Do atheists need to prove the existence of Allah? The law of causation.

17:32 2014

For a believer, proofs of the existence of God are of no fundamental importance, since for him the very fact of the existence of the Universe and man indicates the inevitability of the existence of the Creator. However, not everyone, especially in our time, agrees to accept the provisions on faith, even if they are quite logical, if they are not supported by material arguments. Scientific thinking is replacing religious thinking, and more and more people are abandoning the formula "do not test, but believe." The discovery by N. Copernicus (1473-1543) of the rotation of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun, the development by I. Newton (1643-1727) of a system of physical laws based on the concepts of mass and force, speed and acceleration, undermined the authority of religion in Europe. The discovery of the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), the theory of relativity by A. Einstein (1879-1955), quantum theory and, finally, the Big Bang theory was regarded as the final triumph of materialism. The gap between science and religion began to shrink as Europe became more familiar with Islam and the Koran.

The Scripture of Allah, which has not undergone any changes for over fourteen centuries and contains amazing natural science or social science knowledge that does not contradict the facts confirmed by science, destroys the materialistic ideology and proves the truth of the religion of Allah. Crushing any doubts about its heavenly origin, the Qur'an acts as evidence that can be heard and felt, over which you can think and reflect. Moreover, the Qur'an calls on Muslims to be rational even in matters of faith: "Bring your evidence if you are telling the truth" (an-Naml, 64). A similar decree was sent down in the 24th verse of Surah al-Anbiya.

But is belief in Allah itself rational? Is it necessary to prove the existence of the Creator? As follows from the Holy Quran, among the unbelieving peoples to whom the messengers of Allah came, there were those who recognized His existence, and those who did not recognize it. One of the greatest unbelievers who denied the existence of the Supreme Creator was the Egyptian ruler - Pharaoh, who objected to the prophet Musa: "And what is the Lord of the worlds?" (ash-Shu'ara, 23). Coming to such unbelievers, the messengers proved the veracity of their mission not only by miraculous signs, but also by rational arguments. They crushed the doubts of the unbelievers with irrefutable logical arguments, and therefore the Qur'an says: “The Messengers said to them: “Do you really doubt Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth?” (Ibrahim, 10).

It must be admitted that it is impossible to prove the absence of Allah. Materialists try to do this by revealing the nature of phenomena occurring in the Universe, but the discovery natural laws does not contradict the idea of ​​the creation of the world by Allah. On the contrary, it only proves the infinite wisdom and perfect power of the Creator. In fact, in order to prove the absence of a Creator, materialists would have to explore all corners of the universe and even go beyond it. It is no coincidence that the Pharaoh, in order to refute the prophet Musa, ordered his vizier to build for him high tower: "Oh Haman! Kindle [a fire] over the clay and build a tower for me so that I can ascend to the God of Musa. Indeed, I believe that he is one of the liars” (al-Kasas, 38). Meanwhile, the existence of Allah is confirmed by many arguments, which were given attention already at an early stage in the development of Islamic religious thought.

Ibn Abu al-‘Izz, in his comments on Imam at-Tahawi’s treatise on the doctrine (S. 84-85), reported that some followers of the Kalam decided to discuss with Abu Hanifa the issue of recognizing Allah as the only Lord. He said: “Before you start a conversation on this issue, what do you think about the ship in the Tigris River, which sails itself and is loaded with food, goods and other things, then returns itself, moored and unloaded, and then goes back? He is not controlled by anyone and does it all himself! People said: “This is impossible!!” To this, he said: “If this is impossible in relation to the ship, then how is this possible in relation to this Universe with its higher and lower worlds ?!”

Classifying arguments pointing to the existence of a Creator, they can be divided into ontological, cosmological, teleological, practical, psychological, and based on the authority of revelation.

The ontological argument relies on reason: no one who understands what Allah is and what qualities He has can even imagine that He does not exist. Allah is self-sufficient and perfect, and His existence is an actual necessity. A person may assume that there is no Allah, but that non-existent object cannot have the perfect qualities of Allah.

Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah as-Suhaim writes: “The mind cannot but recognize that this Universe has a Great Creator, because the mind perceives the Universe as a creation that has a beginning and does not exist in itself, and the creation must certainly have a creator. A person also knows that when he finds himself in a difficult, critical situation, when he is not able to avert misfortune by human efforts, he turns to heaven with all his soul and prays to his Lord for relief, even if on other days he denies Him and worships idols. This is an indisputable truth that cannot be rejected and must be accepted. Moreover, even animals, when misfortune befalls them, raise their heads and look to the sky ”[al-Suhaim, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah. Al-Islam usulukh wa mabadiuh. S. 178].

The cosmological argument relies on the fact that the world exists: everything that has a beginning has a reason for its existence, and if the universe has a beginning, then it must have a reason. This reason is Allah, for the Universe could not arise from non-existence. The Quran says: “Were they created by themselves? Or are they the creators themselves? (Sura 52 "Mountain", verse 35). When we ask ourselves where Allah came from, we come to understand His eternity and self-sufficiency.

The teleological argument relies on the specific qualities inherent in the created world: the expedient design and order that exists in the universe prove the existence of a Creator in it. Everything that exists in nature obeys certain laws and behaves according to a certain plan, even if it is devoid of consciousness. The one who directs everything that exists to a certain, predetermined goal is Allah [For more details, see: Thompson M. Philosophy of Religion].

Think about the relationship that exists between processes in the universe. Digestion of food depends on the work of the stomach, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the flow of blood. Blood circulation depends on the presence of oxygen in the air, which, in turn, depends on the vital activity of plants. Plant life is impossible without the heat and light emitted by the Sun, and the existence of the Sun depends on other stars surrounding it. Everything around us is in close interconnection, which indicates the existence of a single Creator in the Universe.

Ibn al-Qayyim in his book Madarij as-salikin (1/74) writes: “Think about the upper and lower worlds with all their parts, and you will see that they testify to the existence of the Creator, Creator and Ruler. For the human mind and nature, the denial of the Creator is equivalent to the denial of the existing world. There is no difference between these denials. Moreover, for people with a pure, enlightened and sublime mind and a healthy nature, the indication of the Creator to the creations, which acts on the action itself, and the manufacturer on the product is more obvious than the opposite. Wise and discerning people know the deeds and creations of Allah through Him, while the rest of the people know Allah through His creations and deeds. Undoubtedly, both paths are correct, both are true, and the Qur'an covers them both.

The practical argument relies on religious experience: certain things and phenomena cause experiences that indicate the existence and omnipotence of Allah. The contemporaries of the prophets witnessed miracles that only the Creator is capable of. Ordinary people daily witness how Allah listens to their prayers, sometimes satisfying the most incredible desires. Of course, religious experience can be misjudged. However, it must be recognized that the knowledge of Allah through experience is at least possible.

The psychological argument is based on the fact that the healthy nature of every person recognizes the existence of Allah, as long as he does not fall under the influence of materialistic philosophies and teachings. But no matter how strong prejudices and delusions may be, a healthy nature is periodically released from their shackles. Shaykh 'Umar Sulayman al-Ashkar writes: "Very often the veil enveloping the nature of a person rises and disappears when painful misfortunes befall him, when he gets into a difficult situation from which he cannot get out with the help of people, when he does not find ways to salvation. How many atheists have known their Lord and returned to Him, finding themselves in a hopeless situation! How many pagans sincerely called out to Allah when misfortunes befell them!” [al-Ashkar, ‘Umar Sulaiman. Al-‘Aqida fi-llah. S. 71].

But the most convincing proof of the existence of Allah is Holy Quran. Its inimitability indicates that it is not a creation of man, but the uncreated Word of Allah. The prescriptions sent down in it take into account the interests of the individual and society, are full of mercy and compassion for people. The information sent down in it is true, and the depth of the meaning inherent in them amazes the mind. Reflecting on his verses, a person comprehends the truths of being and is convinced of the perfection and power of his Creator.

Faith in Allah

· Existence and Oneness of Allah;

Attributes of Allah;

Love for Allah

· The importance of faith.


The first of the six pillars of faith is faith in God. The most important duty of an adult and reasonable person– to believe in the Existence of One Single God – Allah. In the last Holy Scripture In the Qur'an God is called Allah in Arabic.

