Test work in geography on the topic “Political map of the world.

1. Indicate the approximate population of the globe: 1) 3.5 billion people; 3) 4.5-5 billion people;

2) 5.1-6.0 billion people; 4) 7 billion people.

2.Indicate the absolute annual growth of the Earth's population:

1) 20-30 million people; 3) 80-100 million. Human;

2) 50-70 million. Human; 4) 120-130 million. Human.

3.Indicate in the proposed list countries whose population exceeds 100 million people:

1) China; 2) Mexico; 3) India; 4) Bangladesh.

4.Indicate the group, which includes only states with a population of more than 100 million people:

1) Russia. Ethiopia, Nigeria, India;

2) Vietnam, Italy, France, Germany;

3) Brazil, Japan, Pakistan, Nigeria;

4) Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ukraine, Australia.

5. Indicate the largest country by population in the proposed list of European countries:

1) Spain; 2) Hungary; 3) Sweden; 4) Denmark.

6. Indicate the largest country by population in the proposed list of countries in America:

1) Colombia; 2) Argentina; 3) Canada; 4) Mexico.

7. List the three largest countries in Africa by population:

1) Algeria; 6) Chad;

2) Ethiopia; 7) Morocco;

3) Zaire; 8) Botswana;

4) South Africa;9) Egypt;

5) Nigeria; 10) Tanzania.

8. Indicate the correct statements:

1) More population is concentrated in the eastern hemisphere than in the western;

2) The population in the northern hemisphere is smaller than in the southern;

3) Most of the Earth's inhabitants are settled at an altitude of up to 2000 m above sea level;

4) The average population density on Earth is about 20 people per 1 km2.

9. Indicate the correct statements:

1) The population density in Asia is almost 4 times higher than the average population density of the Earth;

2) Population density in Africa is approximately 2 times lower than the world average;

3) The population density in Europe is about 70 people. per 1 km2;

4) The population density in Australia and Oceania is greater than in South America;

10. Indicate the correct statements:

1) Of all the countries in the world (not counting dwarf ones), Japan has the highest population density;

2) About half of the inhabitants of the land have a population density of less than a quarter of the land area;

3) Areas uninhabited by humans occupy about a quarter of the land area;

4) There are areas on the globe where the population density exceeds 1000 people per 1 km2.

11. Indicate on which of the following continents 1/5 of the population lives at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level:

1) Africa; 2) North America; 3) Australia; 4) Eurasia.

12. In the proposed list of European countries, indicate five states with approximately the same population:

1) Germany; 6) Belgium;

2) France; 7) Greece;

3) The Netherlands; 8) Norway;

4) Greece; 9) Sweden;

5) Bulgaria; 10) Poland.

13. Among the regions of the world, indicate three with the largest population:

1) Europe; 4) North America;

2) Asia; 5) Latin America;

3) Africa; 6) Australia and Oceania.

14.V next list European countries, list five countries with approximately the same population:

1) France; 6) Denmark;

2) Italy; 7) Belgium;

3) Norway; 8) Czech Republic;

4) Hungary;9) Slovakia;

5) Bulgaria; 10) Portugal;

15. Indicate the group in which all countries have low population density: 1) Oman, Paraguay, Belgium; 2) Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; 3) USA, Japan, Germany; 4) Russia, Libya, Mongolia

Key to the test "Geography of the World Population"

Geography teacher, MBOU "Chernukhinskaya Secondary School"

Verification work in geography on the topic “ Political map peace"

1.Indicate European countries in the proposed list:

1)Norway 2) New Zealand 3) Uruguay 4) Slovenia 5) Austria 6) Liechtenstein 7) Georgia 8) San Marino 9) Congo 10) Nicaragua

2. Indicate the countries of Australia and Oceania in the proposed list:

1) Dominica, 2) New Zealand 3) Uruguay 4) Tuvalu 5) Trinidad and Tobago 6) Togo 7) Nauru 8) San Marino 9) Eritrea 10) Micronesia

3. Indicate in the proposed list the African countries that do not have access to the World Ocean:

1) Nigeria 2) Ethiopia 3) Morocco 4) Niger 5) Bolivia 6) Malawi 7) Burundi 8) Congo 9) Eritrea 10) Burkina Faso

4. Indicate in the proposed list the European countries that have access to the World Ocean:

1) Ireland 2) Spain 3) Sweden 4) Slovenia 5) Switzerland 6) Austria 7) San Marino 8) Albania 9) Macedonia 10) Slovakia.

