Svetlana Khodchenkova: "In Russia, a playboy is a compliment, not compromising evidence." The sexiest roles of Svetlana Khodchenkova Russian men love themselves

You lost a lot of weight between the shootings at Govorukhin's and the film "Spy, get out." Has it changed you as a person?

Certainly! Along with the appearance, something internal shifted. This is always the case with women - when we want to change something in life, we first of all outwardly try to change. Someone dyes from blonde to brunette. I seem to have become sharper, but I hope not more nervous. It's good for an actress.

Cinema now needs a Russian star. He already has English - both boys and girls. Why were you chosen?

They need a thin transparent girl, plus, of course, an English-speaking one.

Apparently, the Russians now look like this from the outside. What is so Russian about you that a foreigner understands?

I am blonde with blue eyes. Broad Russian soul. We love in a different way, surrender to our feelings without a trace. We don't trade. If we hate, then we hate. We don't have greys. No halftones. They probably need it right now.

Are you really like that or just know how to play it?

If I now say that I am not like that, the viewer will stop believing. Of course I am. Because I am Russian.

What else can Russian girls do that others can't? Why do they think that a Russian wife is the woman whom her husband can trust?

This is not an illusion. We are calmer. We are very homely. And then, everything that is different is interesting for a person.

“We need to give a man the opportunity to tell how good he is. This is my tribute to him."

Is an American really different compared to a Russian boyfriend?

I didn't have an affair with an American. And from the outside in terms of attractiveness and other qualities, I do not see the difference. I like Russians. With them I have no language barrier.

What is the most common thought that comes to your mind during the day?

What I want to eat. I like to eat, even my beloved knows that during and after breakfast you can’t push me - I need to rest after it. A cup of tea with a sandwich, a cake - and don't touch me!

What do you talk about with men?

About cars. True, men are often surprised that a woman, even an actress, understands cars and motorcycles. And I'm happy to talk about it. About politics, too, I sometimes like to distort a few words. I’m not talking about work either during it, or even more so after.

There is an opinion that a man does not need to talk about how wonderful everything is at your work - this is not sexy ...

Absolutely yes!!! The main thing is that everything is fine with them and that a woman can listen and support the topic. We need to give him the opportunity to tell her about it. This is a tribute to the man.

Are you giving them a chance to show off?

Certainly. Like a true Russian woman. Let them brag, and I will listen and keep quiet, support, approve.

Is there one that matches the type you ordered?

I think I won't be alone if I name Daniel Craig, Jason Statham. It's nice to look at beautiful bodies, beautiful faces. In general, I really like beautiful people.

Is a man supposed to have a beautiful body?

Necessarily. Just a priori. Unfortunately, they often neglect this. The phrase "a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey", in my opinion, was invented by a man. He's so comfortable.

Do you think so because there are actors around you, and they are all good-looking? Or is it a genetic voice screaming in you?

I am a woman, I love myself, I respect myself. Why is the man who is next to me a friend, a loved one, why shouldn't he take care of himself? Let him respect himself and me. Love yourself and others will love you.

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Russian men love themselves?

I can't say that's all. But lately there has been a good trend. I just don't like pitying them. It must be humiliating for a man to be pitied. I want to admire, be proud. But if there is such a role in the cinema - “the boy you feel sorry for” - it means that someone likes it.

Are you good at making friends with women?

I can boast that yes. We arrange bachelorette parties - home women's meetings. Boys at this time can go fishing and anywhere. We are talking about fashion, politicians love to sort out the bones - fortunately, in our country there is no shortage of them.

Do you like Sarkozy?

That he married one of the most beautiful women, is a big plus. You can only be happy for him.

And Prokhorov?

I have a lot of respect for this person. I think he has a great future. He has been given a lot in business and he is well versed in politics, since so many people in our country voted for him.

Is it true that in Russia the story about the girls in Courchevel is not compromising evidence, but a compliment?

Well, yes, the image of a playboy is very attractive. I don't see a problem either. Again, good for the girls, he gave them a job. Everyone was pleased, everyone understood what they were getting into.

Are you uncomfortable in front of your friends that you earn a lot?

