Entering initial balances in 1C: Retail: posting goods. Entering initial balances in "1C: Retail": posting goods 1c retail entering initial balances

After purchasing a software product for automation accounting and registration of the initial settings, the business entity faces the question - how to register the initial balances of the accounting accounts in the System?

This question will arise in any organization that is already operating. And only those enterprises that have just registered and are starting their activities will be spared from this rather laborious stage of work.

In this article, we will tell you how to manually register the opening balances of accounting accounts in 1C: Enterprise Accounting - a program created on the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform.

Accounting sections for entering balances

Initial balances are entered into the "Accounting" by sections of accounting. Each accounting section corresponds to one or more accounting accounts or specialized registers (this applies to enterprises on a simplified taxation system and individual entrepreneurs).

List of accounting sections with the corresponding accounts in order to enter the opening balances

  • Fixed assets in 1C - 01, 02, 03;
  • NMA and R&D - 04, 05;
  • Capital investments - 07, 08;
  • Materials - 10;
  • VAT - 19;
  • Work in progress - 20, 23, 28, 29;
  • Goods - 41;
  • Finished products - 43;
  • Goods shipped - 45;
  • Cash - 50, 51, 52, 55, 57;
  • Settlements with suppliers - 60;
  • Settlements with buyers - 62;
  • Calculations for taxes and contributions - 68, 69;
  • Settlements with personnel for wages - 70;
  • Settlements with accountable persons - 71;
  • Settlements with founders - 75;
  • Settlements with various debtors and creditors - 76 (except for advance payments);
  • VAT on advances - 76.VA, 76.AB;
  • Capital - 80, 81, 82, 83, 84;
  • Deferred expenses - 97;
  • Deferred tax assets/liabilities - 09, 77;
  • Other accounting accounts - other accounting accounts that are not included in other sections;
  • Sales VAT - special accumulation registers;
  • Other tax accounting expenses of the simplified tax system and individual entrepreneurs are special accumulation registers.

The system uses a special workplace to enter balances, which is available through the "Main" section of the full configuration interface.

In the assistant's interface, we see the requirement for the mandatory selection of an organization (the selection window contains a red dotted line indicating the mandatory entry). After selecting an organization, the System prompts you to specify the date for entering the initial balances, which can be changed using a hyperlink.

Please note that in the screenshot, an organization is selected that has a simplified taxation system and is not a VAT payer in the tax and reporting settings, so the set of bookmarks in the form is appropriate.

For enterprises under the general taxation regime and a VAT payer, the set of bookmarks is different:

After setting or changing the date for entering balances, you can begin to register accounting objects.

Technically required:

  1. Select the line with the desired account by clicking on it with the mouse;
  2. Click the "Enter Account Balance" button.

The system will create new document, corresponding to a specific accounting section. The tabular part of the document must be filled in by adding lines using the "Add" button.

For these objects, you will need to enter a lot of auxiliary information. Each object is entered into a separate input form - a card, and after saving and recording, it is substituted into the document in one line.

The amount of information required is comparable to that which is entered upon receipt of similar objects.

After posting, the document generates postings in correspondence with an auxiliary account - 000. For fixed assets and intangible assets (except for accounting postings), movements are created in specialized information registers on which accounting for these objects is organized. Movements are created automatically using the data contained in the document.

As documents are posted, balance amounts are displayed on the input assistant form:

The System can have an arbitrary number of documents for entering the balances of one accounting section. Users themselves can choose the input strategy - by departments, by materially responsible persons by groups of fixed assets or intangible assets, etc.

Let's start with account 07 "Equipment to be installed" by selecting it and clicking "Enter account balances".

When adding a new line to the tabular section, the System, unlike entering fixed assets and intangible assets, will not offer to fill out a new form, but will immediately go to a new line and select an accounting account. Please note that in the selection form, all accounting accounts related to the specified section are available.

In a known way, we create the desired new document and fill in the tabular parts. For materials, three independent groups of objects are distinguished:

  • Materials in stock;
  • Overalls and special equipment in operation - accounts 10.11.1 and 10.11.2;
  • Materials transferred for processing - account 10.07.

Each tab contains the required information. The document is underway.

It should be noted that for overalls / special equipment, the posting will reflect the off-balance account of the MC. Account 10.11.1 or 10.11.2 will be added to the transaction if the payment method is linear or proportional to the volume of production.

Register balances on other accounts

Let's finish the consideration of entering balances with an example of the most general section of accounting - other.

As we have already noticed, to enter the balances, you basically need:

  • Specify the BU account;
  • Analytics of the BU account in the context of the required subconto;
  • Currency, quantity;
  • Balance, depending on the balance of Dt or Kt;
  • The amount of NU;
  • Amount of PR;
  • The amount of BP.

