Face cream for winter at home. Winter skin care

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. It is very beautiful, it smells like a holiday and tangerines, a joint holiday, skiing and sledding, a snow woman and hot mulled wine. But for the skin this time is perhaps the most difficult period. That's why she needs proper care to preserve beauty and not allow frost to provoke any irreversible changes.

During the cold season, the skin of the face suffers from sudden temperature changes. It is generally accepted that the most destructive thing for the condition of the dermis is dry air from heating radiators. Much more dangerous is a sudden change in temperature from very warm to cold. In people prone to rosacea, this situation can cause the appearance of new blood vessels and stars on the face. Often a sharp change in temperature in winter provokes the development of acne. The dermis rapidly loses moisture - through open pores, water molecules begin to quickly evaporate, and in the cold they crystallize, destroying cells. Therefore, winter care should be very gentle. It still consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing, but also includes the use of protectants.

Although solar Activity in winter it is significantly lower, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is very high. Therefore, it is recommended to use products with a sun protection factor before going outside.

Features of winter care

Typically, creams intended for winter use a component such as glycerin. It is positioned as effective remedy for moisturizing and softening. It itself is a trihydric alcohol, which is capable of forming a film that attracts water molecules. Due to this action, the effect of moisture is achieved. The film actually attracts water from the environment, but if the air around is dry, the liquid will be drawn out of the skin, thereby drying it out even more.

Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to those that do not contain glycerin. Instead, vitamin E, shea butter, coconut butter, and cocoa are perfect. You can also use creams made from natural fats. Usually these are products prepared independently, and there are quite a lot of such recipes, especially among residents of the northern regions.

1. Cleansing.

Cleaning should be done with soft gels and creams. Aggressive means used in summer period, will not fit. The most successful option would be milk - it will gently dissolve excess oil, makeup and dirt, without disturbing the natural hydrolipid layer of the skin. Foams and gels in this situation lead to the fact that the dermis quickly loses its protective layer and dries out, tightening the pores. As a result, those contaminants that were in the thickness move to deeper layers, subsequently becoming inflamed and causing acne. Therefore, the cleansing stage of facial care should be very gentle.

2. Toning.

The toner should not contain aggressive drying components. It is worth refraining from alcohols - they degrease, causing dryness and flaking. For facial skin in winter, it would be ideal to use a tonic containing acids - they exfoliate the upper layer of the dermis and even out its tone. But such products should only be applied at night, since daytime use can cause hyperpigmentation.

If in summer time Day cream should be lighter, but in winter it has more density than night cream. In severe frosts, you should not neglect the morning application of cosmetics - it helps to strengthen the skin’s natural protection. Face cream for the winter may differ in effect, depending on the type of dermis:

  • Dry, age-related, combined - meals twice a day.
  • Oily and combination skin, problematic - moisturize at night and nourishing products for the day.

When exposed to low temperatures, water crystallizes and breaks the cell membranes. This leads to the death of the epidermis, which manifests itself in the form of peeling in winter. That is why predominantly nourishing creams are used during the day - the use of moisturizers can cause severe dryness.

4. Peeling.

Exfoliation of dead cells should be carried out the same way, 1-2 times a week. Only for the winter is it worth using a soft scrub containing smaller particles. Cosmetologists recommend rolling as an excellent alternative. It can be applied to steamed skin in the evening at home. Using such a product simply after cleansing may not give the desired effect.

Which cream to choose?

Face cream from the “Winter Care” series should be in every woman’s cosmetic bag, regardless of age and skin type. It will help protect the dermis during periods of severe frost and protect it from premature aging caused by excessive dryness. Cosmetologists advise not to neglect purchasing seasonal products.

  • Faberlic Zima weather protective cream.

Product from a Russian manufacturer of oxygen cosmetics. Distributed through consultants. It has a low cost, but is characterized by a pronounced effect. Absorbs quickly, protecting the skin and softening it. This cream is perfect for all types when winter winds and frosts are raging outside. On oily skin, it does not provoke excessive secretion production and rashes.

  • Avon "Protection from the cold".

More widespread and popular cosmetics have also not bypassed this segment. Avon offers a universal cream designed for use by the whole family. This is very convenient, but it contains glycerin, which causes discomfort when changing from low to high temperatures. Also, the cream does not provide care, it simply serves as protection against frost. The product is perfect for family walks and active rest Outdoors. It is better not to choose it for permanent use - according to reviews, makeup does not stick to it at all.

  • Nivea universal moisturizing cream.

One of the most popular products for use in winter. It has established itself as a high-quality winter cream that effectively protects the dermis from drying out and peeling in cold weather. Not suitable for use by people with oily skin - it is not completely absorbed, leaving a sticky film.

  • Oriflame "Winter care".

Like similar options from other brands, it has a very affordable price. The composition contains glycerin, which reduces absorption by oily skin. The smell is neutral, and the protective effect is pronounced. Great after 30-40 years.

Home Remedies

It often happens that the face still succumbs to the aggressive effects of cold air. It begins to dry, peel, and a feeling of tightness appears. This state cannot be left for long - in winter time years, the skin on the face is subjected to serious stress, which causes wrinkles. Therefore, there are special masks that can help stop dryness and flaking at home.

  • Yeast.

Suitable for those with oily skin. Mix 10 g of dry yeast with the same amount of kefir and more acidic juice. Apply to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. Avoid the area around the eyes.

  • Honey-egg.

Nourishes normal skin. The mixture consists of one chicken yolk and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply to face and leave for 10-15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes.

  • Honey-olive mask.

For those with dry skin, a mixture of olive oil and honey is suitable. To prepare, you need to mix them in equal proportions and apply to a cleansed face. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

Facial skin in autumn and winter is susceptible to the aggressive effects of low temperatures and wind. Often it dries out, shrinks, and peels off. To avoid this, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Gentle washing. At home it should be done very gently, without the use of aggressive agents. This will normalize the production of natural secretions and prevent the appearance of blackheads and inflammation.
  2. Nutrition. You should always moisturize after cleansing - this is the main rule of care. Before going outside, it is better to use nutritional formulations - they will help avoid destruction of the upper layer of the dermis.
  3. Regular washing of hats and scarves is necessary to prevent pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying in them. When treating acne, wash the hat at least once a week.
  4. Area around the eyes. On the eyelids the skin in winter period needs special protection - it is thinner and produces much less sebum. Therefore, a nourishing cream must be used.
  5. Sun protection. A special feature of solar radiation in winter is exposure to UVA and UVB rays. Therefore, it is important to remember the rule: give preference to products with the presence of ultraviolet factor. This will help prevent excess pigmentation and protect the dermis from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

You should not neglect any stage just because of weather conditions - the dermis always needs cleansing and nutrition. The correct selection of products makes it possible to restore the protective functions of the skin and make winter care as simple and enjoyable as possible.

Cosmetologists are firmly convinced that nothing spoils facial skin more than heating in an apartment/house. The skin and sudden changes in air temperature have a hard time, and how many times in winter do we come from the frosty air into a warm room and come back out? That is why experts recommend paying special attention to skin care during the winter season.

Table of contents:

Basic rules for skin care in winter

In order not to harm their skin and save it from the negative effects of cold and dry air, women should follow some recommendations from cosmetologists.

Changing your washing tactics

The skin itself creates protection against cold and dryness - the so-called hydrolipid mantle. Washing with plain water, and even more so using soap, cleansing foams and alcohol-based lotions, destroys this very protection and the skin receives all the aggressive effects in full. What to do?

Cosmetologists recommend that women replace regular washing with cleansing the skin with alcohol-free lotion, cosmetic milk and soft tonic. Safe lotions and tonics are gentle on facial skin and gentle on overly sensitive skin. But cosmetic milk does not dry the skin at all, which helps prevent the aggravation of existing dermatological problems.

How to care for dry skin in winter

Cold rain and wet snow do not moisturize the skin at all; they seriously injure it. But frosts make any moisturizers generally dangerous! Yes, it won’t come to frostbitten cheeks, but the moisture that is part of the cream literally freezes and spoils the skin of the face, “scratching” it. Of course, this is all exaggerated, but it is important to understand the essence of the potential danger, and not manipulate complex and incomprehensible terms.

There is another danger of using moisturizers in winter - in too dry indoor air, the ingredients included in the creams in question may “behave” completely inappropriately. These ingredients have the ability to attract moisture, but in dry air there is nowhere to get it from and then moisture is “taken” from the deep layers of the dermis. The result, oddly enough, is drying out of the facial skin.

Note:The only exception to this rule is chitosan, since they not only moisturize, but also cover the skin with a protective film, which ensures the preservation of moisture in the deep layers of the dermis. But even these products can be applied to the skin of the face in winter no earlier than 60 minutes before going outside. .

Moisturizers, in principle, can be used in winter, but experts recommend applying them immediately before bed and immediately after a shower, directly on damp skin. During the day you can spray your skin thermal water from a spray can, and right on top of makeup.

We are not talking about expanding the menu and adding some special dishes to the diet; this is exactly what you should not do in order to avoid weight problems. But it is imperative to adjust the nutrition of your facial skin in winter. Firstly, it is worth replacing your regular day cream with a nourishing one - it contains active ingredients, oil, beeswax and vitamins and minerals. But you definitely need to take into account your skin type - for example, for oily optimal choice will become a cream with unsaturated fatty acids in its composition.

Secondly, you need to immediately respond to external changes in the skin - if it is hard to tolerate cold, then the face will look grayish, pale, sleepy, all the roughness and irregularities will appear. At this moment, you need to provide your facial skin with enhanced nutrition - retinoids, cedar oil, plant extracts, jojoba oil, antioxidants are present in many cosmetic care products, so there will be no problems with expanding the “menu”.

In addition, it is worth remembering some nuances:

“Winter” face masks

Masks are considered a natural and effective protection for facial skin in winter. Such products have no contraindications, but can solve most problems that are associated specifically with cold weather and skin that is not adapted to it.

The basis of any “winter” face mask should be vegetable oil (literally a few drops are enough) - olive, flaxseed or pumpkin. They are the ones that are able to form a protective barrier for the skin, which will save it from low temperatures, wind and dry indoor air, but the auxiliary/additional components can be:

Recipes for “winter” masks

You need to choose a specific mask recipe for facial skin care in winter, taking into account your skin type. If there are any doubts, then the best option would be to contact a cosmetologist.

For any skin type

  1. Take ¼ of the ripe one, mash it and add 1 teaspoon of any nourishing cream to the puree. Stir and add 3 drops of lemon juice and the same amount olive oil. Now all the ingredients need to be thoroughly whisked. This mask is especially effective on dry facial skin; you can also use it for hand care.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese with strongly brewed tea and, of which you need to take 1 teaspoon each.

Anti-aging masks

For oily skin

One protein chicken egg beat until foam forms, mix the mixture with a teaspoon of lemon juice, bran and chopped lemon peel (take 2 teaspoons of these components).

For dry skin

  1. Take 1 teaspoon each and plantain, mix, add a small amount of water (so that it only covers the dry raw materials) and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then you need to strain the broth, cool it and add enough starch to it so that the result is a thick, creamy mass. This herbal mask will help get rid of severe flaking of the facial skin and provide complete hydration.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of apple juice with 2 teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese, add a teaspoon of camphor oil and half an egg yolk.

Toning masks

  1. Heat one teaspoon until liquid and mix it with 40 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of white clay (sold in pharmacies).
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass and add a few drops of olive oil to it.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Beat the yolk of a chicken egg with a teaspoon and the same amount of medicinal chamomile extract. This mask will relieve facial skin from peeling and redness.

Note:All of the masks listed can provoke allergies, so before using them you need to make sure that there is no inappropriate reaction of the body by applying a small amount of the prepared product to the inside of the elbow. Redness, itching or burning indicate that you need to discard the mask being tested.

You need to use “winter” masks in compliance with some rules:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin, using lotions and tonics that do not contain alcohol.
  2. Apply any mask to the face for a maximum of 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. If your skin is oily, it is advisable to wash your face with cool water.
  3. After applying any mask to the skin of the face, it is highly advisable to take a horizontal position, as the facial muscles will fully relax, and all components of the mask will “work” more productively.
  4. To get the desired result, the mask should be applied every other day.

Taking care of your facial skin in the winter is not at all difficult, even if you have to learn and get used to the rules of caring procedures, you will certainly be pleased with the result - in the spring the skin will look absolutely healthy.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

If you are open to experimentation, then DIY face cream will be the next step in achieving beauty and perfection. Many may ask: “Why bother, if in the store you can buy a ready-made product from well-known manufacturers, which has already been tested, has a lot positive feedback and so on?"

Let's take a detailed look at all the nuances of home care cosmetics, study the benefits of active ingredients for various types skin, and also go through the most effective recipes for home remedies. Let's start the lesson “Your own cosmetologist.”

Secrets of home cosmetics

When choosing creams in the store, we first of all pay attention to the composition, looking for familiar ingredients that help get rid of existing problems. They are there, no doubt. But let's face it - always or is their quantity sufficient for a beneficial effect? In addition, in the list of components you will find parabens, fragrances, preservatives, and synthetic emulsifiers. It cannot be otherwise - after all, store-bought products have a fairly long shelf life.

Second position. Truly natural cosmetics cost a lot of money, which is not always affordable.

Let's name a few significant advantages:

  • 100% natural;
  • individual approach taking into account all features (skin type, risk of allergies, number of components);
  • significant cost savings;
  • the ability to vary the means when there is a desire to do so.

There is no need to confuse homemade cream and mask. The first option is a product with a longer systemic effect, which can be prepared for future use (no more than a week). The second is a mixture that requires immediate use; it is recommended to do this procedure once a week.

Rules for using the cream home use are absolutely similar to the postulates for the purchased “brother”. You need to know the secrets of making a magic remedy.

  1. The dishes should be enameled or heat-resistant glass. During cooking (for this category of products this is an indispensable process), the ingredients can oxidize upon contact with metal, as a result of which the final product will acquire an unpleasant odor and color. For the same reason, a blender with metal attachments is contraindicated for chopping. Spoons and spatulas are wooden.
  2. It is best to store prepared drugs in a glass container with a tight lid. Hard plastic is an option, but a little worse.
  3. Close the jar tightly after each use to minimize contact with air - it impairs the active qualities of the cream.
  4. The kit should include a measuring spoon, a disposable syringe and a pipette for measuring components. Homemade product needs to be prepared in small quantities, as its shelf life is very limited.
  5. Variability of ingredients. The thick cream base cannot be replaced, as it is capable of reacting with other substances, which is taken into account within the given recipe. Ingredients of the same type (ethers, cosmetic oils, herbal extracts, decoctions, vitamin complexes) can be interchanged if desired and necessary.

Attention! Again about storage. Some varieties can be refrigerated for up to two weeks, but most potions can be refrigerated for no more than seven days. After this period, it is better not to apply the substance to your face.

When choosing a recipe for home cosmetics, you need to consider your skin type. For this, there are the following recommendations.

Suitable for oily epidermis:

  • esters of rosemary, citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit), bergamot;
  • base – oils from corn, milk thistle, cumin, grape seeds;
  • emulsifier - sucrose stearate;
  • as additional ingredients - plant extracts of ginger, hops, yeast, and so on;
  • base - egg white or yolk, glycerin, gelatin and some others.

For sensitive skin, pay attention to:

  • essential oils roses, orange, verbena;
  • basic - burdock, St. John's wort, lemon, sea buckthorn;
  • emulsifier – stearic acid;
  • additional active ingredients – peony and chamomile extracts, vitamins E, A, F;
  • base – butter, cream, natural animal fat.

Good for dry and aging skin:

  • essential oils of rose, jasmine, sandalwood, chamomile;
  • basic - jojoba, avocado, peach, nut, coconut, apricot;
  • emulsifiers – wax, guar gum;
  • addition – propolis, vitamin complexes, plant extracts;
  • base – butter, cream, wax, paraffin.

All skin products should be prepared in quantities of no more than 15-20 mg. This not only guarantees their use within a safe period of time, but also makes it possible to combine effects - moisturize, tighten, dry, nourish.

Oily epidermis must be cleansed at least once a week with peeling or scrubs. A priori, a homemade cream cannot have a too light consistency and, with regular daily use, can slightly clog pores.

The best recipes for face creams

We have already learned the basics. It's time to consider recipes for making face cream with your own hands, taking into account the information received. There are so many options that every woman can choose the right one for herself, even if she has certain contraindications to some ingredients.

Cosmetics made from coconut oil will ideally moisturize dry and sensitive epidermis. For the cream you need:

  • dissolve one teaspoon at a time in a water bath butter and natural wax;
  • also add a small spoonful of melt water, coconut oil, and infusion of their rose petals;
  • Continue heating for a few more minutes, remove from heat;
  • let cool slightly and beat thoroughly until a slightly foamy, light mass is obtained.

Using this recipe, you can prepare a moisturizing cream for the face with oily skin. To do this, you need to replace the cream with glycerin in the recipe. Otherwise everything is exactly the same.

Such products are needed for any skin type, since it will depend on the proper nutrition of the epidermis appearance and the condition of your face.

Rose Valley (DIY winter face cream suitable for dry and sensitive skin):

  • Melt a tablespoon of cream or butter in a water bath until liquid;
  • pour into a ceramic mortar, add 5 pink rose buds. Mix the ingredients until smooth using a ceramic or wooden masher;
  • transfer back to a warm container, add two teaspoons of preheated beeswax to the composition - heat for a minute, stirring constantly;
  • add a teaspoon of vitamin A, stir again and remove from heat.

Pack into jars, cool, and store in the refrigerator. Before applying, warm the cream in your hands, as its consistency will be quite thick.

This recipe will make it possible to nourish the epidermis, which has suffered from negative environmental factors, in particular ultraviolet radiation:

  • 50 gr. coconut and 20 gr. Heat almond oil in a water bath for several minutes;
  • remove from heat and add 25 ml. rose water (jasmine, neroli);
  • add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil (according to your skin type).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Storage and use conditions are standard.

Daily remedies are used by every woman, regardless of age. They have special requirements because they are applied under makeup.

DIY day face cream that is suitable for any skin type:

  • 5 gr. lanolin and 2 ml. Melt the peach butter in a water bath, bringing to a temperature of 40°C:
  • slowly pour 10 ml into the composition. melt water (you can use frozen cucumber juice).

Beat thoroughly with a whisk until smooth, pour into a storage container, cool, and put in the refrigerator.

A parsley mask, which should be done twice a week, will help to brighten your face, remove freckles, and minimize pigmentation:

  • Place a tablespoon of finely chopped greens in a mortar (ceramic) and grind until juice appears;
  • combine the resulting mass with the same amount of cream, egg yolk and a small spoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly.

Apply to previously cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Creams prepared at home are the best alternative to even the most expensive cosmetics. After all, you choose your favorite compositions yourself. The proposed night product option guarantees a beautiful appearance in the morning.

  1. 10 gr. Dissolve jojoba and cocoa oils in a water bath.
  2. Inject 50 ml. olive or peach oil, simmer for another minute.
  3. Remove from heat and add 3-4 drops of sandalwood ether. Mix thoroughly, beat with a mixer with a nylon attachment.