Now I have to start feeling sorry for myself and tell how hard it is to shoot for days in the woods, in the mud, in the cold, how you can’t sleep like a human, eat, go to the doctor when something hurts, and you are near Pskov in the forests? But the incredible pleasure from the fact that you are needed in the profession, since you are filmed, since you are believed.

And how did you get along with Valeria Gai Germanika?

Quite to yourself. I had to catch the waves of her mood in order to understand where she is now.

To what extent are you cynical?

My profession is quite cynical. There are some costs. For example, I can’t normally watch a movie, cry, sympathize. I can't cry at the cinema. There is little that touches me in the cinema. I don't trust male actors, I'm not friends with them. But with the girl actress there is something to talk about, besides work. After all, I also want to relax and talk with real real people, whom I play in the movies.

Today, one of the most brilliant actresses of Russian cinema, who has achieved success in the West, is celebrating her 33rd birthday. In honor of this wonderful event PEOPLETALK presents to your attention a selection of the sexiest roles Svetlana and wishes her continued success!

"Wolverine: Immortal" (2013)

Doctor Victoria Green, which is actually a female viper, a mutant capable of poisoning people with its poison, turned out Svetlana so sexy that I couldn't even resist her Hugh Jackman (47).

"Island of Luck" (2013)

Desert island, heat, sea and three beautiful girls hint at the presence in the film of an overabundance of sexuality. And so it happened with the Russian comedy " Island of luck", in which one of the participants in the beauty contest, suddenly falling into the wild jungle, played Svetlana.

Bloody Lady Bathory (2015)

In this historical thriller Khodchenkova got the role Elizabeth Bathory, Countess Hungary considered one of the most brutal serial killers. If you do not think about the fact that over 650 innocent girls became her victims, then the title of Countess Svetlana very fitting, and we are sure that she herself bathory looked much less attractive in real life.

"Lavrova Method" (2011-2013)

A woman in uniform is very sexy, and a caustic, sharp and highly intelligent woman in uniform, played Svetlana Khodchenkova, is doubly sexy.

"Kuprin. Pit "(2014)

In the film adaptation of one of the most controversial stories Alexandra Kuprin "Pit" Khodchenkova got the role of the priestess of love. In order not to seem vulgar to the audience, Svetlana together with the director, she decided to expose minor parts of the body, while maintaining intrigue and mystery.

"Bless the Woman" (2003)

It was this role that made Svetlana new star domestic cinema and revealed her as a brilliant dramatic actress. The role of a young girl falling in love with a visiting military man showed the viewer true female sexuality.

"Short course happy life» (2012)

Candid about her life on the show Valeria Guy Germanicus (31) Khodchenkova chained all viewers Russia to the screen from March to April 2012. A free woman talking about how to be happy gave " short course » special charm.

"Love in big city» (2009)

When the two main storylines films are sex and love, and one of the main roles is played by Khodchenkova, it immediately becomes clear that the film is doomed to success.

"Love affair at work. Our time "(2011)

In a remake of the cult Soviet film "Office romance" Svetlana got the lead role Ludmila Kalugina, and a smart and sexy woman is actually a role Khodchenkova.

"Five Brides" (2011)

Beautiful young girls, including Svetlana, become participants in a fun adventure of five front-line friends. The abundance of colorful skirts, braids and bows on the screen instantly captivates the viewer.

According to the plot of the clip, the main characters indulge in reckless love in various places. And the audience, fascinated by such candid shots, naturally had a question - how was it filmed. Actor Anton Filipenko, a direct participant in the events, decided to open the veil of secrecy.


“During the filming, all our intimate places were sealed with special tapes,” the actor destroyed all the wildest fantasies of the audience of “Ecstasy” with one phrase. “But, it’s true, they constantly peeled off, so everything could be seen: both for me and for her. But, I will disappoint you, instead of sexual arousal, it caused laughter. Sveta has a very good sense of humor, it should be noted!”, – he added .

The next blow for those who like to watch the development of the personal relationships of the actors who met on the set was the recognition of Anton Filipenko that he already has a girlfriend. "By the way, she is also an actress, her name is Galina Sumina," the Interlocutor quotes him.

