Husband and wife after the wedding. Wedding, wedding wedding, church wedding, church wedding, what is a wedding, why do you need a wedding, holy wedding, wedding sacrament, wedding signs, wedding traditions, wedding ceremony, how to prepare for a wedding

It is necessary to take a serious approach to the performance of the Sacrament of the Wedding. Yes, it is necessary for Orthodox Christians to get married, but in our times it is IMPOSSIBLE to HURRY in this serious matter. It is also categorically impossible that many women want to tie their husband more tightly to themselves through the Sacrament of the Wedding, the Lord does not accept such a wedding and does not Bless. Prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of the Wedding, the husband and wife must truly love each other and treat each other well, they must mature, that is, they must be ready to perform the Sacrament of the Wedding over them. Both spouses must necessarily be believers, and not pretend, and both are churched, that is, they must live a Spiritual life - know a certain minimum of prayers and constantly pray, they must go to Sunday and holiday services to church and understand the seriousness and necessity of this . They must be able to confess their sins and keep all the fasts, and most importantly, they must strive to keep all the Commandments of God. Then such crowned marriages do not break up, because divorce is generally simply - Impossible, and therefore the spouses live in peace, in love and harmony with each other all their lives. Therefore, there is no need to rush in such an important matter, you need to understand that in itself a civil marriage registered in the registry office is not a sin of fornication. A civil registered marriage, if the spouses are pure and faithful to each other, love each other, is in itself a Sacrament.

During the sacrament of the Marriage over the spouses, it is said “Let the wife be afraid of her husband” - these words are not about emotional fear that they say the wife should be afraid of her husband - this opinion is erroneous and incorrect, but about the correct system of relations between husband and wife. The husband must and must be responsible for the Material and SPIRITUAL moral state of his family, is obliged to raise his children, is obliged to provide his family with everything necessary for life, and not to dump and shift this responsibility for the family to his wife, thereby turning her, in fact, into the head of the family contrary to the will of God. Yes, and wives are often unable to bear such a heavy burden of care and responsibility for their family, when a man voluntarily withdraws from his direct duties and personal responsibility for the family.

It is impossible to FORCE people to get married and marry according to Obedience, just as it is impossible to force people to become monks according to obedience - all this is crazy and sinful. The Lord does not forcefully take anyone to himself, only by the good will of the person himself. So people should get married only strictly out of Love, and it’s up to the priest to make sure personally that people sincerely love each other, and that they, which is an important condition for their wedding, have good, kind and strong relationships with each other, and they both understand her responsibility to God and to each other and her duties, and first of all, the fact that the bride understands that from now on she is a close friend, a dear and loving person to her husband and a good Helper in everything to her husband, and must obey and obey him , and not a scandal. A wife should know that if she marries, then she should remember that it depends on her what the atmosphere will be in her family and her home.

Facts, as they say, are stubborn things. So, married couples of spouses are also getting divorced, and unfortunately in our time, almost half of married Orthodox couples are BREAKING UP. These are sad facts. It is necessary to know that the rite of marriage is not a guarantee of the preservation of the family, if the spouses are indifferent to God and DO NOT CONSIDER it necessary to live according to the Commandments of God.

And the main reason for such divorces is LACK OF FAITH and Indifference of spouses to God - 70% of Orthodox families BREAK UP for this reason alone. Only because they FORGOT about God, RARELY went to church, RARELY went to confession and communion, did not pray for each other and generally prayed BADly - and therefore LOST God’s Protection over their family and the demons did everything to DESTROY this family.

Because for such people of little faith, indifferent to God, their purely everyday household interests, money, things and their work and career stood in the first place - that is, the reason for the breakup of such families was a philistine, selfish way of life and indifference to God and neighbors. But God does not bless such families and DOES NOT KEEP.

Another important reason for many breakups of Orthodox families is when one of the spouses, usually women suffer from this, TRYING to TIE her husband more tightly with the wedding ceremony - this big sin and therefore God does not bless such families.

It is impossible to get married if there is NO good relationship between the husband and wife, if there is NO true love for each other.

