of prepayment
  • 3. Condition of the purchase and sale agreement regarding penalties for late prepayment of untransferred goods
  • 4. The possibility of including in the purchase and sale agreement a condition on the consequences of the lack of advance payment, other than those provided for in Art. 328 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 5. Possibility of collecting advance payment under the purchase and sale agreement
  • 6. Possibility of terminating the sales contract due to failure to make advance payment
  • 7. The seller’s right to suspend the transfer of goods under the sales contract in case of incomplete prepayment
  • 8. Refund of advance payment under the purchase and sale agreement
  • 9. Restriction of the buyer’s right to demand the transfer of paid goods due to the expiration of the purchase and sale agreement
  • 10. Consequences of payment on an invoice without a sales contract
  • 11. Application of rules on commercial credit to a purchase and sale agreement with advance payment
  • 12. Recognition of the terms of the purchase and sale agreement on the payment of interest for the use of other people’s funds as a condition of a commercial loan
  • 13. Condition for releasing the seller from liability for delay in transfer of prepaid goods under the sales contract
  • 14. The right of the buyer who has demanded the return of the advance payment to collect a contractual penalty in case of delay in transfer of goods under the sales contract
  • 1. Agreeing in the sales contract the terms of the sale of goods on credit
  • 2. Consequence of contradiction of the terms of payment for goods Art. 190 Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the application of Art. 488 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 3. Deferment of payment for goods as a condition of a commercial loan
  • 4. Consequence of recognizing the condition on the deadline for payment of the transferred goods as a condition on a commercial loan
  • 5. The seller’s right to demand the return of unpaid goods
  • 6. Possibility of foreclosure on unpaid goods sold on credit
  • 7. Collection of interest in accordance with Art. 395 Civil Code of the Russian Federation in case of late payment for goods
  • 1. The seller’s rights to choose a method of protecting violated rights when selling goods in installments
  • 1. Consequence of non-payment for the transferred goods while retaining ownership of the seller
  • 2. Limitations on the application of Art. 491 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regarding the seller’s right to demand the return of unpaid goods
  • 2. Consequences of recognizing a product as not conforming to state standards

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 469 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer goods that meet the mandatory quality requirements. However, the provisions of this article do not directly stipulate whether it is possible to recognize a product that does not meet such requirements as low-quality.

    2.1. Conclusion from judicial practice: On the question of whether it is possible to recognize a product that does not comply with GOST as a product of inadequate quality, there are two positions of the courts.

    Position 1. A product that does not comply with GOST is recognized as a product of inadequate quality.

    Arbitrage practice:

    Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2009 No. VAS-10910/09 in case No. A33-6906/2008

    “...With a claim dated November 30, 2007, the entrepreneur addressed the company with a demand to replace the product or return its cost due to the impossibility of using the tables as a result of the violation of the integrity of the tabletops.

    The entrepreneur’s claim was not satisfied by the company, which served as the basis for the entrepreneur’s appeal to arbitration court with the present claims.

    Based on the specific circumstances of the case and assessing the evidence presented by the parties, the courts, with reference to the provisions of Articles 469, 475 of the Civil Code Russian Federation, concluded that the entrepreneur provided adequate evidence to support his arguments about the company’s violation of its obligations under contract No. 108/k dated 01.06.2007 and the manufacture of tables of inadequate quality.

    At the same time, the courts took into account the conclusions of the commodity examination carried out by the state enterprise "Commodity Expertise", which confirmed that the examined tables do not meet the requirements of GOST 16371-93, have defects, the occurrence of which was influenced by a violation of the manufacturing technology of furniture panels.

    The courts have not established any grounds for recognizing the results of the examination as unreliable due to the expert’s incompetence. The defendant did not apply for a re-examination..."

    Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated May 13, 2009 N A33-6906/08-F02-1950/09 in case N A33-6906/08

    “...The plaintiff, citing the defendant’s supply of tables of inadequate quality, appealed to the arbitration court with demands to replace the defective product.

    As a result of the merchandising examination, which was appointed by the Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it was established that the examined tables do not meet the requirements of GOST 16371-93 “Furniture. Technical Conditions”, they have defects, the occurrence of which was influenced by a violation of the manufacturing technology of furniture panels.

    The defendant did not provide evidence of the occurrence of the above defects due to the plaintiff’s fault in the case materials.

