Church of St. Nicholas the Red Ring. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "Red Ringing"

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "Red Ringing" is located in one of the oldest historical districts of Moscow - in Kitay-gorod, in Yushkov passage (hereinafter Vladimirov passage, since 1992 Nikolsky lane), connecting Varvarka and Ilyinka streets. The temple has been known from chronicles since the 16th century.

The temple got its name - "Red Bell" - from the unusual beautiful ringing of its bells. On the bell tower there was a bell of 1573 (or 1473) with an inscription in a foreign language, after the closure of the temple in 1927, it was transferred to the museum of the village of Kolomenskoye.

The church has been known as a stone church since 1561. It was built by the merchant Grigory Tverdikov. There is a legend that the temple was founded by St. Philip the Metropolitan of Moscow in memory of the days he spent in the Solovetsky Monastery. In 1625, the church was also listed as a stone one.

It burned down in a fire in 1626 and was renovated.

In 1691, it was again renovated, but still continued to retain the character of the building of the XVI century. The church was consecrated in 1691 by the last Patriarch of the pre-Synodal period, Adrian.

On the bell tower there was a bell with the image of three lilies and the letters "ET" with a mark of 1575 and an illegible inscription - apparently, it was one of the "captive" bells taken under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich during the war against Poland for Lesser Russia and White Russia.

Many historical sources mention the existence of an old family cemetery behind the altar of the temple. Among the graves of noble parishioners and contributors to the church was buried the head of the quartered rebellious boyar A.P. Sokovnin, who was executed on charges of attempting to kill Peter the Great.

In 1858, the old church and its limits were dismantled and the current church was built in their place by the merchant Polyakov.

In the 17th century, the church was designated as follows: "what is reputed to be at the Red Bell Towers on Posolskaya Street", which was named after the Posolsky Yard - a complex of buildings located on the corner with Ilyinka.

The architect of the church is not exactly known. It could be either A. M. Shestakov, who made estimates for the construction, or N. I. Kozlovsky, who authentically owned the iconostasis project.

The church was built in the spirit of eclecticism, oriented in the interpretation of some elements on samples ancient Russian architecture, the church is crowned with a large, widely spaced five-domed drums, decorated with kokoshniks. The bell tower is completed with a tent. The slender vertical of the bell tower once played a significant role in the panorama of Kitay-Gorod.

The main throne of the Nativity of the Virgin was arranged in the old church by S. G. Naryshkin no earlier than 1705. Nikolsky aisle from the south, the northern aisle in the name of Zosima and Savvaty.

During the census of the property of the church in 1663, among others, the carved gilded iconostasis, made in Kyiv, and the Hodegetria icon, made by Simon Ushakov, were named.

At the end of 1922, the temple was captured by the Free Labor Church of Fr. Ioanniky Smirnov and the anarchist poet Alexei Svyatogor “For non-compliance with the contract, the contract with the faithful for the Church of St. Nicholas the Red Ring in Yushkov Lane near Ilyinka was terminated. The temple was handed over to another group of believers who wished to take it” (1923–1924).

In 1925, the temple was assigned to be demolished, but it was only by a miracle that it was not demolished. The temple was closed around 1927.

In 1964 the church was renovated. It housed an institution. In 1967, she was released from the institution, the windows were bricked up, the premises were concreted and a power plant was installed in it. Later, a building was attached to the church from the north, and together with it it was included in the complex of new buildings of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

By 1990, the domes on the domes were rusted through - in places through and through. The crosses remained only on the central dome and the bell tower, on the four side cupolas - only pins. The temple is not under state protection - it is not included in the list of monuments either. It is included only in the list of objects proposed for state protection in Moscow, with the date “1681-1691, 1846, the end of the 19th-20th centuries.” According to the decision of the Moscow City Council dated July 25, 1991, the temple is returned to believers. On December 19, 1996, the temple was consecrated again.

IN last years The church has been undergoing restoration work. The interior, completely destroyed during the years of hard times, was recreated. The ringing tier of the bell tower was put into operation, for which in 2001 7 new bells cast in the Urals were purchased.

In the central part of the temple (altar in the name of the Nativity of the Virgin) regular services have been resumed. In the aisle of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, the sacrament of Baptism is performed.

In 2001–2003 for the temple, icons of the Mother of God of Czestochowa were painted (she is prayed purely for the salvation of Russia at the present time), icons royal martyrs, the new martyrs of Russia - Seraphim Chichagov and Konstantin Bogorodsky, the holy righteous Anna. The shrine of the temple - the Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - is the only icon that has survived from pre-revolutionary times.

Patriarchal Compound in Kitay-gorod, Moscow.
Address: 103012, Moscow, Nikolsky lane, 9a, building 1.
Phone: (495) 606-62-45

Working hours
The temple is open during worship.

Metro station "Kitay-gorod" (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya or Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya lines), exit to the city "to Kitaygorodsky proezd, Varvarka street and Staraya square". Near the metro exit, Varvarka Street begins - go along it to Nikolsky Lane, it will be the second on the right side if you walk from the metro towards the Kremlin. Turn right into Nikolsky lane.

divine services
Fridays at 9:00 - Matins, Divine Liturgy.