However, even if he was free, it would be unlikely that the shooting of the video would have become a reason for them to start a relationship with Svetlana Khodchenkova. And the point here is not that being in bed together made them laugh. “The fact is that I don’t like blondes. They are not my taste! I prefer dark-haired girls, Italian beauty, or something, so that there is a little devilish look,” Anton Filipenko admitted.

Shooting the video, by his own admission, did not change the artist's life much. In the subway and on the street, he is not recognized, although in in social networks activity is in full swing. "People began to actively subscribe - every day one hundred to two hundred new people are added. Several girls wrote:" Sleep with me! "I take this calmly," he admitted.

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova is a Russian actress, whose popularity was brought by her debut in the film Bless the Woman, the star of numerous TV series, feature films, theatrical productions and international film projects.


Svetlana Khodchenkova was born in Moscow on January 21, 1983. The childhood of the future actress passed in the village of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow. Mom raised the baby alone - the father did not make any attempts to get to know her daughter until she came of age.

There was a catastrophic lack of money in the family; from the age of twelve, Svetlana helped her mother, who worked as a painter, janitor and cleaner, wash the stairs for a tiny fee. In high school, the girl studied at the Lyceum, where her classmates were children from wealthy families. Every day, self-doubt grew in Svetlana's soul, and in order to overcome it, Khodchenkova filled out a questionnaire for Slava Zaitsev's model school.

The tall, slender blonde was gladly accepted into the courses, and after they were completed, they were invited to a successful modeling agency. The first salary - a thousand dollars, received after six months of filming in Japan, a 16-year-old girl spent on installing a home phone; as the actress recalled, her mother was infinitely happy and almost kissed the buttons of the device. However, very soon, the young model began to receive unambiguous offers, and Svetlana left the modeling business, completely disappointed in its wrong side.

As a child, Svetlana dreamed of a career as a surgeon, but closer to her final exams, she realized that medical work was not so sweet for her: biology and chemistry were not given at all, and at the sight of blood she became completely ill. So after receiving a certificate in 2000, Khodchenkova entered the Institute of World Economy - that's what her mother wanted. However, the girl did not even make it to the first session. The economy seemed extremely boring to her, and Svetlana transferred to the Faculty of Advertising, where, in her opinion, there should have been a lot of room for creativity, but even here only dry numbers awaited her.

The decision to become an actress came to Svetlana quite unexpectedly - the girl just decided to try herself in this path. A couple of years ago, filling out the questionnaire of a modeling agency, in the column "Place of study" she wrote "Shchukin Theater School" - just like that. And it was on the legendary "Pike" that her choice fell.

Before the exams, Sveta attended courses at the school for two months and in the end she nevertheless entered, and from all preparatory group only Khodchenkova passed the competition.

Successful debut

Already in the first year, Svetlana Khodchenkova was noticed by the famous director Stanislav Govorukhin, who invited her to audition for the film "Bless the Woman." The aspiring actress was offered to play the main character of the picture - a girl named Vera, in love with the hero Alexander Baluev. The casting was successful - Govorukhin could not but approve a beauty with a traditional Slavic appearance for the role.

It was difficult for Svetlana on the set: the age range of her heroine varied from 18 to 45 years. Make-up took at least an hour every day, and Svetlana needed to “grow up” from a carefree girl to a woman wise by life experience. In addition, the actress had to star in the "naked" scene - the moment when the heroine of Svetlana comes out of the sea. At first it was planned that the actress would swim in a swimsuit, but at the last moment Stanislav Govorukhin made adjustments to the episode. Svetlana did not argue with the patron, but in the future she immediately rejected such proposals.

Svetlana Khodchenkova in the film "Bless the Woman", a bathing scene

Career heyday

Fate developed in such a way that Svetlana became a rising star of Russian cinema while still studying at Pike. Of course, the teachers with a clear conscience put the girl "machine guns", but classmates sarcastically whispered behind her back, which was very upsetting to Sveta. So when Khodchenkova finally received her diploma in 2005, she breathed a sigh of relief and set to work hard, especially since there were more than enough offers.

In 2005 Svetlana Khodchenkova took part in several projects. First there was the role of an Old Believer girl in "Picture Hunters", then participation in the 12-episode project "Realtor" directed by Alexander Khvan, the film "Not by Bread Alone" by Stanislav Govorukhin and the TV series "Talisman of Love" with Tatyana Arntgolts and Lyubov Tolkalina.

In 2006, a misfortune happened to Svetlana - at the training session of the Dancing on Ice project, she slipped and hit her head. The actress woke up already in a hospital bed, in complete bewilderment - she completely forgot everything related to performing on ice. Doctors diagnosed a concussion and promised that the memory would return soon. And so it happened, but Khodchenkova had to forget about participation in the project.

The next major project of Svetlana Khodchenkova was Pavel Sanaev's film "Zero Kilometer", where Konstantin Kryukov and Alexander Lymarev became her filming partners. Work on the picture was not without incidents, for example, in one of the scenes, the actress was supposed to appear naked. Mindful of the jealous temper of her husband (Vladimir Yaglych), she set a condition for the director: only the back should appear in the frame, otherwise she would refuse the role. Reluctantly, Sanaev agreed. Before shooting the scene, Khodchenkova asked the make-up artist to cover her chest with a band-aid - just in case. And at the premiere of the film, Svetlana, her husband and the entire audience saw her breasts covered with a snow-white cloth piece.

In 2009, the film "Love in the Big City" was released, where the name of Svetlana Khodchenkova appeared in the credits next to Vera Brezhneva and Nastya Zadorozhnaya. The comedy tape differed from the “new Russian melodrama” genre familiar to Sveta, but the majority of viewers noted that Khodchenkova’s performance “looked very favorably against the backdrop of the acting efforts of the singers.”

However, the actress soon returned to her favorite role in Roman Prosvirnin's melodrama When We Were Happy, where Svetlana formed a harmonious creative union with Alexei Zubkov.

Svetlana Khodchenkova visiting Ivan Urgant

Released in 2011, the remake of Office Romance, which brought together the color of Russian comedy cinema in the cast, could not do without Svetlana - she was approved for the role of the modern version of the heroine Alisa Freindlich. The Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky played the clumsy Novoseltsev, Marat Basharov reincarnated as Samokhvalov, unexpectedly came to the place of Leah Akhedzhakova ... Pavel Volya, and the secondary performers were impressive: Ivan Okhlobystin, Nastya Zavorotnyuk, Alika Smekhova.

But - alas, despite the big names, the reworking of Soviet classics was met very coldly. Svetlana did not manage to turn into Kalugin's "stale mymra", her image rather resembled modern business sharks in skirts, tenacious, tough, not devoid of bitchiness and sexuality.

In the same year, foreign producers drew attention to Svetlana. Together with Konstantin Khabensky, she went to the British Isles, where she was preparing for the filming of the thriller "Spy, get out!". Khodchenkova, in the image of intelligence officer Irina, played superbly with the legendary Hollywood actors - Gary Oldman, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. Konstantin played the role of the Soviet diplomat Polyakov.

The spy picture was followed by two good domestic comedies: "Five Brides" by Karen Oganesyan and dedicated to the International Women's Day "Mom", where Svetlana played with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Leah Akhedzhakova.

In 2012, the first disaster film appeared in Svetlana's "track record" - "Metro" with Sergey Puskepalis. Khodchenkova had to play a woman who finds out that her entire family is trapped in a flooded subway tunnel.

In 2013, Svetlana flew to Japan for the second time in her life, this time to shoot the Hollywood blockbuster Wolverine: Immortal. All the people involved in the picture, except for Khodchenkova, Famke Janssen and Hugh Jackman, were Japanese. Thanks to her youthful experience, Svetlana easily overcame the language barrier and gave it her all.

In 2015, Stanislav Govorukhin contacted the actress again and invited her to new project- a screen version of Dovlatov's stories "The End of a Beautiful Era" about the adventures of the journalist Lentulov in Soviet Estonia. According to the script, the hero of Ivan Kolesnikov, headlong, gives himself up to an affair with the editor Marina, the character of Khodchenkova. The film, according to critics, came out "intelligent and for intellectuals", and many viewers recognized it almost best job Govorukhin.

