Why I love winter (School essays). Essay “Why do I like winter? I like winter

What a wonderful time - winter! It started spinning and swirling. Frosts shackled the reservoirs. Birch trees froze in a snow-white fringe, shaggy hats on pine trees sparkle, snow-dusted cones on the branches of fir trees sparkle. There is icy silence all around. The frosty air bites. The snow cover reliably covered the ground. Coming out of the spruce twilight - it takes your breath away: such a radiance of snow, sky, sun! Just a miracle!
Winter in the city has a special character. The blizzard whistles through the streets, rushes through the alleys, piercing every living thing with its prickly needles. The snow lies sometimes in drifts, and sometimes in a thin layer. The winter sun wanders, as if in the mountains, between the houses, sometimes snow blows, white dust flows.
There is also a lot of interesting things in the forest at this time. While the snow is still shallow, animal tracks are found everywhere in the forest. Birds also often land in search of food. The squirrel manages to find its favorite fruits, even when the snow cover is thick. At the edge of the forest, moose feed in the willows. A fox is mousing next door. Raising clouds of snow, wild boars make their way along the path. A hazel grouse flew out of the thickets to the edge of the forest and sat down on a tree: you can also soak up the winter sun. A bear sleeps in a den nearby. The wind barely audibly moves through the branches of the trees, and the forest sings a winter song. What is it about? About the beauty of nature. About everything living on Earth.
Winter is a time of fun games and fun. When you go outside, you can see someone skiing or sledding in the snow, or some girl drawing beautiful patterns on the ice with the blade of her skates. Even studying in winter is easier. A fresh breeze takes away sad thoughts from your head.
I love winter because it is the most beautiful time of the year and because in winter my favorite holiday is New Year. On a magical night, people have fun around sparkling Christmas trees and make wishes. With the last strike of the Kremlin chimes, the new year comes, new joys and worries come.

I love the first snow that fell... You look around and you understand that winter is a fairy tale... happy, kind fairy tale... I love the evening... Lit lanterns, quiet lanes and squares, and snow... Snow that falls in large, soft flakes. And through this snow, evening lights give a mysterious mystique to the street, houses, the world... And everything seems so kind, endlessly happy and magical... In winter I want to dream... Dream about the unfulfilled. And believe... believe that everything will come true. Everything you want... And then New Year. And, as you know, miracles happen on New Year's Day. New Year is a feeling of celebration, magic and happiness... And you begin to believe in witches, brownies, gnomes and other non-existent heroes of our dear and good fairy tales.. . Winter.. . This new life.. . It is no coincidence that the New Year comes in winter... And I don’t want to rush anywhere, fuss and rush. . I just want to give joy and a smile to those around me. And silently, quietly and reverently thank nature for what we have...

Dec 28

Living in endless summer For the second winter in a row, I realized that I missed her terribly! Still, I want weather variety, no matter how you look at it. And a real winter with snow, especially on New Year’s. I can’t stand the cold, I hate the feeling when you’re freezing, shivering and can’t get warm, but there are so many beautiful moments in winter that can more than cover this fact. And then I decided to think about what I like about the winter season. Well, I think I’ll name 10 reasons, well, 15, 20 - that’s the ceiling. But I couldn’t even think that there would be so many of them! :) 101! Wow! :)

Before you start reading, I suggest you turn on this playlist in the background. This music will cover you with a cozy blanket and reading the post will become much more pleasant. In the video, the wood in the fireplace will also crackle. Bliss!

So, let's begin:)

1. I love winter, of course, for the snow:) Especially when it falls in large flakes. It slowly falls, spins, and in the end everything turns into a fluffy snowdrift. Beauty!

2. I love it when you wake up in the morning, look out the window, and taaam! Mountains of snow fell overnight! And everything is still so pristinely clean, untouched, even. No one has left it or stained it yet. It's so beautiful!

3. And also, especially in winter, I like to take apart and throw away things that are already worn out, outdated or simply tired. I always do this quite harshly. If I haven’t used a thing for a year, or I’m just not happy with it, there will be no mercy! Everything is in the trash! I spend a lot of time at home and all the things in it should please me, otherwise the whole point of home comfort is lost. After cleaning, the apartment is like pure snow. And you immediately breathe easier, have you noticed? And it's so cool!