If we look at the world around us, we will see that nothing happens by itself. If there is a watch, then there is the watchmaker who made it; if there is a picture that decorates our room, then there is an artist who painted it; if there is a building, then there is the one who built it. The existence of the Universe speaks of the existence of its Creator - Allah, who has Infinite Strength and Power. The amazing harmony and order in the Universe prove the Oneness of Allah, who, having created us, gave our hearts aspiration to Him. All creatures need Him, His Grace, they cannot exist without the Creator for a single moment. Our Creator has the most majestic Attributes ( syfaty), worthy only of Him. The attributes of Allah are eternal, they are like nothing. Allah has no flaws. In order to be true believers in Allah, it is necessary to study and believe in His Attributes.


Fourteen of the Attributes of Allah should be known by every Muslim, for knowledge and conviction in them determines the correct belief in Him. These Attributes are mentioned in the Holy Quran literally or by meaning. They include 6 Essential Attributes " Zati»and 8 Required Attributes« Subuti.

Entity Attributes Syfaty "Zati":

1. Existence (being) of AllahA eh- IN ujud . Allah exists, His non-existence is impossible. Just as there is no letter without a writer and no structure without a builder, so the existence of this world cannot be imagined without the One who created it.

2. Allah is Eternal without beginning – Al Qidam . Allah existed and there was nothing but Him. Everything else was created by Him and has a beginning, including time and space.

3. Allah is eternal without endAl Baqa . Everything created has an end, and the existence of Allah is Eternal. The infinite existence of Paradise and Hell, the souls of people and genies is granted by Allah and therefore differs from the Infinity of Allah, since He is Infinite in Himself.

4. Allah is One and OneAl-Wahdaniyat . He has no likeness and no partner. He is indivisible.

5. Difference from created – Al-Muhalafat Lil - havadis . Allah cannot be imagined by giving Him some image. Allah is not like his creations.

6. self-sufficiency – Al-Qiyamu binafsihi . Allah exists by Himself. He does not need anyone or anything, and all the creatures of Allah need Him. Time and space are also creations of Allah Almighty. Since the Creator does not need His creations, He does not need either time or space.

Required Attributes Sifats "Subuti":

7. Allah is Eternally Alive Al Khayat .The life of Allah is eternal. His life is not like the life of his creations. He does not need anything to sustain life. The proof that Life is inherent in Allah is the existence of our world.

8. Allah the All-KnowingAl-Ilm . Allah initially knows everything that was, is and will be. He knows all the obvious and secret, hidden in the heart. His Knowledge is eternal and absolute, it does not change, does not decrease and does not replenish.

9. Allah All-Hearing – As-Sami . Allah hears absolutely everything. For this He does not need the organs of hearing. The hearing of Allah is eternal.

10. Allah All SeeingAl Basar. Allah sees absolutely everything. For this He does not need an organ of sight. The vision of Allah is eternal.

11. Absolute Will of AllahAl Irada . Allah does whatever He wants. Everything happens according to His Will. Nothing can happen without His will, by accident or against His will. Only what Allah wants happens. He created both the good that He calls for and the evil that He disapproves of. The assertion that “good is from Allah, and evil is from Shaitan (Satan)” is erroneous, since “two Creators” cannot exist. Allah endowed man with reason and gave him the right to choose between good and evil. And to instruct people on the path of Truth, Allah sent Prophets to them, making them teachers, an example to follow.

12. Allah AlmightyAl Qudra. His Power is Eternal. Allah can do everything; there is nothing that He cannot. He creates everything without needing any organs or instruments of labor. Allah can equally easily create both a small speck of dust and the Universe. Whatever He wants to do, is done at once.

13. Allah's speech – Al Kalam . His Speech needs no letters, no sounds, no words, no pauses between them. The speech of Allah is eternal and uncreated. Allah gave His Speech to the Prophets.

14. Allah is the Creator of everythingAt-Takwin . Everything in the universe is created by Him. If He wants something to exist, it must be. If He wants to destroy, He will destroy.

Thus, faith in Allah is as follows:

Allah exists and He is One. There is no Beginning and End of His Existence. Allah is not like what He created. Allah exists by Himself, He does not need anyone or anything, but everything needs Him. Allah is Eternally Alive. He is the Almighty, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. Allah does whatever He wants and no one can stop Him. Allah has Infinite Power and Power, He can do everything. Allah is the Creator of everything. He can create what he wants from nothing. Allah has Speech. He let the Prophets hear His Speech and comprehend His commands. The Quran is the Speech of Allah.


