In 1s 8.3 construction, print a waybill. Accounting for fuel and lubricants in 1C

With processing of filling out waybills in "1C: Accounting 3.0" you will be able to:

  • Reduce time for preparing travel plans
  • Calculate distance by addresses
  • Load and fill routes from Excel files
  • Compare planned and actual mileage data
  • Calculate fuel consumption at a given rate
  • Automatically detect excess fuel consumption or fuel economy
  • Store waybills directly in "1C: Accounting 3.0"

If you have a freight transport, then you need to fill out a truck waybill

How does filling out waybills work in "1C: Accounting 3.0":

We install additional external processing.

In the document request-invoice, fill out the waybill. It is not necessary to post the document - you can only save it.

We display the completed waybill on the screen and print it.

The completed waybill with all the data is now stored in the document “Demand-invoice” of the “1C: Accounting 3.0” database.

Demonstration of working with waybills in 1C: Accounting

See how filling out waybills works in 1C: Accounting 3.0. To do this, follow the link and you will download the web client "1C: Accounting 3.0". In the list of users, select "Demo" and enter the database.

Next, go to the section "Production" -> "Requirement-invoice", open any document in the list and select the item in the "Print" menu "Passenger car waybill" or "Waybill truck" . Fill in the fields and print a waybill

You can download routes from Excel to quickly fill out travel sheets. For your convenience, we have added examples of three formats of source Excel files for loading into travel sheets.

You can view examples of information for downloading waybills in the program form by clicking menu "Example files".

The cost of installing waybills in "1C: Accounting 3.0"


Printing the entire itinerary +
Entering routes and addresses +
Entering details of the first page of the waybill +
Calculation of remaining fuel +
Calculation of speedometer readings at the end of the day +
Entering "Advance report" documents to reflect fuel refueling and take into account balances at the end of the day in the calculation +
Printing from the document "Request-invoice" +
Calculating distance using map services +
Saves the settings you select when printing +
Payroll calculation per hour +
Salary calculation based on rate per km +
Cost, rub. incl. VAT 10 284

Support for work with processing of filling out waybills - 1 month.

Program 1C Accounting 8.3 - very handy tool for maintaining accounting at an enterprise, it will help both a novice accountant and an experienced accountant not to make mistakes when keeping records.

Let's consider the issue of recording and writing off fuel and lubricants in an organization and step by step reflect the actions of the accountant in the program.

Firstly, if a working car (or several) is listed on the company’s balance sheet, then a waybill must be filled out daily for each unit (maximum once a month). The driver or mechanic displays information about the car, the route, normal and actual gasoline consumption.

Secondly, gasoline consumption standards are calculated by an accountant for each car based on the standards of the Ministry of Transport and are fixed by order for the enterprise.

Thirdly, the receipt of fuel and lubricants is processed on the basis of primary documents: an invoice from the supplier (if an agreement has been concluded) or an advance report if the driver refuels the car for cash.

Algorithm of actions of an accountant in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program

  1. Registration of receipt of fuel and lubricants. Follow the path: /Purchases/ - /Receipts (acts, invoices) - button “Receipts” - Goods (invoice)

From the primary document, the invoice, we fill in the data: number and date of the invoice, name of the counterparty, agreement (if any), warehouse, nomenclature. Check the accounting accounts, the accounting account should be 10.03.

At the bottom left, record the invoice from the supplier.

You can view transactions generated based on the posted document using the icon

If an advance was transferred to the supplier, then the entry “Advance offset” is added Dt60.02 Kt 60.01

  1. Write-off of fuel and lubricants based on a waybill

Write-offs must be made according to the calculated rate

  1. Reflection of write-off of fuel and lubricants. Follow the path: /Warehouse/ - /Warehouse/ - Requirements-invoices- “Create” button

It is necessary to sum up the consumption for all waybills for a given driver and vehicle and enter the total quantity in the quantity column.

After posting the document, we create a balance sheet for account 10.03 and compare the remaining gasoline with the waybill issued on the last day of the month.

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Waybill is a document on the basis of which the costs of fuels and lubricants are taken into account. The printed form (form according to OKUD No. 0345001) is not mandatory for all organizations except transport companies. In typical 1C 8.3 configurations there is no printed waybill form (you can add it as an external one), but several methods are implemented:

  • According to advance reports
  • By coupons
  • By fuel cards

Let's consider step by step instructions and some features of each of them.

