Natural conditions of Antarctica. The main features of the nature of Antarctica

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Goals: Acquaintance with the peculiarities of climate, relief, ice cover, flora and fauna of Antarctica.


1. To develop the ability to use scientific methods of knowledge of nature, to instill educational skills

2. Develop speech logical thinking, ability to express one’s point of view, ability to independently solve educational problems

3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Lesson type: learning new material

Lesson format: teaching research

Methods: partially search, research

During the classes

1. Organizational stage.

"And this unknown land of snow and ice lies beyond the Antarctic Circle, shining dazzlingly in the rays of the sun of the polar day or shrouded in clouds and whirlwinds of a blizzard in the darkness of the polar night. It is beautiful in its own way, this region. And whoever has been there once will always be remember the great silence of the icy desert, painted in the morning hours in delicate blue, lilac and pink pastel tones, cold flashes of the polar lights, cozy lights of wintering grounds, covered with snowdrifts from the bliss" (polar scientist A.M. Gusev) (Slide 1-3) .

What do you think is the topic of today's lesson? (Write on the board)

Today we continue our acquaintance with the most unusual continent on Earth - Antarctica. (Slide 4)

The territory of the mainland does not belong to any state. There is no permanent population here. In 1959, an international treaty was signed limiting the economic development of Antarctica and prohibiting any military activity here. Scientists different countries, including Russia, are conducting research on the icy continent, allowing not only to learn about the past and present of our planet, but also to look into its future. It is not easy for polar explorers to do their work in the harsh conditions of the extreme south of the planet. (Slide 5)

There are many other figurative names for Antarctica in various literature. (Slide 6)

Problematic issues:

Is Antarctica research needed?

Why do they explore and explore Antarctica?

This is the main question of our lesson. (Write on the board)

In order to answer this question, today we are going to Antarctica as scientists who will study the nature of the continent.

The following scientific stations will operate: Moroznaya, Molodezhnaya, Zvezdnaya, Solnechnaya.

Each group of researchers receives a work package containing all working documents. The scientific center is located in the city of Ivanovo at school No. 62, where we will send all reports on the work done. At the end of the lesson, each group must submit a package of documents.

2. Research stage.

Let's begin our research.

1.Antarctica is the highest continent. (Slide 7)

Task: prove this statement and identify cause-and-effect relationships.

But first, let’s listen to what geomorphologists will tell us (Slide 8)

Using the textbook, maps, and additional text, fill out the table.

Subglacial relief

Let's check (Slide 9)

Now the cartographers will label the landforms on the contour map.

James Clark Ross and Francis Crozier, on their ships Erebus and Terror, broke the pack ice on January 9, 1841 and found themselves on the open water of the Ross Sea. Three days later they saw a majestic mountain range. The ships continued their journey south. The travelers were amazed by the view of the stunning volcano. The volcano was named Mount Erebus. An active volcano in the middle of the ice and snow of a frozen continent. (Slide 10)

What is the reason for the location of the volcano on this continent (discussion in groups, putting forward versions).

Put it on the outline map.

Name the specialists who study volcanoes.

Let's pay attention to the location of the mainland. It is located in the very south of the planet, like a bowl that holds our globe. Volcanologists and seismologists at Antarctic bases around the continent monitor seismic activity across the planet.

Let's return to our main question.

What role do seismologists and volcanologists working in Antarctica play in the study of the entire planet?


2. Tracking seismic activity throughout the planet (Attached sheets on the board)

Geologists work at our stations.

What are they doing?

Let's hear what they found.

Why is there a similarity with South America and Australia?

Minerals of igneous and sedimentary origin were found.

Explain the origin of minerals.

Place mineral icons on the outline map.

What is the significance of geologists' research?

Conclusion: Mineral Reserves (Attached to the board)

Problematic question: We were able to prove that Antarctica is the highest continent?

Let's listen to the glaciologists. Maybe they can help us. (Slide 11)

The ice in Antarctica is moving. Find in the text evidence of ice movement in Antarctica. What are the consequences of ice spreading?

The answer to this question will be filling out the diagram. (Slide 12)

What are your guesses?

Let's check that it's filled out correctly. (Slide 13)

Pay attention to the diagram of the ice cover (Scheme of the subglacial relief) Why do icebergs of different shapes form? (Slides 14, 15) As the ice slides, it forms deep cracks, which become very dangerous, and it is very difficult to get out of them. (Slide 16) Sometimes huge ice mountains float to 35° S. When they melt, they can unexpectedly turn over, so they represent great threat to navigation. Most of the iceberg is underwater. (Slide 17)

Who knows why?

Let's leave this question open.

We studied the ice cover of Antarctica.

What else is Antarctica rich in?

Conclusion: Antarctica contains about 80% of the world's reserves fresh water. (Attached to the board)

Let us summarize the first part of our research. Now we have proven that Antarctica is the highest continent?

There are many secrets associated with the mainland. Here's another one. In Antarctica, the Bloody Falls sometimes emerge from the Taylor Glacier. (Slide 18) The water in them contains divalent iron, which combines with atmospheric air oxidizes and forms rust. This is what gives the waterfall its bloody red color. However, divalent iron does not appear in water just like that - it is produced by bacteria living in a reservoir isolated from the outside world deep under the ice. These bacteria were able to organize a life cycle in the complete absence of sunlight and oxygen. They process organic residues and “breathe” ferric iron from surrounding rocks.

There are a large number of rivers and lakes under the ice. (Slide 19) The lake under the Vostok scientific station is especially interesting. The ice thickness here is 4 kilometers. Analyzes of the ice over the lake were carried out. As a result, a bacterium was discovered that can only live at a temperature of +55°. This means that the water in the lake was once extremely hot. Or maybe she remains like that to this day. Satellites measured the water temperature in the lake - from +10° to +18°

What do you think is the source of water under the ice?

Try filling out the diagram. (Slide 20)

Let's check. (Slide 21)

Let us turn to the main question of our lesson about the importance of studying and exploring the mainland.

What is the significance for the entire planet of studying the under-ice world of Antarctica?

Conclusion: By studying the subglacial world of the continent, scientists are studying the history of the development of the entire Earth. (Attached to the board)

Why is the continent covered with thick ice?

Antarctica is the coldest continent. (Slide 22)

2. The next task of our lesson is to prove this statement.

We have climatologists working here. We will give them the floor.

Working with various sources, complete the chart

Let's check our diagram (Slide 23)

Place the main climate indicators on the contour map.

So, Antarctica is the coldest continent.

Do you think they influence climatic conditions Antarctica on the climate of the entire planet?

Conclusion: Impact on the climatic conditions of the entire planet. (Attached to the board)

3. Such a harsh continent, are there plants and animals on it?

Let's listen to the biologists. (Slide 24-30)

When finishing your work with contour maps, create a collage of images of the animal and plant world around it.

Stage 3 - consolidation of the studied material

Let's summarize. Let's return to the topic of our lesson - the Nature of Antarctica.

Let's remember the figurative names of Antarctica. Please compile a table in which it is necessary to select characteristics that prove these provisions for figurative names.

Figurative names of Antarctica

Figurative names Characteristic
"Earth's End" Antarctica is located in the extreme south of the planet and covers the polar region.
"Continent of scientists Antarctica has no permanent population, but there are dozens of scientific stations operating here
"Ice Continent" Almost the entire continent is covered in ice
"Continent beyond the clouds" Due to the large thickness of the ice, the average height of Antarctica is significantly higher than the height of other continents
"Iceberg Maker" On the coast of the continent, the edges of the ice sheet break off, forming icebergs. The size of these huge ice blocks is sometimes comparable to the size of real mountains.
"Land of the Cruel Sun" Antarctica - region permanently high pressure, the sky here is usually cloudless. On a polar day, the sun does not set beyond the horizon, so the duration of its shine is long; some areas of the continent receive more energy than hot Africa
"Queen of the Cold" average temperature winter months from -40 to -60°С, in summer from -25 to -35°С. The absolute minimum temperature was recorded in the area of ​​the Vostok station, it was -89.2°C
"Windy Country" The coastal regions of the eastern part of the continent are considered the windiest areas on Earth. Here, as a result of air cooling near the glacier surface, katabatic winds are formed. They reach hurricane force, reaching speeds of up to 200 km/h
"Earth Refrigerator" Due to the low temperatures, the continent has a huge impact on the climatic conditions of the entire planet. First of all, this consists of cooling the atmospheric air
"Continent of Four Poles" The Earth's South Pole is located on the territory of Antarctica. The lowest temperature on the planet was recorded at Vostok station. This area is called the "Earth's pole of cold." South Antarctica is located magnetic pole Earth. In the Cape Denison area, 235 days with wind speeds of 18 m/s were recorded. This is the reason why Cape Denison is called the "Earth's wind pole"

Guys, today we visited the most mysterious continent on the planet. We touched on its secrets and mysteries. We came to the conclusion that it was necessary to study and explore the mainland. And here are our main conclusions:

1. Study of processes occurring in the earth's crust

2. Tracking seismic activity across the planet

3. Mineral reserves

4. Antarctica contains about 80% of the world's fresh water reserves

5. By studying the subglacial world of the continent, scientists study the history of the development of the entire Earth.

6. Impact on the climatic conditions of the entire planet

All expeditions did a good job. You hand over your work packages to the science center.

Stage 4 - homework assignment

1. Paragraph 33, Simulator, rear. 1,2,3, easy exam

2. If desired, find answers to the following questions:

Most of the iceberg is underwater. Why?

Why out of 17 species of penguins only 2 species live in Antarctica

Informational resources.

1. htt://

2. htt://

3. htt://

4. A.G. Stadnik. Geography grades 6-10. Lessons - research, discussions, press conferences. Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher"

5. N.A. Nikitina " Lesson-based developments in geography" 7th grade. "Waco". Moscow 2005.

This is one of the most mysterious and little-studied continents on our planet. Antarctica was discovered by two brave researchers - M. Lazarev and F. Bellingshausen. Their expedition confirmed the presence of Antarctica in the south globe. This happened in 1820.

