Geomancy fortune telling using dots. Fortune telling free online by points

Many consider Arabic fortune-telling by drawing on sand to be one of the most truthful and significant. Sometimes this divination is called dotted divination or geomancy.

Arabic fortune telling by drawing on the sand

Prediction by drawing on sand became known in Europe at the end of the 19th century. This divination¹ is often practiced by the inhabitants of Arabia and other desert dwellers. They attached special significance to sand and believed that it could give very accurate answers, since it is closely connected with nature.

To master the art of divination by drawing on sand, you need to learn the basic symbols of geomancy² and their meaning. Over time, you will be able to read and decipher the signs correctly.

How to conduct virtual fortune telling?

First, you should clearly formulate the question and concentrate on it. Then, with a stick, you need to place several dots (at least eight) in a random order on the sand. The received symbol is decrypted and a response is generated.

If you are not satisfied with the answer, then you should not ask the same question several times. The first answer is always the most correct.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Fortune telling is a ritual aimed at establishing contact with otherworldly forces in order to obtain knowledge about the future (Wikipedia).

You can get acquainted with others online fortune telling, if you use the search bar on our website located at the top of the page.

² Geomancy - fortune telling using the earth; a method of fortune telling popular in Arab countries, based on the interpretation of marks on the ground or drawings that are formed as a result of tossing a handful of earth, pebbles or grains of sand (

Recently, people have shown unprecedented interest in oriental fortune-telling. After all, everyone knows that the East is fraught with real magic, which attracts lovers of the unknown. Arabic fortune telling is no exception. There is one ancient Arabic fortune-telling that goes by many names, but contains the same meaning. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Arabic fortune telling on sand

In the East they often used dots to tell fortunes. To do this, using a stick, you had to randomly place dots in the sand and carefully look at the resulting symbol. It was believed that this symbol carries the answer to a specific question. Only the fortuneteller himself could discern some meaning in the figure that was understandable to him alone. Classic fortune telling is correct decoding obtained results. As a rule, the resulting design was reinforced with stones and twigs to achieve a more understandable shape. Sometimes this divination is called dotted divination or geomancy.

Arabic fortune telling, geomancy, was very often practiced in Arabia, whose inhabitants attached special importance to sand. It was believed that sand is closely related to nature, and therefore can answer many questions. At the same time, it is very important to approach the issue with all responsibility and seriousness. It is very important to be in a calm and relaxed state, then clearly formulate your question and think about it. When you think about the problem, there are about eight points to make. Stop when you feel the need to.

If you want to learn how to read sand as a professional, you should study the basic symbols of geomancy. Over time, you will be able to tune in correctly and correctly decipher the signs. Surprisingly, many consider this one of the most truthful and iconic. It is worth noting that technology is very similar to fortune telling using the book of changes.

Sixteen Basic Symbols of Geomancy

Interpretation of Geomancy Symbols

Arabic fortune telling using dots is carried out according to a rather complex system. There are initial figures from which child ones are derived. The result obtained should be interpreted depending on what signs were derived. Since fortune telling involves deciphering points, you can use dice. Only here it is necessary to count only those dice that fell on the top side. Remember that fortune telling can only be used once. Don't ask the same question over and over again in hopes of getting a positive answer.

With the help of a sharp stick, dots were placed in the sand in a disorderly manner, then connected by one line, while the line, according to Islamic tradition, was drawn from right to left. The resulting figures were interpreted in a special way and gave free rein to the fortuneteller's imagination.

The detailed style of divination is called "geomancy" from the Greek words for "earth" and "divination". In Islamic countries, such fortune telling was called the “science of sand,” since the Arabs believed that constantly moving sands leave invisible traces of fate for people - signs of Allah. The resulting images were marked with pebbles.

Islam prohibited any images of people and animals, and adherents of the Muslim religion did not see anything wrong in arbitrarily connecting dots.

In medieval Rus' there was also dotted fortune telling, called “rafli”.

Geomancy was the only form of divination officially permitted by Muslim rulers. Before starting fortune telling, the Arabs prayed for a long time, read verses from the Koran and performed ritual actions. Since ancient times, the population of Arab countries has paid great attention to mysticism and rituals; people constantly consulted astrologers and fortune tellers. The main principle of Arabic fortune telling was the use of 16 symbols, each of which consists of 4 lines.

On initial stage development of geomancy 16 symbols were explained using the placement of planets and zodiac signs. These ones 16 symbols: People - Path - Union - Prison - Luck - Failure - Profit - Loss - Sadness - Joy - Red - White - Girl - Boy - Head - Tail.

They guessed basically in this way: on the sand or later on paper, they placed dots in a random order in 4 horizontal rows, thinking about a desire or question about their future, after which they drew a vertical line in the field to the right of the dots and placed one opposite each row with an odd number of dots zero, and opposite the row with an even number of points - two zeros. The result was 4 rows of zeros, folding into a figure; later this figure was found in a special table of interpretations. At the intersection of the line of the number of the question asked and the resulting figure of several zeros, the desired letter was found. This letter, located at the intersection of the lines, gave the answer.

