Umk starry English starlight. Speech at a seminar-meeting on the topic "Features of in-depth teaching of English in the EMC" Starlight

- this is an educational and methodological kit (TMK) for students in grades 2-11 of general educational institutions and schools with in-depth study of the English language. Authors: Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V.. WMC Starlight is an innovative joint project of the Russian publishing house "Enlightenment" and British publishing house "Express Publishing" in which they are reflected modern tendencies Russian and foreign teaching methods English language. WMC Starlight developed by well-known Russian and foreign (British) authors. The release of UMK was launched in 2010.

WMC "Star English" ("Starlight") meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for elementary school, federal component State standard basic and secondary (complete) general education in foreign languages ​​and sample programs in English for primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education.

Starlight textbooks for grades 2-4 are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of those with state accreditation educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

WMC starlightfor grades 2-4 of general educational institutions, schools with in-depth study of English, gymnasiums and lyceums, it is designed for 3 hours a week.

WMC Star English for Beginners » ("Starlight Starter") is intended for students of the 1st grade of general education and schools with in-depth study of the English language, in which it is possible to start teaching English at this stage. It is designed for 2 hours per week. In the first grade, teaching English to children is based on the principle of advanced development of oral types of speech activity, listening and speaking. The main attention is paid to the development of colloquial speech and replenishment vocabulary. Composition of the UMC "Starlight Starter" : tutorial, workbook, teacher's book, classroom audio course, home study audio course, posters (on the publisher's website) and handout (on the publisher's website).

Composition of UMK "Starlight" ( "Star English") for each year of study (grades 2-4):
- textbook (in 2 parts);
- workbook (in 2 parts);
- a book for teachers (in 2 parts);
- control tasks;
- language portfolio;
- audio course for classes;
- audio course for self-study at home,
- video course (DVD-video);
- handouts (on the publisher's website);
- posters (on the publisher's website);
- work programs (grades 2-4).

Textbook (Student's Book) and a book to read placed under one cover:
- Grade 2 - "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (The Fisherman & the Fish).
- Grade 3 - "Sivka-Burka" (Sivka-Burka).
- 4th grade - " Stone Flower» (The Stone Flower).
The journey into the world of the English language takes place with fairy tale characters Frosty, Woody, Willow, Erlina and Alvin, who will engage students in the magical world of the English language and awaken the desire to learn it. The textbook consists of 8 thematic modules. Each module is in turn divided into lessons. One spread of the textbook is one academic lesson.

Workbook as well as the textbook, it includes 8 modules corresponding to the section of the textbook. Exercises of various formats are aimed at consolidating lexical and grammatical material. The workbook contains stickers and figures of characters in the textbook that can be cut out (cut-outs).

Teacher's Book includes tutorial pages and their corresponding detailed guidelines, scripts for audio exercises, keys to the exercises of the textbook and workbook, materials for assessing students' knowledge.

Control tasks (Test booklet) include eight tests in two versions (A, B), corresponding to the format of the final assessment for elementary school. The summary is presented at the end of the collection. test throughout the studied material (Exit test), as well as the keys to all tests.

Classroom Audio Course (Class CD) necessary for the teacher to use in the classroom. Contains all the exercises of the textbook, intended for listening during the lesson. These discs can be used by students at home to practice their listening skills.

Audio course for self-study at home (Student's CD) designed directly for students. Contains exercises from the textbook to complete at home. The CD also contains the Workbook tracks needed to complete homework.

Video course (DVD-video) for each textbook contains bright colorful animated videos that correspond to the material of the textbooks, professionally voiced by native speakers. The reading book included in the textbook is presented on the disk as a cartoon for each episode.

Handout (Picture flashcards) - these are bright colorful pictures that provide visualization of the studied lexical material. These illustrations will be an excellent help in memorizing new words, as well as provide additional incentive and motivation to learn English.

Posters are a component of the teaching materials "Star English" for grades 2-4. Two-sided posters contain pictures illustrating the active vocabulary of each module by thematic principle.

Until the 2014/2015 academic year, the Star English teaching materials for grades 2-4 were part of the Perspektiva textbook system.

According to the site:

Details Category: Starlight - Star English

The textbook is the central element of the educational and methodological set of the Star English series for students in the 8th grade of general educational organizations and schools with in-depth study of the English language. Distinctive feature TMC is a modular construction of the textbook, the presence of authentic material about Russia, assignments that meet the requirements of international exams, gradually preparing for the State final certification in the 9th grade. Textbook materials contribute to the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes. The textbook received positive conclusions based on the results of scientific, pedagogical and public examinations for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.

EMC "Star English" for the basic school consists of the following components:

  • Textbook;
  • Workbook;
  • The book for the teacher;
  • “Audio course for work in the class of teaching materials “Star English” (“Starlight”). Starlight (Class CD 8)"
  • English language. Control tasks. 8th grade
  • Materials for workbooks Grade 8.

Starlight 8 - Student "s book / Star English - An audio course for working in the classroom.