4. I love all sorts of different sweaters with winter patterns. They are so cool!

5. Winter is my most creative time. I want to try something new, do all sorts of crafts with my own hands. For example, a snowflake using the quilling technique. And then put it on the Christmas tree!

6. I like to sit by the window with my cat in winter and watch the falling snowflakes. Such peace!

7. Yes! Cozy warm winter dresses! How could I forget. They are wonderful. I love it, I love it :)

8. I like to watch sunrises in winter. They are somehow special :) And all because they don’t happen very early, I can wake up calmly and enjoy the sun waking up with me.

9. I don’t like scented candles at all, but winter is special. It is in winter that I want to make the house fragrant. For such occasions, I had a candle from Ikea - apple and cinnamon. Love her :)

10. I absolutely love snow sparkling in the sun, which blinds my eyes! This is simply wonderful! And if this snow has not yet been touched by anyone, then double the pleasure!

11. And then take and break the virginity of the snow, walk on it, falling knee-deep, leaving behind a chain of footprints. This is an amazing feeling!

12. And then study your boots and enjoy how much snow has stuck to them! This is happiness :)

13. Winter is the time for winter socks:)

14. You can crunch in winter thin ice on the puddles :)

15. I love it when there is a thick layer of snow on the tree branches.

16. In winter I really want to embroider. You don’t have to take winter pictures, of course, but it’s more pleasant to make winter pictures. I really want to try to make a New Year's greeting card with embroidery next year :)

17. When, if not in winter, cut out beautiful snowflakes, for example ballerina snowflakes. They are wonderful!

18. Only in winter can you build a snowman outside!

19. Winter is the time of garlands! An apartment with garlands gets +100 to comfort. Their light makes the room feel so good:) I love it!

20. I love cocoa very much, but in winter even more! AND hot chocolate, so viscous and dense. Mmm... It is in winter that these drinks bring heavenly pleasure.

21. And in general, winter is a special time. There is a feeling of celebration and magic in the air. Even after the New Year it does not disappear. Winter is beautiful!

22. Ahaha, and I’ve also been wanting Lenya and I to have the same sweaters for a year now. It's so cute, so family-like :)

23. How could I forget about winter sunsets! They are even better than winter sunrises. I love it when the sky turns red. Beauty!

24. In December, shopping centers dress up for the New Year and it’s so beautiful! I love! And you walk through all this beauty, choose gifts for your loved ones and friends, and the mood is immediately wonderful :)

25. I love it when a garland is the only source of light in the room. Terribly romantic!

26. In winter you can see your own breath!

27. That feeling when you enter some building that looks the same all year round, and there you are greeted by a giant Christmas tree decorated with toys and garlands! And you look at her with all your eyes and enjoy. I immediately feel happy :)

28. I like to draw in the snow. Usually these are hearts :)))

29. There are never too many garlands, especially before the main winter holiday. I love garlands like this. I can just imagine her stretched out over the bed in the bedroom. In Thailand they are called “cotton lights”, I don’t know how in Russia they are called “cotton garland”, it sounds somehow crooked. If anyone knows how to do it correctly, write to me in the comments :) I’ve wanted it for the second year now! But I just can’t decide on the color. There is such a variety of them here!!! Multi-colored, single-colored, two-colored, three-colored... And which color should you choose? They are all so beautiful!

30. I really love shopping in December. Everything is so transformed. A lot of New Year's goods appear. They make me so happy! Festive mood is simply guaranteed!

31. I love winter patterns on windows. With the advent of plastic windows, this beauty disappeared from my life. But it was so beautiful!

32. Winter is a time of endless pies and buns :) It’s so great, it’s -30 outside, it’s snowing, and you’re at home, warm and baking a delicious pie, filling your apartment with the wonderful aromas of comfort. This is such great happiness!

PS. 2 years without a human oven are taking their toll :) And baking at +35 is not as fun as at -30. I dream of homemade Cinnabons!

