Read the online book "The Guiding Thread.

Yeah, let's ask Bethany, she agreed. - And Aurora will be a bridesmaid. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked into his eyes.

Call your new girlfriends from knitting courses.

What about book lovers?

Invite everyone you want.

Eliza frowned. Such expenses are overkill. Still, it is necessary to appease him somehow, to moderate his ardor ...

Why so many people? In my opinion, you can limit yourself to only the closest ...

For me, Maverick said.

Eliza nodded and nevertheless decided to remind her beloved that she was now in cramped circumstances.

Maverick,” she began, “don’t forget, I’m suing, and—”

Where is your litigation?

Litigation requires a lot of effort and money.

Everything is formed. Just promise me you won't worry. He looked inquisitively into her eyes.

Eliza went into the living room and sat on the edge of the brown leather sofa.

How can I not worry? You have no idea how much money I lost. I don't forget this for a minute!

Yes, but you can't help grief with excitement. What will be, will be. Whatever you do now, the result will not change. It all depends on the decision of the court - isn't that what you yourself told me?

Eliza nodded.

From now on, I will take care of your financial affairs.

Noticing that she was mechanically about to object, he said:

Eliza, I want to help you. I'm a rich man.

She closed her eyes. Rich? Maverick?!

Do not look at me so!

Maverick, you are a professional player. Gambling don't make big money!

He took a deep breath.

Yes, I have lost a lot in my life, chasing a big jackpot. I could probably do well in many places, but the cards attracted me more than anything else. He chuckled and shrugged. - I have a natural instinct!

Eliza remembered that Maverick was never late with Aurora's maintenance checks. She often wondered how he managed to keep up with payments, and thought that he won small amounts from time to time ... but for him to become rich?

You lost the last tournament in the Caribbean, she whispered.

Quite right. I took second place and received $800,000 from the prize pool.

Eliza gasped.

Think what you will, but the socks you knitted brought me luck.

If she wasn't already sitting, her knees would buckle.

Eight hundred thousand dollars?! she repeated in a broken voice. - You must be joking! - Eliza had no idea that poker tournaments were spinning that kind of money.

Obviously you don't know, but last years More and more people are playing poker...

Completely stunned, she mechanically shook her head.

I placed almost all of my winnings in a trust for Aurora, David and the boys. Well, he did something else ... As my mother would say, "planted the seeds of faith."

Eliza lifted her head and looked at him with wide eyes.

So it's you! she whispered. - It was you who gave Bethany the money she needed so much!

Well, if you say so, - he answered calmly, but the corners of his lips twitched.

Yes ... So, the mysterious benefactor is you!

Everything fell into place. Maverick was waiting for her while she knitted, and on the way home she told him about the affairs of her friends.

It was you who invited Sister Courtney here before the ball... By the way, how did you find her in the first place?

There was a merry light in his eyes.

The name Pulanski doesn't come up very often, does it?

And who helped Margaret's husband get a job?

He was taken for his own merit, - Maverick objected and smiled even wider. - Although ... I do not deny, I took advantage of old connections. Whispered a word to the right person. Well, his hiring bonus is a completely different story.

Eliza had not heard of any award.

And how often do you do that?

guiding thread Book. Express. The direction chosen when solving any issue, when performing a difficult task, which allows you to achieve positive results. As a guiding thread for the presentation of my concepts on the abolition of serfdom, I choose "Questions on rural improvement", proposed by Mr. Koshelev(Chernyshevsky. On the methods of redemption of serfs). As we went deeper into the mountains, the vegetation became better ... A small path laid by Chinese hunters and ginseng seekers served as a guiding thread for us(Arseniev. In the Ussuri taiga).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "Guiding Thread" is in other dictionaries:

    guiding thread- Ariadne's thread, Ariadne's thread Dictionary of Russian synonyms. guiding thread Ariadne's thread, Ariadne's thread (book) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    guiding thread- GUIDE, oh, oh (outdated and high). Pointing the way, the direction of the way. P. fire. P. lighthouse. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    guiding thread- Book. What helps to find the right path in what l. conditions under which circumstances; that by which they are guided in smth. FSRYA, 280; BMS 1998, 404 ...

    A THREAD- THREAD, threads, wives. 1. Same as thread. Warp threads on a loom. Weft threads. 2. An object shaped like a thread. Nerve threads. Lamp with carbon filament. "Green threads of mohu clung to his dress." A. Turgenev. 3. trans. That which connects one with ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    thread of ariadne- guiding thread, Ariadne's thread Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Ariadne's thread n., number of synonyms: 2 Ariadne's thread (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    A thread- A thread is a flexible, thin and elongated object, whose length is several times greater than the thickness (cf. galactic or filament). The natural analogues of a thread are hair or cobwebs, which, however, can be used as a material for a thread ... ... Wikipedia

    a thread- And; and. what or with def. 1. \u003d Thread (except 2 characters). spun n. Harsh n. Strong silky n. All threads are tangled. Pearl n. N. coral, turquoise. N. channel. N. rails. Gas pipeline n. Warp threads (loom). N. incandescent (in ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    a thread- And; and. what or with def. 1) = thread A spun thread. Rough thread. Strong silk thread. All threads are tangled. Pearl thread. A thread of coral, turquoise... Dictionary of many expressions

    a thread- and, well. 1. What is obtained by spinning (that is, twisting, twisting) fibers of flax, cotton, silk, etc. Warp threads (loom). Weft thread. spun thread. □ [Lyuba] modestly sat down at the spinning wheel. Nimble fingers pinched the tow. Ran from... Small Academic Dictionary

