Fauna of the Mari El. The world around "animal and plant world in Mari El"

The Republic of Mari El is one of the most ecologically clean regions of Russia. The territory of the republic is located on the border of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. Fifty-seven percent of the territory is mixed forests. Thanks to the wonderful ecological conditions on the territory of Mari El, a rich fauna has been preserved.

The Mari Region is fabulous landscapes, a harbor of silence, a place where the rich vegetable world, as well as the kingdom of animals and birds. The nature of the republic impresses with its splendor and richness.

With its landscapes, Mari El resembles the nature of the Alps. There are also many rivers, lakes and protected forests.

Flora of the Republic of Mari El

The local forests are famous throughout Russia; this is the largest forest area on the Volga River. Forests are the main wealth of the republic, as they contain large reserves of wood. Valuable conifers predominate on the territory of the republic. In the south - these are pine forests, and in the north - spruce and fir. On the territory of the forests you can find all kinds of mushrooms and berries, as well as medicinal plants.

The left bank of the Volga, the Forest Trans-Volga region, is covered with continuous forest. Coniferous and mixed forests predominate here. There are about seventy species of trees and shrubs. Oak-linden forests are located in the river valleys. Forests in the region are quite heavily cut down, but forest planting works are constantly carried out at the felling sites. On the territory of the republic you can also find aspen, alder, maple, elm, mountain ash, bird cherry, wild rose, honeysuckle, juniper, viburnum and many other plants.

Fauna of the Republic of Mari El

A wide variety of animals live in forests, meadows, rivers, lakes and swamps. More than forty species of fish live in reservoirs, such as: perch, pike perch, bream and many others. The amphibious world is represented by ten species of inhabitants - frogs, newts, toads. Six species of reptiles - viper, snake, spindle, copperhead. Here you can meet two hundred and eighty species of birds - these are woodpeckers, tits, owls, cranes, eagles, goldfinches, herons and many others.

The Republic of Mari El is rich in mammals, there are about sixty species of them here. Among them are such representatives as the wolf, the fox, Brown bear, lynx, elk, bat. No less number of rodents are found here, for example, hares, beavers, squirrels, muskrats.

The most common representative of the animal world here is the elk.

It is not in vain that the coat of arms of Mari El is decorated with the image of an elk - they have long been found in many in the Mari forests. And today their number in the republic is about 4 thousand.

Climate in the Republic of Mari El

The Republic of Mari El has a temperate continental climate. Winter here is quite long and snowy, and summer is relatively hot. The territory of the region is under the influence of the air masses of the Atlantic and the Arctic.

IN winter time there are sharp drops in temperature, and in autumn and spring periods frosts are often observed.

Average annual temperature air in the east of the republic reaches two degrees Celsius above zero, and in the south-west up to three degrees.

Most cold month is January, and the warmest is July.

The warmest time of the year, when the temperature reaches over ten degrees Celsius above zero, lasts for about one hundred and twenty-eight days on the territory of the republic.

Persistent frosts continue from the tenth of November to the twenty-fifth of March.

There are often thaws in winter.

Most a large number of rainfall occurs from April to October, when it is warm. During the winter, there is little rainfall.

The formation of snow cover occurs from the fifteenth to the twenty-fifth of November and this snow lies for about one hundred and fifty days.

Winds in the territory of Mari El are variable. South and southwest winds prevail. Strong winds are typical for the winter period.


All in all gastropods about 90 thousand species; in Mari El there are only 69 of them. All of them have adapted to a different lifestyle and diet. Some filter food from organic water suspensions, others feed on detritus - organic matter, consisting of decay products of living organisms and plants, and for predatory forms, bivalve mollusks are the main prey.
Representatives of the subclass of the anterior gills live in water. They are found in our forest lakes: Yalchik, Konanier, Mushender, Glukhoy, Okunev and others.
A much larger number of species is represented in the republic by the family of pond snails - the most common pulmonary snails our reservoirs. Of these, the most famous common pond snail. From early spring to autumn, these snails can be observed crawling in the coastal strip of such lakes as Glukhoe, Konanier, Martyn, Sharskoe and others. Especially a lot of them happen in the middle of summer in thickets of water lilies, water lilies and hornwort.
Bivalve mollusks also live in our reservoirs: barley and toothless. Their characteristic feature is the presence of a bivalve shell and lamellar gills.
In the lakes of Marier, Yalchik, Tsurkan, Lisiem and others, wedge-shaped, thick and ordinary barley live, in which the shell is more durable and more flattened from the sides than in toothless, which also belong to the barley family. Their shell is thin-walled, fragile, with a rather weak mother-of-pearl layer and without interlocking depressions.
In the Mari Republic, three types of toothless are known: ordinary, narrow and fish. The first is found everywhere where there is no rapid flow, and the narrow toothless was found only in two lakes - Marier and Mushender. Toothless fish is very common in our rivers and lakes. Especially a lot of it on Lake Kichier.