5.Indicate the Atlantic countries in the proposed list:

1) Great Britain 2) Italy 3) Turkey 4) Egypt 5) Mexico 6) Colombia 7) Gabon 8) Mozambique 9) Bulgaria 10) Grenada

6. Indicate in the proposed list the countries through which the Danube River flows:

1) Switzerland 2) Germany 3) Czech Republic 4) Slovakia 5) Hungary 6) Slovenia 7) Croatia 8) Romania 9) Bulgaria 10) Belarus

7. Indicate in the proposed list the countries of Latin America that have access to the World Ocean:

1) Mexico 2) Jamaica 3) Colombia 4) Argentina 5) Uruguay 6) Paraguay 7) Swaziland 8) Bolivia 9) Chile 10) Suriname

8. Indicate in the proposed list the countries bordering Hungary:

1) Germany 2) Austria 3) Czech Republic 4) Slovakia 5) Ukraine 6) Moldova 7) Poland 8) Yugoslavia 9) Croatia 10) Slovenia

9. In the proposed list of cities, indicate only the capitals of countries that have a land border with India:

1) Moscow 2) Dushanbe 3) Beijing 4) Ulaanbaatar 5) Thimphu 6) Phnom Penh 7) Dhaka 8) Karachi 9) Yangon 10) Islamabad

10. Indicate only the correct statements in pairs “country-capital of this country”:

1) Russia-Moscow 2) Poland-Warsaw 3) Denmark_Bonn 4) Brazil - Rio de Janeiro 5) Canada_Toronto 6) Iran-Tehran 7) China-Beijing 8) USA-New York 9) Bolivia - Caracas 10) Bhutan -Kathmandu.

11.Indicate the group that contains only true statements in pairs “country - capital of this country”:

1) Ukraine - Minsk, Slovenia - Bratislava, Germany - Bonn;

2) Brazil - Sao Paulo, Egypt - Cairo, Iraq - Baghdad;

1) Spain, 3) Netherlands,

2) Italy, 4) Sweden.

15.Indicate in the proposed list the capitals of the G8 countries

1) London, 3) Ottawa,

2) Dublin, 4) Brussels,

5) Amsterdam, 8) Lisbon,

6) Rome, 7) Canberra, 9) Montreal, 10) Geneva.

16..Indicate in the proposed list the country of “settler capitalism”

1) USA, 3) Argentina,

2) Brazil, 4) South Africa.

17. Indicate in the proposed list of cities the capitals of the countries of “settler capitalism”

1) Washington, 6) Cape Town,

3).Santiago. 7) Tel Aviv, Santiago. 8) Seoul,

4) Canberra, 9) Caracas,

5) Wellington, 10) Singapore.

18.Indicate the “key” developing country in the proposed list of countries

1) China, 3) Argentina,

2) Indonesia, 4) Mexico.

19.Indicate in the proposed list of cities the capitals of “key” developing countries

1) Delhi, 6) Buenos Aires,

2) Beijing, 7) Mexico City,

3) Jakarta, 8) Canberra,

4) Seoul, 9) Pretoria,

5) Rio de Janeiro, 10) Tehran.

20. Indicate a new industrial country in the proposed list of countries

10China, 3) Republic of Korea,

2) India, 4) Democratic People's Republic of Korea

21.Indicate in the proposed list of cities the capitals of countries called “Asian tigers (or dragons)

1) Delhi, 5) Seoul,

2) Yangon, 6) Singapore,

3) Mexico City, 7) Riyadh,

4) Buenos Aires, 8) Cairo.

22.Specify the number sovereign states in modern world

less than 50, 4) 180-250,

50-100, 5) 260-300,

110-150, 6) 320-350.

23. Indicate in the proposed list of states a country with a republican form of government

1) Great Britain, 3) Finland,

2) Spain, 4) Sweden.

24. Indicate in the proposed list of states a country with a monarchical form of government

1) Iraq, 3) Jordan,

2) Iran, 4) Yemen.

25. Indicate in the proposed list of states a country - a constitutional monarchy

2) Morocco, 4) Oman.

26. Indicate in the proposed list of states a country - an absolute monarchy

1) Malaysia, 3) Thailand,

2) Cambodia, 4) Brunei.

27.Indicate in the proposed list of cities the capitals of countries with a republican form of government

1) Washington, 6) Karachi,

2) Montreal, 7) Delhi,

3) Addis Ababa, 8) Manila,

5) Amman, 9) Tokyo, 10) Seoul.

28. In the proposed list of cities, indicate the capitals of countries with a monarchical form of government:

1) Madrid, 6) Maputo,

2) Oslo, 7) Mbabane,

3) Tehran, 8) Riyadh,

4) Rotterdam,

5) Rabat, 9) Kuwait City, 10) Bangkok.

29. In the proposed list of cities, indicate the capitals of countries that are constitutional monarchies

1) Oslo, 2) Abuja, 3) Maseru, 4) Windhoek, 5) Muscat 6) Baghdad, 7) Vaduz, 8) Dhaka, 9) Rabat 10) Suva.

30. Indicate in the proposed list of cities the capitals of countries - absolute monarchies:

1) Yangon, 2) Dhaka, 3) Vientiane 4) Riyadh, 5) Singapore, 6) Abu Dhabi, 7) Kuwait, 8) Muscat,

9) Kathmandu, 10) Tirana.

31. Indicate the prevalence of the republican form of government:

1) 1/10 of all countries in the world, 4) 1/2 of all countries in the world,

2) 1/6 of all countries in the world, 5) 3/4 of all countries in the world,

3) 1/4 of all countries in the world, 6) 5/6 of all countries in the world.

32.Indicate the real number of monarchy states in the world:

1) about 10, 4) about 40,

2) about 20, 3) about 30, 5) about 50, 6) about 80.

33.Indicate the approximate number of countries included in the Commonwealth, led by Great Britain:

4) Brasilia, 9) Canberra,

5) Ankara, 10) Tirana.

38. Indicate the prevalence of the federal form of administrative-territorial structure (division) of countries

1) in approximately 10 countries, 4) in approximately 40 countries,

2)in approximately 20 countries. world, 5) in approximately 50 countries.

3)in approximately 30 countries around the world,

39.Indicate the approximate number of economically developed countries in the world

1) about 20, 5) about 60,

2) about 30, 6) about 70,

3) about 40, 7) about 80,

4) about 50, 8) about 90.

40.Indicate the approximate number of countries and territories on a modern political map:

1)100-150, 4) 300-350,

2)200-250, 5) 350-400,

3)250-300, 6) 400-450.

41.Indicate the seven most big countries with an area of ​​over 3 million km2:

I) Russia, 6) USA,

2) China, 7) Kazakhstan,

3) Argentina, 8) Australia,

4) India, 9) Saudi Arabia,

f5) Brazil, 10) Canada.

42.Indicate in the list of countries states with a population of more than 100 million people each

I) Iran, 6) Japan,

2) Bangladesh, 7) Russia,

3) Pakistan, 8) Nigeria,

4) Vietnam, 9) Germany,

5) Indonesia, 10) Mexico.

43.Indicate part of the population globe living in 10 states, with a population of more than 100 million people in each

1) 1/5 of the world's population,

2) 2/5 of the world’s population,

3) 3)1/2 of the world’s population,

4) 4) 8/5 of the world's population.

44. Indicate the part of the inhabited land area that belongs to the seven largest countries in the world by territory:

1) 2/5 of the inhabited land, 2) 1/2 of the inhabited land,

3) 3/5 of the inhabited land, 4) 4/5 of the inhabited land.

45.Indicate the correct statements:

I) The seven largest countries by area (each with an area of ​​more than 3 million km2) occupy 50% of the entire earth's landmass;

2) the 10 largest countries, with a population of more than 100 million people each, concentrated 60% of the world's population;

46. ​​Indicate in the proposed list 5 countries of Foreign Asia that do not have maritime borders:

1) Turkey 2) Bhutan 3) Afghanistan 4) Pakistan 5) Ethiopia 6) Yemen 7) Nepal 8) Laos 9) Tibet 10) Mongolia

47.In each pair of countries, indicate the one located to the east:

1) Kenya-Togo 2) Oman-Bangladesh 3) Peru-Mexico 4) Liechtenstein-Luxembourg 5) Fiji-Vanuatu

48.Indicate the group in which countries in in the right order arranged in a north-south direction

1) Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium, 2) Turkey, Syria, Yemen, Oman, 3) Nigeria, Congo, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, 4) Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras.

49. Indicate the island on which the territories of three states are located:

I) Ireland, 4) Tierra del Fuego,

2) Kalimantan, 5) Madagascar,

3) New Guinea, 6) Tasmania.

50.Indicate the “extra” countries in the list of countries crossed by the equator:

1) Brazil, 2) Indonesia 4) Venezuela, 5) Ecuador,

3) Tanzania, 6) Gabon.

