Project keep your lungs healthy. Prepare a talk on keep your lungs healthy

Respiratory organs are vital for a person. After all, without oxygen, a person cannot live for a few minutes. Lung health is therefore very important condition for a fulfilling human life. Everyone knows that smoking is the main enemy of the lungs. However, there are many other factors that negatively affect their performance. We bring to your attention a number of tips for ensuring a long and healthy life of the lungs, without which we cannot live a day. If you're having trouble breathing and blowing out the candles on your birthday cake, these tips will be especially relevant to you.

Get rid of snoring
Get to know close people, non-keepers you at bedtime. Snoring is a rather dangerous phenomenon for the lungs, its harm can be compared to that of smoking. When a person snores, his breathing is interrupted. This negatively affects the functioning of the lungs. If you are familiar with such a problem, you should contact your doctor.

Walk more
Walking is a great cardio workout. It stimulates the work of the heart and ventilation of the lungs. It is recommended to go down and up the stairs several times a day. This is very effective exercise for the respiratory system.

eat fish
Most respiratory diseases, such as asthma, are associated with inflammation. These processes perfectly suppress omega-3 fatty acids. They are found in seafood. Eat fish more often to maintain this substance in the body in sufficient quantities. For the best effect, it is recommended to take fish oil daily.

Train Your Diaphragm
The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. With its contractions, complete ventilation of the lungs occurs. In order for it to function properly, it must be trained. Do this with the following exercise. Every day for a few minutes "breathe" with your stomach. To do this, inhale deeply through your nose so that the stomach stretches out, and then exhale smoothly so that the stomach is drawn back in.

Train your chest
Can increase volume chest and the actual capacity of the lungs with the help of the following exercise. Lying on the floor, bend your knees, put your hands on your head and raise your elbows. They should be as close to each other as possible. In this position, inhale as deeply as possible and at the same time spread your arms so that they come closer to the floor. Then exhaling, bring them back.

Be careful with marketing chemicals
Before using any chemical, be sure to read the instructions. Many chemicals vaporize toxic substances. Their use involves protection of the respiratory tract with a respirator or good ventilation of the room. Follow the directions in the instructions.

Quit smoking
You, of course, have already given up a long time ago, but all the same, you are out of danger. Passive smoking is no less harmful than active smoking. Avoid the company of smokers and smoky rooms.

Eat tomatoes
Eat more tomatoes. Scientists have found that tomatoes have a positive effect on lung function and eliminate various wheezing and other minor deviations in work. Eat them raw, add to salads, bake and fry.

drink wine
Drink wine, preferably white. This drink contains a large amount of antioxidants that help cleanse the lungs. However, do not get carried away with intoxicating drink. One glass at dinner will be enough.

Watch your teeth
There is a direct relationship between dental and gum health and lung health. People with healthy teeth are much less likely to become victims of impaired lung function. Perhaps this is due to the fact that bacteria and other pathogens can move from the oral cavity to the respiratory organs.

Watch the veil
Overweight people often suffer from shortness of breath. This is because a large body weight creates an additional load on the chest and lungs, the efficiency of their activity is reduced. Remember that being overweight negatively affects lung function.

Breathe through your nose
The nose performs the function of filtering the air. When we breathe through our mouths, there is a high probability that various unwanted elements, such as germs and infections, will enter the lungs and the body as a whole. It is especially important to breathe through the nose in conditions of hot, cold or simply polluted air.