The following recipe is suitable for those with dry sensitive skin:

  • Melt half a teaspoon of beeswax and the same amount of cocoa butter in a water bath;
  • add a teaspoon of almond or peach oil, immediately remove from heat;
  • While beating the mixture with a mixer, add half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice and a capsule of vitamins A and E.

Place container over ice and stir until cool. Once the mixture begins to thicken, transfer to a storage container.

The presence of greens in anti-aging face creams provides a powerful antioxidant effect. The skin is moisturized, tightened, and in the cells of the epidermis, under the influence of chlorophyll, their own components responsible for youth and elasticity begin to be produced.

We offer a DIY face cream with parsley and oils - an easy-to-prepare product that is very effective with regular use:

  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • a teaspoon of liquid light honey;
  • three large spoons of fresh parsley leaves crushed in a mortar;
  • lemon or grapefruit essential oil – 10 drops.

This recipe does not involve heat treatment; you just need to mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

See proven methods and recipes for homemade face creams:


What else can be said about natural cosmetics that you can make with your own hands? Creams, masks, lotions and other facial care products made from individually selected ingredients are an excellent alternative to store-bought products.

  • Firstly, you select exactly what you need, taking into account the existing problems.
  • Secondly, there is no risk of getting allergic reaction, since all components have been tested by you personally.
  • Thirdly, you can change the product every week, providing a comprehensive effect.

A woman's beauty is entirely in her hands. And it is not necessary to achieve results by investing unimaginable amounts in expensive creams. You just need to want it - cosmetics are right at your fingertips.

We make the cream with our own hands using the simplest recipes, as well as recommendations for skin care in this topic

Cream - the most simple recipes

Creams made from pure, natural ingredients provide a versatile medium for using essential oils. You can choose oils that have a variety of therapeutic purposes and add them to an unscented cream base.

The great thing about creams is that they stay on the skin longer than carrier oils, an advantage that's especially beneficial when you're dealing with skin issues. Heavier creams can provide a protective barrier between the skin and external environment, promoting healing.

Simple creams can be prepared very easily using various combinations of oil, wax and flower water. Usually creams are made with almond oil, but heavier creams can be made by adding coconut oil or cocoa butter to almond oil. Special carrier oils, such as jojoba, avocado, peach kernel and others, are usually added in relatively small quantities, as they have their own specific properties. You can add the appropriate essential oil to this cream.

If you don't want to make the creams yourself, you can add essential oils to the finished creams. But first, it is very important to make sure that they are made from pure plant materials and that no harmful substances have been added to them. chemical substances. Not all cream manufacturers yet indicate the exact composition of their products on the packaging, so be sure that you are buying creams from brands that are trustworthy in this regard.

Magic cream
The internal production of the cream consists of using a base and food additives. It may seem strange to you, but this method is simple and effective. To make the cream, fruit or vegetable juices are used, which contain valuable nutrients and vitamins. They are useful not only for making masks, but also for creating a personal cream.

What do you need
First - the basis. The basis can be pre-melted internal fat, spinal cord, Vaseline, olive oil or some other. If you don't know what to choose, consult your pharmacist to help you choose a neutral base cream.

Depending on your skin type, you can choose a base cream (you can use it for children without additional additives). For normal skin, the cream can be anything, but if you have dry skin, it is better to choose a base foundation that is oilier and vice versa, if the skin is oily, the base should not be very oily (for example, children's moisturizer).

Propolis cream
Add a few drops of propolis tincture to the base - you can take cream, but it must be used during the day. This cream is rich in vitamins, will nourish the skin and is suitable for all skin types.

Butter + cream
To produce this cream you will need a teaspoon of cream and one spoon of butter. Mix everything together and add a few drops of lemon juice. This cream is suitable for dry and rough skin.

Yogurt cream
This cream is suitable for problematic skin with enlarged pores. You need to add plain yogurt (not sweet) to a small amount of the base. This cream needs to be used over several days, so don’t use too much. This cream helps restore the skin's natural protective layer.

Creams with the addition of beeswax
Cream "Cucumber-almond"
Grate the peeled cucumber. Dissolve 15 g of wax in a water bath, add 2 tablespoons of almond oil and cucumber mixture to it. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer over low heat for 1 hour, then cool and use to nourish aging skin.

Cream "Pink" with beeswax
Take 5 tablespoons of fresh rose petals and grind them in a blender. Add 1 tablespoon of melted butter and 1 teaspoon of beeswax to the resulting slurry. Stir well and beat a little.
Use the cream for dry and normal facial skin.

Cream "Valley of Roses"
Take 5 rosebuds, 1 tablespoon of margarine melted in a water bath, 2 teaspoons of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution.
Grind rose petals with margarine until smooth. Add beeswax and vitamin A to the resulting composition. Mix thoroughly again.
Use on normal to dry facial skin.

Cream "Carrot"
1 tablespoon carrot juice heat and mix with pre-beaten egg yolks (2 pcs.). Place the mixture in a mixer and, while whisking, add 1 teaspoon of beeswax and vegetable oil into it.
Use the cream for normal skin.

Cream "Currant"
Take 5-6 fresh nettle leaves, 3-4 rowan leaves, 1 bunch of parsley, 8-10 currant leaves, jasmine and rose flowers (3-4 buds each), grind them in a blender. Add to the resulting slurry 1 tablespoon of margarine previously melted in a water bath, 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. Grind thoroughly until smooth.
The cream is used for dry, aging skin.

Cream "Calendula"
First you need to prepare an oil extract of calendula flowers. It's done like this. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried calendula flowers with 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Infuse in a dark place for 1 week, shaking the bottle periodically. Melt 2 teaspoons of beeswax in a hot water bath. Mix melted wax with 2 tablespoons of oil extract of calendula flowers, add 1 tablespoon of corn oil. Gradually add 1 teaspoon of glycerin into the mass that has not yet cooled down. Stir until completely cool.
Use the cream for dry skin.

From Women's magazine

Dry skin and skin after sunbathing

Coconut cream:

50 g coconut oil;
20 g almond oil;

Yogurt after sun cream

Apply to burnt skin and leave until completely dry. Rinse off with cool water. Repeat if necessary.

120 gr. yogurt without additives
30 ml. Aloe Vera gel
15 drops Lavender essential oil

50 g coconut oil;
20 g almond oil;
25 g rose water (or neroli water);
20 drops essential oil of your choice.

"Noble Cream":

200 g full-fat sour cream (preferably homemade)
1 lemon, squeeze juice
100 g cologne (rose water, tincture)
100 g of alcohol (if you have acne, you can take calendula tincture)
2-3 tbsp. cucumber juice
2 fresh yolks

Mix sour cream, juices, yolks, add cologne and alcohol at the very end, pour into jars and put in the refrigerator for a day, the cream will thicken, store in the refrigerator.
Notes - first, make half of the indicated doses, or better yet a quarter, otherwise this jar of cream will turn out to be huge. The cream can be stored for six months. You can add vitamins A and E. I usually add essential oils. They rejuvenate the skin. The cream turns out to be delicate, absorbs immediately and leaves no shine. But, I think, in spring and summer it is better to use it only at night, because... Essential oils and alcohol in the sun can cause age spots to appear. And you also know exactly what you put in the cream. If you are not allergic to honey, you can add a spoonful of honey to a large jar of cream. We make all the additives before adding alcohol. It is important.
I changed the following in it: I reduced the dose by four times, since it is simply excellent for the first 2 weeks, then somehow loses its airiness and freshness, although it does not spoil at all. Then I did not add any cologne at all. Instead of cologne, I added a little once romazulan (in this case the cream turns out to be beige), another time a little calendula tincture, the third time I used a little sea buckthorn oil. In short, if you want to get a moisturizer, then take low-fat sour cream and add honey if desired. if you want it nutritious, then take fatty sour cream and add sea buckthorn oil until it has a pleasant apricot color. I always put it in the refrigerator in a wide jar, covered with paper, not a lid, so that the alcohol evaporates. After 2-3 days I added essential oils and vitamins and then closed the lid. I used it in the sun in the summer without any problems, and so did my girlfriends. No stains appeared."

Anhydrous cream "Avocado" for dry and normal skin

This recipe is suitable for beginners because it is very simple and does not require large quantity components. Classical butter cream. Has a softening, moisturizing and regenerating effect. Suitable for normal, as well as thin, aging or simply dry skin. Pleasant to use - melts on the skin, stable on the shelf.

2 teaspoons macadamia oil
1 teaspoon avocado oil
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
2 teaspoons shea butter
2 drops patchouli essential oil
3 drops rosewood essential oil

Melt shea butter in a water bath, add liquid vegetable oils, stir, add essential oils.
Place the finished cream in the refrigerator. You can store the product either in the refrigerator or on a shelf (on the shelf, of course, the shelf life is reduced).

Chamomile face cream.

10 g beeswax
50 g cocoa butter
3 tbsp. tablespoons almond oil or avocado oil
2 drops of chamomile essential oil.
Melt wax, almond oil and cocoa butter in a water bath. Remove from heat, stir thoroughly until cool, add essential oil. Stir again and transfer to a jar with a screw cap. Before applying the cream to your face, “warm” it in your palms (when cold it has a rather hard consistency).

Cleansing cocktail (soothes summer skin)

1 cup yogurt (without additives)
2 1⁄2 tablespoons regular pure honey (if you are not allergic to honey)
1 teaspoon lemon juice (for oily skin)

Mix honey and yogurt in a cup (if you have oily skin, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice to help remove oil).

Using clean hands or cotton pads, apply smoothie generously to freshly washed face and neck and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse lightly with warm water and dry your face with a towel. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

Cocktail for silky hand skin

½ cup coconut oil
½ cup sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
Cotton gloves

Mix all ingredients in a cup. Rub the mixture in your hands for 1 minute, covering all areas.

