Prayer of the Mother of God for the lost. Prayer of the Mother of God for her lost son

A conspiracy to death is a strong impact on a person’s energy, on his etheric, astral and mental body. Such a conspiracy and black magic can lead to irreparable results; the person under the spell begins to have serious troubles, unfavorable events occur, and circumstances come together in the most unfavorable way. All this psychologically puts a lot of pressure on a person, leading to psychological or physical death.

It is important to think several times before deciding to resort to black magic. This is an appeal to the mysterious magical forces of death; it can act against the conspirator, playing a cruel joke on him. According to ancient beliefs and foundations, only the Lord God has the right to take the life of someone. And if a person does this for another person, unpleasant consequences are possible. In any case, resort to dark magic only when you are ready to take responsibility for your actions and the death of a person.

This is what can await you if you decide to send this dark conspiracy to someone:

  • Lack of the desired result (if your intentions are not justified);
  • The emergence of a conspirator severe illness or aggravation of an existing one;
  • The beginning of a streak of failures, serious problems in your personal life.

Peculiarity! The only way to avoid any consequences and achieve the desired result is through sins. The sins of the one you wish dead. If he has done a lot of bad things in life not only to you, if he truly deserves it, only then will everything work out with minimal losses for you.

How to implement?

There are several ways to implement your idea:

  1. Rituals with biomaterials. For such rituals, they use the hair, nails, urine, and blood of the person you are going to inflict death on. Conspiracies are read on the extracted materials, cursing a person to death with the help of powerful dark energy on a real part of the person’s body and soul.
  1. Puppet magic. The method is that the conspirator makes a special doll, causing damage to it. The material used is wax, cloth, and sometimes clay. Hair, nails, and sometimes drops of blood are placed inside. The doll is named after the victim, and according to the theory of similarity, the same thing will happen to the charmed person as with the doll of the same name. Including death.

For example: if you stick a needle into the head of a doll, the person will feel headache, if in the heart, the heart will hurt. Perform pain rituals every day for nine or thirteen days, after which you can perform the final stage. To kill a person, a rag or wax doll is burned, and a clay doll is drowned in river water.

  1. A conspiracy to kill from a photograph. According to magicians and witches related to black magic, a photo is not just a piece of paper. This is a powerful energy transmitter through which you can send any impulse, including a fatal one.

An example of a magic spell based on a photo: take a few cheap and simple candles, a photo and go to the cemetery. Best time for the ritual: full moon, midnight. Light candles near any grave, look at the photo while reading the plot. Words can come from the heart to the enemy, or for greater effect, find special texts. Place photos and candles on the grave.

In addition, you can use the following method. Place the mobile phone handset on the photograph on the grave and dial the victim's number. First call on the deceased to call the one who answers the phone to him, to draw life out of his body and from his voice:

“With mighty and extraterrestrial forces, I appeal to the name of the Spirit of Death, I appeal to the Soul (the name of the person who is depicted in the photo of the grave next to which you are). Take to you the one whose voice you hear from the other end of the tube. Call him to your grave, take life out of this body, suppress his will! Carry out my will right now, so be it!”

When the one to whom you wish death picks up the phone and says: “Hello,” he is doomed. After this ritual, burn the photo.

Another example of a photo conspiracy. Take a photo of the hated person and go to the cemetery. Find the grave of a person with the same name, who did not die a natural death. Bury the photo of the enemy in the ground, saying: “I’m burying you alive, I’m burying you. You get sick, suffer, go blind and deaf, lose your strength. No one will find the photograph in this grave, and your soul will soon go to hell.”. When reading a magical curse, feel all the anger and hatred towards the person you wish to die.

And in addition, here is a spell that is read at midnight, in front of a mirror and by candlelight:

“How I now want (name) to die and with what hatred for him (her) I call on the forces of darkness in order to calm him down forever, so the black raven greedily pecks out his (her) eyes. My reflection, my double, visit (name) with mortal horror in his (her) dreams. Let it be so"

What happens after the ritual?

After the action is completed, it is strictly prohibited to see this person, talk on the phone or contact in any other way. You shouldn’t even talk about the conspiracy with other people.

Black magic will not work immediately. Sometimes you have to wait months for results, so you should be patient and wait. Dark forces do not reproduce everything according to your command; at first, a person’s health may simply deteriorate. This can be considered the beginning of the end.