Christmas Holy Mother of God(main aisle); Saints Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky.

Patronal feasts:
Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos - September 21 (the main patronal feast);
Memorial Day of Saints Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky - April 30.

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "Red Ringing" is located in one of the oldest historical districts of Moscow - in Kitay-gorod, in Yushkov passage (hereinafter Vladimirov passage, since 1992 Nikolsky lane), connecting Varvarka and Ilyinka streets. The temple has been known from chronicles since the 16th century.
The temple got its name - "Red Bell" - from the unusual beautiful chime of its bells.
In 1858, the old church and its limits were dismantled and the current church was built in their place by the merchant Polyakov.
In the 17th century, the church was designated as follows: "what is reputed to be at the Red Bell Towers on Posolskaya Street", which was named after the Posolsky Yard - a complex of buildings located on the corner with Ilyinka.
The main throne of the Nativity of the Virgin was arranged in the old church by S. G. Naryshkin no earlier than 1705. Nikolsky aisle from the south, the northern aisle in the name of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky.
At the end of 1922, the temple was captured by the Free Labor Church of Fr. Ioanniky Smirnov and the anarchist poet Alexei Svyatogor “For non-compliance with the contract, the contract with the faithful for the Church of St. Nicholas the Red Ring in Yushkov Lane near Ilyinka was terminated. The temple was handed over to another group of believers who wished to take it” (1923–1924).
In 1925, the temple was scheduled for demolition, but it was only a miracle that it was not demolished. The temple was closed around 1927.
In 1964 the church was renovated. It housed an institution. In 1967, she was released from the institution, the windows were bricked up, the premises were concreted and a power plant was installed in it. Later, a building was attached to the church from the north, and together with it it was included in the complex of new buildings of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
By 1990, the domes on the domes were rusted through - in places through and through. The crosses remained only on the central dome and the bell tower, on the four side cupolas - only pins.
According to the decision of the Moscow City Council dated July 25, 1991, the temple is returned to believers. On December 19, 1996, the temple was consecrated again.
In recent years, repair and restoration work has been carried out in the temple. The interior, completely destroyed during the years of hard times, was recreated. The ringing tier of the bell tower was put into operation, for which in 2001 7 new bells cast in the Urals were purchased.
In the central part of the temple (altar in the name of the Nativity of the Virgin) regular services have been resumed. In the aisle of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, the sacrament of Baptism is performed.

Temple icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (XIX century), venerated icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, venerated icon of the New Martyr Russian Hieromartyr Konstantin of Bogorodsky.

On Bright Week, any Orthodox Christian can climb the bell tower and ring the bells, glorifying the Resurrected Savior It turns out that Christians did not have bells immediately, but only in the 7th century. In the very first centuries, when Christianity was persecuted, the bishop himself informed about the place and time of the next divine service after the service. Information was also disseminated by deacons and special messengers.

By the 6th century, when there was no longer any need to hide, believers began to be summoned by blows to wooden beaters or iron, and sometimes copper rivets.

The first bells appeared in Western Europe. Their "invention" is attributed to St. Paulinus, Bishop of Nolan, who died in 411. According to legend, Peacock once dreamed of field bells that made incredibly pleasant sounds. After a dream, the bishop asked to cast these flowers from metal, which turned out to be the first bells. But then the matter did not come to their use for liturgical purposes. Only in the 7th century, under the Roman Pope Savinian, Christians began to use bell ringing to gather people for a common prayer. Over the next two centuries, bells firmly entered the liturgical practice.

In the Greek Church, bells began to be used from the second half of the 9th century, but, oddly enough, they did not enter into widespread use. Bells appeared in Russia at the end of the 10th century. At first they were small, and at each temple there were only 2-3 of them. But when, in the 15th century, own factories, bells in Russia began to be made large. And to this day in Moscow, on the bell tower of Ivan the Great, the world's largest bell "Assumption", or "Festive", weighing 4000 pounds, rings. A blow to it gave rise to the solemn ringing of all Moscow churches on the Bright Easter Night.

We can also try ourselves in the role of bell ringers in the Bright Week. Here are a few addresses of churches where this Easter joy will be available to Muscovites.

Where to call on Bright Week

Temple in the name of the Holy Martyr Seraphim (Chichagov)

Address: Moscow, railway station Butovo, station square.

Directions: from metro station "Annino" - 6 stops by bus number 249, from metro station "Admirala Ushakov Bulvar" - 6 stops by bus number 293 or 8 stops by bus number 629.

Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Strogino

Address: Stroginsky Boulevard, vl. 14.

Directions: m. "Strogino", 1st car from the center, two times to the left.

By car: 66th km of the Moscow Ring Road, exit inside the Moscow Ring Road, to the tram tracks (2nd intersection), right, then left onto Stroginsky Boulevard. The temple is located between two subway exits.

Directions: metro station "October field", 1st car from the center. Then take any trolleybus in the direction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue to the stop "Institute of Communications" (3 stops). The temple is located directly behind the car wash.