Climatic conditions

The nature of Antarctica has the coldest climate on earth. In 1983, the absolute minimum was officially recorded - minus 89.2 degrees. In winter, temperatures range from -60 to -75 degrees. In summer it rises to -50. And only on the coast the climate is milder: the average temperature ranges from 0 to -20 degrees.

Precipitation is possible only in the form of snow, which is compressed under its own weight, forming new layers of ice.

However, Antarctica has rivers and lakes. They appear in the summer, and in the winter they are again covered with an ice crust. Today, scientists have discovered 140 subglacial lakes. Of these, only one does not freeze - Vostok.

Flora of Antarctica

The flora of the continent is extremely poor. The natural features of Antarctica are explained by its harsh climate. Most of all algae grow here - about 700 species. The ice-free plains and coast of the mainland are covered with lichens and mosses. There are only two flowering plants on this harsh land - colobanthus quito and Antarctic meadow.

Colobanthus Quito belongs to It is low herbaceous plant, having a cushion shape with small pale yellow and white flowers. The height of an adult plant does not exceed five 5 centimeters.

Antarctic meadow grass is a cereal plant. It grows only in areas of the earth illuminated by the sun. These inconspicuous bushes grow up to 20 centimeters. The plant tolerates frost well. Even during flowering it is not harmed by frost.

The flora of Antarctica, represented by a few plants, has adapted to the eternal cold. Their cells contain little water, all processes are slow.


The natural features of Antarctica have left their mark on the fauna of the continent. The animals of this icy country live only where there is vegetation. Despite the harsh climate, dinosaurs lived in Antarctica in ancient times.

Antarctic animals can be divided into two independent groups - aquatic and terrestrial. It should be noted that there are no animals permanently living on land in Antarctica.

The waters surrounding the mainland are rich in zooplankton, which is the main food for seals, whales, penguins and fur seals. Ice fish live here - amazing creatures that have adapted to existence in icy water.

Large animals of Antarctica include which attract large numbers of shrimp.

Blue-green algae and roundworms live in fresh lakes, and crustaceans and daphnia are found.


Antarctica is home to penguins, Arctic terns and skuas. The nature of the mainland does not allow living here more birds There are four species of penguins living in Antarctica. The largest population is imperial. Occasionally on southern mainland petrels fly in.


Antarctica, whose nature is too harsh for animals to live in, can only boast of those species that are able to live both on land and in water. First of all, these are seals. In addition, leopard seals and small sand or sand dolphins live on the coast. black and white which whalers call

Predators of Antarctica

This continent is home to a wide variety of predators. Their diet mainly consists of planktonic crustaceans. Of these, it is necessary to highlight the leopard seal - the largest seal that feeds on krill. It lives at shallow depths. At the same time, it also has the reputation of a predator, which is capable of hunting large animals. Such hunting, however, is only seasonal and is intended to diversify the diet, which consists of squid and fish, but its basis is krill. A small number of these marine predators stay close to penguin rookeries and colonies. In most cases, these giants drift on ice floes along the peninsula and, by the beginning of winter, gather in large quantities off South Georgia.

Leopard seals are real giants. The officially registered length is 3.8 meters, but larger animals have been encountered.

By autumn, leopards change their lifestyle and come close to the shore, along which inexperienced young ones descend seals and penguins.


For whom the nature of Antarctica is completely suitable, it is invertebrate arthropods. Antarctica is home to 67 species of ticks and four species of lice. There are lice eaters, fleas and, of course, mosquitoes here. It should be noted that wingless ringing mosquitoes, which have a jet-black color, live only on the icy continent. These insects are endemic and belong to completely land animals.

The bulk of invertebrates and insects were brought to the southern continent by birds.


Despite the harsh climate, about six thousand tourists come to Antarctica every year. Most of them go to the Antarctic Peninsula, where there is an airfield and a tourist base. In the 1990s, tourists began to visit the Ross Sea.

On the edge of our planet lies, like a sleeping princess, a land covered in blue. Ominous and beautiful, she lies in her frosty slumber, in the folds of the mantle of snow, glowing with amethysts and emeralds of ice. She sleeps in the shimmer of the Moon and the Sun, and her horizons are painted in pink, gold, green and blue pastel tones.

Topic: Continents. Antarctica

Lesson: Characteristics of the nature of the continent of Antarctica

Today in class you will learn:

Where is Antarctica located;

What is the relief of the continent;

Why Antarctica is the coldest and windiest continent;

Which living creatures live in Antarctica.

Antarctic- the southern polar region, including Antarctica with its adjacent islands and ocean waters, up to approximately 50-60º S latitude.

Antarctica (the continent opposite the Arctic) is a continent located in the very south of the Earth. The center of Antarctica roughly coincides with the geographic south pole (see Fig. 1). Antarctica is washed by the southern parts of three oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian, which are conventionally called the Southern Ocean. The continent's area is about 14.4 million km² (of which 1.6 million km² are ice shelves).