    Under such circumstances, the court of first instance and the court of appeal, on the basis of Articles 469, 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, rightfully recognized the claims as justified..."

    FAS Resolution Far Eastern District dated 01.11.2009 N F03-5580/2009 in case N A04-2232/2008

    “...The courts of the first and appellate instances established that on November 23, 2006, between Firm Yu-Service LLC (supplier) and entrepreneur Zemlyanskaya G.V. (buyer) concluded an agreement for the supply of raw materials No. 145 PU-S, under the terms of which the supplier agreed to transfer the ownership of the buyer within the specified time frame, and the buyer to accept and pay under the terms of the agreement for wafer sugar cones for the production of ice cream in the assortment, quantity and at prices agreed upon in specifications that are an integral part of the contract.

    At the request of the plaintiff, an expert from the Amur Chamber of Commerce and Industry carried out an examination of the quality of the disputed batch of products (312 pieces). According to the expert's conclusion (Act N 031-01-00175 dated February 19, 2008), sugar waffle cones in terms of organoleptic indicators (taste and smell, appearance) do not meet the requirements of TU 9137-001-23231280-2006, GOST 14031-68 "Waffles. Technical conditions" as having foreign odor and damage. These product defects resulted from a violation of manufacturing technology.

    In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of a significant violation of the requirements for the quality of goods (detection of fatal deficiencies, deficiencies that cannot be eliminated without disproportionate costs or time, or are identified repeatedly, or appear again after their elimination, and other similar defects), the buyer has the right to refuse to fulfill the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount of money paid for the goods.

    Thus, the courts, having established the fact of delivery to the address of the entrepreneur G.V. Zemlyanskaya. goods of inadequate quality, lawfully satisfied the claims in the amount of the cost of the poor-quality goods in the amount of 78,624 rubles..."

    Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated July 17, 2007, July 24, 2007 N KG-A40/6552-07

    "...From the expert's conclusion No. 1568p/19-10/06 dated 10.30.06 (the examination was appointed by court order dated 10.13.2006) (vol. 2, pp. 68) it follows that the batch of knitted products inspected by the expert sweatshirts (T-shirts) made of cotton knitted fabric of green color in different shades have manufacturing defects. The products do not meet the requirements of GOST 20462-87, GOST 2351-88. The processing methods of the products do not correspond to the industrial technology for the manufacture of knitted linen products (vol. 2, l .d. 72 - 76).

    In accordance with Art. 469 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the seller is obliged to supply the buyer with goods whose quality complies with the purchase and sale agreement. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of a significant violation of the requirements for the quality of goods (detection of fatal defects, defects that cannot be eliminated without disproportionate costs or time, or are detected repeatedly, or appear again after their elimination, and other similar defects), the buyer has the right to your choice: refuse to execute the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount of money paid for the goods; demand the replacement of goods of inadequate quality with goods that comply with the contract.

    Since the plaintiff received from the defendant goods that did not meet the quality requirements for this type of goods, which is confirmed by expert opinion No. 1568p/19-10/06 dated October 30, 2006, the court, in the opinion of the judicial panel, rightfully satisfied the claims in declared size..."

    Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated July 6, 2009 N F09-4546/09-C3 in case N A76-22313/2008-23-577

    "...The courts, having examined the evidence presented by the parties, came to the conclusion that the defendant violated the requirements of Article 469 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which imposes on the seller the obligation to transfer to the buyer the goods, the quality of which corresponds to the purchase and sale agreement, also the provisions of Articles 309, 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation that obligations must be fulfilled properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, since the transferred goods cannot be recognized as goods of proper quality.

    From the quality acceptance certificate dated 03/03/2008 it follows that the specified product was produced by the Rosmetall company. From the technical description approved by the manufacturer, children's chairs must meet the requirements of GOST 16371-93, GOST 19917-93.

    The expert opinion presented by the plaintiff on the non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements provided for in paragraphs 1.6, 2.2.21 of GOST 19917-93 was assessed by the courts taking into account the arguments of the manufacturer of the goods in conjunction with the terms of the contract. The courts have not established any reason not to trust the expert’s conclusions; his qualifications are beyond doubt.