The accounting scheme looks like this:

  • Issuing cash to an accountant
  • Preparation of an advance report
  • Cash back to the cashier
  • Write-off of costs for fuel and lubricants using fuel cards

Figure 1 shows an advance report, which reflects several operations at once: a report on the advance payment issued, the receipt of gasoline to the warehouse, information on the invoice (if there is one).

In Fig. 2 you can see the document postings. In order for accounting accounts for the “AI-92 Gasoline” product to be filled out automatically, you need to add a line for the “fuels and lubricants” group in the information register “” (see Fig. 3)

The printed form of the waybill can be connected as an external report or processing to the “Additional reports and processing” directory (see Fig. 4). The report itself will have to be ordered from specialists or purchased from Infostart.

The return of money on the advance report (in our example it is 8 rubles) is drawn up in the document “”, which is filled out automatically in the “Enter based on” mode from the document “”.

Write-off of fuel and lubricants using fuel cards

Unlike coupons, fuel cards are accounted not as, but as strict reporting forms in off-balance sheet account 006.

IN general view The accounting scheme consists of the following points:

  • Posting a fuel card
  • Posting of gasoline received using a fuel card
  • Write-off of expenses.

The capitalization of the cost of a fuel card can be recorded as a receipt of service - see Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. And the card itself is accounted for in account 006 by manual operation (Fig. 13)

The receipt of fuel is documented with the document “ ” (see Fig. 14, Fig. 15).

Step 1. Issuance of funds for reporting

First, let's look at how to reflect the purchase of fuel and lubricants by an employee for cash in 1C 8.3. First of all, you need to issue Money to the report. The document Cash issuance is intended for this, which can be found on the Bank and cash desk → Cash documents tab:

Go to the Cash Documents tab. To open the document, click the Issue button:

Then you need to set the transaction type: Issue to accountable person:

Next, you must indicate the organization, date, recipient's full name, amount, DDS (cash flow) item, and accounting account. All details are selected automatically from directories if you click the icon at the end of each line. Filling example:

After filling out the document, click the Post button, and a Cash Expense Order and accounting entry Dt 71.01 Kt 50.01 in the amount of 2,000 rubles are generated.

To display a printed form of cash settlement, click on the Print button, then Cash Outgoing Order and get a printed form of the document:

Step 2. Capitalization of fuel

After receiving the funds, the employee purchased fuel for cash and submitted an advance report to the accounting department. After approval of the advance report, fuel is posted. For these purposes, in 1C 8.3 you need to select the Advance report menu item on the Cash and Bank tab:

We create new document: indicate accountable person, organization and warehouse. On the Advances tab, enter data about the Cash Withdrawal document:

On the Products tab, enter data on purchased fuels and lubricants, accounting account - 10.03. When posting a document, a posting is created Dt 10.03 Kt 71.01 in the amount of 2,000 rubles:

When purchasing for cash, the buyer, an individual, is given a cash receipt. In the cash receipt, VAT is not highlighted as a separate line. Depending on this, we set the appropriate settings in the Advance report: without VAT or VAT 18%.

If the seller is entity, then a receipt with VAT highlighted and an invoice are issued. Then check the Invoice box and enter the invoice details. In our case, the purchase was made without VAT.

When posting a document in 1C 8.3, transactions are generated, which can always be viewed by clicking the icon that is in every document. Thus, we will see the generated transactions for this document:

How to properly prepare an advance report, the features of working with accountable persons in 1C 8.2 (8.3) are discussed in our video lesson:

Step 3. Write-off of gasoline using waybills

The next stage is writing off gasoline in 1C to expense accounts. The write-off takes place on the basis of the waybill. To do this, in 1C 8.3, a document is used, which is located on the Production tab:

In the document you need to enter the warehouse and organization. In the document table on the Materials tab, add a line with the fuel being written off, enter the quantity and account (10.03):

On the Cost Account tab, enter the write-off account, cost item and department:

According to the example, when posting a document, a posting is created Dt 44.01 Kt 10.03 in the amount of 2,000 rubles. Thus, the fuel is written off.

