What nature gives a man is a story. Stories about the nature of Russian writers

Sections: Literature

Learning goal: To find out how the relationship between man and nature is reflected in works of literature, what problems poets and writers raise, revealing this topic (slide 2).

Educational goal: To prove to students how relevant the environmental problem sounds. To evoke in students a sense of frugality towards nature.


1. Lesson presentation (Annex 1) ;

2. Exhibition of books;

3. Stand "Nature through the eyes of children";

4. Pictures of landscape painters.

During the classes

Epigraphs (slide 3) :

“To love nature means to love the Motherland”

(M. Prishvin)

“Man, shooting at nature, hits himself”

(Ch. Aitmatov)

“Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has language.”

(F. Tyutchev)

Teacher's word with elements of conversation:

Today we will talk not just about nature, its beauty, usefulness, but about the relationship between man and nature. Many writers and poets sing of the beauty of nature.

K. Urmanov "Secrets in nature"

This is a Siberian writer who for 70 years did not get tired of looking at the enchanting pictures of the Siberian region.

When you read Urmanov's book, how many marvelous pictures will open up to your eyes - from the “birch in diamonds”, which filled the gray-haired nature-loving writer with “youthful delight”, to the scarlet dawn over a quiet lake, where in the morning water lilies open their white cups with a golden core .

And how many new friends you will find among birds - waterfowl, songbirds - inhabitants of forests and meadows, not only in the books of Urmanov, but also in the stories of M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky.

To see in ordinary nature its beauty, its unusualness, you need to be able to peer into nature. Then every blade of grass, every leaf will tell you whole stories.

They write, sing about nature, artists depict pictures of nature on canvases.

Question: Who do you know of the landscape painters?

(Paintings depicting landscapes are used. You need to name the artist).

(slide 4 - Shishkin I.I.), (slide 5 - Levitan I.I.), (slide 6 - Polenov V.D.)

Question: What pictures would you draw while listening to the verse?

Question: Guys, read your favorite poems about the beauty of nature.

(The guys read the poems of Tyutchev, Fet, Yesenin, Merezhkovsky, Pushkin, Baratynsky).

Conclusion: The conversation about the beauty of nature can be ended with the words of B. Ryabinin (slide 9):

People, take a look around!
How beautiful nature is!
She needs the care of your hands,
So that her beauty does not fade.

Question: What are the last two lines of the poem talking about?

Conclusion: The beauty of nature depends on the person.

Question: What poems do you know where nature is destroyed by human hands?

Igor Severyanin (slide 10)

What the park whispers...
About each new fresh stump,
About a branch broken aimlessly
I yearn for my soul to death.
And it hurts me so tragically.
The park is thinning, the wilderness is thinning,
Spruce bushes are thinning...
He was once thicker forests,
And in the mirrors of autumn puddles
He reflected like a giant...
But here they come on two legs
Animals - and through the valleys
The ax carried its booming swing.
I hear how, listening to the buzz
killing axe,
The park whispers: "Soon I won't...
But I lived - it was time ... "

This poem is analyzed by a group of guys:

  1. This poem was written at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1923. Already at that time the theme of man and nature was very important. One can feel the anxiety and pain of the poet himself for what is happening in relation to people to the nature around them.
  2. The main idea of ​​the poem is that a person destroys the park with his own hands, a beautiful corner of nature. And it is worth thinking to all those living on Earth that by destroying nature, we are destroying our own lives, since we are part of nature.

  3. Analyzing this poem, I took two levels - graphic and phonetic. The poem consists of 4 stanzas. Written in two-syllable meter - iambic. It is this size that shows that there is no melody here. The lines sound harsh and abrupt, like the sound of an axe.
  4. I analyzed the sound coloring of the poem. A lot of white color gives sound [ABOUT]. Apparently, there are a lot of white-trunked birches in the park, a lot of green color - the sound [AND]. Even eat

    Red color - [A] After all, the park brings joy to people with its beauty. Then all light tones are replaced by dark ones: gray, brown, even black. It is the color of bare earth and cut down trees.

    There is alliteration here - a combination of hissing and whistling consonants. With this artistic device, the poet shows how the park falls silent, dying, that is, dying.