In Russia, silkworm breeding was first started in 1596 in the village of Izmailovo, near Moscow. At present, it is widely used in our country. Even in the Republic of Mari El, where, it would seem, the conditions are not very suitable, where it is too cold for such heat-loving creatures, they began to engage in sericulture.
The first industrial rearing of the oak silkworm in our country began in the collective farms of the Krasnodar Territory in 1937. And in 1941, some collective farms of the Mari Republic also started silkworm breeding.
There are about two thousand species in the mosquito family, but the most common are the squeaker and malarial mosquitoes. Piskun is very common in our region, and he pursues us in the summer at every turn. The malarial mosquito is very rare in the Mari Republic.
Our republic is included in the zone of increased number of beetles - wireworms. Their number under various crops reaches from 18 to 44 specimens per square meter. among them, click beetles are especially numerous: sowing, striped, dark, shiny, wide, red-tailed. The loss of agricultural crops from the wireworm, according to experts, is up to 38 percent.
Among the insects of the Republic of Mari El, although they are still relatively little studied, there are species listed in the Red Book of Russia. This is from beetles: odorous beetle, hermit, alpine barbel, moss bumblebee, shrenk bumblebee, sporadicus bumblebee, Baikal bumblebee, steppe bumblebee, lezus bumblebee, carpenter bee, and from butterflies: peacock eye, hawkweed - dead head, oleander hawkweed, she-bear hera, she-bear mistress, raspberry sash, blue sash, saddle shovel, swallowtail, podalirium, Apollo, Mnemosyne, polyxena, hero sennitsa, large quail.


The Republic of Mari El is located in the middle reaches of the great Russian river Volga. Many major rivers republics such as Vetluga, Rutka, Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshaga, Ilet, Sura, Bolshoi Sundyr and others flow into the Volga. It is through them that the fish penetrates into all the reservoirs of the region. In the Volga, according to experts, 69 species of fish live, and in our republic - 42 species, of which 38 are permanently living.
More than half of the total number of species are fish of the cyprinid family. These include bream, carp, crucian carp, ide, gudgeon, tench, sabrefish, rudd, roach, bleak and others. In second place in terms of numbers is the perch family, represented by 4 species: pike perch, perch, ruff, bersh. From the families of catfish, pike-like, cod, only one species lives in our country: catfish, pike, burbot.
In the past, before the construction of the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, many fish, especially sturgeons, which include such valuable species as sterlet, beluga, sturgeon, as well as cyprinids, annually spawned in the spring from the Caspian Sea to the upper reaches of the Volga. Now a dam has blocked their way, and the fish can no longer get into our area. Therefore, many species are found less and less in our country, and the whitefish and herring have disappeared altogether.
The species composition of fish inhabiting individual reservoirs of the republic is far from being the same. The larger the body of water, the richer it is in fish. The greatest diversity is observed in Lake Yalchik, where 12 species of fish are found. In small lakes, the species composition is very poor. Among them there are completely isolated water bodies, such as Glukhoe and Kuzhuer lakes, in which you can catch only perch, pike and crucian carp.


11 species of amphibians live in the Mari Republic: three species of newts, two species of toads, four frogs, common spadefoot and red-bellied toad.


In our fauna, chickens are represented by the pheasant family, which includes quail, gray partridge, pheasant and the grouse family, of which four species live in the Mari Republic: ptarmigan, black grouse, capercaillie and hazel grouse.