If the result does not appear in any way long time, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. The person you cast the black spell on is protected. He has protection from any spells and curses, and perhaps he is well educated in this area. If this occurs, it is better to turn to professionals for help.
  2. You made a mistake while performing the ritual. They said the wrong words or did not have enough negative energy. In this case, it is also better to contact a professional magician so that he can analyze everything and point out the mistakes. In any case, you should not repeat the ritual in a month. At least a year must pass.

Black magic in action

Think several times whether you really want the death of another person. After all, a conspiracy to death is a serious matter with dire consequences. If you are confident in your actions, try to do everything as accurately and correctly as possible.

Relationships between people are not always cloudless. Situations often arise that provoke hatred of one person towards another. Some people, in order to punish the offender, resort to black magic and perform various rituals, reading conspiracies against the enemy.

Conspiracy to fire

Carrying out this ritual poses a danger not only for the victim, but also for the performer himself, so it should be resorted to only in the most extreme cases. For example, when the law could not bring to justice a person who took someone else’s life, and the harm caused to people must be punished. The main condition for death damage to be triggered is strong hatred of the offender. Not every professional sorcerer will agree to perform such magical actions, so you often have to select the desired option and perform strong conspiracy to death on your own.

The person performing the ritual must have powerful energy and strictly follow all the rules for its implementation. This effective candle spell can be read at home. To do this, you will need a photograph of the enemy, in which he is depicted alone. The performer must take off his cross, light a candle, place a photo next to him and turn off the light. Perform the ritual on a decreasing lunar phase.

Read the spell while looking at the fire:

“As the flame of this candle burns brightly, so let the slave (...) burn in mortal pain, let the fever plague his body, let him shake and break him, but his soul will never know peace. Let death take him, but even in the next world he will not escape torment. The power of revenge is strong, I curse my enemy! No one will destroy this conspiracy, no one will interrupt the cherished word. Burn, candle, the body and soul of the slave (...) sharpening. Let it be so! Amen".

The photograph of the enemy is burned on the flame of a candle, which must burn out completely. Its remains, as well as the ashes from the photo, are taken out of the house and thrown away, then they put on a cross and wash cold water, reading "Our Father". They do it in the room wet cleaning, thus deleting negative energy.

Conspiracy on the needle

The conspiracy for a quick death is carried out on a needle and, despite its simplicity, is very powerful. Even a novice sorcerer can perform the ritual, since no special skills are required. The charmed needle is hidden in the enemy's house so that he cannot detect it. But even if a person finds the lining, he most likely will not realize that a magical attack has been made against him.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon and exclusively on a new needle, which is first purchased in a store, paying small money for the purchase, since taking change is prohibited. When paying, mentally say:

“I take it not for myself, but for my enemy.”

Communication with the seller is kept to a minimum; they also don’t talk to anyone on the way home. Returning, all thoughts are directed towards your offender, concentrating as much negativity and anger as possible, which will be directed at the enemy during the ritual.

If the performer’s message is revealed, the damage can be returned, but you must not touch the attribute with your bare hands. They take it with scissors or wearing gloves, and then throw it into the fire. As a result, the person who performed the ritual receives a triple blow.

If you intend to inflict serious illness or death on your enemy, you should take a rusty needle. In this case, the offender will have no opportunity to get rid of the damage. To perform the ritual on a full moon, they go to the cemetery and look for a grave with the same name of the deceased and the object of the conspiracy. A needle is completely stuck into the tombstone, which is taken away at 29 lunar day. If the item is not rusty, they repeat the procedure again, finding another grave.

A spell is recited on the needle:

“If, needle, slave (...) in the dark night, if you strike him in the bright day, do not give him peace, become a thorn in the body, interfere with him in any business. The slave (...) will be tormented, neither will he be able to eat or drink, he will dry up and wither away, he will not know health and happiness for ever. The word is a lock, the key is under the threshold. Let it be so!"

The needle is taken to the victim's house and stuck into the threshold, wall or door. Soon, conflicts and quarrels will begin in the enemy’s family, his loved ones will be haunted by intimate problems, illnesses and failures. In some cases, spoilage leads to death.

Plot before bed in the photo

Death conspiracies can be carried out before going to bed, waiting for the waning moon. At midnight, they remove the animals from the premises, take a photograph of the offender, put it under the pillow, turn off the light and go to bed with the words:

“I will come to you, slave (...), in a dream, I will bring your death with me, I will point at you, I will order you to be destroyed. Your sins are great, you have brought a lot of grief and melancholy. Just as I will now sleep peacefully and carelessly, so you will sleep forever. These words cannot be interrupted by anything, these words cannot be cut with an ax, and sins can only be atoned for by death. I do not torture a slave (...) and do not torment him, but I conjure him to inevitable death. No sooner said than done".