With distribution fortune telling cards interpretation began to be carried out differently: all sixes, sevens, eights and nines are selected from a deck of cards, using them for fortune telling. From the resulting stack of 16 cards, first thoroughly shuffling everything, take out four cards one at a time, forming a zero figure: six and eight, as even ones, form 2 zeros, and seven and nine, as odd ones, form one zero each.

For example, a fortuneteller is looking for an answer to the 6th question: “Will I find what was lost or stolen?” Cards are taken from the deck in the following order: seven, eight, eight and nine.

The result is the following figure: 0-00-00-0. Looking at the table, we find it. Drawing a line from it down to the number of the sixth question, we get the letter “b”. We look for it and find out the answer: “If you make a lot of effort, you will find it.”

Geomantic questions have the following content.

  1. Will my wish come true?
  2. Will it be a success?
  3. Will there be profit from...?
  4. Will there be good news?
  5. Will we see each other?
  6. Will I find the loss?
  7. Was your friend sincere with me...?
  8. Will my trip be safe?
  9. me?
  10. Will my marriage with... be happy?
  11. What kind of spouse will I have?
  12. Will I have a son or daughter?
  13. Will there be a recovery?
  14. What should I be afraid of?
  15. Will the New Year be happy?
  16. What does this dream mean?

Geomantic table

The answers to the questions are formulated as follows.

0-0-0-0 - the wish will come true;

00-0-00-0 - a disastrous outcome of all matters;

0-00-0-0 - after many difficulties, things will go well;

00-0-0-000 - don’t trust people so much, show more persistence;

00-00-00-0 - recovery will come, and quite easily;

00-00-0-00 - tiny daughter;

00-0-0-0 - the future life partner will be kind;

00-00-0-0 - if you get married now, you will have to regret it more than once;

0-0-00-000 - from the point of view of reason, this love will not lead to anything good;

0-0-0-000 - don’t drive - it won’t do any good;

00-0-00-00 - good friend;

0-00-00-00 - part with it without hesitation;

0-00-00-0 - certainly;

0-0-00-0 - no;

0-00-0-00 - get a significant share;

00-00-00-00 - you weren’t born in a shirt, don’t complain.

0-0-0-00 - luck will come, but it will bring with it many enemies;

00-0-00-0 - devote time to your main problem;

0-00-0-0 - close person will ask you for help;

00-0-0-00 - more good than bad; change of life in spring and slight loss in summer;

00-00-00-0-0 - assume only good things in everyone at the first meeting;

00-00-0-00 - not in the near future;

00-0-0-0 - a son with a difficult character, but with intelligence;

00-00-0-0 - something between a bad and a good person;

0-0-00-00 - this will be the basis of your wealth;

0-0-0-00 - in full;

00-0-00-00 - forward! Good luck!

0-00-00-00 - just for its own sake:

0-00-00-0 - if you put in a lot of effort, you will find it;

0-0-00-0 - the result will depend entirely on the application of one’s own forces;

0-00-0-00 - you will be satisfied;

00-00-00-00 - you shouldn’t do this business - it will lead to a dead end.

This fortune-telling has been known in Europe since the end of the 19th century, when a figure obtained from randomly applied dots became the answer to a question of interest to a person. It was believed that this fortune telling came to Europe from Arabia, therefore in some sources it was also called Arabic. The thing is that in the East, from ancient times, they used to guess by points that were placed at random in the sand with a sharp stick. Hence another name for this fortune telling - dotted. The Arabs themselves called their fortune telling geomancy, which meant fortune telling on the earth.

A modern person can use geomancy by placing dots randomly on paper with a pen or pencil. To do this, draw four horizontal lines so that you have four columns. Then, in each of these columns, place as many dots in random order as you want. At this time, you need to think about the issue that interests you.

Find in the table below the number of the question you are interested in and the resulting figure of zeros and draw imaginary lines from them. At the intersection of the lines you will find a letter, which, in combination with a figure of zeros, will be the answer to your question.

Geomantic questions

Will my wish come true?
Will there be any sense in my business?
Will I profit from such and such?
Will there be any comforting news?
Will we ever meet so-and-so?
Will I find what is lost or stolen?
Is so-and-so's friendship sincere?
Will I leave safely?
Does so-and-so love me?
Will the intended marriage be happy?
What kind of spouse will I have?
Will I have a son or daughter?
Will the patient recover?
What should I be afraid of?
Will the coming year be happy for me?

From large quantity Arabic methods of fortune telling are distinguished. The wisdom of the East allows you to predict the future and attract magic in solving various life issues. The most famous are Arabic sand fortune telling and Arabic solitaire.

Varieties of Arabic fortune telling

The history of Arabic fortune-telling goes back to ancient times. According to legend, they were popular among harem concubines in the East. In Europe, they gained fame from the end of the 19th century and were especially revered by rich ladies. Then they gradually lost their popularity and have been revived only recently.

