What kind of insect is a phalanx. Salpugs are the most voracious, fast-running and jumping arachnids

Phalanx - an insect belonging to the order of arachnids and inhabiting arid regions; it is for its preference for living in a desert environment that it is also called the "camel spider".

Description of the camel spider

Since such an individual is a desert inhabitant, its color is appropriate: sandy-yellow or brown-yellow.

Several tropical species are characterized by bright colors. Sopulga (as they used to call it in Russia) is a rather large individual, whose body (5-7 centimeters long) and limbs are covered with numerous bristles and hairs, which gives such a spider a rather menacing appearance. The ophthalmic tubercle with a pair of bulging eyes located on it is clearly visible on the anterior margin of the head shield; the lateral eyes of the phalanx are not developed. Of course, among these inhabitants of the planet there are also babies that do not exceed 15 mm in size, but this does not change the natural predatory essence of the insect. Camel spiders thanks specific form the bodies are distinguished by amazing maneuverability and mobility, some individuals are capable of accelerating up to 16 km / h. For such skill they are also called "wind scorpions".

Spider life in nature

Almost all camel spiders are nocturnal. During the day, phalanxes hide in various shelters: rodent burrows, under stones, they are able to dig a lair themselves. Some individuals each time look for a new home, others may use the den long time. By the way, nocturnal spider species are attracted by various light sources. For example, in the desert, they can come to the light of a fire, their mass accumulation is observed under the lanterns, also poisonous spiders penetrate into residential areas.

If the phalanx runs into the tent, then it is impossible to drive it out; except to kill or sweep with a broom outside the home. In this case, you should definitely wear thick gloves, and trousers should be tucked into boots. It is worth knowing that it is also impossible to crush a phalanx in the sand. With a deplorable result, namely the bite of a camel spider, the damaged area should be washed with any antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol); with suppuration of the wound, antibiotics should be started.

Spider against its victims

Being essentially predators, these large spiders, of which there are more than 1000 species in nature, are omnivorous and also carnivorous. They will appetizingly dine with their fellow spiders, wood lice, bees, termites, black beetles, and will not refuse larger prey, for example, from lizards, rodent cubs and chicks of small birds.

In duels with scorpions, the phalanx almost always comes out victorious. Grasping the prey with lightning speed, the camel spider holds it tightly, tears it apart, after which it warms up appetizingly with chelicerae (oral appendages), well developed and outwardly resembling large tongs or claws. The camel spider is aggressive and capable of fiercely defending itself with increased attention to its person. Hostility is also observed in relation to each other. An interesting feature camel spider is to intimidate the enemy with a loud sound when attacked. It is formed from contact and friction of chelicerae against each other.

Phalanx - the devourer of everything that moves

Giant camel spiders are known for their insatiable appetite; they are able to eat until they burst. And indeed it is. In California, some species of such spiders devastate hives and destroy entire swarms of bees. The bottom of the hive covered with dead insects and the phalanx, having eaten to satiety with a full belly against the background of its victims - such is the picture of the night battle. Moreover, the phalanx, unable to leave the hive due to gluttony, often turns out to be stung to death by surviving individuals.

Clearly, cases of gluttony of a camel spider can be observed when the latter is kept in captivity. If the phalanx is provided with an unlimited amount of food (for example, bringing insects with tweezers), then you can see that the arachnid will eat until its abdomen swells to an alarming size. There is even a threat that the spider may burst. However, this danger has no effect on appetite; the phalanx eats as long as the chelicerae are able to move.

Is the phalanx dangerous for humans

Large spiders are able to bite through human skin, which makes them dangerous to humans. Despite the fact that the phalanx does not have glands that produce poison and specific devices for injecting it, the bite of such a spider nevertheless poses a threat to human life.

The jaws contain the rotting remains of previous victims, often highly toxic. When released into an open wound, these decomposing enzymes can cause local inflammation and general blood poisoning. Even without such terrifying consequences, the bite of a camel spider is painful and unpleasant.


Poisonous spiders breed quite specifically. The male finds the lady of his heart with the help of the olfactory organs located on the pedipalps (tentacles). The mating process occurs at night and lasts several minutes; the spider releases a sticky substance with spermatophores on the surface of the soil, after which it is picked up by chelicerae and transported to the female genital opening.

