Comet Elenin - a ship of an extraterrestrial civilization or a weapon of the apocalypse? The next few months.


We will not see the legendary celestial body c/2010 x1(elenin) on October 16, as astronomers promised
Svetlana KUZINA - 27.09.2011

Comet Elenin, which has already become a legend, collapsed without delivering aliens on its tail. And many readers of KP hoped so much for this (see KP for 05/08/2011 and 09/09/2011). Her untimely death was predicted by the discoverer of this celestial body - c/2010 x1(elenin) - astronomer, employee of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Leonid Yelenin. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, he said:

There is a possibility of destruction of the comet. After all, it is small, it came close to the Sun, so the gravitational effect of the star and solar radiation do their detrimental work. And since August 20, the brightness of my comet began to fall, and not increase, as it should have been when approaching the Earth. The remnants of the comet's nucleus, which we used to see as a bright clot, are now no longer visible. He apparently fell apart into a cloud of small fragments. And by October 16, the comet may even turn into dust.

The fact is that it was on October 16 that the comet was supposed to approach a distance of 35 million kilometers, or 0.23 astronomical units. This is more than 90 times farther than from the Earth to the Moon. But close enough to see it even with the naked eye. And now such a spectacle will not happen.

According to Yelenin, today he did not find the comet in the images of the SOHO space solar observatory. So she fell apart. And in October it will be possible to see only fragments, and then through powerful telescopes.

Recall that this celestial object was supposed to become a vehicle for the movement of aliens around the Universe with a landing on the "Earth station" on September 10, 2011. With such sensational statement, who raised a big fuss on the Web, back in May 2011, the director of the center for astronomical research in the province of Misiones (Argentina) Sergio Toscana spoke. Arguments in favor of the soon visit of the brothers in mind were based around the comet c / 2010 x1 (elenin), because in its pictures he clearly saw that two cylinders were flying behind it.

These cylinders are spaceships controlled by aliens, Toscano explained to journalists from the Argentine edition of contexto. “They are hiding behind a comet so that we don’t find them ahead of time. In addition, it serves as a shield for them from asteroids. Or is the comet itself part of giant ship consisting of two compartments. On it, aliens travel through the expanses of space, visiting various planets.

But it was a misconception or a strange fantasy. As Leonid Yelenin told us, "any real astronomer understands how 'cylinders' appear."

These are just stars that were smeared during the exposure, - he was rightly indignant, - as in the photographs the headlights from moving cars are smeared into luminous stripes. The comet is moving, so if we follow it with a telescope, then the stars themselves are smeared into such strokes. If we followed the fixed stars, then the comet would “smear out”. And Toscano decided that the “cylinders” were flying. Funny.

But now there is neither a comet nor the ridiculous fantasy of an Argentine troublemaker.

C/2012 S1 (ISON) early observations were detected, the current arc (duration) of observations is 9 months, which makes it possible to analyze the evolution of the comet's orbit, both in the future and in the past, with a fairly high degree of certainty.

Integration of the orbit "backward" suggests that initially, long before entering the inner part of the solar system, the aphelion of the comet's orbit was in the Oort cloud. This circumstance means that this approach to the Sun is most likely the first, as was the case with . Dynamically new comets are largely unpredictable and are often fragile bodies, as the fate of the Elenin comet eloquently speaks of. Comet ISON will pass nearly 40 times closer to the Sun than comet C/2010 X1, making this encounter very dangerous. On the other hand, the new comet is many times larger than the 2010 comet. In any case, it is impossible to predict anything now, because we are talking about comets. Let's just hope that Comet ISON survives the rendezvous in our star and will please us with a wonderful performance.

When integrating the comet's orbit “forward”, it is worth noting its close approach to Mars (10.876 million km), which will take place on October 1, 2013. And also, in the case of a successful flyby of the Sun, approaching the Earth up to 64.2 million km, on December 26, 2013. It should be noted that this approach distance is absolutely safe, it is more than 1.5 times the minimum distance between the Earth and Venus.

Further calculations show that, at the exit from the inner part of the solar system, where the influence of the giant planets comes to naught, the semi-major axis of the orbit of comet ISON will be approximately 16,000 AU, and aphelion will be located in the Oort cloud - at 32,000 AU. from the sun. The next time this comet will return to the Sun only after 2 million years.

Dale Rutter / NASA

Approximately six million years ago, a small comet, which we now know as Elenin's comet, under the influence of gravitational disturbances unknown to us, left its orbit and went to its first, and, as we now know, its last meeting with the Sun. During her long journey, a Man appeared on Earth, who made his way to discovering a distant wanderer at the beginning of the 21st century ...

Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) was discovered a year ago, on December 10, 2010. At that moment, there were no indications of the "glory" that this comet would receive, unofficially called the "Great Doomsday Comet of 2011." It still remains unclear why this particular comet was chosen for this role, but it so happened that they began to attribute the change to its influence. magnetic poles Earth, terrible earthquakes, and just a collision with the Earth. Other charlatans said that an alien ship was flying behind it and its inhabitants would soon capture the Earth ... As we see now, when the comet turned into interplanetary dust without harming anyone, nothing of the kind happened.

This whole story has become another example of whipping up hysteria, intimidating people and just making money. So it was in 1997 with the Hale-Bopp comet, so it happened with the Elenin comet. I hope that in the future, the number of people who believe in all the lies written about this C/2010 X1 comet will decrease. But unfortunately, it is quite clear that such stories will be repeated, and it will not take even a few years for the wheel of history to turn around. But the real truth and science will triumph again!

Rolando Ligustri

After many attempts to detect any remnants of the Elenin comet, they were nevertheless found. The first message came from Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes. Their images showed a small, elongated cloud with low surface brightness. This cloud is clearly visible in the picture of Rolando Ligustri, you can see it on the left. On the night of October 21-22, repeated observations of the comet were also carried out at our observatory and the movement of this cloud was confirmed. You can see this animation. The moon is leaving and the comet is rising higher in the northern sky. I think new images of this object, which was once the Elenin comet, will be obtained in the near future.

The comet could not be detected, just as observers could not detect it northern hemisphere Lands where the comet became visible from the second week of October. One of the first attempts to search for a comet, I made on October 6, when it was still very low above the horizon. These observations had to be made in navigational twilight. Confidently, the comet was not detected, although when adding all the received frames, a certain object became noticeable, but since it could not be confirmed in motion, it cannot be said that this is the comet.

The second attempt took place 3 days later, on October 9th. With a penetration of 19.7m, comet Elenin was not found in the 100x100 arc-minute field of view. The next day, Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes tried to detect the comet using a 2-meter Folkes telescope - and again a negative result. Their second attempt, on October 17, one day after the closest approach of the comet to the Earth, also turned out to be negative - the remains of the comet were not found.

At the moment there is no confirmed sighting of a comet. Perhaps the search for what's left of the comet will continue with larger telescopes in a few days, when they can observe it without the Moon. But one thing can already be said for sure - the comet has turned into dust ...

People learned about comets in antiquity - approximately in the same era with the discovery of wandering planets in the sky. But the planets seemed to people correct in their movements and were constantly at least in some quantity present in the sky, moving within the zodiacal belt, and looked like stars. Comets, on the other hand, appeared suddenly, could pass through any constellations, were shaggy, foggy, tailed, and the degree of tailing changed from night to night - comets were found with two and even three tails of amazing shades from emerald green to blood red. The comets were swift and disappeared from the sky as unexpectedly as they appeared - a week or two and - the comets were gone.

Ancient people knew little about the structure of the world from an astronomical point of view, and therefore any unexpected change in the sky seemed to them a sign. Solar and lunar eclipses, outbreaks of new and supernovae - all this was used as material for predictions, was actively used in the politics of those times for the corresponding speculations. Comets not only foreshadowed and marked - their appearance terrified all living, semi-literate. Everything from wars and epidemics to crops and crop failures fell on them.

And despite the fact that the nature of comets is currently well studied both from the Earth - by telescopic methods, and by automatic interplanetary stations from close distances up to direct contact, and many more people on our planet are distrustful of both astronomers (everyone confuses us these scientists want to hide the truth!), and to comets (comets just don’t appear like that - it means there will be something soon).

But astronomers to comets in the last century have cooled significantly. This is not surprising - so many other incredible prospects and horizons have opened up in the science of the Universe in the last 100 years (the big bang, the recession of galaxies, black holes, pulsars, quasars, relic radiation, cosmological horizon, neutrino rest mass, dark matter, dark energy, dark side of power, wormholes ...) - comets with their banality no longer fit into the interests of advanced scientific laboratories and scientific centers. Professionals strove to be at the forefront of science, and comets remained in the mud of a bygone era.

But a holy place is never empty, and astronomy enthusiasts joyfully picked up the comet initiative. It turned out that no better way to become famous all over the world than to discover a new comet. And what is needed for this? - a small binocular or a telescope with a large field of view, a detailed star atlas, a fantastic memory that stores in hot mode information about all nebulous objects and the relative positions of stars up to 8-10 magnitude, a dark transparent sky and great desire and diligence bordering on maniacal persistence. It was according to this recipe that many comets of the last century were discovered. Especially in this area, Japanese amateurs have become famous, and therefore most of the new comets of the last 50 years have some Japanese surname in their name (the names of comets are traditionally made up of the names of their discoverers).