If the offender appears in the dream of the performer that night, then the ritual has worked. Otherwise, you should repeat the magical action 2 more times. While reading the plot, it is important to concentrate on the desire to take revenge on the enemy. The photograph will need to be thrown away or burned. After each ritual, cleansing is necessary, therefore, waking up in the morning, they take a bath, put on clean clothes, go to church, give alms and ask for forgiveness from the icon of the Mother of God, placing candles near it.

Salt spell

There are many effective conspiracies for salt. This substance, due to its crystalline structure, accumulates and stores both negative and positive information for a long time. Therefore, in skillful hands, salt becomes a powerful weapon capable of hitting the enemy and sending death or illness to him. To carry out the ritual, you will need a photograph of the object of damage. Salt is placed in a plate, a photograph of the victim is placed on top, face up, a mound of salt is poured onto the face, a candle is stuck in it, lit and read:

“In a dark forest, the churchyard is abandoned, there is a coffin with the deceased. That dead man guards misfortunes and blasphemy, not a single animal can run through there, only sorcerers walk around and bring evil upon people, collect blasphemy and misfortunes, and throw them at others. The corpse lies there, not knowing, not knowing what kind of things the witchers are doing. He sleeps, rests, and departs from his deadness. I will also give the dead man an order: let him destroy the slave (...) in one go. Let this salt eat him, eat him alive, drive him into a coffin. He will never know happiness, he will not live long. To whomever the dead man throws a handful of salt, he should look for a domina for himself. It is said - it will come true. Amen".

The photograph is burned and salt is thrown where the person targeted by the conspiracy walks. It is important that the object of damage steps on or touches the charmed salt first.

Conspiracy for funeral candles

An effective death plot against the enemy is read on funeral candles. With the help of this ritual, health, well-being and even life can be taken away. To perform the ritual you will need an image of the victim. If there is no photograph, they make a Volt doll and give it the name of the offender. You can use any materials, the main thing is to think about the person at whom the actions are directed, imagining his image as clearly as possible. Then you need to go to church and take 2 candle stubs from the funeral table, replacing them with new candles and putting treats on the table to appease the deceased.

At home, place the cinders on the table, light them, place a doll or photo next to them and read the spell three times:

“Burn, candle, with a bright flame, burn out, turn the life of a slave (...) into dust and ashes. Let people turn away from him, and let misfortune and illness smile upon him. Bring, dead fire, to the slave (...) flammable misfortune, evil damage. The flame is not just burning, but it was taken from the graveyard. A dead man lies in the ground, a candle flame is on the table. I cast a spell, I cast a spell, whatever I command will come true. Let it be so!"

Let one candle burn out completely, the other should be extinguished and taken to a pedestrian intersection with a payoff for the dark forces or thrown under the threshold of the house where the offender lives.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

To remove an enemy or take revenge on a rival who deprived children of their father, this plot is read on Friday in the cemetery. It acts gradually, purposefully bringing a person to his deathbed. However, the performer himself also takes a great risk, so the ritual must be carried out in the very as a last resort. They wait for the waning moon and at midnight they find an abandoned grave without a name in the churchyard. An aspen stake is driven into the center of the grave, reading the plot:

“Friday, sister, the conductor of evil deeds. The unholy thoughts of the nameless man are wrong. I drive a stake into the murderer, and I confirm death with a stake. Through the deceased nameless man I unleash fierce destruction on the slave (...). No sooner said than done". The text is read three times, the stake is left in the grave and they leave without looking back. After 7 days, the ritual is repeated, doing it 3 Fridays in a row. On the last day, they take 3 eggs with them, break them on the grave and say: “Paid.”

The aspen stake is taken out and driven into the ground near the enemy’s house, preferably in front of the front door.

Spell for 5 burned candles

In the next conspiracy for the death of a person, the performer turns to Satan himself, which is considered an absolute guarantee that the ritual will work. The effect of it is fast and powerful, but modern magicians practically do not use this ritual due to too high energy costs and the risk of receiving a strong kickback. A magician with average witchcraft abilities can only slightly undermine his health, ruin his career and cause discord in the personal life of the victim. To cause significant harm, you need a strong and experienced sorcerer.

The performer waits until Friday, retires, and at midnight places himself in the middle of the room, surrounding himself with 5 lighted candles. They should be lit with a match taken from left hand, moving clockwise. Then you need to imagine the object of the conspiracy next to you and say an appeal to Satan:

“Great almighty Father, Satan. You are the greatest of all greats, your name is glorious, your work is tireless, and your will is unshakable. We carry it faithfully into human thoughts. Father Almighty, protect from the white hut, from any misfortune, from piercing arrows and the flame of God.