When mating, the male behaves reflexively; if the female is removed at this moment, the spider will not even notice this and will continue its actions, which have lost all meaning. During fertilization, the female is characterized by inert behavior; the male even has to drag her along. After intercourse, the lady, who was previously very passive, sharply becomes aggressive and is even able to eat the male, so it is better for the latter to get out as soon as possible.

After some time, the female begins to build a mink, in which she lays up to 200 eggs. Since the embryos begin to develop already in the oviducts of the female, small phalanx spiders appear from the laid eggs after a couple of weeks, which are devoid of articulation until the first molt, covered with a transparent thin cuticle, and remain practically motionless. After their newly formed integuments harden and dissect, and hairs appear on the body. The female is with the offspring until it gets stronger. There are suggestions that she even provides them with food.

IN winter period the camel spider hibernates, some of this feature is typical even in the summer months.

Camel spider habitat

The desert terrain and arid climate are the most comfortable conditions for the phalanx to live. The camel spider is most commonly found in the world's vast deserts. Also inhabits the territory of the Lower Volga region, Kalmykia, Transcaucasia, North Caucasus, V Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Spain and Greece are familiar with such an amazing arachnid. Occasionally it can be found in the Crimea. The camel spider is almost never found in Australia.

Phalanges or, as they are also called, salpugs are a detachment of the class of arachnids. There are about 1000 species of phalanges in the world fauna, of which 9 genera and 47 species can be found on the territory of the countries of the former USSR. They live mainly in arid and desert regions of the Crimean peninsula, the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia. Solpugs are also common in Spain and Greece. Solpugs are absent only in Australia and Antarctica.

Almost all phalanxes are nocturnal predators. They hunt various insects, spiders, scorpions, lizards, etc. Phalanxes run very fast, even on vertical surfaces.

The "head" of the salpuga has grown together with the first segment of the chest. It contains a couple upper jaws– chelicer and couple lower jaws that are shaped like legs. The upper jaws are located vertically and look like powerful claws. The swollen main part of the upper jaw has strong muscles. When meeting with the enemy, the phalanx assumes a menacing posture. It raises the front part of the body, pushes forward the chelicerae with open claws. Large phalanges are quite capable of biting through human skin.

How to avoid a phalanx bite

For the phalanx, everyone is an enemy. She is not at all afraid of humans. Therefore, it is worth sticking to some simple rules, observance of which will save you from the bite of the salpuga.

Firstly, when spending the night in nature, tightly close the entrance to the tent, as the salpuga, attracted by the light of a flashlight, can easily run inside.

Secondly, be careful when sitting by the fire.

Thirdly, when entering the tent, check carefully if the phalanx has made its way along with you.

Fourthly, bring all things into the tent, do not leave them outside, because by morning the phalanx can penetrate them in search of shelter for the day.

Fifth, do not try to drive the phalanx out of the tent. You can try or kill it, crush it, which is completely impossible in the sand, or throw it out with a broom. Perform all these actions in thick gloves, while tucking the legs into your boots.

Sixth, during the daytime, do not put your hands into the holes of rodents, do not turn over stones. In these and other secluded places, salpugs can hide from daylight.

Seventh, be careful when traveling at night with a flashlight. Choose clothes with long sleeves and trousers for such walks, as well as closed shoes.

Eighth, close the windows in the house with special protective nets, do not leave open doors. Night views of the salpug are attracted not only by the light of a lantern or a fire, but also by electric lighting, and especially the ultraviolet radiation of a mercury lamp.

Ninth, when keeping phalanges in a terrarium, do not touch them with bare hands.

Tenth, be especially vigilant when traveling to India, which is home to the most potentially dangerous view phalanges.

What are the consequences of a salpuga bite

For a long time, people considered the phalanx to be very poisonous and deadly to humans. However, contrary to popular belief, she does not have a special poison-producing apparatus.

Salpug bites are very painful, because, when biting, they wrinkle the skin with the claws of their strong upper jaws. In addition to pain, the following may appear at the site of the bite:

  • redness,
  • edema.

A wound caused by the jaws can get clear digestive juice from the mouth opening of the phalanx, but this juice is also not poisonous. However, when a phalanx is bitten, an infection can enter the damaged area from the decaying remains of previously eaten insects that remain on the jaws of the arachnid. All this can lead to the development of inflammation and suppuration.

There is even a special medical term - arachnose, which refers to human and animal diseases provoked by arachnids.