    Taking into account the above, the cassation court came to the conclusion that the rules of law were correctly applied by the courts to the established factual circumstances, the judicial act complies with the law and cannot be canceled..."

    Position 2. A product that does not comply with GOST may be recognized as a product of inadequate quality if the need for such compliance is established by the contract.

    Arbitrage practice:

    Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2009 No. VAS-11008/09 in case No. A45-8475/2008-53/134

    "...According to the conclusion dated 05/05/2008 of the body for certification of products in construction "Sibstroycertification", based on the standards of GOST 17608-91, the decorative properties of paving stones are reduced due to its increased water absorption and the small thickness of the colored layer.

    Believing that the decorative properties of the paving stones did not allow the architectural appearance of the object to match the design solution, and reduced its aesthetic image, Itera Development LLC filed a claim with the arbitration court.

    The courts have established that the contract for the sale and purchase of tiles indicating the conditions on the quality of the goods was not signed between the parties. However, one-time sales transactions were concluded between the plaintiff and the defendant by issuing delivery notes and invoices containing information about the product - red paving stone tiles. The buyer was issued a passport for the goods, which recorded the batch in the amount of 862.9 sq. m on concrete slabs "Paving stones" red on the Russian pigment GOST 17608-91.

    Thus, the parties have defined a product - Paving Stone tiles with consumer properties in the form of a red pigment, which must meet the requirements of GOST 17608-91. It is the seller's responsibility to ensure that the product meets these requirements.

    Having assessed and examined in the manner prescribed by Article 71 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, the documents presented by the parties in support of their arguments and objections, guided by Articles 469, 475, 476 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the courts came to the conclusion that the goods were sold of inadequate quality (with a significant violation of the requirements to the quality of the goods), in connection with which the buyer’s requirement was satisfied..."

    Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated October 20, 2009 N F09-7976/09-C3 in case N A60-2414/2009-C7

    "...The ATgroup company believes that the claim regarding the quality of the goods was made within a reasonable period of time, not exceeding 24 months, and also considers the court’s references to the contract with a foreign paper supplier, the sanitary and epidemiological report and the certificate of conformity to be unfounded, since the paper was ordered for delivery according to GOST 7625-86.

    The courts have established and the case materials have confirmed that the plaintiff did not provide evidence of notification of the defendant about the purposes of using the goods, as well as the existence of additional requirements for the quality of paper; The terms of the supply agreement dated January 4, 2003 N 104/2 concluded between the parties do not stipulate that the Sinarlux Arcadia millenium white paper to be supplied must comply with the requirements of GOST 7625-86 and be intended for the production of labels using the wet labeling method.

    Since the supply agreement dated 04.01.2003 N 104/2 does not define the quality of the goods, the seller, when concluding the contract, was not informed by the buyer about the specific purposes of purchasing the goods and the conditions for their use, the seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer the goods suitable for the purposes for which This kind of product is commonly used.

    Taking into account the fact that the plaintiff did not provide evidence that the goods delivered under the supply contract dated 01/04/2003 N 104/2 are of poor quality and unsuitable for normal use, the courts correctly concluded that the fact that the defendant supplied low-quality goods to the plaintiff was not proven..."

    Note: In the Resolution below, the court did not recognize the goods that do not comply with GOST as goods of inadequate quality, since the contract did not establish the need for such compliance.

    Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated October 1, 2009 N F09-7376/09-C3 in case N A60-39217/2008-C11

    “...In a complaint filed with the Federal Arbitration Court of the Ural District, the Energomash (Belgorod) company asks to cancel these judicial acts and send the case for a new trial, citing the courts’ incorrect application of Articles 435, 438, paragraph 2 of Art. 469 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the discrepancy between the conclusions of the courts and the actual circumstances of the case. According to the plaintiff, the defendant was obliged to be guided by the requirements provided for by GOST 8732-78 "Hot-deformed seamless steel pipes", TU 14-ZR-55-2001, and provide a document , confirming the quality of the delivered goods - a quality certificate.

    Believing that the quality of the goods supplied does not meet the established standards, the Energomash (Belgorod) company filed a claim with the arbitration court.

    The plaintiff's reference to the non-compliance of the delivered goods with the requirements of GOST 8731-74, GOST 8732-78 was not legally accepted by the courts, since the parties did not agree on the condition that the goods must comply with the specified GOSTs. The courts also indicated the plaintiff’s failure to provide evidence of notification to the defendant about the specific purposes for which the product was purchased, for which use it should be suitable..."