  5. I analyzed the lexical level.
  1. In the first stanza, the lyrical hero speaks about his state of mind when he looks at the stumps, at the broken branches:
  • Longing to death....
  • Tragically, it hurts me...
  1. In the second stanza, a picture arises of how the once dense and beautiful park is being destroyed. This idea is conveyed by the verb “thinning”, it is repeated three times.
  2. It is in the third stanza that the poet pronounces a merciless sentence on man, calling him an animal on two legs. This is a metaphor. With an ax in their hands, these "animals" destroy the park.
  3. In the fourth stanza, with the help of personification, the poet shows the last minutes of the life of the park. Hears the last whisper of the trees: "Soon I won't...".

There are few epithets in the poem, but there is one “epithet” - a murderous axe, which emphasizes the main idea - a person kills nature.

Teacher's word:

Not only poets are concerned about the violation of the harmony of relations between man and nature, but also writers very often turn to this problem.

Question: What stories have you read? How do they solve this problem?

Prishvin “Blue Bast Shoes”, “Forest Master”, “Pantry of the Sun”.

Paustovsky “Hare paws”, “Meshcherskaya side”.

Astafiev “Why did I kill the corncrake”, “Belogrudka”.

Yakubovsky "In the forest lodge."

A group of children prepared an analysis of the story "Tail" V. Astafieva.

  1. We have chosen Victor Astafiev's story "The Tail". Astafiev is our contemporary writer. He recently died, but left behind wonderful works. Astafiev is very close to nature, as he grew up on the banks of the Angara, in a village in the bosom of nature. He was raised by his grandmother. It was she who taught him to live in such a way "to hear the pain of everyone." Everyone is not only a person, but also all life on Earth: an animal, a bird, a tree, a wild flower, every blade of grass and insects. Astafiev has a book called "Zatesi". Zatesi are notches on a tree that taiga hunters make in order to find their way back, not to get lost. This book contains short stories (they are called poetic miniatures). Each of the stories also leaves a notch, only not on a tree, but in the soul, heart of the reader, makes you think about moral problems: about cruelty and kindness, about duty, honor, betrayal, about the responsibility of a person to his land.
  2. In the second plot, the writer raises the problem of raising children on the basis of the relationship to nature, to all living things.

There is a boy on the beach. He laughs, he laughs, he chuckles. What is he laughing at?

And here is the picture the boy is laughing at:

Yes, the gopher's tail is funny, it looks like a rye spikelet, from which grain is knocked out. Apparently, the ground squirrel came to the shore to pick up crumbs from hunger. He was caught by merry revelers who were resting here and stuffed into a jar. From the scratches on the walls of the jar, it can be seen that they put him alive. And the words on the newspaper are underlined not with a pencil, but with the blood of an animal. What notches did the writer leave with this story? Many questions arise after this story. Why did people do this? Why is the boy laughing and not sorry? What will he be like when he grows up? So Astafiev makes both children and adults think with his ideas: Who are we? Why are we? Why are we doing this?

Question: Why don't nature and man exist separately? Prove it.

  • Nature feeds, clothes, waters, shoes a person. It educates a person in aesthetic concepts, moral, teaches him.

Question: Why is the environmental problem so urgent right now?

Prove with facts (articles of newspapers, magazines, TV shows, radio shows).

  • Water pollution.

Examples: Irtysh, Lake Ladoga, Baikal, Aral Sea, small rivers.

  • Forest areas.

Fires, unscheduled cuttings.

  • Destruction of rare animals, chemical pollination of fields.

Conclusion: You see that nature asks for mercy from man, for protection.

Question: What poems do you know that show an environmental problem?

Alena Kolokolnikova (Cherlak poetess) (slide 11)

Don't destroy bird nests
Don't kill little birds
For the song thrush to return,
In the spring, the song did not stop.
You are the master, O man!
Let your gun misfire
Don't let blood spill on the snow
Let the river come out of its banks.
Nature asks: "Have mercy!"
Cruelty is fraught with the future,
Think what's ahead?
You can't avoid retribution.
She knows how to forgive everything
Wipe away a tear with the hand of an aspen.
Don't make her suffer
She's a mother -
So be her son.