However, in the last decade, the cometary territory in science has again begun to move into the sphere of activity of professional astronomers. And the reason for this is the introduction of computerized methods into the process of processing sky images. The programs unmistakably identified a new object in the pictures - an object not registered in the catalogs - and informed the person about it. And only because of human indifference, this object could again be lost (this happened, but more often a person again loaded the computer with a task - already in terms of determining the elements of the orbit of a new body and calculating the ephemerides of its movement for the next year). Scientific centers connected by a network of computer communications promptly redirected their random discoveries to where they are closer in the research profile, and for several hours or even minutes, the largest telescope on the other side of the Earth or even space orbit has been pointing at a new comet or astreoid, where there is always good weather.

As you now understand, there are practically no problems with the discovery of comets and other small bodies of the Solar System. And amateurs have practically no chance to discover something in this area.

I want to touch on a little our patriotic feelings, if anyone has. After all, everything described above does not apply to Russia. We certainly have everything that other states have. Maybe just a little less. However, once our 6-meter BTA was the world's largest optical telescope, and the Astron and Kvant transatmospheric observatories carried out the most advanced astronomical research from near-Earth orbit... But those were Soviet times. Russian science entered the new era destitute (all our observing observatories and stations with a good astroclimate went to other states - Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan ...), the relationship between scientific institutions for a long time remained at the level of pigeon mail and phone calls, and almost all space research and programs in orbit were curtailed ...

For some reason, even last years Soviet power our astronomers have been able (albeit rarely) to discover new comets. But over the 20 years of the new Russia, neither professionals nor amateurs managed to discover a single, even small, comet, while in the rest of the globe they opened dozens a year.

I will tell you honestly that I am far from feeling regret about this. I am not bitter and not offended for my homeland that comets are not discovered within its borders. A lot of things on the territory of Russia do not happen by an unfortunate coincidence: for example, out of 500 extrasolar planets that astronomers are now discovering in systems of other stars, our scientists have not discovered a single one. During the existence of independent Russian Federation we also did not launch a single successful space station. Since the construction of the BTA (Large Azimuthal Telescope with a mirror diameter of 6 meters) in the 70s, we have not been able to create anything comparable in size, while in other countries 8-meter and 10-meter telescopes combined into giant interferometers operating in adaptive optics technologies that react and compensate for any atmospheric disturbance ... This does not shine for us just like the development of computer processors, music workstations, cell phones, cars and victory in the World Cup ... If you get upset and sad for everything such an occasion, then very quickly you can turn black and dry. It is better to treat everything philosophically and balanced. This is how I try to be.

But if suddenly something good happens on our street, then I will gladly and sincerely rejoice for the former USSR. And this "suddenly", though rare, but it happens.

Happened recently.

It happened back in December last year (2010), but I came across the news only a couple of days ago.

The fact is that science and technology are developing so rapidly that it is no longer necessary to live in a developed capital country, it is not necessary to have the largest telescope yourself, it is not even necessary to be a professional scientist in order to access precisely that astronomical instrument via the Internet precisely at that time of day and at that latitude in order to conduct certain studies.

Leonid Yelenin, an employee of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and at the same time an amateur astronomer, made observations on a remote telescope (an analogue of a remote computer) located 9500 kilometers from Moscow in New Mexico. Mountains, heights of more than 2200 meters, almost perfect sky, darkness - these are the conditions under which another observation was made under the program of regular sky surveys and the search for small cosmic bodies in near-Earth space. Leonid began such observations back in 2008 and subsequently joined the ISON international observation program, which unites more than 30 observatories of the former USSR and far abroad.

On December 11, Leonid discovered another new object - presumably an asteroid, of which many are regularly detected - as a rule, these are objects of the main asteroid belt - they move far from the Earth and do not approach the Earth, they do not pose a danger.

But after additional image processing, a faint coma was found around the new object - a clear sign of a comet. It remains to confirm this and calculate the elements of the orbit of the new body for confident identification with the already known orbits of comets and asteroids.

In the coming hours, other observatories of the ISON project joined the observations and confirmed that the object was a comet. But it was more difficult to determine the parameters of the orbit - the object moved directly towards the Earth and its displacement along the celestial sphere was minimal - based on such data, several options for a possible orbit arose from almost circular in the main asteroid belt to hyperbolic with perihelion inside the orbit of Mercury and close approach with the Earth in the second half of 2011 with an obligatory bright and tailed show in the earth's sky next autumn.