Leading us along unknown paths, giving us shelter after death, subject the people of God to cruel punishment, tirelessly crucify them on the cross with their filthy brows down, and have mercy on us, the heretics who serve you. Born of God himself and opposed to him, you are the Almighty and his son, no one will hide from your eyes, neither in the earth, nor in the water, nor behind an iron wall, nor behind a stone wall, nor behind the shelter of the Lord. With your fiery ax and damask scepter you tirelessly punish God’s people, you grant insight and strength to heretics on their righteous path. Nima! Nima! Nima!

After reading in their own words, they turn to Satan asking for help so that he can plague the offender. At the end of the ritual, the candles are extinguished, they leave the room, go to a pedestrian intersection of 4 roads, leave there a piece of meat with blood oozing from it and say: “Paid.” Turning over their left shoulder, they return home silently, without looking back.

You can perform the ritual in the daytime, taking food from a fresh grave to remember the deceased. When leaving, they remember the name of the deceased and thank him for the gifts. Upon returning home, they place them in a circle drawn on the table, light a candle, which is used to circle the gifts from left to right, while reading the black plot:

“The soul of the deceased (his name) came, brought a gift with him, treats the dear guest slave (...) and the guest accepts the gifts. You, deceased slave (...), disembodied, mortal soul, show the living guest the way, open the way to another world, call the slave (...) with you so that he does not return home.

Just as these words unite with the wind, they dissolve in them without a trace. This conspiracy cannot be interrupted by anything, words cannot be broken, or deeds cannot be destroyed. Let it be so! Amen".

The spoken food must be fed to the object of damage. If this is not possible, the gift is burned and buried with the name of the enemy pronounced.

Conspiracy in the photo

If the performer has a photograph of the offender, it is not difficult to select a suitable death plot from the photograph. Black magic offers many different powerful rituals that are often performed in a graveyard. However, before you begin, you should evaluate your capabilities, since otherworldly forces act in a destructive way and can take away from a person a large number of energy. In addition, carrying out such rituals requires special attention, clear, error-free reading of spells and readiness for possible consequences.

Before starting the ritual, you should prepare gifts for the owner of the graveyard: raw dough or a piece of meat with blood, which will serve as repayment for what you have done. They find a grave with the name of the victim, place a photograph on it, place lighted candles on both sides of the photograph and read the spell:

“I appeal to you, mighty dark forces, Spirit of Death, appear! Take the slave with you (...), suppress his will, remove his soul from his body. I ask you to fulfill this will in 3 days, 3 hours and 3 minutes. Let it be so!"

After reading it 3 times, they extinguish the candles, leave the ransom and leave the cemetery without looking back. Attributes are not taken with you. Over the next 3 days, the victim may experience an accident, illness, natural death or suicide. Each ritual performer should understand his responsibility for sin and think carefully before resorting to such methods. The consequences can overtake a person even after a few years or affect future generations.

There is a simpler ritual with a photograph of the offender: a mother-in-law who does not give life to a young daughter-in-law, or a mistress who took her husband away from the family - when the photograph is placed in a coffin with the deceased, preferably closer to his heart. You can put it in any other place, for example, in the shoes of the deceased (shoes or slippers), or hide it in the folds of his clothes.

Conspiracy on biomaterial

The following conspiracy to kill an enemy is read if the performer has biological material: hair, nails, skin or blood of the victim. First you need to make a volt doll by placing the mined particles inside. On the 5th day of the full moon, after waiting until midnight, they go to the cemetery to a previously found unmarked grave without a sign or monument. You need to take 3 with you chicken eggs, a knife, 12 candles, which are placed around the grave and lit. A volt is placed in the center of the mound and the death spell is cast 12 times:

“It’s not a nameless suicide bomber lying here, but a slave (...). I’m bringing misfortune on him, I’m cursing him for torment and fierce death!”

The doll is pierced with a knife with such force that it sinks into the grave mound. All paraphernalia is left in its place; upon exiting the cemetery gates, 3 eggs are broken, saying: “Paid!” After 2 weeks, the offender will die.

Conspiracy by phone number

If it is impossible to obtain either photographs or biological material of the enemy, another ritual is allowed. But to implement it, you need to find out the phone number of your offender. At midnight on the full moon they go to the churchyard, light a candle on any grave and say:

“I’ll give back everything I took soon.”