Separately, it is worth noting the type of phalanx that lives in India. In their chelicerae, modified skin glands were found, the contents of which killed 70% of the test lizards. The effect of this substance on human body not explored.

What not to do with a phalanx bite

  • Do not burn the bitten area. Salpugs do not produce poison, and activities of this kind only further injure the victim.
  • You should not cut the bite site for the same reasons that were described in the previous paragraph.
  • You can not sprinkle the wound with earth, sand, wash it with water from natural reservoirs, apply unwashed leaves and grass to it, as this increases the risk of secondary infection
  • You should also not rub, comb the wound.

What measures can be taken when bitten by a salpuga

When bitten by a phalanx, immediate first aid is required.

1. First of all, you should thoroughly rinse the bite clean water with antibacterial soap.

2. Then it is necessary to treat the wound with any antiseptic. You can use peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, alcohol.

3. You can also apply a gel with antibiotics, for example, Levomekol, to the affected area, after reading the instructions that come with it.

4. After that, a clean bandage or plaster should be applied to the bite site.

5. In the future, it is necessary to change the bandage every day and treat the wound until complete recovery.

6. Common pain relievers can be used to relieve pain.

If the wound does not heal for a long time, clinical signs of infection, inflammation, suppuration appear in it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Interesting facts about saltpugs and their bites

  • The phalanx is so masterfully controlled by its claws that it can even cope with a poisonous and dangerous scorpion.
  • Some types of salpugs can jump up to 1 meter in height and reach speeds of up to 2 km / h, for which they are called "wind scorpions".
  • When attacked, the salpugs make a piercing sound resembling a squeak or chirp. This sound is obtained as a result of chelicera friction against each other.

Salpugs or phalanxes of these huge arachnids are called in Russia. In other countries, they are called "camel spider" (they live more often in the desert) or "wind scorpion" (spiders have a fairly high speed of movement).

As you know, there are about 1000 species of them all over the world. The temperament of these spiders is absolutely consistent with their appearance. In addition, they are overly greedy. In captivity, they can eat until they burst.

Phalanx - spider monster, and looking at the photo, it's hard to disagree. This type of arachnid inhabits, as a rule, arid regions. Central Asian phalanx, can reach a length of seven centimeters. The body and limbs of these spiders are covered with hairs. And their pedipalp tentacles, which are located in front, look like limbs and even serve as them.

All phalanges are very active and almost all of them are nocturnal predators. These spiders are either carnivorous or completely omnivorous, usually preferring termites, bees, black beetles, and other small arthropods, but some types of phalanx can also eat a larger animal, for example, a lizard.

The body length reaches 5-7 centimeters, however, there are also small species with a body length of up to 15 mm.

Phalanxes were not uncommon before in the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. They were often seen in Spain and Greece. They can also be found on the southern coast of Crimea.

Night spiders are attracted to various light sources. In desert areas, phalanx monsters often come to a fire, accumulate under the light of lanterns, and penetrate into a room lit at night.

Some flank species in California are known as hive ravagers. As a rule, at night, spiders enter the hive through the notch and destroy all the bees there. Then the phalanges with a strongly swollen belly from the abundance of food eaten can no longer leave the hive through the notch. And in the morning, the arriving bees simply sting them to death.

An interesting fact is that the phalanx frightens when attacking the enemy with its loud sound that occurs when the chelicerae rub against each other.

Due to their specific body shape, the phalanges are particularly maneuverable. Some individuals can reach speeds up to 16 km / h.

Most often, these spiders are found in deserts. And surprisingly, phalanxes are almost never found in Australia.

A large specimen of the phalanx is able to easily bite through human skin. For people, they are dangerous because particles of their previous victims often remain on their jaws, they rot and are very toxic. The bite of the phalanx is painful and can lead to blood poisoning.

Desert dwellers, as a rule, have a sandy-yellow color or brown-yellow. Some tropical species have a striking appearance.

Most salpugs hide from sunlight under stones or in minks.

During the breeding season, the male finds a female with the help of olfactory organs located on the pedipalps. Mating takes place exclusively at night. The male releases a specific sticky substance containing spermatophores on the soil surface in advance, then picks it up with his long chelicerae, and simply transfers it to the female in the genital opening. Then it is advisable for him to get out as soon as possible, since the females after such fertilization become excessively aggressive, and may even eat the male.