Predator birds

In the Mari Republic there are 25 species of diurnal birds of prey from three families: hawk, skopinye and falcons. Some of them - the osprey, the golden eagle, the imperial eagle, the white-tailed eagle, the serpent eagle, the gyrfalcon, the peregrine falcon - have become so rare that they have become extinct. In many countries, including ours, they are protected and listed in the Red Book.
The osprey family is represented by only one species - the osprey, which feeds mainly on fish. That is why it can be found on the Volga, Vetluga, near lakes Lugovoe, Marjer, fish farms "Nolka" and "Tolman". Its plumage is grayish-brown with mottled, and the sides of the head have black stripes. While hunting for fish, the bird slowly flies over the water, and sometimes, fluttering its wings, hangs in the air, looking out for prey.
Of the hawk family, 18 species live in our region: honey buzzard, black kite, hawk - goshawk, golden eagle, imperial eagle, short-toed eagle, white-tailed eagle, buzzard or buzzard, field harrier and others. The largest bird, the golden eagle, has become very rare among them. In the Republic of Mari El, it nests on the territory of the Ilet forestry and the former Mari State Reserve. The plumage of the golden eagle is dark brown, sometimes in reddish and dark gray tones. Feet covered with feathers to the toes. He hunts hares, capercaillie, ducks, eats carrion.
But birds from the falcon family are of medium size, the wings are long, pointed, and the tails are narrow. Their flight is swift with frequent wing beats. They feed mainly on freshly caught animals and only in rare cases on carrion. Of the falcons, we have a real falcon or peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, saker falcon, hobby falcon, derbnik, kestrel and red-footed falcon. The food of the peregrine falcon and the gyrfalcon, included in the Red Book, are exclusively small birds, which they catch on the fly. True, in Rus', falcons were also trained to catch hares and foxes.

Animals of Mari El

Animal world Republic of Mari El is quite rich and diverse. But it is also one of the traditional sources of human existence since ancient times. And although now it is losing its meaning, it still exists. For example, in 1993 alone, wild ungulate meat was sold in the republic for 33 million rubles.
It should be noted that the reduction of forest area, pollution of water bodies, excessive hunting led to the disappearance certain types animals and a decrease in the number of squirrels, hares, ermine, martens, otters, badgers. Through the fault of man, over the past hundred years, the reindeer, the whooper swan, and the gray goose have completely disappeared on the territory of our region.
As early as the end of the 19th century, the muskrat was widespread in the Mari region. Because of the great value of the fur of these animals, thousands began to be caught. In 1913, more than 60,000 desman skins were sold at the Nizhny Novgorod fair alone. But in the 1920s, forest fires broke out across the republic, the rivers, the favorite habitats of the muskrat, became shallow, and the hunting was too irrational, and as a result, the desman disappeared from us. In 1963, an attempt was made to acclimatize these animals on Malaya Kokshaga, where 173 desmans were released, but they did not take root.
With the protection of animals in the republic, even now, not everything is safe, although the state spends a lot of money on this. In 1993, for example, about 50 million rubles were allocated by the government for the protection, reproduction of wild animals and the maintenance of the gamekeeper service. but the number of violations of animal protection rules did not decrease during this period and amounted to 313 cases. The poachers were fined about two million rubles.
Recently, both the government and environmental enthusiasts have been putting a lot of effort into the acclimatization of fur animals, the organization of reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, and the creation of fur farms. In 1993, about one of the picturesque places in the Kilemar region, state reserve"Big Kokshaga", where hunting for wild animals and fishing is completely prohibited, where all animals live in freedom, but under the protection of the reserve staff. In order to enrich the fauna with valuable fur-bearing animals in the Gornomariysky district, in 1993, a bobak, a European marmot, was released in the amount of 50 pieces.


1.Summarize knowledge about forest animals.

2. Introduce the animal world of Mari El.

3. Prove to students that everything in nature is interconnected.

4. Explain to children why a person should know natural connections: in order not to break them, because the violation of these connections entails bad consequences.

5. To teach children to build their behavior in nature based on knowledge of the interactions in it and an appropriate assessment of the possible consequences of their actions.

1. Setting goals.

Today we will give you an unusual lesson - and the lesson is a journey. And where we will go, you will learn from the riddle:

The hero stands rich,
Treats all children:
Vanya - strawberry,
Tanya - bone,
Mashenka - a nut,
Petya - russula,
Katenka - raspberries,
Vasya is a twig.
- What is this hero?