Rice. 1. Map of Antarctica

Antarctica- a continent separated from other continents by vast oceanic spaces. The position of the continent near the pole led to the formation of a thick ice cover, the average thickness of which is 2000 m. Due to the thickness of the ice, Antarctica turned out to be the highest continent on Earth. The Antarctic ice sheet contains 80% of the Earth's surface fresh water. In the marginal part of the ice sheet, ice moves towards the ocean at a speed of 20-100 m per year. Its edges break off, forming huge icebergs.

Antarctica - highest continent on earth, the average height of the continent's surface above sea level is more than 2000 m, and in the center of the continent it reaches 4000 meters. Most of this height is made up of the continent's permanent ice sheet, beneath which the continental topography is hidden (see Figure 2).

Rice. 2. Subglacial relief of Antarctica

The continent of Antarctica is core of the Antarctic lithospheric plate. Most of the continent is ancient platform. From the outside Pacific Ocean in Antarctica, the Pacific “Ring of Fire” closes with an area of ​​modern folding. Here stretches a mountain range with an active volcano Erebus (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Erebus

The central part of the continent is occupied by the vast Antarctic Plateau. Through eastern part The Transantarctic Mountains range stretches across the continent. The Transantarctic Mountains divide Antarctica into two parts - West Antarctica and East Antarctica, which have different origins and geological structures. To the east is a high, ice-covered plateau. West Side consists of a group of mountainous islands connected by ice. Some of the peaks rising above the monotonous endless fields are young volcanoes. The highest point in Antarctica is Mount Vinson (5140 m).

In West Antarctica there is also the deepest depression of the continent - the Bentley Trench, probably of rift origin. The depth of Bentley's cavity, filled with ice, reaches 2555 m below sea level.

Antarctica is the best place on Earth to collect meteorites, which are clearly visible in the sparkling snow and are perfectly preserved in it.

Antarctica is extremely different harsh, cold climate(see Fig. 4). Near the poles of the planet there are areas of high pressure and low temperatures. The short Antarctic summer is white silence, illuminated by the never-setting sun, and cold. 90% of solar energy is reflected from the snow-white blanket of Antarctica. This is the “refrigerator” of the planet.

In the interior regions, the average daily temperature in summer does not rise above -30 °C, and in winter it drops to -70 °C.

Rice. 4. Climate of Antarctica

The absolute pole of cold is located in East Antarctica, where temperatures down to -89.2 °C were recorded (the area of ​​the Vostok station).

The air is always dry, there is very little precipitation, and “snow dust” falls instead of snow. Cold air sinks down and flows to the shores of the mainland, creating terrible katabatic winds.

Due to the fact that not only the average annual temperature, but also in most areas even summer temperatures in Antarctica do not exceed zero degrees, precipitation there falls only in the form of snow (rain is an extremely rare occurrence). It forms a glacial cover (snow is compressed under its own weight) with a thickness of more than 1700 m, in some places reaching 4300 m. Antarctic ice Contains up to 90% of all fresh water on Earth.

In the 90s of the 20th century, Russian scientists discovered the subglacial non-freezing Lake Vostok - the largest of the Antarctic lakes, having a length of 250 km and a width of 50 km; the lake holds about 5,400 thousand km³ of water.

After more than 30 years of drilling, Russian scientists have penetrated the subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica (see Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Lake Vostok

In Antarctica, hidden under four kilometers of ice, is a unique aquatic ecosystem, isolated from earth's atmosphere and the surface biosphere over millions of years. Its study plays a huge role in constructing a scenario of natural climate change in the coming millennia.

Organic world Antarctica is poor due to its extremely cold living conditions. Terrestrial mammals, which are abundant in the Arctic, are absent in Antarctica. The avifauna is represented by seabirds - penguins, petrels, skuas (about 13 species of nesting birds in total). Their life is inextricably linked with the ocean in which they get their food. Communication with the mainland is carried out only during the summer, during the laying of eggs and the appearance of chicks. Only emperor penguins lay eggs and hatch chicks in the winter. sea ​​ice. Only two species of penguins are widely distributed in Antarctica - the emperor and the Adélie (see Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Adele

In the Subantarctic there are penguins: king, gentoo (or donkey), golden-haired (macaroni), chinstrap, etc.

The coast of Antarctica and nearby subantarctic islands are inhabited by marine mammals. The islands of the Subantarctic are characterized by a huge seal - sea ​​Elephant. Previously, there lived an eared seal - a fur seal, now almost exterminated. The Weddell seal, crabeater seal and leopard seal live near the coast of Antarctica.


Read § 36. Answer the questions: What is the subglacial relief of the continent? How common are living organisms on the mainland?



1. Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: Textbook for general education. uch. / A.P. Kuznetsov, L.E. Savelyeva, V.P. Dronov, series “Spheres”. - M.: Education, 2011.

2. Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: atlas. Series "Spheres".


1. N.A. Maksimov. Behind the pages of a geography textbook. - M.: Enlightenment.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": Astrel, AST, 2001. - 284 p.