Then they make a call to the victim and, as soon as the person answers, they bring the phone closer to the tombstone, pronouncing the words so that at the other end of the connection the text of the spell is almost inaudible:

“Mighty unearthly forces, Spirit of Death, I call on you! Take with you the one whose voice comes from the receiver. Call the slave (...) to the graveyard, suppress his will, take life out of the body. Please do it right now. Let it be so! Amen".

The call is made using a new SIM card. After the ritual, it should be buried next to the grave. The candle is extinguished, the performer goes to the pedestrian intersection of 4 roads, taking with him some cemetery dust.

At the crossroads the dust is cleared with the words:

“Taken for you, slave (...). These words cannot be changed by anyone, cannot be undone, or sent back. I close the plot with a key and lock it with a strong lock. Let it be so!"

The scattered dust will serve as a ransom to the other world. It is important to strictly observe every nuance so that there is no backlash that could affect not only the performer, but also his loved ones.


Conspiracies for death or serious illness against an enemy who has broken a person’s life and continues to cause grief to other people have been used since ancient times. Carrying out such rituals is dangerous not only for a beginner, but also for a professional magician. And although this is possible with proper preparation, still Negative consequences for the customer and the contractor are not excluded. If a magician has a weak biofield, the magical actions performed, in the absence of properly placed protection, can return almost immediately. Removing retaliatory damage can be even more difficult than inflicted damage.

The object of the conspiracy also receives a strong blow. In order for the magic to work only in his direction, the performer is not recommended to communicate directly or talk on the phone with the victim for 40 days after the ritual. We must not forget that death rituals do not act instantly, no matter how powerful they are. Dark forces suck the life out of the victim gradually. But the spell may not work at all if a person has strong natural protection, influential patrons who do not allow outside influence to be exerted on him, or he himself is an experienced magician.

As a result, the launched program is not processed, and when the curse encounters the victim’s protective field, it boomerangs back to the performer. Often those who perform the ritual are not energetically strong enough, poorly prepared and make fatal mistakes. In this case, it is not the object of the conspiracy that receives the blow, but the one who performed the ritual. Another mistake is trying to fix everything immediately. This leads to the fact that a novice magician quickly depletes his energy, since such magical actions are allowed to be performed no more than once a year.

It is not always that the initiator of a ritual who wishes death to another person suffers himself. Among the most terrible consequences are the illnesses and deaths of the sorcerer’s relatives, who pay for his sins. Turning to dark forces can bring a curse on the entire family and offspring, which will subsequently experience a large number of early deaths, suicides, accidents or serious illnesses (malignant tumors, nervous and mental illness).

It often happens that in a clan that has received a kickback, women turn out to be infertile, and other relatives lose their memory and reason. A conspiracy to death can entail unpredictable consequences, so anyone who decides to perform such magic should have a good understanding of what they are getting into, sensibly assessing their capabilities and likely risks. Turning to the other world never passes without leaving a trace and does not remain a thing of the past. The dark forces will carry out the sentence, but they will certainly take payment for the service.

For many, paying back for what they have done can become an unbearable burden, resulting in severe suffering, incurable diseases, failures and misfortunes. As for the victim of the ritual, when the deadly conspiracy is carried out correctly and works in a short time, the bewitched person loses strength, melts literally before our eyes, not understanding what is happening to him. Doctors in most cases do not find any deviations from the norm. Due to hopelessness, the victim increasingly begins to have thoughts of suicide, and with every minute his death gets closer.

How to remove the effect of a conspiracy

When a person realizes that he has been damaged, he gets lost and tries to look for professional magicians. But it happens that there is nowhere to wait for help. In this case, you must try to get rid of the death sentence yourself. First of all, it is important to determine the presence of damage. To do this, pour salted water into a container, light 3 matches and throw them one by one into the container. Quickly sank matches mean that a magical effect has been performed.

Removing damage is always more difficult than preventing it, so it is better to take care of yourself in advance by making an amulet. If a person has not had time to acquire a talisman, it is best for him to go to church and make a request to the Lord, since there is nothing stronger than his protection.

Believers should read prayers, regularly visit the temple and order a magpie for themselves by going to the 3 nearest monasteries. If there are none nearby, then you can make such an order in 3 churches. It is important that the service takes place simultaneously. From this day on, it is necessary to keep a 40-day fast, abstain from intimacy, attend matins weekly, reading Psalm 90 in church.