During the trip, you guys must prove that everything in nature is interconnected and the violation of these connections entails sad consequences (both for nature and for man himself). Studying these connections, we will get acquainted with the owners of the forest and remember the rules of behavior in nature.

To go on a trip, we must choose a transport.

Children: We will go on foot so as not to scare away the birds, animals and insects.

2. Repetition of the past.

But before we go, let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

Here we are at the place. First stop "Green World"

Almost half of the territory of our republic is occupied by forests. Pine forests turn into dense forests. The local forests have their own charm, their own colors, due to the combination of different tree species. The spruce turns blue, among the dark green needles stands out the light foliage of birches, which make up a fourth of all the forests of the republic.

What other trees grow in our forests?

And now I invite you to play, and a game called “Recognize the plant by its leaf”

Remember what forests grow in our area?

Tell us about coniferous forests.

About mixed forests.

About deciduous forests.

Why do plants grow in layers here?

What do these plants have in common?

(May lily of the valley, lady's slipper, wolf's bast)

Children: These are rare and endangered plants that grow in our republic and they are listed in the Red Book of Mari El

What can be the conclusion?

Why is it necessary to protect the forest?

What proverbs about the forest do you know?

3. New theme.

Next stop: "Kingdom of Beasts".

To get into this kingdom, you must remember what animals live in our forests.

And here we are in the animal kingdom. We have already met some of them. Guess what animals the children are talking about.

He loves the roots of trees, grasses, acorns, berries, mushrooms, worms, larvae of various insects, feasts on field crops and potatoes.

Enemies: wolves, bears, humans.

Appearance: strong body covered with dense undercoat and bristles. The bristles well protect the body from scratches, the undercoat from the cold.

Distinguishing Features: Short legs, small eyes, a snout on an elongated snout. (boar)

In summer it feeds on grass, leaves, young shoots of trees and shrubs, mushrooms, and berries. In winter, he eats needles, tree bark, looking for old dried grass.

Enemies: wolves, bears.

Appearance: among the trees they are hardly noticeable, as their legs seem to be the trunks of young aspens, having a light color in contrast to the darker body.

Distinguishing Features: Males have antlers (moose).

It eats various berries and mushrooms, flower buds, fruits, catches beetles and butterflies perching on trees, and, on occasion, destroys bird nests by drinking eggs and eating chicks. In winter, it eats pine and spruce seeds, makes reserves for the winter.

Has enemies: marten, fox, owl, owl.

Appearance: coat color depends on the season. In winter - gray, in summer - red.

Distinctive features: tassels at the tips of the ears, fluffy tail (squirrel).

It feeds on grass, roots of trees and grasses, berries, mushrooms, insect larvae, fish, but the main food: meat - small animals, but can also attack large weakened animals. Sometimes it can approach a village and kill a cow, horse or sheep.

Enemies: Wolf, for whom he is a strong opponent; Human.

Appearance: brown skin, strong teeth, sharp claws.

Special signs: He is called the owner of the forest or clubfoot (bear)

Why was it named like that? (Honey-after all, it means that he knows, knows where there is honey.)

Teacher's story:

This animal is slightly smaller than a squirrel. The flying squirrel is characterized by a fluffy tail and a leathery membrane covered with hair between the front and hind legs. The membrane serves as a gliding device when binding from tree to tree, and the tail serves as a braking organ during landing. He arranges a dwelling for himself in abandoned woodpecker hollows and squirrel nests. Lives in coniferous and mixed forests. It feeds on buds, seeds, mushrooms and berries. It does not hibernate, it stores food in the summer for the winter.

The hedgehog can be found in neglected gardens, parks, and even in grain fields bordering the forest. During the day, he hides under a pile of brushwood and foliage, among bushes, at night he comes out to feed. During the night, the hedgehog sometimes travels up to 3 kilometers. In the dark, he finds food with the help of a subtle sense of smell, although to a certain extent both sight and hearing help him. Beetles serve as food for him, earthworms, wood lice, frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, mice, voles, shrews, as well as berries, acorns, fallen ripe fruits of apple trees, pears and other trees.