51.Indicate a state whose territory is located in two parts of the world at once

1) Morocco, 4) Egypt,

2) Panama, 5) Ethiopia,

3) Malaysia, 6) Australia.

Topic 1. Political map of the world - 10th grade. Maksakovsky.

No. 1. IN beginning of XXI V. On the political map of the world there are the following number of states and non-self-governing territories: 120, 185, 230, 265, 300. Indicate the correct answer.

No. 2. Indicate which of the countries listed below are simultaneously among the top ten countries in the world in terms of territory size and population.
- Russia, India, China, Brazil.

No. 3. Indicate which of the states listed below are located on islands and archipelagos.
- Great Britain, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Madagascar, Cuba, Kiribati.

No. 4. Underline the names of countries that do not have access to the open sea:
1) Bolivia;
2) Hungary;
3) Zambia;
5) Mali;
6) Mongolia;
8) Uzbekistan;
10) Switzerland.

How does this situation affect their socio-economic development?
- Difficulty in importing/exporting goods.

No. 5. Complete the table using the ones below. geographical names and numbers: Brazil, Spain, Madrid, Pakistan, Pretoria, 39, 42, 156, 804, 1221, 8512:

No. 6. Select pairs based on the “country - capital” principle:

No. 7. Indicate which of the following types most countries in the world belong to:
- to developing

No. 8. Indicate in the proposed list the capitals of the states that are part of the G8:
- Rome, London, Moscow, Washington, Ottawa.

No. 9. Indicate which of the following countries are countries of “settler” capitalism:
- Israel, Canada, Australia.

No. 10. Determine which of the subgroups of developing countries the following islands belong to:
Key countries – Brazil, India;
Newly industrialized countries - Malaysia, Thailand;
Oil producing countries - Kuwait, United Arab Emirates;
The least developed countries are Bangladesh, Nepal, Somalia, Ethiopia.

No. 11. Indicate which of the following regions of the world stand out in terms of the number of “hot spots”
- Southwest Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa.

No. 12. Below are a number of statements related to the form of government of countries around the world. Determine which ones are correct and which ones are not.
+ 1. In republics and constitutional monarchies, legislative power belongs to parliament, and executive power belongs to the government.
+ 2. Supreme power in monarchies is inherited.
- 3. There are fewer republics in the world than monarchies.
- 4. Among monarchies modern world Empires prevail.

No. 13. Underline the countries that have a republican form of government:
1) Austria;
2) Armenia;
5) Egypt;
6) Mexico;
8) Türkiye;
9) France.

No. 14. Color on the outline map (Fig. 1) countries with a monarchical form of government. Select among them:

Constitutional monarchies – Malaysia (4), Great Britain (2), Netherlands (2), Belgium (2), Denmark (2), Norway (2), Sweden (2), Liechtenstein, Monaco, Japan (1), Cambodia (2) ), Thailand(2), Lesotho(2), Canada, Andorra, New Zealand, Spain(2), Australia(2), Luxembourg(3), Morocco(2), Tonga(2), Jordan(2), Kuwait (5)

Absolute monarchies - UAE (5), Brunei (4), Saudi Arabia (2), Oman (4), Qatar (5), Swaziland (2).

Describe and explain their distribution across major regions of the world.
Which of them are empires, kingdoms, duchies, sultanates, emirates?
1 - empire, 2 - kingdom, 3 - duchy, 4 - sultanate, 5 - emirate.
Constitutional monarchies are located in western Europe and East Asia, where there were no strong revolutionary upheavals and civil wars. Absolute monarchies are found in the Persian Gulf region. The slave system of the Middle Ages existed here for a long time.

No. 15. Complete the following sentences:
1. A state in which there is a single legislative, executive and judicial power is called unitary.
2. A state in which, along with unified authorities, there are separate territorial units that have their own legislative, executive and judicial powers is called federal.

No. 16. Hatch on the outline map (see Fig. 1) countries that have a federal administrative-territorial structure. Determine which of them are economically developed and which are developing countries.

No. 17. The Commonwealth of Nations, led by Great Britain, includes 53 countries. Underline those countries listed below that are members of this Commonwealth:
1) India;
3) Canada;
5) Nigeria;
6) New Zealand;
7) Pakistan;
10) Sri Lanka.

What do you need to remember to answer this question?
- We need to remember the countries that were previously part of the British Empire.

No. 18. Choose one of the countries that plays an important role in world politics. Give a written description of its political and geographical position based on its relationships with neighboring countries, with states included in the political and military-political blocs, from its position in relation to the centers of regional and local conflicts and “hot spots” of the planet.