It happens that some individuals are not accepted in the temple, although this happens extremely rarely. Such people should turn to a magician or psychic who will get rid of deadly damage with the help of special rune spells. An ancient ritual can remove the effect of a conspiracy, the implementation of which can be helped by an old maid, an innocent girl and a widow. Their help must be voluntary and selfless. The following procedure is required:

  • the customer takes a small canvas bag and pours sand into it;
  • early in the morning all participants in the ritual go out into the open field;
  • bow to the sun;
  • the performer digs a hole into which he pours sand, reciting a spell against damage to death;
  • all the women, without turning around or talking to each other, simultaneously leave the field.

The words of the spell are as follows:

“I, slave (...), will bury my ruin, I will bury my death in a hole, take it, earth, don’t let it go, don’t let me get out to freedom. All 4 elements, come to the rescue, protect from the pit of witchcraft! No one can interrupt this word, no evil sorcerer can change the fate of a slave (...) Let it be so! Amen".

After this, everyone who took part in the ritual goes to church and lights candles at those icons where their souls are drawn.

There is another effective method which is carried out at a funeral. They go to the cemetery, wait for the funeral procession to appear, approach it and walk alongside it, trying to behave unnoticed. In total you need to go through 33 steps while reciting the spell:

“I give my destruction not to the clear sky, not to a fierce beast, not to good people, not to a migratory bird, but to you, the newly departed servant of God. You won’t be able to turn back in your home, you won’t be able to return to life. Take the death of a slave (...) to yourself, guard it, and don’t let it go anywhere. Amen".

The next ritual is also performed in the cemetery. You can do it both for yourself and for loved one. They buy a new white scarf, which they wear around the waist or neck for 3 days, then take it off, wrap it in paper and take it to the churchyard. It is important to time it so that you pass through the cemetery gates exactly at midnight. They go to the nearest grave, take out a scarf and leave it there with the words:

“Where death came from, that’s where it went. Take it, deceased, and give it where it belongs.”

They walk away without looking back, throwing a few coins on the ground behind the gate as a payoff or paper money. In the morning they go to church, lighting themselves the thickest candle for their health. It is advisable that all relatives of the person plotted to death visit the temple. Soon the person will feel much better, and the one who performed the ritual will begin to get sick himself. It is better for someone plotted to die to avoid communicating with the performer.

A sick person who has suffered retribution for what he has done can try to perform a ritual on the mirror, sending mortal damage through the looking glass. The object is held over any container, washed over the mirror surface clean water and at the same time pronounce the following spell:

“I wash, I wash, I remove dirt and damage, I throw it out with water, I free myself from pain. Let it be so! Amen".

The mirror is broken, the fragments along with water are taken away from the house and buried in the ground. In the morning they go to church, light candles for health and ask forgiveness from the saints for their sins.

A person is often driven to take revenge and carry out such rituals by unfair decisions of judges, when the law does not punish murderers or rapists. Emotions often come into play at such moments, when, for example, grief-stricken parents dead son or daughters, wish the death of the culprit or criminal. No one has the right to condemn people for hating the one who deprived their life of meaning. And when it is impossible to forgive and forget about what happened, a person makes a choice, turning to dark forces, so that punishment overtakes the one who deserves it.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to independently severe damage on imminent death enemy. Powerful rituals of black magic must be carried out according to all the rules, and the rituals must be done in a complex, otherwise there will be no point. In other rituals, old magicians say that the enemy will quickly die from this black damage. But these were real sorcerers of such power that the enemy began to wither away from just a whisper. You are far from this, because you have only just embarked on the path self-use black magic. Yes, and witchcraft rituals of inducing damage at a distance to the speedy death of the enemy are different.

In the old rituals of black witchcraft there are types of damage to death that have great power if they are induced. These rituals have very great power. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that a beginner in witchcraft will not put an enemy in a coffin with domestic damage to death. But the earthly life of the offender will be greatly damaged.

So, before you take on strong rituals of black magic, read reviews of those who did damage to death, learn about what others who practice on their own have achieved black witchcraft. What were the results, and how to send damage to the enemy so as not to make mistakes and not harm yourself.

How to spoil a quick death - 2 ways to kill the enemy yourself

When things develop in such a way that there is no control or pacification of your enemy, if he is stronger than you and boasts of his strength, humiliating and oppressing you in every possible way, then you need to use magical rituals in order to give your offender a worthy rebuff. But he won’t even know where his troubles came from, and he will leave you alone. He won't care about you. So that's when it happens need damage for enemy death, then you can apply old witchcraft rituals, black cemetery damage. But even though such a ritual of strong damage to the death of the enemy would take revenge, it would hurt 7 aspen stakes.

