Where to sell crushed glass. Glass recycling: a useful business

The “clean” waste recycling business is gaining increasing popularity among those looking for a profitable business idea. And in addition to waste paper and PET containers, glass can also be recycled. Glass processing as a business, if you properly organize the process, starting with the acceptance of raw materials and ending with the sale of products, can bring consistently high profits - regardless of the season. The basis for success is a clearly drawn up business plan. It will help plan future activities - expenses and profits. In addition, the project will help to obtain government subsidies or loans on more favorable terms.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

It is quite possible to open a mini glass processing plant in Russia without large investments, the main thing is to know some of the nuances of this area.

Relevance of the planned business

A raw material processing plant is beneficial for several reasons. And the main one is all kinds of government support. Now in many regions there are state programs for issuing loans with lower interest rates, as well as loyal requirements for registration and taxation.

A mini-workshop for glass processing is a good cause that helps to carry out conservation activities environment.

We also take into account the fact that glass recycling does not require large financial costs for raw materials - half of it goes to the entrepreneur completely free of charge.

Broken glass, purified or not, can be sold to many industrial enterprises that use glass as a raw material. It is actively used by factories for the production of building materials, sanitary products, and glass products. This means no problems with sales.

We set up your business correctly

Running an unregistered business is a major violation. The fact is that industrial processing of glass waste, like any other secondary raw material, requires a license from the Ministry of Ecology. This is usually issued for the entire period of operation of the workshop.

Practice shows that it can take up to six months to collect the necessary package of documents. Here you can go more the easy way– if you have the means, resort to the help of specialists at this stage.

What kind of premises will be required?

Recycling broken glass will require a separate building. Most of the space will be used to organize a warehouse where collected raw materials will be received. As for the production workshop itself, its area depends on the planned capacity of the enterprise, and, accordingly, the dimensions of the purchased equipment.

Glass recycling process

Glass processing technology may vary depending on what final product is planned to be produced. If we talk about business with minimal costs, then the best option is the production of purified cullet.

But the production of some final product within the walls of a workshop (the same bottles, for example) will require much higher costs than recycling cullet. Therefore, in the absence of large initial investments, it is better to start small. Over time, you can modify your plant by purchasing the necessary machines and equipment.

If we talk about the production of broken glass, then the raw materials go through the following stages:

  • sorting,
  • cleaning,
  • drying,
  • splitting up,
  • storage

At a more modified enterprise, where it is planned to process waste to produce high-quality glass raw materials, the purified waste goes through several additional technological stages:

  • Adding, according to the recipe, various fillers.
  • Heating raw materials in ovens.

How to equip a glass processing workshop?

What equipment to buy for glass processing?

And for the workshop to operate at full capacity, you will need to buy equipment for glass processing. Despite the novelty of the direction, the entrepreneur will have a fairly wide choice - from individual low-power machines to high-performance multifunctional lines.

The most affordable option for technological equipment is a line consisting of a section for cleaning and drying incoming containers, as well as a grinding section. When choosing machines here, it is worth paying special attention to separation equipment, since it will determine how well the raw materials are ultimately purified. The price of equipment for processing glass into glass chips (separator and crusher) is low - it can cost 300,000 rubles. But you shouldn’t expect high performance from such a line. The maximum that it will allow is the processing of raw materials at a speed of up to 100 kg/h.

As the power of the equipment increases, its price also increases.

Modern line for processing cullet to obtain raw materials High Quality, comprises:

  • dryers,
  • shredders,
  • forms,
  • ovens.

The cost of such equipment will be quite high - at least 1,500,000 rubles. But the finished product on the market will cost more.

How much can you earn from glass recycling?

A glass waste recycling business can bring a decent income to its owner. But here it is important to establish uninterrupted supplies of raw materials.

How can you collect broken glass?

  • Buying from the population.
  • Installation of special containers on the streets.
  • Collection of waste from factories and stores.

The cullet collection point, as well as the installation of containers, will require additional expenses from the entrepreneur - wages to workers, purchase of components. But these expenses are necessary so that the equipment does not stand idle.