2. Tutorial by geography. Tests and practical tasks in Geography / I. A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

3. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral examination, theory and practice / V. P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

4. Thematic tests to prepare for the final certification and the Unified State Exam. Geography. - M.: Balass, ed. House of RAO, 2005. - 160 p.

The unique nature of Antarctica Antarctica is the only continent around the poles. This is the area of ​​the largest glaciation on Earth. Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth (the temperature decreases with height), therefore the coldest. Low temperatures are combined with constant winds. Antarctica is the poorest continent in terms of the number of plant and animal species.

What distinguishes Antarctica from all other continents? Read in the textbook what features does the ice cover of Antarctica have?

Ice cover 24 million km 3 ice (90% fresh water) Maximum thickness of ice 4500 m Average thickness of ice shell 2000 m Thickness measured at 10,000 points Age of ice from 30,000 to 1,000 years Taking into account the glacial shell, this is the highest continent - average height 2040 m Nikolaeva S. B. ®

Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth. Its relief is sharply divided into two various types: icy and indigenous: the average height of the surface of the ice sheet is 2040 m, which is 2.8 times higher than the average height of the surface of all other continents. The average height of the bedrock subglacial surface of Antarctica is 410 m. Based on differences in relief, Antarctica is divided into Eastern and Western. The surface of the ice sheet of East Antarctica, rising steeply from the shores, becomes almost horizontal in the interior of the continent; its central, highest part (in the area of ​​the Sovetskoye Plateau) reaches 4000 m and is the main ice divide, or the center of glaciation in East Antarctica. In West Antarctica there are three glaciation centers with a height of 2 - 2.5 thousand m. Vast low-lying plains of ice shelves often extend along the coast (usually to a height of 30 - 100 m above sea level), two of which are enormous in size (Rossa - 538 thousand sq. km, Filchner - 483 thousand sq. km). Relief

The relief of the bedrock (subglacial) surface of East Antarctica is an alternation of high mountain rises with deep depressions. The deepest depression is located south of the Knox Coast. The main rises are the Gamburtsev and Vernadsky mountains, rising in the central part of East Antarctica to a height of 3390 m. The Transantarctic Mountains (Kirkpatrick, 4530 m) are partially covered by ice. The ridges of Queen Maud Land, the Prince Charles Mountains, and others also rise above the glacial surface.

Subglacial relief Elworth Mountains Transantarctic Mountains. Gamburtseva Rossa Barrier, ice cliff 70 m high ice Stone bed, platform Nikolaev S.B. ®

Relief What role does topography play in the movement of ice across the continent? Are there volcanoes on the mainland, and are there frequent earthquakes? What minerals are there on the mainland? Why are there these particular minerals in Antarctica? Who is mining them? Nikolaeva S. B. ®

. The organic world is poor due to extreme living conditions. Typical wind speed is 50 – 60 m/s. The average temperature in winter is 60°C, and in summer - 35°C. There are no trees or shrubs in Antarctica, and almost no herbaceous flowering plants.

Climate The climate of Antarctica is polar continental. Despite the fact that the polar night continues for several months in winter in Central Antarctica, the annual total radiation approaches the annual total radiation equatorial zone. However, 90% of the incoming heat is reflected by the snow surface back into space and only 10% goes to warm it up. Therefore, the radiation balance of Antarctica is negative, and the air temperature is very low.

Winter Summer Our planet's pole of cold is located in central Antarctica. At the Vostok station on August 24, 1960, the temperature was recorded at -89.2 °C. The average temperature in winter months is from -60 °C to -70 °C, in summer months from -30 °C to -50 °C. Even in summer the temperature does not rise above -20 °C. On the coast, especially in the area of ​​the Antarctic Peninsula, in summer it reaches 10 -12 °C, and on average in the warmest month (January) it is 1 °C, 2 °C. In winter (July) on the coast, the average monthly temperature ranges from -8 on the Antarctic Peninsula to -35 °C at the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf. Cold air rolls down from the central regions of Antarctica, forming katabatic winds that reach high speeds near the coast, and when merging with cyclonic air currents, they turn into hurricane winds (up to 50-60, and sometimes 90 m/sec).

Climate ANTI-CYCLONE AND -64 o. C I -32 o. With less than 50 mm KATA WINDS UP TO 90 KM/H CYCLONE 400 -600 mm AND -32 o. S I 0 o. With Nikolaeva S. B. ®

In Antarctica, air humidity is relatively low (60-80%), near the coast and especially in the Antarctic oases it decreases to 20 and even 5%. There is also relatively little cloud cover. Precipitation falls almost exclusively in the form of snow. Large areas of exposed rocks near the coast, with specific natural conditions, are called Antarctic oases. The largest of them are: Banger oasis, Vestfold, Grierson oasis, Schirmacher oasis, Wright Valley (Dry Valley).

Animals of Antarctica There are no land mammals in Antarctica. Among the plants there are: lichens, mosses, algae and some types of grasses. There is a large accumulation of plankton in the water off the coast. The mainland is home to 10 species of birds and several species of seals.