Module 1 – Breaking news
01 - Module 1 - Ex. 1, p. 7 (00:00:00)
02 - Module 1 - Ex. 3, p. 7 (00:00:46)
03 - Module 1 - Ex. 1, p. 8 (00:01:49)
04 - Module 1 - Ex. 2a, p. 8 (00:02:20)
05 - Module 1 - Ex. 1a, p. 10 (00:06:10)
06 - Module 1 - Ex. 7, p. 11 (00:07:07)
07 - Module 1 - Ex. 1, p. 12 (00:11:33)
08 - Module 1 - Ex. 2, p. 13 (00:15:12)
09 - Module 1 - Ex. 3, p. 13 (00:15:56)
10 - Module 1 - Ex. 5. p. 13 (00:16:50)
11 - Module 1 - Ex. 2, p. 14 (00:17:29)
12 - Module 1 - Ex. 3, p. 14 (00:18:05)
13 - Module 1 - Ex. 4, p. 14 (00:18:47)
14 - Module 1 - Ex. 1a, p. 16 (00:22:47)
15 - Module 1 - Ex. 9, p. 17 (00:23:33)
16 - Module 1 - Ex. 1a, p. 18 (00:28:11)
17 - Module 1 - Ex. 2a, p. 18 (00:29:19)
18 - Module 1 - Ex. 4, p. 18 (00:30:59)
19 - Module 1 - Ex. 1, p. 19 (00:32:25)
20 - Module 1 - Ex. 9, p. 21 (00:34:55)
21 - Module 1 - Ex. 2a, p. 22 (00:36:24)
22 - Module 1 - Ex. 4a, p. 23 (00:38:45)
23 - Module 1 - Ex. 1, p. 26 (00:39:09)

Module 2 – Consumer Society
01 - Module 2 - Ex. 1, p. 27 (00:41:22)
02 - Module 2 - Ex. 2, p. 27 (00:42:32)
03 - Module 2 - Ex. 1, p. 28 (00:44:00)
04 - Module 2 - Ex. 2, p. 28 (00:44:49)
05 - Module 2 - Ex. 1a, p. 30 (00:48:48)
06 - Module 2 - Ex. 2b, p. 30 (00:49:25)
07 - Module 2 - Ex. 1, p. 32 (00:52:41)
08 - Module 2 - Ex. 1a, p. 33 (00:56:21)
09 - Module 2 - Ex. 1b, p. 33 (00:57:25)
10 - Module 2 - Ex. 3a, p. 33 (00:58:40)
11 - Module 2 - Ex. 3b, p. 33 (00:59:10)
12 - Module 2 - Ex. 2, p. 34 (00:59:43)
13 - Module 2 - Ex. 1, p. 36 (01:04:20)
14 - Module 2 - Ex. 8, p. 37 (01:04:57)
15 - Module 2 - Ex. 1a, p. 38 (01:08:28)
16 - Module 2 - Ex. 2a, p. 38 (01:09:34)
17 - Module 2 - Ex. 1b, p. 39 (01:11:38)
18 - Module 2 - Ex. 3, p. 43 (01:15:17)
19 - Module 2 - Ex. 1b, p. 46 (01:16:44)

Module 3 – Doing the right thing
01 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 47 (01:18:16)
02 - Module 3 - Ex. 1a, p. 48 (01:19:17)
03 - Module 3 - Ex. 1b, p. 48 (01:20:06)
04 - Module 3 - Ex. 3, p. 48 (01:21:52)
05 - Module 3 - Ex. 1a, p. 50 (01:27:13)
06 - Module 3 - Ex. 2, p. 50 (01:27:52)
07 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 52 (01:31:51)
08 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 53 (01:35:44)
09 - Module 3 - Ex. 2, p. 53 (01:36:35)
10 - Module 3 - Ex. 4, p. 53 (01:37:51)
11 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 54 (01:38:32)
12 - Module 3 - Ex. 2, p. 54 (01:39:29)
13 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 56 (01:45:24)
14 - Module 3 - Ex. 8, p. 57 (01:46:04)
15 - Module 3 - Ex. 1a, p. 58 (01:50:41)
16 - Module 3 - Ex. 3a, p. 58 (01:51:24)
17 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 59 (01:54:06)
18 - Module 3 - Ex. 6b, p. 61 (01:58:56)
19 - Module 3 - Ex. 2b, p. 63 (02:01:05)
20 - Module 3 - Ex. 5c, p. 64 (02:02:53)
21 - Module 3 - Ex. 1, p. 66 (02:04:47)