By car: check-in from the street. People's Militia, 33 (through the district council "Khoroshevo-Mnevniki").

Church of the All-Merciful Savior in Mitin

Address: Moscow, Pyatnitskoe shosse, vl. 5.

Directions: metro station "Volokolamskaya", 1st car from the center, cross Novotushinsky passage through the underpass, then right 300 meters.

Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Starye Cheryomushki

Address: st. Shvernika, 17, bldg. 1, page 1.

Directions: m. "Academic", bus. No. 119 or fixed-route taxi No. 29, No. 403 to the stop. "st. Shvernik"

Address: Nakhimovsky prospect, 8

Address: Bogoyavlensky lane, 2/6, building 4

Directions: metro station "Revolution Square", exit: to Red Square, Nikolskaya, Ilyinka streets, Chamber Musical Theatre, shops: GUM, " Child's world”, “Gostiny Dvor”. Climb the escalator, exit the subway, and right in front of you is a temple.

Church of St. Nicholas (Nikola the Red Ring)

Address: Moscow, Nikolsky lane, 9a, building 1

Directions: m. "Kitay-gorod", exit to the city on Kitaygorodsky proezd, st. Varvarka and Old Square. Go along Varvarka to Nikolsky lane, turn right into Nikolsky lane.

April 27 at 12 o'clock the bell ringing festival "Perezvon" will open. This festival has been held annually since 1999 on the first Sunday after Easter (Antipascha) and gathers about 300 bell ringers and several thousand listeners. Whole families with children come here. Everyone can take part in outdoor master classes and try himself as a real bell ringer.

Address: st. Vostochnaya, d. 6

Directions: m. "Avtozavodskaya", the last car from the center, in the transition - to the left, up the stairs, straight to the park, to the left.

Concerts of bell ringing performed by Ilya Drozdikhin

April 21 at 12.00. Church of the Resurrection of Christ on Semenovskaya Address: Izmailovskoye highway, 2. Directions: metro station "Semenovskaya", "Elektrozavodskaya"

April 22 at 12.00. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Khamovniki Address: st. Lev Tolstoy, 2. Directions: metro station "Park Kultury" (ring)

April 26 11.00. Temple of the Deposition of the Robe on the Don. Address: ul. Donskaya, 20/6, p. 1. Directions: metro station "Shabolovskaya"

May 9 at 12.00. Temple of Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky wonderworkers in Golyanovo. Address: Baikalskaya st., 37A. Directions: m. "Shchelkovskaya"

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "Red Ringing" has always seemed to me one of the most forgotten churches in Kitay-gorod. Probably undeservedly forgotten, because a lot of interesting things are connected with it.
The temple is located in Nikolsky Lane, connecting Ilyinka and Varvarka. In the 17th century, this lane was called Posolskaya Street, after the Embassy Courtyard located there. Later, the lane was called Yushkov after the Yushkovs' estate, also known from the 17th century, and from 1928 to 1992 - Vladimirov's passage (in honor of M.K. Sheinfinkel-Vladimirov, deputy chairman of the Supreme Economic Council).
A stone church on this site has been known since the second half of the 16th century. There is a legend that it was founded by Metropolitan Philip himself, but the version that the St. Nicholas Church was built at the expense of the Kitai-Gorod merchant Grigory Tverdikov seems more realistic to researchers.
The temple was rebuilt several times. The current building was built in 1858 through the efforts of the merchant Polyakov. Among the possible architects is the famous Nikolai Ilyich Kozlovsky, who at least worked on the iconostasis.

The icon of Hodegetria, painted by Simon Ushakov, was also kept in the temple. I wonder what her fate is?
The temple is also known for a creepy story about how relatives buried in it (or in the cemetery next to it) the head of the head of the Konyushenny order, Alexei Sokovnin, who participated in the conspiracy of supporters of Princess Sophia and was executed by order of Peter. The body was never returned to them.
well and main feature Church of St. Nicholas "Red Ringing" is associated with its bells. Hence the name, since the "red ring" is a beautiful ring. The beauty of the ringing of the bells of the Church of St. Nicholas "Red Ringing" was noted by many. True, it is also worth noting the unsubstantiated legend that the bells of the temple were painted red.
There was also one captive bell in it, cast in the 15th century and taken under Alexei Mikhailovich during the war with Poland. On the bell were three lilies and an inscription, which is now interpreted as follows: "All hope for the bell from Shen in France." After the temple was closed in 1927, this bell was transferred to Kolomenskoye.
In the Soviet period, the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "Red Ring" had a hard time. First, the building was captured by the Free Labor Church of Ioannikius Smirnov and the anarchist poet Alexei Svyatogor. Then the idea of ​​demolition arose, which, fortunately, did not materialize.

The temple was transferred to some institution, and in 1967 a power plant was built in it, for which the windows were bricked up, the room was concreted. Later, a building was attached to the church from the north, and together with it it was included in the complex of new buildings of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
Now the temple is being restored, but it looks very sad and dull. And this is how he looked before the revolution in a photograph from Naydenov's album:
