How to tell fortunes on playing cards. See your future with playing cards

Recall that you need to guess on cards that have never been played. It can be a deck just bought or already time-tested. I have both in my arsenal.

Before you start laying out the cards on the table, you should always shuffle them and guess who or what we are guessing. This is done before any method.

Quick fortune-telling on the cards is the first.

They shuffled, took off with their left hand an arbitrary upper part of the cards and did not forget to guess what you want to know about.


Then we lay out the entire deck in random order on the table with a speck up.

After that, we take any cards from any places in the amount of 9 pieces. This is what predictions are. We look at the meanings of these 9 cards on a special page for the meaning of the cards in the layout of these four simple divinations.

Watch fortune telling on the cards in the video lesson

Simple divination on playing cards 36 second.

They took the cards to themselves. Then randomly from any place we pull out one card from the deck. Look at the suit of this card. Now we are looking for the same suit of a king or a lady, that is, who we are guessing at.

Put the king (queen) on the table and around this card we will lay out 10 cards in the following way.

We took the whole deck in our hands and count up to six, and put the seventh near the king (lady). And so we take out every seventh card until we take out 10 pieces.

Fortune telling playing cards- video tutorials for learning 2.

The easiest fortune-telling on cards 3

Here is another of the easiest way to read the cards. I hope you have already shuffled the deck without prompting. Now we take off with our left hand and make a guess that we want to know the suit of the king (or lady), i.e. who are we guessing.

Then the entire deck of cards must be laid out on the table. We take it in order from above and put it on the table in 4 rows of 9 pieces each.

For clarity, see the video "Fortune telling on the cards - video training 3".

Fortune telling on cards simple layout 4

Simple fortune-telling on ordinary cards is available to everyone. They are different from the grandmother's layout, the meaning of the cards is also completely different. You don't need to memorize anything. Keep in front of you an interpreter for these 4 simple fortune-telling on ordinary playing cards and interpret the combination that has fallen out based on it. This was the introduction. Now let's start the process.

We offer you several simple divination on ordinary, so-called playing cards. They are called playing cards conditionally, because in no case can it be played with the deck of cards on which they are guessing. So, for any of the fortune-telling below, you only need a regular deck of 36 cards and yours.

Divination for the future

This divination is very simple. Shuffle the deck of 36 cards well. Silently ask a question about your future. Now draw a card. Here, only the suit will be needed for the answer.

  • Diamonds- you will surely get what you want if you put a lot of effort into it.
  • Hearts- it is unlikely that your desire is what you really need.
  • Clubs Nothing will stop you from achieving what you want.
  • Peaks- you will come very close to the goal, but at the last moment something will interfere. In the future, the understanding will come that this is for the best.

Divination for the future

Fortune telling "five stacks"

We remove sixes from a deck of 36 cards and divide the remaining 32 into 2 piles. We choose one of them, remove the first card and put it aside (this card means trouble). The rest of the cards are laid out in 3 more piles.

From each of them we take out the bottom card and put it on the one that means trouble. So, it turned out 4 piles: the 1st is you, the 2nd is the family, the 3rd is the events taking place, the 4th is the trouble. Card meaning:

  • Peaks: ace - good news; king friend; lady - dreams; jack - a failed date; ten - a pleasant meeting; nine good acquaintance; eight sadness, melancholy; seven - reconciliation; six - failures in business.
  • Clubs: ace - the right decision; the king is an old friend; lady - an unexpected gift; jack - cash profit; ten - good luck in business; nine chores; eight - a happy acquaintance; seven - a long road; six - someone else's house.
  • Diamonds: ace - fulfillment of desire; king - betrayal of a friend; lady - admire you; jack - trouble at work; ten - jealousy; nine - overcoming difficulties; eight sadness; seven - a true friend; six - danger.
  • Hearts: ace - your love is mutual; king - they want to interfere with your plans; lady - do not hide your feelings; jack - a long-awaited meeting; ten - news from a loved one; nine - unexpected recognition; eight - fate is favorable to you; seven - an unsafe journey; six - reward for work.

