Oxandrolone sensations from taking. "Oxandrolone": reviews, application

Oxandrolone (brand names Oxandrin, Anavar, Lonavar, etc.) is a synthetic, orally active anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) that was first marketed in the US in 1964. It is a 17α-methylated derivative (DHT), with an oxygen atom instead of a carbon at position 2. Researchers and medical professionals have used oxandrolone to treat a wide range of conditions. These include idiopathic short stature, Turner's syndrome, weight loss due to catabolic disease or long-term corticosteroid treatment, severe burns, surgical or general trauma, osteoporosis, anemia, hereditary angioedema, HIV/AIDS-induced malnutrition, alcoholic hepatitis, and hypogonadism. Oxandrolone is well established as a safe treatment for patients recovering from severe burns. Medical research has also established the effectiveness of oxandrolone as a means of accelerating the development of girls with Turner syndrome. Although oxandrolone has long been used to promote growth in children with idiopathic stunting, it is unlikely to increase adult height, and in some cases may even decrease it. Therefore, for this application Oxandrolone has been largely replaced. Some bodybuilders use oxandrolone to strengthen their muscles, usually from black market vendors. The drug is illegal in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and many other countries. Anavar is a modified derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and has several modifications that alter its activity. It undergoes C-17 alpha alkylation to allow for oral administration, and its second carbon atom is replaced by an oxygen atom, giving it stronger anabolic capabilities. Compared to testosterone, studies have shown that Anavar is at least 3 times and up to 6 times more powerful than testosterone.

Steroid Profile

    Anabolic activity - 400% of testosterone

    Androgenic activity - 25% of testosterone

    Aromatization (conversion to estrogen) - no

    Toxicity to the liver - moderate / weak

    Method of administration - orally

    Half-life - 8-12 hours

    Detection time - up to 60 days

Medical Applications

Oxandrolone has been researched and prescribed as a treatment for a wide variety of ailments. Oxandrolone is FDA approved for the treatment of osteoporosis by promoting weight gain and counteracting the catabolic effect of long-term corticosteroid treatment. As of 2016, the drug is often prescribed off-label to hasten recovery from severe burns, to accelerate the development of girls with Turner syndrome, and to counteract the wasting caused by HIV/AIDS. Oxandrolone increases both short and long term outcomes in patients recovering from severe burns. Most of the evidence shows that the drug reduces the amount of time spent in hospital and that improved muscle and bone recovery can still be measured one year after injury. Studies show that oxandrolone is also effective in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis.

Chemical Characteristics of Anavar

Anavar is a DHT-derived anabolic steroid, part of the DHT-derived anabolic steroid family. Thus, Anavar is essentially dihydrotestosterone with a methyl group attached to the 17th carbon (C17 alpha alkylation), which is a chemical structural modification that allows the anabolic steroid to survive the first pass through the liver when administered orally and imparts to the anabolic steroid greater resistance to metabolism in the liver. It also contains a modification on the second carbon of the first cycloalkane ring, whereby the 2nd carbon is removed and replaced by an oxygen atom. This structurally makes Anavar extremely unique among all anabolic steroids, as it is the only anabolic steroid to have a direct structure (complete replacement of a carbon atom by another atom) in its ring structure. It is this modification that is believed to increase the hormone's anabolic power compared to its parent hormone DHT. One of the methods by which this modification increases the anabolic power of anavar (compared to DHT) is believed to be increased resistance to 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes, which is an enzyme that is high in muscle tissue, which is responsible for the conversion of dihydrotestosterone to a non-abolic inactive metabolite. This is the reason why dihydrotestosterone is not anabolic in muscle tissue because it is deactivated by 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase before it can act on androgen receptors in muscle tissue.

Properties of Anavar (Oxandrolone)


Like other anabolic steroids, oxandrolone may exacerbate hypercalcemia by increasing osteolytic bone resorption. When taken in pregnant women, oxandrolone may exhibit unintended effects such as masculinization in the fetus.

Side effects

Although some orally administered anabolic steroids are hepatotoxic, oxandrolone causes little or no noticeable liver damage in people with burns at clinical doses. This confirms the commonly accepted notion among bodybuilders that oxandrolone is less hepatotoxic than most conventional oral anabolic steroids known to cause fatty liver disease. As previously mentioned, Anavar is popular with bodybuilders, athletes, and the medical community due to its unique side effect to benefit ratio and overall lack of negative side effects compared to many other anabolic steroids. Estrogen side effects are completely absent, since Anavar is a derivative of DHT, which is an androgenic hormone that is no longer able to convert into estrogen. In other words, the side effects typical of estrogen (such as water retention, bloating, fat retention/increase, and development of gynecomastia) are completely absent. In addition to being completely devoid of estrogenic activity, Anavar is also completely devoid of any progestogenic activity. Although Anavar is significantly less androgenic compared to testosterone, side effects can still occur, especially in people who are sensitive to androgenic side effects such as oily skin, acne, facial and body hair growth, and the risks associated with male pattern baldness, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Although Anavar is considered to be gentle on the endocrine system, there is evidence that the drug causes almost 40% suppression of endogenous testosterone production and testicular function after only 5 days of use at a dose of 15 mg per day in healthy young men. If the drug can suppress the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) after 5 days of use at a dose of 15 mg per day, it can cause a complete shutdown of the function of this axis within a few weeks of use at higher doses in bodybuilding. Compared to other oral anabolic steroids, Anavar exhibits the least hepatotoxicity and burden on liver function. It should be noted that Anavar still has some toxicity in this area, so it is recommended not to use Anavar for 8-10 weeks at reasonable doses. Liver function supplements are always needed when using oral anabolic steroids. Women injected with oxandrolone may experience virilization, irreversible development of male features such as deepening of the voice, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities, hair loss in men, and clitoral enlargement in women. Oxandrolone may impair growth in children, reducing their adult height. Because of these side effects, doses given to women and children are carefully chosen, and patients are usually monitored for virilization and dysplasia. Unlike some anabolic steroids, oxandrolone usually does not cause gynecomastia because it does not aromatize into estrogen metabolites. Like other androgens, oxandrolone can cause or worsen acne and priapism (unwanted or prolonged erections). Oxandrolone can also reduce male fertility, which is another side effect common among androgens. In an attempt to compensate for the exogenous rise in androgens, the body may decrease testosterone production through testicular atrophy and suppression of gonadotrophic activity.

Cycles and Applications of Anavar

Even though Anavar can be used for fat loss, it is an excellent supplement for gaining mass, strength, and muscle volume. Since Anavar has 3-6 times the anabolic power of testosterone, its use may not be accompanied by any problems. However, because Anavar has some toxicity in the area of ​​liver function, it cannot be used for the same duration as the injectable compounds. Therefore, it is often included at the beginning of any cycle for the first 6-8 weeks before it is terminated. However, due to its low degree of liver toxicity, Anavar cycles can be extended up to a maximum of 10 weeks at a reasonable dosage. In order to increase mass and volume, Anavar is usually used in conjunction with similar compounds such as long chain testosterone (eg enanthate) and possibly a compound such as Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate). When used for fat burning purposes, Anavar cycles are often shortened and the drug is used with compounds used to achieve similar goals, such as anabolic steroids such as testosterone propionate, trenbolone acetate, masteron (drostanolone prostanonate), etc. These compounds are like generally have the same characteristics as anavar.


Oxandrolone greatly increases blood thinning when taking warfarin, which can sometimes be dangerous. In April 2004, Savient Pharmaceuticals issued a safety alert with the help of the FDA warning healthcare professionals of this effect. Oxandrolone may also inhibit the metabolism of oral hypoglycemic agents. It can exacerbate edema when taken with adrenal corticosteroids or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).


Mechanism of action

Like other anabolic steroids, oxandrolone is an androgen receptor agonist. It increases protein synthesis which increases muscle growth, lean body mass and density bone tissue. Compared to testosterone and most other anabolic steroids, oxandrolone is less androgenic in relation to its activity as an anabolic agent. This is often associated with its medical use in children and women, as a lesser androgenic effect suggests a lower risk of virilization. The bodybuilding community also takes this fact into account when choosing steroids.


Children with idiopathic short stature syndrome or Turner syndrome are prescribed significantly lower doses of oxandrolone than patients with burns. The researchers chose the dosage ranges for children with great care to minimize the chances of virilization and precocious puberty. Most adults treated with oxandrolone received moderate doses. Bodybuilders often take much larger doses. Oxandrolone is usually given at least once a day. In the vast majority of medical applications, Anavar dosages are in the range of 2.5-20mg per day, which of course is highly dependent on the type of disease. In medicine, Anavar is used in AIDS patients in the dosage range of 20 - 80mg per day to combat muscle wasting. The same use has been demonstrated in burn victims. This dosage range is effective for muscle growth. Even though Anavar is used for individuals of different age groups, the effects of Anavar are independent of age. Although Anavar has been erroneously classified as a "mild steroid" in regards to its anabolic functions, studies have shown otherwise and as previously mentioned, this compound has 3-6 times the anabolic power of testosterone. Therefore, in the world of athletics and bodybuilding, Anavar dosages for beginners start and stay in the 25-50mg per day range. Such doses should provide excellent results for mass gain and fat loss. Advanced users tend to use 50mg to 80mg per day and there is usually no need to exceed this range due to the amazing results that such a dose of Anavar can provide. Very rarely, however, Anavar is used in doses of 80-100 mg per day. Anavar is an excellent anabolic steroid for women and bodybuilders looking to minimize and eliminate the androgenic side effects of virilization as shown in studies. Most women use Anavar in doses of 5-10mg per day. In advanced female users, the dose is increased to 20 mg per day, although it is recommended to limit the use of Anavar to 4-6 weeks. One study found that just 300mg of caffeine given with Anavar increased Anvavar plasma levels by 15-20% from baseline.


Oxandrolone was first made by Rafael Pappo and Christopher Jung while working at Searle Laboratories (now part of Pfizer). Researchers first described Chemical substance in 1962. They were immediately interested in the very weak androgenic effect of oxandrolone relative to its anabolic effect. Oxandrolone was released as a pharmaceutical product in the United States in 1964. The drug has been prescribed to stimulate muscle growth for disorders that cause involuntary weight loss and is used as part of the treatment for HIV/AIDS. Partial efficacy of the drug in the treatment of cases of osteoporosis has also been demonstrated. However, due in part to negative media coverage due to its illegal use by bodybuilders, Anavar was discontinued by Searle Laboratories in 1989. Production began at Bio-Technology General Corporation, which changed its name to Savient Pharmaceuticals, which, after successful clinical trials, launched the drug in 1995 under the brand name Oxandrin. BTG subsequently received approval for orphan drug status from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis, Turner syndrome, and HIV-induced weight loss. The drug is also prescribed as an aid in protein catabolism caused by long-term administration of corticosteroids.

Society and culture

Legal status

In the United States, oxandrolone is classified as a Controlled Substances Category III under the Controlled Substances Act, along with many other anabolic steroids. It is a Schedule IV Controlled Substance in Canada and a Schedule 4 Controlled Drug in the United Kingdom.

Non-drug use

Many bodybuilders and athletes use oxandrolone to strengthen their muscles. Oxandrolone is a much less potent androgen than an anabolic, which is why women and people looking for less intense steroids use it especially often. Many also appreciate the low hepatotoxicity of oxandrolone compared to most other orally active steroids. The famous cocktail "Duchess", which was taken by Russian athletes at the winter Olympic Games in Sochi, consisted of Oxandrolone, Methenolone and Trenbolone.

Trade names

The original trade name for oxandrolone is Anavar. Oksandin is often used as a common trade name. Oxandrolone has also been sold under the brand names Lonavar (Argentina, Australia), Lipidex (Brazil), Antitriol (Spain), Anatrophill (France), Protivar and Vasorome. There are additional brand names for products that are made for the black market steroids.

Anabolic drugs

Indications for use Oxandrolone

Indications for the use of Oxandrolone are varied. So, basically it is used for cachexia of various origins. The remedy is widely used for violations of protein metabolism after severe injuries. It is also applicable to infectious diseases, burns, surgery and radiation therapy.

The remedy is also used as a prophylaxis of myopathy and osteoporosis in the treatment of glucocorticosteroids. In general, the range of use of the tool is quite wide. In no case should you use the medication on your own. This may lead to the development negative consequences from the body. Despite the fact that Oxandrolone does not have serious side effects, independent use is prohibited.

Release form

Release form - tablets. The active substance of the drug is oxandrolone. One tablet contains about 10 mg. Naturally, there are also auxiliary substances. These include magnesium stearate, lactose, crospovidone, and polyvidone.

One pack contains 60 tablets. In a blister, their number is 20 pieces. In one package, 3 blisters. There is no other type of drug. Despite the fact that many medicines have release forms with an increased dose of the active substance, in this case this is not observed.

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy. Naturally, this must be done with the permission of the doctor and only on his recommendations. Oxandrolone can harm the body, so you can not use it on your own. The duration of treatment and the required number of tablets for the entire period is prescribed by the attending physician. Oxandrolone is powerful remedy, which is able to provide quick and effective assistance in many matters.


Pharmacodynamics Oxandrolone is an anabolic drug intended for systemic use. Refers to the number of anabolic steroids. It is a derivative of androstane.

Oxandrolone is the most common anabolic steroid. Penetrating into the nucleus of the cell, it leads to an increase. Synthesis of DNA, structural proteins and activation of enzymes in the chain of tissue respiration and enhancement of tissue respiration. In addition, the drug leads to the synthesis of ATP and the accumulation of macroergs internally in the cell.

In addition, the drug stimulates anabolic and inhibits catabolic processes that occur due to glucocorticoids. The tool leads to an increase in muscle mass, reduces the deposition of fat and improves tissue. The drug promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones. Androgenic activity of the drug is low. It can lead to the development of secondary genital organs in men. Oxandrolone is widely used both in medical practice and to improve muscle tissue in training regimens.


Pharmacokinetics Oxandrolone is an anabolic agent that is a derivative of androstane. The main component of the drug is oxandrolone. It is he who belongs to the number of steroid anabolics.

Its action lies in the fact that it easily penetrates the nucleus of the cell and produces DNA synthesis there. In addition, there is an activation of the enzymes of the tissue respiration chain, the accumulation of macroergs in cells.

The agent widely stimulates anabolic and inhibits catabolic processes in the body, which were obtained on the basis of the use of glucocorticoids. The drug significantly increases muscle mass and reduces body fat. It promotes the accumulation of calcium in the bones. Androgenic activity of the drug is not high. Due to this, it can provoke the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men. In some cases, this tool is used independently. But it's not always safe. Therefore, you should not use Oxandrolone without the permission of a doctor.

Use of oxandrolone during pregnancy

The use of Oxandrolone during pregnancy has not been studied and therefore nothing can be said unequivocally about this. In general, Oxandrolone should not be used during this period. Pregnancy brings changes to a woman's body. There is a production of many hormones and everything is actively rebuilt for a new growing organism.

In the first trimester, taking any drugs in any case should be banned. After all, during this period, you can easily disrupt the development of the baby. All this will lead either to the loss of the child or to the development of pathologies in him. Therefore, with medicines you need to be extremely careful.

You can take any remedy only under the supervision of the attending physician and only after his approval. Every woman should understand that harm is easy, but eliminating the consequences is not so easy. Oxandrolone is a steroid that is contraindicated in pregnant women. After all, there is a risk of serious complications, especially for a child.


Contraindications are of a different nature. So, first of all, it cannot be used by people with individual intolerance to some components of the drug. This can cause a serious allergic reaction in the body.

During pregnancy and during lactation, the drug should not be used. A special risk group are people with cancer or prostate adenoma. Men with chronic or acute prostatitis should not use the remedy either.

The steroid is also contraindicated in severe liver damage and liver failure. A similar restriction applies to people with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and heart failure. With diabetes and hypercalcemia, Oxandrolone should not be taken. Ignoring all of the above contraindications can lead to the development of serious consequences. Oxandrolone is a strong drug that requires knowledge of the regimen for its administration.

Side effects of Oxandrolone

Side effects of Oxandrolone are very extensive. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract can react negatively. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Perhaps these are the most harmless side effects.

Oxandrolone can cause jaundice, allergic reactions of varying degrees, depression, sleep disturbance, convulsions and adenoma. In a woman, the appearance of baldness, an irreversible decrease in the timbre of the voice, a violation of the menstrual cycle, inhibition of ovarian function and an increase in the clitoris are not excluded.

Other side effects include bone pain, swelling, leukemia reaction, and progression of atherosclerosis. This entire list of negative consequences indicates that it is strictly forbidden to take the drug on your own. This can lead to really serious health problems. Therefore, any medication should be taken with the permission of a doctor. Oxandrolone in this case is no exception.

Dosage and administration

The method of administration and dose is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the problem. As a standard, the drug is used exclusively by adults. The dose is selected individually. Usually used 5 mg per day. Compared to the dosage of a tablet, this is exactly half of it. In some cases, the dose is increased to 20 mg. This amount cannot be taken at one time. Usually the dose is divided into 2-4 doses.

The course of treatment with the drug is quite long and is 4 weeks. Much depends on the problem that needs to be fixed. A second course of treatment can be carried out, but not earlier than after 1 month. Otherwise, there is a high risk of increasing the concentration of the drug in the body. This does not always work positively.

The drug is used according to the recommendations of the doctor, and therefore you need to buy it only according to a specific prescription. It must be understood that absolutely any remedy can both improve the condition and lead to its aggravation. Oxandrolone is no exception.


An overdose of a drug can be caused due to a large dose. This usually manifests itself in the form of increased side effects. If such a situation occurs, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage. After that, depending on the condition of the person, a certain symptomatic therapy is carried out.

If there are signs of virilization, the medication should be discontinued. This process can lead to the development of irreversible processes in the body of a woman. Which will lead to a deterioration in the quality of her life.

In some cases, overdose occurs against the background allergic reaction. Usually this happens when a person, not having familiarized himself with the possible side effects and contraindications, still starts taking the remedy. It must be understood that the consequences can be really serious. In no case should you self-medicate. Oxandrolone can cause serious harm to the body and lead to irreversible processes in it.

Interactions with other drugs

Interactions of Oxandrolone with other drugs are possible, but only if the drugs do not have a similar effect. Otherwise, the concentration active substances in the body can lead to catastrophic consequences.

This medication is able to enhance the effect of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and hypoglycemic agents. There may be side effects from taking hepatotoxic drugs.

All this indicates that self-treatment can significantly worsen a person's condition. Any medicine is taken exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. This tool has a number of side effects and contraindications. This factor testifies not only to the effectiveness of the remedy, but also to the high possibility of harming the body. It is better not to take oxandrolone together with other drugs, this is really fraught with serious consequences, especially for women.

Storage conditions

Storage conditions must be observed in full. First of all, you need to create optimal temperature conditions. Usually 15-25 degrees is enough. Naturally, this figure may vary depending on the drug. But in this case, these figures are optimal.