Module 4 – Still a mystery
01 - Module 4 - Ex. 2, p. 67 (02:06:49)
02 - Module 4 - Ex. 1, p. 68 (02:08:56)
03 - Module 4 - Ex. 4, p. 69 (02:09:44)
04 - Module 4 - Ex. 2, p. 70 (02:16:00)
05 - Module 4 - Ex. 4, p. 72 (02:21:26)
06 - Module 4 - Ex. 1a, p. 73 (02:24:45)
07 - Module 4 - Ex. 1b, p. 73 (02:25:30)
08 - Module 4 - Ex. 3b, p. 73 (02:26:42)
09 - Module 4 - Ex. 1, p. 74 (02:27:29)
10 - Module 4 - Ex. 5a, p. 75 (02:34:02)
11 - Module 4 - Ex. 7a, p. 77 (02:34:56)
12 - Module 4 - Ex. 2, p. 78 (02:40:26)
13 - Module 4 - Ex. 1, p. 79 (02:42:26)
14 - Module 4 - Ex. 5, p. 79 (02:43:07)
15 - Module 4 - Ex. 1b, p. 82 (02:46:37)
16 - Module 4 - Ex. 1, p. 86 (02:49:12)

Module 5 – Lifelong learning
01 - Module 5 - Ex. 2, p. 87 (02:51:24)
02 - Module 5 - Ex. 1, p. 88 (02:56:44)
03 - Module 5 - Ex. 8, p. 89 (02:57:36)
04 - Module 5 - Ex. 2a, p. 90 (03:01:17)
05 - Module 5 - Ex. 2b, p. 90 (03:02:00)
06 - Module 5 - Ex. 3, p. 90 (03:03:37)
07 - Module 5 - Ex. 4a, p. 92 (03:07:58)
08 - Module 5 - Ex. 2a, p. 93 (03:10:28)
09 - Module 5 - Ex. 2b, p. 93 (03:11:08)
10 - Module 5 - Ex. 4a, p. 93 (03:12:14)
11 - Module 5 - Ex. 4b, p. 93 (03:12:56)
12 - Module 5 - Ex. 1, p. 94 (03:13:52)
13 - Module 5 - Ex. 2, p. 94 (03:14:50)
14 - Module 5 - Ex. 1a, p. 96 (03:19:34)
15 - Module 5 - Ex. 2, p. 96 (03:20:27)
16 - Module 5 - Ex. 2b, p. 98 (03:26:01)
17 - Module 5 - Ex. 5, p. 98 (03:27:12)
18 - Module 5 - Ex. 5a, p. 99 (03:29:50)
19 - Module 5 - Ex. 1, p. 102 (03:33:41)
20 - Module 5 - Ex. 1, p. 106 (03:36:17)

Module 6 – Getting to know you
01 - Module 6 - Ex. 1, p. 107 (03:38:11)
02 - Module 6 - Ex. 2, p. 107 (03:39:54)
03 - Module 6 - Ex. 1a, p. 108 (03:41:03)
04 - Module 6 - Ex. 2, p. 108 (03:41:45)
05 - Module 6 - Ex. 1, p. 110 (03:46:51)
06 - Module 6 - Ex. 2, p. 110 (03:48:56)
07 - Module 6 - Ex. 1, p. 112 (03:53:55)
08 - Module 6 - Ex. 5, p. 112 (03:54:16)
09 - Module 6 - Ex. 2a, p. 113 (03:56:46)
10 - Module 6 - Ex. 2b, p. 113 (03:57:29)
11 - Module 6 - Ex. 4, p. 113 (03:58:26)
12 - Module 6 - Ex. 1a, p. 114 (03:59:06)
13 - Module 6 - Ex. 2, p. 114 (04:00:06)
14 - Module 6 - Ex. 5, p. 115 (04:05:55)
15 - Module 6 - Ex. 4, p. 117 (04:06:52)
16 - Module 6 - Ex. 8, p. 117 (04:08:00)
17 - Module 6 - Ex. 1a, p. 119 (04:13:18)
18 - Module 6 - Ex. 3, p. 119 (04:14:24)
19 - Module 6 - Ex. 1, p. 119 (04:16:31)
20 - Module 6 - Ex. 2, p. 123 (04:20:01)

Starlight 8 - Workbook / Starlight English - Workbook Grade 8

01 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 9 (00:00:00)

02 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 10 (00:02:06)

03 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 23 (00:04:40)

04 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 24 (00:06:49)

05 - Workbook - Ex. 5, p. 33 (00:10:08)

06 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 38 (00:12:32)

07 - Workbook - Ex. 5, p. 50 (00:16:26)

08 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 52 (00:18:36)

09 - Workbook - Ex. 5, p. 61 (00:21:07)

10 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 66 (00:24:02)

11 - Workbook - Ex. 5, p. 78 (00:28:45)

12 - Workbook - Ex. 4, p. 80 (00:31:00)

13 - Workbook - Revision Module 1 - Ex . F (00:33:58)

14 - Workbook - Revision Module 2 - Ex. E (00:37:58)

15 - Workbook - Revision Module 3 - Ex. E (00:41:47)

16 - Workbook - Revision Module 4 - Ex. E (00:44:27)

17 - Workbook - Revision Module 4 - Ex. F (00:47:16)

18 - Workbook - Revision Module 5 - Ex. F (00:49:38)

19 - Workbook - Revision Module 6 - Ex. F (00:53:09)

Starlight 8 - Test booklet / Star English - Grade 8 tests

Test 1 (00:00:00)

Test2 (00:02:58)

Test 3 (00:08:43)

Test 4 (00:11:21)