It is known that a hedgehog can smell the presence of an edible beetle at a distance of 1 meter, and the approach of an enemy, for example, a dog, at a distance of 9 meters. In case of danger, the hedgehog curls up in balls, pressing its head to its belly and pulling its paws and tail under itself: it turns out a prickly ball with needles sticking out in all directions. Hedgehog needles are modified hair located only on the back; the muzzle and abdomen are covered with ordinary wool. When meeting with forest animals, the hedgehog snorts and bounces, trying to prick the enemy. If this does not help, he curls up into a ball, exposing his prickly back to the attacking predator. Often, pricking the muzzle with needles, the attacker leaves the hedgehog alone. But this is not always the case. The hedgehog also has enemies, from which neither needles nor curling into a ball can save him. So, during a night hunt, an owl successfully attacks a hedgehog. He is not afraid of the needles of the animal, because the fingers of the paws of this bird are covered with strong scales. The soft plumage of the eagle owl makes its flight silent and allows it to overtake its prey by surprise. There is no salvation for a hedgehog from a fox, which carefully rolls it with its paw to the shore of a forest puddle or swamp and dumps it into the water. Water penetrates to the belly of the hedgehog, and he straightens his back, stretches his muzzle and swims to the shore. Here a fox waits for him, plunges his sharp teeth into his head, which is not protected by needles, and bites the hedgehog. But when meeting with a viper, the hedgehog comes out the winner. He grabs her by the tail and immediately curls up into a ball. The viper, at the first attempt to bite his enemy, encounters needles. Meanwhile, the hedgehog gradually draws the viper under him and then eats it. Perhaps the poison of the viper does not affect the hedgehog, since the hedgehog is not sensitive to many poisonous substances, eats foul-smelling bugs, is not afraid of the poison of bees, bumblebees, caustic blood of ladybugs, hairy caterpillars.

In spring (April), 5-7 blind hedgehogs with soft whitish needles appear at the hedgehog, which she feeds with milk. Until the age of one month, the cubs are in the nest, arranged by the female in the form of a hut from dry leaves, brushwood, moss. If a nest is discovered by a person or animal, the hedgehog carries its babies in its teeth to another lair. After 1.5 - 2 months, the hedgehogs leave the nest, but they begin an independent life only late in the fall.

The most characteristic feature of the fox can be considered its fluffy tail, with which it acts as a rudder, making sharp turns during the pursuit. The fox hides with its tail, curling up into a ball during rest and sticking its nose into the base. Just in this place is located a fragrant gland that emits the smell of violets. Foxes go hunting at any time of the day. It is widely believed that they carry chickens and other poultry, climbing into the courtyards of the villages. However, such cases are rare. The main prey of foxes are rodents. In summer, foxes also eat insects, berries and fruits of various plants. And at any time of the year, the fox, as the people say, mouses: it looks for the holes of field and forest mice, tears them up and eats them. When in some years the number of rodents decreases for one reason or another, foxes are forced to attack hares, partridges, or eat carrion. If foxes do not find enough food in natural conditions, then they get close to human habitation, even visit the outskirts of cities, where at night they look for everything edible among the dustbins. In March or April, blind cubs are born to the fox. After 2 - 3 weeks, the cubs become sighted, and after a month they begin to leave the hole. However, they continue to live in the hole

3–4 months. While the cubs live in a hole, the mother fox guards them and does not let anyone close. If, for example, a dog or a person appears near the hole, then the adult fox resorts to “cunning” - it tries to take them away from its home, enticing them along. At the same time, she makes deaf sounds, reminiscent of the barking of a dog. If people have been near the hole, then the fox drags the entire brood in its teeth to another, safe place. With age, the cubs begin to move farther and farther from the hole, and the parents stop bringing them food. Eventually the children begin to hunt on their own. At the end of summer, the cubs leave their nest and begin to lead a solitary life. At this time, the foxes are attacked by wolves and owls, from which the foxes do not always manage to escape.

Guys, what do you think, are there evil animals?

What animals would you classify as evil?

Here's what the wolves say about themselves.

People have given us a death sentence, in some places it is being carried out. The judgment contains four counts:

  1. Destruction of pets.
  2. Destruction of wild animals.
  3. The spread of dangerous diseases.
  4. Attack on a person.