This poem can be called the cry of the soul of a person who is not indifferent to what is happening in the world around him. The main idea here is that nature cannot be destroyed. Alena Kolokolnikova not only asks, but demands:

“do not not kill...have mercy...”

The last lines are filled with love and tenderness for nature, as for a mother. A mother takes care of her children, and children should also take care of their mother. “She's a mother! So be her son." S. Alekseev(slide 10)

Spare the animals and birds,
Trees and bushes.
After all, these are all words
That you are the king of nature.
You are just a part of it
dependent part.
What is without her and your power
And power?!

In this poem, the main idea is that nature must be protected, all living things should be spared. And man is not at all the king of nature, but only a part of nature. Man is completely dependent on the environment. Nature provides us with food, water and air. It's something we humans can't live without.

Teacher's word:

A man armed with a gun and a machine, a deaf and cruel heart, for the sake of profit, can kill an elk, the hunting of which is prohibited, shoot a duck, after which there will be a brood of helpless ducklings, doomed without a mother to death.

Maybe, having gone on a hiking trip, to commit atrocities in nature, leaving an irreparably destructive mark on the halts.

Or, armed with equipment, break, twist with a winch a lone tree, regally towering over the district.

Conclusion: But man is the “God” of nature, as the hero of Alexander Ivanov's story “The Judge” claims. Him to live in it. Him to protect her.

The same idea can be expressed in verses (slide 11):

Giant people, giant people,
Do you have rifles, nets and traps,
Do you have fearlessness, you have strength forever,
But there must be a heart, a human heart.

The theme of man and nature raises moral issues: kindness and cruelty, raising a child in a family, responsibility and duty to what surrounds us.

Conclusion: To hear the pain of everyone, you need to live by the rule of four "CO":

  • Regret,
  • sympathize,
  • Compassionate,
  • Empathize.

And then there will be less evil on Earth, and more joy.

At the last stage of the lesson, we turn to the epigraphs on the board (slide 12).

Children explain the meaning of the words of M. Prishvin, Ch. Aitmatov and F. Tyutchev

The question at the end of the lesson is: What made me think about literature class?

Students respond in writing.

Option 1. Peculiar and indescribably beautiful nature in autumn. Despite the fact that rain and fog are quite frequent, there are also clear, quiet days for a walk in the nearest forest. Swear, love the golden robe of the forest, listen to the birds singing, look at the birds flying away. Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance. Drop by drop it began to rain. Hiding under a tree, he looked around. How beautiful it is around I like autumn nature. The air is so fresh! I really don't want to go home.

Option 2. Human and nature are closely related to each other. Nature creates all the conditions for human life, so it is so important to live in harmony with it. Beautiful landscapes of nature fill the human soul with delight, only this beauty is truly mesmerizing. Man's interest in nature is unlimited; how many secrets and mysteries are forests and seas. There's a lot we don't know yet about nature. To enjoy the beauty of nature, you do not need to travel far, just go to a park or forest. Nature is especially beautiful in autumn, when you want to sit on the benches and absorb all its beauty, enjoy it. It is then that you feel how your soul is filled with new colors, how it is saturated with the beauty of the surrounding world. At these moments, you realize how closely people are connected with nature.

Yana Kazakova
Summary of the lesson "Man and Nature"

nature and man.

Target: explain to children the relationship man and nature(water man, man-air) survival conditions human.

Tasks: Cultivate love and respect for nature, wisely spend what is in it, protect and protect nature. Accumulation of knowledge about living and non-living nature, interconnection and interaction of all natural objects of ecology.

preliminary work: 1. Examining illustrations and talking with children.

2. Conducting an experiment with water (dirty or clean water).


1. Story-conversation.

caregiver: Guys, look what I brought you! This picture shows nature that surrounds us. Do you know what is nature?

Nature is that that us surrounds: sun, flowers, plants, animals.

And what do you think, man relates to nature? Is it part of it? Why?

Children options.

caregiver: Yes, that's right, it does. Man is also created by nature..

She is alive and inanimate nature. And what do you think about the inanimate nature?

Children: sun, water

caregiver: What about living nature?

Children: animals, plants, etc.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think what conditions are necessary for living a living nature?

Children: Options (we need air, water).

caregiver Q: Why do we need air?

Children A: To breathe.

caregiver: In order for all people to be healthy, what kind of air is needed?