What are the lungs made of? Both lungs consist of lobes: three in the right and two in the left. The tissue of this organ is a mass of thin tubes of bronchioles that end in tiny air sacs called alveoli. There are about 300 million alveoli in the human lungs, and there are total area comparable to the size of a tennis court. The alveoli have very thin walls that wrap around the smallest blood vessels in the body, the capillaries. How does breathing happen? Before birth, the baby receives oxygen directly from its mother's blood, so its lungs are filled with fluid and do not work. At the moment of birth, the baby takes the first breath, and from that moment his lungs work without rest. The respiratory center of the brain constantly receives signals about how much oxygen the body needs at any given moment. For example, if a person is sleeping, he needs much less oxygen than when he is running after a bus. The brain sends messages along the nerves to the respiratory muscles, which help regulate the amount of air that enters the lungs. As soon as this signal is received, the diaphragm expands, and the muscles stretch the chest out and up. This allows you to maximize the volume that the lungs can take in the chest. When exhaling, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, reducing the volume of the chest. This pushes air out of the lungs. What happens during inhalation? During each breath, air is drawn into the nose or mouth and travels down through the larynx into the trachea. This "windpipe" is a tube about 10-15 cm long, which is divided into two tubes - the bronchi. Through them, air enters the right and left lungs. The bronchi branch into 15-25 thousand tiny bronchioles, which end in alveoli. How does oxygen get into the blood? Through the thin walls of the alveoli, oxygen enters the blood vessels. Here it is picked up by "transport" - hemoglobin, which is contained in red blood cells. At the same time in reverse side- in the alveoli - carbon dioxide enters from the blood, which is removed from the body during exhalation. Oxygenated blood is sent from the lungs to the left side of the heart, where it is distributed through the arteries throughout the body. As soon as the oxygen from the blood is used up, the blood flows through the veins to the right side of the heart and from there back to the lungs. What else do the lungs do? Every day, the lungs of an adult pump about ten thousand liters of air. Consequences of smoking Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is considered to be the most obvious consequence of smoking. Plus, it's incurable. Find out, With each breath, they receive not only oxygen, but also dust, microbes and other foreign objects. Therefore, the lungs also perform the function of physical and chemical defense against unwanted objects from the air. On the walls of the bronchi there are tiny villi that trap dust and germs. In the walls of the airways, special cells produce mucus that helps clean and lubricate these villi. Contaminated mucus is excreted through the bronchi to the outside and coughed up. What prevents the lungs from working? The normal work of the lungs is often interfered with by their owner himself. If he smokes, moves a little, is overweight and rarely goes out in nature, lung function is impaired. how to keep your lungs healthy for years to come. Most importantly, the lungs are perfectly adapted to perform complex respiratory functions and protect the body from harmful substances and microorganisms. However, this well-oiled mechanism is easily damaged if a person smokes or does not treat a respiratory tract infection.

Our respiratory system - the most complex mechanism that performs the function of gas exchange, delivers oxygen to our body and removes carbon dioxide from it. Bronchi, bronchioles, pharynx, nasal cavity, larynx of various calibers. Bronchioles are airways in which the air is cleaned of various particles, warmed, moistened. The alveoli and alveolar ducts are the respiratory compartments in which gas exchange occurs.

The trachea is a small tube made up of cartilage rings. The trachea is connected to the larynx by the cricotracheal ligament, and at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebrae it is divided into bronchi. At the site of the bifurcation of the trachea into the bronchi in the sagittal cavity there is a protrusion - the keel. Under the mucous membrane in this place is the cartilaginous plate of the right bronchial ring, or the last tracheal. The length of the tracheal tube is up to 15 cm, but most often 11 cm.

The bronchi form a bronchial "tree", which consists of various branching bronchi, their lumen gradually decreases. The two main bronchi have increased elasticity, with age, this elasticity gradually increases. In children, the cartilage of the bronchi is very elastic and soft. The right main bronchus is always shorter and wider than the left, in direction it is almost a continuation of the trachea. The very structure of the main bronchi resembles the structure of the trachea.

Healthy human lungs

The lungs are one of the important organs in the internal system of the body. They occupy all the free space in the chest cavity. In shape, they resemble a cone with a rounded top and a flattened one side. There is a cardiac depression on the left lung. On the mediastinal surface of each lung there are gates of the lung through which the bronchus, nerves, arteries pass, lymphatic vessels and veins exit. The lungs themselves are made up of lobes, i.e. from separate areas that are anatomically isolated and have their own lobar neurovascular complex. Thanks to the contained air, the pieces of the lungs float in the water.

The color of the lungs depends on the age of the person, at an early age it is pale pink, in older people it is darker. It depends on dark inclusions that are formed from dust, coal particles and are deposited in the connective tissue part of the lung.

The acinus is the functional unit of the lungs. That is, it is a complex system that is divided into 16 respiratory bronchioles, which in turn form up to 1,500 alveolar passages, which carry up to 20,000 alveolar sacs, alveoli. There are about 18 acini in the pulmonary lobule. This is where gas exchange takes place. Carbon dioxide is released from the alveoli and oxygen is absorbed.

Protect your lungs

To protect our lungs from pollution it is necessary to live in a clean ecological place, but this is not always possible. The respiratory system itself is capable of self-purification, i.e. when inhaling, air is passed through fine hairs located in the nose, some of the dust particles linger on these hairs. Dust also lingers in the trachea on the surface of its mucous membrane, which is rich in elastic fibers, lymphoid nodules, and lymphocytes.