I want to question the last point of the accusation - assault on a person. Many tall tales have been written about such attacks. Wolves rarely attack humans. Have you ever wondered why the “old” wolf cubs are such a brave people? There are good fellows who, going into the forest for wolf cubs, arm themselves only with a bag. This man is waving his weapon, and on the face of the wolf cub there is a smile: the wolf will not touch! With a gun, you can only do harm.

They are also cruel: adult wolves pay more. Some wolf cubs, having found a den, do not take the cubs, but twisting their legs with wire so that they cannot walk, they leave them to suffer until autumn. Poor, crippled animals will not crawl far from the lair, but adults will not leave them either, they will feed them. In the autumn this man will come, find the grown-up cripples, and, you see, he has extra money in his pocket.

When the cubs are born, the she-wolf lies with them in the den, then carefully crawls out of the hole, but does not go far. Later, she herself prowls the district. And so, then the nannies - “aunts”, “uncles” nurse the grown wolf cubs. They play with them, feed them with meat swallowed during the hunt, and, of course, keep a watchful guard. The wolf-father also does not forget the duty. He is always there.

In general, wolves have angelic patience with babies. The wolf-father will return from the hunt tired, he wants to sleep, but he will not have peace! You have to entertain your kids. And the attitude towards kids, even strangers, deserves not only praise - imitation! If the parents die, another wolf, having found the cubs, will feed them, make them drink and teach them how to live. Wolves have a friendly family.

And I want to talk about hunting. Imagine. Forest. Two wolves rushed after a group of moose. Here a limping elk stands out from the group, and the wolves overtake him. It looks like a heinous crime has been committed. But if you check this elk, you will find the following: the elk's front hoof is missing, its lungs are afflicted with disease, the intestines are eaten away by the poisons of microbes, and the heart is weak. If a sick elk had remained alive, it would have become a walking source of infection.

We are wolves - the main orderlies of the forest. If there are no large animals, we eat small rodents - pests Agriculture. Again, the benefit of the wolf! We catch pike in the spring in the canals, and sometimes we are forced to eat even berries and insects. We are very undemanding animals.

Teacher: You listened to what the wolves could tell us. And what conclusion do we draw?


Indeed, everything in nature is useful. There is something good in every animal. Let's take care of all living things, all animals, be it a fox, a squirrel or a wolf, a cat or a snake!

What unites these animals?


Most of the plants and animals included in the Red Book are protected by adults. For this purpose, the reserve "Big Kokshaga" was created; nature reserves: Ust-Kundyshsky, Vetluzhsky, Pektubaevsky, Morkinsky, Emeshevsky, Vasilsurskiye Oak forests and national park Mariy Chodra. Perhaps when you grow up, you will participate in this work. But do not forget that you can already do a lot by protecting those plants and those animals that are around you.

Third stop “Bird Kingdom”

The forest would be boring without birds singing. So we will try to guess some birds by their voices (listening to the recording of “Voices of Birds”)

Problem situation

Imagine, we are walking through the forest and we see a chick that has fallen out of the nest. What are you going to do?


In July everywhere will be full of fledglings. Young thrushes, buntings, finches, flycatchers leave their nests. They left, although they do not know how to fly. They are meant to be by nature. They do not know how to fly, but they know how to hide, become invisible so that no predator can notice them. And parents find them and feed them. They even talk to each other, call the chicks, and the chicks respond to them with special, inaudible sounds that are accessible only to the bird's ear.

What can you say about these birds?

Today we visited plants and animals, and now we will prove that in nature different plants and animals do not exist on their own. They are connected by invisible threads.

Give examples.


In B. Zakhoder's poem, this is exactly what it says

About everything in the world.

Everything, everything
In the world,
Needed in the world!
And midges are no less needed than elephants.
You can't do without absurd monsters
And even without evil and ferocious predators!
Everything in the world is needed!
Everything is needed -
Who makes honey and who makes poison.
Bad things in a cat without a mouse
A mouse without a cat is no better off.
Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone -
We are still very much a friend - we need a friend
And if someone seems superfluous to us,
That, of course, would be a mistake.

4. Consolidation of the passed

Fourth stop “Forest School”

What are we going to do at this station?

(textbook by A.I. Dubrovina, S.S. Okisheva “Native land”, pp. 22 – 23

What animals live in the forest?