Accounting for fuel and lubricants in 1C 8.3 using fuel cards

Step 1. Transfer of prepayment to the supplier

In case of purchasing fuel and lubricants (gasoline) using fuel cards, first of all it is necessary to make an advance payment to the supplier through a document. To do this, use the Bank statements item on the Bank and cash desk tab:

And create a new document by clicking the Write-off button:

When conducting of this document a posting is created Dt 60.02 Kt 51 in the amount of RUB 100,000:

Step 2. Receipt of the fuel card

The next stage is the receipt of the fuel card, which in 1C 8.3 is formalized by the document Receipt (acts, invoices). It can be found in the Shopping section:

Create a Goods Receipt document. In the Invoice field we put the number and date of the supplier document. Use the Add button to add the Fuel Card item. We set the quantity, price and supplier:

If the transaction involves VAT, then fill in the number and date of the presented invoice in the lower left corner and click the Register button:

When finalizing the document, we run the document with the Post button and as a result we get the following transactions:

For quantitative accounting of fuel cards in 1C 8.3, cards are accounted for off-balance sheet account 006 by manual posting through the document Transactions entered manually:

Step 3. Acceptance of fuel and lubricants for accounting

At the end of the month, as a rule, the supplier submits documents on the fuel actually filled. Based on them, fuels and lubricants (fuel) are accepted for accounting using the document Receipt of goods and services to account 10.03. To do this, we will create a new document, enter the supplier, organization, warehouse, contract and add lines to the Products table. We fill in the same way as when receiving fuel cards:

We check the transactions that are generated when posting the document:

Step 4. Write-off of gasoline in 1C 8.3 according to waybills

Based on the data from the waybills in 1C, actually consumed fuels and lubricants are written off as expenses. In the 1C 8.3 database, this operation is carried out through the document Requirement-invoice.

When writing off fuel and lubricants for non-production needs, the write-off of fuel is carried out using the same document Request-invoice, but on the expense account tab we indicate account 91.02 and the cost item Not accepted for taxation:

When conducting, a wiring is generated:

Step 5. Monitoring the remaining fuel (gasoline) in the warehouse

To control the remaining fuel in the warehouse in 1C 8.3 we create balance sheet(SALT) according to account 10.3. The document is located on the Reports tab:

We open the SALT for account 10.3, set the report parameters: period, selection by item, by quantity and generate the SALT. You can select by item from the directory using the Find function by entering in the search window keyword Petrol:

Including fuel cards. It would be incorrect to use “Operation entered manually” in this situation. The whole catch is that in this case you will reflect only the accounting entries, leaving out the rest, possibly necessary registers.

Let's look at step-by-step instructions for accounting and writing off fuel.

Receipt of fuels and lubricants

Go to the “Bank and Cash Office” section and select “Advance reports”.

Create a new document and indicate the reporting person in the header. In the product table, indicate the previously recognized product item. In our case, this is “Gasoline AI-92”. It is very important to correctly indicate the accounting account - 10.03 “Fuel”.

You should not have any difficulties filling out this document. Once you have provided all the required information, complete it.

In our example, we used an individual entrepreneur as an organization on a simplified taxation system (income minus expenses). In this regard, the document formed movements not only in accounting and tax accounting, but also in the accumulation registers “Other calculations” and “Expenses under the simplified tax system.”

If you reflected the receipt of fuel and lubricants with a “Manually entered operation”, then the movements would be in only one register - the accounting register. It is incorrect to do this due to the fact that something may not be taken into account depending on the chosen taxation system.

Write-off of gasoline

It is most correct to reflect it in 1C 8.3 with the document “Requirement-invoice”. The reason is the same as in the previous example. In addition, it is much more convenient to work with documents than directly with entries in the register.

In the previous example, we reflected the receipt of 30 liters of AI-92 gasoline, which are now registered with Gennady Sergeevich Abramov. Let's say we need to write off 20 liters due to a trip.

Accounting for the write-off of fuel and lubricants in 1C Accounting will be carried out using the invoice requirement. Filling out the header of this document is practically no different from the previous one.

Next, on the “Materials” tab we will indicate our AI-92 gasoline in the amount of 20 liters. It is more convenient to fill out this tabular part using the “Selection” button due to the fact that in this way you can immediately see the remains of a particular item.

Also, when filling out the tabular part, it is important to indicate correctly (10.03, as in the advance report).

We have filled in all the data and can process the document. In the image below you can see that two transactions have been generated for writing off fuel and lubricants to a cost account.

Since our organization uses a simplified tax system of income minus expenses, there will be two movements at once on the “Expenses under the simplified tax system” tab. The first line will reflect the expense of funds for the purchase of fuel and lubricants in the advance report. The second line is the receipt reflecting the write-off of fuel and lubricants.

Reflect fuel and lubricants accounting in 1C 8.3 correctly, then when closing the month, all such expenses will be taken into account.

See also video instructions for writing off materials:
