Sql for 1s 8.3 which one to choose. Prices and order of delivery

Obviously, the work of any enterprise is reflected in accounting programs, and the system administrator needs to ensure their proper functioning. One of the most common are applications of the 1C family.

After choosing the required version of 1C, the question arises of choosing equipment, i.e. a server that will effectively serve this application and ensure reliable operation of all users in 1C.

Often, many customers ask questions - what kind of hardware is needed for 1C applications ... what server to buy for 1C ... how to choose the right server for 1C 8 ... etc.

To choose and buy a server for 1C, you need to take into account many factors: the version of the 1C application, the number of 1C users, the access method, the size of the database and the forecast for its increase, the criticality of server downtime, the allocated budget. Our company produces server solutions for various 1C applications, each project has an individual approach. However, this information will be useful to customers who choose a server for 1C, even at the project planning stage. The system administrator will be able to immediately present specific options for server configurations and their cost. So, we choose a server for 1C.

Servers for 1C for 5 users >>>

For such a task, it will be enough budget option equipment. The main parameter here is the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the server.

  • Number of processors - 1 (4 cores)
  • RAM - 4-8 GB

This server performance is quite enough for 5 users to work in 1C 8 in terminal mode.

Servers for 1C for 10 - 15 users >>>

In the absence of your own server rooms, the form factor and the level of generated noise can become a key point when purchasing a server for 1C.

  • Number of processors - 1 (4 - 8 cores)
  • RAM - 8-16 GB
  • Hard drives - 2 x SATA (RAID 1)

We recommend using a hardware RAID controller as well as SAS drives with twice the performance of SATA. The power of the server is enough even for users to work in terminal mode. If you do not plan to use the terminal mode, then when installing SAS disks and a hardware RAID controller, such a server can serve up to 25 1C users.

Using SATA SSD drives is a great alternative to SAS drives: they are high performance and quiet, and do not require the use of a RAID controller. However, do not forget that one of the key functions of the controller is increased reliability of data storage.

Servers for 1C for 20 - 30 users >>>

For this task, the server must have a high performance disk subsystem. A hardware RAID controller and the presence of a cache buffer will increase the speed of data access.

  • Number of processors - 2 (from 4 cores)
  • RAM - from 16 GB, with terminal access - 64 GB, plus the amount of memory equal to the size of the database
  • Hard drives - 2 x SAS (RAID 1), preferably 4 x SAS (RAID 10) or SATA SSD

To organize terminal access in 1C 8, you need 500 MB of RAM for each session. If you plan to use office applications in the terminal, then 1-2 GB of RAM for each user is recommended.

Servers for 1C for 30 - 50 users >>>

We recommend using at least two servers: the first one is for the database, the second one is for the terminals. In this case, the application server is hosted on one of these servers. With a large percentage of the server's CPU time, it makes sense to use a dedicated application server. If your project involves the use of a dedicated application server, we recommend using an inexpensive single-socket server that will only need to install 2 SAS or SATA SSD drives and 16 GB of RAM.

The most important thing for a database server is the disk subsystem and the amount of RAM.

  • It is necessary to ensure that the database is fully cached in the server's RAM. If the 1C application server also works on this physical server, then it is necessary to allocate memory for it - 2-4 GB. Since the 1C system generates a very powerful write load, this cannot be compensated by RAM.
  • The disk system must of course be on high performance SAS or SATA/SAS SSD drives, RAID 10 is highly recommended. A hardware RAID controller is required. The number of disks depends on the intensity of users' work. As a rule, 6-8 disks are enough. If the company is developing dynamically, then it is better to immediately choose a server with a large number of disk bays.
  • Processors are not the most important parameter of the database server: general rule processor power planning - their average load should not exceed 50% (determined empirically).

The main parameters for a terminal server are the amount of RAM and processor power.

  • The required amount of RAM is about 500 MB for each client session.
  • There is often no heavy disk load on terminal servers, so you can use a “mirror” of SATA disks (RAID 1).
  • The processor load is highly dependent on the intensity of the user's work.

Often on terminal servers, in addition to 1C, other applications are also running - usually office suites, the Internet. This causes an increase in processor load and, especially, RAM. What also needs to be taken into account.

UPS for 1C server - without fail

It is necessary to connect servers from 1C to a powerful source uninterruptible power supply. The UPS must provide at least 30 minutes of server uptime. During this time, all users will have time to save documents and complete their work in 1C, and the system administrator will be able to safely turn off the server without the risk of data loss.

E1S ® server configuration recommendations for 1C applications

Server settings for 1C up to 5 connections up to 10 connections up to 30 connections up to 50 connections
CPU Intel Xeon E3 Intel Xeon E3/E5 2 x Intel Xeon E5/Scalable 2 x Intel Xeon E5/Scalable
Memory 4-8 GB 8-16 GB from 32 GB from 64 GB
Disk system 2 x SATA (RAID1) 2 x SATA or SSD (RAID1) from 4 x SAS or SSD (RAID 10) from 8 x SAS or SSD (RAID10)
Controller integrated recommended hardware with cache protection hardware with cache protection hardware with cache protection
Number of servers 1 1 1 2 in cluster + application server

This article contains information about the installation procedure for 1C in the client-server version.

Installation of the 1C platform is described in our other article - “Administration of 1C”, in the “Installation of 1C” section. Installation on a server is almost identical to installation on local computer, with only one difference. In the server version, when selecting the components to be installed, select "1C:Enterprise Server" and "1C:Enterprise Server Administration".

Install 1C on client computers that will connect to the server.

Installation on client computers is no different from the method described earlier in the article “1C Administration”.

Create an infobase in SQL.

Creating an infobase in SQL is also very similar to creating a database in the file version. The difference lies in the fact that at the stage of selecting the infobase location type, you must select "On the 1C:Enterprise server".

In the “Server Cluster” item, specify the name (or better, the IP address) of the server on which SQL was installed.

In the "Infobase name" section, enter any name you want to give the database.

DBMS type - SQL.

The database user and its password are the same superuser that was mentioned above at the MS SQL installation stage.

Leave the date offset as default.

It is necessary to mark the item “Create a database if it does not exist” and click “Next”.

Now the database has been successfully created on the SQL server and added to the list of available databases. Below in the picture you can see the result of the work done.

It should be noted that the created database is still empty. This is a framework, a place allocated in SQL for your infobase. In order to load your database into this framework, you need to use the Upload/Load infobase tools. The Upload / Upload procedure is also described in our other article “1C Administration”.

In order to bring the system to an ideal state in the future, it will be necessary to set up a “maintenance plan” for the created database. A maintenance plan is a set of procedures that SQL will execute regularly on a given schedule. For example, it will regularly make backups and delete temporary files. Working with SQL is beyond the scope of the article and will be described in one of the following.

In any organization where the number of users 1C 8.3 (or 8.2) is 10 or more, it is recommended to use the client-server version of work with large amounts of data. This option is based on the use of a third-party DBMS, for example, MS SQL server. Naturally, the client-server mode is difficult to imagine without a stand-alone server. But each company is unique, each has its own needs, therefore, the choice of a server must be approached with responsibility. In this article we will try to answer the question of how to choose a 1C server - both software and hardware. Choice is a very important point in the development of a company's information system.

Without software any computer is useless. Especially high-quality software is important in server hardware. It must meet the latest safety and reliability parameters. The 1C client application is multi-platform and available in almost all operating systems, including mobile systems. The server application supports two platforms - Linux and Windows.

There are five variants of the DBMS with which the 1C platform works:

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  • built-in DBMS of 1C 8.3 itself, the so-called file mode. The easiest way to work, can not boast of high security. Works on Windows and Linux OS. The database size limit is about 6-10 gigabytes;
  • MS SQL Server- the best DBMS for 1C available on the market. According to many experts, SQL Server is generally the best software product from Microsoft. Requires a Windows operating system;
  • IBM DB2 Universal Database is quite reliable and secure system DBMS management. Its peculiarity is in some nuances of information processing and the operation of system methods (for example, case sensitivity of string data). The quality of work is significantly affected by the skills and knowledge of the administrator. Supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux;
  • Oracle Database- versioned DBMS, which in some cases gives an increase in performance. Supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux;
  • PostgreSQL- also versioned. The most important advantage is the free distribution of the program. The qualification of the administrator greatly affects the speed of work. Recommended for a small number of users. Works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

The choice of iron for 1C

Unlike software, choosing hardware is not easy. Consider the choice of server components for different numbers of users. The number of users is an abstract concept, the average figures for the workflow are taken. When selecting equipment, be sure to consider the amount of paperwork.