    GOST 29119-91 (IEC 442-73)




    Official publication



    1. Formal decisions or agreements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on which the National Committees concerned are represented, express, as accurately as possible, the internationally agreed view on the matters under consideration.

    3. In order to promote international harmonization, the IEC wishes that all National Committees adopt this standard as their national standards, as far as the conditions of each country allow. Any deviation from IEC standards must be clearly stated in the relevant national standards.

    This standard was prepared by Subcommittee IEC 59B “Cooking Appliances” of Technical Committee IEC 59 “Performance Characteristics of Household Electrical Appliances”.

    The first draft of this document was discussed at a meeting in Baden-Baden in 1971. As a result of this meeting, the final draft of Document 59B (Central Office) 6 was submitted to the national committees for approval under the Six Month Rule in December 1971.





    South Africa





    HOUSEHOLD ELECTRIC TOASTERS Functional test methods

    Electric toasters for household purposes.

    Methods for measuring the performance (IEC 442 73)

    MKC 97.040.50 OKP 34 6821

    Date of introduction 01/01/93


    This standard applies to electric toasters for household and similar purposes (hereinafter referred to as toasters), toasters used in small hotels, cafes, and teahouses. The requirements of this standard are mandatory.

    The purpose of this standard is to establish and define the essential performance characteristics of toasters for household and similar applications of interest to the consumer and to describe standard methods for measuring these characteristics.

    This standard does not specify technical or safety requirements.


    The following list of indicators characterizing the main operational characteristics of toasters is established: main dimensions; length of flexible cord; toaster weight;

    number and dimensions of cells and surfaces of the grate and heating elements;

    the force required to move the bread holder;

    toast preparation time;

    regulation of browning;

    browning control characteristic.


    Measurements of indicators, unless otherwise indicated, should be carried out under the following conditions: ambient temperature (20 + 5) °C; power consumption - nominal; there should be no draft in the room;

    The device must be installed on a wooden stand, painted black, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each wall.

    Official publication Reproduction prohibited

    © Standards Publishing House, 1992 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 2004


    The main dimensions of a toaster are length, height and width (doors, if any, must be closed), including buttons, handles, etc., measured and indicated in centimeters.


    The distance between the point of entry of the cord into the toaster and the plug, including any protective device, is measured and indicated to the nearest 0.05 m.


    The mass of a toaster with a flexible cord, if it is non-removable, and a fork is determined and indicated with an accuracy of 0.1 kg.


    Determine and indicate the number of grid cells in which pieces of bread are placed for simultaneous browning on both sides, or the number of grid surfaces for browning pieces of bread on one side.

    For each cell or surface of the lattice, the dimensions - length, height, width - are determined and indicated in millimeters. If the dimensions of the cells and surfaces of the gratings can vary, then indicate the maximum dimensions. In addition, the number of heating elements is determined and the dimensions are indicated - length and height in millimeters.

    Determine and indicate the dimensions in millimeters of the largest piece of bread with a thickness of 10 mm, which can be easily placed in a cell or placed on the surface of a grid.

    Determine and indicate the number of standard pieces of bread measuring 100 x 100 x 10 mm, browned simultaneously on both sides or only on one side, while the piece of bread is placed horizontally in the toaster, with a side equal to 100 mm.


    The spring device mounted directly on the bread holder arm should be locked in its normal position. The maximum force value obtained during measurement (in Newtons) must be rounded to the nearest whole number.


    Tests according to section. 11-15 are performed with white bread prepared according to the following recipe: 100 parts wheat flour, 55-60 parts water, depending on how much water the flour absorbs, 4 parts fat (peanut extract), 2.5 parts fresh yeast , 1.5 parts sugar, 2 parts salt.

    All ingredients are simultaneously placed in the mixing bowl and mixed thoroughly until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl, as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. The dough should then rise for 30 minutes at a temperature of 40°C to 50°C. When the dough has risen, it is mixed again by hand for 3 minutes and divided into parts of 1250 g each. These parts of the dough are placed in tinned steel open molds with 1 mm thick walls in accordance with the requirements of Annex D. The dough should rise to approximately 2 times its original volume at a temperature of 40 °C to 50 °C. The total time from the end of mixing should not exceed 60 minutes. The bread is then baked at 230 °C for 40 minutes.