33. I love winter for its New Year melodies and calm music, to which you can relax and think:)

34. I really love choosing New Year’s paper, ribbons, bows, and boxes to wrap gifts. Everything is so beautiful!

35. For some reason, only in winter do I get knitting cravings. So many plans! I want a snood, a hat, and a blanket :)

36. If I travel by bus in winter, I like to “draw” on the windows :)

37. Winter is the time to give gifts. By the way, I love doing this :)

38. I really love it when the house is filled with all sorts of New Year’s details. It's so magical!

39. I love wrapping gifts. I just set aside a whole evening for this and spin and spin. I select paper, bow, card.

40. I absolutely love it winter forest! Especially in sunny weather. In the forest, the snow creaks underfoot in a special way :)

41. In winter I want to play the piano. Before leaving for Tai, we sold my piano: (Now I feel SO sorry! Lenya says that we will buy another one, and even better. After graduating from music school, I exhaled happily and told myself that I would never go near the instrument again, I was so sick of it last years. And now I want to play again, just for the soul.

42. In winter I want to hug more:)

43. In winter, many interesting limited collections with winter and New Year scents appear.

44. I love you very much Christmas tree! It should be artificial, fluffy and tall! It's such a pleasure to decorate it! I love that the toys match colors, and in general, that there are no more than three colors on the tree. I always put up the New Year tree early, usually with the first snow. Even if it fell in October, I will put up a Christmas tree. And every year I answer the question “why so early?” It’s still simple and logical - because I really love the New Year tree. And I usually clean it up late too. Either when the snow melts, or May has already arrived :))) No, I don’t get tired of the Christmas tree. At all!

45. I just love these Ikea lanterns with candles. They are very cool!

46. ​​Winter is the time for manicures with winter patterns :)

47. Only in winter can you walk down the street, jump into a snowdrift and make a snow angel :) And feel like a happy child at the same time :)

48. I really love how the streets transform in winter. Just a treat for the eyes!

49. It’s so fun to make a New Year’s card with your own hands! And I really love receiving these. I really like all kinds various crafts from buttons.

50. Winter means, of course, tangerines! Tangerines are generally my weakness. I love them very much! Even stronger than mango! Lenya is shocked every time how so much can fit inside me! He can only eat about 4-5 large tangerines at a time. Everything is flying away in kilograms. I even had a funny story with tangerines! I'm telling you :)

Somewhere in the 5th or 6th grade, when I still lived in the north, my dad brought tangerines every time for the New Year. Boxes! At that time, I wasn’t allowed to eat a lot of tangerines; they made my cheeks turn red. And I suffered a lot from this, because it’s terrible when you have several boxes of your favorite fruit at home, but you can’t have it!

One day I went to bed. I couldn’t sleep and out of boredom I put my hand between the wall and the bed, and my hand hit the tangerine! So I realized that my parents had thoughtlessly placed one of the boxes under my bed. And the tangerines were, I don’t know if you’ve seen this, in little red bags. In general, I ate the tangerine, and carefully collected the skins into something similar to a ball, put it in this bag, wrapped it and sent it back to the box. I did the same with the second, third... and I don’t know which tangerine.

In the morning, of course, I woke up as a beauty with bright red cheeks! Mom said that I can’t have any more tangerines. But I wasn’t particularly upset, because I knew that I would have everything at night :) I don’t remember, but it seems I sharpened a whole box! I ate it and forgot. After some time, the box of tangerines that was in the public domain ran out and my mother crawled under my bed to get a new box. And what a surprise she was when she found skins in bags in the box!!! Some of the skins are already covered in mold :)

Mom and Dad still laugh at me and periodically remember this incident;)

51. Winter is a wonderful time when you can stay at home without a twinge of conscience, simply because it is too cold outside to walk.

52. I just love holiday dishes, which come out of the cupboards once a year and give me a great mood:)

53. I love winter for the aroma of gingerbread cookies!

54. In winter, like no other time of the year, it’s great to warm up in the bath!

55. I love decorating my apartment with winter attributes. For example, pom-poms made from yarn :)

56. Winter decorations look beautiful in winter:)

57. I love winter for its cozy blankets.

58. Winter means sparkles all over the apartment:)

59. I love winter for its voluminous, cozy and warm sweaters.

60. I love winter for the beautiful snowflakes!

61. Despite the fact that you haven’t believed in Santa Claus for a long time, every winter you continue to expect gifts from him :)

62. I really love winter for my birthday! By the way, it was winter that gave me my most beloved and dear people. Me - in February, dad and mom in December, and a wonderful husband in January. This alone is worth loving winter :)

63. Live Christmas trees are beautiful in their natural environment! How I wish they would stop killing them in the thousands, for the sake of one holiday per year.

64. Winter is the time to assemble a gingerbread house :)

65. I love watching a distorted image in a New Year's ball. Beautiful:)

66. Winter is the time of chocolate and sweets!

67. I love winter because you can fool around in the snow:)

68. I love New Year's fireworks!

69. It’s very cool to spend the whole day together under the covers watching all sorts of different films. It’s still so cold outside that I don’t want to go out :)

70. I love it when the switched-on Christmas tree, garlands, and candles make the room as bright as day! :)

71. In winter, depending on the number of cookies you eat, you can turn into a cookie yourself:)

72. New Year's confetti always brings joy!

73. I love winter for the gifts. For many gifts. For the feeling of expecting gifts :)

By the way, there is a tradition in Lenya’s family. Before the New Year, all gifts are brought in advance to the place where the holiday is planned. Gifts are signed and placed in a special large bag. After the clock strikes 12, after some time the bag with gifts ends up either on the balcony, or on the table, or somewhere else. In general, in the place where kind Santa Claus threw it. The person who wants to take gifts out of the bag is selected. The gifts are opened, everyone looks at what Santa Claus has brought. Happiness, happiness!

When Lenya told me about this, I was very skeptical. Seriously? Well, what nonsense, huh? Is it humanly possible to give gifts from hand to hand? Well why this kindergarten with Santa Claus, well, they’re all adults! And only last year, when we celebrated on Samui and there was no bag of gifts that had already become familiar to me, which suddenly appears out of nowhere, I realized how cool, fun and soulful this tradition is. And this year I feel especially acutely the absence of this tradition :(

74. In winter, just drink liters of warming tea.

75. Snow glass balls are my favorite! They fascinate and hypnotize.

76. You can sleep half the day off under a warm blanket :) Incredibly cozy!

77. You can figure out how to decorate New Year's table. And be happy when everything worked out as planned :)

79. In winter, you can decorate your windows with winter motifs. Beauty!

80. I love catching snowflakes with my bare hands and feeling them melt.

81. Climb under a blanket with a sweetly sleeping cat. Warm!

82. Winter for me is a time of reflection. I think very well :)

83. The number of different winter cookie cutters is simply mind-boggling. And I want to bake them endlessly!

84. Winter is the time for blog posts. They turn out somehow deep, meaningful, long, not like in the frivolous summer! Winter is exactly the time when I sat down to write a post and ended up writing a whole book :)

85. Pull a branch from a tree so that snow falls on your head. This is great!

86. In winter, you can spend the whole day off lying under a blanket with a book, hot tea, a warm cat :) Such happiness!

87. Shake off the snow from your mittens and watch the snowflakes fly in different directions:) Well, it’s beautiful!

88. In winter, more than ever, it’s cool to dream about the sea and plan a vacation. Just thinking about it warms me up :)

89. I love winter bedding and terry sheets.

90. Winter means bowls of Olivier salad. Well, you must admit, it becomes special at this time of year :)

91. Looking for an outfit for New Year's Eve and endless happiness when you find something you really like :)

92. I love winter for the feeling of cold on my hands from the snow!

93. I love sparklers!

94. I love winter because you can hide together under a cozy blanket :)

95. That feeling when a frozen nose begins to warm up :)

96. In winter, you believe in magic more than ever!

97. Winter means often chasing the cat away from the tree because he is trying to eat it or knock it down.

98. In winter you appreciate every sunny day! If we talk about St. Petersburg, then you incredibly appreciate the two solar seconds that happened throughout the winter.

99. But how great it is to play board games in a warm company of friends on cold, winter, dark evenings!

100. Also, I love traveling by train in winter! Such a fairy tale is passing outside the window! You can watch endlessly!