After Ivan Kupala, every day, 7 days in a row, come to the place where the fire was burning, and in that place stick an aspen stake and read the words of the plot to take revenge on the enemy:

“As people rejoiced with fire, so (name) was reduced to dust. Amen".

So say and leave without looking back. The next day do the same. And the next day, drive an aspen stake with a conspiracy. And do this for 7 days. How to drive the seventh stake, read the words of the spell of corruption for the death of the enemy:

“As in seven days the world was created, so with seven stakes (name) was sent to the graveyard. Amen".

Strong black magic has in its arsenals many independent rituals, how to make a curse on a person's death. A lot of things are written and hidden in the black books of sorcerers. But there is already a lot of things in the public domain. Here, for example, is another independent ritual of damaging your enemy, like cursing the offender through a sliver of a grave cross into need and disaster. You need to break off a sliver of wood from the cross, soak it in rotten swamp water, use it as a lining, and throw it under your enemy’s threshold. At the same time, you need to read a strong conspiracy of damage to an ill-wisher:

“The cross is blasphemous and rotten with swamp water, and you (name) are walking into a coffin, and into a grave for repose. Amen".

Home rituals of damage to the death of a person

  • When you hear that the bells of the Lord’s Church are ringing, and not on any day, but on Wednesday, you need to spit on the ground and say:

    “Lord remember (name) and bring him to the ground, so that he will overcome this and dry him up. Amen".

  • And here is another home ritual, which is triggered by the hatred of the magician - the performer. If you are very angry with some person and want revenge, then you need to clench both hands into fists, lower them along the body, and look at the sky and read the words of the spell:

    “I have two fists, and the thunderman has an arrow. I can’t shake my fist, but I can’t throw myself at (name) the thunderer. Amen".

If it is said in the hearts of the sorcerer, then everything will be in force, and black damage to the death of the enemy will act quickly.

  • Magic ritual fast self-damage to death, which can be done due to strong emotions, and the consequences of such damage will be illness and stench emanating from the victim. You need to sprinkle plenty of salt on the dog shit and read the text of the conspiracy:

    “From the inside to the inside, but (name)’s body is bad, and he is very sick. Amen".

  • From the same category is a ritual - damage to cat shit. Causes illness and a stench that is impossible to get rid of. If you do this 13 times in one moonstroke, then as a result of domestic damage to death, the person will suffer from pain, and the enemy’s body will stink. You need to read the plot:

    “Go, you stink, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, throw yourself at (name), and cling to him with shit. Amen".

Inducing damage to the death of an enemy at a distance through his photo

And this seemingly simple home ritual makes it possible to severely damage a relative to death. If the relative is not blood, then do it yourself on the waning moon.

To spoil the death of your enemy, take:

  • photo of the enemy
  • a little liquid honey
  • a handful of earth from a registered grave
  • jar with a tight lid

In the photo you need to pour a little honey, sprinkle a handful of grave soil, read the words of the conspiracy to bring damage to evil man:

“Just as bees flock to honey, so the dead cling to (name). If this is not removed, then the accursed power will not subside. If he doesn’t calm down, then (name) will throw himself into the coffin. Amen".

Put this photograph with all its contents in a jar, cover it with a lid, and bury it at the edge of the field. Taking soil from a grave according to the rules. If they are not known to you, then before do damage to death yourself through objects associated with death and the energy of the dead, familiarize yourself with the rules of cemetery magic.

Here's another magic ritual, associated with the cemetery, using which there is a chance send quick damage to death. This is done at a cemetery intersection, across an unmarked grave. You must have a good connection with the cemetery entities. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that this connection can only be developed through witchcraft practice. There is no other way to get contact with the Cemetery Forces. To cast a spell on the death of a person on the waning moon, at night. What is needed is the thing of the one whom they decided to curse, which he wore on his body for a long time. Go to an unmarked grave at night and tear out the cross from that grave. From there go to the cemetery intersection. There, put the enemy’s thing on the ground, and throw a grave cross on top. At the same time, read the text of the conspiracy to cause damage through the cemetery intersection:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“I died with one cross, but with this cross I was destroyed. Either she’s not a majestic bastard, or she’s a fast suicide bomber. Delano. Made. Done to death. Amen".

Leave without looking back. Going out the gate of the old cemetery, say this:

“The suicide bomber is done, but my path is different. Amen".

Is there a risk of getting a kickback from self-made damage to death?

In order not to experience the power of magical reversal of damage to death, put up strong, ritual protections for yourself. And weaken your enemy. The weaker he is, the sooner he will accept the negative energy from the black damage sent. If you see that an evil enemy is resisting, weaken, break the witchcraft defenses without pity. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know, if everything is done correctly, a rollback from self-made damage to death bad person will not be. However, do not think that everything is so simple, and that anyone can curse to death.