Up to 10 users

  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or Intel Xeon E3-12xx.
  • RAM: 4 gigabytes, they include 2 GB for the operating system and 2 gigabytes for the DBMS cache.
  • Disk subsystem
  • Network interfaces

Server 10 to 40

  • CPU: similar to Intel Xeon E3-12xx or AMD Opteron 4xxx.
  • RAM A: Usually 8-12 gigabytes is enough.
  • Disk subsystem A: An SSD + HDD combination is ideally desirable. But if there is no possibility, you can get by with the HDD.
  • Network interfaces: Usually all server applications are installed on the same machine.

from 40 to 70

  • CPU
  • RAM: 16 gigabytes, and 32 is better.
  • Disk subsystem: A traditional array of HDD SAS 15K rpm is sufficient.
  • Network interfaces A: If the servers are on different machines, use a network with a bandwidth of 10 Gb.

from 70 to 120

With so many users, it makes sense to distribute server applications to separate server machines.

  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5-26xx or AMD Opteron 62xx.
  • RAM: from 32 gigabytes.
  • Disk subsystem: RAID 10 of reliable server SSDs with mandatory hardware RAID controller.
  • Network interfaces: It is desirable to link a chain of servers into a network with a bandwidth of 10 Gb. Index files are recommended to be moved to a separate SSD, the temporary table TempDB - to 1-2 (RAID 1).

from 120 users

Everyone knows that a server is a specialized computer in the material sense, what is called “hardware” in the language of system administrators. If we are talking about the 1C Enterprise environment and the file version of work, then the enterprise server, whose employees work with accounting programs, stores databases to which users connect via a local network from client devices. In addition, other information can, of course, be stored on the server.

What is a 1C server

But there is another understanding of the server

Server 1C is a program that works in client-server mode with 1C databases running DBMS, for example, Microsoft SQL Server or Linux PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database, etc. That is, it is not just the storage of the 1C database on the server, it is the management of the work processes of 1C Enterprise.

As a rule, the 1C server is used by medium and large companies, in which about 20 or more users simultaneously work with 1C databases. With a smaller number of 1C users, the file mode is still enough, when the 1C database is located on one of the computers (possibly one of the users), and the path to it on the local network is registered from the rest of the PCs. For example, like this: \\<Имя компьютера в сети>\Bases 1s\<Имя базы 1с>

And for the user on whose computer the database is located:

Why do we need a 1C server, and what advantages does it have?

  • performance. When working in the client-server version of 1C, the most voluminous and “heavy operations”, for example, group re-posting of documents or group data processing, are performed on server capacities, and the end result, the so-called “sample”, is provided to the client application. Increasing the capacity of one server is easier and cheaper than upgrading all client machines.
  • Safety. When using the 1C client-server mode, users do not know the location of the database. This simplest way stop the possibility of copying information from the database. In the file mode of working with the database, the user can easily do this.
  • Another serious argument in favor of integrating a 1C server into the architecture of an information system based on 1C is the ease of administration, as well as the ability to control and restrict user access to the database.

Server operation 1C

A configuration or 1C client application launched by a user on his device, say, a computer, is connected to a 1C: Enterprise 8 server cluster that accesses a server that stores databases managed by MS SQL Server or PostgreSQL.

It is desirable to place the 1C Enterprise 8 server and the database server on different hardware, since it is thanks to this that the load is distributed between the 1C Enterprise servers and the database.

Installing server 1C

Let's go directly to the instructions for installing the 1C server. To begin with, we need an installation distribution kit, which can be taken from the 1C user support site (

From the list of supplied distributions, two options are suitable for us:

  • Technological platform 1C Enterprise for Windows - to install the server 1C 32-bit version.
  • Server 1C Enterprise (x64) for Windows - to install the server 1C both 64x and 32-bit version.

Open the folder with the installation files. For the 1C Enterprise environment, this is a standard window.

We need the Setup.exe file. Its launch will call the 1C Enterprise installation assistant. On the first page, click Next.

On the next page, we will be asked to select the components to be installed. In addition to the standard ones, pay attention to:

  • Server 1C Enterprise, which will install the components of the server 1C.
  • Administration of the server 1C Enterprise 8 - the necessary elements of the administration of 1C servers.

The rest of the components can be installed as needed now or later. Therefore, we click "Next".

After that, we have to choose a language among the proposed interface languages. It all depends on the desire of the user. Please note that by selecting "System Settings" the work will continue in the language of the OS installed on the computer.