By 2016, Svetlana Khodchenkova has become one of the most sought-after domestic actresses. As many as 10 premieres with her participation were planned for this year. Among them are Dmitry Suvorov's comedy "Classmates", historical drama"Viking" with the participation of Danila Kozlovsky and Maxim Sukhanov, as well as the film-parable "Shadow" with Mikhail Porechenkov.

And the beginning of 2017 gave fans of Svetlana Khodchenkova new series with her participation - "You all piss me off." This time, the actress brought to life the image of a refined journalist Sonya Bagryantseva, who suffers from social phobia. But as soon as she drinks at least a drop of alcohol, she turns into a diametrically opposite person. Together with the actress, the star of the clip "Exhibit" Yulia Topolnitskaya, Pyotr Fedorov, Alexander Pal and Alexander Petrov were busy in the series.

Personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova

The actress met her husband Vladimir Yaglych at the Shchukin School. A young man who was a year older, quickly made acquaintance with a pretty first-year girl, but there was no question of romance - a charming student was always in the company of some beauty from among classmates, and Sveta could not think about anything other than studying, rehearsing for days.

Young people met again already on the set of the series "My Prechistenka", and a couple of months later - on the set of the series "Carousel". Despite the fact that the characters of Khodchenkova and Yaglych were married in the story, in real life they remained exclusively colleagues. Although, as Svetlana later admitted, Vladimir made an attempt to charm the girl while still working on Carousel, but she simply did not understand his hints.

On the day of the premiere of Carousel, he called Svetlana and offered to celebrate in a restaurant. The quiet dinner was, in fact, their first real date; soon the actors started dating.

The marriage proposal sounded like a bolt from the blue: in one of the conversations, Yaglych suddenly declared: “Well, that's it! Gotta start a family. Let's get married." For ten minutes Svetlana was in a state of mild shock, then she said: “I agree!”.

Vladimir's parents received the daughter-in-law cordially; when they met, Yaglych's mother told a funny story about how she first saw Svetlana in the film "Bless the Woman", and at one of the final moments Vladimir entered the room with the phrase: "I am dating this girl." “But she’s old!” Mom was amazed, not immediately realizing that Sveta was made up.

The wedding of Khodchenkova and Yagylcha took place in 2005. At first, the life of the newlyweds was full bright colors and sincere feelings, but the growing popularity of Svetlana and the jealous nature of Vladimir became an obstacle to a long relationship - in April 2011 they officially broke off relations.

Soon there was a new contender for the hand and heart of the actress - a young businessman Georgy Petrishin. They met for four years, and nothing foreshadowed trouble, so the man decided to propose to his beloved beautifully. The curtain after the play "Love Story" with the participation of Khodchenkova had not yet had time to fall, but he had already burst onto the stage and knelt down in front of Svetlana. The stunned and touched actress answered “Yes!” to thunderous applause from the audience. But at the beginning of 2016, shortly before the wedding, they quarreled to the nines, and the ceremony was never destined to take place.

In the fall of 2016, information appeared in the media that the heart of the actress was won by the doctor Kirill Masliev. But they were not destined to celebrate even the anniversary of the relationship. Already in March 2017, she began to attribute an affair with a certain oligarch, whose name and appearance Svetlana, by tradition, decided not to advertise. However, she left her fans a small hint that her heart was busy again: a black-and-white photo on Instagram - the actress buried herself in a man's shoulder.

In early 2018, Svetlana spent a vacation in Bali with Georgy Petrishin, after which they went skiing together in Switzerland. The actress also celebrated her 35th birthday in the company of a businessman. Apparently, the old feelings did not have time to cool down, and the lovers gave their relationship another chance.

Svetlana Khodchenkova now

In 2018, at least 5 projects with the participation of Svetlana Khodchenkova will be released. So, the actress will play leading role in the romantic comedy "Moscow in Love", where Vyacheslav Chepurchenko and Rinal Mukhametov will also appear, in the biographical drama "Dovlatov" (the Yugoslav actor Milan Marich will play the writer himself), the film "Another comedy about a loser", and also, together with Sergei Garmash, in 16-episode detective story "On the Other Side". Also, Svetlana was approved for the main role in the mystical parable "The Guardian of the Way", based on the novel by Karina Sarsenova.