Soon the female begins to build a mink, and lays 30 - 200 eggs there. She spends time with her offspring until they finally get stronger.


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The phalanges are very similar in appearance to spiders, they have the same shape of limbs, and they are located on the body of the phalanges, just like in spiders.

In addition, phalanges, like spiders, have mouth appendages called chelicerae, in the form of claws. But the phalanges are not spiders, although they are part of the arachnid class.

Phalanges are also called saltpugs, they can reach quite large sizes - about 5-7 centimeters.

Phalanxes are predators that hunt at night. They feed mainly on termites and small beetles, but large individuals can attack lizards, so it is customary to consider phalanges as omnivores.

It is noteworthy that when she attacks the enemy, she makes frightening loud sounds. Sound is produced by contact and friction of chelicerae against each other. Thanks to special structure bodies, phalanges are very mobile. Some individuals can move at a speed of 16 kilometers per hour. Due to this ability to English language this species is called "wind scorpion", which translates as "wind scorpion".

The favorite habitat of the phalanges is desert areas with an arid climate. Therefore, most often they live in the world's large deserts. These creatures can be found in the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, the Lower Volga region, Central Asia, Kalmykia and Kazakhstan. They also live in the southern part of the Crimean peninsula. In addition, the phalanges live in the European part of the mainland - in Greece and Spain. Surprisingly, these arachnids are practically non-existent in Australia.

Solpuga big size can easily bite through human skin. That is why the phalanges are dangerous to humans, although they do not have poison, like spiders and devices for injecting it under the skin, remnants of the tissues of previous victims often accumulate in their jaws. These residues rot, so they are toxic and poisonous. If these toxins enter an open wound during a bite, they can provoke not only a local inflammatory reaction, but also cause blood poisoning. Even if the bite does not cause any consequences, it is very painful.

The phalanx detachment has several official names: Mycetophorae, Galeodea, Solifugae Sundevall and Solpugida. In Russian, such names as solpugi and bihorki are most often heard, and in English - sun scorpion, wind scorpion, sun spider and camel spider.

Phalanxes to their own appearance resemble spiders, the reason for this is the specific shape of the limbs (the phalanges belong to the type of arthropods) and their location on the body of this large (some specimens reach 5-7 cm) animal, as well as the presence of chelicerae - oral appendages that look like claws or flares, as well as at the spiders. However, phalanxes, or, as they are sometimes called, solpugs (by the name of the Solifugae detachment), are not such, although they are included in the class of arachnids. Siwanowicz

Phalanxes are predatory animals leading a nocturnal lifestyle. Their diet consists mainly of small beetles and termites, although there have been cases of phalanx attacks on lizards, which allows us to consider them omnivores. Siwanowicz

It is interesting that when attacking, the phalanx frightens the enemy with a loud sound obtained by contact and friction of the chelicerae against each other. Due to the specific shape of the body, the phalanges are extremely mobile and maneuverable. Some individuals are able to reach speeds of 16 km / h. This property of them determined the origin of one of the names of the species in English - “wind scorpion” (“Wind Scorpion”). Siwanowicz

The phalanges prefer arid climates and desert terrain. Thus, they are most often found in the world's largest deserts. On the territory of the former USSR, phalanxes were found in the Lower Volga region, Kalmykia, the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, in the republics of Central Asia, and in Kazakhstan. In Europe, also known in Spain and Greece. They are found on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Surprisingly, phalanxes are practically not common in Australia.

A large individual of the phalanx can bite through the skin of a person and this makes the phalanges dangerous for people. The fact is that although the phalanges do not have glands that produce poison, and specific devices for injecting it, like their closest relatives - spiders and scorpions, fragments of previous victims often remain on their jaws, rotting and, as a result, very toxic. When injected into an open wound during a bite, the resulting decomposition substances can cause both local inflammation and general blood poisoning. By itself, the bite of the phalanx, even without consequences, is an unpleasant and painful thing.

As a detachment, the phalanxes have the following scientific names: Solpugida, Galeodea, Solifugae Sundevall, Mycetophorae. Of the commonly used names of the phalanges, it is worth noting the Russian variants - bihorki, solpugi - and the English ones - wind scorpion, sun scorpion, camel spider, sun spider.

The order Solifugae includes 13 families, 140 genera and 1000 species.