Vegetable and animal world. Scientists have proven that Antarctica was previously a green continent. And under the ice there are mountains, valleys, plains, former river beds, bowls of former lakes. Millions of years ago there was no eternal winter on this earth. It was warm here and the forests rustled greenly, swayed under warm winds tall grasses, animals gathered to drink on the banks of rivers and lakes, birds fluttered in the sky. Antarctica is now quite sparse in animal life and vegetable world. The vegetation here is lichens, mosses and blue-green algae. None in Antarctica land mammals, winged insects and freshwater fish.

But, despite this, more than 100 thousand penguins nest near Mirny, many petrels, skuas, and different kinds seals and leopard seals. Also in Antarctica there are such species of animals as the elephant seal, southern fur seal, minke whale, cape dove, white plover, marbled notothenia, Antarctic toothfish, white-blooded pike, Antarctic lykod, Antarctic calanus, Antarctic krill, Antarctic starfish.

Main habitats of animals In addition to penguins, there are another 15 species of birds (gulls, petrels...) There are a lot of fish, shrimp, and large whales in the coastal waters

Oases - areas of the continent free from ice and snow Lichens Algae Mosses Mushrooms Nikolaeva S. B. ®

Modern research Antarctica More than 130 years after the discovery of Antarctica, through the efforts of researchers from a number of countries, it was possible to almost completely complete the preliminary mapping of its coast and thereby create the prerequisites for a comprehensive study of the sixth continent, especially its interior regions. The implementation of this grandiose plan began with the International Geophysical Year (IGY) 1957 -58.

Twelve countries - Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, UK, New Zealand and Norway Belgium, Japan, South Africa, the USSR and the USA Decided to jointly study the mainland and exchange information

in 1955, the USSR organized the First Complex Antarctic Expedition under the leadership of M. M. Somov. On ice-class transport ships "Ob" and "Lena" the expedition was delivered to the shores of Antarctica, where in February 1956 the first Soviet scientific station in Antarctica was opened - the Mirny observatory.

For more than forty years, Russian scientists have been working in the south polar region. Every year, vessels of the Russian Antarctic Expedition are sent to the shores of Antarctica to continue an extensive range of scientific observations. Currently, there are 5 Russian permanent stations operating in Antarctica: Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Bellingshausen, Vostok and Progress. To supply the inland Vostok station, sled-and-crawler trains are sent annually from the Mirny Observatory deep into the continent.

Exploring Antarctica There are about 20 stations in Antarctica, and about 4 thousand people live in the summer; the largest are McMedro (USA) and Mirny (Russia). In accordance with the Antarctic Convention of December 1, 1959, Antarctica does not belong to any state, it is only allowed scientific activity. Currently, 28 states (with voting rights) and dozens of observer countries are parties to the treaty.

Modern stage Antarctic exploration 1958 – 1959 – International Geophysical Year 68 research stations of 18 states Nikolaev S. B. ®

Hundreds of new ones have appeared on the map of Antarctica geographical names. In 1968, a team of domestic scientists created the one-of-a-kind Atlas of the Antarctic, which is used by researchers all over the world.

Antarctica does not belong to any state. There is no permanent population on the mainland. Due to severe natural conditions researchers usually work for no more than one year. According to an international agreement, any weapons tests and nuclear explosions are prohibited on its territory. Antarctica is called the continent of science and peace. Nature protection in Antarctica is enshrined in law.

In 2000, about 15 thousand tourists from more than 40 countries visited Antarctica. And in the next ten years, the sixth continent is facing a real tourism boom. This forecast was made at the 24th consultative meeting of representatives of 45 member countries of the Antarctic Treaty, which was held in St. Petersburg.

Lake Vanda - Antarctic resort Lake Vanda stretches over 5 kilometers, depth - 69 meters. This lake is classified as hypersaline. Its mineralization is 10 times stronger than the average sea ​​water and stronger than in the Dead Sea. Swimming enthusiasts know Wanda very well and love to swim there in the summer, when the lake is free of ice. When the lake begins to become overgrown with ice, “pools” are cut down in it.

Deception Island is the most popular cruise site. Deception Island is volcanic. Its large crater collapsed during the eruption and formed a caldera, which was flooded by the sea, and the island itself took on a horseshoe shape. The bottom of the caldera, even flooded with water, is restless; it warms up the water in the bay so that you can swim. Desepción is highly visited: an island almost at the edge of the earth, bearing traces of recent eruptions, offering warm beaches and hot springs against the backdrop of the snowy slopes of a collapsed volcano.

Ozone hole The ozone hole was discovered in 1985. Its diameter is over 1000 km, its area is about 9 million km². Every year in August, a hole appears, terrifying humanity, and in December or January it disappears, as if it had never existed... The ozone layer absorbs the deadly rays of the Sun and, therefore, protects life on the planet.

Economic use mainland. The economic use of Antarctica lies in its study by scientists to understand the overall picture of the universe. Observations of the climate of this continent, which affects the entire climate of the planet as a whole, are of great importance. Geologists have found that the depths of Antarctica contain significant minerals - iron ores, coal, traces of ores of copper, nickel, lead, zinc, molybdenum were found, rock crystal, mica, and graphite were found. Industrial development of mineral resources in Antarctica is quite possible with proper development of technology.