Allah gave people eyes to see, ears to hear, tongues to speak, hands to do things, legs to move about. He endowed man with reason and elevated him above other creatures.

The Almighty created all kinds of gifts on earth for a comfortable and happy life human: from the air we breathe to the water we drink. Even if a person's breathing is stopped for a short time, he will not be able to live and will die. If we pay attention to everything that surrounds us and meditate, we can be convinced of the infinite mercy of the Creator to us.

The Holy Quran says:

« He [God] sent down (brings down) water from heaven, which is a drink for you, from it grows green spaces where your animals graze . He nurtures for you from her (water) plants, oil trees, palm trees, vineyards and everything else that feeds you with its fruits. In all this a sign for people who think . He subjugated the night to you and day and also the sun and moon. AND the stars are drawn to serve you His command. IN this - h intentions For people to her reasonable X. He subdued the seas for you to feed tender meat , And to get you are the ornaments with which you have adorned b you yourself. AND you see how the ships ply seas. [ They ] help you (people) aspire to manifestation of the mercy of the Creator. Be are grateful for This! AND "threw" He V the earth of the mountain, so that the earth is more stable , And rivers , And roads for you were able to find the right path , And signs . A people also find the right path along stars. If you [wish] to count the blessings, gifts that are provided to you by the Almighty, then do it not you can. Undoubtedly He Forgiving and infinitely merciful. Almighty in fully aware of that you hide and O what you do openly, give publicity » .

A person loves and thanks the one who does good to him. Therefore, it is Allah, who bestowed the greatest blessing on man, who deserves the greatest love and gratitude. Realizing that everything he has, including his life, is a gift from Allah Almighty, a person will begin to love Him. However, love is not only about words. A person shows respect for the one he loves, and does not do what the beloved does not like. Love for Allah is the constant remembrance of Him (dhikr), the fulfillment of all commands with love and the avoidance of what He forbids. If we love Allah in this way, then He will love us and reward us with His mercy in Eternity with even greater gifts.

Loving Allah and being loved by Him is the greatest happiness for a person.

The basis of the Islamic religion is Faith in One Allah (اللهُ - Allah).

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

فَاعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ

"Know that there is no god but Allah..." (Sura 47 "Muhammad" 19 ayah)

In a phrase لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ "la ilaha illa Allah"(there is no deity but Allah), expresses the basic principle of Islam "tawhid"- Faith in the One Lord. Besides, "la ilaha illa Allah" is the first half of the certificate by which a person becomes a Muslim.

Happiness both in this world and in the next life is achieved only through faith in Allah. The unbelieving soul remains insecure, frightened, lost and weak, without stability.
True happiness lies in obedience to Allah, the Living One, and in renunciation of sins, because this is how the boundless success of the righteous is achieved. Allah said: "Whoever is removed from the Fire and entered into Paradise, he will gain success"(Quran, 3 "Al Imran" ayat 185).

Faith in Allah Almighty is the principle, the reason why Allah created heaven, earth, Paradise, hellfire, balance, the straight path and all mankind. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: "I created the jinn and all mankind to worship me". (Sura 51 "az-Zariyyat" verse 56)

It was narrated from Imam Al-Bukhari in his book "Sahih Al-Bukhari", from Abu-Huraira, may Allah bless them, that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he was asked: "What's the best deal?", He answered: "Faith in Allah and His Messenger".

And also the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said to Abu Dharr, may the Grace of the Almighty be upon him: “You will appear to the peoples from the people of the Scripture, and let the first thing you call for is Faith in the Oneness of the Most High. And when they accept it, then tell that Allah has commanded to perform five daily prayers on time.(Al-Bukhari)

Tawhid - Science of Monotheism

The most valuable and obligatory science for every person is the science of Monotheism (tawhid), through which the knowledge of Almighty Allah is carried out through the attributes inherent in Him (syfat).

Imam Abu Hanifa said in his book Al-Fikhul-Akbar:
"Knowledge of the Faith (tawhid-aqida) is in an unsurpassed advantage over knowledge of the legal issues of Shari'ah (fiqh)" .