    Freshly baked bread is placed for (24 + 4) hours in a cool room, protected from drafts and sun, at an ambient temperature of (20 + 2) °C and relative humidity (50 + 10)%. The bread is cut into pieces 10 mm thick. The last three pieces of each loaf are not used; the remaining pieces are placed in plastic bags.

    Storage in plastic bags is necessary to avoid further loss of moisture, since the test period is significantly longer than the time for normal toast preparation. Storage time in bags should not exceed 8 hours.

    The toasting test can be carried out with other types of white bread baked in a particular country; If more than one loaf of bread is required, then bread from the same batch and the same recipe should be used.

    For all subsequent tests, pieces of bread with crusts are used. The pieces are inserted into the toaster so that they measure 100 mm in length and 100 mm in height.

    Bread prepared according to the above recipe should generally rise to a height of 100mm; It is allowed to rise the bread up to 110 mm with the upper convex edge, but the degree of browning is measured only on a rectangular part of the bread measuring 100 x 100 mm.


    Browning is adjusted at the medium setting or at the manufacturer's medium browning (golden brown) setting, starting from cold or after preheating if specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Carry out two cycles* of toasting in the toaster oven at full load, with an interval of 15 seconds or more, if recommended by the manufacturer.

    In accordance with section. 14 determine the degree of browning of each piece on both sides in the second cycle. It should be 40% -60%.

    If this result is not achieved, cool the appliance completely and carry out two additional cycles, adjusting the degree of browning accordingly.

    If the desired result is not achieved after additional cycles, then the method of interpolating the results of the cycles is used.


    Starting from cold, or after preheating if specified in the manufacturer's instructions, toast the toaster five times with a full load at intervals of 15 seconds or more if recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, the device for regulating browning is in the position specified in section. 11. This position is maintained for five cycles, unless the manufacturer's instructions indicate this.

    In toasters without browning control, the toasting process is controlled and the pieces of bread are removed when the average degree of browning reaches 40% - 60%.

    Toasters without browning control may require several cycles to determine when to reach medium browning.

    In toasters that brown only one side at a time, the pieces of bread are turned over after the first side has browned to the desired degree.

    Determine and indicate the level of browning control and amendments to it.

    It is recommended to place all pieces of bread in the toaster, placing them horizontally with a side equal to 100 mm. The top edge of each piece should be marked when the toasting process is complete. The pieces of bread are placed in the same position as they would be in a toaster.


    The preheat time, if necessary, and the time for each of the five cycles are determined and reported in minutes and seconds.

    To present the processing results, use the table given in Appendix A.

    The cycle includes loading the toaster, browning mode, and unloading the bread from the toaster.

    14. UNIFORM Browning

    The result of the process of making toast is expressed in the degree of browning of the pieces achieved in this process.

    The degree of browning is expressed as a percentage based on the deflection of the galvanometer needle:

    O% - corresponds to white color;

    100% - corresponds to black color.

    The device for measuring the characteristics of the degree of browning of bread must comply with that given in Appendix C.

    The toasts are cooled. Measure the degree of browning on the surfaces shown in Appendix B on each side of all pieces of bread.

    Indicate the maximum and minimum values ​​of the degree of browning of bread, as well as the average value for each side b avg, %, calculated by the formula

    u _ b t + b 2 + b 3 + b 4

    where b(, b2, />z, />4 are the degrees of browning of the pieces of bread, %, measured in 4 measuring fields of the slice, determined according to Appendix B.

    To present test results under Sec. 12 use the table in Appendix A.


    This is a measurement based on the conditions specified in Sect. 10-14 are performed with a sufficient number of browning control positions. Starting from cold, or after preheating if recommended by the manufacturer, run three cycles for each browning control position in the toaster oven at full load, but determine the characteristics only on the pieces of bread from the last cycle.

    For each position of the browning control, determine the average value of the degree of browning when the toaster is fully loaded and present the measurement results in the form of a curve expressing (in percent) the dependence of the degree of browning of the bread on the setting of the browning control.


    Installed by the manufacturer.


    The type of connecting cord and method of connection to the network (removable, non-removable) with or without a cord set is determined by the manufacturer.