We lay out all the piles on one card and determine the value. If peaks predominate in any of the stacks, financial receipts are expected soon; if clubs - wait for news from afar; tambourines - to great luck; hearts - deceit will be revealed.

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle and draw any card. If you are guessing for a man, choose from the deck the king of the suit of the dropped card, if for a woman - a lady of the corresponding suit. Put the king or queen in the center, shuffle the remaining deck. Lay out 10 cards in a circle around the central one as follows: count 6 cards from the top of the deck, and put the 7th in a circle. Now start interpreting.

Card interpretation

Card meaning:

  • Hearts: ace - expect a sign of attention; king - for a woman - a beloved, for a man - a friend; lady - for a man - a beloved, for a woman - a friend; jack - opponent; ten - sadness; nine - a difficult choice awaits you; figure eight - rest with friends; seven - a difficult day; six is ​​a long way.
  • Clubs: ace - to gossip; king - influential person; lady - unexpected news; jack - success in business; ten - cash profit; nine - debts; eight - what you are waiting for will not take place; seven - paperwork; six - travel.
  • Diamonds: ace - good news; king, lady - acquaintance; jack - you will be praised by the authorities; ten - surprise; nine - unexpected problems; eight - you will have enemies; seven - treason; six - you have to cancel the trip.
  • Peaks: ace - good news; the king is the patron; lady - gossip; jack - pleasant chores; ten - leisure; nine - do not forget about friends; eight - betrayal; seven - a quarrel with a loved one; six - a marriage proposal.

Fortune telling on a birthday

This method is used to guess once a year - on your birthday, preferably in the morning. Try not to let anyone bother you.

Shuffle the deck and draw 7 cards. Put them in front of you and decipher, so you will know what awaits you in the next year of life.

Card meaning:

  • Aces: peak - the year is successful in financial affairs; tambourine - troublesome year; worms - meet your fate; clubs - health will not let you down.
  • kings: peak - good friend; tambourine - monetary losses; worms - you will have a fan; clubs - happiness in the family.
  • Ladies: peak - rival; tambourine - a true friend; worms - a strong family union; clubs - take care of the safety of your home.
  • Jack: peak - children will delight you; tambourine - the health of your family members; worms - good luck in business; clubs - money chores.
  • Tens: peak - do not trust a close friend; tambourine - recognition at work; worms - strong love; clubs - a long journey.
  • Nines: peak - quarrels with loved ones; tambourine - mutual sympathy; worms - do right choice; clubs - your chosen one will be jealous.
  • eights: peak - be careful with unfamiliar people; tambourine - heavy blow; worms - grief awaits you; clubs - a marriage proposal.
  • Sevens: peak - a fun life; tambourine - sadness; worms - gaining wealth; clubs - your actions will be condemned.
  • Sixes: peak - separation from a loved one; tambourine - your efforts will not be in vain; worms - long-awaited love; clubs - find a new job.

Recommended for reading.

Exists a large number of methods and types of divination on cards. The simplest of the types of card decks is a deck of 36 cards and four suits. It is very easy to work with her and predictions come true with extraordinary accuracy.

Basic tricks for divination on 36 cards

Before you begin to study the layouts, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of the cards.

Heart card suit

  • Six - indicates a fast road;
  • Seven - important negotiations;
  • Eight - a love date;
  • Nine - pure love;
  • Ten - thoughts and thoughts;
  • Jack - strong feelings or problems that have arisen;
  • Lady - blood female ties;
  • The king is a man close by blood;
  • Ace is the home of the beloved.