And most importantly, future spouses must definitely be CHURCHED - that is, they themselves with a desire - go to church, love to pray, confess, take communion, observe Fasts and are GOOD and GOOD people - otherwise God will not bless such a family. And if for some reason God does not bless the husband and wife, then they will not have family happiness, love and respect for each other. God is Love, and true love between spouses happens only when God Himself gives it. And God only gives love kind people, and all evil, proud, deceitful, and selfish people expel it themselves and therefore are unsociable and lonely, and people, if they are forced to live with them for some reason, simply tolerate them, and leave them at the first opportunity.

But it also happens that two inhabitants created a family, selfish, dishonorable people, concerned only with their own well-being. They are like two drops of water similar to each other, they have the same goals and aspirations, consisting in only one thing - more, by any means to snatch from life, to save more money in order to live better and more satisfying. To achieve this for such people, all means are good. There are many of them in our country. The townsfolk live well among themselves, well, there is not much love there, and they don’t need it, they are just as good together as the people say: “two boots are a pair”, and the same children are born to them, greedy, cunning, envious, also everything that is possible is rowed for themselves. Such people do not need God, they are well arranged and live without Him. If in a society of such people gets good man, then they begin to poison him and survive, which is why family alliances with the Philistines are fragile.

An old Russian proverb says: “Cut a tree according to yourself”, that is, look for a husband and wife like yourself, the same person as you are!” This is the wisdom of the people. When people are similar and the same in character, in upbringing, in their views and attitudes towards life and towards people, when one likes and is interested in what the other likes and is interested in, when people have common values ​​and a common understanding and attitude to life, to the family and raising children when they are both one Orthodox faith when there is a lot in common between a husband and wife - only then are they able to find mutual understanding and agreement among themselves, as they say: "Two boots of a pair." Only then will they be able to live well with each other.

About the Sacrament of Marriage (Wedding)

"one flesh" (1 Cor. 7:2). (1 Cor. 7:9).

The Apostle Paul writes: (1 Tim. 5:14).

About the Sacrament of Marriage (Wedding)

16.1. What is marriage in the church understanding?

– Marriage is a Sacrament in which, with a free promise before the priest and the Church of mutual marital fidelity by the bride and groom, their marital union is blessed, in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church, and the grace of pure unanimity is asked for the blessed birth and Christian upbringing of children.

16.2. Is it necessary to get married?

- If both spouses are believers, baptized and Orthodox, then the wedding is necessary and obligatory, since during this Sacrament the husband and wife receive a special grace that sanctifies their marriage. Marriage in the Sacrament of the Wedding is completed by the grace of God for the creation of the family as a home church. A solid house can only be built on a foundation, and a true Christian family is based on the Sacrament of the Wedding. In Christian marriage, God's grace becomes the foundation upon which the building is erected. happy life families.

Participation in the Sacrament of the Wedding, as in all other Sacraments, must be conscious and voluntary. The most important motive for the wedding should be the desire of the husband and wife to live like a Christian, like the Gospel; This is what God's help is given in the Sacrament. If there is no such desire, but they decide to get married “according to tradition”, or because it is “beautiful”, or in order for “the family to be stronger” and “no matter what happens”, so that the husband does not go on a spree, the wife does not fall out of love, or for similar reasons - then you don’t need to get married. Such participation in the Sacrament of the Wedding will not lead to anything good, and can even serve as a court and condemnation.

16.3. What is the purpose of Christian marriage? Is it only the birth of children?

– Marriage in Christianity has a special religious dimension. By the will of the Creator, human nature is divided into two sexes, two halves, none of which individually possesses the fullness of perfection. In marriage, the spouses mutually enrich each other with the properties and qualities inherent in their sex, and thus both parties to the marriage union, becoming "one flesh"(Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5-6), that is, as a single spiritual and bodily being, they reach perfection. The Christian family is called the "little Church", because in marriage there is the same type of unity of people as in the Church, " big family"- unity in love. In order to love, a person must commit an act of self-denial, reject his egoism, learn to live for the sake of others. This goal is served by Christian marriage, in which the spouses overcome their sinfulness and natural limitations. There is another purpose of marriage - protection from debauchery and the preservation of chastity. "In order to avoid fornication, each one should have his own wife, and each one should have her own husband"(1 Cor. 7:2). “If they cannot abstain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to be inflamed.”(1 Cor. 7:9).