You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend money on organizing your own vehicle fleet, since permanent car rental from a third-party organization is not at all profitable.

Taking into account how much a machine for preparing and processing waste costs, as well as how much it will cost to organize at least several waste collection points and organize your own fleet of vehicles, starting a small workshop will require at least 700,000 rubles. You can reduce your starting investment to literally 300,000 rubles by purchasing used equipment or refusing to purchase freight transport.

The average price of a ton of cullet is 1500-2500 rubles/t. And knowing the exact pricing policy of the organization that purchases cullet, taking into account the capacity of its workshop, you can calculate the profit.

Glass disposal and recycling – this is a very important direction in the entire industry of working with industrial waste and human activity.

It is necessary to protect the nature around us, save non-renewable natural chemical elements and resources.

In most developed economies, this problem has long been resolved.

The efficiency of recycling recycled glass reaches maximum percentages, since it is very profitable from an economic point of view, and the laws in these states contribute to the development of the industry.

IN Russian Federation collection area with subsequent processing glass fight is in its infancy and the huge masses of buried glass have a negative impact on the environment.

In addition, such a careless attitude towards finished raw materials does not contribute to economic intensification countries.

This article is devoted to the need for glass recycling, the technology for such recycling and the products that an entrepreneur who decides to start this type of business can produce.

Broken glass, glass containers and other products made from this material should be taken to collection points for subsequent processing for quite good reasons, which are given below:

  1. This material practically does not decompose when buried. Products made from it can lie in the ground for hundreds of years in its original form. Only after thousands of years will they be subject to complete biological and chemical decomposition. Therefore, without collecting and processing glass, it is impossible to imagine the environmental safety of the planet, since in a short time it will all be littered with products made from this material. In addition, glass is fragile and its breakage poses a danger to humans, animals and plants.
  2. Recycled glass allows for significant savings Natural resources . If only 10% of waste material is used in the production of new products, then natural gas consumption can be reduced by 3%. Well, if we transfer the production technology of such products completely to the use of broken glass, then the gas savings will be 30%. Isn’t it true that this is an excellent indicator that will significantly reduce the cost of the final product.
  3. Recycling glass allows you to save huge areas of land, which, otherwise, should turn into environmentally hazardous landfills of unrecycled waste. In addition, handing over broken glass and products made from this material to specialized collection points brings people, albeit small, but stable income. Additional banknotes are unlikely to be superfluous to anyone.
  4. When recycling collected glass you can save not only on natural gas , but also on materials such as limestone mixtures, soda ash and sand, which are used in glass production. Glass products are a completely recyclable material, so their recycling is a completely waste-free process, which significantly reduces the negative impact on the environment around us.

Thus, recycling and reuse glass waste is necessary to ensure environmental safety, preserve natural resources and reduce the cost of production of glass products.

Types of containers to be collected

The initial glass recyclables can be various containers, products and waste. These are mainly cans and bottles, which are accepted at glass collection points.

Recently, the reuse of such containers has been declining, and they are mostly recycled.

Glass waste is divided into different classes depending on color: colorless (BS), brown (KS), green (GS), etc.

Sorting is done depending on color broken glass before subsequent processing.

Glass products are produced on the basis of the same substances: quartz sand, soda and calcium carbonate.

You should know that many types of glass are made using special additives and impurities. This kind of material Recyclable in rare cases, so mostly reused broken glass.

Stages of raw material processing

Broken glass is processed into ready-to-use material by melting in special furnaces.

The recycling process takes place in several stages, which are described below.

  1. At the first stage There is a paid waste collection glass from the population, enterprises and organizations. For this purpose, special collection points are organized and contracts are concluded with large enterprises where glass waste is part of technological process. City landfills play an important role in this process, where large masses of such waste are formed.
  2. Subsequently, at the processing plant, the collected glass waste undergo primary washing and sorting into classes. Sorting is the most labor-intensive job, as it is done manually on a moving conveyor. After separation by color, the broken glass is crushed in crushing units and sifted and sorted into fractions.
  3. At the last stage, the prepared raw materials are melted in special melting furnaces, where at high temperature waste is transformed into a homogeneous glass mass of a certain color. New glass products are formed from this mass. Products can be made either entirely from glass or with the addition of a certain amount of initial components: quartz sand, lime and soda.

Of course it is short review glass processing technology without many details, everything is much more complicated.

More often primary processing To obtain raw materials, they are carried out at separate enterprises and the resulting product is supplied to manufacturers of various glass products.

Yes, myself the smelting process has its own nuances, but in general everything looks as described above. Let's consider each of the stages of glass processing, starting with sorting, in a more expanded form.

Sorting, washing and drying

This operation starts at reception points glass containers, where bottles and jars are separated by color.

Directly at processing plants, sorting is carried out on a conveyor using manual labor or special automatic separators.

Smaller plants rely primarily on manual labor, while larger processing plants use automatic equipment such as color sorters and other cullet separation systems.

After separating the glass by color waste is being washed, separation of various inclusions and drying with hot air.

The quality of the final product depends on the degree of purification of the initial raw materials, therefore cleaning and separation of glass waste is a very important operation in the entire technological chain.

It is performed in several rotating containers, interconnected by conveyors. The equipment is equipped with various traps, magnetic separators, filters and grids. On final stage raw materials are dried in drying chambers.

Crushing and smelting

After cleaning glass waste they need to be crushed into certain fractions, depending on the manufacturing process of the final product.

Crushing of raw materials is carried out on special automatic lines.

This equipment works as follows.

The prepared glass waste is loaded into hammer crushers, where overhead hammers crush the raw materials to the required size and enter the unloading chamber through a calibration sieve. At the same time, the cleaning cyclone removes glass dust from the raw material.

The glass raw material obtained after crushing is ready for use. It just needs to be washed with a special solution, dried, added the necessary additives and packaged or sent to the furnace for remelting.

Packaged raw materials are sent for processing. If the enterprise has established a full cycle for producing finished products from glass waste, then either melting or another technological operation is necessary.

Raw materials are melted in special gas ovens. Liquid glass mass can be supplied to molds or special blowing lines to produce finished products. It all depends on the type of products that are needed from glass waste.

Foam glass blocks< формируются из вспененной горячей стекольной массы в формах определенного размера, а бутылки и банки выдуваются на автоматических станках, также в специальные металлические формы.

Some types of glass containers can be reused without remelting the culls in furnaces and manufacturing new products. These include standard bottles and cans, which, after washing and disinfection, are sold to the consumer, which brings in a good income.

Products from cullet

In addition to containers, inexpensive and marketable products can be made from glass waste, especially for the construction industry.

Broken glass is used in the production of many building materials, but the most popular of them are the following items:

  1. . Universal insulation with high sound insulation properties. To produce it, glass waste is melted into a special fiber, which is the basis of the product. Glass wool made from waste is significantly cheaper than traditional products made from sand, soda and limestone.
  2. Foam glass. High-quality insulation, produced in the form of granules, blocks, sheets, etc. The technology for producing foam glass from broken glass is quite simple. The waste is crushed, melted and foamed in special installations, followed by cooling.
  3. Liquid glass. A universal material that is used in various industrial and household areas. Silicate glue is liquid glass. In construction it is used for waterproofing, as an additive in concrete, etc. Cullet replaces sand in the production of liquid glass, which reduces the cost of production.
  4. Interior tiles. Glass waste can be used to produce excellent tiles for finishing work. The production technology is elementary: crushed glass is mixed with a special resin and poured into molds to harden. The tile has an "expensive" appearance and has water-repellent properties.

Of course, this is far from full list products that can be produced from glass waste, but this is the most popular product produced from glass scrap.


It is quite possible to build your own profitable business using glass waste.

Not only the collection of this waste can bring real profit, but also deep processing to obtain marketable products.

Glass recycling – this is an urgent task for Russian entrepreneurs, since this business is poorly developed in our country and has good prospects. In addition, with its help we preserve nature for future generations!