Spades cards

  • Six - a long road;
  • Seven - discontent, despair;
  • Eight - the probability of a hike or an invitation to stay;
  • Nine - an ambulance for a long time;
  • Ten - useless and empty dreams;
  • Jack - a waste of time, useless deeds and worries;
  • Lady is a very strong enemy;
  • The king is a strict superior man, quite likely holding a high position;
  • Ace - bad news.

diamond suit

  • Six - the fastest way;
  • Seven - the joy of meeting;
  • Eight - mutually pleasant communication;
  • Nine - the secret love of unmarried representatives of both sexes;
  • Ten - easy fulfillment of desires;
  • Jack - obstacles on the road of life;
  • The lady is a very close woman;
  • The king is a devoted friend;
  • Ace - good news.

Club cards

  • Six - the road to work;
  • Seven - important business communication;
  • Eight - negotiation process;
  • Nine - mutual and passionate love;
  • Ten - financial receipts;
  • Jack - constant worries;
  • The lady is a relative from a close circle;
  • The king is a powerful man;
  • Ace - a difficult job or an important project.

When starting fortune-telling, it is necessary to think of a certain person for whom the card layout is carried out. For the fortune-telling process, you need to purchase a new card deck. It is very important that it is new and has not been used before.

The deck must be thoroughly mixed, and then ask the person who is doing the alignment to move the cards with their left hand away from themselves. After that, you need to pick up the card that is located on top of the deck, and put it face down on the table. This procedure will need to be carried out six times. Now you can turn them over and interpret the event seen in the layout.

There are a huge number of very simple and interesting layouts that make it possible to get answers to your questions. Understanding the layout and reading it in detail, in turn, does not cause any particular difficulties. But the most surprising thing is that card layouts, especially in relation to love ups and downs, always show a real picture of what is happening. And if you learn how to make high-quality layouts, then you can read the cards all your life without resorting to the services of all kinds of magicians and sorcerers.

Divination methods on 36 playing cards

Consider the most simple ways divination on 36 playing cards.

A fortune-telling method called "What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down."

This is the simplest divination for the near future and the most in demand at the moment. The layout of thirty-six playing cards helps to get answers to a number of difficult questions: “What awaits in the near future?” or “What happened before, and why did it all happen?”. In this divination, the cards are laid out as follows:

Six cards in front of the image of the client's card, as well as paired cards at the top, show the very near future, and pairs of cards at the feet of the main card speak of very small and insignificant events.

Divination for the near future

An elementary fortune-telling technique on thirty-six cards called "Fortune-telling for an event" or for the very near future reveals the closest incidents and events in a person's life. This method fortune-telling on a playing deck of cards is made for the future, which is already very close.

When performing a deal, one random card is taken out from a deck of cards. Then the interpretation of the drawn cards is determined. They represent the immediate future and upcoming events and changes.

Method of predictions for a month, 3 months and for the coming year

This technique is used in certain, very important moments for the client in his life. This alignment is not usual and everyday. In this divination, the veil may open over the coming future, which may await in next month as well as the coming year. Thanks to this divination, without the help of sorcerers and fortune-tellers, you can see your fate and find out what will happen in life at a certain time.

The method of the card layout "Fortune telling the king"

The simplest way of fortune-telling on thirty-six playing cards, "Fortune-telling for the betrothed", is recognized by experienced fortune-tellers as one of the most truthful and popular. This is primarily due to the fact that a large number of the fair sex is, unfortunately, without a partner. The card of the king, which falls out at the beginning of the layout, directly shows the feelings, intentions, as well as the events that occur with the object of this fortune-telling.

The layout method "Fortune telling 4 jacks"

This method has long been known and carries a large amount of information. The alignment of four jacks is a fortune-telling on the attitude towards four men at once, which helps to choose the one who loves you from several applicants.

Method "Simple divination on 36 cards"

The alignment of this fortune-telling will open your intuition, help you get answers to burning questions, predict your future, and take the right actions.

With this method of divination on thirty-six cards, three cards are removed from the top of the deck at once and they look carefully. In the event that cards of the same card suit or the same value are found among them, they are discarded, and only the card that differs from all the others in each triple is put aside for the client’s card. Having expanded them in one row, from left to right, they interpret the prediction.

Fortune telling on thirty-six playing cards can tell about your immediate fate and the distant future. In this way, it is necessary to guess by pronouncing the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, blame” and removing cards from above, one at a time. Cards that match the suit spoken aloud in suit are set aside. After the number of pending cards has reached 10 pieces, the alignment is completed and you can begin to determine the meaning of these cards, which will tell about your future.

Fortune telling on an ordinary deck of cards for love is a fairly well-known and at the same time very truthful fortune-telling on a person’s relationship. This way card layout a little more complicated than the others, but it allows you to consider the situation in love relationships from a variety of points of view, and from different angles. Cards in this type of divination are laid out repeatedly and in completely different ways, and reveal only part of the secret of love and fate. You can always change your life for the better thanks to this alignment.

Fortune telling on playing cards for money and wealth is a simple and truthful fortune-telling to determine financial and cash receipts in the near future on nine cards of an ordinary playing deck of thirty-six cards. In the scenario, any nine cards are randomly removed from the deck and laid out in front of them. The answer to your questions will be the suits and values ​​​​of the cards that have fallen out.

The foggy future has always attracted people with its uncertainty. That is why many from time to time resort to the services of various fortune-tellers and shamans. Everyone is interested to know what awaits them ahead and what they need to be prepared for. Divination is difficult process in which intuition is always involved. Not only experienced fortune-tellers turn to cards for help. Many ordinary people are interested in how to learn to read cards and decipher predictions.

Divination on playing cards

In order to start divination, careful preparation is necessary. You need to buy a new deck, and also tune in to fortune-telling by choosing a suitable day for this. There is an opinion that it is best to guess on Fridays and on the 13th of any of the months.

In the old days, divination was often resorted to in new year holidays and at Christmas.

As a rule, this period lasted from January 7 to January 19 - during the transition from one year to another, when the portal between parallel worlds and you can get answers to all your questions.

At the first attempt to join the fortune-telling process, you should learn a few main points, thanks to which it will be possible to correctly decipher the meaning of the received information:

  • Before the ritual itself, you should hold the cards in your hands, shuffling them with your left hand, towards the heart. It is necessary to establish an energetic connection with them, thinking at this moment about the issue of interest.
  • If fortune-telling occurs for another person, then you should not pass the deck from your hands to him. The cards should only feel their owner, and no one else should hold the deck in their hands. The person for whom fortune-telling is taking place can only point with his hand at the deck.
  • Divination should not be carried out while in a bad mood. In addition, it is necessary to ask the permission of the person for whom fortune-telling will be carried out. It is not recommended to guess against the will of a person.
  • Should be used various ways divination. But if one specific question does not give rest, you should not ask it more than once a day: the answer will be unreliable.
  • Do not ignore randomly dropped cards from the deck. In the case when, during the shuffling, one or more of them inadvertently falls out of the deck, one should unravel their meaning in parallel with the main layout. Perhaps they will be a hint and contribute their own sacred meaning into a general interpretation.

By following these simple rules, you can learn to guess correctly and quickly, deciphering even the most complex layouts, and the subconscious and intuition will come to the rescue in this difficult task.

Suit values

Before learning how to guess on the cards, you should know which suits are responsible for what. Things to keep in mind Firstly:

Knowing these values, it will be easier to navigate the flow of information that the alignment gives.

Divination methods

Many methods of alignment have been known to people for a long time. This fortune-telling for love - for a loved one, for a king, for the future - gypsy divination, as well as fate, desire, question and wealth.

For the beloved

The method makes it possible to discover some of the features of the character of the person who is being guessed at, his emotions, intentions and feelings.

Take the deck in your hands, shuffle it, and then knock down its upper part with your left hand. Then remove the first card from the top and open it. She will embody the thoughts of a loved one.