16.4. Why should a wife obey her husband?

“Wives, be subject to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church.”(Eph.5:22,23). The wife is justly subject to her husband, equality could produce enmity, because first the deceit came from the wife.

But the primacy of the husband in the family is not tyranny, not humiliation and oppression, but active love: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her”(Eph. 5:25). Love must be sober: not so much for the sake of the wife, but for the sake of obeying the Lord. Often a husband, without realizing it himself, allows or forbids his wife what God inspires him to do.

Therefore, the wife should render her husband unfeigned respect as the head of the family. This duty is also instilled in her by God and the laws of nature, because the Lord created her weaker in comparison with her husband and appointed her to be his helper. “For the husband is not from the wife, but the wife is from the husband; and the husband was not made for the wife, but the wife for the husband"(1 Cor. 11:8,9). Even though a wife sometimes surpasses her husband in moral qualities, education and experience, even in this case she does not have the right to go beyond the limits established by the Law of God, but must sacredly preserve respect for her husband in her soul and prove it in deeds.

16.5. What is required to get married?

- The marriage must be registered in the registry office. The time of the wedding should be agreed in advance in the temple. Before the wedding, it is desirable to confess and take communion. You must have wedding rings, icons, a white towel, candles, pectoral crosses and witnesses baptized in Orthodox Church.

When embarking on such an important Sacrament, it is necessary to prepare oneself by purifying oneself through Confession, Communion and prayer, but not balls, music and dances, for this step extends not only to this life, but also to eternity.

16.6. How to confess and take communion before the wedding?

– Preparation for Confession and Communion before the wedding is the same as at any other time.

16.7. Who is prohibited from entering into a church marriage?

– The Church does not allow 4th and 5th marriages. It is forbidden to marry close relatives, as well as if one of the spouses (or both) declare themselves convinced atheists, unbaptized, or if one of the newlyweds is actually married to another person. An ancient pious tradition forbids marriages between godparents and godchildren, as well as between godparents of the same child. It is impossible to get married to those who have previously given monastic vows or accepted ordination to the holy order.

16.8. Is it possible to marry a Catholic or a sectarian?

- In Russia, until 1721, marriages of Orthodox Christians were forbidden not only with non-Christians, but also with non-Orthodox. But from 1721, marriages of the Orthodox with Catholics, Protestants and Armenians began to be allowed, provided that the children were baptized in Orthodoxy. The wedding of an Orthodox person with a person of another Christian denomination requires the permission of the ruling bishop. If at least one of the spouses professes a non-Christian religion (for example, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism) or is a sectarian, then the Orthodox Church does not crown such a marriage, unless they convert to Orthodoxy.

When marriage itself must be sanctified by priestly protection and blessing, how can one call marriage where there is no agreement in faith? Each religion leaves its own special imprint on the culture and worldview of its representatives, even on those who are not its inspired confessors.

16.9. How to book a wedding?

- To do this, you need to contact a candle shop or arrange directly with the priest about the time of the Sacrament.

16.10. When is the wedding not taking place?

- weddings are prohibited during all four multi-day fasts; during Cheese Week (Shrovetide); on the Bright (Easter) week; from the Nativity of Christ (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19); on the eve of the twelfth holidays; on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year; September 10, 11, 26 and 27 (in connection with a strict fast for the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord); on the eve of the patronal temple days (each temple has its own).

The days on which the wedding is allowed are marked in the Orthodox calendar.

16.11. Is it possible to get married while pregnant?

- The bride's pregnancy is not an obstacle to the wedding.

16.12. Is it possible to get married after the birth of a child?

- It is possible, but not earlier than 40 days after birth.

16.13. Is it necessary to have a parent's blessing for a church marriage?

- The absence of parental blessing is regrettable, but this cannot prevent the wedding. In this case, the parental blessing can be replaced by a priestly one, best of all - the blessing of the confessor of one of the spouses.

16.14. Does the Church allow second marriage?

The Apostle Paul writes: “A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; if her husband dies, she is free to marry whomever she wants, only in the Lord.(1 Cor. 7:39) and elsewhere: “I wish young widows to marry, give birth to children, rule the house and not give the enemy any reason to slander”(1 Tim. 5:14).

In condescension to human infirmities, the Church allows a second marriage.

16.15. Is it possible to get married to those who have been married for a long time?

- It is possible and necessary. Those couples who get married in adulthood take the wedding more seriously than young people. The splendor and solemnity of the wedding they are replaced by reverence and awe of the greatness of marriage.

16.16. Is it necessary to have witnesses at a wedding?

- According to Russian tradition, every married couple has witnesses. In the temple, they hold crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. Witnesses must be baptized. However, the absence of witnesses is not an obstacle to the wedding, you can get married without them.

16.17. What do you need to do to get a church divorce?

- The Church only in exceptional cases gives consent to the dissolution of a marriage - mainly when it has already been defiled by adultery or has actually already been destroyed by the circumstances of life (for example, the long-term unknown absence of one of the spouses). To dissolve a marriage, a written petition must be submitted to the ruling bishop.

This ceremony is filled with sacred mystery, it exists in order for the couple to be blessed by God, it shows the seriousness of intentions in marriage. Man was created in the image of God, therefore, missteps and disobedience of the commandments are not forgiven, a crowned marriage is a sin for which one must bear responsibility both in heaven and on Earth.

Cheating after the wedding should be completely excluded. When people make such important decisions, it requires awareness that they will have to adhere to the canons at least - to be baptized, to listen to every advice of the priest, to truly want it, and not to act under compulsion. There is a belief among the people that says that a married couple is not destined to part, they will intersect, collide all their lives under any circumstances, no matter how they try to run away from each other.

Terminating the union is extremely difficult, for this you need a weighty reason, for example, unreasonable betrayal, which there is no strength to forgive. Everyone can make mistakes and make mistakes. As a rule, both are always to blame, desperation, indifference, constant indifference, misunderstanding can push to misconduct. You should always find out the reason, understand it to the end and, if possible, forgive.

If there were reasons to love a person, then you can always find in him good qualities, periodically make a difference, be a support, try to restore and discover all the most beautiful, bright, which used to be the defining features of falling in love. Even the most responsible spouses sometimes face obstacles, disagreements, temptations on the side.

The main thing is spiritual repentance, acceptance, awareness of guilt, attempts to make amends for it.

It is easier to destroy than to renew or build a new one, therefore, giving vent to emotions, statements, you need to stop in time and come to a single decision: to be or not to be together, to accept arguments for and against, to remember the wonderful moments of life together, to understand whether one mistake can cross out what has been acquired overwork.

Another question is, if a man lives with his family and regularly cheats, embarks on fornication, constantly breaks down, blames his relatives for everything, then there can be no question of forgiveness, a divorce may well take place. In any case, one cannot live with illusions. With the help of a wedding, try to strengthen what is not, and never was, what is alien will never attract, for someone it can be just a beautiful ceremony that does not bind to anything.

There should be no separation between marriages, there are faithful and unfaithful people, everything else is stupid excuses for your actions. You can’t live with grievances, with hatred in your heart, because this is also a huge sin, it’s better to forget, let go, go on different paths than try to hold on, take revenge, infringe on a person, thus, it hurts not only him, but also the injured party as well.

Forgiving is a gift of generosity, not granted to everyone, and sometimes forgiveness is a great stupidity, which will turn into bitter experience more than once, some wives or husbands are not able to change the pernicious image and take the right path of repentance, correction. It is hard to realize that marriage and betrayal are common things that become the daily norm.