In most cases, the 1C server is installed as a service (recommended), so we put the appropriate checkmark on the next page. We also select a user to start the service or create a new one. Be sure to check that the user has the following rights:

  • Login, that is, access directly to the service (Log on as service);
  • Logging in to run a batch of jobs/commands (Log on as batch job);
  • Ability to use Performance Log Users.

In addition, it is better to give the user rights to the directory of server service files. The default is C:\ProgramFiles(or ProgramFiles(x86))\1cv8\srvinfo. The path depends on what bitness we install the application for the 1C Enterprise server.

The created new user USR1CV8 will by default have all the listed rights. Set a password and continue the installation of the Enterprise server.

On the next page we begin the installation.

After its completion, the program will offer to install the protection driver. When using software protection, the use of a driver is not necessary. Whether we check the box or not depends on the type of our license.

Now we need to make sure the server service is running.

We can enter the list of services by using the services.msc command in the search bar of the Start menu. The service may look as shown in the screenshot or "1C: Enterprise 8.3 Server Agent". If the service is not running, start it manually: right-click on the service - Properties - Start. Also set the Startup Type to Automatic.

Server 1C installation is completed. It remains only to configure windows firewall so that users from client machines can connect to the 1C server. To do this, you need to unblock ports 1541, 1560-1591 in the firewall. You can read about how to add an allow rule to the firewall on the Internet.

In the final, we will activate the existing license for the 1C server.

Today we will consider the choice of server hardware for a small organization for 25-30 users, with a distributed infrastructure (outlets, warehouse), which requires a terminal server and the 1C: Enterprise program. All employees will use these services.

Most small companies, in order to reduce the cost of equipment, prefer to minimize the amount of purchased equipment and ask administrators to "shove" all the services they requested into one physical server. The desire is understandable and forgivable, but there are “nuances” here.

You can organize a terminal server and use the 1C file version there, but with such a number of users, the developer company recommends switching to a client-server version. Therefore, we also need a server for "1C: Enterprise" and a database server. Let's clarify right away that to organize a terminal server, SQL server and 1C server on one operating system it is possible, but, from the point of view of security and stability of the services, this is highly discouraged. And if you still really want to use one physical server for all three roles, then we recommend using virtualization, for example, VMWare ESXi or Hyper-V.
Thus, three options emerge:

  1. One server with file 1C. A bad option, we will not consider it further.
  2. One server with two virtual machines.
  3. Two physical servers, one terminal, the second with a DB and 1C.

To solve these problems, we can offer the following server configuration:

In case of one physical server we opted for the Dell R710, which has two six-core Xeon X5650 processors, 64 GB of RAM and six drives: two SSDs in RAID 1 and four SAS drives in RAID 10.

In case of two physical servers We opted for the following configurations:

  • Terminal server: IBM x3550 M3 with one Xeon E5620 processor, 32 GB of RAM and two SSDs in RAID 1, with an additional network card for two gigabit interfaces. This server is also highly upgradeable as it is dual processor, has 18 memory slots and supports up to 288GB of RAM.
  • Database server: IBM x3250 M5 with one Xeon E3-1220v3 processor, 16 GB RAM, optional SAS/SATA RAID controller, four SAS drives in RAID 10, with optional 2 Gigabit NIC.
Why did we choose these configurations? To answer this question, let's calculate what we need to provide a comfortable user experience in our small organization of 25-30 employees. To avoid misunderstanding: this is just one example of an inexpensive implementation of 1C, and in many cases it is more appropriate to choose other configurations.


From the point of view of processor time, terminal sessions do not occupy a very large share. According to the experience of implementing terminal solutions in various organizations, to support the comfortable work of 30 users, 4-6 physical processor cores will be enough, one core for 6-8 sessions.

For a small database, SQL Server will need one core. But we will focus on expanding the database in the future (or increasing the number of databases) and take two cores on SQL.

For a 1C:Enterprise server, it is not so much the number of cores that is important, but their clock frequency and bus frequency. Therefore, we will lay two more cores on the 1C server.
And let's not forget that in the case of using virtualization, one or two cores will come in handy for us to ensure the operation of the host operating system.

In total we get:

  • a server with two virtual machines needs 12 physical cores. It can be less, but there should always be a margin of power. A server with two six-core processors is ideal for this.
  • for a terminal server, one Xeon E5620 processor with six cores is enough, for a database server - a Xeon E3-1220v3 processor with four cores.