The most severe harm that can be done to your lungs is. Get out of this habit as soon as possible.

The best health and nutrient for the lungs is the oxygen of the forest, too. Vegetable foods are very useful for the lungs, tk. they contain chemicals vegetable nature, which have a beneficial effect on all systems and organs, interact with chemicals produced by the body protect and strengthen the immune system. Also, plant products have antimicrobial, antiviral properties, can protect against acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Most healthy foods for the lungs


A balanced diet containing a lot of minerals, and most importantly magnesium, is also useful for the lungs. very useful for the entire respiratory system. It has the ability to relax the muscles of the respiratory system, which facilitates the act of breathing. With a lack of it, difficulty in breathing can be observed.

Zinc is also useful, which can reduce the duration of colds and protect against recurrent acute respiratory infections. Some scientists argue that excessive salt intake can narrow Airways thereby hindering breathing. Also, the narrowing of the pathways can cause excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine. However, there are cases to the contrary.

Melon with sauce - food for the lungs
  • 500 g berries (any)
  • 3 tablespoons redcurrant jelly
  • 1 sprig mint
  • 0.5 kg orange melon
  • 0.5 kg white melon

Put the berries and mint in a saucepan, add 50 g of water and bring to a boil, then transfer to a sieve and rub. Mix the mixture with the vein. Cut the melon into small pieces and pour over the sauce. This dish excessively useful for the lungs and the whole body. Healthy lungs are easy if you don't destroy them from the inside bad habits. Watch your only organism and listen to it.

The body continuously supplies us with oxygen. It is needed by every cell in our body for life. Whether the body has enough oxygen depends on the work and condition of the respiratory system. It is quite possible to maintain the health of your lungs until old age. To make this happen, use some simple tips on how to take care of The memo is intended for children and adults.

Reasons for the development of chronic respiratory diseases

Unfortunately, in modern conditions man is subject a large number negative factors that cause various severe and chronic diseases. After studying them, you will definitely want to read how to protect the respiratory system. A memo, as well as observing its rules in life, will help to avoid possible complications. Consider the most common:

  • Tobacco and smoking. If a person smokes, then in a year of such harmful activity, the lungs will receive a KILOGRAM of harmful and toxic resins that destroy the alveoli and also narrow the bronchi. As a result, a person earns reduced local lung immunity and chronic bronchitis.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. If you don't walk much, your lungs over time will begin to pass less and less air needed for normal functioning.
  • Excess weight. Fat presses and displaces the diaphragm fat people, resulting in difficulty in the functioning of the lungs and respiratory system.
  • Negligent attitude towards one's own health. Undertreated, as well as severe colds, lead to bronchitis, which allows the infection to move to the lungs and begin destructive processes.
  • Ecology. Dust in the city, gas pollution and other factors worsen not only the air quality in the metropolis, but also the health of all living things.

Is it possible to develop and strengthen the respiratory system?

If you have already managed to harm your lungs, then you should know that it is possible to restore and strengthen it thanks to special breathing exercises, physical activity outdoors or out of town. Such activities will soon improve your well-being. Well, you are already in anticipation of advice. how to take care of the respiratory system, a memo further in the text.

What to do to maintain health?

  1. It is urgent to quit smoking. You should also stop smoking electronic cigarettes and vaporizers.
  2. Go in for sports, gymnastics, etc.
  3. Normalize weight.
  4. Take good care of your health.
  5. Spend more time outdoors.
  6. Dress warmly.
  7. Ventilate living rooms in the mornings and evenings.
  8. Perform breathing exercises.
  9. Eat fruits and vegetables.
  10. Do wet cleaning in the house at least 2 times a week.
  11. Do not overwork, be less nervous.
  12. Drink more pure water.
  13. Take multivitamins twice a year: in spring and autumn.

You got acquainted with tips on how to protect the respiratory system. The memo will be useful both for children in the lessons around the world and for adults!