The place of storage must be dry and protected from direct sunlight. Dampness and refrigerator, unacceptable storage conditions. It is also necessary to protect the medicine from children. Due to their ignorance and curiosity, they can swallow pills and thereby cause a negative reaction from their body.

Subject to all storage conditions, the medicine can last more than one year. It is advisable to observe the packaging itself. It should not have any damage, scratches or punctures. This may lead to a decrease useful properties medicines. There is no particular danger in this case, but a positive effect will not be achieved either. You need to store Oxandrolone correctly.

Is a drug like Oxandrolone effective? Feedback from girls about his action will be presented at the end of the article. We will also tell you about the purposes for which this remedy is used, how much it costs, whether it has analogues and what side effects appear after taking it.

Description, composition, packaging and form

In what form is the drug "Oxandrolone" manufactured? Feedback from those who have used it says that it comes in the form of square light blue tablets with round edges and a smooth surface. This preparation is engraved with "BP" on one side and "10" on the other.

The active component of the agent in question is oxandrolone. It also contains substances such as crospovidone, magnesium stearate, polyvidone and lactose.

Oxandrolone Pharmacom, which reviews are ambiguous, goes on sale in blisters or jars that are enclosed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

What is a drug like "Oxandrolone"? Reviews of experts report that this is an anabolic steroid that has a weak androgenic and moderate anabolic effect.

According to pharmacists, this substance was synthesized back in 1950 in the United States of America. After 14 years, this tool began to go on sale under the brand name "Anavar Oxandrolone".

Reviews of experts indicate that the active component of this drug is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, as well as the second carbon atom, in the molecule of which it was replaced by oxygen. Also during the production of this substance, methylation was carried out at the 17th carbon atom.

Drug properties

How does the drug "Oxandrolone" affect the human body? Reviews report that it has practically no toxic effect on the liver, and also does not show androgenic effects. Due to the fact that the active component of the agent in question is not able to turn into estrogens, gynecomastia does not occur when it is taken orally.

According to the attached instructions, penetrating into the nucleus of the cell, this medication immediately activates the synthesis of RNA structural proteins and DNA, and it also contributes to the accumulation of various macroelements in the cells.

It should also be noted that Oxandrolone inhibits catabolic processes that were caused by taking glucocorticosteroids.

Features of the anabolic agent

While taking the drug in question, the muscle mass of a person increases significantly. At the same time, fat deposits are noticeably reduced, and calcium is also better absorbed.

The average duration of exposure to this remedy is 8-12 hours. You can also detect the remains of the active component after 45 days after completing the full course.


For what purposes is the drug "Oxandrolone" prescribed for women? Reviews of experts indicate the following indications of this tool:

  • violations in protein metabolism that have developed as a result of severe injuries, burns, infections, radiation therapy and operations;
  • myopathy and osteoporosis (prevention);
  • progressive;
  • long course of GCS;
  • hypoanemia and aplastic anemia.

What else can the drug "Oxandrolone" be used for? Reviews of experts say that this remedy is often taken by bodybuilders in order to increase the relief of muscles, as well as athletes to improve their strength performance.


According to the instructions, the medication in question is not recommended to be taken:

  • with hypercalcemia;
  • with acute or chronic prostatitis;
  • after myocardial infarction;
  • pregnant women;
  • with liver diseases;
  • nursing mothers;
  • with severe liver failure;
  • with adenoma or prostate cancer;
  • with breast cancer (men only);
  • under the age of 18;
  • people suffering from heart failure diabetes and ischemic disease.

Instructions for use of the drug

At what dose are Oxandrolone tablets prescribed? Reviews of doctors report that such a drug is taken only inside. It is washed down with a sufficient amount of plain water.

The dosage, as well as the duration of taking this medication, should be selected only by the doctor.

According to the instructions, the drug "Oxandrolone" is prescribed in an amount of 5-20 mg per day. In this case, the indicated dose is divided into 2, 3 or 4 doses.

As a rule, the duration of therapy with this remedy is one month. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but only after 35-65 days.

How should I take Oxandrolone tablets solo? Reviews of bodybuilders say that to increase muscle mass, the course of taking this medication should begin with 10 mg twice a day. After a week, the dosage is increased and brought to 40 mg (up to a maximum of 80 mg) per day. In this case, the total amount of the drug is divided into three doses.

The duration of the use of "Oxandrolone" is 5-6 weeks. If necessary, then 2 days after the course, you can start using the drug "Tamoxifen" or its analogues (in order to restore the endocrine system).

The drug "Oxandrolone": side effects

The use of this remedy can cause side effects such as:

  • jaundice, development of atherosclerosis, carcinoma, convulsions;
  • gynecomastia, nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, depression, vomiting, priapism;
  • pain in the epigastric region, bone pain, swelling, reduction of the mammary glands;
  • bleeding, pollakiuria, prostate adenocarcinoma;
  • enlargement of the clitoris, prostate adenoma, hypersensitivity reactions;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, polyuria, a decrease in the timbre of the voice in women, nightmares, baldness.

Cases of overdose

With an overdose of Oxandrolone tablets, the patient has an increase in the intensity and frequency of side effects. In this case, gastric lavage is performed, and symptomatic therapy is also carried out.

When observing signs of virilization in the fairer sex, the drug should be discontinued.

drug interaction

The drug in question enhances the effect on the human body of hypoglycemic agents, anticoagulants and antiaggregants.

With the simultaneous use of "Oxandrolone" and hepatotoxic drugs, the load on the liver increases.

While taking Oxandrolone tablets, you should eat hard, as well as monitor blood counts.

The use of the drug in question as a muscle growth stimulant can lead to detrimental consequences for the health of the athlete.

Cost and analogues of the drug

The price of this product depends on the number of tablets in the package. You can buy this remedy for 1500 rubles (20 tablets). However, it should be noted that it is dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.

As for analogues, the following drugs can be distinguished among them: Methandienone, Oxanotabs, Winstrol, Anavar, Primobol.

The hormonal drug Oxandrolone, also known under the trade name Anavar, was developed to treat diseases and conditions associated with muscle wasting. Due to its pharmacological properties, it has gained popularity as a sports steroid in bodybuilding and other sports, and has been classified as a doping drug. This remedy take only on prescription and in strict accordance with the developed treatment regimen.

What is Oxandrolone

The steroid drug Oxandrolone was synthesized by the American pharmaceutical company Searle Laboratories in the middle of the last century. The agent is a 17α-methylated dihydrotestosterone (DHT) heterocycle, with an oxygen atom instead of a carbon. It has gained wide popularity due to its high anabolic activity - the acceleration of protein synthesis, which also affects the regeneration and formation of cells in tissues, organs and muscles. Produced under the trade names:

  • Anavar;
  • Vasorome;
  • Oksandrin;
  • Oxandrolin;
  • Oxanoger.

Biological effect

Among other drugs of the steroid group, Anavar stands out due to its low androgynous effect. Its active ingredient does not have the ability to aromatize - it does not convert into estrogens; liver toxicity is moderate, anabolic activity is 400% of testosterone. At daily doses of less than 20 mg, it does not affect the secretion of this hormone, without inhibiting the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis, after a three-month course it suppresses its production by 67-70%.

When conducting clinical trials in patients with burns of more than 40% of the body surface area, when taking the remedy, an improvement in the composition of tissues and an acceleration of their regeneration were recorded. Initially, the drug was intended for:

  • treatment of disorders accompanied by loss of muscle mass;
  • complex HIV/AIDS therapy;
  • treatment of osteoporosis.

Due to the high popularity among bodybuilders and the prevalence of abuse in the sports environment, all dosage forms the drug, its salts, isomers, esters were classified in the United States as controlled substances, are considered doping drugs. The drug belongs to orphan drugs (drugs used to treat rare diseases), shows high efficiency in the treatment of:

  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • violations of protein metabolism against the background of injuries, burns, radiation therapy;
  • Turner syndrome;
  • weight loss in HIV-infected patients;
  • hereditary angioedema;
  • anemia;
  • protein catabolism after long-term corticosteroid therapy;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis.

Oxandrolone for fat burning

The main therapeutic effect of the drug is to increase the relief and hardness of the muscles. Muscle building and fat burning are considered indicators of secondary action. The study of the effect of fat burning as a result of taking the drug was conducted by the manufacturer of Anavar, it was attended by men over 60 years old who did not engage in strength training.

At a daily dosage of 20 mg, the loss of adipose tissue for 12 weeks was 1.8 kg, while after stopping the course for 3 months, only 17% of the lost fat was restored. During the study, it was found that as fat was burned, insulin sensitivity increased, which means that the body became able to make do with less of this hormone in response to the intake of dietary substrates in the blood, and the risk of turning glucose into fat decreased.

How to take Oxandrolone

The appointment of a steroid drug, the development of a regimen for use and the duration of the course is made by the attending physician. Self-administration is fraught with the development of side effects and negative consequences for the health of the body (systematic abuse of the drug can cause, for example, testicular atrophy). During treatment, the work of the endocrine system is rebuilt, therefore, after the end of the course, restorative therapy with the use of Tamoxifen or other drugs that inhibit peripheral estrogen receptors is sometimes necessary.

The average daily dosage, depending on the goals of treatment and diagnosis, ranges from 5 to 20 mg, divided into two to four doses. During therapy, in order to gain muscle mass, they drink Oxandrolone solo or in combination with other drugs to increase efficiency. The recommended duration of the course is one month, the treatment can be repeated no earlier than after 30-60 days.