Even before the final determination of the exact elements of the orbit of the comet named after its discoverer (Comet Elenin - C / 2010 X1), sensations began to be pumped up on the Internet. The Chinese press wrote that the Russians had discovered Lenin's comet. Numerous fans of the cult of Nibiru unanimously declared that - that's right - not the planet Nibiru, but the comet Nibiru - and how could we not guess before!!! And the long-awaited doomsday sectarians once again got a reason to dig dugouts and shelters, because every sectarian knows that if scientists talk about the close passage of a comet near the Earth, then in fact it will definitely fall from the sky and cut the Earth in half with its tail.

In those days, the "ominous threat" was only 18th magnitude and was available for photographic observations only in very large telescopes - from half a meter in diameter, practically did not differ from a faint star, of which there are millions in the sky and slowly shifted among the stars. A more or less accurate orbit was determined only a month and a half later. It turned out that the comet moves almost along a parabola, which means that we can’t wait for its next return to the Sun. But this approach can become really enchanting - around October 15 - during the passage of a comet near the Earth at a distance of 0.25 astronomical units (4 times closer than the Sun, but 100 times farther than the Moon), the Elenin comet will be visible to the naked eye.

I have to make a reservation that in cities where, with a clear sky, even the Big Dipper can sometimes not be seen, observations of comets are very difficult due to illumination. Therefore, when astronomers talk about theoretical visibility with the eye, they mean the visibility of an object with a trained eye under the conditions of a mountain observatory. Still, the rest of the eyes will not interfere at all with a small pair of binoculars for a couple of thousand rubles and good weather, which in October we usually don’t disperse by planes, which means you just have to rely on it, which is much better than hoping and believing in the end of the world.

In conclusion, I want to congratulate Leonid Yelenin in absentia on scientific discovery, the discovery of the first Russian comet and wish him further success in his professional level hobby!

And a few more links for you.

The comet, designated C/2010 X1 (Elenin), was discovered by Yelenin on December 10 in images taken with the Russian automated observatory ISON-NM (New Mexico, USA). The next day, these data were confirmed by Russian, Ukrainian and Uzbek astronomers using observations at the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan. A day later, confirmation was received from American and Japanese scientists.

Comet Elenin was discovered using a relatively small amateur telescope with a mirror diameter of only 45.5 centimeters. This telescope is installed on the remote-controlled Russian observatory ISON-NM, located in the mountains of New Mexico (USA) at an altitude of 2.2 thousand meters.

Yelenin explained that this is a non-state observatory created with funds from the international astronomical project ISON (International Scientific Optical Network).

An Argentine astronomer, a specialist in extraterrestrial life forms, suggested that the Elenin comet, which will approach the Earth at perigee in September, will "bring" an alien civilization to it. Some argue that the scientist with 40 years of experience "bought" the April Fool's joke, and others that the comet really behaves strangely and clusters move in its plume. Comet Elenin is also considered by many as a kind of Planet X, which will cause natural disasters on Earth. Perhaps not coincidentally, the US has scheduled the first test of its national alert system for the end of September?

The estimated size of the nucleus of comet Elenin is three to four kilometers, and the size of the coma (gas plume) is about 900 thousand kilometers. However, according to the observations of astronomers, it has some characteristics that are not characteristic of these celestial bodies, so discussions around it do not subside and bold assumptions are put forward.

So, Sergio Toscano, director of the Astronomical Research Center in the province of Amea, in Argentina, at a conference on April 29, said that the comet was "carrying" an alien body with it.

"In the plume of a comet, you can observe what scientists call a cluster, or a combination of several homogeneous elements, this object is either a pseudo-comet or maybe an alien ship," Misiones Online quoted the scientist as saying.

The scientist with 40 years of experience, according to the publication, referred to the published data of the National Space Agency of China, which conducts observations of the comet in collaboration with the new director of the NASA space biology program, Rosie Redfield.

Comet Elenin painted on a field (ufo) in 2008.

NASA has already seen for itself that Comet Elenin behaves differently than a normal comet. "They realized that something did not fit, and the first thing they did was to delete their web page where they wrote about the phenomenon," the scientist believes, in order not to explain about April Fool's Day. "And what, really, do they have on April 1 - April Fool's Day?" - Toscano asked (in Argentina this day is celebrated on December 28), confirming indirectly that he accepted the message about the mysterious UFOs near Saturn as the truth.

What is the peculiarity of the comet? Observations by Spanish astronomers at the Nazaret Observatory (Canary Islands) show that its orbit is constantly changing characteristics and in just two days in April, the diameter of the body increased by more than 30 percent and estimates of its size increased to 8-17 kilometers. In addition, two clusters in motion are indeed recorded in the images, and scientists conclude that this is due to the variability of the comet's orbit.