But no. Not just anyone. Not every magician is able to put his enemy in a coffin using damage. But even those who cannot call themselves a master, but have some, are capable of ruining their life, changing their destiny, depriving them of something. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know how strong sorcerers manage even in at home to cause damage to death(there are strong rituals in black magic), but most rituals of a destructive nature are performed in places of Power.

Damaging death from a photo - how to pray to an enemy for death in 9 days

They cast a powerful spell on the death of the enemy at a distance from a photo, on the waning moon, on Friday night.

Here's what you need to stock up on for the witchcraft ritual:

  • 9 candles from graves
  • black canvas
  • mirror
  • photo of the enemy

Go through the cemetery and collect 9 memorial candles from the graves. When taking a candle from a grave, they must leave a memorial for the deceased. This - classic rules cemetery witchcraft. They cannot be violated or ignored. Whether you need to cause damage to a quick death, or you are planning to do something for the good, the rules of magical work in the cemetery are the same for everyone.

At night, cover the table with black cloth. Place a mirror on the table, behind it place a vertical photograph of the offender with the image facing you, so that you can see the face of your enemy, and so that he is reflected in the mirror surface. Place a grave candle on the mirror, light it, and look at the enemy’s photo through the flame of the candle. Look at the enemy and read the plot three times to bring the strongest damage to death a bad person who, of his own free will, became your enemy:

“The book was written by the nine elders, but that book was called the accursed one, and the prayers of indemnity were collected there. Yes, today I will read that book, I will become stronger than all people, and with death itself I will know each other. May death submit to my word, may it be blessed by the prayer of forgiveness. My request is black, like black punishment, nine-day talker. To death (name) I read, nine doors will open, nine tears will roll down your cheeks, even death itself will rise with a scythe, and it will follow the trail of (name). Since the roads have been trodden by them, the paths have been trodden, and the unknown ones have been trodden, then death will be attached to (name). For eight days (name) will be consumed with flour, and on the ninth day he will be cleaned up by death itself. The heavenly intercessor will retreat from him, and lie in the el coffin of (name). Yes, that coffin will sink into the black ground, and (name) will be buried in a deep grave. Tears are shed, but words are spoken, (name)’s grave is crowned with a cross. Then human memory will become dilapidated, and (name) will be forgotten by everyone, neither old nor young (name) will be remembered, all that remains, and will be seen, will be sealed with a graveyard grave. Then everything will come true, and everything will be accomplished, if the prayer is read, and for nine days everything will be reflected, (name) will be cleaned up by death, and buried in the grave. Amen".

Read the words of a black conspiracy to kill a person 3 times. Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out completely. Do this for 9 days in a row. The photograph of the evil man and the mirror should be buried in an unmarked grave.

How does damage to death through an unmarked grave work?

And so, the victim must soon go to the next world. Along with the photo, you can also bury the victim’s item, if you have one, because additional binding will never hurt, it will only enhance the result. In addition to paying the deceased, before witchcraft, a purchase is made to the owner of the cemetery with a request for help. It is not necessary to bury all this stuff in the dark, you can do it during the day.

When a person dies from damage caused to death

The time aspect is of great importance. How long does it take for death damage to take effect?, i.e. How long does it take for powerful damage to unfold and the first result to appear? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that this question is purely individual. Much depends on who casts a black deadly spell on the death of a person at a distance. But the magical ritual itself also determines the result.

The witchcraft ritual of inflicting mortal damage on the enemy should not be carried out alone. You need to create a complex, then it will make sense. When performing any cemetery work, whether there is a connection with the cemetery where the black magic ritual is performed, and whether there are graves that have been made. Not every sorcerer can place his victim in a coffin. This is a serious and far from easy matter. You must have considerable strength. And in addition to personal witchcraft power, contact must be good with the patronizing Forces. So, when a person dies under a death spell, it’s actually difficult to say.

If the victim was properly weakened, and the set of damages sent was chosen correctly and carried out correctly, then the result will not have to wait so long. Some practicing magicians write on forums that they destroy their “wards” within 40 days. Whether this is true or not, who knows? Witchcraft practice is an individual and secret matter. Other practicing magicians also share their experiences. They don't work, they say black damage to the death of the enemy. This is more like the truth, because difficult rituals for death do not work, because not everyone can do this. Having secured the support of the Forces, you will be able to work effectively. You won’t have to spend years damaging your enemy.