Everyone is equal by nature, I have the right to choose my values, to arrange the path of life as I please, but if there is a family, then I have to bear responsibility for it, not to scatter close individuals, to listen, to take into account interests, and not to exist senselessly for the sake of satisfying animal instincts. The first rule of humanity: to carry out activities for the good, for the good, to make happier.

Based on the holy book, there comes an understanding that the human race cannot feel full happiness, being completely alone, support is definitely needed. Thus, Eve was recreated - the image of an ideal wife, a kind of addition to Adam. They were recreated for harmony, in fact, marriages are concluded for this.

Spouses are a single whole, a wife must be faithful, love only her husband, be a lover - humiliation, the purpose of the ladies is not to be entertainment or simply satisfy the needs of physiology, the essence is much deeper: to live, creating complete well-being, peace, complement each other, enjoy in full.

In the old days, adultery in a married marriage was impossible, as soon as the young came to church, the whole district knew that today it begins completely for them. new story that will unite them for eternity, they can no longer be one without the other.

The main goal is the birth and upbringing of a new generation. The spiritual side of personal relationships, understanding is important; a wedding after infidelity is possible, if only being is completely rethought, an independent final choice is made.

A wife who cheated on her husband did not succumb to the selfless power of love, which means that she is not able to stay in a family, free, non-binding connections are characteristic of this, cohabitation, alas, religion does not recognize this.

IN modern world there are a lot of divorces, therefore, a calm perception has become normal, a married couple can easily divorce and after a certain period reproduce the ritual again with other contenders for the heart. The younger generation is not so serious about marriage, and some churches crown everyone indiscriminately, of great importance not attached, some are inclined to the “wisdom” of saving seven by any means: “even if he lives, he cheats with me”, but is this approach correct?

You have to learn to solve problems, not live with them. Sooner or later, such a situation will exhaust, get bored, you will want peace, and not passions, a hectic life, and if there are children, then this will painfully settle on their psyche, perception and they will simply begin to take an example from their parents.

If you cheated on your husband, then it is easier to confess, forgive sin, leave in the past, because you can only aggravate the situation, others will be added to one mistake: betrayal, lies, deceit and much more. The atmosphere should be clean, sincere, laid-back, you should not surround yourself with a "swamp" immersion, into which it will become inevitable, as the people say: "on a thief and a hat is on fire."

Wedding or standard ceremony?

Many confine themselves to ordinary celebration, which is correct to some extent, but does not remove responsibility for certain impious deeds. Of course, betrayal after the wedding has serious consequences, you will have to take communion, repent, ask for forgiveness, suffer, and only in this way, it is possible to get the long-awaited pardon.

People come to church not because it is fashionable and beautiful, but only with a sincere desire to forever unite bodies and souls; learn to love, respect, perceive a spouse as he is, experience grief, joy together, be disappointed, make up for lost time, strive for complete harmony, find joint happiness, be together despite all obstacles and difficulties.

When making a decision, you need to rely not only on common sense, but also take into account contradictions, consciously approach the choice of a partner, be one hundred percent confident in him and in yourself, which, unfortunately, is an extremely rare case.

There is no need to rush, it is important to gain life experience, understand yourself, your own preferences, determine values ​​in order to focus and make a worthy, final choice that will bring joy and happiness for the rest of your life.

The presence of betrayal in the relationship between a man and a woman testifies, first of all, to disrespect, neglect of each other, and after breaking a vow, church rules, inability to live according to the Laws of God.

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The sacrament of marriage is a sacred Orthodox rite that gives spouses a blessing for family life and the birth of children. To date, quite a lot of young couples decide to carry out this tradition. Yes, this is not strange, because this event is beautiful and very touching.

But you need to understand that you need to go through the sacrament of the wedding not because it is a modern tribute to fashion. Remember that this should be a serious deliberate step. Therefore, you need to know all its features.

You can conduct a wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church at any time - on the wedding day, in a few days, in a week or a year. For the church, it doesn't matter when you decide to take this step. The main thing is that you need to comply with all the conditions that the church provides.