According to the latest data in Toscano's possession, the comet, or what it hides, will pass on September 10 at 60,000 kilometers from the Earth, at a distance five times less than the distance to the Moon. The scientist asks: "Why are the Russians building five thousand nuclear shelters?" "They don't want this or another comet to take them by surprise," Toscano said. "Have any of you asked yourself, are we alone in the universe, with more than a hundred billion galaxies and so many stars and planets? And if tomorrow they tell you yes, you have brothers in mind at a distance of 11 light years, what, someone will have a heart attack and die, because there are more intelligent beings and they can influence something? Or will this news destroy our religion? No, even the Vatican recognizes the presence of alien intelligence."

Comet Elenin is now being discussed not only in terms of the presence of clusters there, but also whether it is the same Planet X, or Nieburu, which will bring a planetary catastrophe to the Earth. According to astronomical calculations (as well as historical records), Nibiru returns to the Sun every 3500 years. Considering the large scale of gravitational and electromagnetic influences recorded during previous parades of the planets (when the comet came into line with the axes of the Earth and the Sun), the question is, is this body really a comet? The Americans have scheduled the first test of their national emergency alert system by the end of September. Accident? Toscano assumes not, and directly names the culprit - the Elenin comet, which is getting closer and closer to Earth.

Argentine astronomer Sergio Toscana saw spacecraft-like objects in the tail of comet Elenin moving towards the earth. The scientist suggested that aliens fly in them on a visit to Earth.

He stated this in his report, which he read on April 29 in one of the local
research astronomical centers. On the Internet, he was ridiculed, but NASA experts said that the observations and calculations of the Argentine were trustworthy.

The comet in question was discovered on December 10, 2010 by an employee of the M. V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Yelenin. He discovered it in the photographs of the American automated observatory in New Mexico. They really clearly show some huge clusters in the comet's plume. And so the Argentine scientist ventured to suggest that this is the transport of representatives of alien civilizations.

Tracking of the comet currently indicates that it is passing through the asteroid belt and into the inner solar system. I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the source, NASA, is impeccable. We have a certain mass (which may or may not be a neutron star) that has entered into solar system, would have to orbit the Sun like any other comet, and pass between Mercury and Venus before leaving. On its way back, this mass will pass very close to the Earth, and the Earth will pass behind it, hitting its tail.

In the video below you will see how this is explained graphically. You will see a mathematical calculation that shows that every time this celestial body aligns with the axes of the Earth and the Sun, we have destructive earthquakes. The last three alignments along the axes led to an earthquake in Japan, then before it in New Zealand, and before that in Chile. When the next correspondence occurs, it will result in a devastating earthquake. It must be understood that if Elenin were just an ordinary comet, it would not have enough mass to create a gravity force that could affect the Earth when it coincides with it along the axes.

We must recognize and accept that there is a possibility that part of our civilization and people may be lost. It's better to see once than hear a hundred times, and NASA has given us convincing evidence to suggest that Yelenin will play a role in the events that will take place on our planet.

We started noticing that something unusual was happening when the sunrise in Greenland was 2 days early, which became clear sign that something is happening to the Earth's orbit.

Next few months

August 3, 2011 will mark the timestamp that the Earth will pass the brown dwarf's perigee as the dwarf crosses Earth's orbit. In about a couple of weeks, on August 18, the brown dwarf will cross the orbit of Venus at a distance of about 67 million miles from the Sun. Then after 24 days, the dwarf will get as close as possible to the Sun at a distance of 44.73 million miles. September 25, 2011 will be the date when the Earth will cross the second largest coincidence with the Sun as a celestial body, a brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus, which will line up and lead to another gravitational coincidence.

In this video from the top of a mountain in Japan, Yelenin appears to have been captured on camera.

What seems most likely is what has been preserved in the history of many ancient cultures - powerful floods that occurred throughout the planet. The only causes of such planetary floods could be the influence of an asteroid, a pole shift, or the passage of an object of huge mass close to the Earth, the attraction of gravity of which would cause large tsunamis. The gravitational pull of a massive object would set the water in motion exactly as the Moon does on a much smaller scale, causing the tides to ebb and flow.

Safe zones:

Leave volcano areas.

Leave seismic and avalanche zones, fault zones

Drive away from dams that might burst.

Get away from nuclear power plants.

Leave high altitudes, where the radiation level will be the highest.

Leave densely populated areas where food shortages can lead to unrest and chaos.

Prepare all the necessary equipment for survival, medicines, weapons and food.