Children: Clean.

caregiver: For example, there is a lot of dust in our room and therefore the air is not clean. And in order for it to be clean, you need to ventilate the room, do wet cleaning. Who do you think pollutes the air? The air, guys, pollutes factories (shows illustrations, because they release harmful and poisonous gases. Cars that emit exhaust gases from the exhaust pipes also pollute the air.

caregiver: Why do plants and animals need clean air?

Children A: To breathe.

caregiver Q: Why is polluted air dangerous?

Children: Dangerous because it is difficult for them to breathe.

caregiver Q: Where is the cleanest air?

Children: In the forest, on the sea, in the mountains.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, without which it cannot live Human?

Children: Without water and air.

caregiver: For what man needs water? Why do they drink it?

Children: They drink water because you can't live without water.

caregiver: Guys, what kind of water is considered clean?

Children: Pure water - transparent, no bad smell, no bad taste.

caregiver: Sometimes it seems to us that the water is clean, for example, in a stream, lake.

But you can’t drink it, it can be dangerous to health, and sometimes to life. She is polluted. Who pollutes it?

Children: People.

caregiver: Many people throw water into the trash, factories dump waste. The water supply comes from the river, but this water can also be drunk, only boiled, because harmful substances and microbes still remain in this water.

2. Physical education minute: A game "The Frogs and the Heron" .

Here from the hatched rotten

The frogs jumped into the water.

Will croak: "Kwa-ke-ke".

It will rain on the river.

caregiver: And now we will conduct an experiment. Pour into one jar clean water and into other dirty water. We filter dirty water through a strainer - you see, the water is still dirty. Such water can be seen in a river, lake, and how bad it is for fish, plants and other inhabitants in such water. They may die.

caregiver: Each of us has running water at home. And we wash our faces every day, wash the dishes, drink water, but we still need to save water. How?

Children: Close the tap.

caregiver: In order for all water bodies to remain clean, it is not necessary to pollute the water, it is necessary to protect rivers and lakes. Therefore, it is necessary to teach everyone not to pollute, to save water.

3. After the story - conversation, the teacher asks questions children:

1. What will happen to us if there is no water? Why?

2. Why man needs water?

3. Why can't you drink water from a river, lake, etc.?

4. What should be done to make the air clean?

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"Pure poetry" - this is how Prishvin's stories can be called. Every word written by him is a hint of something that cannot be seen with a superficial glance. Prishvin should not just be read, he should be enjoyed, trying to catch the subtle meaning of seemingly simple phrases. Edification? Here they are useless, the author understands this very well. Special attention to every little thing is what is really important, this is what Prishvin's stories teach.

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Often Prishvin's stories tell us about how indifferent people are to all the beauty that is next to them. The purer and richer a person is spiritually, the more open to him, the more he will be able to see in her. So why do we forget this simple wisdom today? And when do we realize it? Will it be too late? Who knows…

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Small sketches of each season convey the mood of nature in small works written by the creators of Russian prose. Short stories, sketches and notes are collected on the pages of our site in a small collection of short stories about nature for children and schoolchildren.

Nature in short stories by M. M. Prishvin

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin is an unsurpassed master of the short genre, in his notes he so subtly describes nature in just two or three sentences. Short stories by M. M. Prishvin are sketches about nature, observations of plants and animals, short essays on the life of the forest at different times of the year. From the book "The Seasons" (selected sketches):

Nature in short stories by K. D. Ushinsky

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Stories about plants and animals

Tales of the seasons

Nature in short stories by K. G. Paustovsky

An incredible description of nature in its various manifestations, using all the richness of the Russian language dictionary, can be found in short stories by Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich. In surprisingly light and accessible lines, the author's prose, like the composer's music, comes to life in stories for a brief moment, transferring the reader to the living world of Russian nature.

Nature in short stories by A. N. Tumbasov

Anatoly Nikolaevich Tumbasov's sketches about nature are small essays of each season. Together with the author, take your little trip to wonderful world nature.

Seasons in the stories of Russian writers

Short stories of Russian writers, the lines of which are inseparably united by a feeling of love for their native nature.





Retelling a story requires not only memorization of the text, but also thoughtfulness in words, in the content of the story.