MUNICIPAL BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SAIGINSKAYA SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL" OF THE VERHNEKETSKY DISTRICT OF THE TOMSK REGION Lesson of the surrounding world Topic: Take care of your lungs Purpose: Formation of a responsible attitude to their expansion of children's knowledge of the human respiratory system to health through Tasks: -give general ideas about the lungs, as an organ that allows a person not only to breathe, but also ... to speak. - to form an idea of ​​human life. about health as one of the main values ​​- to acquaint children with the rules that help maintain their health. - develop students' speech, curiosity, attention, observation, memory. -continue to cultivate a caring attitude to one's health, instill interest in the subject. - to prove that smoking is harmful to every part of the human body, to teach how to talk about the work of the vocal cords, to fulfill the daily routine, to give up bad habits. Equipment: o o o o o o o textbook "The world around us", workbook, computer projector presentation balls clock 1. Organizational moment. Good afternoon Glad to see you guys healthy and ready to go. And I also welcome the guests who came to our lesson. Guys, what do we wish those present? For fruitful work in the classroom, you only need ... (Be attentive, read books, listen to your comrades, have a desire for this, work with a textbook ...) 2. Including children in activities. Work on the interactive whiteboard. - Guys, what do we see? (Respiratory system) -What happened? (Man feels bad) -Why? Let's help fix the situation. (Guys assemble the respiratory system correctly. Everything is fine) - What conclusion can be drawn? (A person may feel bad if his respiratory system is disturbed) - I propose to discuss this problem and announce the topic of our lesson. "Take Care of Your Lungs" Why is this topic important to us? - List what is necessary for human life? (food, sleep, water, air) - How long can a person be without food? (up to one month) - And without air? (2-3 min.) Practical work Let's check. Close your mouth, pinch your nose and stop breathing. Record the time by the clock. What did you feel? Conclusion: without breathing, a person cannot live even two minutes. -How much air does a person need? (To each individually) №2. Measurement of lung capacity. And now take balloons, let's see how our lungs work when we inhale and exhale. Let's inhale, and then exhale, inflate the balloon. That's how much air is in your lungs. Inflate a balloon in 1 breath. What conclusion can be drawn? Your lungs are an amazing organ: they allow you to breathe, talk, sing, laugh, and more. The text confirms the importance of this system. Text #1 - Read the text. “Every moment our body cells need oxygen. With the help of oxygen, cells are obtained from organic matter energy. Cells die without energy. Unlike nutrients oxygen cannot be stored for future use. Therefore, we can eat from time to time, but we must breathe continuously. Supplying the cells of our body with oxygen is the first function of the respiratory organs. The respiratory organs not only provide our body with oxygen, but also rid it of carbon dioxide, which is released when energy is received. This is the second function of the respiratory organs. So, we answered the question why we breathe. You must protect them! - What have we learned? - Discuss in groups. What can be the cause of the disease? (We answer in groups) (Smoking, poisons, colds, etc.) Let's watch a movie and draw a conclusion. FILM "Bad Habits" The best way to keep your lungs clean and healthy is not to smoke. Smoking is bad for every part of your body, but it's especially bad for your lungs. What happens when you smoke? (The student talks about the dangers of smoking) Cigarette smoke, getting into the trachea, damages the cilia. And they can no longer protect the lungs from dust and dirt. The alveoli also say, "Oh!" The harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke damage the thin walls of the alveoli. Healthy cells die and can be replaced by cancer cells. It is often very difficult and sometimes impossible to cure them. 6. Prevention of smoking. - So what to do? How to keep your lungs healthy? (message about the benefits of exercising) There is another way to take care of your lungs. This is a sport. Sport develops all parts of your body. But it is especially useful for the heart and lungs. When you run, swim or ride a bike, your lungs get more air and more oxygen is delivered to their cells. Your lungs become stronger and easier for them to do their job. Keep your lungs healthy and they will thank you. 7. Checking homework -What have you prepared for the lesson today? (Article "Keep Your Lungs Healthy") (The best works are read out) 7. Checking what you have learned. 1. Draw up the rules of healthy lungs (conduct a test). And now let's get acquainted with the rules of "healthy lungs", which you will know from today and hope to follow. Make friends with physical education and sports Walk in the fresh air Avoid colds Avoid bad habits Do not laugh while eating - you can choke (When I eat, I am deaf and dumb) Ventilate your room regularly 2. Give advice on the pictures. 8.Reflection Children signal with cards: Green - informative; Yellow - I liked it, but not everything; Red - boring, uninteresting. 9. Homework    Think of a fairy tale about the journey of air in the human body. Prepare a joint presentation on respiratory diseases. pp.36-37