Depending on the period for entering balances - the end of the year, the end of the quarter, the end of the month, the set of accounting accounts will differ significantly.

The most optimal period for entering balances is, of course, the end of the year, because after the balance sheet reformation, the number of BU accounts with balances is usually minimal.

In the 1C: Retail program, there is no special document for entering balances. Therefore, we enter the balances in the document "Receiving Goods". This document is located in the menu "Documents" -> "Warehouse" -> "Receipt of goods":

But, before entering this document, you need to specify the right to change the "Warehouse" field and edit tabular parts. Let's make these settings:

and so, we enter the list of users ("Service" -> "Users" -> "List of users"):

In the user editing window, click "User rights":

In the rights editing window, put the necessary checkboxes:

The nomenclature can be entered both at the time of entering the document, and separately, through the menu "References" -> "Nomenclature":

In the nomenclature card, you must enter the name of the goods, the unit of measure, and other data. You can also store a photo of the product in the product card:

On the characteristics tab, the characteristics of the item are entered:

To be able to enter characteristics, you must specify the use of characteristics for the item type:

Item characteristics are a set of specified properties:

When you start working with the program 1C Trade Management version 11.2, quite often there is a need to enter initial balances. Initial balances are entered in the section "Regulatory and reference information and administration". In Group "Service" have a team "Initial Fill".

In the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2, the following assistants for entering initial balances are available:

  • If you previously worked in the 1C Trade and Warehouse system version 7.7, you can use the appropriate assistant that will allow you to transfer background information, balances in the relevant accounting registers, as well as documents for the last period.
  • If you worked with the 1C Trade Management program edition 10.3, you can use the appropriate assistant, which will also help you automatically transfer data from this configuration.
  • Another assistant is the transition from the program "1C Enterprise Accounting" edition 3.0. If your company started with this program and subsequently grew to switch to the 1C Trade Management program, you can use the appropriate assistant.
  • If you have not used these systems, then you can use the "Documents for entering initial balances", which we will do now.

Assistant "Documents for entering initial balances"

By clicking on the appropriate command, we open the formation assistant "Documents for entering initial balances" manually. It is advisable to choose Organization, on which we will create our documents. And the next thing to do is to select the appropriate accounting section in the left part of this window. For example, to enter balances for your own purchased goods, you need to enter the appropriate field, and after that, on the command "Create" a document will be created in the right part of this window "Entering the initial balances of your own goods".

The first thing that is needed is to decide on the date of this document. The initial balances in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2 are recommended to be entered by the date preceding the period of the start of operations in the system. If, for example, our current month is August, and we plan to take into account transactions from August 1st, then it is advisable to enter the initial balances in the month of July - for example, in my case it will be July 31st.

The next step is to determine which stock our inventory items will be listed. I chose Main warehouse.

Now you can use the command "Add" either by the team Selection goods in order to enter information about our stock items.

In the corresponding field of the nomenclature, you can start typing the name of our nomenclature position from the keyboard. Configuration 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 will automatically select the item with the specified name.

We indicate the number of the first TV - 4 pcs. The unit of measure is pieces. Next, you need to specify the price.

Please note: the price of inventory items is indicated in management accounting currency. In our system 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 - these are US dollars. Accordingly, the program suggests that we enter the price of inventory items in US dollars. We indicate that it will be $150. Configuration 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 calculated the amount (cost) of these inventory items, filled in the rate and calculated the amount of VAT, and calculated the ruble equivalent of the indicated values ​​at the US dollar rate on the corresponding date.

Assistant "Selection of goods"

You can also use the command "Select Items". Assistant opens "Selection of goods in the input of balances". Can be switched to various types our nomenclature. You can also switch to the directory hierarchy view " Nomenclatures».

The nomenclature that we need to transfer to the document is selected.

The quantity of this nomenclature is indicated, and the nomenclature already selected by the button "Move to Document" transferred to our document.

Next, you need to specify the price. I remind you once again that the price of inventory items when entering initial balances in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2 is indicated in the currency of management accounting.

Such a completed document can be posted and closed.

Now we have in the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 there is a “Document for entering initial balances” and on the left side of the assistant for entering documents of initial balances, the corresponding field is marked with a filled green flower.

Entering opening balances Money in the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2

Enter information about the balance of funds.

Climb a little higher, stand on the appropriate option "Cash" - "At the box office" enterprises, and create such a document. We set the date for entering the initial balances, select our cash register. In this case, our cash desk is kept in the currency "rubles". Accordingly, we have substituted the accounting currency "rubles".

We enter the remaining funds. The funds were immediately recalculated into the currency of regulated accounting. We carry out such a document.

