Copybook calligraphy learning to write. Calligraphy for everyone

Do you want to learn calligraphy but don't know where to start? Then this post is just for you. I'll tell you what tools to buy, how to hold the pen correctly, and also provide a video on how to properly assemble and use it.

Over the past few years, I have been conducting workshops teaching modern calligraphy to beginners. I have also answered countless related questions on e-mail. Therefore, I realized that it was necessary to create a post that would help me learn calligraphy from scratch! Today I will tell you how to master this art in a few simple steps.

1. Mastering fake calligraphy

In my opinion, fake calligraphy - created with a regular pen (gel, ballpoint, etc.) rather than a pen - is the best first step towards working with a pen. I think so for two reasons:

  1. A regular pen looks more familiar. You use it all the time, and you can use it to build muscle memory (you'll need it later).
  2. Fake calligraphy will be useful not only for beginners. Whatever your level, this will be a great aid when working on some projects. For example, the name plate in Amy Style font is pictured below.

Any set of calligraphy templates that can be downloaded from website starts with fields for fake calligraphy. If you don't have any of these yet, I recommend the Amy Style set. This font is characterized by straight vertical lines. Therefore it is ideal as initial stage work, both with a pen and a pen, for right-handers and left-handers. After practicing fake calligraphy for a couple of weeks and getting good at it, you can take up the pen.

2. Putting together a starter kit for modern calligraphy

A detailed description of this set can be seen in the post “The optimal starter set of nibs for modern calligraphy”. Here is a list of the most necessary tools and links to them:

  1. 2 Nikko G pointed nibs. – Why I consider this type of feather to be the best for beginners, you can find out at this link. (Not sure how to differentiate nibs? Look at the markings on the nib's shank. It will indicate the manufacturer, such as “Nikko G”, “Brause EF66”.)
  2. 1 straight pen holder.– I use Manuscript holders with a universal flange. Although any straight model will do. I like the General cork grip holders because they are comfortable to hold and also versatile.
  3. Laser paper 120 g/cm2 (32#)- This is an inexpensive and high-quality paper on which ink will not flow or smear.
  4. Sumi Ink and inkwell with screw cap for ink storage. (You can also use Indian mascara). Both varieties are quite rich and have optimal viscosity.
  5. Art glass. “Basically, just grab a glass of water.” You will need it to rinse your feathers.
  6. Non-fibrous material(eg dinner napkin). – Paper towels will work too. But their fibers will constantly get stuck in the slot of the pen.

I suggest you assemble a calligraphy set yourself rather than buying a ready-made one. As a rule, they consist of low-quality tools that are not suitable for beginners. In addition, their prices are often inflated.

3. Wash the feathers

All feathers are coated with a layer of factory-made oily lubricant, which preserves their presentation until the moment of sale. It must be removed before use. To do this, I often just stick a feather into a potato! You will learn how and why to do this in the post at the link.

Once the grease is removed, the ink will flow down the pen smoothly and evenly. If this is not done, the pen may not write at all, or may leave blots.

4. Preparing the pen

You can use a plastic Speedball holder. But I recommend purchasing a model with a universal flange. It is equipped with four metal “petals” and a ring, as in the photo below. Such a holder can be used with many feathers of different sizes, and not just with one type. To learn more about the different types of straight holders, read the post here.

This is what a pen holder with a universal flange looks like.

If your holder looks like the photo below, then you need to slightly bend the petals inward. They are often sold in this form.

To find out how to do this, watch the video below.

Having dealt with this, you can move on to securing the pen. Insert the pen shank exactly under the hole in the ring, as in the photo below.

If you don't succeed, watch the video below.

At correct location pen, it should sit firmly in the holder without wobbling.

Your pen is ready to go!

5. How to hold the pen correctly

Hold the pen in the standard way, like a regular pen. Grip the holder between your thumb and index finger, leaving your middle finger reverse side handles. Let your pinky and ring fingers rest on the paper as you write. Read more about how to hold a pen correctly by following this link.

6. Dip the pen into ink

Whatever nib you use, always dip it into the ink no deeper than the hole in the center of the nib. Otherwise, you'll end up with too much ink and it will splatter all over the page as soon as you touch the paper.

After picking up ink with a pen, lightly tap it on a glass of water, shaking off any excess.

7. Start mastering modern calligraphy!

This is the “Intensive Word Development” section from the Janet Style template copybook set.