The use of hormonal drugs of the group of anabolic steroids by women can lead to the appearance of signs of virilization - the manifestation of such "male features" as coarsening of the voice, hair growth on the body and face according to the male principle, etc. When using Oxandrolone within the recommended therapeutic doses, virilization is practically excluded, therefore the remedy is safe for women, and in rare cases can be prescribed even to adolescents in case of strict control of admission and compliance with the prescriptions of the attending physician.

Oxandrolone for girls is prescribed in a reduced dosage (compared to "male" doses), the daily rate depends on the goals of therapy and the characteristics of the organism. Reception begins with 5 mg / day, every 7-10 days a slight increase in the daily dose is made in the absence of side effects and the presence of an effect. The duration of therapy can be from one and a half to three months. In case of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of signs of masculinization or virilization, manifestations of other side effects associated with changes in the hormonal background, the reception is stopped.


Application for the purpose of gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance and strength should be made only as prescribed by a doctor and in strict accordance with his recommendations. This is especially true of combined courses, when several steroid anabolic agents are taken in parallel. The use of the drug solo is subject to the following principles:

  1. The duration of admission should not exceed 6-8 weeks, is determined individually and adjusted in accordance with the body's response to therapy.
  2. Begin therapy with a daily dosage of 20 mg, divided into two parts - in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the morning, before lunch, at least 2 hours after the first dose.
  3. Gradually, the dosage is increased, on average by 20 mg every week. The daily rate is divided into three doses. The maximum daily dose cannot exceed 80 mg/day.
  4. In the absence of side effects, the course is continued for 42–56 days.
  5. After the end of the intake, they are examined to determine the level of production of their own testosterone, if necessary, they drink a course of a drug that restores its secretion.

Combined course

In a joint course, to increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce side effects such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, toxic effects on the liver, include other androgenic drugs - Sustanon, Primobolan, Gonadotropin, testosterone drugs. The average daily dosage of Oxandrolone in combined courses is about 40 mg / day. As part of such courses, there is a greater increase in muscle mass. It is necessary to follow the regime sports nutrition, special diet.

side effects

Taking the medicine can cause a number of side effects associated with the restructuring of the endocrine system, changes in hormonal levels, and the body's individual response to therapy. The toxic effect of the agent on the liver is insignificant. Studies show that the use of the drug at 20 mg per day for 12 weeks does not affect the level of liver enzymes (indicators of liver destruction). The first signs of liver damage are pain in the right hypochondrium, light-colored stools, and dark urine. Possible side effects include:

  • reactions from digestive system: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, loss of appetite, disruption of the stomach, diarrhea;
  • aching in the bones of the limbs;
  • decrease in libido;
  • puffiness;
  • development of carcinoma;
  • jaundice;
  • development of atherosclerosis
  • an increase in the likelihood of opening internal bleeding;
  • from the side nervous system: sleep disturbances, insomnia, depression;
  • gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands) or reduction in the size of the mammary glands;
  • priapism;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • prostate adenocarcinoma;
  • convulsions;
  • polyuria;
  • pollakiuria;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • phenomena of virilization in women - a decrease in the timbre of the voice, an increase in the size of the clitoris, hair loss.

Oxandrolone price

Oxandrolone is sold in pharmacies; when making a purchase, a pharmacist may require you to present a medical prescription. Price range for different forms of release medicinal product in Moscow pharmacies:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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- this is one of the safest and most expensive AAS courses, which, as a rule, is used either on the “drying” or in the case when they do not want to switch to a more severe weight category, that is, it suits both bumps and lifters. The course of ok-san-dro-lo-on boldly can be recommended as the first course of anabolic steroids, moreover, this first course can take place at therapeutic dosages that are not per day no harm to or-ga-niz-mu, but yes-dut a good increase in dry muscle mass. This is possible only under the condition that you have a virgin hormonal system, and you know how to properly exercise, eat, sleep and, in general, stick to the routine. Such a first course represents 20 mg of “oxana” per day for 6 weeks, and even PCT is not good for you! But be aware that steroids have side effects Therefore, they should not be used without the advice of a doctor!

The course of oxandralone for more experienced fighters, of course, will be completely different, and, in general, most likely, it will be a “compote” and not a “solo” course, but the results will be cool. Sometimes you can come across information that “oksana” is not a drug for gaining mass, which, in general, is true, but this does not mean that it cannot be or should not be twist in the mass-co-on-board course. On the contrary, if you have enough shekels, be sure to include “ok-sa-nu” in any cycle, this will allow you to slightly reduce the dosages of other preparations and thereby reduce the risk of side effects. effects, in addition, the result of the course will be more qualitative. If you have not yet built enough ziggurats for do-by-chi gold-lo-ta, then take-be-re-gi-te “oksana” for “drying”.

drug characteristic

Oxandrolone - this is a pharmacological icon, about which the most diverse myths go around in the Kachkov environment, launched, most likely, by cunning dealers, some -Rit your customer base. For example, sometimes they go so far as to assert that “ok-sa-na” does not suppress the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicular axis through feedback. This is a fierce nonsense, because, like any AAS, oxandrolone is an ex-zo-gene hormone, the presence of which in the blood tells the hypothalamus you-ra-ba-ty-va-ty -us. Yes, a dosage of 20 mg per day for 6 weeks will not affect the production of en-do-gene-no-go te-hundred-stero-ro-on, but even a solo course of oxandrolone at 40-50 mg per day for pro- zhe-nii 8-10 weeks will bring the level of endogenous test to zero.