    The type of movable bread holder provided for this appliance, such as a lifting or swinging device, is determined by the manufacturer.

    Determine whether pieces of bread can be removed before the toasting process is completed, for example by stopping the mechanism manually.

    Determine the distance (in millimeters) that the pieces of bread protrude beyond the toaster frame when the movable holder is in the upper position.

    The braking process of the movable bread holder is controlled and indicates that pieces of bread can be removed from the toaster cell automatically or manually.

    Identify and specify toast turning devices for toasters that toast one side.

    APPENDIX A Mandatory

    TABLE OF PRESENTATION OF TOAST PREPARATION RESULTS (example for a two-piece toaster)


    Piece (see drawing)

    Size of browning area, mm (according to Appendix B)

    browning, %

    making toast, min or s

    preheat, min or s (if provided)

    Same as for cycles 1 and 2

    1, 2 - piece number; 3 - movable holder lever

    Note: The pieces of bread and their sides (A, B) are designated according to their position in the toaster, as indicated in the drawing.

    APPENDIX B Mandatory



    Note: Pieces of bread are marked on both sides.

    APPENDIX C Mandatory

    DEVICE for measuring degree characteristics

    BROWNING BREAD Installation of measuring instruments

    1 - reflectometer (see Fig. 3); 2 - voltage regulator with measurement accuracy up to 0.1% with a transformer that regulates the output voltage of the reflectometer lamps; 3 - galvanometer with graduation from 0% to 100% with a photocell; 4- standard for graduation: relatively white surface, 99% barium sulfate without a protective layer;

    5- slot; 6- potentiometer for galvanometer calibration; 7- switch

    Tests are carried out on pieces of bread.

    Note: To carry out the tests, the reflectometer is placed in direct contact with pieces of bread in the places indicated in Appendix B, and the deflection of the needle is determined.

    Graduation. The voltage regulator is installed in such a way that the voltmeter shows the voltage required for the lamps and the desired color temperature of 2854 K can be obtained (standardized light source established by the relevant standards).

    Note: The color temperature of the lamps used in the reflectometer is calibrated by the manufacturer in comparison with a special reference lamp. The supplier must specify the amperage (or voltage) at which the required color temperature is achieved.

    To calibrate the reflectometer, its lamps must be energized. The circuit opens through switch 7, the instrument needle is exactly at 0%. Switch 7 closes the circuit again and after approximately 10 minutes, the white surface 4 under study is placed in direct contact with the reflectometer under the slit. Potentiometer 6 is adjusted so that the galvanometer needle deflects by 100% (white).

    Reflectometer (sectional view)

    1 - location of the photocell with correction of the central hole; 2 - arrangement of a lamp with a color temperature ranging from 2800 to 2900 K, painted matte white inside; 3 - scanned diaphragm, painted matte black; 4 - removable metal ring, painted matte black on the inside and matte white on the outside; 5 - intermediate asbestos ring; 6 - removable plate with hole, painted black

    matte colour

    APPENDIX D Mandatory


    Note: The radius of curvature should be less than 2 mm.


    1. INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Electrical Industry and Instrument Making of the USSR

    2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated October 24, 1991 No. 1644

    This standard has been prepared by direct application of the international standard IEC 442-73 "Methods for measuring the performance of electric toasters for household and similar purposes" and is fully consistent with it.


    4. REPUBLICATION. May 2004

    Editor T.S. Sheko Technical editor N.S. Grishanova Corrector M.S. Kabashova Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

    Ed. persons No. 02354 dated July 14, 2000. Delivered for recruitment on May 25, 2004. Signed for publication on 06/04/2004. Uel. oven l. 1.40. Academician-ed.l. 0.85.

    Circulation 61 copies. C 2589. Zak. 207.

    IPC Publishing House of Standards, 107076 Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. e-mail: Typeset and printed in IPC Publishing House of Standards

    It is impossible to imagine the average Russian's breakfast without a sandwich - this is clear and without any dough. The kit can come with anything - porridge, salad, scrambled eggs or newfangled muesli, but a sandwich is sacred!

    This is understandable: the proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins contained in bread are unique and absolutely necessary in order to stock up on energy in the morning for both physical and active mental activity.