Place your hands in gloves and leave overnight. By morning the oil should be absorbed and your hands are ready for their debut.

Eye cream for crow's feet

5 gr. beeswax
- 50 ml. liquid plant oils (of your choice)
- 30 ml. floral or clean water
- 2 parts geranium essential oil
- 2 parts rosemary
- 2 k. verbena

Melt beeswax in oil in a water bath. Remove and beat with a mixer, gradually, little by little, adding 30 ml. flower (I added mineral) water. Then add essential oils and beat again.
Transfer to a jar and cool. Every evening, gently “drive” into the skin around the eyes using your fingertips.

The cream is oily and absorbs well.

According to other aromatherapy sources, the same cream is recommended for dry facial skin.

The skin on my hands became dry, chapped, but after using the cream it became much better and softer, and the cream absorbs very quickly on dry skin. So I would also add that the cream is also for hands.

Bathing cream

I kept wondering where to put this recipe, maybe in our soap theme, but it’s still better here because the cream is not intended for storage and one can say that its best definition is like a hair washing cream.

1 egg
- 0.5 cups of shampoo
- 1 tea. l. gelatin
- 2-3 parts of essential oil

I poured 1 spoon of gelatin into 5 teaspoons. water to slightly cover the gelatin and after a while heat it up a little so that the gelatin dissolves. Then add shampoo, egg and um. Beat everything with a mixer and you can go to the shower. The mixture forms a rich foam under running water. After bathing, the skin becomes smooth, shiny and soft. And the hair is silky and shiny.

Scarlet lips
Cream for cracked lips
- 10 ml. rast. oils
- 5 gr. honey
- lavender 1 volume.
- lemon 1k.
- lemon balm 1 k. or chamomile 1 k.

Everyday lip cream
- 10 ml. almond oil
- bergamot 5 k.

Softening lip cream
- 3 gr. honey
- myrrh 3 k.
- tuberose 4 k.

Cream "Blooming Meadow" can be used instead of hygienic lipstick
- 10 ml. rast. oils
- lavender 3 k.
- mint 2 k.

If you want to restore the brightness of the natural color of your lips, use the following cream
Lip cream "Scarlet lips"
- 10 ml. rast. oils
- lemon balm 6 k.
- mint 2 k.
Lubricate lips 4 times a day.

And of course, to keep your lips beautiful, you need to use a lip scrub from time to time (see page 7)

Literature used: M. Kedrova "Scents of Beauty and Health. Secrets of Cleopatra" and T. Novoselova "Aromatherapy"

It's the season to work in the garden, so recipes for your hands will be very useful

Softening hand cream

10 ml. any plant oils
- 2 parts lavender
- 2 parts sage
- 2 k lemon
- 1 tbsp magnolia
Rub thoroughly into the skin of your hands

Night hand cream

10 ml. olive oil
- 3 gr. honey
- 1 teaspoon aloe juice
Grind all components to a homogeneous whitish mass.
Add to the mixture:
- 2 parts lavender
- 2 k. eucalyptus
- 2 k. mint
Apply to hands and wear thin cotton gloves overnight.

Lavender hand cream restoring

2 tbsp. warm plant oils
- 2 parts lavender
- 2 parts sage
- 2 k lemon
- 3 parts chamomile

Revitalizing eucalyptus hand cream

Eucalyptus 4 k.
- lemon 2 k.
- chamomile 1 tsp.
- sage 1 k.
Mix with this number of children. cream that is needed

Day hand cream "Native spaces"

1 tbsp. rast. oils
- geranium 1 k.
- lemon 2 k.
- chamomile 2 parts.

Hand cream "Working noon" daytime

Mint 2 k.
- tea wood 5 k.
Mix with a small amount of hand cream.

Night cream "Velvet Hands"

1 tbsp. warm plant oils
- myrrh 3 k.
- ylang-ylang 2 parts.
- nutmeg. nut 1 q.

Hand cream "Softening" night

1 tsp. good baby cream
- mint 3 k.
- geranium 2 k.
- incense 1 volume
- fennel 1 k.
- grapefruit 1 k.
Very well softens, tones, refreshes the skin of the hands, as well as on the elbows

Hand cream "Eastern" night

2 tbsp. warm olives oils
- sandalwood 3 k.
- patchouli 2 parts.
- incense 2 k.
- nutmeg. nut 2 q.


All about beauty 11/30/2016

Dear readers, today we continue our conversation in our section, which recently opened on my blog. With us again is the presenter of the column Ekaterina Yakovleva, psychologist, certified facial massage therapist, author of professional natural cosmetics TEVA, mother of two sons. We will talk about skin care in winter, and Katya has prepared a pleasant and useful gift for all of us. We will learn and see in the video how to make the cream with your own hands. Moreover, it is multifunctional. I give the floor to Katya.

Greetings, dear blog readers! There is snow and wind outside, and I really want to feel good and comfortable in this weather! However, often with the onset of cold weather and the heating in their homes, many begin to feel dry and tight skin. Such symptoms can appear even in those people who do not feel them during the warm season, including people with excessive oily skin.

This discomfort does not allow you to fully enjoy all the delights of winter. This is especially true for the skin of the face and hands, because it is the skin that is most exposed to environmental factors.

How to care for your skin in winter

First I need to determine what condition my skin is in. If symptoms such as tightness, dryness, peeling, microcracks, itching, redness, roughness appear, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is cleansing. Products containing surfactants (washing gels, foams), natural soaps, scrubs, peelings, alcohol wipes, etc. should be excluded from use. If the above symptoms are very pronounced, then it is better to avoid washing with water, and use milk, micellar water or tonics as cleansing.

Some people have a psychological need to wash with water, then you can use hydrophilic oil, which is then washed off with filtered boiled water. As home care It is possible to wipe the face with milk cream, but one must take into account that the face acquires a specific smell and it is better to use this method at night.

For daytime skin care in winter, rich nourishing creams are suitable, which will restore the protective layer of the skin and prevent the evaporation of water from its surface.

Remember that you need to apply the cream at least 1 hour before going outside.

Please note

Many girls like to use natural vegetable oils to nourish their skin. pure form. It should be noted that such care can only be used as one-time procedures and not on an ongoing basis, since vegetable oil thins the lipid layer of the skin, making it more permeable over time, which will ultimately lead to damage and dry skin.

It is worth paying special attention to people with increased oily skin and acne. Very often, girls with such skin also suffer in winter from peeling, a feeling of tightness and other manifestations of dryness, but their focus on total degreasing of the skin confuses them in choosing skin care products. This leads to the fact that such skin looks dull, traces of inflammation heal extremely slowly, blackheads are difficult to remove, and small superficial wrinkles appear, which look unattractive when using foundation. Such skin also requires very careful cleansing and restoration of the stratum corneum.

DIY nourishing cream. Recipe

As a nourishing day cream

It is suitable as a treatment for those who have skin with reduced sebum production. For others, the cream can be used as a protective cream during long winter walks, skiing or skating, etc., or as a day cream only on dry areas of the skin.

As a nourishing mask for dry skin

This mask is suitable for both skin with low and high sebum production, flaking, roughness, and a feeling of tightness.

As a nourishing hand cream

Hands in winter especially need good care and protection. And since, as Coco Chanel said, hands - business card women, we will take care of them.

As a nourishing hair mask

Hair, especially the ends, also needs nutrition in winter. Nourishing cream will help solve this problem. A very multifunctional cream, isn’t it?!

How to make cream with your own hands

For you, I made a special video in which I tell you in detail and show you how to make and apply the cream. For convenience, I will duplicate the recipe.

Nourishing cream recipe, 100g

Fat phase:

  1. Unrefined argan oil – 10g
  2. Unrefined jojoba oil – 5g
  3. Shea butter (karite) unrefined – 8g
  4. Vegetable squalane – 8g
  5. Unrefined raspberry seed oil – 2g
  6. Vegetable emulsifier Olivem 1000 – 7.5g
  7. Candelilla wax – 2g

Water phase:

  1. Water (distilled or boiled) - 55.9g
  2. Xanthan gum – 0.3g

Active phase:

  1. Vitamin E – 0.5g
  2. Rosemary CO2 extract – 0.2g
  3. Cosgard preservative - 0.6g

All cream components can be found in almost any cream and soap making store.

And now I suggest you watch a video: how to make cream with your own hands. This cream, as I already said, is suitable for caring for the face, hands, and hair. At the same time, you will get to know me better.

Please note

If you are replacing a preservative, be sure to look at the dosages indicated by the manufacturer. Also see the recommended dosages of CO2 extract; they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Oils and their proportions in the cream can only be changed if you know how to calculate the fatty acid composition of the resulting mixture. This cream contains a mixture vegetable oils it is formulated in such a way that its fatty acid composition corresponds to the fatty acid composition of the lipid barrier of healthy human skin and is stable to oxidation, which is extremely important for a day cream.

New Year's gift for blog readers

Well, if the cream-making process is too labor-intensive for you or you want to purchase products with a more complex composition that is physiological for the skin, then I invite you to look into my store!

Only for readers of Irina Zaitseva’s blog there is a 20% discount on all Teva cosmetics until December 31, 2016!

You can view the range of cosmetics by clicking on the banner below.

I wish you a great New Year's mood, beauty and health!

Taking care of you, Ekaterina Yakovleva.

I thank Katya for all the information on winter skin care. It was nice to meet you in video format. This DIY cream recipe is amazing. I don’t know, of course, how many of us can repeat this. Personally, it’s easier for me to always go in and buy. But you need to know what to buy. And it’s nice that such an impressive discount has been made for blog readers.