In fact, "oksana" is an extremely mild androgen and not a very strong ana-bo-lic, which you-ra-zha-et-sya in the indexes of the drug 24 and 322-630 androgenic and ana-bo-li -che-cue co-from-vet-stvenno-but. These qualities of it are due to the fact that its chemical formula does not allow it to interact with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which prevents it con-ver-ti-ro-vat-sya into a more powerful dihydro form. That is why it is practically-ti-ches-ki not aro-ma-ti-zi-ru-et-sya, does not flood with water, but at the same time, that is why it is much weaker than those hundred-ste- ro-on. As the British say, "any gain is a loss, but any gain is a gain"! Nevertheless, the drug still has a lot of positive qualities.

Firstly, the course of oxandrolone allows you to enhance protein synthesis, secondly, "oxana" increases the level of growth hormone, and thirdly, it blocks cortisol receptors in the membranes of our fourthly, it increases the concentration of creatine phosphate in the cervical cells. Not a little important fact is that the drug reduces the level of SHBG, thereby increasing the level of free test-to-ste-ro- on in the blood, which, in general, makes it practically-ti-ches-ki not-for-me-no-my-com-po-n-n-that of any complex "course". Since pre-para-rat is not aro-ma-ti-zi-ru-et-xia, athletes can use it even with increased ar-te-ri-al-ny pressure-le-ni-em. Well, like any short ether, oxandrolone allows you to smooth out the mountainous background on a course with long esters.

The myths around the course of oxandrolone are very diverse. The most popular tale is about the absence of a negative feedback effect, but this is not the only myth. For example, some argue that "oksana" itself has a miraculously effective fat-burning effect, or that it is not toxic at all and not a drop-ki does not affect the liver. We hasten to disappoint you! The chemical formula of ox-san-dro-lo-on looks like this: 5alpha-androstan-2-oxa-17alpha-methyl-17beta-ol-3-one. This means that it is a pre-parate 17-alpha alkylated oral steroid, which protects it as it passes through the liver, but that is what makes it toxic. Yes, it's time to remember the thread of evil-on-beam-an-gli-chan. As for the fat-burning effect, it's just not-so-so-ba-thing you-dum-ka.

Summing up total , we can state that the course of oxandrolone is the best choice for beginners, women, crazy adherents of a healthy lifestyle, those who like to spend a lot of money and, in general, all those who decide to become a "chemist". On the other hand, “oksana” has all the side-effects that are characteristic of all AAS, just in a less-ra-women- in a different form, therefore, if you use oxandrolone, and not methane, this does not mean that you are practically “on-tu-ral”.

How to make a course of oxandralone

Course duration: 6-12 weeks, the pros use as a bridge between courses of 30-60mg per day, but this is the fate of the most frostbitten bumps.
Dosages: from 20 to 80 mg per day, it makes no sense to put more, especially if “ok-sa-na” is the only drug on the “course”.
Dosing frequency: at least 2 times a day, since the drug acts for 8-12 hours, but it is better to break the daily rate into 3-4 doses, which will provide a more even hormonal background.
Compote: as a rule, oxandrolone is put with sustanon, testosterone and p-mo-bo-la-nom, which depends on the goals, preferences and financial capabilities of the sports team.

Solo course: 20-40 mg per day for 6 weeks, which provide the young chemist with an increase in the quality of muscle mass or reduction of subcutaneous fat, depending on the diet.
The course "oksana" and "propik": 40mg per day and 50-100mg every other day, respectively, for 6-8 weeks.
Course "oksana" and materon: 40mg per day and 100mg every other day, respectively, for 6-8 weeks, will provide you with the best impressions and quality muscle mass.
The course "oksana" and "prima": 50 mg per day and 400-600 mg per week, respectively, for 6-8 weeks, it’s just a Kachkovo resort that provides the “chemist” with mass, strength, and good-ro-shim recovery -new-le-ni-eat.
The course "Oxana," Propik "and Winstrol: 50mg per day, 400-500mg per week and 50mg per day, respectively, for 6-8 weeks is a compote for experienced bumps.
The course "oksana", "propik" and trenbolone: 50mg per day, 400-500mg and 300-400mg non-de-lu respectively for 6-8 weeks.