Arab ancient fortune telling, which has survived to this day, has many varieties. The most reliable are Arabic sand fortune telling and Arabic solitaire.

Arabic sand fortune telling is a system of lines or dots transformed into a specific figure. In ancient times, they were written by Bedouins on sand and earth, which is why the divination system is called geometric. Today, pen and paper are used for the ritual, as well as other available methods of graphic representation. The fortune telling technology is as follows:

  1. Having concentrated, the fortuneteller chooses the topic of the question of interest and formulates it mentally.
  2. It then draws an arbitrary number of dots in four rows.
  3. It counts the symbols in each row; if the sum of the dots is odd, it puts 0 opposite it. If the number is even, it draws 00. This is how a figure is obtained from a certain number of zeros.
  4. Then select the question number corresponding to the resulting figure, the letter responsible for the interpretation of fortune telling, and study the answer received.

It is also allowed to use cards in denominations from seven to ten for such fortune-telling, taking even ones as 0, odd ones as 00. Having shuffled them, they draw 4 cards in succession, laying them one below the other and using the same table determine the value of the answer received.

Arabic solitaire online

Arabic solitaire is a deck of 20 cards, which depict 40 symbolic pictures. It is performed by laying out cards from left to right, 4 pieces in each row.

Before carrying out the layout, mentally formulate a question to which it is expected to receive an answer through the interpretation of the pictures. The deck is carefully shuffled and the cards begin to be laid out. After the entire deck has been laid out, they look for possible matches of the drawings. It is allowed to rotate the cards around their axis to align the drawings.

It is not allowed to move the cards of the played solitaire game from place to place.

The matching drawings are studied and the answer to the question asked is obtained.

Arabic fortune telling online solitaire is a virtual version of the ancient fortune telling system. Its advantages are that the fortuneteller gets the opportunity to find the answer to the question quickly, without studying the rules and features of this process. The beginning of fortune telling also implies concentration on the question. Then, by pressing a special button on the screen, you select the layout method. Then they consider the matching options and, if they initially did not form a complete picture during the layout, combine them by clicking on the card they want to turn over.

To get a reliable prediction, you should not play solitaire on the same question more than once a day. If one card makes it possible to get two drawings, pay attention to the one that came first. You should not perform the ritual in a skeptical mood, in a hurry, or for fun.

Interpretation of meanings

The symbols depicted on the cards have a deep meaning, allowing them to be interpreted depending on the scope of the issue.

Card meanings:

  • Shoes - stable well-being in love and life, which can be increased through hard work and wisdom;
  • Horse - material well-being, universal recognition, for a woman - admirers;
  • Market - attentiveness and caution will help you avoid troubles;
  • A bowl of fruit is a period of prosperity and serenity;
  • Camel - if you do not pay attention to a friend who has helped more than once, but has not received due gratitude in return, you can be left without his support in difficult times;
  • Vizier - meeting with a person who will provide assistance, give wise advice and will support in the future;
  • Palace - well-being and movement towards the goal, do not forget about loved ones;
  • Fence - obstacles on the way to what you want will force you to give up your dream or delay the moment of its fulfillment;
  • Dry wood - giving up the old and unnecessary will change the situation;
  • Mirror - it’s time to rethink life values ​​and look at your life from the outside;
  • The snake is a cunning enemy that should be feared;
  • Gold is an unexpected income;
  • Emerald is a secret, influential and passionately in love admirer;
  • Figs are the best time for learning;
  • Swords - external threat, danger of injury;
  • The key is a good time to start;
  • Lamp - a dream will definitely come true;
  • Ring - good luck in love, promising romantic relationships and a happy marriage;
  • Hourglass - waiting for something;
  • Palm – new discoveries, changes, acquaintances and knowledge;
  • Oasis - changes for the better are coming soon, all the troubles are behind;
  • Peacock - a quick meeting with a handsome but narrow-minded young man is possible;
  • Scroll - some secret will soon become clear, the consequences of which will be unpredictable;
  • Star and Crescent - listen to your inner voice, intuition will help you solve the problem;
  • Lamb skull – lack of change, boredom and routine;
  • Baby - troubles associated with changes in life that will lead to improvement;
  • Sprout - the beginning of a new stage in life, emotional and creative upsurge, success in endeavors;
  • A letter is long-awaited news;
  • Falcon - freedom of choice and victory over circumstances, if you listen to intuition and use life experience;
  • The sun is the most favorable symbol in the layout, indicating that you will get what you want;
  • Clouds are small obstacles;
  • Turban is a middle-aged patron;
  • A thunderstorm is an unfavorable period, do not lose optimism;
  • Dancer - entertainment, long-awaited rest and travel;
  • Fountain - events will follow each other at high speed;
  • A woman wearing a hijab is a warning about improper behavior that will lead to unpredictable results;
  • Flower - light flirting, frivolous and fleeting romance;
  • Butterfly is a happy period in life;
  • Potion – love and successful romantic relationships;
  • Poison – financial loss or illness.