What animals are brought to our republic?

Name rare and endangered animals.

What birds live in our forests?

Name rare and endangered.


Animals, birds, insects in the forest are the masters, and we are guests. And behave accordingly:

All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed. Do not touch, do not kill, do not offend the animals that you meet, neither the slippery bug-eyed frog, nor the creeping snake, nor the clumsy gray toad, nor the spider in the web, even if they seem clumsy, ugly to you.

They are the hosts here, and you are the guests. Each of them does its own useful work in nature.

Don't try to "rescue" the chicks. Sometimes you think the bird is in trouble. She is running away from you

Jumping on the ground. Poor thing! Can't fly yet! If it gets lost, someone will eat it! No, it won’t disappear if you don’t catch it and take it away from your native places.

10 student:

Please don't take the hedgehogs out of the forest! Neither small nor adults. Unfortunately, it is not so difficult for a person to capture a hedgehog. But is it really a thing to come to visit and drag the owner out of the house! A hedgehog is needed in the forest. The hedgehog is an insectivorous animal. He is doing an important job. And then a hedgehog - one of the most ancient. They appeared on earth tens of millions of years ago, when monstrous lizards, like the Gorynych snakes, were the owners of the planet. Here they are vintage hedgehogs! They must be protected, and therefore not touched.

11 student:

Forest courtesy rule. It is for the benefit of the guests, i.e. for you and me. Sometimes guests in the forest shout, sing, and hail. From this noise, the forest stands frightened, hidden. And none of the screamers will know what's going on. He does not recognize how the chiffchaff is shaking - as if dropping droplets. How a finch sings its sunny song, or how it warns of rain: it has another song for rain - like a creaking door creaks. They won't hear the woodpecker hammering in its forge, the squirrel's clatter when it's angry. And how someone elusive in the grass rustled - and even more so they will not notice. What they came with, the noisy guests will leave with. As if the owners of the house did not find.

Here we are back from our trip.

Who lives in the forest?

What should we remember about them?

What should be the conclusion?

Objective of the project. Contribute to the development of the listeners of this project caring attitude to environment. Tasks: Tasks: - to expand our understanding of the rare animals around us; - develop cognitive interest to rare animals living on the territory of the Republic of Mari El; - conduct research work for the study of information about rare animals listed in the Red Book of Mari El. Application of the project. The project can be used as a visual aid in promoting respect for the environment.

Content. 1. Red is the color of danger. 1. Red is the color of danger. 2. Rare animals national park"Mary Chodra". 2. Rare animals of the Mari Chodra National Park. 3. Why did these animals become scarce in nature? 3. Why did these animals become scarce in nature? 4. Remember it! 4. Remember it! 5. Love your little brothers! 5. Love your little brothers! 6. About the author. 6. About the author.

About 600 animals are listed in the Red Book. Rare animals of our republic are also included here: from mammals - muskrat, from birds - golden eagle, osprey, serpent eagle, falcon - gyrfalcon, falcon - peregrine falcon, black stork, white-tailed eagle, red-throated goose, eagle - imperial eagle.

Once upon a time, our rivers were full of fish, and in the forests and meadows there were many game birds and valuable animals. In the pre-revolutionary years, hundreds of thousands of heads were caught annually by desman alone. Apparently, it seemed to a person that such an abundance would always be.

It is possible to catch and bring home cubs of wild animals only if the chick or young animal is injured, freezes or its parents have died, it needs human help. After recovery, they need to be released into the wild. And just like that, for fun, you don’t need to bring the kids home - you will destroy them. There is no need to collect eggs of wild birds, destroy their nests, minks, dens of animals, anthills. It will not bring you joy, but it will bring great misfortune to the birds and animals.

I want to talk about proteins. We can admire squirrels in suburban forests, in city parks. There are still a lot of them. But people often catch squirrels, ruin squirrel pantries, take stocks and leave the animal in a difficult position. But squirrels have so many enemies: weasels, martens, weasels.

Materials used in the presentation: 1) The Red Book. Animal world. / Yoshkar-Ola,) A.A. Pekpaev. We study nature. / Yoshkar-Ola,) Flora and fauna of Mari El. / Yoshkar-Ola, 1978.