Enter information about bank account balances. We create a document. Set the date for entering the opening balances. We select the current account of our organization and indicate the balance of funds in the currency of the current account. The amount is also automatically recalculated to the amount of regulated accounting. We carry out such a document.

Entering initial balances for settlements with suppliers and buyers in the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2

Now let's look at how the debt to our suppliers is introduced. To do this, we become the appropriate option, and on command "Create" create a new document. We indicate the date of entering the initial balances and select our first supplier - let it be the Electrotechnics base. We select the counterparty for which the debt is registered, and indicate the amount of the debt. You can also specify here, if necessary, the calculation object, i.e. which document is the basis, indicate the number and date. We carry out such a document.

System 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 warns that the settlement currency is not selected. Let's point out that we have "rubles" and try again to draw up such a document. Program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 again warns us that not all details are filled out, namely, the payment date is not entered. Based on this information, the configuration of 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 plans the need for payments, a payment calendar. Therefore, this information, according to the program, is essential. We indicate the expected date of payment, and the program allows us to carry out such a document.

Next, we will indicate information about advances received from our clients. We create the corresponding document. Set the date for entering the opening balances. We indicate that we have a household appliances store from Vologda, the counterparty is Home Appliances, and the amount of the advance. You will also need to specify the currency. The amount was automatically converted to the currency of regulated accounting. Let's try to pass such a document.

The next thing is to fill in the information about advances given to suppliers. Entering another document "Entering opening balances". Set the date for entering the opening balances. We choose our supplier. Specify the amount of the advance payment. Specify the currency in which the advance was issued. And we carry out such a document.

To control the balance, a hyperlink is provided at the bottom of this window. "Control of balances of entering balances". By clicking on it, the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 generates a management balance. In this case, the system informs us that the balance is broken. Please note: you can choose the currency in which this balance is formed. You can also set the selection by organization and divisions, if it was formed, and if necessary, focusing on this balance, you can return again to the documents for entering the initial balances and correct the necessary data.

There always comes a time when an organization decides to either start automating its activities (imagine, I personally witnessed how some small enterprises keep records in Excel), or switch to another program.

This is especially true recently, when it is active.

Therefore, we will consider at least three options for entering or transferring initial balances using an example:

  • transfer of balances from version 7.7 in the standard way;
  • an appeal to a 1C programmer with a request to write a mechanism for transferring leftovers from another program, or in the case when many changes were made to version 7.7;
  • manual input of balances.

Important! Before posting leftovers, set up accounting policy organizations and accounting parameters. In some cases, this can significantly affect the correctness of entering the residues. For example, one of the most frequently asked questions is: “When entering balances for account 10, the program asks to enter a batch, but we do not keep records of batches.” It turns out that in the accounting settings in version 8 is not disabled.

Entering balances in the program 1C: "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" is carried out by the documents "Entering balances". Documents are divided into accounting sections, which correspond to groups of accounts in the chart of accounts.

I note that for the group as a whole, the remainder cannot be entered. In addition, if the account has an analytics, that is, a subconto, then you need to transfer the balances in the context of the analytics.

If records are maintained for several organizations in one infobase, the required field "Organization" will be available. Naturally, the balances are entered for each organization separately.

There is an assistant for entering balances. Where in 1C 8.3 is the entry of initial balances? The developers hid it in the "Initial balances" section of the "Main" menu.

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The first thing in 1C you need to start transferring balances manually is to set the date from which the balances will begin to operate. This required condition, without a date, the button "Enter account balances" will be inactive.

The document list form will open. At the top it will be indicated which section the remainder is being entered. Click the "Create" button:

Depending on the accounting section, the document form may have a different look with a different set of details.

In more detail, entering balances in manual mode is considered in our video:

Transferring balances from version 1C 7.7

In the menu "Main" there is a section "Initial balances". It has a link "Download from 1C: Enterprise 7.7". Let's click on it:

Here we have two more options:

  • download balances directly from the information database;
  • and load from a file prepared in advance in program 7.7 (there is also processing to help the transition to version 8).

Next, follow the instructions of the data transfer assistant. If configurations 7.7 and 8 are upgraded to latest versions and 7.7 has not been significantly changed, the transfer should be painless, and it is not worth describing the process in more detail.

If the data was not transferred completely or an error occurred during the transfer, in any case, you should contact a specialist, since this option should be considered as a special case.

Transferring balances to 1C from another program

In the 1C Enterprise program, there are many mechanisms for creating your own processing for data transfer:

  • creation of exchange rules;
  • formation of mxl format files;
  • formation of dbf format files;
  • direct connection to the infobase via ODBC;
  • using the "External Data Sources" configuration object;
  • even using text files and so on.