    “Get charged in the morning, Leva! Brains - they also require this,” the unforgettable Savva Ignatievich from the Pokrovsky Gate instructed his comrade - and he was absolutely right.

    If you remember, the heroes of the film about the fifties buttered fresh bread, but modern nutritionists advise drying or frying it: in this form it is even healthier.

    Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do with the help of one of the most popular small household appliances - a toaster.

    Text: Polina Strizhak.

    "Names of Heroes" of independent testing

    Toasters that took part in testing: Braun HT 600Impression, Bosh Solitaire TAT8SL, Kenwood TTM312, Morphy Richards 44234, Vitek VT-1573 SR Tasty Slice, Phlips HD 2618, C3 Compact 2-slice, Moulinex subito, Kitchenaid, Artisan 5KTT780.

    What did we check during testing?

    During the test we checked the main thing. We had no doubt that devices from reputable companies would work - that is, fry and warm bread. We wanted to find out how well the functions for which a toaster is purchased are performed, and to understand how price and quality compare in each device.

    The first thing we paid attention to was, of course, safety.

    Case heating

    Almost all models have shown themselves to be good in this regard, since many of them have thermally insulated, that is, non-heating cases.

    And yet, if you use some appliances several times in a row (for example, you have guests having breakfast and you need to quickly feed 4-5 people), the housing begins to gradually heat up.

    It’s unlikely that you’ll get burned on the walls, but caution still won’t hurt. For one of the appliances, the body heats up from top to bottom, the top half is hotter than the bottom, and for all toasters the top panel gets very hot - you don’t need to touch it.

    Risk of getting burned when removing toast

    None of the manufacturers allows you to remove toast using metal objects. By the way, if the device is also plugged in, the procedure becomes very life-threatening. If it’s turned off, it’s still not worth it, as this risks damaging the device, and above all, the quartz heating elements.

    But not all toaster manufacturers have bothered to make sure that the toast is easy to remove by hand. This convenience depends on how high the toast rises when finished cooking. Some models provide the ability to lift the slices using levers, but not all - a couple of times we wondered what is better - risk damaging the device or burning your fingers?

    Safety instructions from manufacturers

    We must pay tribute to all the companies that provided us with the devices - no one forgot to warn about the potential danger of toasters. But they all did it so differently!

    In one of the instructions we found a practical guide to raising children; in the other (by the way, the only one!) - information that the device must be grounded, and extension cords cannot be used; in some there are calls not to use the device for industrial purposes and not to place it on the edge of the table; and in all without exception the following recommendations:

    * do not allow the device and its parts to come into contact with water,

    * do not allow children to use the toaster and do not leave them unattended near the operating device,

    * do not use the toaster under flammable objects - for example, curtains and kitchen shelves,

    * do not fry too thick pieces of bread and do not use metal objects to remove stuck bread, especially if the appliance is plugged in,

    * do not wash the device in the dishwasher,

    * regularly shake out the crumbs by removing a special tray.

    Test, like clockwork: what else did we evaluate?

    We did not set ourselves the task of assessing technical characteristics and their compliance with standards, it was important for us to understand the consumer properties of the devices. Among the most important qualities we have identified:

    * ergonomics, including comfort control panels,

    * uniform frying of toast on one of the medium modes,

    * cooking time for 1 piece of toast,

    * operation of separately stated modes and functions - defrosting, heating buns, warming up cooled toast, browning on one side,

    * the attached instructions - the quality of printing, translation, consistency and clarity of presentation, coverage of the principles of operation of the main modes and functions, accessibility of the technical description.

    Designers flock to 'breakfast sets'

    We saw several trends in the design of the devices we tested. The first of them: premium-class devices gravitate towards elongated shapes.

    The second, however, is directly related to the first - moving away from compactness towards bulkiness. Even some appliances, the characteristics of which directly indicate compactness, turn out to be too large to “live” in a standard small-sized kitchen.

    The third feature is the obvious desire of manufacturers to organically “fit” their toasters into modern kitchens in high-tech style. Indeed, a combination of metallic and black colors (namely, most of our models are made in this range) is the best option for such interiors.

    At the same time, some manufacturers, using the most functional modern technologies, return our imagination to the fifties and sixties of the last century, placing an emphasis on retro style in the design. At the same time, the devices look no less modern and fashionable than their “high-tech” counterparts.

    It should also be noted that many of the tested devices are part of special designer series of small household appliances - the so-called “breakfast sets”, so in the corresponding lines they also have “partners” - teapots and coffee makers, made with them in the same styles.

    We paid special attention to the possibility of maintaining an attractive appearance every device. A common problem with our toasters was fingerprints on the body - all devices suffered from this to varying degrees. Matte stainless steel or anodized aluminum is preferable in this regard, but the beautiful red American KitchenAid Artisan toaster will have to be wiped frequently with a dry or slightly damp cloth.

    Control elements, everyone to the top!

    Of course, for a toaster it is important how convenient the control panel is. The devices are controlled both mechanically - levers, sliders, rotary switches, and electronically - buttons, sound and light indication.

    We realized that it is most convenient when at least some of the control instruments are located not on the side of the device, which forces you to bend over to look, for example, at the numbers indicating temperature conditions, but on the top of the toaster. However, such conveniences are usually associated with another drawback - the bulkiness of the device.

    In addition to the control panel important element ergonomics is the removable crumb tray. In all models except one - the most inexpensive - it can be easily removed using a special handle and just as easily inserted back. In the C3 economy class toaster, the crumb tray is fixed in a special way, since it doubles as the bottom of the device - this is not very convenient.

    An important point was “communication” with the power cord. A device for winding it and adjusting its length is found in almost all models, and the length varies between 95-115 cm. The longest power cord - 140 cm - is in the BOSCH Solitaire model; with a wire length regulator, this is very convenient, especially since it is used An extension cord is not recommended in this case.

    No lunch during toaster tests

    The week of testing toasters will be remembered by our editorial staff as the most satisfying. At first (on Monday morning) all the toasts seemed both tasty and beautiful to us, but when the first excitement passed and the first hunger was satisfied, we became more discerning, namely, we were able to objectively evaluate the uniformity of toasting in different devices.

    It should be noted that for testing we bought exactly the same special bread for toast - these were already cut and packaged slices of the same length, width and thickness - and used a medium temperature regime. In the matter of uniform frying, not all devices have performed equally; there are clear leaders and outsiders. We gave each device a second, third and even fourth chance to fry the pieces of bread evenly, but, as a rule, if one edge was burnt, then all attempts ended in the same way.

    Some electronically controlled models have an auto-centering toast function. As we understand it, this should promote uniform frying. But we did not notice a big difference in the results of models that have this nuance and those that do not.

    Not just a toast...

    The opportunity to rehabilitate in case of uneven frying was provided to those models that have a mode for defrosting frozen bread.

    As a rule, this function is activated by pressing one button, and the frying degree regulator must be in the desired position - we again left the medium mode - for example, 5 or 6.

    The results of these tests pleased us very much: the bread turned out to be very evenly fried (apparently, this is facilitated by high humidity), not overdried, aromatic and tasty - much tastier than simple toast.

    Not every toaster had a separate mode for heating bread or cooled toast. However, our experts considered that this can be done in any of the presented models: if not by pressing a special button (warm-up), then simply by selecting the minimum temperature setting.

    We liked the results, except that the toast became drier. It's best to eat them immediately after cooking!

    The heating mode for buns, croissants, and bagels is available in many models. The baked goods are placed on a special stand, which is “hidden” in the body of the device and raised with a special lever.

    The most convenient and beautiful stand is the BRAUN toaster. The function worked well in all models - the buns became softer, more flavorful, and our figures became further and further from the standard 90-60-90.

    Well, the KENWOOD TTM312 model has a very wide slot for bread, into which a special cassette is inserted, where the manufacturer recommends heating sandwiches. However, all companies ask not to heat very rich pastries, buns with cream or butter - this is dangerous!

    The test proved: on the one hand, it’s also delicious!

    Browning on one side is a rather rare function, the essence of which is that the heating elements work only on one side. On the one hand, the toast turns out crispy and crispy, and on the other, hot, soft and slightly golden. This mode is used for various reasons - for some it is more convenient to bite, for others it tastes better, but manufacturers recommend frying bagels and baguettes cut lengthwise in this mode. We liked the classic sandwiches with jam prepared this way.

    So, whoever makes toast in the morning is doing wisely! All that remains is to choose an equally wise assistant who will not disappoint, but on the contrary, every morning will bring both benefit and pleasure.