We must be deeply convinced that Allah Almighty exists, and there is nothing worthy of worship except Him. He is alone, and there are no partners for Him. Neither in His essence (zat), nor in qualities (syfat), nor in deeds is there anything and no one like Him. He is one, and for Him there is no partner; He is eternal, and there is no beginning or end for Him, He has always existed and will exist forever, He has always ruled and will rule everything He created in perfect order. He is alive and does not die. He hears and sees everything. He speaks, and the faithful in the next world will see Him. Everything good and bad happens according to His will, but He is not pleased when His servants do evil. He is omniscient and omnipotent.

Almighty Allah in the Qur'an in sura 112 "al-Ikhlas" says: “Say [O Muhammad]: He is Allah the One [He has no partner], Allah is Self-sufficient [does not need anyone or anything], He did not give birth and was not born, and there is no one equal to Him [He is neither equal nor like] ”

In relation to Allah, one cannot use such spatial landmarks as top, bottom, right and left side, in front, behind, etc. The question “where is Allah?” is meaningless, because the very word “where” indicates a certain place in space, which contradicts the Essence of the Almighty. Saying that Allah is in the heavens or the Arsh or that He is everywhere makes Him similar to His creations. Whoever and in whatever image tries to represent Allah, He is absolutely not like this image. He is one in essence, in qualities and in deeds.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Meditate on the bounties of Allah and do not meditate on the (essence) of Allah". It is not permissible to try to know Allah Almighty by imagination, because Allah Almighty is not One Who can be imagined.

Sifats are the attributes of Allah

Almighty Allah has 99 names - epithets - the most beautiful names (“al-Asma al-husna”). All of them are His attributes (syphats), and one must be convinced of this. Every adult and mentally complete Muslim is obliged to know the following obligatory attributes (syfats) of our Lord and understand their meaning.

The syfats of Allah are the attributes, qualities of Allah, inherent only in Him alone. The Sifats of Allah are eternal, they have no beginning, they are not created and they have no end. The Sifats of Allah do not change, do not depend on anything or anyone, they are incomparable and inherent only in the One Lord. Every Muslim should know at least the following Sifats of Allah and understand their meaning, because denial of them means that a person falls into unbelief (kufr) . May the Lord save us from this!

Classification of the syfat of Allah

I. Sifat Nafsia (Attribute of Essence)

الوجُود al-Wujud - Existence

The proof of the existence of Allah is the existence of His creations - the Universe with all galaxies, stars and planets, flora and fauna. The nature around us exists according to numerous strict Laws of the Creator, which make up a whole spectrum, from local to global, each of which is in harmony with all the others, forming a single system.
In nature, there are over two million species of animals, plants and fungi, not to mention microorganisms. Each of these species, on the one hand, harmoniously fits into the system of living nature (the biosphere), is a logically necessary part of it, which is in close interaction, interconnection with its other parts, on the other hand, it is itself a highly organized, perfect and harmonious system with logically necessary and sufficient components, ideally adapted to perform their functions.

In a word, everything that exists is subject to a single logic, a single plan, and it is not difficult to see behind this the Single Creator and Manager. It is only necessary to get rid of preconceived stereotypes that fetter the mind, and from false self-conceit, as if you are able to understand everything, as if only what seems so to you is true.

II. Syfaty Salbiya (Attributes whose opposite is unacceptable to Him)

الِقدَمُ al-Kidam - Eternity without a beginning

Allah exists forever, He has always been. His Existence has no beginning. All creations have a definite beginning. They did not exist initially, they were created by the Almighty. Allah has always been there.

البَقَاء al-Baqa - Eternity without end

All the creations of Allah Almighty, except those which He will preserve forever, will perish, but Allah Almighty is eternal. It exists indefinitely.
If we take into account that time is also created by Allah Almighty, then the second and third Sifats (Kidam and Baka) become obvious.

الوَحْدَانِيةُ al-Wahdaniya - Oneness

The Lord is one, He is unique. He is one in His Essence, His Sifats and in what He does. His Essence does not contain anything but Itself, does not consist of parts and is not divided into parts. None of His Sifat belongs to anyone or anything else, and He does not have a single Sifat of anyone or anything else. In what He creates and accomplishes, no one takes any part. The word “one” here does not carry the meaning of the number “one”, which can be divided, multiplied, added, etc., but emphasizes Its Unity, originality. It is integral, unified and inaccessible to the human intellect.