Homework: * There are many poles in Antarctica: the South Pole, the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility, the South Magnetic Pole, the Pole of Cold. Find in additional literature what kind of poles these are? Message to penguins, leopard seals, lions, seals, etc. Nikolaeva S. B. ®

Place the following objects on the contour map: SEA: Weddell, Bellingshausen, Amundsen, Ross LANDS: Wilkes, Victoria, Mary Baird, Alexander I, Queen Maud ISLANDS: South. Shetland, o. Scott, Antarctic Peninsula Ross Ice Shelf South Pole South Magnetic Pole Nikolaev S. B. ®

Horizontally: 2. The base of Antarctica. 6. English polar explorer who reached the South Pole with his expedition. 8. Active volcano on the islands in the Ross Sea (3,794 m). 9. Sea animal. 10. One of the Russian navigators whose expedition first approached the shores of Antarctica. Vertically: 1. The navigator, after whom the strait separating the Tierra del Fuego islands from Antarctica is named. 2. A point on the continent to which many polar explorers strove. 3. Norwegian polar explorer of the 19th century. 4. The navigator after whom the sea off the coast of Antarctica is named. 5. Name of Soviet polar stations in Antarctica. 7. A marine animal that lives off the coast of Antarctica.

Verification test 1. Antarctica - continent by area: a) third; b) fourth; c) fifth; d) sixth. 2. The population of Antarctica: a) permanent; b) unstable. 3. When it is summer in Russia, in Antarctica: a) spring; b) autumn; c) polar day; d) polar night. 4. Antarctica was discovered in 1820 by a Russian expedition led by: a) F. F. Bellingshausen; b) I. F. Krusenstern; c) M. P. Lazarev; d) Yu. F. Lisyansky. 5. The flora and fauna of Antarctica are represented by: a) mosses, lichens, algae. b) meadows and moss swamps. c) penguins, sea lions, seals. d) puma, nutria, condor.

Think and answer... Give a description of the ice cover of Antarctica? What are the features of the subglacial relief of Antarctica? Describe the climate of Antarctica? Nikolaeva S. B. ®

Think carefully and answer... In what months does the polar day and polar night occur in Antarctica? Why do Antarctica have the coldest temperatures on earth? What changes will occur on Earth if strong volcanic eruptions occur in Antarctica? Why do they study Antarctica? Nikolaeva S. B. ®

Write a syncwine “Antarctica” and reflect in it the most essential features of the continent!!! Name 2 adjectives 3 verbs Sentence 1 noun Nikolaeva S. B. ®

The coldest continent, Antarctica, is located at the South Pole of planet Earth. The long polar night cools the surface of this continent, and in summer ice and snow reflect 90% of sunlight. Because of these conditions, the average daily temperature in Antarctica is -30 degrees. The cold pole of the Southern Hemisphere is Vostok station. This point is characterized by temperatures reaching 89 degrees below zero. The coastal strip of the mainland is much warmer; in summer the temperature fluctuates around 0 degrees, and in winter the temperature rarely drops to -30 degrees.

Due to cooling, a baric maximum was formed in the center of Antarctica, an anticyclone zone with high atmospheric pressure, from where air blows towards the ocean. constant winds at speeds up to 320 km/h. Due to such conditions, the world's largest polar desert, its area is 13.8 million square meters. km. There are no plants or animals on the territory of this desert, but in rare oases you can find isolated representatives of the living world.

Basically, the flora of Antarctica consists of lower plants. About a hundred species of mosses, almost a thousand varieties of lichens and microscopic algae grow on the mainland. Bacteria were found in the snow near Vostok station. Representatives of the fauna of Antarctica live in areas of coastal seas. In summer, the rocky shores are home to petrels, albatrosses, skua gulls and penguins.

Large emperor and Adelie penguins are the most striking representatives of the bird world of Antarctica. They can make long journeys inland. The seas, rich in krill and plankton, are home to killer whales, sperm whales, seals and whales. Once upon a time, there was active fishing for them in Antarctic waters, but due to a severe decline in populations, many species are under protection.

Formation of flora in Mesozoic era identified Antarctica and the adjacent areas of other continents as a special floristic kingdom. After climate change, the nature of Antarctica became poorer due to the migration of species to more habitable areas.

Flora of Antarctica

Due to the harsh climate, the continent has sparse flora. In summer, the plains, shorelines and ponds are covered with lichens, mosses and blue-green algae. Often they and bacteria form a dense mucous crust at the bottom of fresh water bodies, also ending up on the surface of water and melted snow. When combined with strong winds, it forms a natural phenomenon, called red snowfall. This happens when gusts of wind lift microscopic algae into the air, lifting them off the surface and mixing them with the snow. Also, often accumulations of algae on the snow form bright spots.

In the Antarctic seas there are algae called mactocytas, which translates as “large-celled”. Their length reaches 300 meters. The cells of these algae are enormous in size compared to other representatives of the flora. These unusual plants create underwater forests on the seabed.