101. Winter is the coolest time, it seems to me that it was created in white colors so that we can start our lives with a clean slate in the new year!

Love love love! How I still miss winter!

I like winter most of all among all the seasons of the year. It is magical time where you can find yourself in charming fairytale due to the snow on the trees and buildings.

Unfortunately winter in my region doesn’t indulge us with proper snow. Sometimes it looks like cold autumn or even early spring. But those days which are indeed winter ones winter shows all their beauty. Beautiful snowflakes fly in the air quietly laying down on the streets, people and nature. Kids have fun playing snowballs. Their cheeks are red on the frost but they cannot help running down the snowy hills and making snowmen. The joy and happiness are on their faces. Streets look like frozen picture from the Christmas postcard. Everything is white and sparkling.

Perhaps someone could disagree with me saying that winter brings severe frost. I think that the frost helps us to be more active as you should make some efforts in order to get warmed. Moreover winter time brings the most magical holiday for all people. It's New Year. May be that is why winter is associated with the miracle in our minds.

Every year I’m looking forward to winter coming as I like skiing and skating. A lot of my friends are keen of snowboard and they wait for this season to compete among themselves and master their skills in this kind of sports. Nothing can make me stop loving winter - neither cold weather nor a lot of clothes to put on. I adore this dream of nature.

[ translation ]

I like winter

Of all the seasons, I like winter the most. This is a magical time when you can find yourself in a fairy tale because of the snow on the trees and buildings.

Unfortunately, winter in my region does not spoil us big amount snow. Sometimes it looks like cold autumn or even early spring. But on those days that are truly “winter”, it reveals to us all its beauty. Beautiful snowflakes fly in the air, quietly falling on the streets, people and nature. Children have fun playing snowballs. Their cheeks are red in the cold, but they cannot resist sliding down the snowy hills and making snowmen. Joy and happiness on their faces. The streets look like a frozen picture from a Christmas card. Everything is white and shining.

Perhaps someone may disagree with me, saying that winter brings severe frost. I think the cold helps us to be more active, just like you have to put in some effort to stay warm. Besides, winter time brings the most magical holiday for all people. It is a New Year. Maybe this is why winter is associated with miracles in our minds.

Every year I look forward to the arrival of winter, as I enjoy skiing and skating. Many of my friends are snowboarding fans and they look forward to this time of year to compete with each other and hone their skills in this sport. Nothing can make me stop loving winter - neither cold weather nor wearing a lot of clothes. I adore this dream of nature.

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How good winter is. I love her because she delights with her beauty, surprises with her inconstancy, delights with holidays and entertains with snowy fun.

Winter is undoubtedly beautiful. Snowfalls cover the earth like a white, clean and fluffy blanket. On a clear day, snow crystals shimmer unusually brightly and beautifully in the sun. The snowflakes themselves are very elegant and have bizarre shapes - columns, needles, hexagonal plates and stars. Frost does not form often, but it looks amazing on completely bare tree branches. They immediately look like white Christmas trees.

It's amazing how fickle she is. Periodically, frost gives way to thaw, gusty winds to calm, a cloudy day to sunny, heavy snow to little cover, and snowfall to no precipitation.

Or maybe it's the other way around.

How much joy and happiness children and adults have from the winter holidays! New Year and Christmas bring long-awaited rest, festive fun, pleasant surprises, a variety of entertainment and vivid impressions. The children are no less happy about the winter holidays. During this time, you will see more children on the street than usual. Despite the cold, they build fortress walls out of snow and play snow balls, sculpt various snow figures, build ice slides and ride down them on ice skates and sleds, flood the skating rink and go ice skating, play hockey and ski.

This is how it is - winter-winter! Sweet and good to everyone!

2-3 grades Essay “Why I love winter”

Option 1. I love winter, especially when it snows. Clouds hang over the city, the sun is not visible. Snowflakes quietly fall to the ground, sometimes in the form of stars, sometimes in the form of cereals. But the most beautiful thing is when the snow falls in flakes. It seems that it is not snow that is flying, but flakes of cotton wool. Snow covers the roofs of houses, cars, trees, streets.

Beautiful as in a fairy tale!
