The most unusual tree in the world. Unusual trees of the world: photo

We are all accustomed to the sight of the trees around us and, passing by, do not pay much attention to them. But very unusual specimens also grow on our planet. Their appearance will not only surprise us, but also make us stop in amazement.

On our planet, there are many trees that are unusual for our eyes. But where they grow, the locals take them for granted and don't pay much attention to them.

For example, not a single European will pass by a baobab, so as not to stop to look at and touch the giant. The inhabitants of Africa will no longer understand this delight. After all, for them it is an ordinary, unremarkable tree.

Baobabs growing in Madagascar can take the form of a bottle or a teapot. What is the reason for this, scientists do not know exactly, but suggest that such a strange appearance allows you to better retain moisture.

Over the appearance of rainbow eucalyptus trees, found only in the northern hemisphere, it seems that an unknown abstract master has worked. But in fact, the multi-colored bark is the work of mother nature.

Another unique representative of the flora is the dragon tree. It does not have annual rings, and in place of a fresh cut, red juice appears, resembling blood in color.

The ancient temple palace of Angkor Wat in Cambodia and the centuries-old cotton trees have long become one.

Cotton trees are also called "ceibs". In addition to the unique symbiosis with ancient ruins, trees have another outstanding feature. Their trunk and branches are densely dotted with thorns. Such a "spiky outfit" allows you to better retain valuable moisture.

The oldest tree on our planet is located in the Inyo National Forest. This is an intermountain bristlecone pine, which received the name "Methuselah". It was discovered by scientists in 1953. Only according to rough estimates, the tree is 4842 years old. The exact location of the amazing pine tree is kept secret in order to avoid acts of vandalism.

A 1500-year-old oak tree grows in South Carolina (USA). The height of the centuries-old giant is twenty meters, the diameter is 2.7 meters. The last owners of the land on which the oak grows were the Angel family, so the tree was called "Angel Oak".

It belongs to the taxodium family and is found only in Mexico. Scientists believe that the tree is more than one and a half thousand years old. Its diameter is 11.62 meters, height - thirty-five meters.

Today we want to bring to your attention the most unusual trees growing on our Earth. As you know, the most common plant on our planet that deserves a special place in our lives is a tree. There are more than 100,000 species of them growing on our land. Where and how a person just does not use it, but we pay attention to the trees around us only if they differ in some way from their neighbors either in size or in bizarre shapes or flowers and fruits.

  • Dragon tree (Dracaenacinnabari) or more precisely cinnabar-red dracaena. It grows on the island of Socotra. Outwardly, this miracle of nature resembles an umbrella turned inside out with a green hat of foliage and a massive trunk. The height of an adult tree is 10 m. The dragon tree got its name because of the resinous red juice. Flowers near the tree appear during the monsoon rains in the form of branched panicles.

  • Australian baobab - "Bottle Tree" or Adansonia Gregory (Adansonia Gregorii), named for its resemblance to a glass container - a bottle. It grows in the mountains of Namibia, its milky juice is very poisonous, in ancient times hunters lubricated their arrows with it. During the flowering period, beautiful pink-red flowers appear on the branches of the bottle tree.

  • The largest tree in the world grows in the "Giant Forest" national park"Sequoia", California, USA in the Sierra Nevada mountain range (Sierra Nevada, California). The height of the long-lived sequoia "General Sherman" (GeneralSherman), according to various estimates, is about 2800 years old, is 83 meters, the girth of the trunk is more than 24 meters, the circumference of the crown is about 33 meters. But what is the most interesting tree still growing and increasing its trunk diameter by 1.5 cm per year. But in 2006, due to heavy snowfalls, one of the branches of the tree broke off, the diameter of which is about two meters and the length is more than 30 meters, but this incident did not affect its status as the "Largest Tree in the World" growing in our time. But the tallest tree growing here in California is the Hyperion tree, its height reaches 115.5 meters, thereby exceeding the height of the Statue of Liberty. These are the giants on our planet.

  • Madagascar baobab or Adansonia Grandidieri (Adansonia Grandidieri), a mighty tree about 80 meters high and about 25 meters in girth, grows on the island of Madagascar. Some specimens of baobabs have been growing for over 1000 years. The even and smooth trunk of the baobab accumulates a large number of water, so it easily tolerates drought. The white flowers of the baobab, although they are short-lived when flowering, having bloomed, live only for a day, but they have been awarded the attention of the treasury of Madagascar. On the 100-franc note they are depicted, the flowers of the Madagascar baobab.

  • Baobab Sunland South Africa located near Modjadjiskloof, the tree is hollow inside, so in 1933 it was equipped with a mini bar for 15-20 seats. The tree itself is not tall, about 20 meters, but its age is simply impressive, it is over 6000 years old.

  • Tree of Life, Bahrain. Among the big desert, one single green tree 9.75 meters high lives just in extreme conditions for over 400 years now. The locals called this place the Garden of Eden, it is still not known exactly how the tree survives in these conditions, there is an assumption that its roots go deep into the ground, and from there they take life-giving moisture for growth and life. UNESCO has taken this Tree of Life under its protection, including it in the list of "World Heritage Sites".

  • Rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) with a beautiful multi-colored trunk - a tree, is also a long-liver of our planet and quite tall, sometimes growing up to 100 meters in height or more. The beautiful coloring of the bark comes from the constant peeling off of old strips of bark, exposing bright salad, young bark. Over time, the bark roughens and dulls, turning dark green, then blue and purple, and then changing from orange-red to crimson-brown. These are the constant transformations and updates that occur with the eucalyptus bark, constantly changing its appearance.

  • With unusual fruits similar to cannonballs, the Cannon Tree (Couroupitaguianensis) grows in South America. The tree is very prolific, producing 200-300 kernels with a diameter of 15-25 centimeters. A favorite tree of many subtropical botanical gardens, as it attracts with its original fruits that have stuck around almost the entire trunk of the tree. But getting close to it, and even more so standing under it, is dangerous, there is a risk of being hit by an impressive core.

  • The Great Banyan or Ficus Bengal, this tree, which has the largest crown area, grows in the Indian Botanical Garden in the city of Khauri. Looking from the side at this green miracle of nature, you will not immediately understand that in fact it is not a grove or a shady oak forest, but one tree. This handsome man has another name "Forest Tree", as it has not one, but several thousand trunks at once. It is about 250 years old and occupies a rather impressive area of ​​1.5 hectares and has 3300 aerial roots.

Trees of unusual shape from all over the world.

There are many talented people in the world whose work is admired, but still the best artist in the world is undoubtedly nature. She sometimes gives birth to such masterpieces, looking at which you freeze in admiration. In this review, there are photographs of trees, the reality of which is hard to believe.

1 Rainbow Eucalyptus

The smooth eucalyptus bark consists of many thin layers that have different colors and change throughout the life of an amazing tree.

2. Serrated cherry

The shiny red-brown surface of the trunk looks especially impressive in winter.

3. Cotton tree

The trunk and branches of the tree are covered with very large prickly thorns.

4. Jaboticacba

An evergreen tree with cauliflory - the formation of fruits directly on the trunk and main branches.

5. Adenium - the ominous Desert Rose

All parts of the plant are poisonous, so much so that in old times they were impregnated with arrowheads.

6. Ceiba

It is one of the largest and tallest trees in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere.

7. Dragon Tree (Dracaena draconica)

Dracaena means "female dragon" in Greek.

8. Quiver tree (Aloe dichotomous)

In the past, the Bushmen and Hottentots used hollowed-out tree branches as arrow quivers.

9. Baobab (Adansonia digitata)

The amazing tree is not only the thickest in the world, but also has no growth rings.

10. Chilean Pine (Chilean Araucaria)

The tree has such hard and thorny leaves that birds do not sit on its branches.

11. Twisted Trees

Trees that stand up for their right to life.

12. Joshua tree (Yucca shortleaf)

The name of the tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century.

13. Xanthorrhoea (Tree Grass)

These slow growing trees are resistant to fire and live up to 600 years.

14. Bleeding tree (African teak)

The tree got its name because of the red-scarlet resin that begins to ooze at the slightest incision.

15. Manchineel tree

Included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous tree in the world - all parts of the plant are poisonous and deadly.

16. Spatodea bell-shaped (African tulip tree)

One of the most beautifully flowering trees in the world is on the list of dangerous invasive species, the spread of which threatens biodiversity.

17. Kindioi Wax Palm

The tallest palm in the world is the national tree of Colombia.

18. Sequoia Evergreen

Giant tree Hyperion with a height of 115.61 m is the tallest tree on the planet.

19. Ficus Bengal

The Great Banyan is a tree with the largest crown area in the world located in the Indian Botanical Gardens in Howrah.

20. Walking palm tree (Socratea bareroot)

These unusual palm trees slowly move along the ground, breaking up to 20 meters per year.

21. Candle tree (Parmentiera edible)

The fruits of this tree contain a huge amount vegetable oils due to which they are used as candles.

22. Virginian snowflower

An unusually beautiful tree comes from the USA.

The fantasy of mother nature can only be envied - it is truly inexhaustible. There are so many interesting and unusual corners on earth that even a lifetime will not be enough to explore them. Each continent is unique in its own way, and above all, its flora. There are more than 100,000 species of trees alone. Some of them are so peculiar in appearance, texture and dimensions that I would like to pay special attention to their description.

Trees of the world: the amazing-incredible among us

Improvised top ten amazing trees the world might look like this. Moreover, the order does not play any role at all - they all deserve a prize, if not for beauty, then for strangeness and originality, for sure.

The place of "deployment" is the island of Socotra (the archipelago of the same name in Indian Ocean). Visually resembles an umbrella turned inside out or a giant russula mushroom with a green hat. The massive trunk of this miracle of nature reaches up to 10 m in height, and the crown circumference radius can be tens of meters. The tree got its exotic name because of the resinous juice of a red hue resembling blood. During the monsoon rains, dragon "umbrellas" begin to bloom, covered with funny branched panicles.

A distinctive feature of this tall and proud handsome man is a multi-colored trunk. It seems that some impressionist artist did a good job of creating such a bright and unusual palette. In fact, the whole trick is that the bark of the tree, being updated naturally, changes color from light green to brick-crimson. And on the way from "youth" to "old age" it still manages to transform into orange, purple, green and even blue. In addition to their multicolor, chameleon eucalyptus can be safely called one of the planet's longest-lived trees. Their age often jumps over a thousand-year bar, and the height reaches 100 meters or more.

Of course, it has nothing to do with military topics, but the fruits unequivocally resemble combat nuclei - hence the name. Often found in subtropical botanical gardens. The original fruit-balls tightly stick around the tree trunk, representing a real threat to the lives of those who dare to stand next to this outlandish representative of the forest flora.

At first glance, nothing extraordinary - many will think. Few people are surprised by ficuses, and they grow in almost every home. But all the smirks instantly disappear from the face at the sight of a huge and semi-mysterious tree growing in the botanical park of the Indian city of Khauri. Among the people, it received the name "Forest Tree", representing a real forest grove with hundreds of individual trunks and a shady upper crown. And in order to completely lose the gift of speech, it is worth mentioning its size - about 1.5 hectares in volume. According to scientists, the old ficus is about 250 years old.

It is not difficult to guess that this relative of the baobab got its name because of its resemblance to glass bottle. Of course, not a single botanist will undertake to give him a prize for grace and aesthetics, but there is a certain eccentricity in his appearance - this is a fact. It grows in Namibia, feels great under the scorching African sun and even pleases the eye with pink-red flowers, vaguely similar to magnolias. And also bottle tree very poisonous, which the Bushmen warriors did not neglect to use, smearing it with hunting arrows with juice.

The tree is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. It has a rather warlike appearance, thanks to the spiraling coils of sharp spikes that wrap around the trunk from the roots to the very top. The height of a palm tree can reach up to 20 m, and the length of the leaves often exceeds 3 m. It is noteworthy that the fruits of the peach "ruff" are still popular with residents of Central and South America, making up a significant part of the daily diet. And the most interesting thing is that they acquire the brightest taste precisely in the fermented form.

In mythology, the Maya was one of the sacred symbols, and today the baton of worship has migrated to Puerto Rico, a South American state under the jurisdiction of the United States. The fruits of adult trees are large boxes, which contain a fluffy shiny fiber resembling cotton. But the most amazing thing about this 60-meter giant is that the trunks and large branches are simply strewn with prickly thorns. Such a frightening "outfit" helps the tree retain moisture and feel good in the tropical heat.

Its discoverers were English navigators, who moored to the shores of New Guinea and watched with surprise how the local natives gobbled up both cheeks juicy fruits resembling bread. Later, the tree was cultivated in Jamaica, and it was used for a long time to feed slaves on plantations. Bread "loaves" by weight can reach up to 4 kg, heaping on the trunk or large branches. On average, seven hundred fruits are harvested from one adult tree per year - a good harvest! And these powerful handsome men with a spreading crown live up to 70 years.

It turns out that you can milk not only a cow, but also trees - an amazing discovery for the inhabitants of Russia and a phenomenon everyday life for the inhabitants of Central and South America. An incision is made on mature fruits, and then, by analogy with birch sap, a container is substituted, and the liquid gradually drains into the prepared container. At one time, you can "milk" up to 4 liters of juice. When such milk is boiled, wax is released, which is then used to make candles or impromptu chewing gum.

The second name is kigelia. It continues the food theme, although in its raw natural form, its fruits are not eaten. Large sausage-shaped cucumbers hang between the branches, acquiring a brown color in the process of ripening. Among Africans, kigelia is still considered a panacea for all diseases, being actively used to treat skin and venereal diseases, wounds and insect bites, ulcers, as well as for various shamanic rituals. And alcoholic drinks are also made from “sausages”, adding honey to start the fermentation process.

The world of trees is really unpredictable and amazing. And no matter how hard technical progress tries to subdue our attention, it will never surpass nature.

An innumerable number of amazing trees grow on the territory of our planet. We will introduce you to some of them in this article. We are all used to how the trees around us look like in everyday life, so if we see something unlike them, at first we can’t even believe that such unusual trees exist - but they exist, they grow beautifully where we are not and are taken for granted by the locals
Take, for example, the baobab - well, who among us in our right mind would call such a tree "ordinary"? Moreover, he does not even have rings to determine the age - scientists have to be content with the results of radiocarbon analysis when determining it.
No less interesting is another type of baobab, familiar to Madagascar landscapes - the teapot baobab. He is not separate view- any of the six species of baobab growing in Madagascar can take the form of a teapot or a bottle. What is the reason for this is unknown, but most likely in this way the trees take care of moisture, which is not so much in these latitudes.
Another interesting tree is the rainbow eucalyptus. The bark of this amazing tree literally attracts the eye - it seems as if some kind of artist "worked" here. By themselves, eucalyptus trees, even without "rainbow" bark, are amazing trees. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the tallest trees ever found were eucalyptus trees. For example, one report from 1872 mentions a fallen eucalyptus that was over 150 meters high!

Another amazing tree that does not have growth rings is a dragon tree or just a dragon tree. Due to the red juice that immediately protrudes from the cut of the bark, it is also sometimes called the dragon's blood tree.
Special attention deserves cotton trees (ceibs) growing on the ruins of the ancient Cambodian temple complex Angkor Wat - their roots have long formed a single whole with the ancient stone buildings of the majestic temple Ceibs are interesting in and of themselves, not only in the context of the picturesque "symbiosis" with the ruins ancient temple. Their unusualness lies in the fact that, being essentially representatives of the family of palm trees, they grow mainly in the arid regions of the planet, and therefore their entire trunk and branches are covered with a dense layer of thorns, allowing them to retain the moisture necessary for life.
Sometimes there are such unusual trees that they are given their own names. This happens for a number of reasons - because of the enormous age, unusual appearance or colossal. One of these unusual trees is the Methuselah intermountain pine, discovered in 1953 in the Inyo National Forest in eastern California. The uniqueness of this pine tree lies in the fact that it is one of the oldest and still living trees in the world - according to experts, this year Methuselah turned 4842 years old. In order to prevent acts of vandalism and protect the pine, its exact location is not disclosed. Another ancient tree with given name, located in another North American state - South Carolina. We are talking about the 1500-year-old Angel Oak, growing in the wilderness of John's Island. The height of the oak is 20 meters, the diameter is 2.7 meters, and the most spreading branch reaches 27 meters in length. This oak received such an unusual name from the last names of the last owners of these lands - the Angel family.
Also noteworthy is the thickest tree in the world - the Tule Tree, growing next to one of the churches in the Mexican city of Santa Maria del Tule.
The tree belongs to the taxodium family, found only in Mexico, the girth of its trunk is 11.62 meters, the circumference of the trunk is 36.2 meters, and the Tule Tree reaches a height of 35.4 meters, although it used to be a little higher. According to different versions, it is from one and a half to six thousand years old.

The most ancient olive tree grows on the island of Crete - the Elijah Buibon tree. Despite the fact that it is already about 4 thousand years old, it, surprisingly, still continues to bear fruit.

And last but not least, I would like to dwell on, perhaps, the most unique of the trees known today - a relatively young, in comparison with the above centenarians, "only" a 400-year-old Tree of Life that grew in the middle of the desert in Bahrain, not far from the city of Jebel Dukhan . It seems amazing what huge tree survived and grew up in conditions of extremely scarce water supplies, and it still remains a mystery how miraculously he managed to do this ...