In second place after algae, the most common representatives of the lower class of plants in the flora of Antarctica are lichens. Due to the impossibility of separating them with bare hands from the rocks on which they adhere, these lichens are also called “scale lichens.” There are also deciduous representatives of lichens that look like small bushes. The growth of these plants in the climate of Antarctica is slowed down because it is inhibited by the constant influence of low temperatures and strong winds. Some crustose Antarctic lichens reach an age of 10 thousand years. These plants carry out the process of photosynthesis, growing on bare rocks in the harsh conditions of the cold continent.

Lichens are striking in their color diversity - there are orange, yellow, light green, gray and even the rarest black specimens on the planet, which are not rare in Antarctica. This is because the black pigment allows them to absorb as much sunlight and heat as possible.

Two species of flowering plants grow on the rocky soils of Antarctica. The first of these is Colobanthus Quito, a member of the carnation family, a low herbaceous plant with small pale yellow flowers. The second belongs to the grass family, its name is Antarctic meadow grass. The growing season of these plants is short. They are well adapted to the harsh frosts of Antarctica, but nevertheless prefer well-warmed areas.

The sparse flora of Antarctica is due to endemicity - existence in a limited area. Due to the long isolated development of the continent, plant representatives were able to adapt to low temperatures and harsh climates.

Wildlife of the mainland

Representatives of the fauna of Antarctica live only in those areas of the continent where there is vegetation. Conventionally, Antarctic animals are divided into two groups - aquatic and terrestrial. It is noteworthy that in Antarctica there are no animals that live permanently on land.

A small number of worms live in the soil of the mainland. Also typical for Antarctica are organisms such as primitive crustaceans and insects that lack wings due to the constant strong wind - it does not allow them to rise into the air. On some islands, the terrestrial fauna is more diverse - you can find beetles, spiders and even one species of flightless butterfly.

Representatives of the bird world in Antarctica are unique. IN summer period The coastal cliffs are inhabited by petrels, gulls, cormorants and albatrosses. The white plover and the pipit are birds that live directly on land. One species of duck, the yellow-billed pintail, nests on South Georgia Island.

Adélie penguins are characteristic inhabitants of Antarctica. They spend most of the year in the ocean, because the water temperature is higher than the air temperature. When the nesting season begins, Adélie penguins come to land. These birds have an unusual mating ritual. When choosing a partner, the male brings the female he likes a stone that he has chosen especially for her. If the female accepts him, she will become the male’s companion for life. Chicks spend the first 2 months of life in a unique community reminiscent of a bird’s “nursery”. After this period, young penguins begin to obtain food on their own. An adult penguin eats 2 kg of food per day.

Also in the Antarctic seas live representatives of the largest mammals - cetaceans, which are divided into baleen and toothed whales. Baleen whales are better studied because they are the main target for whaling. The blue whale is the largest of the baleen whales and, along with the fin whale, is of great commercial importance. On average, the length of these cetaceans is about 26 m.

Large whales weigh up to 160 tons, and of this weight, 20 tons are pure fat. These mammals feed on a variety of plankton that live in Antarctic waters. Sperm whales, bottlenose whales and killer whales are toothed whales, which are dangerous predators. The most notable of these are killer whales - they have a sharp dorsal fin, with which they can mortally wound even a whale.

Killer whales hunt in packs. Their sophisticated hunting methods allow them to successfully attack even predators such as seals, fur seals and sea lions. Dolphins and sperm whales also fall prey to killer whales. No less remarkable is the approach of killer whales to everyone whom they have designated as their meal. They actively use the topography of the seabed to hide before attacking the seal. When hunting penguins, killer whales dive in a flock under an ice floe and knock several individuals into the water at once. For killer whales, a whale becomes an easy prey when a group of males attack it from all sides, preventing the victim from rising to the surface of the water. But a pod of killer whales does not allow the sperm whale to go to a saving depth.

It is noteworthy that with such a bloodthirsty nature within the pod, killer whales are friendly and caring, sincerely worried about their crippled and old relatives. These mammals have so-called maternal groups, the leader of which is the main killer whale with a calf and adult sons. Social structure complemented by relatives of the main killer whale with their families. In general, in such a group there are up to 20 individuals, each flock develops its own dialect.

Seals are widespread in Antarctica. One of the most famous is the Weddell seal, whose body length is about 3 m. It mainly lives in the area stationary ice. For other types of seals, floating ice is a haven; crabeater seals and leopard seals, distinguished by their spotted skins, live there. The largest representative of seals is the elephant seal. In the vastness of Antarctica, there is an eared seal, which is so named because of its pronounced mane.

"The strongest survives" - main principle for the inhabitants of Antarctica. Every living creature on the mainland faces low temperatures every day, they are forced to get food in extreme conditions. Antarctic animals in flocks and colonies take care of each other. For an external enemy, they become a terrifying force. Ice world Antarctica is harsh and dangerous, but it fascinates with its magnificent fauna and unique flora.