After shuffling the deck, remove the second one and put it on your right side - it will symbolize feelings, emotions and experiences.

By the same method remove the next 4:

  • the third - will show the near future of a loved one;
  • the fourth, his secret hopes and desires;
  • the fifth is an unexpected adventure;
  • the sixth - fate and the future in the long term.

Fortune telling will help you figure out what your loved one feels, what actions he will take, and what his thoughts are filled with.

On desire

This simple way of spreading will help to uncover the events of the near future and find out how likely the desire is to come true. Learning to guess, as professional fortune tellers do, is not so difficult.

Getting down to action, you need to take the same deck, carefully shuffle it, while concentrating on your desire. Then draw any random card without looking at the deck. She will be the answer to the question.

If a black suit is caught, this state of affairs will indicate that the desire will either not come true, or there will be obstacles on the way to its fulfillment. Accordingly, the red suit gives a greater likelihood that the wish will come true.

gypsy divination

This is a long-standing and effective divination that will open the veil of future events, tell about the past and the present.

You should pick up the deck and mentally pronounce an exciting question, for example, “What awaits me in the future?”.

After shuffling the deck, remove the top with your left hand, then lay out three cards in three rows, face down. The first row - symbolizes the past of a person, the second - shows the present, and the third - the future.

"What will happen?"

After acquiring the skills of divination on playing cards, you can safely move on to more complex layouts. Here the topical questions are: “What happened?”, “What will happen?”, “How will the heart calm down?”.

It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible, pick up the deck and shuffle it with your left hand in the direction of the heart.

Then remove a couple of cards from the top and put them at the very bottom of the deck.

After that, you should take turns taking three cards from the deck until you find “your own” - for example, the Queen of Hearts. It must be placed in the center of the table.

The first three - will talk about what happened. Each of them will point to any of the events that took place in the past, or to a person who is nearby.

The rest of the deck should be shuffled again, concentrating on the question "What will happen?".

The deck should be divided into 2 approximately equal parts, take out one of the cards and, without looking at it, put it under “your own”. It will personify what is in a person's heart. It is allowed to open it only at the very end of fortune-telling. After this action, the deck should not be shuffled, but should be divided into 4 equal parts from different sides of the main card. This procedure is carried out with the right hand.

It is time to take turns revealing 2 extreme cards from the bottom and top, and then to the right and left of the main one.

The same cards that remain should not be mixed, but laid out in two in the right corner - above and below your card, revealing the suit.

In a similar way, you need to place the cards on the left. Every fourth remaining card is placed "on the heart".

After you have mastered the methods of divination on playing cards, you can move on to more complex methods and learn how to read Tarot.

Tarot cards

To date, there are many different literature that tells about how to learn fortune telling on cards, including Tarot. In special manuals and on the Internet you can find an interpretation of the meanings. Moreover, there are many online spreads, which can predict the future no worse than a regular deck.

An important point for a fortuneteller is how he feels the cards, how ready he is to believe them. Pulling out one of them, you need to enter into a single energy flow with it, and also to feel all the emotions and states that it causes.

The fact is that Tarot cards are specially designed for divination: they can know and tell more about a person than he knows about himself. During such a ritual, they seem to be talking to a person.

However, you should not try to immediately make complex layouts.

It will be quite enough to choose one card a day and comprehend the feelings that it causes. After a while, it will be easier to learn how to guess on them, since intuition will accurately tell you the correct value, and the deck itself will reveal all the secrets.

Fortune-telling can be mastered by almost anyone, regardless of their age. You need to be able to listen to yourself and your subconscious. Establishing a close connection between the fortuneteller and his deck is the key to the successful conduct of such a ritual.

Divination methods on 36 cards

The great temptation is to know your future. It is even more difficult to resist it when it is known that knowledge about the future is not a secret, it can be learned about. For this they serve divination methods on 36 cards.

The easiest way to guess is on playing cards. You can guess the most different ways, but one of the simplest items for divination is playing cards.