المُخَالَفَةُ ِللْحَوَادِثِ al-Muhallafatuhu lil-hawadis - The difference between Allah and everything created

Allah Almighty is not like anyone or anything, there is no one and nothing like Him. The Lord is not like any of the ideas of man. He cannot be imagined, for He has no image. Man is unable to imagine Allah, for man's intellect is limited. Therefore, anyone who tries to imagine Him will certainly be on the wrong path. There is the Creator, there are His creations, but the Creator is nothing like His creations, and the creations are nothing like the Creator.

القِيَامُ بِنَفْسِهِ al-Qiyamu bi-Nawsihi - Allah Exists by Himself

Almighty Allah does not depend on anyone or anything, He does not need anyone or anything, including neither in space (place), nor in time, He is absolutely independent.
The existence of Allah is not conditioned by any factors.

All the creations of Allah are completely dependent on Him, their existence is due to His Will. In addition, Allah created them interdependent, interconnected, existing in a complex, systemic way. If we consider not wildlife, then we will see that some states of things are replaced by others, some bodies turn into others, one type of energy passes into another, energy is transferred from one body to another, some forms of matter disappear and others appear.

If we consider living nature, then we will see the interdependence of each element, as well as their dependence on the surrounding inanimate nature, even more clearly.

Thus, everyone is dependent on the Supreme. All His creations need their Creator, their existence is conditioned by His Will.

The Creator, unlike His creations, is absolutely independent.

III. Sifati Magni (Attributes by Meaning)

الحَيَاة al-Hayat - Life

Lord Live. But His Life is not like the life of the creatures. His Life has no beginning and no end, He does not get younger and does not grow old. He does not live in body and soul, as His creations. He has a special life, not like the life of creatures.
العِلْمُ al-Ilm - Knowledge

Allah is All-Knowing, He knows everything and there is nothing that He does not know. The knowledge of Allah has no beginning and no end, does not change - does not increase (for He knows everything) and does not decrease.

السَّمِع al-Sami" - All-hearing

Allah hears everything, there is nothing that He does not hear. But His Hearing is not like that of the creatures. The hearing of Allah does not change - it does not increase (for He hears everything in this way) and does not weaken, it has neither beginning nor end.
The creations of Allah, including people, do not hear all sounds, they do not hear distant or too quiet sounds. Some sounds (stronger) do not allow them to hear others (weaker), some creations hear well, others worse.

Allah is free from these shortcomings. For Him there is no concept of "far" or "near" (because these concepts are associated with space, that is, with His creation). He equally, perfectly hears all sounds.

In order to hear, Allah does not need any organs.

البَصَرُ al-Basar - All-seeing

Allah sees everything and there is nothing that He does not see. His Vision is eternal and unchanging. In order to see, Allah does not need any organs.
His creations, for example, people, do not see what is far away or what is small, or what is in the dark. And among visible things, creations are seen only by those that they look at. In addition, the vision of some creations is better, while others are worse. Allah is pure from these shortcomings, for Him there are no concepts of “far” - “close” or “bright” - “dark”, He sees everything equally, in perfection

الإرَادَةُ al-Irada - Will

Everything happens by the Will of Allah, and nothing happens without His Will, against His Will, or by accident. Allah created both good and evil, but he commanded us to do good and refrain from evil. He approves of good and disapproves of evil.

القُدْرَةُ al-Qudra - Omnipotence

Almighty Allah is the Almighty, He can do everything, there is nothing that He could not. Allah creates or accomplishes everything without hands, without any other organs, without tools (tools, equipment, devices, etc.). The power of creations, for example, man, is determined by the Will of the Creator and is limited. A person can not do everything, but from what he can, one thing is given to him easily, and another - with difficulty. Man is given brains, arms, legs, etc., with the help of which he can do something, he also uses tools. Allah Almighty is free from these shortcomings. He can equally easily create a small speck of dust ( elementary particle) and the universe. Everything He wants to do happens in a moment.

الكَلامُ al-Kalam - Speech

Allah has Speech. The Holy Quran and previously revealed Books (Tavrat, Zabur, Injil) and scrolls are the Speech of Allah. His Speech is not like the speech of people, it does not consist of letters and sounds. The speech of Allah is eternal, has no beginning, is not created.
For Speech, Allah does not need any organs.