One of important conditions the sacrament is the presence of a marriage document (certificate). Also, young spouses must be baptized. However, the last rule can be circumvented. Today, more than one church allows a ceremony to be held when one of the spouses does not Orthodox Christian. But at the same time, they put the condition that children born in this marriage must be baptized in the Orthodox Church.

There is another rule of the wedding ceremony. It is important that the spouses correspond to the age of marriage:

  • the groom must be at least 18 years old;
  • Bride must be 16 years of age.

Do not worry that you will be refused if your wife is pregnant. This will not happen, since there is an opinion of the church, where children should be born only in a married marriage. It is also possible to conduct a sacrament when the spouses have not received parental blessings. In this case, a spiritual father can give a blessing.

There are not many restrictions for the ceremony. The Church does not give the owl permission in such cases:

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  • when spouses are spiritual or blood relatives;
  • when unbaptized or atheists marry.
  • when you have registered your fourth marriage, the ceremony can only be held three times.

Preparing for the wedding

For this Orthodox tradition, you need to prepare spiritually. Spouses before the ceremony must pray, take communion, confess and endure a three-day fast, during which it is forbidden to eat animal products.

Before the wedding, you need to refrain from carnal relations. This rule also applies to couples who have lived together for several years. It is necessary not to enter into close relationships for several days before the sacrament.

Choice of guarantors

The choice of witnesses must be approached responsibly. Often they are chosen among relatives. But there are a few rules here. Witnesses must be baptized. It is strictly forbidden to take as guarantors:

  • couples who live in a "civil" marriage;
  • divorced spouses.

It is best to invite young people who are not familiar with married life as witnesses. But if you have any problems finding guarantors, the ceremony can be performed without them.

What do the witnesses at the wedding

When conducting this church rite, certain responsibilities are assigned to the guarantors. Often, the actions and rules for their implementation, which the assistants of the spouses must perform, are negotiated in advance with the clergyman. This is necessary so that during the wedding tradition there are no problems and overlaps.

Traditionally, the following duties are imposed on witnesses (but these may differ depending on the rules of the church itself):

  • Keep the crowns over the heads of the spouses;
  • Accompany the bride and groom during the triple procession;
  • Lay a towel in front of the lectern;
  • Serve wedding rings;
  • Help collect bouquets after the ceremony.

What to give for a wedding

The traditions of this ceremony do not provide for any specific gifts. But it is best to give the following things:

  • shelves for the iconostasis;
  • icons;
  • gift bible;
  • candlesticks;
  • coins with faces of saints;
  • lamps.

How is the wedding

The ceremony is conditionally divided into two stages: betrothal and wedding. It is worth noting that the priest of the newlyweds will call them exclusively church names. The newlyweds are betrothed before entering the temple.

The bride always stands to the left of the groom. The clergyman blesses them and hands them lit candles, which the young people hold until the end of the ceremony.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch the video in which you will learn about the wedding and how to prepare for the sacrament:

What is the Sacrament of Marriage?

The wedding, or sacrament of marriage, is one of the seven main sacraments of the Orthodox Church. The bride and groom, united by love and mutual consent, with a free promise of marital fidelity before the priest and the Church in the Sacrament of the Wedding, receive the grace of God, sanctifying their marriage in the form of the union of Christ with the Church, for marital happiness, for the blessed birth and Christian upbringing of children. Through this grace, "marriage is made honorable, and the marriage bed undefiled" (Heb. 13:4).

sacrament of wedding- the most ancient of the Church Sacraments. Usually, the establishment of the Sacrament of Marriage is associated with the visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, where He performed His first miracle. However, the ancient Holy Fathers believed that the Sacrament of Marriage is the only Sacrament that was established even before the fall of man, in the Garden of Eden. Moreover, it was originally performed as a grace-filled Divine priesthood, when God Himself brought the wife to Adam.

What happens during the Sacrament of the Wedding?