In contact with

Objects made of glass surround us in Everyday life, at work and play, at home and away. Windows make it possible to fill the rooms with sunlight. Glass containers allow you to preserve healthy foods. Bottles of cosmetics and perfumes are made from this material. There is also quite a bit of glassware.

And all this sooner or later breaks down, becomes obsolete or simply ceases to meet the needs. The question arises - what to do with such products? It is not so easy to answer. Glass recycling is not possible in living conditions. Organized and professional disposal is essential. Then the result will meet not only the customer’s needs, but also the requirements imposed by the state.


According to the norms of Federal Laws No. 7 “On Environmental Protection” as amended on March 12, 2014, No. 2395-1 “On Subsoil” as amended on June 23, 2016 and No. 89-FZ “On Industrial and Consumption Wastes” as amended as amended on November 25, 2013, all companies whose production is associated with the generation of glass waste are required to enter into an agreement for their removal and processing. Well, all other enterprises, as well as individuals, are subject to the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO) of the Russian Federation, according to which a fine of 5 to 200 thousand rubles can be imposed for throwing garbage in the wrong places.


Removal of glass for further sorting and processing is objective useful process. First, broken glass that is not properly removed can result in injury to residents or staff. Secondly, problems can be avoided, both legal and organizational. And the process of glass remelting itself involves the presence of rather expensive and energy-intensive equipment. There is no point in purchasing it and using it for non-specialized companies. But a specialized organization will be able to remove the glass on time and then dispose of it.

By the way, according to statistics, in the total volume of solids household waste, which end up in city landfills every day, glass takes up to 20%. In this case, the cullet will occupy space for many years. The independent half-life can take decades. And the accumulation of glass leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation in the region. Therefore, glass recycling is important and even necessary.


Glass as an artificial material consists of a number of substances. These are sand, limestone, sodium carbonate and many other additives. Recycling glass involves sequentially performing certain operations. For example, first the glass is thoroughly cleaned. The cullet is then crushed, melted and finally sent to secondary production. It is difficult to obtain clean glass or mirror from such raw materials. But you can make foam glass. It is used to create warm and beautiful partitions inside buildings and premises.

All the client needs is to order the service from a specialized company. For example, the EKOUMVELT company is ready to recycle glass in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our employees will independently remove the cullet or accept it at the warehouse and issue the required documents. They will do the rest themselves.

Every day a person uses glass containers, which must be disposed of after use. This procedure is necessary to protect the environment and conserve natural resources. Storing glass waste is neither safe nor efficient.

What glass can be recycled?

Main types of recycled glass waste:

  • glass containers - bottles and jars - they are handed over to special collection points, after which the containers are washed, treated with disinfectants and used again for their intended purpose;
  • broken glass – broken container.

Broken glass is classified by color: green (GS), colorless (BS), brown (KS), etc.

Why should you recycle glass?

Disposal of broken glass is necessary for a number of important reasons:

  • the material does not decompose at the biological level - an ordinary glass bottle decomposes over a period of more than 1000 years, and if they are not recycled, our planet will be littered with glass waste in a short period of time;
  • fragile broken glass poses a danger to people and animals;
  • due to reuse glass containers can save exhaustible and non-renewable resources;
  • preserving areas of land that could become waste glass dumps;
  • recycling of glass products is a waste-free production, so nature will not suffer from negative impact industrial enterprises;
  • By handing over glass containers to collection points, you will receive money for it.

Recycling window glass, bottles, jars and other glass products saves natural resources, protects the environment and reduces the cost of producing new glass products.

Collection, removal and disposal of glass waste in Moscow

Our diversified company provides services such as glass recycling and recycling of cullet in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The procedure goes as follows:

  1. Collection of glass waste from the population, organizations and enterprises.
  2. Carrying out primary washing of glass waste and sorting into classes.
  3. Crushing waste glass on automatic hammer crushers.
  4. Washing glass material and drying it.
  5. Melting of raw materials in melting furnaces.

The cost of removing flat glass for recycling is relatively low. You can find out the cost of ordering recycling of cullet from the company manager.

The range of services provided includes the disposal of broken windshields.

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