IV. Syfat Figlia (Action Attribute)

التَّكْوِينُ at-Taqwin - Creation

Allah Almighty creates and destroys, gives life and kills, gives food in accordance with His Will. And, although these actions themselves are created, they are manifestations of the eternal syfat at-Takvin. The great Islamic scholar Imam Abu Jafar al-Tahawi (843-933) said: “Allah acquired the name “Creator” not after the act of creation – He has always been the Creator. And He acquired the name "Creator" not after the act of creation - He always was. It must be remembered that all the qualities of the Almighty are fundamentally different from human ones, although the same word is sometimes used to designate. Knowledge of Allah, for example, is completely different from human knowledge.

V. Syfat Samgiya (what came in the Koran)

These are the sifats "Yad", "Sak", "Ain" and others who came in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The meaning of which is known only to Allahu Tagala.

Abu Hanifa, while studying under the guidance of his mentor Hammad, had an amazing dream: a boar diligently dug and loosened the trunk big tree. Suddenly, a branch fell right on the boar. With a yelp of pain, the animal jumped back. And immediately, instead of a boar, there was a man. He went under the tree to pray to the Almighty.

Numan (that was the name of Abu Hanifa) went to Hammad to interpret the dream for him. He found the teacher in deep thought. “I received a message from the ruler to come to him,” the saddened faqih began his story. - A group of people came to the ruler, claiming that Allah Almighty does not exist. They ask that one of our scientists be sent to them, who would prove to them the existence of the Supreme Creator. The ruler appointed the time and place. We must prove the existence of that which is invisible to the eyes and intangible to the hands. I am afraid that this may cause embarrassment, and therefore I was seized with excitement and anxiety.

Hammad said to him: "May Allah send His blessings on you, go and talk to them." Numan went to the atheists. He told the people that a great scholar-theologian did not come for a minor issue, but sent his student. And he added that with the help of Almighty Allah, he will give them full answers.

"In what year was your Lord born?" the atheists asked their first question. Numan replied: “My Allah was not born and He had no parents. In the Qur'an there is a verse with the following meaning: "He was not born and did not give birth." “In that case,” the atheists continued, “since when has your Allah existed?” Numan again replied: “Our Lord has always existed, He was before the creation of time. For Him there is no beginning and no end.” “The atheists again asked: “Where is your Allah looking?” Numan replied: “If we light a candle, where will the light of its flame be directed?” They replied that the light of a candle flame spreads in all four directions. "What, then, to speak of the Lord, who created and illumines the heavens and the earth?"

Visit of the Kharijites

In 745, the Kharijites revolted against the caliph, war swept Iraq, as a result of which the cities of Kufa, Wasit and Mosul fell into the power of troublemakers. They argued that a Muslim who committed a serious sin, and therefore fell into disbelief, is allowed to be killed. They did not spare anyone who did not agree with their opinion. At that time, Imam Abu Hanifa was a well-known legal scholar in Iraq. In the cities captured by the Kharijites, the imam entered into disputes with them.

Once a group of Kharijites came to the imam at the mosque. “O Abu Hanifa,” they turned to the imam. We will ask you two questions. If you answer them correctly, we will leave you alone, otherwise, death awaits you.” “Ask,” the imam replied. The Kharijites continued: “There are two corpses on the threshold: one belongs to a drunkard, the other to a woman who died while giving birth to a child conceived from adultery, without repenting. Are they Muslims or infidels? The Kharijites were ready to immediately kill the Imam if he answered that they were Muslims.

The Imam asked the Kharijites a counter question: “Were these dead Jews?” No. "Were they Christians?" Abu Hanifa asked again. Hearing a negative answer, the imam again asked: “Are they fire worshipers?” No. "Were they pagans?" Again no. Then the imam asked the Kharijites, who, then, were they, what community did they belong to? The Kharijites replied that they were Muslims. Then the imam continued: “You yourself answered your own question and admitted that they were from among the Muslims.”

The Kharijites asked the Imam, "Will these dead go to heaven or hell?" “I will say about them what the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said about the worst people- and the imam read the verse of the Koran. - And I will also say about them what the prophet Isa (peace be upon him) said about even the worst of people: “If You subject them to punishment, O my Allah, then verily they are Your servants. If You forgive their sins, then verily You are powerful over every thing, and wisdom is contained in everything that comes from You. The embarrassed Kharijites repented and asked for forgiveness from Imam Abu Hanifa

Magomed Gamzaev