    A THREAD- Keep all the threads in your hands. Razg. Completely control the situation. SHZF 2001, 65. Tracing paper from French. tenir tous les fils. BMS 1998, 403. Do not knit threads. Perm. Shuttle. iron. or Neglect. Being unable to say a single word from the strong… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings


  • Guiding thread, Budakov Viktor Viktorovich. Viktor Budakov's book combines works different years published in Voronezh and Moscow. Organic unity is given to it by the root themes of the author's work - fatherland, Fatherland, ...

Flower street - 2


When knitting a sock by hand, you seem to plunge into history and begin to understand how craftswomen lived in the old days. After all, they worked exactly the same way as we do now.

Knitting saved my life. It supported me during two long recurrences of cancer. They found a malignant tumor in my brain, which manifested itself with indescribably excruciating headaches. I thought that I could not bear it ... The disease has darkened my life since the age of sixteen, and yet I fought.

So, at sixteen I was given a terrible diagnosis. I learned to knit between chemotherapy sessions. My roommate, who had breast cancer, knitted almost continuously. She became my first teacher. I did not tolerate injections well. I wanted to climb the wall because of the constant headache, but after chemotherapy I also had none. And only knitting helped me overcome weakness and survive bouts of indomitable vomiting. After some time, it became clear that with a pair of knitting needles and a skein of yarn, I would endure everything that was destined for me. Although then I was almost bald - my hair fell out in clumps - I stubbornly wound the wool into balls, knitted the pattern according to the pattern and rejoiced when I finished the next piece. Needlework distracted me from my worries, although it turned out to knit very little at a time. And yet the achievements, however modest, warmed my soul.

Knitting became my salvation, and, of course, my dad saved me. If it weren’t for him, I would never have endured a second relapse ... And now I’m alive, and dad, sadly, is no more. Ironically, the disease spared me, but finished off my father.

In the certificate of his death in the column "Cause" is "extensive heart attack." I don't think my dad died of a heart attack. When it became clear that my illness had returned, my father lost much more strength than I did. Since my mother was not very good at caring for the sick, my father took on the main burden. It was he who took me to chemotherapy, he was the one who ensured that I was provided with the best care. My father gave me the will to live. Completely absorbed in the fight against the disease, I did not even understand then what a terrible price he paid for my recovery. When the doctors officially recognized that I was in remission, my father's heart gave out.

After his death, I realized that I have no right to waste my life. I had to decide what to devote myself to, but in such a way that the late father would be proud of me. For the sake of his memory, I was ready to take the risk. I, Lydia Anna Hoffman, set out to leave a mark on history. Now I understand how pompous these words must sound, but a year ago such a decision seemed to me the only correct one. It came from the heart. Of course, you are wondering what I came up with?

I opened a yarn store in Seattle, on Flower Street. I agree with those who believe that such a step is unlikely to change the world, but for me personally, the opening of the store was a kind of "burst of faith." I compared myself to no more and no less than Noah, who began building his ark in advance, when not a cloud was yet visible on the horizon. The money I inherited from my grandparents, I invested to the last penny in the business. Come to think of it, I've never held a job for more than a few weeks and had absolutely no understanding of finance, no business plans, no accounting books... And yet I took a chance and invested all my savings in what really understood - that is, in yarn and knitting.

Naturally, I immediately ran into difficulties. At that time, a complete reconstruction was carried out on Tsvetochnaya Street. One of my first knitting students was the wife of the chief architect, Jacqueline Donovan. Jacqueline, Carol, and Alix, who signed up for that first knitting class, are still my closest friends to this day.

Guiding thread GUIDE, -th, -th (outdated and high). Pointing the way, the direction of the way. P. fire. P. lighthouse.

  • - the inverse spectrum of topological spaces - such a system of points, i.e. such a point of the product of sets whenever. B. A. Pasynkov...

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  • - Symbolizes the thread of life, human destiny, which is spun and woven by magical forces; unity, consistency, what binds the universe together, and from which the universe is woven ...

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  • - Cm....
  • - thread - "" ...

    Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary

  • - cable in line. ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - textile - a flexible and durable body with small transverse dimensions, of considerable length, suitable for the manufacture of textile products ...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Old Russian -. Old Slavonic -. Common Slavic - thread. The noun "" is Slavic in origin and means "a finely twisted strand used for sewing and other things"...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov

  • - GUIDE, th, th. Pointing the way, the direction of the way. P. fire...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Delight. 1. A person who determines by his activity, help, etc. someone's life, activity ...
  • - Book. Express. The direction chosen when solving any issue, when performing a difficult task, which allows you to achieve positive results...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - The thread of life. Cut off, cut off the thread of life...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - 1. Book. Thought, method, etc., helping to understand a difficult situation, to get out of a difficult situation. FSRYA, 280; F 1, 330; BTS, 46. 2. Zharg. school Shuttle. Crib. Maksimov, 276. /i> From Greek mythology...
  • - Book. High 1. Guiding, guiding thought, indicating the right direction in some l. areas of life. 2. A person who determines how smth. smb.'s way life, activity. FSRYA, 172; BMS 1998, 204...

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  • - Book. Something that helps to find the right path in any. circumstances, under any circumstances; that which guides in smth. FSRYA, 280; BMS 1998, 404...

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  • - Cm....

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  • - the thread of Ariadne, Ariadne ...

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"Guiding thread" in books

New guiding star

From the book Henry IV author Balakin Vasily Dmitrievich

A new guiding star After the failure of the siege of Paris, the situation could have seemed desperate to anyone but Henry IV. It was impossible to detect in his appearance even a hint that he was dejected by failure. In these difficult years preceding the coronation, energy, far from


From the book Contrary to the absurd. How I conquered Russia, and she conquered me author Dahlgren Lennart

The IKEA guiding star is like a big ship that goes forward no matter what happens around it and takes time to change course. The crew of this ship is undoubtedly capable of more than any of the crew members individually. And there is a guiding star


From book a swan song author Gorchakov Ovid Alexandrovich

THE GUIDE STAR - SATURN It took the scouts an hour to remove their comrades from the mast pines. Shpakov and Ranevsky turned out to be, fortunately, excellent climbers. Ovcharov and Tselikov managed to pull up to the trunks of pines; having unfastened the suspension system, they descended to

Guiding star

From the book Practical Magic of the Modern Witch. Ceremonies, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

Guiding Star Every morning, waking up from sleep, say the following spell: "BETH - LUIS - NEONERIKACHREDHADH YODHAAILM - ONN." After that, look in the mirror, smile and wish yourself a successful, joyful day. Repeat this rite for forty days in a row. And you

Guiding star

From the book Ask and Receive author Morancy Pierre

Guiding Star Now that you have mastered the scientific principle, it's time to learn how to use it. You need to do two things. First, choose the thought waves that match your desires.

§ 21. Intentional object as a "guiding thread" of transcendental research

author Husserl Edmund

§ 21. The Intentional Object as a "Guiding Thread" of Transcendental Inquiry The most general typology, in which, as in a certain form, everything special is contained, is characterized by our general scheme of ego-cogito-cogitatum. In accordance with it, the most general

From the book Cartesian Reflections author Husserl Edmund

§ 43. The noemato-ontic way of giving the other ego as a transcendental guiding thread of the constitutive theory of the experience of the "other"

First guiding thread

From the book The Evolution of Physics author Einstein Albert

The First Guiding Thread Attempts to read the great tale of the mysteries of nature are as old as human thought itself. However, only a little over three centuries ago, scholars began to understand the language of this story. Since that time, i.e. since the time of Galileo and Newton, reading


From the book Queen Margo the author Dumas Alexander

Chapter 11 The Guiding Star of Munich


Chapter 11 Munich's Guiding Star "This is a cunning European politician, Herr Peter, and trust is out of place here." Alexey Tolstoy. Peter the First ... And time passed and brought changes with it. States passed from war to peace. New ones settled in life, old ones changed shape

Chapter 12 Guiding Star of Munich (continued)

From the book Katyn. Lies made history author Prudnikova Elena Anatolievna

CHAPTER 12 The Guiding Star of Munich (continued) It has been a very strange year, from Munich to the German parade in Warsaw. Everyone negotiated with everyone, probed the soil in all directions. Usually nothing came of this, and if anything was successful, only strange

guiding thread

From the book How to write a story author Watts Nigel

Leading thread "Hot topic" can attract the attention of the publisher. But a separate problem is to maintain high temperature, and here comes the guiding thread. I use the word "thread" because it's something that helps a lost author find the right one.

Heuristic rule number 2: Authority is a guiding star

From the book Macrotrends in Business [How to become a new wave company by creating emotions that attract customers] by Solis Brian

Heuristic Rule 2: Authority is the guiding star Authority in social media is not only about commerce, it largely determines the formation of interest groups. In the dynamic customer journey, authority is the guiding light


From the book 48 affirmations to strengthen faith in yourself author Pravdina Natalia Borisovna

JOY IS A LEADING STAR! Joy is a guiding star! Joy is a manifestation of the Divine spirit. Joy is a guide to the realm of success. I gladly accept the wonderful gifts that the waves of the ocean bring me

Dream is the guiding star of life

From the book Following the Dream [Nine Steps to Managing Your Dream] author Kuznetsov Yury Nikolaevich

A dream is the guiding star of life Every person on this planet strives to experience the joy of life. This is a condition that we all know from birth. This is the state in which we feel our "I" - who we really are. Now, for most of us, the sensations