The main difference between ballpoint pens and quills is this: when writing letters with a pen, you need to maintain the same angle between the pen and the paper. Do not hold it in a vertical position, try to maintain an angle of 45 degrees. If the angle is too wide, the pen will catch on the fibers of the paper, causing the ink to apply unevenly. Hard to learn correct technique work without seeing it. To make it clearer to you, I made this video.

Before starting any calligraphy project, I advise you to practice using templates (again, the Amy Style set is a great choice, because there is a video course on working with it). Print your copybooks on laser paper and enjoy the process!

Common problems

The experience of teaching modern calligraphy has given me a unique opportunity to understand the difficulties and frustrations that beginners face. Here is a list of the six main problems and their solutions:

  1. The pen catches on the paper. – Reduce the angle between the pen and paper. The higher you hold the pen, the harder it will be to work.
  2. Mascara is not applied evenly. – The solution is the same as in the previous case: try to maintain a smaller angle of inclination of the pen.
  3. Cannot draw a line of equal thickness. – Make sure that the tip of the pen is pressed firmly and evenly onto the paper and that you are holding it correctly. The video course can help you.
  4. The mascara is running. – This happens due to the poor quality of the paper. Make sure you write on paper High Quality(for example, laser printing paper with a density of 120 g/m2).
  5. Your hand is shaking. – Read the post “Solving calligraphy problems: pen pressure and trembling hand.”
  6. Other problems. – Read the post “The Five Most Frequently Asked Questions About Modern Calligraphy.”

What to do next

In modern calligraphy, as in other activities, the most important thing is to constantly improve your skills. Everyone starts with something. I started like this:

And here is one of my latest works:

To begin with, the best practice would be copy-book templates. Again, for beginners, I recommend Amy Style, although any set from will do. While you are just getting acquainted with letter shapes, choose interesting projects for yourself. Try other forms of art that involve calligraphy (like this sign making technique) and/or write name tags for a table for an upcoming event. Use the search engine at Now there are more than 300 articles dedicated to teaching calligraphy and various projects. As long as you enjoy learning, your skills will improve.

I hope you enjoyed this beginner's guide to mastering modern calligraphy. You can ask any questions in the comments. Thank you for reading my post. Have a great day!

If so, then you have come across just the perfect article to do just that.

Learning calligraphy is not an easy process, but with the right teaching materials it may take less time than you think.

What is calligraphy?

This term is borrowed from the ancient Greek language and means the art of beautiful writing.

Rather than simply writing beautiful letters, calligraphers are expected to follow a set of rules and traditions, including those that govern the arrangement and placement of letters in text.

How to master calligraphy? More importantly, does it really make sense to do this?

For example, if you are a designer, modern calligraphy would be a great skill to add to your resume and the most in a fast way attracting customers with elegant logos, signs, cards, invitations, etc.

Our article on calligraphy for beginners will help you become familiar with all these things and will help you learn calligraphy and give your work a recognizable and personal style.

Here's our compact guide to calligraphy:

Learning calligraphy - where to start

How to learn calligraphy? The first step on this path is to grab the right equipment, including the best calligraphy pens. Calligraphy with a pointed pen will require you to learn how to use a fountain pen. Including one that is made of a metal tip - a pen, and attached with a special holder.
All similar calligraphy basics guides recommend these pens as they have no ink inside and can't cause any damage - instead you dip them into a special container as you write and benefit from their flexibility to experiment with different line options. This way, your nib will never corrode or clog, despite the sheer number of different inks you have to use to complete your project.

How to use calligraphy pens? Here are the tools you'll need:

  • Feathers
  • Pen holders
  • Paper suitable for fountain pens
  • Ink


For beginners learning how to use a calligraphy pen, we recommend the Nikko G-Nib. It is relatively stiff and draws beautiful lines with a desirable level of flexibility.

Pen holder

There are two types of pen holders: straight and oblique (oblique). The first type is better suited for vertical calligraphy styles, while slanted holders make it easier to combine several different styles.

A high quality and affordable alternative is the Speedball Oblique Pen Nib Holder, as well as the Tachikawa Comic Pen Nib Holder for Various Pen Nib - Model 25 (a great choice for vertical styles as it holds tighter than other similar holders).

There are designers who use the same holder for all calligraphy pens, but we encourage beginners to try a few different options before settling on one holder.