Why cards

A standard game deck consists of 36 cards, there are also large ones - they include 52 cards. Each card has its own uniqueness, which means it can have its own separate meaning. Therefore, the playing deck has a large range options use for .

Card reading since ancient times it has been popular, which means that at least one person in the house knew how to guess, for example, with the help of playing cards. Usually this role was performed by the oldest woman, this tradition originates from the Eastern traditions, where a woman was initially associated with magic. That is why ladies are of particular importance in divination. The lady in the cards personifies the very woman, a family member who possessed magical knowledge.

There is a great many ways on playing cards, but they are all united general principles. With the help of certain rules and traditions, several cards are selected from the deck and placed on the table in a certain order. It is important not only the face value of the cards taken out of the deck, but also their place in divination.

Each arrangement has its own meaning, for example, "what was" or "what he thinks about." Then the meaning of the cards is interpreted according to the basic principles of interpretation and their placement, where they are located.

Classic card interpretation

In simple classical layouts, which will be discussed in this article, the following interpretation is usually used. The deck for such fortune-telling consists of 36 cards. Each suit contains the following cards:

  • Six. Six in fortune-telling indicates the road. If the six is ​​red, the road will be easy or happy, and if it is black, it will be empty or useless. A road can have a direct meaning and mean a journey, a trip, a move, or it can have a figurative meaning, meaning a path or movement in any direction.
  • Seven. This is something unexpected. Again, in the case of red cards and clubs, the surprise will be rather pleasant, this is a surprise or a gift, and if the suit is spades, the seven will mean a quarrel.
  • Eight is a meeting. In hearts and diamonds, this is a pleasant meeting, perhaps even flirting; in clubs, this is a sad meeting; and in spades, a meeting means treason.
  • Nine. This card means news, news. For worms, this is news of love, a declaration of love, for a tambourine, this is just good news. Clubs are news related to finances, money, and the appearance of nine peaks may indicate news of a serious illness.
  • Ten. Ten means seven. In hearts, these are family chores that bring joy; in tambourines, the appearance of this card means a gift. Clubs are associated with receiving a material amount, and peaks signal brewing problems in the family. Jack is always a young man. For worms, it means a love meeting, for a tambourine it is just a pleasant acquaintance. Clubs will be associated with obtaining a new source of income, and spades mean an ally.
  • Lady- most often a married woman, but can mean a young girl. For clubs, this is a homemaker, and for spades, an elderly, unpleasant woman.
  • King- a married or elderly man.
  • Ace means letter. For worms, this is a love letter, and for spades, a letter from a government house, that is, from an organization or institution.

In order to complete, it remains only to understand how to properly lay out the cards.

Let's guess?

It is advisable to take a deck that has never been in the game, but any will do. The main thing is that this deck belongs to the fortuneteller, cards taken from the wrong hands can “lie” or predict the future not of the one you are guessing at, but only the owner.

A simple divination for a couple. Order:

  1. Take a deck of 36 cards. Choose one card for the companion and for the companion (similar to the previous divination). Take them out of the deck and put them next to you (the card of the fortuneteller on the left, his companion or companion on the right).
  2. Shuffle cards. With your left hand, take the first two cards and put them to the left and right of the lying pair of cards. This is what worries, what each of the couple thinks about.
  3. Shuffle the deck again and take off twice.
  4. Take two cards from the deck and place a pair of cards on top. This is the future of the couple. Joint, but the card that lies above each partner means the event that will happen because of him.
  5. Repeat step 3 again and take two cards from the deck. Put them at the bottom of the pair cards. It's a couple's problem. They are joint, but so the card that lies above the partner means problems that he will have to solve first of all.

With the help it is easy to get information about your near future. The results can even be recorded so that later you can watch how the predictions come true.

The main thing is not to forget that everything depends on the person himself, and if fortune-telling prophesies problems, you can have time to prepare for them in advance and solve them with the least damage.