The Order of the Sacrament consists of two parts - betrothal and wedding. The first part brings those who receive the Sacrament to its second sacramental part. Betrothal represents that natural marriage established by God between Adam and Eve for the purpose of procreation. The betrothal testifies to the recognition by the Church of those mutual intentions and feelings of the bride and groom, which they fasten in the Temple in front of all those standing. The Holy Church confirms the sincerity of the vow they made to each other with her blessing and prayers. Following the Wedding with its prayerful-gracious order lays the foundation for living together in the bosom of the Holy Church, under its grace-filled cover.

What does the Sacrament of Marriage oblige?

“Marriage is the sacrament of love,” says John Chrysostom. Therefore, the sacrament of marriage, first of all, obliges to love and mutual respect and piety. “Husbands,” writes the Apostle Paul, “love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church…” And further: “So husbands should love their wives as their own bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one has ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and warms it…” (Eph 5:25:28-29). “Marriage,” says St. Gregory the Theologian, “binds more to God, because it has more motives to turn to Him ... Whoever is obliged to take care of a dear spouse and children cuts through a vaster sea of ​​life, he needs God’s great help, and he himself mutually loves God more. Therefore, those wishing to get married should deeply realize that the dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the vow of fidelity, is an absolute sin.

What are witnesses for?

In pre-revolutionary Russia, when church marriage had civil and legal force, the wedding was necessarily performed with guarantors-witnesses who took part in the ordination of the Sacrament, and confirmed the act of marriage in the register of births with their signatures. At present, the participation of witnesses in the Sacrament is not obligatory and is determined by the desire of the bride and groom.

Nevertheless, the obligations of guarantors during marriage are, in their spiritual basis, the same as those of godparents at Baptism: just as godparents, experienced in spiritual life, lead godchildren in Christian life, so guarantors must spiritually patronize new family. Therefore, earlier, young people, not married, not familiar with married life, were not invited to be guarantors. And today, guarantors must necessarily be Orthodox, preferably church people, and treat the Sacrament of the Wedding with due reverence.

According to the canonical rules, the wedding is not performed:

  • during all four posts
  • during Cheese Week (Shrovetide) before Lent
  • on the Bright (Easter) week after Easter
  • in Christmas time - the period from the Nativity of Christ (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19)
  • on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, as well as on the eve of the Twelfth, Great and Temple Feasts
  • on the eve and on the days of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 10, 11, 26 and 27.

How to prepare for the Sacrament of the Wedding?

Every Orthodox Christian should strive to know the basics of the Orthodox faith: what we believe in and in Whom we rely on, at least understand the Creed and read at least one Gospel (for example, from Mark).

Sacrament of marriage is a special blessing of the Church to those entering into family life. Therefore, it is important to approach it prepared, collected, clean, so that it does not come to condemnation, but to the salvation of the soul. Then family life will have a solid, unshakable foundation. And all the prayers uttered on this day in the Temple will bear their good fruit.

The bride and groom before marriage must certainly confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, having prepared for these Sacraments by prayer and fasting. This can be done not on the wedding day itself.

In addition, according to the rules of the II and IV Ecumenical and Laodicean Councils, in pursuance of the decision of the Holy Synod No. 152 of December 27, 2011, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, before the Sacrament of the Wedding, the newlyweds must undergo a pre-wedding catechization - conversations that set out the basics Orthodox doctrine and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

On the day of the Sacrament of the Wedding, you must have:

  • Wedding icons - the Savior and the Mother of God
  • wedding candles
  • Wedding rings
  • Foot (white towel)
  • Marriage certificate.


The bride may have barriers to participating in the Sacrament. In this case, it is necessary to postpone the celebration of the Sacrament of the Wedding until the end of the days of purification.

God help you!

Saturdays and Sundays at 11 o'clock held in the temple catechumens before the Sacraments of Baptism and Wedding.

Brothers and sisters!

For more information, you can call: 8-916-590-21-84 Kukhtinskaya Irina Vyacheslavovna (on Sundays, after 11 o'clock ) , or write to the address Email: [email protected]

Temple Priest - Archpriest Vladimir (Kovtunenko) , tel.: 8-905-736-27-51

Man before God. Sacrament of Marriage
Studio Neofit