The roughness of regular paper will not allow you to use it for calligraphy. Among other problems, you will encounter situations where your pen gets caught on the paper and leaves annoying ink blots.

Additionally, regular printing paper has more fibers and therefore absorbs ink and allows it to spread within the sheet, which is likely to be a barrier to the smooth, clean lines that calligraphers strive for.

To make calligraphy more effective and enjoyable, buy paper that is suitable for nibs and fountain pens. For example, the popular brand Rhodia, whose paper is very smooth and resistant to ink. Several paper types are available: blank, lined, or dotted.


There are several types of ink suitable for fountain pens, but beginners should always choose quality black samples. Our pick is Speedball Super Black India as the ink is very dark, water resistant and is also reasonably priced.

Like any creative process, calligraphy is best practiced in a pleasant work environment.

A comfortable and well-organized desk where you can place all your supplies and feel positive and relaxed is the best place to practice your calligraphy skills.

Choosing the best place to work

To get the most out of your calligraphy practice, choose a comfortable and relaxing place where you can rest your feet comfortably. Organize your supplies well and keep the area uncluttered to provide ample room for hand movement.

Writing paper should be placed on a special writing board or at least 5-6 sheets. This way, you'll have a soft surface that will allow you to write more naturally than on a desk, and the surface will prevent your paper from fidgeting.

Preparing tools

Make sure you have a non-fluffy towel and a cup of water nearby so you can clean the pen. Paper towels also work well, but be aware that the fibers can get caught in the tip and cause annoying blotches.

Your ink should be placed in a wide mouth bottle or jar so that you don't touch the sides with the pen. And place the bottle where you won't be able to knock it over easily. Basically, your work tools should be within reach, but still at a safe distance. For example, we put them in a roll of tape or even cover them to avoid risk.

As mentioned earlier, you must place the pen inside the holder. The easiest way to do this is to grab the nib somewhere near its base and then insert the nib inside the holder using its outer ring.

Make sure you do not hold the pen by the tip, as this may bend the pen and distort it. To do it right, find a tutorial on YouTube and follow the instructions.

Basic strokes calligraphy

The structural elements of calligraphy are thick downward strokes and thin upward strokes. Fine upward strokes are easy to draw as you effortlessly hold the pen and move it upward.

Thick strokes, on the other hand, require more pressure as the pen moves downwards. Of course, you must balance and combine both movements to achieve best change lines.

Before you begin, dip the nib deep into the ink tank, making sure the breath hole on the back of the nib is completely closed. Wipe off any excess ink on the side and you can start writing.

Here are the rules you should follow:

Descending strokes come first. Don't press too hard - this will help you observe the change in line thickness. This way you will also protect your pen.

Experiment with different loops and combine thinner upward strokes and thicker downward strokes. Loops of continuous lines will help you connect them and come up with the perfect combination.

Continue with thick downward strokes and slowly release the pen, moving towards the bottom.

Change the order. Draw downward strokes so that they appear to be flowing downwards.

Continue with ovals. Apply strong pressure to left side and lighter pressure on the right side.

It often happens that a new pen draws two parallel lines instead of one, or " railways", as experienced calligraphers call them. The reason is that you either pressed too hard on the pen or there is not enough ink left.

Equipment and touch tips for professionals

For those of you who are confident that you are starting to write professionally, we have prepared some embellishments that you can add to your beautiful lettering.

Changeable letters

An easy way to give your writing an expert look is to change the slant. You can easily change the width of the strokes and the length of their connections. Start by varying the letter spacing and give the base line a slanted, stepped, or curved appearance.

Changes like these will help change the feel of your writing as well as the message it conveys. Is it formal, dynamic or eccentric? Think about it!

You can also change the way the letters are formed, making them a little thinner, rounder, or even connecting them differently. Do this a few times and you'll probably come up with a completely new design.

Curls and decoration

You're learning calligraphy, so you need to do some squiggles. Squiggles can be added to your text, like curls and loops, to make it more beautiful and eye-catching. For example, you can intersect heavy lines with lighter ones to show that you care about the visual balance of the text.

Another option is to embellish your calligraphy with special designs that coordinate with your words, or use banners to highlight important lines. The more complex your design, the smarter it is to start drawing in pencil and testing it out.

