Lunar calendar for indoor flowers. Monthly lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

September is the month when you can plant seedlings or transplant young non-bearing trees.

When to plant trees?

It is believed that planting seedlings early autumn, in early October, it is better than spring planting due to the warmed soil and still stable warm weather.

However, there are some peculiarities here, for example, seedlings of pears, plums, cherries and cherries can freeze in winter, so these.

In the spring, stone fruit seedlings are planted, followed by pears and then apple trees.

How to choose a seedling

Buy seedlings from nurseries in your area so that they are already adapted to your climate. Try not to buy seedlings at bazaars, as in this case planting material does not undergo any examination.

The tree trunk is smooth, without branches and leaves, without signs of disease (influxes of root canker) and damage. The length of the roots is at least 25-30 cm. There should be no root growth from the rootstock. Crown of a seedling of 3 branches. There may be fewer branches if these are annual seedlings or low-branching plum and cherry species.

How to prepare a planting hole for a seedling

To plant a seedling, you need a hole with steep walls, 70-80 cm deep, 80 cm in diameter.

Drive a stake in the center of the hole - this will be a support for the future seedling.

Fill the planting hole with peat, rotted manure, complex mineral fertilizer and, for heavy soil, sand.

Fill the hole for planting the seedling using the layer-by-layer method, i.e. a wheelbarrow of peat, a wheelbarrow of earth, a wheelbarrow of humus and a grain of fertilizer - mix and fill it again with the same composition and so on until you make a mound on top up to 20 cm high,
since the soil will shrink and the mound will be halved.

This is soil shrinkage due to improper preparation of the pit.

But this mound is required, otherwise, after the soil shrinks, water will constantly collect, which will give rise to rotting of the seedling’s bark.

Do not forget to form a cushion around the tree so that when watering the water does not spread in all directions.

Size of planting pit for fruit tree seedlings

It is not recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers to already prepared planting holes, as they will have an adverse effect on growth fruit tree. You can pour 1 kg of wood ash into the planting hole (100-60 cm).

Planting pits for apple and pear trees are prepared at a distance of 6x6 m, and for cherries and plums at a distance of 3x4 m.

How to prepare a seedling for planting

Inspect and trim, if necessary, soaked, broken roots and broken branches. Try not to trim the roots too much, since with a good length of roots, the chances of survival and further development of the tree increase.

After winter, sometimes the top of a young tree is 5-7 cm dry. This happens because the plant, especially one planted in early autumn, is not 100% prepared for winter.

To prevent this from happening, the tops of the branches are cut back to mature wood - by 2-3 buds. Shorten the side branches proportionally so that they do not shade the trunk.

How to plant a seedling

When planting a seedling, focus on the root collar.

When you have prepared the planting hole, you can start planting the seedling, provided that the air temperature is above 0°C. To do this, make a depression in the mound slightly larger than the root system of the tree. Place the seedling vertically near the stake, straighten the twisted roots.

Fill with soil so that the root collar is 5-7 cm above the ground surface. Compact the soil around the seedling (with your foot), especially near the trunk.

Avoid air gaps. Water with a weak stream of water, possibly from a watering can (3 buckets per tree).

Tie the seedling to the stake with soft material so that the support only supports the plant in a clearly vertical position. Before frost, mulch the tree trunk circle with peat or spruce branches.

If after watering you see roots sticking out a little from the ground, do not be afraid, they will go into the ground and the root collar will be flush with the surface of the earth. But if protruding roots bother you, you can always cover them with soil.

Water every two weeks in dry, stable weather.

Its future life depends on improper planting of a seedling.

Saplings planted in early autumn and winter may die, why?

A possible reason is that the tree itself is not frost-resistant or the seedling was planted incorrectly.

For example, they buried the root collar, so the plant devoted all its strength to surviving and did not have time to adapt to winter.

The degree of fruiting also depends on the depth.

It happens that a tree grows and does not bear fruit, why?

Look at the level of the root collar; if it is below the surface of the soil, then the soil needs to be removed, carefully dig up the tree and raise it to the desired height.

Tips for summer residents on planting seedlings:

  • the distance from the seedling to the nearest building should not be less than 5 m, so that the roots do not damage the foundation, and the tree itself does not create a shadow or disrupt air circulation (the walls become damp and collapse);
  • when planting seedlings, keep the distance between them equal to the distance between adults;
  • the planting hole must be large cylindrical in shape for normal development of the seedling, uniform distribution of water when watering and nutrients when feeding;
  • Having dug a planting hole, loosen the bottom with a pitchfork to make it easier for the roots to root deep into the soil;
  • The seedling must be planted strictly vertically, so it is best to do this with an assistant;
  • in the center, install a stake in the planting hole from the side where the wind blows most often;
  • in the tree trunk circle, make an earthen roller that will prevent the water from spreading during watering;
  • Distribute tree planting into tiers to maximize the distribution of sunlight. Peach, apricot, cherry and grapes are best planted on the south side, closer to the walls of the house ( white), which will be an additional reflection of heat. The apple tree can be planted on the north side;
  • You can collect the first harvest from a tree faster like this: in early August, when the shoots have not yet become woody, bend 1/3 of their length into a ring at a distance of 50 cm from each other and tie it up. Bend towards good lighting. Untie the shoots next spring. This method accelerates the formation of fruit buds and increases the winter hardiness of the tree.

Anyone who is deeply involved in planting and replanting knows that there are special days for some indoor plants. A special lunar calendar compiled for each phase of the moon, as well as the positions of the zodiacs, will help to identify them.

Nowadays, modern calendars are written by the best astrologers, recording calculations, presenting in detail information about favorable and unfavorable favorable days. The calendar is listed by day of each month.

Plant replanting calendar 2016

  • January

January will begin with the waning moon on the 2nd in the constellation Libra. Over the course of a month, the moon will go through its phase, being in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces (09.01 - 12.01), and Leo (23.01 - 25.01), are not favorable days for working with plants, the rest are favorable. From January 3 to January 5, January 29 and January 31, it is recommended to plant bulbous and tuberous plants; It is better to plant climbing ones on the 20th, and seeds on 18.01 and 22.01. Transplantation should be done on January 13, January 14 and January 18, and cuttings on January 18, 22.

  • February

In February, there are only a couple of unfavorable periods: from Aquarius to Pisces (7.02 – 9.02) and from Leo to Virgo (21.02 – 23.02). It is recommended to plant bulbous and tuberous plants on February 5, 6, 25, 26, 28, and 29. Curly hair will be best on the days: 16.02 and 17.02. For planting seeds - 14.02, 15.02, 18.02, 19.02. Start replanting on 10.02, 14.02, 29.02. Root cuttings on days such as February 14, 18 and 19.

March is the most interesting month, bringing a solar eclipse on the same day during the new moon on the 9th. It is recommended from 6.03 to 10.03 (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries), as well as from Virgo to Libra (22.03 - 24.03) not to deal with plants, but simply to maintain them. On other days it is recommended to sow seeds - 12.03, 13.03, 17.03 and 21.03. Planting climbing plants - 14.03, and planting bulbous plants with tuberous plants - 4.03, 5.03, 13.03 and 26.03. The most suitable dates for replanting are 12.03, 13.03, 21.03, and rooting is 5.03, 12.03, 13.03 and 17 March.

  • April

Favorable and unfavorable days will divide the month of April in half. It is not advisable to “disturb” plants on such days: 2.04, 3.04 (Aquarius); from Leo to Taurus (6.04 - 8.04); 21.04 - 23.04 (Libra, Virgo); 29.04, 30.04 (Aquarius). If you want to replant your indoor pride, then don’t miss 04/9, 04/17 and 04/18. And if there is a need to root cuttings, then 9.04, 13.04 and 20.04 are best suited. It is necessary to plant seeds on 13.04, 17.04, 18.04, 20, climbing seeds - 11.04 and 20.04, and tuberous and bulbous ones - 1.04, 27.04 and 28 April.

May is the most successful month for sowing and planting, and transplanting too. Therefore, sow on 10.05, 15.05, 17.05 and 18.05. For planting climbers, as well as for rooting, only a couple of days are allocated: May 17 and 18. Tuberous and bulbous plants need to be planted only on one day - the 25th. As for unfavorable days, we note the following: 1.05 (Pisces), 6.05 - 8.05 (Taurus, Gemini), 21.05 - 23.05 (Sagittarius), 27.05 and 28.05 (Aquarius). On other days, just take care of the plants.

June is a hot month. You need to pay attention to moisture and replenish it as necessary. You can do this on unfavorable days for planting, sowing, transplanting: 4.06 - 6.06 (Gemini, Pisces), 19.06 - 24.06 (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius). Prepare seeds for sowing on the following days: June 7, June 11, June 13, June 14 and June 18. Take care of curly hair on June 13 and June 14 – good days for planting them. Plant tuberous and bulbous plants on one of the days – 2.06, 3.06, 17.06 and 30.06. The favorable days for rooting are 7.06, 13.06, 14.06, and for replanting so that the plants take root better - 11.06, 16.06 and 17 June.

The sun is shining, it's time to relax, but the plants won't plant themselves in the month of July. You can plant seeds on days such as July 8, July 9, July 11 and July 16. It would be nice to replant - 8.07, 9.07, 13.07, 14.07, 18.07, 28.07. Plants need to be rooted: 11.07, 18.07 and 28.07. Climbing plants will want to be planted on July 11 or 30th. The most demanding tuberous and bulbous plants - only the 28th is a good day. Astrologers do not advise dealing with plants from July 3 to July 5 and from July 19 to July 22.