First, let's see how much RAM is needed for services:
  • operating room Windows system Server only for itself requires 2 GB of RAM.
  • For SQL and a small 1C database, 4-6 GB of RAM will be enough.
  • The 1C: Enterprise server requires another 2-3 GB of RAM.
  • We expect that each user will need 700 MB of RAM in the terminal session, then 21 GB will be required for 30 users.
Now let's apply this to our options.
  • For one server with two virtual machines, you need about 40 GB of RAM.
  • For a terminal server, 24 GB or 32 GB of RAM will be enough (we will take it with a margin, assuming future expansion). For a server with databases, you need at least 8 GB, but this is “back to back”, so 16 GB is more than enough. Memory is now one of the cheapest server components.

Disk subsystem

This is the traditional bottle neck of many systems. Right choice hard drives are very important for server performance. When 1C works with a SQL database, there are many read / write operations per second (IOPS). If users work on the terminal server from thin clients (that is, they fully use the terminal server as a working environment), this heavily loads the server's disk system. For example, 30 users of a terminal server on RAID 1, SATA 3 Gb / s, with WD Velociraptor drives feel uncomfortable when working with mail and actively surfing the Internet. For terminal servers, we recommend using SSD drives. For database servers - SAS disks assembled into fault-tolerant arrays.

In addition to drives, attention should also be paid to the disk controller. Modern servers have pretty good controllers on board, for example, HP SmartArray and DELL PERC. However, it would be incorrect to use "on-board" solutions under a serious load, when maximum performance is required. With a little savings, you can easily get a powerful server that does not pull the load at all. Therefore, the controller must be with its own non-volatile memory.

Consider options for solving this problem.

  • For one server with two virtual machines, it is desirable to use two RAID arrays: one will contain the files of the terminal server virtual machine, the second - the files of the virtual machine of the database server and "1C: Enterprise". To create the first array, it is best to use two SSD drives in RAID 1 (mirror).

    The second array is better to create from four SAS disks in RAID 10 (mirror + stripe), but it is also possible from two SSD drives in RAID 1. The choice depends only on the cost of the disks and the server model.

  • For two servers, everything is the same, only the arrays will be spaced across servers. On the terminal - RAID 1 of two SSDs, on the database server - RAID 10.

One or more servers

As mentioned above, small organizations have a fairly strong desire to host all services on one server.

The benefits of using a single server and virtualization include lower power consumption and more flexible allocation of resources between virtual machines. Well, the transfer of virtual machines, in which case, is much more convenient than the transfer of physical OS.

However, two servers have more upgrade options. For example, in our version, an inexpensive IBM x3550 M3 with the addition of another processor and RAM turns into an elegant short terminal server for 50 or even more users.

Another "bottleneck" in our case, which must be taken into account when choosing two physical servers, is the exchange of data between them over the network. For virtual servers, data exchange goes through a virtual switch. Here, to increase network bandwidth, you can install a network card with two gigabit interfaces in each server, which can be aggregated with each other and directly connect both servers with aggregated 2 gigabit links. Or use network cards with SPF + 10GBASE, but this is an expensive pleasure.

power reserve

When calculating and choosing a server, peak loads must be taken into account. Also, be sure to remember that the database will only “swell”, the volume of data on the terminal server will grow, and the number of users may increase. Many enterprises save on power reserve and after six months or a year they are faced with outages and user complaints. This is the case when excessive saving leads to new costs in the future - the miser pays twice. The options we have chosen are calculated with a power reserve and the possibility of an upgrade. It has been taken into account that it will be possible to add two more hard drives and RAM to the DELL R710, as well as replace the processors with more efficient ones.

So, if you need to expand, or the number of services increases, then there are great prospects, and existing servers will effectively perform their tasks for a long time to come. Perhaps in a year we will suddenly need to double the number of users, to 60 people? Please.

If you used one DELL R710 server, then you can buy an inexpensive IBM x3550 M3, install a hypervisor on it, transfer a virtual machine with a database and a 1C server there, and give all resources to a virtual machine with a terminal on DELL. It will be fast, and there will be no need to "throw everything out and buy a new one."
If you used two IBM servers, then the x3550 M3, with the addition of a second processor and a small amount of RAM, turns from an average machine into a fairly powerful machine. And in the x3250 M5, you can upgrade the processor from E3-1220v3 to E3-1285v3.