Traditional calligraphy

Spencerian and Copperplate are excellent examples of traditional calligraphic handwritten fonts. There aren't many font options based on them these days, but their classic elegance is undeniable. Special projects may require you to become familiar with them, and it is also useful as training.

Perfect feathers

Your ideal nib should be sharp, flexible and responsive. This way you can draw finer lines and enrich them with a striking and elegant finish. For delicate projects we recommend three excellent pens in particular:

  • Speedball no. 101
  • Brause 361 Steno Blue Pumpkin
  • Brause 66 Extra Fine Arrow

None of these pens will be easy to use, but all the effort is worth it.

Useful tricks

You've just started monetizing your calligraphy skills, but something still looks completely wrong. You may be having trouble using the pen, in which case you may find the following tips helpful:

If you have problems with strokes:

  • Instead of doing what everyone else does, try faux calligraphy and see how the strokes look and draw. Write carefully and fill in the blanks. This way you will simulate perfect lines and see what you are actually supposed to do.
  • Practice on the printable sheets until you can make the perfect letter shapes. It's not hard to find examples of basic strokes and capital letters online.
  • Start with lighter pencil drawings and slowly trace them with a pen. Once the ink is dry, erase all pencil marks.
  • With large letters it is easier to see critical errors.

If your letters have a sloppy slant:

  • Use incline guidelines during exercise. Draw one of your own using a protractor, or even use plain paper. Place the sample page under the sheet - this will make the process easier.
  • To create the correct slope, rotate the paper. You will immediately see which position is best for you.
  • To avoid turning the paper, replace your current pen holder with a slanted one.

If your hand is unsteady or tired:

  • Use training strokes to warm up
  • Hold the pen loosely and shake your hand
  • When writing, move your entire hand, not just your wrist.
  • Spend more time training. Get more exercise, even when you're just using your phone. This will help make your hand movements smooth and natural.

If the ink just won't stay on the pen

  • Some of the newer nibs have a very thin layer of oil that may not match your ink. To prevent a serious problem, wipe it with rubbing alcohol (or a soft toothbrush and toothpaste) or simply run it through a flame.
  • The problem could also be that there is dried ink on the pen that is interrupting the flow of ink. If this happens, take a pen cleaner and clean it.
  • Keep in mind that a pen that is used regularly will require periodic cleaning and maintenance. To properly clean it, remove it from the holder, gently brush it, and let it dry before using it again.

If your work may need some updating:

  • Change the nibs and try a few new ones.
  • Change the ink. You'll find many types of ink suitable for calligraphy, but fountain pens can usually handle any liquid that might leave a mark when applied to paper. Some designers even prefer to use unconventional methods and make their drawings using watercolors, coffee or berry juice.

Choose a style

Unlike calligraphers of the past, designers today can choose any style they like, or even become proficient in multiple styles to complete a variety of projects. As discussed earlier, knowing several styles of calligraphy is useful for showcasing the writer's personality, conveying an important message, or simply complementing a formal occasion. Here are some popular ideas that may inspire you:

Combining styles

Just because the tone is classic and vintage doesn't mean the font won't look modern. Combining these styles will impress everyone who sees your work, from your friends to the Queen of England!

Elegant calligraphy

Writing can be fun and challenging at the same time, and elegant calligraphy is proof of that. Mixing classic lettering with energetic flourishes is the best choice that you should use in your wedding invitation designs and other special occasions.

Romantic and artistic

Has it ever happened to you that a particular thin font reminds you of romance?

These lace lettering features beautiful swirls with a steep slope that are suitable for sophisticated capital letters and invitations that will capture the attention of your guests.


Whimsical lettering feels light and relaxed, and usually inspires us to think of fairy tales and escapism. This is because of their smooth baseline and dynamic angles with which this font style defines our mood the way a well-written poem makes us dream of adventure.

Fun font

No matter your age, you are always attracted to beautiful invitations - a trick that designers often use. The ideal font for these invitations is a fun one, designed with playful base lines and rounded letters to set a good tone for the times.

Important data O calligraphy

  • Calligraphy is not learned overnight. You must practice as often and often as possible.
  • It won't take more than two hours and a few tries to figure out if you can really do calligraphy.
  • If you're not 100% focused, it won't work. And that's the end of the story.
  • Calligraphy is not only about how you write, but also about what you write. This is why you should always write “real” words and convey a meaningful message.
  • You must learn continuously. By doing this, you will discover a vast world that will captivate you and keep you searching for more. This entertaining process is simply unparalleled.
  • The difference is quality, so make sure you buy high quality materials and accessories.
  • Calligraphers are generally friendly people and amazing conversationalists. As such, they are your best source of information and inspiration and you should begin your search for a mentor immediately.

Top Five Calligraphy Options

Next, we'll outline the most important basic principles of calligraphy, broken down into five different approaches, line sets, and letterforms. This section will also help you learn about the different tools and techniques that can be used for your projects, and we encourage you to try them all.

Twin pencils

Twin pencils are simple and very useful for those who draw calligraphy letters. They can also be used to create large and attractive lettering for posters, banners and similar promotional materials.

You need a pair of well-sharpened pencils and two rubber bands. First, scrape down part of the side of the pencils so that they fit snugly together.

Leave them together in a vertical, downward position and make sure their tips are at the same level when touching the paper. For this purpose, you can secure them with tape or rubber bands at both ends.

Then take the double pencil and hold it in your normal drawing position. Ideally, it should be aimed at an angle of about 45 degrees.

While both pencils are placed on the paper, press them lightly and move them forward and to the left. The distance between their points is what forms the so-called “invisible feather”.

As you move your hand, you will draw a double line, and if you choose to make circles pointing in the same direction, your double pencil will create unique thin and thick ribbons with unparalleled precision.

If you don't feel comfortable with pen angles, think carefully about all the movements and directions.

This process will require three different skills: working with pen angle; direction of hand movement; and the correct pressure on the paper.


These pens are more than comfortable, very bright and, most importantly, much cheaper than all similar tools.

Of course, there are downsides and the ink of these pens tends to fade over time, or maybe look too heavy and can be easily damaged under the slightest pressure. That's why these pens are a great tool for practicing, but not the best alternative when tackling important projects.

To choose a marker for yourself, take a pen and a piece of paper. To start, take two markers: 3-5 mm and 1.5-2 mm. Start with a broader one

You don't have to worry about paper either: markers write well on printer paper, parchment (not the best option for beginners), or similar materials.

The pressure should be light and even, as many training calligraphers make the mistake of pressing too hard. This will not improve the use of the marker, but will only ruin it. On the other hand, maintaining contact with the paper will yield much better results.

Touch the paper with only one corner of the tip and then try the other to see how your writing will look.

Place the entire width of the nib on the page and then rock it slowly: do you feel like one of the corners is not touching the paper, but the other is still on it? It's almost like magic!

This time, place the entire width of the tip onto the page, making sure both corners touch it appropriately. Remember that this is the ideal contact for writing, and if you press harder, any corner of the tip will come off the paper.

Pen angle and pressure are two different points, and the pen should point left and forward about 5 degrees. While doing this, the hand should be moved to draw faint and beautiful ribbons.

For crisper lines, consider purchasing a higher quality marker, but you should only consider this after you feel confident in practicing calligraphy professionally.

Best set by best price The one we recommend is the Sharpie Calligraphic, which contains 12 nibs in different colors and sizes; and Staedtler Duo - a set of 2 quite high-quality markers. An excellent set that won't smear or bleed is called the Calligraphy Pen Set and comes with four light-fast inks in primary colors.

As discussed earlier, there is no point in buying special calligraphy paper while you are learning, as printer paper is cheaper and suitable for our purposes.

However, if you find constant ink smudges annoying, you may want to consider purchasing Ampad office pads or thick sketch paper such as those used in the UK, but be aware that these will cost a little more.

Calligraphy with refillable and cartridge pens

You will need: a pen, a separate ink supply (refill bottle or included cartridge).

Refillable fountain pens and cartridge fountain pens work like this: Each pen has a large reservoir filled with thinner ink, and that ink will flow through body partitions controlled by an internal mechanism. This way, the ink will go straight inside the pen unit and be applied to the page easily.

With a pen like this, you'll also get multiple nibs in different sizes and a wide selection of cartridges to use with the main body of the pen.

The biggest advantage of using refillable and cartridge pens is that they are easy to work on horizontal surfaces due to their advanced mechanical ink flow control mechanism.

Unlike fountain pens, which require you to dip ink, these pens won't run out of ink mid-word and are definitely a much safer option for clumsy beginners.

Cartridge ink is thinner so it won't dry out and clog the insides of your pen. This also gives them a lovely subtle look when applied to paper.

The pen itself is also quite rigid, given that its mechanisms must screw into the body. This means that cartridge ink, combined with a flexible and responsive nib, can truly transform your entire calligraphy experience.

Just like fountain pens, cartridge-filled pens leak spectacularly.

This does not change the fact that ink left inside the pen over time can dry out and clog, making it necessary to maintain it properly. You will need to wash the pen thoroughly, but you will never be able to remove all the ink stuck in its reservoir.

Refillable and cartridge pens are considered the most convenient by calligraphy experts and are also common on many popular websites. For this reason, beginners are highly recommended to use them.

Fountain pens and quills

There are many different types pens, but there are a few basic principles that apply to all fountain pens. For example, all fountain pens consist of the following elements:

  1. Pen holders- The holder is the area that the writer will grip while working, and so it should be comfortable and soft to the hand. Most often, pen holders have internal metal fittings on both ends of the pen so you can move them around safely.
  2. Feathers- These are metal handle ends that have two separate parts and an extended "tongue" that holds them together. Their tip is square cut to make full contact with the paper, and is usually flexible enough to allow the ink to spread smoothly and evenly across the surface.
  3. Reservoirs are sometimes found inside the structure of your nib and look like small tilted bowls on the side used to feed ink into the slit. Some of them appear as separate metal cups that you must clamp onto the nib before you can use them, including those located on the top and bottom of the nib. The main function of the reservoirs is to collect some ink and keep it at the top of the slot so you can write at least a few words before refilling it with ink again.

The reservoirs will not always be located inside the pen, which allows you to buy each of the three elements separately, allowing you to mix and match them together. The options are endless and cannot be summarized in one guide, but the expertise of popular calligraphers can help you make the right decision.

As a beginner, you may also want to save time and effort and hence consider purchasing in advance assembled set for calligraphy. In most cases, you will be given 4-6 different nibs with holders and reservoirs, and they will cost less than if you bought them separately. Once again, we recommend the calligraphy writing kit from Speedball, which comes with a holder and even 6 different pens.

The ink may not be included in your kit, so start searching for the right ink.

Best Types of Fountain Pen Ink

The best results are achieved with matte and thick ink such as Chinese, India ink or even gouache paint that you have previously thinned to achieve the desired consistency.

For faint strokes, you may want to consider watery ink, typical of fountain pens.

Instead, you can take a medium-sized brush suitable for watercolors and then refill the reservoir at the top of the pen slot.

Calligraphy on inclined surfaces

A fountain pen will make it easier for you to write on inclined surfaces than on a regular desk. Including on easels and a board placed on your lap and supported by the edges of the table. Calligraphy takes a lot of time, so make sure you're comfortable with it.

  • First of all, choose a stable writing surface that won't slip.
  • Adjust your seating position and make sure you are comfortable and not sitting tensely.
  • If possible, secure the surface of the paper to a slanted surface (you can use office clay (Blu Tack) and duct tape).

If you are using a quill or fountain pen:

  • Keep the ink/paint open and place it next to the hand you are not writing.
  • Choose a good “stand” to safely dip your pen and avoid ink splattering on other surfaces. You can take a small saucer to hold your tools while you take a break or have a phone call.

Please note: Dipping your pen into an open ink bottle will cause ink to splatter onto the holder and ultimately make your fingers dirty while working.

How to refill the pen:

  • Take the pen in your hand and hold it horizontally
  • Lower the refill dropper or brush so that you can only take a few drops.
  • Maintain a horizontal pen position when drawing ink into the reservoir.
  • Replace the saucer and place the pipette/brush on the saucer and leave the handle in a horizontal position. Otherwise, you may have to clean ink stains from your knees.
  • Take a piece of scrap paper and check how the ink flows on each side of the slant board. Only then will you be able to perform basic tasks.

The choice of ink, nibs, and writing surface will determine how often you will need to refill the reservoir. At best you will do this after a few words rather than a few letters, but this may also depend on the speed at which you are working.

The same rules apply when you use a quill pen. Unlike steel nibs, quill pens are more flexible and will wear out faster, especially when you use them on cheap, stiff paper.

A non-professional can tear the paper with a quill pen and a fountain pen.

If you're not sure you know what you're doing, we recommend that you look for similar calligraphy techniques that require less effort to learn.

Calligraphy using sponges and flat brushes

Here comes the dirtiest (cause you'll likely get your hands dirty) approach to calligraphy that we've prepared in this guide:

The thinner the sides of the brush, the better results you will achieve. Recommended width is 6 to 20 mm, preferably with a stiffer texture (eg sable and nylon instead of bristles). Flat tassels can be long or short, the latter are considered the best option, which maintains line control by keeping them short and tight.

You can take a regular cleaning sponge and cut it into cubes and then turn it into the most amazing calligraphy tool. When using, remember to protect your hands from ink with rubber gloves.

There are several important differences between writing calligraphy with a pen and a flat brush.

A brush, for example, is very flexible and soft, and will respond to harder pressure to create thicker lines, which is not what traditional pens actually do. Another thing about brushes is that they tend to run out of ink quite quickly and tend to create a modern texture and a unique, rough look.

The best way to use brushes is on an inclined surface (approximately 30 degrees). However, horizontal surfaces also work well.

However, you must control the pressure you apply, as any change can affect the clarity of your lines and cause the paint to flow down the page. But, of course, you can do this intentionally (it looks absolutely delicious!).

Another interesting effect of sponges is that when used with ink, they create mottled (patchy) effects similar to lines drawn with a brush and create interesting contrasts and fading lines that look very attractive.

Ideally, you should use a viscous and matte ink such as India, very watery poster ink, or thinned gouache paints for your sponges and brushes. Thin and watery ink will not stay on the sponge for long and thus your letters will look sloppy and uneven.

The biggest advantage of using sponges and large brushes is that they leave enough space and wet ink on the letter line so that you can add additional colors, blend them in an interesting way or just let them drain.

When mixing several colors in one letter, take a small volume - any bright color(white works great too) and draw the base of the letter shape. Then place it on a horizontal surface and pour in a few drops of darker and more contrasting colors. Do not move it until it is completely dry, unless your original intention was to mix paints and achieve a unique color.

Mastering faux calligraphy

Faux calligraphy is essentially modern calligraphy created using a standard pen (gel, ballpoint, etc.). For many designers, standard pens help them become fully familiar with calligraphy, and there are two important reasons for this:

The thing is that standard pens are not intimidating to a beginner and are often more flexible and more affordable than fountain pens. After all, these are the tools you've been using for as long as you can remember, and you already have plenty of muscle memory to work with and create beautiful calligraphy.

However, faux calligraphy is not just for beginners. Regardless of your professional level, you may find its application useful for your important projects.

Build Your Own Calligraphy Fountain Pen Set

Here's what you'll need:

  • Pair of Nikko G nibs - At the beginning of this post, you had the opportunity to learn more about the quality of these nibs, which are often called the best option for beginners.
  • Straight handle. A good choice is the Manuscript pen as it has a universal pen insert. We also recommend General cork holders for their flexibility and ease of use.
  • 32# Laser jet paper - Or just use printer paper. This is a cost-effective solution that still prevents ink bleeding.
  • Screw cap bottles and Sumi ink (India ink works well too). Both brands of ink are matte and will provide the desired viscosity.
  • Water - To clean your pen from time to time, you will need a cup of water.
  • Fiber-free towels and fabrics. You can also use paper towels, but you must be careful not to let the feather get caught in the fibers.

Instead of buying expensive, overpriced calligraphy kits for beginners, we recommend that you build your own and choose only those tools that are beginner-friendly, affordable, and actually good for you.

Feather cleaning

When purchased, all feathers are supplied with factory oil, as this oil helps them maintain their presentation and prevents them from deteriorating. At the same time, it is almost impossible for the pen to have both oil and ink on it, so clean the pen thoroughly before you start using it.

Once you're done, you'll see how the ink flows smoothly down the nib and doesn't leave blotches on the paper like oil on it would.

Assembling a fountain pen

Most beginners choose plastic Speedball pens for their Nikko G nibs, but there's nothing wrong with using universal pen holders.

These holders have a rim and 5 metal blades, allowing you to use many different sizes and types of nibs.

How to hold a pen

Holding a fountain pen is no different from holding a standard pen. This means you should still use your thumb and index finger to grip the holder and place your middle finger behind the handle for extra support. As you draw, use your ring and pinky fingers to draw faint lines.

Dipping a pen into an inkwell

It doesn't matter what kind of nib you use - the quality of your writing will still depend on how deep you dip it.

In technical terms, this means that you dip the nib just above the vent (the center one) to avoid putting too much ink on the nib and allowing it to drip while you write.

You should also shake the pen vigorously over a cup of water to make sure all the excess ink falls out.

You're ready to go!

The main difference between regular ballpoint pens and fountain pens is the angle of inclination: modern calligraphers must be careful to maintain the angle of the pen in relation to the paper.

You should never hold the pen vertically, but write at a 45-degree angle between pen and paper.

You should also not hold it too vertically, as the nib can get caught in the fibers of the paper and affect how the ink flows.

How to teach a first grader to write beautifully? The copybooks will help here. Daily exercises will help you develop calligraphic handwriting.

Danila went to first grade. In the first two quarters he learned the letters, learned to read, and there are no problems with counting either.

Difficulties arose only with the letter. Well, he can’t make beautiful letters, even cry.

For some reason, the current copybooks for first-graders do not provide for the development of beautiful calligraphic handwriting.

Until recently, notebooks for such children were lined with slanting lines, each letter fit into its own frame. I'm not even talking about the fact that at first the first-graders spent a long time and persistently writing sticks, hooks, and squiggles, and only then moved on to writing the letters of the alphabet.

It is clear that in our computer age, it is much more important to be able to quickly type text on the keyboard than to write beautifully by hand. But a first-grader is praised or scolded precisely for the text he writes.

That's why we decided to download and print the correct copybooks. But it turned out that it is not so easy to find on the Internet what is suitable for first-graders.

Here is a more or less suitable option:

Today, one can determine a person’s character by their handwriting. How this or that letter is written, each special curl will tell you about your temperament and attitude to life. But it is still possible to change your handwriting as an adult and make it more beautiful. There are many methods: calligraphy courses, auto-training, self-study and even neurolinguistic personality programming. Let's focus on independent studies.

The process of mastering writing in childhood is one of the most difficult. You have to train a lot, apply all the skills acquired early (classes fine motor skills, coloring books, copybooks for kids). But that was so long ago, and over the long adult years it is not easy to remember how this or that letter was written. It is a proven fact that many people's handwriting deteriorates with age. And you shouldn’t ignore these changes. They can say a lot. for example, psycho-neurological problems. A bad, incomprehensible and clumsy text to the employer can indicate disorganization and imbalance of the individual. Of course, this is not a categorical problem. But it won’t be so easy for an outsider to understand the scribbles, squiggles and circles on the same work. And then you won’t be able to go on vacation only if you print a statement.

Calligraphy specialists and graphic artists say that by changing your handwriting, the world around you will change. It's worth checking this claim. Today it is not at all difficult to download copybooks for adults on the Internet. And by constant repetition, they will begin to appear positive results. And over time, it will become noticeable, although not significant, but such a significant change will affect the course of fate.

Working with copybooks for adults is a fun activity for older students

When a person studies even 15 minutes a day, there is a tangible benefit from copybooks for correcting an adult’s handwriting, he not only remembers initial skills, but also calms down. After all, in this matter a lot of concentration, attention, perseverance and calm are required for the pencil to go across the paper without interruption. You can practice self-improvement not only at home, but also as a short break at work. Because when you are trying to draw beautiful letters with a pencil, your breathing should be uninterrupted and calm.

Beautiful capital letters, writing quickly is not easy. But this is precisely what will make others understand about the person’s composure and self-control. Classes must be held regularly. And only perseverance and desire will bear fruit. And even if at the beginning of the correction path it seems that this is a waste of time, then these doubts will go away.

Poke, poke, poke... Do you hear? These are our fingers tapping on the keyboard of a laptop or smartphone. We type SMS, type a post and, it seems, completely banish handwritten letters from our lives. But writing by hand is a great workout. Develops concentration, attention and relieves stress.

It's good that we have calligraphy. Beautiful letters. Refined lines. Amazing inscriptions. You can master it yourself. We just came out with copybooks for calligraphy and cursive writing in Cyrillic. "A" and "B" in all their glory.

Think your handwriting isn't good enough? It's time to fix it→

Cyrillic beauty

Yes, it’s easy to take out your phone and type out a note. But calligraphy is not just writing information. It's art therapy and fun. Let's not deny ourselves it.

For some, calligraphy is a meditation that helps to find peace of mind. For some it’s a creative recharge. And for some it’s a way to multiply design forces. An inexhaustible source of beauty and self-improvement.

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