  • August

August is a great time for indoor green beauty. Take care of her on days such as August 2 - August 4, August 17 - August 19, August 31st. The following days are suitable for transplantation: 5.08, 9.08, 14.08, 15.08. If rooting is needed, you can do this on 7.08, 8.08, 14.08 and 15.08. New seeds can be planted on 5.08, 7.08, 8.08, 12.08 - 15.08. Planting climbing plants is possible on 7.08 or 8.08, and it is possible to plant tuberous or bulbous plants on 23.08 or 24 August.

  • September

September - the temperature gradually begins to drop and behave unpredictably, so the unfavorable days will be September 1, September 2, September 13 - September 18 and the 30th. These days it is better to just take good care of the plants. But, despite the bad days, you can plant seeds on 3.09, 4.09, 8.09, 11.09. In the first couple of days it is also possible to root or plant climbing plants. The 19th and 20th are the time to plant bulbs and tuberous plants. Leave the transfer for the 6th or 7th.

  • October

As the year progresses and the favorable time ends, you need to plan very carefully: time is becoming less and less. October has bad days: 1.10, 2.10, 10.10 - 12.10, 15.10 - 17.10, 30.10 and 31.10. It is possible to plant seeds and root on October 6th or 8th. Plant climbing plants only on the 20th, and bulbous and tuberous plants only on the 28th. 3.10, 4.10, 13.10 – numbers for replanting plants.

  • November

November is an even worse month, unfavorable on the days: November 1, November 7, November 8, November 13 – November 15, November 28 – November 30. This month is no longer favorable for planting climbing plants; you will have to wait until next year. November 4th and 5th are the days when you can start transplanting, rooting cuttings and planting seeds. Tuberous and bulbous plants They will be waiting to board on the 24th and 25th.

  • December

The end of the year is the worst for gardeners. December gives you the opportunity to only take care of the plants and wait for a better time. Experts have prescribed unfavorable days on such dates of the month as 12/4, 12/5, 12/13–12/15, 12/28–December 31st. Climbing, tuberous, bulbous ones will also wait for another year - there are no favorable days. Only 2.12 and 11.12 there is an opportunity to sow, transplant and root cuttings.

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We present the florist and gardener's lunar calendar for 2019 by month. We indicate favorable days for replanting indoor plants and planting garden flowers.

Lunar calendar for transplanting and planting plants: history

Transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar is not a temporary fashion, but the accumulated experience of generations. After all, for many millennia, humanity has been using the lunar calendar.

The most advanced human civilizations have always coordinated important matters with the phases of the moon. Moon calendar(lunniy kalendar) for planting and replanting indoor flowers is a visual aid for all plant lovers.

Transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar contributes to their more successful development. After all, as you know, replanting is stressful for a plant, and to make it easier to survive, you need to combine it with the lunar cycle.

Replanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar 2019: recommendations

When replanting or planting indoor flowers, it is important to follow the lunar calendar. However, in order for replanting or planting indoor plants and flowers to be most successful, you need to pay attention to the condition of the plant.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the flower needs replanting. It is also important to choose the appropriate time of year and the state of the flower, i.e. replant the plant when it is not actively growing, much less blooming.

As practice shows, it is optimal to transplant plants in March-April or September-October. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the plant, because different types Flowering and growth can occur at different times.

Learn more about how to replant correctly houseplants read the supplementary article at the bottom of the page.

Thus, perfect transplant indoor flowers looks like this: a plant ready for replanting and the growing phase of the moon, ideally the first days after the new moon (in our table).

Favorable days for replanting indoor plants in 2019

  1. January 2019: 9-12, 14-17, 19, 20, 23-27.
  2. February 2019: 11-13, 15-17, 21-25.
  3. March 2019: 12-17, 19, 20.
  4. April 2019: 6-13, 15-17, 24-26, 29, 30.
  5. May 2019: 21-23, 26-31.
  6. June 2019: 5, 6, 9-11, 13-15.
  7. July 2019: 8-10, 25-27.
  8. August 2019: 2-8, 11-13.
  9. September 2019: 1-5, 7-10, 17-24.
  10. October 2019: 4-7, 23-25.
  11. November 2019: 1-3, 20-24.
  12. December 2019: 8-11, 13-15, 17-19.

We have also designed a calendar with favorable days for your convenience in the form of an image. If desired, you can copy it or print it and hang it up for quick reference.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

  • Folk sign: the ideal time to transplant and plant indoor plants will be in the first 3-5 days after the new moon.


Lunar calendar for florists and gardeners for 2019: planting and sowing

We present the lunar calendar for florists and gardeners for 2019 with an accurate description. In it you will learn favorable days for sowing seeds and planting flowers and ornamental shrubs.

The calendar was compiled by leading astrologers according to the lunar cycles and will become a reliable assistant to the gardener for the whole year.

First we made it in a separate table, and if you want to save it to yourself, the option is presented below in the form of an image.

2019 Annuals Perennials, ornamental shrubs Tuberous and bulbous species (+ forcing) Unfavorable

nice days

January 17-19, 23-27 14-17, 23-27 14-17, 19-27 5, 6, 21
February 6-8, 11-17, 21-25 11-13, 20-25 15-17, 23-25 4, 5, 19
March 12-17, 19-20 12-17, 19-20, 27-30 12-17, 22-25 6, 7, 21
April 6-8, 11-13, 15-17, 29 6-8, 11-13, 24-26, 29, 30 6-8, 20-26, 29, 30 5, 19
May 8-17, 21-23, 26-28 6-8, 10-17, 21-23, 26 6-8, 14-17, 21-23 5, 19
June 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 20-26 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 20-26 1, 2, 9-11 3, 4, 17
July 8-10 8-12, 25-31 excavation: 6-8, 12-15, 22-29 2, 3, 17
August —- 2-6, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-28 4-6, 18-23, 28, 29 15, 16, 30, 31
September —- 1-5, 7-10, 17-24 1-5, 7-10, 17-24, 26, 27, 30 14, 15, 28, 29
October —- 4-7, 9-12, 19-21, 23, 27 4-7, 9-12, 19-21 14, 28
November 6-8, 13-18, 24, 25 13-18 1-3, 28-30 12, 13, 26, 27
December —- 3-5, 17-19, 27 —- 1-3, 26

Gardener's lunar calendar for 2019

Moon phases

Here is a gardener's lunar calendar for indoor plants and garden flowers for the year, which will tell you when it is best to plant, sow or replant a house flower.


We wish you successful transfers, landings and good mood!

It is unlikely that you will be able to find at least one corner of our planet that is devoid of those who like to grow indoor flowers and ornamental plants. It’s not surprising, because bright green bushes, especially flowering ones, fill the house with comfort and a positive atmosphere, give an unusual aura, and heal the body and soul of the owners.

Everyone, even a novice gardener, knows that the most favorable periods for transplanting and planting indoor plants are autumn and spring. Even here, not everything is as clear as it seems. Each individual culture needs specific conditions and care measures that should not be forgotten. When compiling the lunar calendar of indoor plants for 2016, astrologers set themselves the task of determining those most favorable and unfavorable periods for transplanting, sowing, etc. So, when replanting indoor plants, it would be worth focusing on several important facts.

  1. The best periods for such a process on the waxing Moon
  2. It is worth replanting only if the plant really needs it (tight pot, etc.), in other cases it is better to leave the procedure until the next favorable period
  3. When choosing a day for a transplant, you should focus on the zodiac signs of Earth, not Water. The ideal days are when the Moon is in Virgo.
  4. In February, April and June, indoor plants should not be replanted at all.

The lunar calendar provided below contains processed and structured information about successful periods for manipulating indoor plants for gardeners in the CIS countries.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2016, table

Sowing flower seeds Planting tuberous and bulbous plants Planting climbing Rooting cuttings Transplantation
January 18, 22 3-5, 29, 31 2 18, 22 13-14, 18
February 14-15, 18-19 5-6, 25-26, 28-29 16-17 14, 18-19 9, 14, 28
March 12-13, 17, 21 4-5, 13, 26 14 5, 12, 17 12-13, 21
April 13, 17-18, 20 1, 27-28 11, 20 9, 13, 20 9, 17-18
May 10, 15, 17-19 25 17-18 10, 17-18 13
June 7, 13-14, 18 2-3, 20 13-14 7, 13-14 11, 16-17
July 8-9, 11, 16 28 11, 30 11, 17, 28 8-9, 13-14, 17, 28
August 5, 7-8, 12-15 23-24 7-8 7-8, 14-15 5, 9, 14-15
September 3-4, 8, 11 19-20 3-4 3-4, 11 6-7, 11
October 6, 8 28 20 8 3-4, 13
November 2, 4-5 24-25 - 4-5 4-5, 9-10
December 2, 11 - - 2, 11 2, 6, 11

Unfavorable days in 2016 for planting or replanting indoor plants

Caring for indoor plants is a science that is no less complex and painstaking than growing agricultural crops. After all, flowers and others ornamental plants incredibly sensitive not only to the microclimatic features of the room and the emotional situation in the house, but also to lunar phases. The 2016 indoor plant calendar will allow housewives to carry out all the work on caring for plants for future use, avoiding unfavorable days.
